Anda di halaman 1dari 13

Tahun Output (Profit) (Rp) Kapital (Rp) Labour/SDM (Orang) Upah (Rp)

1 607,254,830 353,411,331 8,658,000,000 499,379,265

2 1,051,524,772 318,070,198 7,696,000,000 653,586,177

3 1,495,794,714 282,729,065 6,734,000,000 807,793,088

4 1,940,064,655 247,387,931 5,772,000,000 962,000,000

5 1,940,064,655 212,046,798 4,810,000,000 962,000,000

Output (Sales) 15,000,000,000 ROI
Input tenaga kerja 962,000,000 POT (Tahun)
Input modal (FCI) 2,945,094,422 TFP 2.2316
Input bahan baku 4,038,280,538
Input lain2 2,242,752,010
Pertumbuhan Pertumbuhan Pertumbuhan Bobot SDM (SI) Bobot Kapital (K) TFP growth (%)
output (%) kapital (%) SDM (%)

100.00 100.00 100.00 0.82 0.18 0.00

73.16 -10.00 -11.11 0.62 0.38 83.85 0.83

42.25 -11.11 -12.50 0.54 0.46 54.11 0.54

29.70 -12.50 -14.29 0.50 0.50 43.09 0.43

0.00 -14.29 -16.67 0.50 0.50 15.47 0.15

Analisa Tekno Ekonomi Produksi
A. Perhitungan Kebutuhan Bahan Baku
Kapasitas produksi : 1500 ton/th 1500000 kg/th
Basis perhitungan: : 1 hari
waktu kerja per tahun : 264 hari

Bahan Baku yang diperlukan untuk Proses produksi setahun:

Kebutuhan bahan baku untuk pembuatan starter
Bahan Kebutuhan Harga satuan (Rp) Harga total (Rp)
Onggok 84532.32 kg 4,500 380,395,441
Dedak 21132.09 kg 4,500 95,094,402
Tapioka 2112.02 kg 12,000 25,344,242
Gula pasir 6340.02 kg 14,000 88,760,323
Urea 634.00 kg 15,000 9,510,035
Zeolit 517769.87 kg 2,000 1,035,539,744
CMC 6340.02 kg 165,000 1,046,103,808
Alginat 1057.99 kg 450,000 476,096,108
Total 3,156,844,103

Kebutuhan bahan baku untuk fermentasi cair 925.000 L

Bahan Kebutuhan 925.000 L Harga satuan (Rp) Harga total (Rp)
Dolomit 125.77 Kg 5,000 628,868
Urea 1918.05 Kg 5,000 9,590,231
KCl 442.06 Kg 5,000 2,210,285
TSP 36 585.40 Kg 5,000 2,927,009
Dedak 462.40 Kg 4,000 1,849,611
Gula pasir 13872.08 Kg 15,000 208,081,191
Chloram penikol 92.5 kg 1,200,000 111,000,000
Air Kanal 924,805 Liter 0 0
Disinfektan 1541.67 Liter 12,000 18,500,000
Alkohol 1541.67 Liter 20,000 30,833,333
H2SO4 513.89 Liter 30,000 15,416,667
Total 401,037,194

Kebutuhan Bahan peremajaan

Bahan Kebutuhan Harga satuan (Rp) Biaya total (Rp)
PDA 2.44 kg 3,800,000 9,277,433
PDB 123.85 kg 3,800,000 470,646,808
Alumunium foil 4 rol 25,000 100,000
Plastik wrap 4 rol 25,000 100,000
Kain Kasa 1 rol 125,000 125,000
Kapas 3 kg 50,000 150,000
Total 480,399,241

Kebutuhan bahan baku Total

Total Kebutuhan Bahan Baku Total Kebutuhan/th
Bahan baku produksi Perbanyakan Starter 3,156,844,103
Bahan baku produksi Fermentasi Cair 401,037,194
Bahan peremajaan 480,399,241


