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4 Klasifikasi Malformasi Genital Wanita


Tabel 4.1 Sistem klasifikasi AFS [ 5 ]

Kelas utama Subkelas
Kelas I Hipoplasia / Agenesis (a) Vagina (b) Serviks (c) Fundal (d) Tubal
Kelas II Unicornuate (a) Klakson berkomunikasi (b) Cula tidak berkomunikasi (c ) Tidak ada rongga (d) Tidak ada
Kelas III Didelphys
Kelas IV Bicornuate (a) Lengkap (b) Sebagian Kelas V Septate (a) Lengkap (b) Sebagian Kelas
VI Arcuate
Kelas VII DESterkait obat

Sistem, menjelaskan penerimaannya dari titik lain keunggulan teoritis yaitu terkait erat dengan
pandangan, adalah korelasi kelas sistem dengan patogenesis anomali sehingga meningkatkan
prognosis pasien dan, terutama, hasil kehamilan [ 16 penjelasan dan pemahaman tentang status anatomis
]. organ kelamin perempuan yang dihasilkan. Ini juga
Namun, kenyataannya sistem ini terkait dengan memiliki keuntungan potensial yang mungkin lebih
kerugian yang sangat serius berikut ini: (1) ada efektif dalam mengklasifikasikankompleks
anomali yang dilaporkan yang tidak dapat anomali, sebuah hipotesis yang perlu diuji. Namun,
diklasifikasikan dengan sistem AFS; (2) definisi sistem ini belum diterima secara luas. Hal ini
kategori sistem yang tidak jelas menimbulkan tampaknya disebabkan oleh alasan berikut: (1)
masalah serius dalam diagnosis banding antara kelas- kelainan genital wanita adalah dengan definisi
kelas yang berbeda, dengan definisi yang lebih jelas deviasi dari anatomi normal dan dokter sulit
yaitu mendefinisikan “margin” antara arkuata dan menerima pergeseran dari anatomi ke embriogenesis,
septat parsial; (3) kelas I dari sistem AFS tampaknya (2) klasifikasi yang cukup kompleks tidak hanya
menjadi "bunga rampai" pasien dengan presentasi anomali dari saluran genital wanita oleh saluran
klinis yang berbeda dengan berbagai tingkat genitourinari secara umum yang bukan merupakan
keparahan, termasuk terutama kasus anomali masalah yang diminta untuk ginekolog, (3) presentasi
kompleks yang sering membutuhkan perawatan klinis pasien, prognosis dan pengobatan terkait erat
bedah yang sulit, dan kategorisasi yang tidak efektif dengan status anatomi dan, tampaknya lebih
merupakan masalah besar bagi mereka. manajemen fungsional untuk merancang kelas sistem atas dasar
dan, (4) anomali obstruktif tidak secara jelas itu dan (4) intervensi terapeutik yang paling
direpresentasikan dalam sistem AFS yang cenderung mengembalikan penyimpangan anatomi
menempatkan mereka dalam potpourri kelas pertama dari norma yang menekankan kebutuhan untuk
atau di kelas lain dari sistem tetapi tanpa perbedaan menggunakan anatomi per se sebagai dasar dari
yang jelas [ 16 ]. sistem [ 16 ]. Di sisi lain, kontribusi dari sistem ini
Oleh karena itu, tampaknya sistem klasifikasi AFS dan penemunya untuk lebih memahami patofisiologi
"dapat berfungsi sebagai kerangka kerja untuk malformasi genitourinari perempuan tidak dapat
deskripsi anomali daripada daftar lengkap dari semua diabaikan mewakili langkah maju dalam interpretasi
kemungkinan jenis anomali" [ 16 , 30 ]. mereka. Sebagai pernyataan umum, sistem klasifikasi
embriologis-klinis dapat, mungkin, menjelaskan
dengan lebih baik patogenesis malformasi kongenital
Klinis-Embriologis tetapi tidak dapat bertindak sebagai kerangka
Klasifikasi fungsional untuk deskripsi dan pengobatan anomali.

