Anda di halaman 1dari 31


Answer all the questions

1. Rajah di bawah menunjukkan gambar makanan.

The diagram below shows picture of foods


(a) Berdasarkan Rajah di atas, isikan kan ruang kosong dengan P, Q atau R untuk
mewakili kelas makan dalam jadual
Base on the Diagram above, fill in the empty space with P, Q or R that best
represent the class of food in the table

[2 markah]
[2 mark]

(b) Lukiskan garisan untuk memadankan gambar dengan fungsinya.

Draw lines to match pictures with their functions.

Makanan Fungsi
Food Functions
Membina sel baru dan
menggantikan sel yang mati
Build new cells and replace dead

Membekalkan tenaga kepada

Q badan kita
Supply our body with energy

Membantu pembuangan najis dan

mencegah sembelit
Help in defecation and prevent
[3 markah]
[3 marks]
(c) Jadual menunjukkan 3 menu.
Table shows 3 menus.

Tandakan (√ )untuk diet yang paling sesuai bagi pesakit tersebut.

Mark (√ ) for the most suitable diet for the patient.

Menu 1 Menu 2 Menu 3

Menu 1 Menu 2 Menu 3

Kentang goreng Cucur udang Ikan kukus

Fried potatoes Prawn fritters Steamed fish

Ayam kari Mee Salad sayuran

Curry chicken Noodle Vegetable salad

Kopi Ais Minuman Susu segar

Iced Coffee berkarbonat Fresh milk
Carbonated drinks

[1 markah]
[1 marks]

2. (a) Organisma-organisma dalam jadual berikut berinteraksi dengan satu lagi

organisma lain dalam hubungan simbiosis. Nyatakan interaksi-interaksi tersebut
dalam ruang kosong dengan pilihan perkataan-perkataa berikut
Organismes in the tablebelow interact with another organisme in a simbiosis
relationshp. State the interactions of organismes in the spaces provided with yhe
choice of word below.

Komensalisme Mutualisme Parasitisme

Commensalism Mutualism Parasitism

Haiwan Jenis interaksi

Animals Types of interaction

[3 markah]
[3 marks]

(b) Padankan istilah di bawah dengan maksud yang betul jesteru mengisi ruang
kosong dengan P , Q dan R
Match the terms below with the correct meanings by filling the empty space of
the table using

P : Pengeluar / Producer

Q : Pengguna / Consumer

R : Pengurai / Decomposer

Organism yang memakan tumbuhan sebagai sumber makanan secara

langsung atau tidak langsung
Animals which feed on plants as a source of food directly or indirectly.

Tumbuhan hijau yang boleh menghasilkan makanan sendiri.

Green plants which can manufacture food on their own.

Bakteria dan kulat yang mengurai tumbuhan dan haiwan yang mati
kepada bahan mineral.
Bacteria and the fungi which break down dead plants and dead animals
into mineral substances.
[3 markah]
[3 marks]

3. (a) Tumbuhan hanya boleh tumbuh mendekati rangsangan atau menjauhi rangsangan
tetapi tidah dapat bergerak dari satu tempat ke tempat yang lain.
Plants can only grow towards stimuli or avoid stimuli but cannot move from
one place to another.

(i) Apakah jenis gerak balas yang ditunjukkan dalam gambar di atas?
What type of response shown in the above diagram?

[1 markah]
[1 mark]

(ii) Mengapakah gerak balas ini penting kepada tumbuhan?

Why this response is useful to plants?

[1 markah]
[1 mark]

(b) A dan B dilabelkan pada bahagian-bahagian tertentu pada tumbuhan tersebut

A and B is labeled on certain parts of the plant

Bahagian A menunjukkan fototropisme positif dan hidrotropisme

Part A shows positive phototropism and negative hydrotropism.

Bahagian B menunjukkan fototropisme negatif dan hidrotropisme

Part B shows negative phototropism and positive hydrotropism.

Apakah bahagian A dan bahagian B?

What is part A and part B?

[2 markah]
[2 marks]

(c) Rajah di bawah menunjukkan gerak balas tumbuhan selepas disentuh.

The diagram below shows the response of a plant after being touched.

(i) Namakan jenis gerak balas yang ditunjukkan.

Name the type of response shown.

[1 markah]
[1 mark]

(ii) Apakah tujuan gerak balas tersebut?

What is the purpose of the response?