B.1 Alat Laboratorium Harga Alat
No nama alat Jumlah Satuan satuan total
1 pH meter 2 buah 4,300,000 Rp 8,600,000
2 Soil-pH & Humidity Tester 1 buah 1,500,000 Rp 1,500,000
3 Mikroskop 1 buah 10,000,000 Rp 10,000,000
4 Hot Plate Stirrer 2 buah 5,900,000 Rp 11,800,000
5 Autoclave 3 buah 52,000,000 Rp 156,000,000
6 Jarum ose 5 buah 300,000 Rp 1,500,000
7 Mikropipette satu set (0,1; 1; dan 5 ml) 1 set 12,000,000 Rp 12,000,000
8 Lemari Es Display 2 buah 3,700,000 Rp 7,400,000
9 Shaker Inkubator W Temp Control 1 buah 40,000,000 Rp 40,000,000
10 Vortek 1 buah 5,000,000 Rp 5,000,000
11 Beaker plastik with handle, 5 l 5 buah 249,000 Rp 1,245,000
12 Gelas ukur (Cylinder),PP 100 ml 2 buah 105,000 Rp 210,000
14 Petridish, ukuran 100 x 15 10 box 2,000,000 Rp 20,000,000
15 Desikator 1 buah 1,100,000 Rp 1,100,000
16 Inkubator 1 buah 25,000,000 Rp 25,000,000
17 Rak Tabung Reaksi 4 buah 300,000 Rp 1,200,000
18 Tabung reaksi 2 box 2,000,000 Rp 4,000,000
19 Satu set Bunsen Burner 1 set 9,000,000 Rp 9,000,000
20 Drugalsky 5 buah 50,000 Rp 250,000
21 spatula 5 buah 50,000 Rp 250,000
22 Laminar 1 set 40,000,000 Rp 40,000,000
B.2 Alat Pabrik
1 alat mixing 1 buah 10,000,000 Rp 10,000,000
2 Tangki air stainless 1000 L 6 buah 6,750,000 Rp 40,500,000
3 Pompa air 2 buah 4,000,000 Rp 8,000,000
4 Filter udara menuju fermentor 3 buah 150,000 Rp 450,000
5 Air Pump 3 buah 2,300,000 Rp 6,900,000
6 Pipa air flow 3 buah 500,000 Rp 1,500,000
7 Flow Meter 3 buah 385,000 Rp 1,155,000
9 Saringan santan 4 buah 15,000 Rp 60,000
10 pengaduk 5 buah 350,000 Rp 1,750,000
13 sekop 1 buah 750,000 Rp 750,000
14 timbangan 2 unit 500,000 Rp 1,000,000
15 Alat Jahit karung 1 Set 1,000,000 Rp 1,000,000
TOTAL BIAYA (B1+B2) Rp 429,120,000
20 utilitas (10% PEC) Rp 42,912,000

Purchase equipment Cost (PEC)

harga dari supplier(HS) FOB Rp 472,032,000
Biaya transport+Asuransi(20% FOB) Rp 94,406,400
Bea masuk (15% FOB) Rp 70,804,800
Total PEC Rp 637,243,200

No Tanah / Bangunan Harga (total)
1 Kantor Rp 200,000,000.00
2 Laboratorium Rp 150,000,000.00
3 Rumah Produksi Rp 500,000,000.00
4 Gudang Bahan Baku Rp 250,000,000.00
5 Gudang Produk Rp 250,000,000.00

Total Rp 1,350,000,000.00

Physical Plant Cost (PPC)

No Item Biaya
1 PEC Rp 637,243,200
2 Bangunan Rp 1,350,000,000

Total PPC Rp 1,987,243,200

Engineering and construction(30% PPC) Rp 596,172,960 Tanggal 10-2-2020 1$=

1000000 $=
Direct Plant Cost( PPC+E&C) Rp 2,583,416,160 1000000 - 5000000 $
5000000 $=
Contractor's fee(4% DPC) 103,336,646.40

Contigency(10% DPC) Rp 258,341,616

Fixed Capital Investment (FCI)

No FCI Biaya
1 Direct Plant Cost Rp 2,583,416,160
2 Contractor's fee Rp 103,336,646
3 Contingency Rp 258,341,616
Total FCI Rp 2,945,094,422

Daftar Gaji Pegawai

No Jabatan Jumlah Gaji/orang/bulan Gaji/bulan
1 Supervisor 1 Rp 7,000,000 Rp 7,000,000.00
2 Pekerja Lab 2 Rp 5,000,000 Rp 10,000,000.00
3 Pekerja Fermentasi cair 4 Rp 4,000,000 Rp 16,000,000.00
4 Pekerja fermentasi padat & Packing 8 Rp 4,000,000 Rp 32,000,000.00

