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11/9/2020 Bagaimana Mengkonversi dengan Lalu Lintas Dingin


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Bagaimana Mengkonversi dengan Lalu Lintas Dingin

konversi • 16 Apr 2020

Panduan ini akan mengajari Anda cara menghasilkan penjualan dari sumber traffic dingin seperti Simple Traffic , iklan popup, iklan push, atau jaringan
pertukaran link.

Salah satu fitur utama dari kampanye pemasaran online yang baik adalah mampu mengubah lalu lintas dingin menjadi lalu lintas hangat atau panas.
Untuk membantu Anda melakukan ini dengan sukses, kami akan menjelaskan apa itu lalu lintas panas dan dingin, perbedaan utama dan bagaimana
Anda dapat mengubah lalu lintas dingin menjadi penjualan.

Banyak pemasar online mengklaim bahwa lalu lintas panas lebih berharga dengan rasio konversi hingga 20 kali lebih tinggi daripada lalu lintas dingin.
Namun, perbedaan sebenarnya bukanlah jenis lalu lintas tetapi mengetahui cara mempromosikan ke setiap sumber dan mengirimkannya ke tempat yang
tepat sehingga semuanya dikonversi menjadi penjualan.

Lalu lintas dingin dapat mengungguli lalu lintas panas jika Anda menggunakan sumber berbiaya rendah seperti Lalu Lintas Sederhana dan
menghangatkan pengunjung pada penawaran Anda sebelum mencoba melakukan penjualan.

Setelah Anda memahami perbedaan utama antara kedua jenis lalu lintas, akan lebih mudah untuk mengembangkan strategi untuk konversi penjualan
yang lebih tinggi.

Lalu Lintas Dingin

Lalu lintas dingin mencakup siapa saja yang mengunjungi situs web Anda tetapi memiliki sedikit atau tidak memiliki pengetahuan tentang bisnis Anda atau
produk atau layanan yang Anda tawarkan. Lalu lintas dingin merupakan sebagian besar kunjungan situs web di seluruh papan, tetapi lebih dari itu ketika
organisasi Anda baru.

Seringkali lalu lintas dingin akan datang ke situs melalui iklan bayar per tayang (PPV). Sumber lalu lintas ini lebih sulit untuk diubah menjadi pembeli
karena tidak ada kesetiaan atau kepercayaan yang ditetapkan antara perusahaan dan pelanggan, dan mereka mungkin belum mengetahui manfaat dari
penawaran Anda.

Tujuan strategis yang biasa dalam hal lalu lintas dingin adalah untuk menghangatkan lalu lintas dan memberi tahu mereka lebih banyak tentang situs web
Anda, atau untuk mengumpulkan detail kontak dengan menawarkan buletin gratis, ebook gratis, atau penawaran khusus lainnya. Seringkali penawaran
gratis adalah sesuatu yang bernilai kecil dengan sedikit harapan akan komitmen pelanggan, tetapi merupakan cara yang berharga untuk mendapatkan
informasi pelanggan. 1/5
11/9/2020 Bagaimana Mengkonversi dengan Lalu Lintas Dingin

Cara Memanaskan Lalu Lintas Dingin

Menjual ke lalu lintas dingin itu sulit, tetapi Anda dapat melakukan hal-hal tertentu untuk menghangatkan pengunjung Anda dan dengan demikian lebih
mungkin menjadi pelanggan masa depan Anda. Idenya di sini adalah untuk memberi pengunjung lebih banyak informasi tentang produk / layanan Anda
tanpa promosi dagang.

Website Anda akan lebih dipercaya jika pengunjung yang datang ke website Anda sudah mengetahui manfaat dari apa yang Anda jual, dan juga telah
direkomendasikan oleh pihak ketiga. Jadi cobalah untuk meng-host video atau artikel di situs pihak ketiga terkenal seperti YouTube, Medium, Buzzfeed,
atau outlet berita lainnya dan kirimkan lalu lintas ke sana terlebih dahulu untuk mempelajari produk Anda dan tiba di situs Anda dengan cara yang lebih

Selain itu, pastikan bahwa artikel atau video apa pun yang Anda kirim lalu lintas ke sampulnya:

1. Manfaat produk Anda

2. Masalah yang dipecahkan oleh produk atau layanan Anda
3. Cara menggunakan produk atau layanan Anda
4. Beberapa jenis rekomendasi atau dukungan dari situs Anda
5. Tautan yang berfungsi ke situs web Anda

Sekali lagi, Anda tidak ingin memasukkan promosi penjualan apa pun, Anda ingin ini terlihat sealami mungkin.