[1 markah]
[1 mark]

4. (a) Rajah di bawah menunjukkan satu sel pipi manusia yang diperhatikan di bawah
sebuah mikroskop.
The diagram below shows the human cheek cell observed under a microscope.


Berdasarkan rajah di atas, tulis Benar atau Palsu bagi pernyataan berikut
mengenai bahagian-bahagian dalam sel.
Based on the diagram above, write True or False for the following statements
regarding the parts in the cell.

Bahagian A melindungi sel dan mengawal laluan air dan gas-gas

yang merentasinya.
Part A protects cell and controls the passage of water and gases
through it.
Bahagian C menyimpan sap sel.
Part C stores cell sap.
Bahagian B mengawal semua aktiviti sel.
Part B controls all the activities of the cell.

[3 markah]
[3 marks]

(b) (i) Rajah di bawah menunjukkan organisasi sel di dalam badan manusia.
Diagram below shows the organisation of cell in the human body.

Tuliskan jawapan yang betul pada ruangan disediakan dalam rajah tersebut
daripada pilihan berikut.
Write the correct answer in the space given in the diagram with the
following choices.

Saraf Organ Tisu Otot

Nerves Organ Tissue Muscle

→ →


Organisma Sistem
Organism System
[2 markah]
[2 marks]

(ii) Di bawah menunjukkan pelbagai system yang berfungsi dalam badan

manusia. Tandakan ( ) sistem yang menunjukkan sistem peredaran darah
dalam badan.
Below shows various systems that function in human body. Tick ( ) the
correct system which shows the blood circulatory system in the body.

( ) ( ) ( )
[1 markah]
[1 mark]

5. Rajah di bawah menunjukkan sistem perkumuhan manusia.

Diagram below shows the human excretory system.

P : ........................................

Q : ........................................

R : ........................................

(a) Pada rajah di atas, labelkan organ P, Q dan R menggunakan perkataan berikut :
On diagram above, label the organs P, Q and R using the following words :

Kulit Peparu Ginjal

Skin Lung Kidney

[3 markah]
[3 marks]

(b) Lukis garisan untuk memadankan setiap sistem badan manusia dengan fungsi
Draw lines to match each system of the human body with its function.

Sistem Fungsi
System Function

Untuk mempertahankan badan terhadap

to defend the body against disease

Untuk menghantar maklumat ke seluruh

bahagian badan.
to transmit messages to everypart of the

Untuk mencernakan makanan supaya ia

mudah diserap
to digest food so that it can be readily

Untuk menyokong berat badan dan

melindungi organ dalaman.
to support the weight of the body and
protect internal organs.

[3 markah]
[3 marks]

6. (a) Jadual di bawah menunjukkan tiga keadaan air. Lengkapkan jadual di bawah
dengan mengisi perkataan pepejal, cecair atau gas di dalam petak yang
disediakan untuk menunjukkan keadaan jirim air yang betul.
The following table shows the three states of water. Complete the table below by
filling the words solid, liquid or gas in the boxes provided to indicate the correct
state of matter.

Air / Water

Kiub ais / Ice cubes

Wap air / Water vapor

[3 markah]
[3 marks]

Rajah di bawah menunjukkan susunan zarah-zarah dalam salah satu keadaan jirim.
The diagram below shows the arrangement of particles in one of the states of matter.

(b) Tandakan ( ) keadaan jirim berdasarkan susunan zarah-zarah ini.

Tick ( ) the state of matter based on the arrangement of these particles.

Pepejal / Solid

Cecair / Liquid

Gas / Gas
[1 markah]
[1 mark]

(c) Berdasarkan jawapan anda di (b). Tandakan ( ) ciri-ciri yang betul bagi keadaan
jirim ini.
Based on your answer in (b). Tick ( ) the correct characteristics of this state of

Mempunyai bentuk yang tetap.

Has a definite shape.
Mempunyai isi padu yang tetap.
Has a fixed volume.
Boleh dimampatkan.
Can be compressed.
Mudah mengalir.
Flows easily.
[2 markah]
[2 marks]

7. (a) Padankan bentuk tenaga yang betul bagi rajah di bawah.

Match the correct forms of energy on the diagram below.

Contoh Bentuk tenaga

Examples Forms of energy

Tenaga kimia
• •
Chemical energy

Tenaga bunyi
• •
Sound energy

Tenaga cahaya
• •
Light energy

[3 markah]
[3 marks]

(b) Rajah di bawah menunjukkan satu bandul ringkas yang berayun dari P to Q dan
ke R.
Diagram below shows a simple pendulum that swings from P to Q and then to R.