TOTAL 15 Rp 65,000,000.00

Gaji per tahun (a) Rp 780,000,000

Tunjangan Hari Raya (1 bulan gaji) Rp 65,000,000
Tunjangan makan & transpor (10 % a) Rp 78,000,000
Tunjangan kesehatan (5 % a) Rp 39,000,000
Total gaji per tahun: Rp 962,000,000

C. Manufacturing Cost
1 Direct Manufacturing Cost (DMC)
Bahan Baku per tahun Rp 4,038,280,538
Labor Cost Rp 962,000,000
Maintenance (2% FCI) Rp 58,901,888
Plant supplies (15% maintenance) Rp 8,835,283
Royalti dan patent (10% sales) Rp 1,500,000,000 Trial Utilitas Selisih
Utilitas (10% dari total MC) Rp 1,038,242,339 1,020,242,338.85 18,000,000.00
Total Direct Manufacturing Cost (DMC) Rp 7,606,260,048

2 inDirect Manufacturing Cost (IDMC)

Payroll overhead (15% labor cost) Rp 144,300,000
Laboratorium (10% labor cost) Rp 96,200,000
Plant overhead (50% labor cost) Rp 481,000,000
Packaging& transport (20% DMC) Rp 1,521,252,010
Total InDirect Manufacturing Cost (IDMC) Rp 2,242,752,010

3 Fixed Manufacturing Cost

Depresiasi (10% FCI) Rp 294,509,442
Property Tax (1% FCI) Rp 29,450,944
Asuransi (1%FCI) Rp 29,450,944
Total Fixed Manufacturing Cost Rp 353,411,331

Total Manufacturing Cost (MC)

No Manufacturing Cost Total
1 Direct Manufacturing Cost Rp 7,606,260,048
2 Indirect Manufacturing Cost Rp 2,242,752,010
3 Fixed Manufacturing Cost Rp 353,411,331
Total Rp 10,202,423,388

D.Working Capital Investment

Dihitung dengan Basis per Bulan
No item Biaya (Rp)
1 Bahan Baku (raw materia inventory) Rp 336,523,378
2 inprocess inventory Rp 77,291,086 0,5 rm.M.Q rm
3 product inventory Rp 850,201,949 1 bulan MC M
4 extended credit Rp 1,250,000,000 Q
5 available cash Rp 850,201,949 1 bulan MC
Total Rp 3,364,218,362
E. General expense
Administrasi (2% sales) Rp 300,000,000
sales expense (3% sales) Rp 450,000,000
Riset (2% sales) Rp 300,000,000
finance (12%FCI + 24%WCI) Rp 1,160,823,738
Total General Expense Rp 2,210,823,738

PRODUCTION COST ( MC + GE) Rp 12,413,247,126

Sales selama satu tahun

kapasitas produksi/tahun Rp 1,500,000 kg/tahun
*harga jual produk per Kg Rp 10,000 Rp 9,283
total penjualan per tahun Rp 15,000,000,000

Harga Pokok Produksi Rp 5,802


F.1. Sales and Profit

sales Rp 15,000,000,000
production cost Rp 12,413,247,126

profit before tax Rp 2,586,752,874 Simple Payback 1.518

tax in indonesia 25% 646,688,218.47 1 tahun 6 bulan
profit after tax Rp 1,940,064,655

Persen profit on sales (POS)

POS before tax 17.25 %
POS after tax 12.93 %

F.2 Return Of Investment (ROI) RoI minimum untuk produk fermentasi

ROI before tax 87.83 % Pabrik resiko rendah
ROI after tax 65.87 % Pabrik resiko tinggi

F.3 Pay Out Time (POT) PoT maksimum

POT before tax 1.02 tahun Pabrik resiko rendah
POT after tax 1.32 tahun Pabrik resiko tinggi

F.4. Break Event Point (BEP) dan shut Down Point (SDP)
Break Even Point (BEP)
Fixed Manufacturing Cost (Fa) 18000000000
Depresiasi = Rp 294,509,442
Milyar Rupiah/ Tahun

Property taxes = Rp 29,450,944 16000000000

Asuransi = Rp 29,450,944 1,000,000,000
Total = Rp 353,411,331 0.35

Variabel Cost(Va)
Raw material = Rp 4,038,280,538 12000000000
Packaging & Transportasi = Rp 1,521,252,010
Utilitas = Rp 1,038,242,339 10000000000
Royalties = Rp 1,500,000,000
Total = Rp 8,097,774,886 8.10

