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% PEMERINTAH PROVINS! SULAWESI SELATAN SEKRETARIAT DEWAN PERWAKILAN RAKYAT DAERAH Jl. Jend, UripSumoharjoNo.59Telp. (0411) 453344 ~ 453646 - 453461 Fax 453562 MAKASSAR 90232 KERANGKA ACUAN KERJA (KAK) PEKERJAAN PENGADAAN BELANJA MODAL PENGADAAN SOUND SYSTEM PENGGUNA ANGGARAN : SEKRETARIS DPRD PROV. SULSEL SATKER/SKPD : SEKRETARIAT DPRD PROV. SULSEL : Drs. M. JABIR, M.Si NAMA PEKERJAAN BELANJA MODAL PENGADAAN SOUND SYSTEM - AUDIO VIDIO CONFERENCE SYSTEM TERINTEGRAS! RUANG PARIPURNA: CONFERENCE DIGITAL SYSTEM TERINTEGRASI-VIDEO SYSTEM-AUDIO SISTEM PROFESIONAL-MATERIAL DAN INSTALASI 1 SET | NAMA PPK TAHUN ANGGARAN 2020 Urusan Pemerintahan Organisasi Program Kegiatan Lokasi Kegiatan Kode Rekening Tahun Anggaran PEMERINTAH PROVINSI SULAWESI SELATAN SEKRETARIAT DEWAN PERWAKILAN RAKYAT DAERAH Ji. Jend. UripSumoharjoNo.59Telp. (0411) 453344 - 453646 - 453461 Fax 453562 MAKASSAR 90232 KERANGKA ACUAN KERJA (K A K) Term Of Refrence (TO R) 3.00.05 SEKRETARIAT DEWAN 3,00,08.01.00 SEKRETARIAT DPRD Peningkatan Sarana dan Prasarana Aparatur Pengadaan Perlengkapan dan Peralatan Kantor : Kantor DPRD Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan Belanja Modal Pengadaan Sound System 2020 SEKRETARIAT DPRD PROVINSI SULAWESI SELATAN Jalan Urip Sumoharjo No. 59 Makassar Telp (0411) 453344 MAKASSAR PEMERINTAH PROVINSI SULAWESI SELATAN SEKRETARIAT DEWAN PERWAKILAN RAKYAT DAERAH Jl. Jend. UripSumoharjoNo.59Telp. (0411) 453344 ~ 453646 - 453461 Fax 453562 MAKASSAR 90232 KERANGKA ACUAN KERJA (K A K) BELANJA MODAL PENGADAAN SOUND SYSTEM -CONFERENCE DIGITAL SYSTEM TERINTEGRASI-VIDEO SYSTEM-AUDIO SISTEM PROFESIONAL-MATERIAL DAN INSTALASI 1 SET A. LATAR BELAKANG Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah provinsi (DPRD Provinsi) merupakan lembaga perwakilan rakyat daerah yang berkedudukan sebagai unsur penyelenggara pemerintahan daerah provinsi. Salah satu tempat yang sangat penting dalam lingkup kantor DPRD Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan adalah Ruang Rapat Paripurna DPRD Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan beriokasi pada Lantai 3 Gedung Utama DPRD Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan Ruang rapat ini merupakan ruang tempat pelaksanaan rapat-rapat penting yang selalu dihadiri oleh para Musyawarah Pimpinan Daerah Provinsi maupun Kabupaten/Kota Se- ‘Sulawesi Selatan. Peralatan Sound System Saat ini telah berusia lebih dari 8 tahun dan telah sering mengalami trouble yang diakibatkan faktor usia dan instalasi yang telah mengalami banyak kerusakan Dalam rangka pemenuhan kebutuhan Sarana dan Prasarana Perlengkapan dan Peralatan pada Gedung DPRD Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan, terutama kebutuhan-kebutuhan guna percepatan dalam menyerap, menghimpun, menampung dan menindaklanjuti aspirasi dari masyarakat Sulawesi Selatan, diperiukan kuantitas dan kualitas Sound System yang baik dan tekhnologi yang baik pula. Diharapkan dengan adanya Belanja Modal Pengadaan Sound System -Conference Digital System Terintegrasi-Video System-Audio Sistem Profesional-Material Dan Instalasi 1 Set Ruang Rapat Paripurna ini dapat melengkapi kekurangan kebutuhan sarana dan prasarana pada ruang rapét Paripuma tersebut. B. DASAR HUKUM = Peraturan Presiden Republik indonesia Nomor 16 Tahun 2018 Tentang Pengadaan Barang/Jasa. - Undang - undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2014 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah; - Peraturan Daerah Sulawesi Selatan Nomor 13 Tahun 2006 tentang Pokok-pokok pengelolaan keuangan Daerah Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan (LD Prov. Sul.Sel Tahun 2006 Nomor 13, TLD Prov. Sul Sel Tahun 2006 Nomor 230) Sebagaimana telah diubah beberapa kali terakhir dengan Peraturan Daerah Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan; - Peraturan Daerah Nomor : 15 Tahun 2019 tentang Kedudukan, Susunan Organisasi Tugas dan Fungsi Serta Tata Kerja Sekretariat Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah Provinsi ‘Sulawesi Selatan Nomor 3 Tahun 2015 (LD Probinsi Sulawesi Selatan Tahun 2015 Nomor 3, TLD Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan Tahun 2015 Nomor 281); - Peraturan Daerah Sulawesi Selatan Nomor : 13 Tahun 2019 tentang Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah Tahun Anggaran 2020 (LD Prov. Sul.Sel Tahun 201 Nomor 13); = Keputusan Gubernur Sulawesi Selatan Nomor : 1683/VII/TAHUN 2020 Tentang Perubahan Ke Tiga atas Keputusan Gubernur Nomor : 59/I/TAHUN 2020, C, MAKSUD DAN TUJUAN MAKSUD Maksud dari Kegiatan Belanja Modal Pengadaan Sound System -Conference Digital System Terintegrasi-Video System-Audio Sistem Profesional-Material Dan