Jika Anda serius tentang membuat halaman arahan yang menghasilkan penjualan, maka kami sangat merekomendasikan kursus video ini yang
mencakup semua yang Anda butuhkan untuk mendapatkan penjualan pertama Anda: Membuat Halaman Arahan Konversi Tinggi - Kursus Video Lengkap

Video Youtube
Mengirimkan lalu lintas dingin ke video youtube terlebih dahulu sangat efektif karena orang sudah memiliki banyak kepercayaan di YouTube. Anda dapat
membuat ulasan sederhana atau video panduan cara agar orang-orang dapat mempelajari cara menggunakan situs Anda. Pastikan untuk menyertakan
tautan ke situs web Anda dalam deskripsi.

Honest Clickfunnels Review for 2020

Contoh review video di YouTube

Artikel Berita atau Posting Blog

You can send cold traffic to a blog post or news article that discusses the problem that your website solves and then directs the reader to your website to
find the solution. This problem / solution method works great for niches such as the Make Money Online, Weight Loss, or Dating niches. The more trusted
a website is the more likely the visitor will convert into a sale. You can get published on buzzfeed and other news sites with a cheap gig on fiverr.

Free offer to generate leads

If you only want to send traffic directly to your website then a effective way of warming up your cold traffic is to send the visitor to a page that is offering
something they will perceive as being of value; a free product, e-book, or a resource that they want. If you can do this they will happily submit their details.

Once you have got their email address you need to send them targeted information. You can use a traditional newsletter for this or a drip campaign but the
goal is to increase trust and confidence in your brand. Over time you can use these communications to build a good relationship with an individual up to
the point where they decide to become a customer or client.

Warm and Hot Traffic

Warm traffic consists of people who return to your website as a result of a subscription, a discussion or because someone has recommended it to them.
These customers are already familiar with your site and products. They can be warm or hot depending on how much they are involved with the site.

Customers who have already signed up received gifts, or who have interacted with your content are likely to be a lot warmer and are therefore more likely
to interact. Once they like and trust your company they will be more likely to buy goods or services and in greater quantities. 2/5
11/9/2020 Bagaimana Mengkonversi dengan Lalu Lintas Dingin
This is the main reason why warm/hot traffic is considered so valuable. They already have an ongoing relationship with your organization, they are more
likely to consider using your website and buying from you, and they are less likely to ask for a refund.

Difference to Approaching Cold vs Warm Traffic

You need to fine-tune your approach to each type of customer. Cold traffic sales pitches need to let the customer know how you can help them now. The
aim is to be brief and to the point. You have to quickly let them know the reason why it is essential that they have this product or service and that they need
to take action immediately.

It is often counter-productive to drive cold traffic to a landing page. Many visitors find this off-putting especially if they feel they are being given a hard sell.

With warm traffic they are already interested so you can be a little more refined in your approach but focusing on specific features or benefits.

With hot traffic, you want to make sure you can up-sell your product or service and because they have used you in the past these customers are much
more likely to buy again. The trick is to get them to buy something else, preferably something more expensive. You want them to continue to engage with
your content and if they have fallen away you need to inspire them to re-engage by offering them targeting information based on you analysis of their past
purchasing behavior and the

Once a customer is established you must continue to remind them how much they need your product and how wonderful it is. You can do this reasonably
easily using PPC advertising and sending them to relevant sales and landing pages, or pages dealing with special offers and so on.

Increasing conversions with segmentation

To properly target your audiences you need to look at a technique called segmentation. This enables you to group people by age, gender and so on, and
then look at behavior specific to those groups. This involves figuring out what they are clicking on and then producing information that they will resonate

If you monitor your cold traffic properly, you can then send them content they find relevant they are more likely to pay attention. You can then measure the
effect in terms of impact and conversions. Make sure you send them to the blog posts that you know they will find interesting. These ‘power posts’ can be
in various sizes and formats but they must be of interest and value to the target demographic. You want these people to become more and more interested
in what you have to say, then they will be ready for the relationship to develop further.

You can send different segments of your audience to pre-sale pages and landing pages that are customized just for that segment, further increasing
conversion rates. The more specific you can be with people's interests the better content you can offer and this increases the likelihood that they will sign
up for your newsletter, guides or e-books.