Asal mula embriologis dari elemen yang berbeda

dari saluran genitourinari dipilih sebagai dasar untuk Tabel 4.2 Sistem klasifikasi klinis embriologis [ 2 ] Kelas
pengembangan sistem ini [ 1 , 2 ] Defek embriologis Presentasi klinis
(Tabel 4.2 ). Klasifikasi embriologis-klinis memiliki GF Grimbizis dan R. Campo
1 Agenesis atau hipoplasia urogenital ridge Uterus unicornuate dengan agenesis uterus, tuba, ovarium, dan ginjal
di sisi kontralateral
2 Anomali mesonefrik dengan tidak adanya saluran 3 Anomali Mullerian terisolasi mempengaruhi
Wolffi yang membuka ke sinus urogenital dan (a) Hematokolpos besar unilateral
tunas ureter bertunas (dan, (b) Pseudokista Gardner di dinding anterolateral dari vagina
karenanya, agenesis ginjal). Fungsi "induktor" (c) Reabsorpsi parsial dari septum intervaginal, terlihat sebagai
dari duktus Wolffi an pada duktus "lubang kancing" pada dinding anterolateral vagina normal,
Mullerian juga gagal, dan yang memungkinkan akses ke organ genital di sisi agenesis
biasanya terdapat duplikasi uterovaginal ginjal
ditambah hemivagina ipsilateral buta dengan
agenesis ginjal (d) Vaginal atau servik-vagina lengkap unilateral agenesis,
ipsilateral dengan agenesis ginjal, dan dengan [1] tidak ada
komunikasi atau [2] komunikasi antara kedua hemiuteri (uteri

(a) Duktus Mullerian Malformasi uterus yang umum seperti unicornuate (umumnya dengan tanduk
rudimenter uterus), bikornuata,
septate, dan uterus didelphys
(b) Tuberkulum Mullerian Atresia serviks-vaginal dan anomali segmenter, seperti septum vagina
(c) Tuberkulum Mullerian dan duktus M ayer-Rokitansky- Sindrom Kuster-Hauser (uni- atau
4 Anomali sinus urogenital Anomali kloaka dan lain-lain
5 Kombinasi malformasi Wolffi an, Mullerian, dan anomali kloaka

Sistem Klasifikasi VCUAM yang jarang terjadi misalnya aplasia serviks [ 16 ].

Oleh karena itu, tampaknya ada perkiraan berlebihan
Karakteristik dasar yang dipilih untuk desain yang tidak berfungsi pada anatomi. Selain itu, pasien
proposal ini juga anatomi saluran genital wanita [ 25 hanya dapat diklasifikasikan
] (Tabel 4.3 ). Namun, elemen baru dan penting dengan menggunakan tabel sistem dan, sebaliknya,
dalam desain sistem ini deskripsi kondisi klinis pasien (misalnya "V5b, C2b,
adalah klasifikasi independen dari setiap organ U4b, A0, MR", yang merupakan pasien dengan
saluran genital wanita dan malformasi terkait sesuai Mayer-Rokitansky -Kuster-Hauser syndrome) tidak
dengan klasifikasi TNM untuk kanker payudara. dapat dilakukan tanpa menggunakan tabel tersebut.
Pendekatan ini memiliki potensi teoritis untuk Dengan demikian, tampaknya batasan utama
mengklasifikasikan anomali secara rinci, representatif untuk penerimaan sistem VCUAM adalah karena
dan tepat; setiap anomali, bahkan yang lebih tidak sederhana dan ramah pengguna. Jadi,
kompleks, dapat dideskripsikan secara teoritis untuk "meskipun sistem klasifikasi VCUAM dapat
memberikan gambaran akurat tentang anatomi berfungsi sebagai daftar lengkap dari semua
saluran genital wanita kepada dokter. kemungkinan anomali, itu tidak dapat dengan mudah
Namun, para penemu sistem ini, yang berfokus berfungsi sebagai kerangka fungsional untuk
terutama pada desainnya mengabaikan kebutuhan menggambarkan anomali" [ 16 ].
untuk membahas secara rinci dan menentukan
kelompok untuk setiap organ yang terpisah, yang
sangat penting bagi pengguna dan keakuratan setiap Sistem Klasifikasi ESHRE /
sistem klasifikasi. Selain itu, setiap anomali memiliki ESGE
kepentingan independen yang sama dalam klasifikasi
pasien; frekuensi tidak diperhitungkan dan anomali European Society of Human Reproduction and
uterus yang sangat sering misalnya Embryology (ESHRE) dan European Society for
septum memiliki kepentingan yang sama dengan Gynecological Endoscopy (ESGE),
4 Klasifikasi Malformasi Genital Wanita