Instalasi 1 Set ini adalah untuk menunjang kebutuhan peralatan dan perlengkapan dalam pelaksanaan Rapat pada Ruang Repat Paripuma Kantor DPRD Provinsi Sulawesi ‘Selatan melalui sarana dan prasarana yang tersedia, TUJUAN Tujuan dari Kegiatan Belanja Modal ini adalah terpenuhinya kebutuhan peralatan dan perlengkapan Rapat-rapat , Khususnya dalam hal perlengkapan dan peralatan Sound System beserta Video System Ruang Rapat Paripuma Kantor DPRD Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan D. INFORMASI PAKET PEKERJAAN Nama Kegiatan Pengadaan Perlengkapan dan Peralatan Kantor (51.009) Tahun Anggaran : 2020 Pagu Anggaran Rp. 2.500.000.000,- Kode Rekening ~ Belanja Modal Pengadaan Sound System ( Alamat Jl. Urip Sumoharjo No. 59 Makassar E. RUANG LINGKUP Kegiatan Belanja Modal Pengadaan Sound System -Conference Digital System Terintegrasi- Video System-Audio Sistem Profesional-Material Dan Instalasi 1 Set, akan diadakan dan diperuntukkan pada Ruang Rapat Paripuma Kantor DPRD Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan, berlokasi di Jalan Urip Sumoharjo No. 59 Makassar F. SPESIFIKASI TEKNIS NO | URAIAN ‘QTY | SPESIFIKASI KETERANGAN PEKERJAAN/ BARANG 1 | Conference 1 Unit |- Power supply 110V — 220VAC ~ Dukungan |__| System Controller Distributor dan = The static power consumption 10W. | - Jaminan i Puma Jual = The maximum power 350W, - LOA (letter OF Autorization) Q | surat principle | ke ATPM = Output power = 110WI24V each road _| - Brosur di stempel ATPM = Harmonic distortion < 0.5%. - NIB (no induk = Harmonic distortion at overload < 1%. | Berusaha) atau |- Weight About 6.5kg Surat = Dimension 430L x 275W x 90H (mm) | Keterangan - Color grey or black Importir (angka | pengenal | importir- ‘i Umum) - Features: Conference control controller can | connect up to 128 sets of meeting unit, | through the expension of the controller, a conference system can access 4096 conference units. Can connect up to 36 sets of ] translastion unit and realize 11+1 kinds of languages simultaneous interpretation funtion. With 12 channels translator unit output. Is connected with special 8 core aviation plug, with translators machine interface, expansion of controller interface, the conference unit interface. Hand in hand or “T* type connection mode With audio input interface. > With multiple sets of acoustic channel output Speaking number limited function | | ‘discution unit number 1/2/4/6 adjustable, chairman unit is not restricted. 1 Support a variety of conference mode | like FIFO, NORMAL, FREE, APPLY | ~ Audio processing using digital equalizer module and noise proessing module make the voice clear two-way audio input two- way audio input two-way audio output connected to peripheral equipments. ‘Support for outomatic camera tracking function ~ With the telephone coupler can hold remote call conference. ‘Support attendance, voting and data management function. The controller can be mounted on a 19 inch standard cabinet. = Features: Conference control controller can connect up to 128 sets of meeting unit, through the expension of the controller, a conference system can access 4096 conference units. Can connect up to 36 sets of translastion unit and realize 11+1 kinds of languages simultaneous interpretation funtion... ~ With 12 channels translator unit output. Ts connected with special 8 core aviation plug, with translators machine interface, expansion of controller interface, the conference unit interface. Hand in hand or “T” type connection mode. ‘With audio input interface > With multiple sets of acoustic channel output ‘Speaking number limited function :discution unit number 1/2/4/6 adjustable, chairman unit is not restricted. = Output power s 110W/24V each road = Brosur di stempel ATPM. = Audio output impedance 1000, mode unbalanced. = NIB (no induk Berusaha) atau ‘Surat Keterangan | Importir (angka pengenal importir- Umum) - Audio Input impedance 100kQ, electircevel -60 dB mode unbalanced. - Frequency response 60 - 16kHz. =_(SIN) > 80dB. =_ Harmonic distortion < 0.5%. = Harmonic distortion at overload < 1%. - Crosstalk attenuation at 1kHz > 50qB. = Weight Maksimal 6.5kg = Dimension Minimal 430L x 275W x 90H (mm) = Color gre |- Features: Conference control controller can connect up to 128 sets of meeting unit, through the expension of the controller, a conference system can access 4096 conference units. Can connect up to 36 sets of translastion unit and realize 11+1 kinds of languages simultaneous interpretation funtion. With 12 channels translator unit output. Is connected with special 8 core aviation plug, with translators machine interface, expansion of controller interface, the conference unit interface. Hand in hand or “T” type connection