(i) Berdasarkan rajah di atas, apakah perubahan tenaga yang dihasilkan pada
kedudukan yang berlabel X dan Y?
Based on the diagram above, what are the energy changes produced on the
position labelled X and Y?

X: →

Y: →
[2 markah]
[2 marks]

(ii) Tandakan ( ) pernyataan yang betul berdasarkan rajah yang ditunjukkan di

Tick ( ) the correct statement based on the diagram shown above.

Bandul mempunyai tenaga kinetic yang maksimum pada

kedudukan Q.
The pendulum has the maximum kinetic energy at position Q.

Bandul mempunyai tenaga keupayaan yang maksimum pada

kedudukan Q.
The pendulum has the maximum potential energy at position Q.
[1 markah]
[1 mark]

8. (a) Rajah di bawah menunjukkan model molekul metana.

The following diagram shows the model of methane molecule.


(i) Adakah metana ialah sejenis sebatian, campuran atau unsur? Berikan alasan
pada pilihan jawapan anda.
Is methane a compound, mixture or element? Give a reason to your choice
of answer.

[2 markah]
[2 marks]

(ii) Apakah perbezaan antara sebatian dengan campuran?

What are the differences between a compound and a mixture?

[2 markah]
[2 marks]

(iii Apakah proses yang digunakan untuk memisahkan komponen dalam

) campuran dan sebatian?
What are the processes used to separate the components in the compounds
and mixtures?

[2 markah]
[2 marks]

9. (a) Rajah menunjukkan keratan rentas telinga manusia.

Diagram shows the cross section of a human ear.

Namakan dan berikan fungsi-fungsi struktur P dan Q.

Name and give the functions of structure P and Q.

Nama Fungsi
Name Function

[3 markah]
[3 mark]

(b) Rajah menunjukkan aktiviti untuk mengkaji ciri-ciri bunyi. Loceng elektrik
Diagram shows an activity to investigate the properties of sound. The electric
bell is switched on.


Bell jar
Serkup kaca

Electric bell
Loceng elektrik

To vacuum pump
Ke pam vakum

(i) Apakah yang berlaku kepada bunyi loceng apabila suis pam vakum
What happens to the sound of the bell when the vacuum pump is
switched on?

[1 markah]
[1 mark]

(ii) Pam vakum dimatikan dan udara memasuki semula ke dalam serkup
Jelaskan apa yang berlaku kepada bunyi loceng.
The vacuum pump is then switched off and the air flows slowly back into
the bell jar.
Explain what happens to the sound of the bell.

[2 markah]
[2 marks]

10. Ikan paus dan ikan jerung merupakan haiwan yang hidup dalam laut. Namun,
kedua-dua haiwan ini tidak diletakkan dalam kelas yang sama. Ikan paus
merupakan sejenis mamalia, manakala ikan jerung merupakan sejenis ikan.
Whales and sharks are animals living in the sea. However, these two animals are
not placed in the same class. A whale is a mammal, while a shark is a fish.

(a) Nyatakan dua perbezaan antara ikan paus dan ikan jerung.
Describe two animals of whale and shark.


[2 markah]
[2 marks]

(b) Makhluk paling besar di Bumi merupakan paus biru. Paus biru merupakan
haiwan yang hampir pupus akibat aktiviti pemburuan oleh manusia.
The biggest creature on the Earth is the blue whale. Blue whale is almost
extinct due to hunting activities.

(i) Apakah kesan kepupusan haiwan ini terhadap biodiversiti?

What is the effect of extinction of this animal on biodiversity?

[2 markah]
[2 marks]
(ii) Cadangkan dua langkah untuk memelihara dan melindungi ikan paus biru
daripada kepupusan.
Suggest two ways to preserve and protect the blue whale from extinction.

[2 markah]
[2 marks]

11. (a) Manusia adalah organisma multisel yang kompleks kerana mereka mempunyai
pelbagai jenis sel-sel yang disusun ke dalam sel-sel, tisu, organ dan sistem.
Humans are complex multi cellular organisms because they have different types
of cells that are organized into cells, tissues, organs and systems.

