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Tanggal Efektif 1 Maret 2020



Disusun oleh Swandya Eka Pratiwi


Nama / NIM Kode Mata Kuliah

Nama Dosen Jenis Asesmen

Swandya Eka Pratiwi Tugas 1

Kode / Nama Mata Kuliah Batas Akhir Pengumpulan

F021700001 – English For Engineering I 14 April 2020

Nomor Tugas / Judul Adanya Perpanjangan atau Pengumpulan Boleh

Tugas 1/ Business Correspondences in
Engineering Environment Tidak

Tempo Tugas (Minggu) Jenis Tugas % Tugas Diberikan

2 Minggu Mandiri 30 % 29 April 2020

Saya/ kami yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini memahami bahwa saya/ kami telah membaca dan setuju untuk
mematuhi peraturan UMB tentang plagiarisme dan penjiplakan dan kebijakan dan prosedur di Program Studi.
Saya/ kami menyetujui proses pengecekan laporan sehingga tidak ada unsur plagiarisme atau penjiplakan

................................... ............................ .............................. ............................

Tanda tangan:
Capaian Pembelajaran (CPMK):
1. The students are able to communicate in English in the Engineering environment .
2. The students are able to write business correspondences, such as email, memo, CV, and cover letter.
5. He students are able to apply the structure and communicative grammar rules in General English.

Komponen Penilaian Nilai Nilai

Maksimal Diberikan
1. Writing Cover Letter and Curriculum Vitae (CV) 30
2. Writing the answers of the interviewer 30
3. Make a presentation about the engineering design concepts of a
product and deliver it in the form of video presentations 40
Tanda tangan Tanggal Total Total

Apakah ada penambahan waktu? Pengurangan keterlambatan Pengurangan: Nilai Akhir:

Kesepakatan pengumpulan: pengumpulan:

Koordinator Mata Kuliah/ Kelompok Bidang Ya / Tidak

Bagian ini digunakan untuk memberi umpan balik atau informasi lain:

No Nilai Skala Kriteria

Istimewa. Isi laporan (jawaban) menunjukkan orisinalitas
ide/argumen dan analisis yang baik. Jawaban komprehensif
dan lengkap yang dengan jelas menunjukkan pemahaman
1 A 80 - 100
yang mendalam tentang topik yang ditanyakan. Koherensi ide
dan struktur yang bagus dalam paragraf, penggunaan sitasi
sesuai dan relevan terhadap topik.
Sangat Baik. Penulisan baik disertai bukti (gambar, diagram,
tabel) yang relevan. Pengetahuan topik dan logika
2 B+ 74 - 79,99 pemahaman yang baik. Beberapa ide kurang dijelaskan
dengan tepat tapi kemampuan penggunaan bukti cukup,
didukung dengan sumber bacaan yang sesuai.
Baik. Menunjukkan kemampuan untuk memahami
isu/pertanyaan, didukung materi yang baik dari hasil bacaan
yang relevan. Isi disertai bukti (gambar, diagram, tabel) yang
3 B 68 - 73,99
relevan dengan pengetahuan aplikatif. Sekitar 50% isi tidak
dijelaskan secara detail atau pernyataan tidak didukung bukti
yang relevan dan kurangnya sitasi.
Cukup Baik. Kualitas isi dan pemahaman tentang
isu/pertanyaan masih dalam level bisa diterima. Jawaban
4 C+ 62 - 67,99 menunjukkan pengetahuan mendasar dengan didukung bukti
(gambar, diagram, tabel) yang sesuai. Orisinalitas isi kurang
baik, susunan, struktur dan format laporan cukup baik.
Cukup. Pemahaman dan penguasaan materi yang ditulis
masuk akal sesuai isu/pertanyaan, tetapi kurang didukung
5 C 56 - 61,99 argumen yang relevan. Bukti material yang ditunjukkan ada
tapi sitasi tidak ditulis secara baik. Isi laporan berisi penjelasan
yang bersifat deskriptif dan kurang relevan.
Kurang. Struktur isi kurang baik dan beberapa bukti (gambar,
diagram, tabel) tidak relevan. Sebagian besar isi diperoleh
6 D 45 - 55,99
hanya dari bahan kuliah dan kurang dari sumber bacaan lain.
Sitasi tidak ditulis dengan baik.
Tidak Lulus. Kualitas isi pada level yang tidak bisa diterima.
Kurangnya kemampuan dalam menjelaskan topik/isu yang
7 ditanyakan. Struktur isi tidak terorganisasi dengan baik.
E < 45
Gambar, diagram dan tabel tidak relevan. Orisinalitas isi
sangat diragukan. Kemampuan komunikasi dan presentasi
yang tidak baik.
The Scenario

