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6 unsa FAKULTAS ILMU KESEHATAN (FiKes) nis SHAPER ep 1 Mat 206 Program Sut Youyakarta Universitas ‘Aisyiyah { REFERENCE LETTER ‘TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN | as the Dean of Faculty of Health Sciences Universitas ‘Aisyiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia is happy to recommend our students whose names are listed below to join in the Virtual English ‘Summer Camp organized by Far Eastern University Manila, Philippines: NAME ‘STUDY PROGRAM ] TRISULA AGUS KARYANTO. Medical Laboratory Technolog) | NUR SAFITRL Bachelor of Nursing, | RR CHINTANA HERISTYA MAYLANI Diploma of Midwifery NAHLA ALFIRA DWI UTAML Diploma of Midwifery | NUNIK SULISTYOWATI Diploma of Midwifery PUTERI SALMA PERMATASARI Diploma of Midwifery ml NUR ALFIYAH, ‘Medical Laboratory Technology RAMADHANI EGANTARI Diploma of Midwifery ‘ALFIYATUL NGULUM Diploma of Midwifery | ‘ANNISA FITRI ALGHIFARA Diploma of Midwifery VIDA NAFISATUL FAIRIVAH Dipiomea of Midwifery ‘YUNISA WULANDART Diploma of Midwifery ‘GIWANG GAYATRI Diploma of Midwifery EMELIYAWATI Medizal Laboratory Technology [LUTELFAUZIAH. Bachelor of Nursing ‘SONYA KARUNIAINTAN Diploma of Midwifery RADEN RARA SHOLIEAH SETIANL Diploma of Midwifery z — "ANJAR FIFI WULANDARI Diploma of Midwifery DEVI WIDIANINGSIH Diploma of Midwife ERIYAS PUTRI W. Diploma of Midwifery are This letter is written as an endorsement/ reference letter. Should you have any further question, please do not hesitate to contact me through our International Office at jop@unisayoaya acid Kampus I: J, Muni No, 267, Serangan, Nampilan, Yogyakarta | Telp: (0274) 374427 Kampus Terpadu J Silwergi (Ringroad Barat) No. 63 Nogotio, Gamping, Sloman, Yogyakarta 85292 Tap azray 4460190 | Fax : (0274) 4460204 | Emel: fikes@unisayogya.acid| nfo@unisayogye.acié | worwunisayogya. acid — Dips ensan Comscanner € unsa FAKULTAS ILMU KESEHATAN (FiKes) Universitas ‘Aisyiyah Progam Si: Youyakarta Deel 9 Tee acer dc aa xxx REFERENCE LETTER ‘TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. | as the Dean of Facully of Health Sciences Universitas ‘Aisyiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia is happy to recommend our students whose names are listed below to jin in the Vitual English ‘Summer Camp organized by Far Easter University Manila, Philippines: NAME ‘STUDY PROGRAM. ‘AQIGAH ARSYA RIADY. - Medical Laboratory Technology. aura NOVIVANTI RAHMAN LABOY. Medical Laboratory Technolog BESKA ALFATIHAH. Medical Laboratory Technolog FITRIAINUN NIKMAH. Bachelor of Nursing ALFATHAN FATHURRABMAN ALIYU Medical Laboratory Technology. HAVIDA WIDYASTUTI Medical Laboralory Technology. NURUL AZIZAH z= Medical Laboralory Technology DAFFA AULIA AL-AZIZAH Medical Laboratory Technology ‘SARI CAHYANT Diploma of Midwifery | ‘YULIA NUR'ALIVAH. Bachelor of Nutrition RISNA IRAWATI Medical Laboraiory Technology ‘LULU LATIFATUSADIYAH Bachelor of Nutiion ‘ALFISA FAUZIA NUGRAHENI Diploma of Midwifery MARISCA VELLA REZA. Diploma of Midwifery TRY YUNITA KHASANAA Bachelor of Nutiton KARTININGSIH, Bachelor of Nutiion EKA DEVI RAHMAWATI Medical Laboratory Technology ‘AINUN SALSABELLA | Medical Laboratory Technology ‘SISKA BELLA Diploma of Midwifery ‘SRI BUSAN ‘Medical Laboratory Technology zi DITA DIANA FEBRIANTI a | Bachelor of Midwifery RARANIA TILANA WULANDARI Bachelor of Midwifery \VARRA SHAVIRA YUNIAR Bachelor of Midwifery This letter is written as an endorsement/ reference letter. Should you have any further question, please do not hesitate to contact me through our International Office at id. Kampus |: J Muni No. 267, Serangan, Namplan, Yogyakarta_| Telp.: (0274) 374427 Kampus Terpadu: J. Swang (Ringroad Barat) No, 63 Nogotito, Gamping, Sleman, Yogyakarta 55202 Telp. (0274) 4469198 | Fax : (0274) 4469204 | Emel: fkes(|info@unisayogya.acidé | www.unisayogya acia moun Dips’ ensan Camscanner « unlsa Universitas ‘Aisylyah Youyakarta FAKULTAS ILMU KESEHATAN (FiKes) REFERENCE LETTER TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN | as the Dean of Faculty of Health Sciences Universitas ‘Aisyiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia is happy to recommend our students whose names are listed below to joi the Virtual English ‘Summer Camp organized by Far Eastern University Manila, Philippines: z NAME ‘STUDY PROGRAM. ‘SUGIHARTINI Diploma ofWidwitery MUKHAROMAH Diploma of Midwifery (CUT AFIFAH SALSABILA Diploma of Midwifery = NOVA ANDRIYANA RAHMATILLAH, Diploma of Midwifery ‘SALMA KARISA, Bachelor of Nutrition | -MUTIARA CAHYA HAT IARI AL-HAKIM Bachelor of Nutiion SITIUMAIRA Bachelor of Nutrition CHINTYA DEVI ANGGRANI Bachelor of Nutiton ‘WULANSARI PASARIBU Bachelor of Nutrition ‘ZALFA MAHDIYAH Bachelor of Nution. DILAH AMALIA PUSPITA Diploma of Midwifery MEREDITHA CAHYANI Diploma of Midwifery ‘AUDRY CHOIRUNISSA Diploma of Midwifery DECCY NOPIYANA Diploma of Midwifery DECCY NOPIYANA Diploma of Midwifery MEREDITHA CAHYANI Diploma of Midwitery NANDA BIMBI NOVITASARI Diploma of Midwifery LOULA SETYANIN TYAS ‘Bachelor of Nutnbon zs "NURASSIFANIAH ‘Bachelor of Nutrition FITRI AINUN NIKMAH Bachelor of Nursing JULIA NURSAHBANL Diploma of Midwifery This letter is written as an endorsement/ reference letter. Should you have any further question, please do not hesitate fo contact me through our International Office at Kampus |: J Muni No. 267, Serangan, Namplian, Yooyakarta_| Telp.: (0274) 374427 ‘Kampus Terpadu : JI. Sitwang) (Ringroad Barat) No. 63 Nogotrto, Gamping, Sleman, Yoayekarta 55292 Telp.: (0274) 4469109 | Fax. : (0274) 4469204 | Emall: fkes@unisayogy i | info@unisayogy Biset Tina, 5 Se, MF 1cid_| voww unisayogya acid Dips ensen Comscanner

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