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English modul
Second grade 2nd



Puji syukur ke hadirat Tuhan, karena atas izin-Nya, Penyusunan Modul Bahasa
Inggris ini dapat diselesaikan dengan baik. Buku Modul Bahasa Inggris ini disajikan
dengan bahasa yang sederhana dan mudah dimengerti, diharapkan dapat membantu dan
memudahkan peserta didik untuk mempelajarinya. Disajikan mulai dari ringkasan materi
dan soal latihan yang dapat membantu peserta didik untuk belajar bahasa inggris.

Kami menyadari bahwa dalam penyusunan buku ini masih jauh dari kata sempurna. Oleh
karena itu, kami menerima berbagai kritik dan saran yang sifatnya membangun, demi
sempurnanya kegiatan belajar mengajar di sekolah.


Devita Darmawati H,S.Pd


In this section, we will learn about how to introduce yourself,

asking personal information and to be.
(pada kali ini, kita akan belajar tentang cara memperkenalkan diri, bertanya
tentang data diri seseorang dan belajar tentang to be)
Let’s open your book!

Question and responses that you can use in introducing:

(pertanyaan dan jawaban yang bisa kalian untuk berkenalan)
Question Responses
What is your name ? My name is…..
(siapa namamu?) (namaku adalah…..)
Where are you from ? I am from…..
(darimana asalmu?) (saya berasal dari…)
Where do you live? I live at….
(dimana kamu tinggal?) (saya tinggal di….)
What is your address? My address is ………street
(dimana alamatmu?) (alamatku adalah jalan………)
How old are you? I am…… years old
(berapa umurmu?) (umur saya …. tahun)
What is your telephone My telephone number is….
number? (nomor teleponku adalah…..)
(berapa nomor teleponmu?)
What is your hobby? My hobby is…
(apa hobimu?) (hobiku adalah…..)
What is your mother’s My mother’s name is….
name? (nama ibuku adalah….)
(siapa nama ibumu?
Do you have a brother or Yes, I have (ya saya punya)
sister? No, I haven’t (saya tidak
(apakah kamu mempunyai punya)
saudara laki-laki atau
saudara perempuan?)
How many brothers and I have …… sisters/brothers
sisters do you have? (saya mempunyai …… saudara)
(berapa saudara yang kamu
Nice to meet you Nice to meet you too
(senang bertemu denganmu) (senang bertemu denganmu
What is your occupation ? I am a………
(apa pekerjaanmu?) (saya adalah seorang……)
How do you do How do you do
(apa kabar) diucapkan saat Respon nya sama juga dengan
pertama kali bertemu sapaan)
Asking Personal Information
Task 1.1
A. Read the conversation below! Answer the questions with your personal

A : Hello, how are you? Hello, how are you?

B : I am fine, thanks.

A : What is your name? What is your name?

B : My name is Sasha.

A : Where do you come from? Where do you come from?

B : I come from Jakarta.

A : Where do you live? Where do you live?

B : I live in Garut.

A : Who do you live with? Who do you live with?

B : I live with my family.

A : How old are you? How old are you?

B : I am nine years old.

A : Where and when were you born? Where and when were you born?

B : I was born in Jakarta on March 2nd, 2000

A : Where do you study? Where do you study?

B : I study in SD Garut 1.

A : What is your father’s name? What is your father’s name?

B : My father’s name is Tony.

A : What is your mother’s name? What is your mother’s name?

B : My mother’s name is Abby.

A : How many brothers do you have? How many brothers do you have?

B : I have one brother.

A : How many sisters do you have? How many sisters do you have?

B : I don’t have any sister.

Task 1.2
A : What is your telephone number? What is your telephone number?
B : My telephone number is 253 698.

A : What is your hobby? What is your hobby?

B : My hobby is studying.

A : What is your favorite color? What is your favorite color?

B : My favorite color is red.

A : What is your favorite subject? What is your favorite subject?

B : My favorite subject is Mathematics.

A : What is your favorite food? What is your favorite food?

B : My favorite food is fried rice.

A : What is your favorite drink? What is your favorite drink?

B : My favorite drink is orange juice.

A : What is your favorite fruit? What is your favorite fruit?

B : My favorite fruit is apple.

A : What is your favorite vegetable? What is your favorite vegetable?

B : My favorite vegetable is carrot.

Task 1.3
Questions: Answers:

1. What is _ ? My _____________is Jenny.

2. Where _ ? I come _____________China.

3. Where _ ? I _____________ Kediri.

4. What is _ ? My _________is Pine street

5. What is _ ? My telephone ______is 9723 4444.

6. How ____? I am _________ years old

7. What is your _________________? My ________ is reading a book.

8. What is your __________________? I am student.

Introducing yourself
The example of introducing yourself :

Example 1:
Hello, my name is Dina. I was born in Kediri, 20th
February, 2000. I am a student. I study at SDK
Santo Yosef Kediri. I am nine years old. I live at Pine
Street, Kediri. My hobby is dancing. My mother’s
name is Jane and my father’s name is Eddy. I have
two sisters and two brothers.

Example 2:
Hello, I am Dania Putri.
Please call me Dania.
I am ten years old.
I live at Banteng street number 40.

