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Langkah langkah membuat objek dengan blender

Pada post kali ini saya akan membagikan pada kalian tutorial membuat animasi pada software
Blender. Animasi yang akan kita buat adalah animasi sederhana dengan karakter jamur sebagai
karakter utama, jamur yang saya maksud adalah jamur seperti pada game mario bros. Nantinya
animasi kami ini akan berfokus pada petualangan si jamur kecil ini.

Kami ? ya, project ini saya kerjakan bersama kedua teman saya, kalian dapat
menemukan tutorial serupa pada blog mereka yaitu :

Alfiansyah Adhika Dimarty

M. Ade Fauzi Siregar

Nah sebelum saya jelaskan cara membuat animasinya, saya akan

menjelaskan hal paling mendasar dari pembuatan animasi tersebut, yaitu

Membuat Object

Seperti yang sudah saya bilang, object utama kami adalah karakter
jamur.yang kurang lebih akan berbentuk seperti ini :

Nah langsung saja kita masuk ke pembahasan tutorial, Berikut adalah langkah – langkah dalam
pembuatan objek menggunakan aplikasi Blender :

Buka aplikasi blender, versi yang akan kita gunakan adalah Blender versi 2.78


Setelah terbuka, akan ada object default berbentuk kubus , hapus objek tersebut dengan menekan
tombol X, lalu pilih delete

Buat objek baru dengan menekan tombol shift+A, pilih mesh, cylinder
Setelah muncul. set properties pada tab kiri bawah menjadi seperti di bawah

Setelah muncul objek tekan A untuk select semua bagian objek

Pada tab kiri bawah pada bagian extrude pilih loop cut and slide

Tempatkan lingkaran pada bagian atas silinder. Lingkaran ini adalah edges untuk menambah variasi
Lingkaran bisa dipindahkan dengan menekan tombol G untuk translate, pilih lingkaran dengan
menekan alt dan klik kanan pada lingkaran

Tambahkan 2 lingkaran lagi seperti pada gambar di bawah

Selanjutnya pilih bagian edges atas terluar pada silinder, dapat di select dengan menekan tombol
shift dan klik pada masing masing edges. Selanjutnya tekan S untuk scale , arahkan ke tengah
seperti pada gambar

Lakukan pada bagian bawah hingga menjadi seperti gambar berikutnya

Pilih bagian lingkaran seperti pada di gambar

Translate dengan menekan tombol G dan tarik ke atas

Alihkan pandangan sehingga seperti gambar di bawah, ubah view menjadi faces dan pilih faces
pada objek seperti di gambar

Tekan E untuk extrude dan tarik kursor ke bawah hingga seperti pada gambar di bawah

Lakukan langkah langkah di atas (loop cut, select, translate,scale) dan bentuk seperti gambar di
Tekan A untuk select all object lalu pindahkan / transform lokasi seperti pada setiingan di tab kanan
pada gambar ( x =0, y= 0 , z = 1 )

Pada tab properties di kanan pilih icon material dan pada tab tersebut tekan new sehingga seperti
gambar. Tarik keluar jendela baru dengan mengklik segitiga di kanan atas jendela dan seret ke kiri.
Kita memerlukan dua jendela untuk operasi ini karena kita perlu melihat gambar tekstur sambil
melihat objek 3D sehingga dapat melihat bagaimana objek 3D terlihat saat melukis teksturnya. Ubah
jendela kiri menjadi UV / Image Editor dengan mengklik ikon kubus kecil di kiri bawah layar dan
memilih UV / Image Editor, seperti di pada gambar di atas.
Saat ini editor UV kosong, karena Anda belum membuka bingkainya. Kembali ke jendela kanan, dan
tekan A untuk memilih semua. Pilih Mesh dari toolbar bawah tampilan 3D, pilih UV Unwrap> Smart
UV Project, dan pilih opsi default saat popup muncul dengan mengklik OK.