mode. ~ With audio input interface. With multiple sets of acoustic channel output ‘Speaking number limited function :discution unit number 1/2/4/6 adjustable, chairman unit is not restricted. | + Support a variety of conference mode like FIFO, NORMAL, FREE, APPLY ~ Audio processing using digital equalizer module and noise proessing module make the voice clear two-way audio input two- | way audio input two-way audio output connected to peripheral equipments. ~ Support for outomatic camera tracking function ‘With the telephone coupler can hold remote call conference. ~ Support attendance, voting and data management function. * The controller can be mounted on a 19 inch standard cabinet. VED Discussion 2 Unit |- Power Supply : the controller power —_| - Dukungan dan voting unit, supply or DC24V input Distributor dan chairman unit = Frequency respon 20Hz-20KHz ~Jaminan Pura Jual = Signal-to-noise ratio >80dB = LOA (letter OF Autorization) surat principle ke ATPM = Channel crosstalk >80dB - Brosur di stempel ATPM = Catridge type : Capacitive heart type __| - NIB (no induk single direction Berusaha) atau Surat Keterangan | importir (angka | | pengenal | | importir- Umum = Sensitivity : -46dBV/pa | = Input Impedance 2.2K | = Power of Loadspeaker 2 = Headphone output Earphone load >8 ohm ~_The earphone volume 1omW_ = Display Control 320x64 dot matrix (blue and white) = Table Display 320x64 dot matrix (blue and white) = Total Harmonic distortion <0.05% =_ Maximum power dissipation 7W =_Unit Interface 8 core aviation head = Color Charcoal grey = Dimention Minimal 230.8L x 60.1Wx 69.4H (mm) VED Discussion {7 Unit |- Power Supply : the controller power | - Dukungan dan voting unit, supply or DC24V input Distributor dan delegate unit Frequency respon 20Hz-20KHz - Jaminan Puma Jual Signal-to-noise ratio >80dB = LOA (letter OF Autorization) surat principle ke ATPM Channel crosstalk >80dB - Brosur di stempel ATPM = Catridge type : Capacitive heart type | single direction - NIB (no induk Berusaha) atau ‘Surat Keterangan Importir (angka pengenal importir- Umum = Sensitivity : -46dBVip =_Input Impedance 2.2K = Power of Loadspeaker 2W = Headphone output Earphone load >8 ‘ohm =_ The earphone volume 10mW eer rrr e ee e > Display Control 320x64 dot matrix (blue and white) | = Table Display 320x64 dot matrix (blue i and white) = Total Harmonic distortion <0.05% = Maximum power dissipation 7W =_Unit Interface & core aviation head = Color Charcoal grey | = _Dimention Minimal 230.8L x 60.1W x 69.4H (mm) 5 | Digital System | 83 __| Power Supply: controller power supply | - Dukungan Delegate Unit Unit _| Distributor dan Frequency response . 20H2-20KHz ~ Jaminan Puma Jual ‘Signal to noise ratio >80dB - LOA (letter Of | Autorization) | surat principle ke ATPM ‘Channel crosstalk : >80dB = Brosur di stempel ATPM _ Total harmonic distortion : <0.05% = NIB (no induk Berusaha) atau Surat Keterangan Importir (angka pengenal | importir- Umum | Max power consumption : 1.1W | I Display control display : None i | Simultaneous interpretation function None Unit interface : 8 core aviation head | Color : Dark grey | Dimensions Minimal 21.55 x 13.25 x 4.75 | | cm | 6 | Conference 50 | Power Supply : the controller power ~Dukungan System * Unit | supply Distributor dan Connection Box. Max power dissipation : 0.9W = Jeminan Puma Jual | Unit interface (Input): 12 meters core | - LOA (letter Of air line Autorization) | | surat principle | |keATPM | Unit interface (Output) : 3 8 core aviation | - Brosur di head stempel ATPM Color: Dark grey ~ NIB (no induk Berusaha) atau | Surat Keterangan Importir (angka pengenal importir- Umum Dimensions Minimal 17.7 x 5.2 x 2.9 om 7 [Extention Cable [1 Set | Length 2-100 Meter = Dukungan Conference Distributor dan Is used as the expand connection = Jaminan between the conference host and the Purna Jual ‘expand host or the conference delegate unit. 8 pole cable lockable plugs , 1 male 1 - LOA (letter Of female connector. pluggable with nuts Autorization) surat principle ke ATPM. The maximum transfering distance is - Brosur di 1000mt stempel APM = NIB (no induk | Berusaha) atau ‘Surat | Keterangan | Importir (angka | pengenal importir= Umum 8 | IC Card 5 Unit | Card for digital display ~ Dukungan system Distributor dan | ID for Delegate and - Jaminan Chairman Puma Jual Card to save 16 = LOA (letter OF Characters Autorization) surat principle | ke ATPM | Material Plastic with Chip Brosur di | stempel APM Dimension Minimal 85mm x 55mm (LxH) _| - NIB (no induk | Berusaha) atau ‘Surat Keterangan Importir (angka pengenal importir- Umum ] Color : White | 9 | IC Card Writer 7 Unit | Write Information to card = Dukungan Distributor dan Power Supply computer