Regulated cost (Ra)

Labor = Rp 962,000,000 DMC 6000000000
Payroll Overhead = Rp 144,300,000 IDMC

0,3 Ra
SDP = %


Supervisi = 0 4000000000
Laboratorium = 96,200,000.00 IDMC
General Expense = 2,210,823,737.68 GE 2000000000
0,3 Ra
Maintanance = Rp 58,901,888 DMC SDP = %
Plant Supplies = Rp 8,835,283 DMC
Total = Rp 3,481,060,909 3.48 0 10 20

Penjualan Produk (Sa) = Rp 15,000,000,000 15

Break Event Point (BEP) = 31.30 %

Shut Down Point (SDP) = 23.39 %
264 hari/th

x 942.2111 ton/th
0,5 L per 1 kg hasil padat

Strain MGR3 Fermentasi Cair

(hanya di awal)

Recycle 100 g/10 L

0.01 x 9.422111

Fermentasi Cair
Bahan Jumlah Komposisi Kebutuhan, ton/th
1 Dolomit 24.48 Kg 0.000133 0.125774
2 Urea 373.32 Kg 0.002036 1.918046
3 KCl 86.04 Kg 0.000469 0.442057
4 TSP 36 113.94 Kg 0.000621 0.585402
5 Dedak 90 Kg 0.000491 0.462403
6 Gula pasir 2700 Kg 0.014723 13.87208
7 Air Kanal 180,000 Liter 0.981527 924.8053
183387.8 kg 1 942.2111

Bahan penunjang Per L 925 L

Disinfekta 300 Liter 0.001667 L 1541.667 L
Alkohol 300 Liter 0.001667 L 1541.667 L
H2So4 100 Liter 0.000556 L 513.8889 L
Chloram pe 18 kg 0.0001 kg 92.5 kg

1 petri / 1 L PDB 0,5 L untuk per kg padatan

Petri PDB

0.01 y 0.5 y
0.094221 ton 4.711055 ton

Total kebutuhan Total kebutuhan
0.094221 1.042 a 4.711055 1.027
PDA 42 g/L air 0.042 a PDB 27 g/L air 0.027
Air 1a Air 1
Sehingga a= 0.0904233 ton Sehingga b= 4.587201 ton
Butuh air 0.090423 ton Butuh air 4.587201 ton
PDA serbu 0.002441 ton PDB padat 0.123854 ton
x-0.01x 932.7889 ton/th

Strater BioPeat
Fermentasi Padat Pengeringan

1884.422 ton/th 1875 ton/th 1500 ton/th

Berkurang 20%

100 g/10 L
x= 942.2111 ton/th

Fermentasi Padat
No Bahan Basis, kg Komposisi Kebutuhan total, ton/th
1 Onggok 213.33 0.132099 83.687 Air 96.25 kg
2 Dedak 53.33 0.033023 20.92077 300 kg
3 Tapioka 5.33 0.0033 2.0909
4 Gula Pasir 16 0.009908 6.276623
5 Urea 1.6 0.000991 0.627662
6 Zeolit 1306.67 0.809119 512.5922
7 CMC 16 0.009908 6.276623
8 Alginat 2.67 0.001653 1.047411

Jumlah 1614.93 1 633.5192

Padatan+air 932.7889 ton/th

Air 299.2698 ton/th
Padatan 633.5192 ton/th

Strain MGR3 untuk produksi berulang

Starter Padat Awal

9.422111 ton
y = 0.01x

Starter awal
Onggok 0.132099 0.845323 ton
b Dedak 0.033023 0.211321 ton
b Tapioka 0.0033 0.02112 ton
b Gula Pasir 0.009908 0.0634 ton
Urea 0.000991 0.00634 ton
Zeolit 0.809119 5.177699 ton
CMC 0.009908 0.0634 ton
Alginat 0.001653 0.01058 ton

Padatan+air 9.422111 ton

Air 3.022927 ton
Padatan 6.399183 ton
Strater BioPeat
Cycle Time
1 2 3 4 30 1 2
Proses 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Persiapan Fermentor

Persiapan media

Inokulasi MST 2



Panen Fermentasi cair CV 2a

Penyiapan bahan baku

Pembersihan Fermentor




Persiapan Fermentor

Persiapan media

Inokulasi MST 2



Panen Fermentasi cair CV 2a

Penyiapan bahan baku

Pembersihan Fermentor




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