Sekarang di UV Editor, Anda akan melihat semua wajah jamur yang dipetakan ke gambar

Tekan B untuk mengaktifkan kotak-pilih dan gunakan tombol kiri mouse untuk menyeret kotak di
atas wajah kepala jamur, seperti yang ditunjukkan di bawah. Lalu, unwrap kembali dengan memilih
Mesh> UV Unwrap> Unwrap. Sehingga seperti gambar
Lakukan hal yang sama pada batangnya. pilih Mesh> UV Unwrap, tapi kali ini pilih Silinder, karena
batangnya agak silindris. Di UV Editor, Anda mungkin harus memperkecil tampilan untuk melihat
secara penuh

Klik a untuk select all dan pada uv map akan ada faces secara keseluruhan

Kembali ke jendela 3D , dan klik ikon Display di toolbar bawah. Saat ini disetel ke Solid, namun pilih
Tekstur. Sekarang tampilan 3D akan menampilkan tekstur
Pilih jamur Anda lagi dengan tombol mouse sebelah kanan dan tekan Tab
untuk beralih ke mode Edit. Tekan A untuk memilih semua, dan kita akan
melihat UV muncul di UV Editor.
Klik tombol New di bagian bawah UV Editor untuk menambahkan gambar
baru di balik meshes. Beri nama gambar "jamur21", dan klik pada color
swatch. Atur parameter warna ke Red = 1.0, Green = 0, Blue = 0, dan Alpha =
1, seperti gambar di bawah

Sekarang jamur akan berwarna merah

Ubah setting pada slots, ganti painting mode manjadi image dan pilih gambar sesuai dengan yang
tadi kita save pada bagian canvas image
Selanjutnya dengan brush buat titik putih agar jamur kita terlihat lebih mirip jamur

Jika diinginkan kita dapat merubah setiing brush seperti pada tab kanan pada gambar, lalu lanjut
membuat titik putih untuk menghias jamur

Selanjutnya warnai bagian batang dengan cara mewarnai bagian mesh pada UV map editor sebelah
Tambahkan bagian detil seperti mata dengan cara menggambar dengan brush

Jamur sudah selesai dibuat, jangan lupa save file dan export bila perlu.

Diposting 7th May 2017 oleh Galih Andika MP

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Speak Through The Words

 Klasik

 Kartu Lipat

 Majalah

 Mozaik

 Bilah Sisi

 Cuplikan

 Kronologis



Kode etik profesi bidang teknologi informasi di Indonesia memang belum ada (Yang Tertulis).
Namun, kita bisa menerapkan kode etik yang dibuat oleh IEEE. IEEE telah membuat semacam
kode etik bagi anggotanya, sebagai berikut:

1. To accept responsibility in making decisions consistent with the safety, health and welfere of the
public, and to disclose promptly that might endanger the public or the environment. Artinya
setiap anggota bertanggung jawab dalam mengambil keputusan konsisten dengan keselamatan,
kesehatan dan kesejahteraan masyarakat, serta segera mengungkapkan faktor-faktor yang dapat
membahayakan publik atau lingkungan.
2. To avoid real or perceived conflicts of interest whenever possible, and to disclose them to
affected parties when they do exixt. Intinya ialah sebisa mungkin menghindari terjadinya konflik
kepentingan dan meluruskan mereka yang telah terpengaruh oleh konflik tersebut.
Diposting 14th July 2018 oleh Galih Andika MP

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Kekayaan intelektual adalah kekayaan yang timbul atau lahir dari kemampuan intelektual
manusia. Karya-karya yang timbul atau lahir dari kemampuan intelektual manusia itu bisa
berupa karya di bidang teknologi, kebudayaan, seni, sastra, maupun karya ilmiah lainnya. Karena
itu, sudah sewajarnya karya ilmiah yang dihasilkan dari kemampuan intelektual manusia itu
diamankan dengan menumbuhkembangkan sistem perlindungan hukum atas kekayaan tersebut

Dalam UU Hak Cipta disebutkan bahwa hak cipta merupakan hak eksklusif bagi pencipta
atau pemegang hak cipta yang berfungsi mengumumkan atau memperbanyak ciptaannya.
Dengan adanya hak eksklusif itu, maka melekat pula manfaat ekonomi dari suatu karya. Di sini
peran penting UU Hak Cipta nantinya akan menjadi perangkat dalam memberikan perlindungan
baik bagi karya seni itu sendiri, maupun bagi si pencipta atau pemegang hak cipta.

Komponen-komponen kekayaan intelektual ini tampaknya belum banyak diketahui oleh

masyarakat luas. Ini bisa terjadi karena minimnya pemahaman dan kesadaran masyarakat serta
kurangnya tingkat perlindungan HAKI di Indonesia. Dampaknya, akan ada ratusan atau bahkan
ribuan karya ilmiah yang rawan diklaim pihak lain yang tak bertanggung jawab suatu hari nanti.