In Assignment-I, you will be in a situation where you have to find a job. You may determine
your background, whether you have worked before and are looking for a new workplace, or
you are a fresh graduate of a university. The job you choose to apply for in this scenario is the
design team at a manufacturing company. You can specify the type of manufacturing company
that you want.
Your task is to answer various questions related to the above scenario.

The Questions

The scenario is in the following stages:

1. You find the company you want. Then you must prepare a cover letter and also
your CV, which you must send to the company. At this stage, you are asked to:
(CPMK 2)(30%)
a. Determine the company field that you choose. For example bottle manufacturing
companies, vehicle manufacturing companies, new energy companies, and so on.
If you have determined, write it on the answer sheet on your first page at the top
like writing a title, in Arial font size 14, and in bold.
b. Write your cover letter on the second answer sheet you are addressing for the
company. (15%)
c. Write your curriculum vitae (CV) on the new answer sheet. (15%)

2. You are called in for a job interview! At this stage, you are asked to answer
questions from the interviewer as follows: (Please answer the interviewer's
questions below, write down the questions from the interviewer, and include your
answers. Write on a new answer sheet). (CPMK 5) (30%)
a. “Tell me a little about yourself?” (5%)
b. “What are your biggest weaknesses?” (4%)
c. “What are your biggest strengths?” (4%)
d. “Out of all the other candidates, why should we hire you?” (4%)
e. “Why do you want this job?” (5%)
f. “If a co-worker or customer get angry with you, how you manage the situation?”
g. “What can we expect from you in your first three months?” (4%)

3. You have been accepted at the company. You are now part of the design and
development team. at one point, you were involved in a company product
development project. Everyone on the team was asked to write down
development ideas for the company's products. You are asked to pour it in a
presentation using the concept design engineering method. You also have to
present your ideas. at this stage you are asked to: (CPMK1) (40%)
a. Make presentation material consisting of a maximum of 15 pages. Consists of:
✓ Identify the need and constraints
Engineers ask critical questions about what they want to create, whether it
be a skyscraper, amusement park ride, bicycle or smartphone. These
questions include: What is the problem to solve? What do we want to
design? Who is it for? What do we want to accomplish? What are the project
requirements? What are the limitations? What is our goal?
✓ Research the problem
This includes talking to people from many different backgrounds and
specialties to assist with researching what products or solutions already
exist, or what technologies might be adaptable to your needs.
✓ Develop possible solutions
You work with a team to brainstorm ideas and develop as many solutions as
possible. This is the time to encourage wild ideas and defer judgment!
✓ Select a promising solution
Revisit the needs, constraints and research from the earlier steps, compare
your best ideas, and select one solution.

b. Make your video presentation. Use formal clothes when making video. Video
can be attached at meeting-7, in the Assignment Section. Or you can send your
video via email to: In the email subject
column write in the format: Assignment-I (space) Day Class (Space) Name
(space) NIM. (20%)

Instruksi Pengumpulan Tugas:

• Kumpulkan laporan soft copy yang diketik pada kertas A4, ukuran font 12, spasi 1.5 dan
ditulis rata kiri dan kanan (justified).
• Laporan ditulis dengan langsung menjawab pertanyaan yang diberikan dan tidak
perlu ada pendahuluan, landasan teori dan sebagainya. Tulis jawaban untuk setiap
pertanyaan-baru di halaman-baru. Halaman laporan ditulis di pojok kanan atas.
• Gunakan Satuan Internasional (SI)
• Semua bukti yang bukan dokumen pribadi harus disertakan sitasi di dalam teks kemudian
ditampilkan referensinya. Gunakan metode APA untuk menulis referensi.

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