USB port supply | - Jaminan Power a Puma Jual ‘Computer and reader communication = LOA (letter OF speed : USB 1.1protocol, 12Mbps Autorization) surat principle ke ATPM CPU Card and reader communication Brosur di | baud rate T=0,9600 - 38400bps; T stempel ATPM =1.9600-115200bps LED lights two light red = NIB (no induk Berusaha) atau | Surat | Keterangan Importir (angka pengenal importir- Umum. Technical Standard 1SO7816, GSM11,17, FCC,CE PC/SC support Deck Service life 10 Million Maximum power comsumption about SDI 75mA | Dimension Minimal 68 (L) x71 (W) x 122 (H) ‘Weight Maksimal | = 450gram = Color : Grey 10 | Microphone 65cm | 2 Unit | Length 65cm with ring ~ Dukungan | lock Distributor dan ‘Capacitive diaphragm - Jaminan Puma Jual Heart-shaped directivity capacitance - LOA (letter OF pickup has double color indicating light, _| Autorization) speaking as red, applying as green surat principle ke ATPM - Brosur di stempel APM = NIB (no induk Berusaha) atau Surat Keterangan Importir (angka pengenal | importir- Umum T 77 [HD Automation | 1 Unit | Signal format/quantity | DVF-DI2 = Dukungan Tracking Camera Distributor dan Controller Connector DVED = Jaminan Puma Jual Pixel Bandwidth 765Mhz = LOA (letter OF | Autorization) | ‘surat principle e ke ATPM impedance Differential | - Brosur di | 41000hm stempel ATPM | Support Resolution ‘800x800@60H | - NIB (no induk z- Berusaha) atau 1920x1080@6 | Surat oHz Keterangan Importir (angka | pengenal importir- Umum Transmission Distance | <35m Signal formatiquantity | SDU2 Connector BNC Female Connector Pixel Bandwidth 4165Mhz Video Format 270 Mbps SDI, 1.485 Gbps HD-SDI and 2.97 Gbps 3G- ‘Support Resolution 1280x720@50 | Hz | 1280x720@60 | Hz: | 1920x1080@2 | SHz | | ] 1920x1080@3 | Hz; 1920x1080@5 | OHz; | 1920x1080@6 | OHz | 12 [Camera Control | 1 Unit | Power Supply DC 12V = Dukungan Keyboard #10%/50HZ__| Distributor dan Temperature -10-55'C - Jaminan Purna Jual | Humidity =80%RH (No | - LOA (letter OF | Cream Mode) | Autorization) surat principle ke ATPM ‘Communication RS-422 full. | - Brosur di duplex, RS- | stempel ATPM 232 serial port | _ Baud rate 1200bps, ~ NIB (no induk 2400bps,4800 | Berusaha) atau Obps,9600bps, | Surat | 19200bps Keterangan importir (angka pengenal importir- Umum Interface 5 pin pressuer | line terminal and 232 interface Display cD Exterior size 318 () x 180 (W) x 118 (H) mm 73 | HD Camera * 3 Unit | Video Output Interfaces | 4xHDMI ~ Dukungan Ver.1.3; Distributor dan 1x3G-SDI; BNC type, 800mVp-p, 75 | Ohm ‘Support Resolution HD: = Jaminan 1080p/60, Purna Jual 1080p/50, 1080i/60, 10801/50, 1080p/30,1080 p25, 720p/60, | 7200/50, | 720p/30, 720p/25 | ‘SD : 480i, 5761 | - LOA (letter OF | Autorization) surat principle ke ATPM Optical Zoom 30x |= Brosur di | stempel ATPM. Digital Zoom & = NIB (no induk Berusaha) atau ‘Surat Keterangan Importir (angka pengenal importir- Umum Scanning mode progressive | 1 The image Sensor 172.7 inch | cmos ‘Sensor Pixel 2070000 pixel The Focal length of the | f4.42mm ~ lens 132.6mm, F1.8~F28 | Digital Noise Reduction | 2D83D Digital Noise Reduction Electronic Shutter 1130s ~ 4100008 White Balance Auto, Indoor, Outdoor, One Push, Manual, Specified color | temperatur Backlight Compensation | Support ‘SIN >55dB | Horizontal View Angle | 60.7° ~ 2.28" Image Freeze ‘Support | = Pan Speed 1.7° ~ 1007s Tilt Speed 1.7°~69.9°s | Min Illumination 0.05 Lux @ (F1.8, AGCC ON) Preset Number 255 Protocol VISCA, Pelco- ae D, Peloo-P Power DC12V 1.00 | (Max) s | Color Gre zi | 14 | Recorder 7 Unit | System structure : Embedded Linux | ‘operating system Operation interface : Graphical menu operation interface Language : ENGLISH and Chinese Input interface : 2 HDMII( for VIS-CRS02- A, 3 HDMI for VIS-CRS03-A, SHDMI for VIS-CRSOS5-A) Output interface : 2 HDMI for live broadcast and recording Video display mode : Full screen, PIP, 1/2/3/4/6 split screen Max. input frame : 1080P (5 HDMi model support 4K) Input Resolution : HDMI : 1024*768p@60fps, 1280*720p@50/60'ps, 1920"1080i@60/50fps, 1920°1080p@30/2 5fps, 1920°1080p@60/50fps, 4K@30fps ‘Output Resolution : Video Output: 1080P Directed output: 1080P HD video: 720P, 1080P ‘Audio Input : 2x line-in Audio Output : 2x line-out, 1x 3.5mm earphone. ‘Audio encoding : AAC Storage : Supports 4B of storage space, with a 1T hard disk ‘Size : 440mm x 270mm x 44mm. Weight Maksimal 2kg ‘Operating voltage : DC 12V. ‘Operating Current: 9.28 Power : 70W 75 | Digital HD Combo | 1 Set | Support Input Card/input |: 2/6 = Dukungan Matrix channels quantity Distributor dan ‘Support Output 218 ~ Jaminan | Card/output channels Purna Jual | quantity | ‘Supported input card PMAX-IN | - LOA (letter OF types HOMI4, | Autorization) PMAX-IN DVI- | surat