Diposting 10th July 2018 oleh Galih Andika MP

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VClass ke-3 pengganti pertemuan minggu ke-11
Postest Bank Indonesia

 Menetapkan dan melaksanakan kebijakan moneter

a. Menetapkan sasaran moneter

b. Melakukan pengendalian moneter
c. Memberikan kredit atau pembiayaan berdasarkan prinsip syariah (Maks 90 hari)
d. Melaksanakan kebijakan nilai tukar
e. Mengelola cadangan devisa
f. Menyelenggarakan survei (Mikro dan makro)

 Mengatur dan menjaga kelancaran sistem perbayaran

a. Melaksanakan dan memberikan persetujuan dan izin atas jasa sistem pembayaran
b. Menyampaikan penyelenggara jasa sistem pembayaran untuk menyampaikan laporan c.
Menetapkan penggunaan alat pembayaran
d. Mengatur sistem kliring antar bank
e. Menyelenggarakan penyelesaian akhir transaksi pembayaran antar bank
f. Menetapkan macam, harga, ciri, bahan yang digunakan dan tanggal mulai berlaku alat
g. Mengeluarkan, mengedarkan, mencabut, manarik dan memusnahkan uang rupiah

 Mengatur dan mengawasi bank

a. Menetapkan ketentuan-ketentuan perbankan yang memuat prinsip-prinsip kehati-hatian b.

Memberikan dan mencabut izin usaha bank
c. Memberikan izin pembukaan, penutupan dan pemindahan kantor bank
d. Memberikan persetujuan atas kepemikan dan kepengurusan bank
e. Memberikan izin kepada bank untuk menjalankan kegiatan usaha tertentu
f. Mewajibkan bank untuk menyampaikan laporan

 Mengatur dan mengawasi bank…

a. Melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap bank

b. Memerintahkan bank untuk menhentikan sementara sebagian atau seluruh kegiatan transaksi
karena suatu hal
c. Mengatur dan mengembangkan informasi antar bank
d. Mengambil terhadap suatu bank (dalam kondisi membahayakan)
e. Mengawasi bank dilaksankan oleh lembaga pengawasan sektor keuangan yang independen
dan dibentuk dengan UU

Diposting 5th July 2018 oleh Galih Andika MP

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VClass ke-3 pengganti pertemuan minggu ke-11

PRETEST Bank Indonesia

Bank Indonesia (BI) berasal dari De Javasche Bank N.V yang merup[akan Bank pemerintah
Belanda yang didirikan pada tanggal 10 Oktober 1827. Tanggal 6 Desember 1951 dinasionalisir
pemerintah Republik Indonesia dengan UU. 24 tahun 1951.

Dengan Penetapan Presiden No 17 tahun 1965, BI bersama Bank Koperasi Tani dan Nelayan,
bank Negara Indonesia dan Bank Tabungan Negara dilebur menjadi Bank Negara Indonesia
(BNI) Unit 1 -> Bank Sirkulasi, Bank Sentral dan Bank Umum. Bank Sentral dikukuhkan
dengan UU No 13 1968 di perkuat dengan UU No 23 tahun 1999.

Bank Sentral merupakan bank yang mengatur berbagai kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan dunia
perbankan dan dunia keuangan di suatu negara. Bank Sentral berpusat di Ibu Kota Negara,
Jakarta, dan dibantu dengan Kantor Cabang diseluruh wilayah Indonesia (biasanya Ibu kota

Diposting 5th July 2018 oleh Galih Andika MP

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114.1 In this exercise you have to complete the sentences. Each time use at, on, or in with one of the
phrases from the box

1. Columbus discovered America in the 15th century

2. The first man landed on the moon on 21 July 1969.
3. In britain football matches are usually played on saturdays
4. You can see the stars at night if the sky is clear.
5. In britain children have to start school at the age of five.
6. Jazz become popular in the united states in the 1920s.
7. Its difficult to listen when everyone is speaking at the same time.
8. The russian revolution took place in 1917.
9. Tom isn’t here in about five minutes. He’ll be back at the moment.

114.2 Put in the correct proportions : at, in, on. Examples : The concerts starts at 7.45. I learnt to drive
in four weeks.