Berdasarkan organisasi sel manusia yang diberikan:

Based on the level of cell organization in humans given:

(i) Nyatakan dua organ lain yang terlibat dalam sistem pencernaan.
Name two other organs which involve in digestive system.

[2 markah]
[2 marks]

(ii) Namakan satu sistem lain dalam badan manusia. Nyatakan fungsinya.
Name another system in human body. State its function.

[2 markah]
[2 marks]

(b) Setiap sistem dalam badan manusia perlu dijaga supaya proses kehidupan
manusia tidak terganggu.
Terangkan langkah-langkah yang perlu dijalankan untuk memastikan sistem
dalam badan manusia berfungsi dengan baik.
Every system in human body should be taken care carefully so that the life
processes can be carried out undisturbed. Describe the actions that need to be
taken to make sure these systems function well.

[6 markah]
[6 marks]

12. Di bawah menunjukkan beberapa fakta mengenai buah kiwi. Ia terkenal sebagai
buah-buahan yang sihat.
Below shows some facts about kiwi fruit. It is well-known as healthy fruit.

Ews Possible health benefits of consuming kiwis


Consuming fruits and vegetables of all kinds has long been associated with a
reduced risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancer and other conditions. Many studies
have shown that increased consumption of plant foods like kiwis decreases the risk
of obesity and overall mortality.
Beautiful Skin: Collagen, the skins support system, is reliant on vitamin C as an
essential nutrient that works in our bodies as an antioxidant to help prevent damage
caused by the sun, pollution and smoke, smooth wrinkles and improve overall skin
Better Sleep: According to a study on the effects of kiwifruit consumption on sleep
quality in adults with sleep problems, it was found that kiwi consumption may
improve sleep onset, duration, and efficiency in adults with self-reported sleep
Heart Health: The fibre and potassium in kiwis support heart health. An increase in
potassium intake along with a decrease in sodium intake is the most important
dietary change that a person can make to reduce their risk of cardiovascular disease,
according to Mark Houston, MD, MS, an associate clinical professor of medicine at
Vanderbilt Medical School and director of the Hypertension Institute at St Thomas
Hospital in Tennessee.

In one study, those who consumed 4069 mg of potassium per day had a 49% lower risk
of death from ischemic heart disease compared with those who consumed less
potassium (about 1000 mg per day).
High potassium intakes are also associated with a reduced risk of stroke, protection
against loss of muscle mass, preservation of bone mineral density and reduction in the
formation of kidney stones.
Lowering Blood Pressure: Because of their high potassium content, kiwis can help
negate the effects of sodium in the body. It is possible that a low potassium intake is
just as big of a risk factor in developing high blood pressure as a high sodium intake.
According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, fewer than 2% of
US adults meet the daily 4700 mg recommendation for potassium.3
Also of note, a high potassium intake is associated with a 20% decreased risk of dying
from all causes.
Constipation Prevention: Numerous studies have reported that the kiwi may have a
mild laxative effect and could be used as a dietary supplement especially for elderly
individuals experiencing constipation. Regular consumption of kiwifruit was shown to
promote bulkier, softer and more frequent stool production.

(a) Adakah anda bersetuju dengan pernyataan yang diberi di atas?

Jelaskan pendapat anda dengan bukti-bukti yang disokong.
Do you agree with the statement given above?
Justify your opinion with supported evidence.

[3 markah]
[3 marks]

(b Encik Lee mengalami masalah kolesterol tinggi. Cadangkan tiga cara untuk
) menurunkan tahap kolesterolnya.
Mr Lee suffers from high cholesterol. Suggest three ways to reduce her
cholesterol level.

[3 markah]
[3 marks]

(c) Carta pai di bawah menunjukkan keputusan penyelidikan terhadap indeks jisim
badan di sebuah negara.
The pie chart below shows the result of a research on the body mass index of
women in a country.

Terangkan mengapa 18 % wanita mempunyai berat badan yang berlebihan.

and 2 % wanita obes.
Explain why 18 % of women are overweight and 2 % women are obese.

[4 markah]
[4 marks]

13 (a) Rajah di bawah menunjukkan model molekul metana.

. The following diagram shows the model of methane molecule.


(i) Adakah metana ialah sejenis sebatian, campuran atau unsur? Berikan alasan
pada pilihan jawapan anda.
Is methane a compound, mixture or element? Give a reason to your choice
of answer.

[2 markah]
[2 marks]

(ii) Apakah perbezaan antara sebatian dengan campuran?