principle 4,PMAX-IN | ke ATPM HD4, PMAX- IN VGA4, PMAX-IN SF4, PMAX-IN ‘SDI4, PMAX- | IN IPA | | Supported output card_|: PMAX-OUT | = Brosur di types HOMI4, | stempel ATPM PMAX-OUT DVI-4, PMAX- OUT HD4, ee | PMAX-OUT | ; VGA4, PMAX- | OUT SF4, PMAX-OUT ‘SDI4, PMAX- OUT IP4 Supported Splicing :PJMAX-OUT | - NIB (no induk Ouput card type Dvi4, PJMAX- | Berusaha) atau OUT HD4, Surat PJMAX-OUT | Keterangan SF4 Importir (angka pengenal i importir- Umum | Interface Bandwidth 76.75Gbps Serial port control = RS-282, interface 9PIN female Type D Ethemet Control = RJ-45 female Interface Interfaces Keyboard Control : 4 bits 3.8mm interface Phoenix Interface ‘System Power Supply 7 TOOVAC ~240VAC, 50/60Hz, National ‘Standard Self- adaptive Power Supply Dimension :2U ‘Weight (without cards) : Maksimal ‘About 5Kg Dimension : Minimal 483x400x88 MTBF 30.000 Hours Variable Dispersion Speaker System 6 Unit Enclosure Bass-reflex type = Dukungan Distributor dan Power Handling Capacity Continuous pink noise 200 W, Continuous program: 400 Ww. - Jaminan Puma Jual Rated Impedance 8Q = LOA (letter OF Autorization) surat principle ke ATPM Sensitivity (1 W, Tm) 96 dB (60° mode), 97 dB (45° mode), 98 dB (30° mode), 99 dB (15° mode) = Brosur di stempel ATPM Crossover Frequency 4 kHz Directivity Angle Horizontal 100° (2 kHz or more) Vertical: 60" (800 Hz or more), 45° (1.2 kHz or more), 30° (1.6 kHz or more), 158° (3.2kHz or more) variable ‘Speaker Component Low frequency: 12 ‘om cone-type x 4, High frequency: Balanced dome-type * 42 Input Terminal kon NLA4MP x 2 and M4 screw terminal Finish Enclosure: Polypropylene, black Punched net: ‘Surface- treated steel plate, black Dimensions Minimal 408 (W) x 546 (H) x 342 (D) mm Weight Maksimal 16 kg 7 Subwoofer System 4 Unit Power Handling Capacity Continuous pink noise: 200 W = Dukungan Distributor dan Continuous program: 600 w - Jaminan Puma Jual impedance 6a - LOA (letter OF Autorization) surat principle ke ATPM ‘Sensitivity 90 dB (1 W, 1 m) at installation in free sound field - Brosur di stempel ATPM 96 dB (1 W, 1 m) at installation in 1/2 free sound field Frequency Response 40 - 1,200 Hz (-10 4B) ‘Speaker Component 30 cm cone- type Input Terminal ‘Speakon NL4MP x 2 and M4 screw terminal, distance between barriers: 11 mm Finish Enclosure: Plywood. Punched net: Surface- treated steel plate, black, paint Dimensions Minimal 408 (W) * 408 (H) x 450 (D) mm Weight Maksimal 15 kg Option ‘Speaker rigging frame: HY-PF1B Coaxial Array 4 Unit | Power Handling Capacity | Continuous | - Dukungan Speaker system pink noise: Distributor dan 100 W (Low Impedance) Continuous - Jaminan program: 300 | Purna Jual W (Low | Impedance) Rated impedance 8o = LOA (letter OF Autorization) surat principle ke ATPM 100 Vine: 170 | - Brosur di Q, 330 0, 670 | stempel ATPM | Q 70 Viline: 83 | Q, 170 Q, 330 | Q, 6709 ‘Sound Presseure Level | 97 dB (1 W, 1 m) Frequency Response | 70 - 20,000 Hz Finish Enclosure: Polypropylene, black Punched net: ‘Surface- treated steel plate, black Dimensions Minimal 361 (W) = 448 (H) x 320 (D) mm Weight Maksimal 10 kg Wide-dispersion | 4 Unit | Enclosure Bass-refiex | - Dukungan speaker system type Distributor dan Rated Input 60 W high | - Jaminan impedance) | Purna Jual_—_ Power Handling Capacity | Continuos pink | - LOA (letter Of | - noise: 60W_ | Autorization) (ow surat principle impedance) _| ke ATPM Continuos ~- Brosur di program: 180 | stempel ATPM W (low ___| impedance) Rated Impedance _ 8a Sensitivity 92 dBW, 1 | m) at installation in | 112 free sound field 93 dB (TW, 1 m) at installation in 1/2 free sound | field (with horn | adapter) | Frequency Response 65 Hz - 20 kHz, -10 dB at installation in 112 free sound field Crossover Frequency 2.5 kHz Directivity Angle Horizontal: 110° , Vertical: 100° Horizontal: 80 * Vertical: 80 (with hom adapter) ‘Speaker Component Low’ frequency: 20 ‘om (8") cone- type High frequency: 25 mm (1") dome tweeter Input Terminal Push-in terminal Finish Enclosure: HIPS, black Punched net: Surface- treated steel plate, black, paint Joint bracket, wall bracket Steel plate, 12.0, black, paint Speaker bracket: Die- cast aluminum, black, paint Dimensions Minimal 244 (W) * 373 (H) x 236 (D) mm (9.61" x 14,69" x 9,25") Weight Maksimal 7.4 kg (16.31 Ib) (including the supplied brackets) 20 Ceiling speaker 2 way (ulvip Room) 2 Unit Enclosure Bass reflex type = Dukungan Distributor dan Rated Input 60 W (High Impedance) - Jaminan Purna Jual Power Handling Capacity Continuous pink noise: 90 W(6Q), 60W (46 Q) = LOA (letter OF Autorization) surat principle ke ATPM Continuous program: 180 W(BQ), 120 W(16 Q) ~ Brosur di stempel ATPM 16.0, 80 ‘Sound Pressure Level 91 4B (1 W, 1 m) Frequency Response 