1. The course begins on 7 January and ends on 10 March.

2. I went to bed at midnight and got up at 6.30 in the morning.
3. We travelled overnight to Paris and arrived at 5 o’clock in the morning.
4. Mozart was born in salzsburg in 1756.
5. Are you doing anything special at the weekend?
6. Hurry up! We’ve got to go at five minutes.
7. I haven’t seen Ann for a few days. I last saw her on Tuesday.
8. I’ll phone you on Tuesday morning at about 10 o’clock, okay?
9. I might not be at home in the morning. Can you phone at afternoon instead?
10. Tom’s grandmother died in 1977 at the age of 79.
11. Jack’s brother is an engineer but he’s out of work at the moment.
12. The price of electricity is going up on October.
13. On Sunday afternoons I usually go for a walk in the country.
14. There are usually a lot of parties at New Years Eve.
15. I like walking round the town at night. It’s always so peaceful.
16. Do you fancy going to the cinema on Friday night?
17. Tom doesn’t see his parents very often these day usually only at Christmast and
sometimes in the summer for a few days.
18. I’ve been invited to wedding on 14 February.
19. Im just going out to do some shopping. I’ll be back in half an hour.
20. Carol got married at 17, which is rather young to get married.
21. Ann works hard during the week, so she likes to relax at the week-ends.
22. It was quiet short book and easy to read. I read it in a day.
23. The telephone and the doorbell rang at the same time.
24. Mary and Henry always go out for a meal at their wedding anniversary.
25. Mr.Davis is 63. He’ll be retiring from his job in two years time.

Diposting 29th June 2018 oleh Galih Andika MP

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The words and expressions in the following sentence are not in the correct order. Put these
separated sentence elements into their normal positions. Do not add or eliminate any words or
expressions. Capitalize in the first word in each sentence, and add the proper punctuation at the
end of the sentence.

1. Every day – at the school cafetaria – our lunch – we don’t eat.

We don’t eat our lunch at the school cafetaria every day.

2. Those fellows – will – remain – how long – in Washington, D.C.

How long those fellows will remain in Washington,D.C.

3. An official – about this rule – a question – the two men asked.

The two men asked an official a question about this rule.

4. Whose name was Prus – lived – at that time – in Poland – a writer.

A writer whose name was Prus lived in Poland at that time.

5. The flowers – to see – its wonderful – in the spring – come to life

It’s wonderful to see the flowers come to life in the spring.
6. Are mine – the purse – and – the coat – with the red collar – with the handle
The coat with the red collar and the purse with the handle are mine.

7. This fine sport – don’t – enjoy – why – you americans – please tell me
Please tell me why you Americans don’t enjoy this fine sport.

8. Only in the winter – lives – in this part of country – that bird

That bird lives in this part of country only in the winter.

9. To their daughter – for her birthday – a bracelet – they sent

They sent a bracelet to their daughter for her birthday.

10. Television – watches – seldom – during the afternoon – my wife

My wife seldom watches television during the afternoon.

11. For most artists – is – Paris – to work – a very good place

For most artists Paris is a very good place to work.

12. Those letters – yesterday – to Mr.Fox – delivered – the postman

The Postman delivered those letters to Mr. Fox yesterday.

13. The car – to the country – drove – last weekend – the two men
The two men drove the car to the country last weekend.

14. Is very interesting – on the table – of the glass bowl - the shape
The shape of the glass bowl on the table is very interesting.

15. Today – cold – is it – enough – for a heavy winter overcoat

Is it cold enough for a heavy winter overcoat today

16. Was – to me – the whole idea – new and unusual – something

The whole idea was something new and unusual to me.

17. The large red house – is – Mr.Anderson’s – next to ours

The large red house next to ours is Mr. Anderson’s.

18. We’re finished – more than 50 – the manager said – in two days
The Manager said we’re finished more than 50 in two days.

19. The two suitcases – moved – the man – to his wife – closer
The man moved the two suitcases closer to his wife.

20. The examinations – so far – have – taken – how many students

So far how many students have taken the examinations

Diposting 29th June 2018 oleh Galih Andika MP

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This year feels so special to me and my family. Because we have a chance to go home
again to my hometown after last year did not have time to meet the family who are lives in
Salatiga. Alhamdulillah finally got the opportunity to go home again.