Task 1.4
Please make a short paragraph introducing yourself.
(buatlah paragraph pendek tentang perkenalanmu)

Task 1.5
Complete the paragraph below
(lengkapilah paragraf dibawah ini)
To be
There are 3 to be in English: is, am, are
am : digunanakan untuk Is : digunakan Are:
subjek untuk subjek digunakan
untuk subjek
I (saya) He (dia laki- You (kamu)
Contoh: She(dia They(mereka)
I am a student perempuan)
(saya adalah seorang
1 nama orang We (kami)
Misal : Andi Lebih dari 1
orang misal :
Jane and

Contoh : Contoh :
she is a nurse We are a
(dia adalah police
seorang (kami adalah
perawat) seorang

Task 1.6
Fill in the blank with the correct answer!
(isilah titik titik dibawah ini dengan jawaban yang benar)

1. I _______ a teacher

2. You _____ a chef

3. We _______ a student

4. My mother _____ a doctor

5. They _______ a farmer

6. Andi and Anto ______ a mechanic

7. She ____ my sister

8. He ____ my father

9. My grandfather _____ fisherman

10. It _____ a pet

Circle True or False!
1. Amanda is NOT my best friend. True False
2. Amanda does not live in Margahayu. True False
3. Amanda is short. True False
4. Amanda is NOT short. True False
5. Amanda is very smart. True False

Answer the questions!

1. How old is Amanda? _

2. Where does Amanda live?

3. When does Amanda play with her friends?

4. Where does Amanda do homework?

5. What are Amanda’s hobbies?

Checking Ability 1
Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) A, B ,C or D
Pilihlahjawaban yang benardenganmemberitandasilang (x) padahuruf A,B, C atau D

1. Tata is a new member SDK St.Yosef.

She introduced herself
Tata : Hallo friend ..................
a. Let me to introduce myself.
b. I am happy to meet you.
c. Let me introduce you to the audiences.
d. May I introduce you to the audiences .

2. Ega was at a party. There were a lot of guests there that Ega didn’t know.
Ega : Excuse me, My name is Ega Rustandi.
Guest : Hello, Ega. I’m John. How do you do?
John :...........................
a. Nice to see you.
b. How do you do?
c. Fine, thanks
d. I’m glad to know you.

3. ''Hello, ... is Nadin.”

A. my
B. I am
C. what
D. my name

4. Diana : “... is your name?”

Rafi : My name is Rafi.'“
A. What
B. That
C. This
D. It

5. . Sena : “Good moning, Via.”

Via : “ ... “
A. Good night
B. Good morning
C. Good evening
D. Good afternoon

6. Alda :”How are you?”

Ghea : “...”
A. I am
B. Fine
C. My name
D. I am fine

7. Reza : “ ... are you?”

Ima : “I am ten years old.”
A. What
B. What is
C. How old
D. How do
8. Mary : “Nice to meet you”
Anggi : “ ... “
A. Good morning
B. How are you
C. How do you do
D. Nice to meet you, too

9. Syifa : ”... are you from?

Kayla : “I am from Bogor.”
A. How
B. What
C. When
D. Where

Text for number 10-15

I would like to introduce myself.
My name is Fatya Kartika.
My nick name is Fatya.
I am 10 years old. I am a student.
I am from Bogor

10. The girl is ...

A. Drawing
B. studying
C. listening
D. introducing

11. The girl name is ...

A. Fatya
B. Kartika
C. Kartika Fatya
D. Fatya kartika

12. The girl's nick name is ...

A. Fatya
B. Kartika
C. Tika
D. Tya

13. Fatya is ... years old.

A. seven
B. eight
C. nine
D. ten

14. Fatya is a ...

A. teacher
B. student
C. doctor
D. nurse

15. Fatya is from ...

A. Bogor
B. Padang
C. Jakarta
D. Bandung
16. she … a nurse

A. is
B. am
C. are
D. you

17. I …… a student
A. is
B. am
C. are
D. you

18. Andi and Ana ……….a student

A. is
B. am
C. are
D. you

19. ……………… do you live ?

A. what is
B. where
C. how
D. who

20. A : “……………………………..”
B : “ I am nine years old”
A. what is your name
B. where do you live
C. how old are you
D. who is he

II. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer !

Isilah titik dibawah ini dengan jawaban benar !

Isilah dengan am, is dan are!

1. The doll ____ red.
2. The books _____ blue.
3. The chair _____ black.
4. It ____ a toy car.
5. The dogs ____ hungry.
6. She ____ my friend.
7. I ____ a teacher.
8. Rindi and Dini ____ friends.
9. Sandi ____ a good student.
10. The students ____ in the classroom.

III. Complete the dialog!

(lengkapi dialog berikut!)
Lisa: “how do do you do?”
Doni: “_________________.”
Lisa: “__________________?
Doni: “my name Doni Prasetyo. You can call Doni. And you? What is your name?”
Lisa: “___________ is Lisa Adinta. You can call Lisa. “
Doni: “Nice to meet you.”
Lisa: “__________________.”
Doni: “lisa, ___________ from?”
Lisa: “I come from Jakarta. You?”
Doni: “I come from East Java.”
Lisa: “______________?”
Doni: “I live around the Diponogoro. If you?”
Lisa: “I live around the Sudirman street
Lisa: “roughly been 1 year. Okay, I should go to college. See you later.”
Doni: “___________________.”

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