60 Hz - 20 kHz (-10 dB), 45 Hz - 20 kHz (- 20 dB) at installation in 1/2 free sound field (Measured by installing the unit in the center of a ceiling.) | Speaker Component High frequency: Dome-type, Low | frequency: 16 cm cone-type_| Mounting Hole 9250 mm (Maximum, ceiling thickness: 37 mm) Input Terminal Removable | locking connector with | sorew-down | terminals (input terminals and 2 bridge terminals) Usable Cable Solid copper wire: 90.5 - 91.6 mm (equivalent to | AWG No. 24 - 14) Stranded copper wire: 0.2-2.5 mi (equivalent to AWG No. 24 - 14) Finish Enclosure: Steel plate, plating Baffle: Fire- resistant ABS resin (resin material grade: UL-94 V-0), black | Rim: Fire- resistant ABS resin (resin material grade: UL-94 V-0),, | white, paint Punched net Steel plate, white, paint Dimensions Minimal 9280 x 227 (D) mm Weight Maksimal 5.1 kg (including mounting accessories) 21 | Handheld Mic 4 Unit | Dimensions @48x180 | - Dukungan mm Distributor dan Connector XLR-S - Jaminan Puma Jual Frequency response 40 - 16000 Hz |- Brosur di (Microphone) stempel ATPM Weight Maksimal 330 | 9 | Sensitivity in free field, | 2,7 mV/Pa no load (1kHz) _ | Nominal impedance 3500 | Min. terminating 1000 2 | impedance Weight w/o cable 3309 ‘Switch OniOf 22 | Floor Stand Mic | 7 unit | Tinggi tiang max : 180 | cm ( tiang 150cm + flexible 30 cm) Ketinggian tiang bisa | diatur Bahan : Metal, Plastic | 23 | Multi Channel 2 Unit | Power Source 700-240V___| - Dukungan Power Amplifier AC, 50/60 Hz | Distributor dan | (4x650 w) | ‘Amplification System | Class D ~ Jaminan Puma Jual__| Power Consumption 2000 w*" = LOA (letter OF Autorization) surat principle - ke ATPM Input CH 1-4: 20k |- Brosur di | (balanced)/ | stempel ATPM | 10k | | (unbalanced), | | 0.775/1.0V/32 dB", XLR-F connector ‘Output LINK CH 1-4: XLR-M connector ‘Speaker 1-4: | 4 channels: 650 Wx 4(80)*, 1000 W x 4 (4 oy 2 channels (BRIDGE) | 2000 W x 2 (8 {ay NL 4 SPEAKON connector Frequency Response 20 Hz - 20 KHz (#3 dB) Total Harmonic Distortion 50.1% SIN Ratio. 2 100 dB LED Indicator Protect (Red) / Clip (Red) /~ 5dB (Green) / - 10dB (Green) / -20dB (Green) Signal (Green) / Power (Green) Cooling Air flow from front to rear Operating Temperature 0 °C to +35 °C (32° F to95 "ry Operating Humidity 80 %RH or less (no condensation) Finish Case: Plated steel sheet, black Dimensions Minimal 483 (W) * 89 (H) * 461 (D) mm Weight Maksimal 9.2 kg 24 1250W Dual Power Amplifer 2 Unit Power Source 100 - 240 V AG, 50/60 Hz = Dukungan Distributor dan ‘Amplification System Class D - Jaminan Purna Jual Power Consumption 1100 W*" ~ LOA (letter Of Autorization) ‘surat principle ke ATPM. Input CH 1-2 20K0 (balanced) / 40kQ (unbalanced), 0.775/1.0V/32 dB*, XLR-F connector - Brosur di stempel ATPM Output LINK CH 1-2: XLR-M connector ‘Speaker 1-2: 2 channels: 700 Wx 2(8.0)", 1250 W x2 (4 ay* channel (BRIDGE): 2500 W x 1 (8 oy NL 4 SPEAKON connector Frequency Response 20 Hz - 20 KHz (43 dB) Total Harmonic Distortion $0.15 % SIN Ratio 2 100 dB LED Indicator | 10dB (Green) / | -20dB (Green) Protect (Red) / Clip (Red) / - 5dB (Green) / - 1 Signal (Green) / Power (Green) Cooling Air flow from. front to rear ‘Operating Temperature | 0°Cto+35°C | (32° Fto95 | Bn | Operating Humidity 80 %RH or less (no condensation) Finish | Case: Plated | steel sheet, black Dimensions Minimal 483 | (W) * 89 (H) = | 305(D)mm_| Weight Maksimal 6.1 25 ‘Amplifier 240 watt 4 Unit Power Source ka 220 - 240V AC, or 24V DC ~ Dukungan Distributor dan Rated Output 240 W - Jaminan Purna Jual Power Consumption 238 W (AC operation | N60065), - LOA (letter OF Autorization) surat principle ke ATPM 15A (DC operation at rated output) - Brosur di stempel ATPM Frequency Response 50 - 20,000 Hz (#3 dB) Distortion Less Than 1% | at 1 kHz, 1/3 | rated power Input MIC 4 - 3: -60 dB* (1.0 mV), 600 O, balanced, phone jack ‘AUX 14,2; -20 dB* (100 mV), 10 ka, unbalanced, RCA pin jack Output Speaker out: Balanced (floating) High impedance: 42 (100 V), 21 2(70V) Low impedance: 4 9 31V) | Rec out: 0 dB* (1.0V), 600 0, unbalanced, RCA pin jack Phantom Power DC +21V (MIC 1) SIN Ratio More Than 60 aB Tone Control Bass: +10 dB at 100 Hz Treble: +10 dB at 10 kHz Muting MIC 4: Mutes other input signals by 0 - 30 dB attenuation Indicator Power LED, signal LED, peak LED Finish Panel: ABS resin, black Case: Steel plate, black Dimensions Minimal 420 (W) * 101 (H) % 360 (D) mm (16.5" x 4.0" x 14.2") Weight Maksimal 13.2 kg (29.1 Ib) 26 | Amplifier 2X120 watt 1 Unit Power Supply AC: 220V, 50/60 Hz = Dukungan Distributor dan DC: 24V - Jaminan Puma Jual Power Consumption: AC: 520 W (rated output) - LOA (letter OF Autorization) surat principle ke ATPM AC: 286 W (operation at EN60065) - Brosur