On May 31, me and my family left for Salatiga by car. Indeed we leave much earlier
before Idul Fitri due to our homecoming this year begins with the dilemma of office leave and
college holidays. We left at 21:00 night, our goal to go to Salatiga in addition to going home is to
bring grandmother back to his hometown. Although we leave early, but already seen some
travelers on the road either a motorcycle or private car ride. Already many police have been
keeping watch over the flow of traffic.

Homecoming for me is the time to refreshing, eliminate fatigue, and refresh the mind
from the hustle and bustle of the city with various kinds of problems. Going to hometown by car
has many advantages that besides being more comfortable also allows me to bring a lot of goods.
When I left, the stuff I brought was only a suitcase of clothes. But when I get home, the goods I
carry can double. Compared to other public transport such as trains, buses or airplanes, it will
certainly cost a lot of transportation. The trip to Salatiga is very far away and it takes up to 12
hours if the roads are not jammed, and can take 36 hours if the traffic jam and backflow.

After about 13 hours of travel, we finally arrived at my grandmother’s hometown. A bit

too long than the normal journey, late about 1 hour. This caused because yesterday we had
stopped long enough in Batang to rest and do the prayer. In addition, the trip is also relaxing and
my brother who drives the car is very carefully. The first destination is my aunt's house where
my grandmother will live there later. My aunt's house is located in Tingkir, Salatiga. We arrived
there Friday at about 12 noon, until there we are treated so warmly like a family that has not met.
In addition to silahturahmi, time visit to the aunt's house is also used for a short break after
traveling for 13 hours.

After feeling quite rested, we continue the journey towards my uncle's house, which is in
Solo City. The journey from Salatiga is about 1.5 hours. Arriving in Solo we were greeted so
warmly by our family. Incidentally we got there on time to breaking the fast, which is at 18.00
pm. We finally chose to eat first. Around 20:00 pm, we went to my uncle's house which is not far
from the restaurant.
The next day before we returned to Jakarta, we decided to go around the city of Solo
guided directly by my uncle who quite understand the places that are in Solo, after that, we left to
go back to Jakarta. We returned to Jakarta at around 17:00 pm and arrived in Jakarta at 05.00 am.

Diposting 29th June 2018 oleh Galih Andika MP

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Change the verb to the active voice and rewrite the sentence. Be sure to keep the same tense. In
some cases, it will be necessary to supply a subject (see the second example).

1. The books were taken by John.

John took the books.
2. The boxes were mailed today.
He mailed the boxes today.
3. The two packages were opened by my secretary.
My secretary opened the two packages.
4. Our homework is corrected by our teacher.
Our teacher is corrects our homework.
5. Two buildings have been constructed by that company.
That company have been constructed two buildings.
6. That room wasn’t cleaned carefully yesterday.
She didn’t carefully clean that room.
7. The truck has been loaded by the men now.
The men is loading the truck now.
8. Was that machine checked by the inspector?
Did the inspector check that machine?
9. Will that report be written by the same committee?
Will the same committee write that report?
10. Has the news been announced by the president yet?
Has the president been announced the news yet?
11. The mail delivered to this office twice a day.
He delivers the mail to this office twice a day.
12. All of us were surprised by his frank attitude.
He surprises all of us with his frank attitude.
13. Was the repair work done by that mechanic?
Did the mechanic do the repair work?
14. He wasn’t very much respected by the employees.
The employees didn’t very much respect him.
15. Are many courses in english given during the summer?
Is the teacher give many courses during the summer?

Change the verb to the passive voice and rewrite the sentence. Be sure to keep the same tense.

1. He signed the letter.

The letter was signed by him.
2. The secretary opens the mail every morning.
The mail is opened by the secretary every morning.
3. The committee is considering that proposal right now.
That proposal is being considered by the committee right now.
4. The army will complete that project next year.
That project will be completed by the army next year.
5. His bos has transffered him to another department.
He has been transferred by his boss to another departement.
6. Will the company distributes the announcements?
Will the announcements be distributed by the company?
7. An artist wrote an interesting article about paris.
That an interesting article about paris was written by the artist.
8. Today a large number of people speak english.
English is spoke by a lot number of people.
9. Didn’t they return those books to the library?
Was those books returned by them to the library?
10. The government has not changed that regulation yet.
That regulation has not been changed by the government yet.
11. Someone stole all her valuable jewelry last night.
All her valuable jewelry was stolen by someone last night.
12. Miss peters wrote all of the reports for mr.johnson.
All of the reports for mr.johnson was written by miss peters.
13. Bad weather has delayed flight 202 miami.
Flight 202 from miami has been delayed because the bad weather.
14. Did the court divide the money among the children?
Was the money divided among the children by the court?
15. Many scholars have translated that famous greek epic.
That famous greek epic has been translated by many scholars.