What are the differences between a compound and a mixture?

[2 markah]
[2 marks]

(iii Apakah proses yang digunakan untuk memisahkan komponen dalam

) campuran dan sebatian?
What are the processes used to separate the components in the compounds
and mixtures?

[2 markah]
[2 marks]

13. Rajah menunjukkan pembakaran lilin dalam balang gas.

Diagram shows the combustion of candle in a gas jar.

Fluid X
Bendalir X

Lime water
Air kapur

(a) (i) Apakah bendalir X?

What is fluid X?

[1 markah]
[1 mark]
(ii) Cadangkan bagaimana anda boleh menguji bendalir X.
Suggest how you can test fluid X.

[1 markah]
[1 marks]
(b) Nyatakan faktor-faktor untuk pembakaran dengan merujuk kepada segitiga api.
State the factors needed for combustion by referring to the fire triangle.




[2 markah]
[2 marks]

Air pollution happens when the air contains of harmful substances and
these substances damage the environment.
Pencemaran udara berlaku apabila udara mengandungi bahan berbahaya
dan bahan-bahan ini yang merosakkan persekitaran

Lengkapakan jadual di bawah untuk menunjukkan pencemaran udara dan

Complete the table below to shows examples of air pollution and its effects.

Air pollutant Effect

Pencemaran udara Kesan

[3 markah]
[3 marks]

(d) Cadangkan tiga langkah untuk mengawal pencemaran udara.

Suggest three steps to control and prevent air pollution.

[3 markah]
[3 marks]

14. (a) Rajah menunjukkan komposisi udara.

Diagram shows the composition of air.

(21%) L

Nitrogen Inert gas

Nitrogen Gas nadir

Namakan gas K dan L.

Name gases K and L.


[2 markah]
[2 marks]

(b) Rajah menunjukkan satu eksperimen yang dijalankan oleh sekumpulan pelajar.
Diagram shows an experiment conducted by a group of students.

Gas jar
Balang gas

(i) Nyatakan pemerhatian eksperimen ini.
State the observation for this experiment.

[1 markah]
[1 mark]

(ii) Namakan gas yang habis digunakan oleh lilin itu.

Name the gas used up the candle.

[1 markah]
[1 mark

(iii) Berdasarkan rajah, nyatakan gas yang digunakan untuk fotosintesis.

Based on diagram, state the gas used for photosynthesis.

[2 markah]
[2 marks]

(c) Baca petikan di bawah dan jawab soalan yang berikut.

Read the excerpt below and answer the questions that follow.

Pencemaran udara merupakan satu pengenalan kepada partikel,

molekul biologi atau bahan merbahaya di dalam atmosfera Bumi
apabila dibebaskan ke udara, biasanya menyebabkan penyakit,
kematian manusia, merosakkan hidupan seperti hasil pertanian atau
alam semulajadi
<Dipetik daripada Wikipedia>

Air pollution is the introduction of particulates, biological molecules,

or other harmful materials into the Earth's atmosphere, possibly
causing disease, death to humans, damage to other living organisms
such as food crops, or the natural or built environment.
<Taken from Wikipedia>

Nyatakan kesan pencemaran udara ke atas pihak yang tersenarai di bawah.

Describe the effects of air pollution to the parties listed below.

Human Beings:




[4 markah]
[4 marks]

Hutan memainkan peranan yang penting dalam mengurangkan
perubahan iklim kerana ia merupakan penyerap karbon. Hutan
menyerap karbon dioksida yang sebaliknya akan menjadi bebas di
atmosfera dan menyumbang kepada perubahan dalam corak iklim.
Pembasmian hutan melemahkan fungsi penting penyerapan karbon
ini. Dianggarkan 15 % daripada semua pelepasan gas rumah hijau
adalah hasil daripada penebangan hutan.
Forests play a critical role in mitigating climate change because
they act as a carbon sink — soaking up carbon dioxide that would
otherwise be free in the atmosphere and contribute to ongoing
changes in climate patterns. Deforestation undermines this
important carbon sink function. It is estimated that 15% of all
greenhouse gas emissions are the result of deforestation.
(Diambil dari

Huraikan kesan bahaya pembasmian hutan. Cadangkan cara-cara untuk

pemeliharaan dan pemuliharaan hutan.
Describe harmful effects of deforestation and suggest ways to preserve and
conserve forest.

[4 markah]
[4 marks]

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