di ‘stempel ATPM DC: 20A (operation at rated output) Frequency Response 50 Hz - 20,000 Hz (£3 dB) Distortion Less than 1% THD at 1 kHz, 1/8 rated output power Inputs (Sensitivity, Impedance, Connector) MIC 1 TOmVv 60dB*) Balanced 8000, 2Pole- Phone Jack, Echo MIC 2 4.0mV (- | 6odB*) Balanced 6000, 2Pole- Phone Jack MIC 3 1.0mV (- 60dB*) Balanced 6000, 2Pole- Phone Jack MIC 4 T.OmV (- 60dB*) Balanced 6000, 2Pole- Phone Jack MIC 5 1.0mV (- 60dB*) Balanced 6000, 2Pole- Phone Jack ‘AUX 1 300mV (- 10dB*) Unbalanced 10kQ, 2-RCA Pin Jack AUX2 300mV (- 10qB*) Unbalanced 10k, 2-RCA Pin Jack AUX3 300mV (- 10dB*) Unbalanced 40kQ, 2-RCA Pin Jack ‘Speaker Outputs 100V x 2, 40 x2 PRE AMP OUT 1.0V (0dB*) Unbalanced 6000 x2, RCA Pin Jack PWR AMP IN 1.0V (0dB") Unbalanced 10kO x 2, RCA Pin Jack REC OUT 7.0V (0dB*) Unbalanced 6000, 2-RCA Pin Jack Phantom Power DC #21V (MIC 1) Noise Level (SIN) More than 80 dB at All Volume control full CCW More than 50 dB at All Volume control full CW ‘Output Regulation Less than 3 dB no load to full load Controls '5 Microphone Gain Controls 3 Aux Gain Controls 8 Bass Tone Controls 8 Treble Tone Controls 1 Echo Level Control 2 Master Controls 1 Power: ON/OFF ‘Switch 2 Output Channel ON/OFF ‘Switch (CH1, CH2) Tone Control Bass: #10 dB at 100 Hz, Treble: #10 dB at 10 kHz Indicators 2 LED Ouiput CH, 2 LED Signal 2 LED Peak, 1 LED Power ON ‘Ambient Temperature 0 °C to +40 °C Finish Front Panel: Aluminum Gray Case: Steel plate, Gray Dimensions Minimal 420 (W) * 444 (H) x 361 (0) mm Weight Maksimal 19.3 kg 27 Digital Speaker Processor 1 Set Power Source 220 - 240 V AC, 50/60 Hz = Dukungan Distributor dan Power Consumption 40W - Jaminan Purna Jual Audio Input Max. 8 channels, modular construction (modules optional) = LOA (letter OF Autorization) surat principle ke ATPI ‘Audio Output Preamplifier output 1, 2:0 dB("1), 600 Q, balanced, ~ Brosur di stempel ATPM removable terminal block 3 pins) Module Slot ‘Analog input (Slot 1 - 8): -10 4B("1), 10kO, unbalanced Digital input (slot 1 - 4): 24 bit/48 kHz MIX output (slot 4 - 8): -14 4B("1), 330 0 (CH 4 prefader output), unbalanced Digital output (Glot 5 - 7): 24 bit/48 kHz Power supply (slot 4 - 8): 424 V, -24V, +6 VDC Digital Audio Signal Reference Level -20 dBFS Frequency Response 20 Hz- 20 kHz, +1, -3 dB Total Harmonic Distortion 0.008 % (at 22 kHz LPF, 1 kHz, +10 JB(*1) output) ‘S/N Ratio ‘At Input short, 20 Hz - 20 kHz, set to ALL FLAT or OFF setting Output volume min.: 90 dB Output volume max.: 61 dB (input 4 volume: 0 dB, Other Inputs: OFF) Cross Talk 64 dB or more (at 20 kHz) Tone Control Bass: +12 dB (at 100 Hz) Treble: +12 dB (at 10 kHz) | | Tn etal ete errr alee Parametric Equalizer __| 10 bands, Frequency: 20 Hz - 20 kHz, 31 points, Variable range: #12 dB, | Q:0.3-5 | ‘Speaker Equalizer 10 (setup software has 30 TOA speaker presets) High-pass Filter -12 dBloct, Variable | frequency | range: 20 Hz - 20 kHz, 31 | points Low-pass Filter ~12 dB/oct, Variable frequency range: 20 Hz - 20 kHz, 31 points ‘Compressor Depth: 1-5: Delay 0-40 ms (t ms steps), maximum 40 ms (CH 1+ CH 2), mixer | | mode only [ ‘Scene/Event Memory 32 ‘Auxiliary Function Key lock function Control Input/Output RS-232C(°2), D-sub connector (9 P, female) > Control input : 4 inputs, no- voltage make contact input, open voltage: 3.3V DC, short-circuit current: 1 mA. | or less, removable terminal block (14 pins) Control output | 4 outputs, open collector output, withstand voltage: 27 V Dc, control current: 50 mA, removable terminal block (14 pins) Remote volume: 2 channels, connect a 10 kOflinear taper | variable resistor or input the DC | voltage of Oto | +10V, | removable terminal block (14 pins) Operating Temperature | -10°C to +40 °C (14° Fto 104° F) Operating Humidity 35 % to 80 %RH (no condensation) Finish Panel: Aluminum, hair-line, black Case: Surface- treated steel plate, black, paint Dimensions Minimal 420 (W) * 107.6 (H) = 353 (D) mm (16.54" x 4.24" x 13.9") Weight Maksimal 6 kg (13.23 Ib) 28 | Professional, 1 Unit | Large (10-inch) multitouch touchscreen Digital Mixer offers a wealth of on-screen information while also providing confident hands-on control ‘Anti-Feedback and Room Tuning Wizards simplify complex equalization tasks ‘Two real-time analyzers (RTA) provide instantaneous display of channel tonal balance and room response Touch-and-route patch matrix provide easy “multing” and rearrangement of inputs 14 Aux mixes provide ample monitor configuration options Eight sub-groups with 6-band full parametric EQ, variable high- and low- pass filters and limiter may be linked for stereo ‘Again sharing Automatic Microphone Mixer is available for all 24 mic/line input channels Be-channel directto-hard