Diposting 10th June 2018 oleh Galih Andika MP

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 In theaters : December 20, 2017
 On DVD or streaming : April 10, 2018
 Cast : Hugh Jackman, Zac Efron, Michelle Williams, Zendaya
 Director : Michael Gracey
 Studio : Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation
 Genre : Musical
 Topics : History, Music and sing-along
 Run time : 105 minutes
 MPAA rating : PG
 MPAA explanation : thematic elements including a brawl
 Awards/Honors : Golden Globe


Enjoying time by watching quality movies is one way to fill the holidays later this year. Among
the many movies that are currently circulating in theaters, The Greatest Showman can enter the
mandatory watch list for you.

The film, starring Hugh Jackman is going to start airing in the cinema Fatherland on Friday
(29/12/2017) future. The Greatest Showman will spoil the musical connoisseurs.
The Greatest Showman film is lifted from the true story of Phineas Taylor Barnum's struggle to
start a circus business that then leads to success. Director Michael Gracey invites the audience to
watch the trip in the form of a musical.
In this film, PT Barnum is played by Hugh Jackman. The film begins with Barnum's childhood, a
poor tailor's son. He then falls in love with the son of a wealthy patron of his father. The woman
named Charity (Michelle Williams) was then grown up and became Barnum's wife with all the

Barnum then took Charity to the city where he worked for a trading company. Unfortunately, the
company went bankrupt and Barnum had to rack my brain to work to support his family.
He then pledged his vessel ownership letter to the bank and earned the money he used to buy a
museum. The museum contains many strange but unattractive objects because everything is

Got the idea of his daughter, Barnum then toured the city looking for the strange people he was
going to display at the museum. He also gets a lot of people. From bearded ladies named Lettie
Lutz (Keala Stelle), Charles Stratton dwarf (Sam Humphrey) to two racecar brothers, Anne
(Zendaya) and WD Wheeler (Yahya Abdul-Mateen II), all performed at the museum.

Unexpectedly, the Barnum-style freak show soon gained the public's attention. Show they are
always full of people visited. Even so, a journalist from the New York Herald, James Gordon
Bennett (Paul Sparks) has always criticized him.

Barnum later became acquainted with Phillip Carlyle (Zac Efron), a playwright. Barnum was
interested in taking Phillip into a partnership for seeing his show that was always attended by
people from the upper classes. In contrast to Barnum's show is more interesting people down.
Phillip then fell in love with Anne when he first met at Barnum's bizarre museum.

While in London to meet Queen Victoria, Barnum is interested in the figure of Jenny Lind
(Rebecca Ferguson), a famous singer in Europe. He then signed Jenny to perform in America
and toured in the country. The offer was not rejected by Jenny. Sure enough, Jenny's show was a
success and Barnum got an audience of high-profile people.

Unfortunately, that success caused Barnum to fall asleep. He preferred to take care of Jenny and
forget about the people at the museum. They are now more often Phillip. Barnum's closeness to
Jenny also made him far from his family.

The Greatest Showman brings the audience to watch the show of strange people with melodic
songs that will make you remember. Hugh akting Hiam as Barnum deserves thumbs up. In this
film, Hugh sings his own songs and also performs dancing with his troops of strangers.

This movie will make you happy with the songs shown. Also, it will make you sad with the
emotions that exist in the story. Both the Barnum story and the love story of Phillip and Anne.

For those of you who do not like musical movies, can try watching this movie. Although
wrapped in music and songs, The Greatest Showman is not boring to watch. For 105 minutes,
you will be entertained by the story of one's journey to success with a light but memorable music
band that will be memorable in your mind. Enjoy watching!

1. Family support is very important

After watching this movie, we can realize that if we do anything and supported by the family we
will be more excited to do it. Family support also makes us, getting better by the day. If we only
do ourselves without the support of the family, then we will slowly slump.