Increasing sales with Retargeting

Retargeting website visitors

Re-targeting is a key part of any marketing strategy and you must make sure that all the content you send to your customers is targeted and relevant to
their needs. Looking at previous purchases, or things left in a shopping cart can easily form the basis of a targeted message, sending them to look at
similar or related products.

To retarget visitors you need to install a tracking code to your website that will remember the visitors and allow you to advertise to them.

The two biggest companies offering visitor retargeting are Google Ads and Facebook Ads, both will provide you with a tiny bit of code to install on your
website. The code will allow you to segment and target your visitors with ads on Facebook, Instagram, Google, YouTube, and a huge network of blogs and
other websites. Thus allowing you to bring the customers and abandoned carts back to your website with a much higher chance of converting.

Retargeting often costs more per visitor, but also has a very high return on investment due to the hot nature of the traffic. It’s also a great way to warm up
cold traffic that you have sent directly to your landing page.

Live Chat and Chat-bots

It is important to take account of the fact that most customers like to speak to a real person but unfortunately, customer sales calls are expensive and often
impossible to implement. The best solution to this is to use live chat.

Live chat has not only proved popular with users, but it also gives your organization the chance to build a warmer relationship with them. Developing trust
and making the customer feel comfortable means they are more likely to sign up for your products or services and can make all the difference between
losing a cold contact and keeping a warm one.

Live chat means that you can address many of the barriers that stop people from buying online. You can close more deals and encourage them to sign up
for your newsletter which helps you to keep in touch with them over time.

It is always worth remembering that a first time visitor is unlikely to purchase, keep in mind that your aim is to encourage them to sign up so you can build
your relationship with them. The sales will come later. 3/5
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Chat-bots are a game-changer

Many smaller organizations do not have the resources to hire customers service personnel for live chat, but chat-bots mean that they can automate the
service and have all the benefits associated with live chat without any of the drawbacks. The visitors to the website receives a more personal experience
and the company saves on the costs of setting up a whole new customer service team.

A chat-bot is a virtual assistant that is similar to regular customer service. They have learning capabilities so that they improve over time and they can
answer any of the common questions your customers may have. They are likely to be the future of online marketing because they can replace personnel
and mobile apps and can even become part of your social media.

Some smaller companies find the idea of setting up a chat-bot quite daunting but they are not too complicated even for those without technical knowledge.
They are well worth the time and effort because of the huge benefits that increased customer engagement will bring.

Not all customers are the same and understanding how to target the cold, warm and hot traffic groups is an essential skill for any good digital marketer. If
you are not targeting your message appropriately to each group you will be missing out on many opportunities to develop a good relationship with your
customers. Make good use of your advertising budget and make sure that you warm up your cold traffic, leading the way to better, more successful

Ready to start with cold traffic?

Now that you have a good understanding of how to warm up cold traffic to generate leads and sales you should be eager to start flooding your site with
traffic. Here are a few sources for cold traffic you can start using today:

Simple Traffic: Forwards real visitors to your site from their large network of domains. Prices start at $0.36 per 1000 targeted visitors, plus a free trial.

Adfly: A URL Shortener that displays your website for 5 seconds before taking the visitor to the shortened URL. Prices start at $1.00 per 1000 visitors

RapidHits: Makes your site popup on their network of blogs and news sites. Prices start at $1.00 per 1000 visitors

Want to read more? Check out the 5 best free website traffic methods below..

5 Best Free Website Traffic Methods

Di dunia saat ini, situs web adalah platform digital tempat Anda dapat melakukan banyak hal. Dari membaca berita tentang topik favorit Anda
hingga membeli kursus tentang sesuatu yang ingin Anda pelajari. Memang memiliki website itu penting jika ingin berbagi atau menawarkan
sesuatu kepada dunia. Dan meskipun mi…

PemenangPanduan Lalu Lintas Sederhana


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Panduan Lalu Lintas Sederhana © 2020 • Kebijakan Privasi • Persyaratan Layanan • Kebijakan Cookie

Bagus! Anda berhasil berlangganan.

Bagus! Selanjutnya, selesaikan pembayaran untuk mendapatkan akses penuh.
Selamat datang kembali! Anda berhasil masuk.
Keberhasilan! Akun Anda sepenuhnya diaktifkan, Anda sekarang memiliki akses ke semua konten. 5/5

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