drive record/playback — capture and recall performances without the need for an external computer 32-channel DAW interface with macOS® and Windows® computers allows for bidirectional I/O with popular workstation software MP3 playback direct from USB Download future upgrades directly from the Internet 28 | Handy Taiky 2 Unit | Baterai (standby) Sampai 11 jam @ 5: 5: 90 baterai Li-lon Daya Tinggi Hingga 9 jam @ 5: 5: 90 dengan baterai NiMH Daya Tinggi ‘Sampai 16 jam @ 5: 5: 90 baterai Li-lon (Hicap) daya tinggi Jangkauan frekuensi 136-174 / 403-446 / 435 | - 480MHz | | Dimensi H x Wx D (baterai standar) 120 mm | x55 mm x 35.5mm (baterai Lilon) 120 mm x 55 mm x 36.5mm (baterai NiMH) 120 mm x 55 mm x 40.7mm (Hicap Lilon baterai) Display Ya Keypad Lengkap Berat (dengan baterai standar) 335 gram (baterai Lilon), 394,5 gram (baterai NiMH), 342 gram (Hicap Lilon baterai) 30 | Rack Cabinet 2set | Finish ‘Chassis section | Surface | treated steel | plate a Top plate/flame 2 mm thick Reinforcement 41.6 mm thick Base: Steel | plate (2 mm | thick), powder | coating, black Dimensions Minimal 566 (W) x 2000 (H) | 615 (D) mm 31_| Monitor TV 32" 1 Unit | Smart Tv 32 Inchi HD oH HDMI: Yes im RCA: Yes Screen Resolution : 1366 x 768 Kabel Speaker, Pipa Pelindung, Pipa Flexible, Kabel Power, Terminal Kabel, Stop Kontak, Stecker 32 | Bahan, dan TLs Material Instalasi 33 | Instalasi, dan Ts Training Terlampir Layout, Foto 0 dan Video 0, Penyedia diwajibkan: - Membuat design 3 dimensi penempatan perangkat -Membuat diagram rencana dan single line diagram penempatan perangkat - Membuat Film 3 Dimensi Penempatan perangkat - Pemasangan dan Testing Commusioning, Training selama 6 Hari G. PEMBIAYAAN = Pagu Anggaran Belanja Modal Pengadaan Sound System -Conference Digital System Terintegrasi-Video System-Audio Sistem Profesional-Material Dan Instalasi 1 Set_yang diperlukan untuk pelaksanaan kegiatan tersebut diatas Rp. 2.500.000.000,- (Dua Milyar Lima Ratus Juta Rupiah) yang dibebankan pada APBD Pokok 2020 melalui DPA Satuan Kerja Sekretariat DPRD Provinsi Sulawsesi Selatan Nomor : 1683/VII/ Tahun 2020 Tanggal 13 Juli 2020 Program Kegiatan 3,00.05.3, Perlengkapan dan Peralatan Kantor Rekening Pengadaan Sound System ( H. JANGKA WAKTU PELAKSANAAN Jangka waktu pelaksanaan pekerjaan 45 ( Empat Puluh Lima ) Hari Kalender |. KUALIFIKASI PENYEDIA Belanja Modal Pada Kegiatan Pengadaan Perlengkapan dan Peralatan Kantor ini, akan menunjuk penyedia (pihak ke tiga) yang benar-benar memiliki kualifikasi dan pengalaman serta integritas dalam Belanja Modal Pengadaan Sound System pada Kantor Sekretariat DPRD Prov. Sul.Sel. dengan persyaratan khusus yang walib dipenuhi penyedia/pihak ketiga antara lain 1) Persyaratan Administrasi peserta : peserta memenuhi ketentuan peraturan perundang Undangan untuk menjalankan kegiatan/usaha : memilki SIUP: KBLI : 4652 PERDAGANGAN BESAR SUKU CADANG ELEKTRONIK DAN PERALATAN ‘TELEKOMUNIKASI DAN BAGIAN-BAGIANNYA . 2) Memiliki Akte pendirian Perusahaan, Surat Pengukuhan Pengusaha Kena Pajak, Surat keterangan terdaftar dari Direktorat Jenderal Pajak; 3) - Memiliki sekurang-kurangnya 1 pekerjaan dalam divisi yang sama dalam kurun waktu 1 tahun terakhir baik di lingkungan pemerintah maupun swasta, termasuk pengalaman subkontrak , dan - Memiliki sekurang-kurangnya 1 pekerjaan dalam kelompok/grup yang sama dalam kurun waktu 3 (tiga) tahun terakhir baik di lingkungan pemerintah maupun swasta, termasuk pengalaman subkontrak 4) Memilki alamat kantor yang tetap dan jelas serta dapat dijangkau dengan pos/surat domi 5) Memiliki Nomor Pokok Wajid Pajak (NPWP) dan telah memenuhi (SPT Tahunan) Tahun 2019 J. SPESIFIKASI DAN IDIENTITAS 1) Gambar / Brosur distempel distributor 2) Jaminan Purna Jual 3) Surat dukungan dari distributor (Agen Tunggal Pemegang Merk) 4) LOA (Letter Of Autorization) Surat Pabrikan ke Agen Tunggal Pemegang Merk. 5) Surat pernyataan bahwa Penyedia bersedia dan mampu menghubungakan perangkat mic conference system, sound, dan video system menjadi satu kesatuan system yang terintegrasi 6) Melampirkan design 3 dimensi penempatan perangkat yang ditawarkan, berdasarkan layout dan video 0 yang telampir datam dokumen 7) Melampirkan single line diagram mic conference, sound, dan video system yang terintegrasi. 8) Melampirkan Film 3D penempatan perangkat yang ditawarkan, 9) Melampirkan Sertifkat training dari pabrikan bidang Conference System course, bidang sound system dan dibidang Technical course dari Pabrikan. Demikian Kerangka Acuan Kerja ini dibuat untuk dipergunakan sebagaimana mestinya. Makassar, 21 September 2020 PEJABAT PEMBUAT KOMITMEN D Si L Pangkat : Penibina Tk. NIP. 19661031°198709 1001

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