2. We should not be greedy

This movie teaches us, if we already have something we should not be greedy and keep asking
for more. Be grateful to what we have and keep trying to be a better person. If it is destined to
get more, surely we will get more.

3. Must always be faithful with our life partner

When we are in our heyday, surely try to make yourself become mistaken. The most dangerous
thing is when we turn away from our life partner. This film teaches us that we must always be
faithful to our spouse because it is our first goal to be successful and it is he who knows our
situation from the beginning.

4. Companions will always be on our side

Sometimes we do not realize that friends are always faithful to accompany us in joy and sorrow.
From this film we can know, that the real friend is a friend who is always there in the joy and
sorrow that we experience. Although we sometimes err and forget it, they will always be there.

5. Loving someone just the way they are

By watching this movie, we can realize that we have to love someone with all the flaws and
strengths they have. Without having to change what he has. We have to balance with each other
to always be together.

Diposting 10th June 2018 oleh Galih Andika MP

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Producer : Affandi Abdul Rachman

Director : Lukman Sardi
Author : Samsul Hadi, Ifan Ismail
Cast : Chelsea Islan, Boy William, Donny Alamsyah, Ririn Ekawati
Date of issue : Thursday, 15 January 2015

“Dibalik 98” is an MNC Pictures film that tells the story of the riots of 1998. The Indonesian
people know about the events of May 1998. Yes, that time was a critical time for Suharto's
presidency and the New Order. But “Dibalik 98” , behind the heat of the political situation, there
are stories that can be picked up the value of humanity.

Narrated, Diana (Chelsea Islan), a student Trisakti finally decided to become a demonstrator. The
period of Soeharto's rule, he said, should be terminated immediately. Choosing to become a
demonstrator is an imprecise application, since Diana now lives with her sister Salma (Ririn
Ekawati), an official of the State Palace, and Salma's husband, Bagus (Donny Alamsyah), a
Second Lieutenant, Army.

Since the beginning of the monetary crisis, Diana has become part of the joint movement of all
Indonesian students demanding the demise of President Soeharta. This is one form of public fear,
and its peak occurred on May 13-14, where four students were shot dead by the authorities.
In the midst of such a chaotic condition, President Soeharto (Amoro Katamsi) decides to go to
Cairo, attend the G-15 Summit. While vice president, B.J. Habibie was struck by the shooting
incident in Trisakti that led to massive unrest.

Anger belongs not only to Diana or to college students, but also to Bagus, her brother-in-law.
Knowing his wife is pregnant old, Bagus still have to execute orders from superiors to maintain
the security of the region at various points in Jakarta. The worse the heart of Bagus when he
knew his wife was not in the palace, because he went looking for Diana who had a few days no
news and did not go home.

Everything is getting more complicated when Daniel (Boy William), Diana's girlfriend, a
Chinese descendant, should also feel the pain of those days. Her father and sister disappeared in
the May 14 riots. Even Daniel is also almost trapped sweeping citizens in the screening of Non-
Indigenous people, who at that time became the peak of racial issues in Indonesia. Luckily
Daniel survived and found his family and then joined the exodus to leave Indonesia.

On the other hand, the people of the same class of beggars and beggars also have to share with
them how the political impact is taking place, and the harm it has for them.

President Soeharto set up a reform committee and cabinet that did not get a positive response.
Even the MPR chairman Harmoko asked the President to resign. In addition there are 14
ministers refused to join the reform cabinet.

Salma was saved and taken to a hospital. At the time of the birth of his first child, Bagus and
Diana find Salma. The baby they are waiting for is born.

17 Years passed. Daniel returned to Jakarta with his father's cremated ashes. His father wanted to
rest forever in his native land. Daniel found Diana. Both still have the same passion to continue
the spirit of reform.


Let's all to re-reflect ourselves in order to rectify the struggle ever voiced. Love this country with
the foundation of dedication, togetherness and endless struggle to build Indonesia in a much
better direction. Do not let us pass on the generation that is always wrong when in a circle of

We as a young generation must keep controlling the government, so as not to happen again this
1998 incident and also we must be able to change the stigma that being in the power
environment will always intersect with corruption, collusion, and nepotism. We as a young
generation should be able to become agents of change of Indonesia to a better direction. We must
devote all the thought and energy to make Indonesia go forward.

Diposting 10th June 2018 oleh Galih Andika MP

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