Tabel 4.3 Sistem klasifikasi Vagina Cervix Uterus Adnexa dan Malformasi terkait (VCUAM) [ 25 ]
Vagina (V) 0 Normal Uterus (U) 0 Normal 1 (a) Partial hymenal atresia 1 (a) Arcuate
(b) Complete hymenal atresia ( b) Septate <50% rongga uterus
(c) Septate> 50%uterus
2 (a) Septate vagina tidak lengkap <50% 2 Bicornuate
(b) Septate vagina lengkap
3 Stenosis introitus 3 Hipoplastik
4 Hipoplasia 4 (a) rudimenter unilateral atau aplastik
5 (a) Atresia unilateral (b) rudimenter bilateral atau (b) Atresia lengkap
S 1. Sinus urogenitalis (konflusi dalam) 3. Sinus urogenitalis (konflusi tinggi)
2. Sinus urogenitalis (konflusi tengah) + Lainnya

C Kloaka # Tidak Diketahui

+ Lainnya
# Tidak Diketahui
Serviks (C) 0 Adneksa Normal (A) 0 Normal 1 Serviks dupleks 1 (a) Malformasi tuba unilateral, ovarium normal
(b) Malformasi tuba bilateral,
ovarium normal
2 (a) Atresia / aplasia unilateral 2 (a) Garis hipoplasia / gonad unilateral
(b) Hipoplasia bilateral /
garis gonad ( b) Atresia / aplasia bilateral
+ Lainnya 3 (a) Aplasia unilateral (b) Aplasia bilateral
# Tidak Diketahui + Lainnya
# Tidak Diketahui
Malformasi Terkait (M) Lainnya # Tidak Diketahui
0 Tidak Ada Ginjal S Kerangka C Jantung N Neurologis +

baru-baru ini menerbitkan ESHRE baru / Sistem berdasarkan hasil prosedur DELPHI, pengembangan
klasifikasi ESGE dari anomali kongenital saluran konsensus oleh Komite Ilmiah CONUTA diikuti [ 18
genital wanita [ 18 , 19 ] (Gbr. 4.1 ). Ini adalah hasil , 19 ].
dari upaya yang didasarkan pada pekerjaan 40
ilmiah persiapan yang dilakukan dalam European
Academy for Gynecological Surgery (EAGS), yang
diadopsi oleh CONUTA (CONgenital Klasifikasi ESHRE / ESGE
Uterine Anomalies) Common ESHRE / ESGE Anomali saluran genital wanita
Working Group [ 16 , 17 ]. Pengembangan sistem
baru dilakukan dengan menggunakan prosedur Nama Tanggal Lahir: Cara Diagnostik:
DEPLHI untuk penilaian konsensus [ 13 , 23 , 35 ]; GF Grimbizis dan R. Campo

Anomali uterus Anomali serviks / vagina Kelas utama Sub-

kelas Kelas
a. Berbentuk T.
koeksistensi U0 U1 dismorfik b. Infantilis C0 C1 C2 terpisah Serviks
c. Lainnya ganda “normal”
Uterus normal Uterus Serviks normal Serviks

U2 U3 U4 U5 bikorporeal Hemi-uterus Aplastik b. Selesaikan

Rahim terpisah Rahim a. Sebagian
a. Sebagian tanpa rongga / tanpa tanduk) C3 C4 unilateral serviks Aplasia menghambat vagina septum
b. Lengkap a. Dengan rongga yang belum longitudinal yang
c. Septate bikorporeal sempurna (tanduk bi- atau Serviks Aplasia menghambat vagina septum
a. Dengan rongga yang belum unilateral) V0 V1
transversal vagina septum
sempurna b. Tanpa rongga dasar (bi- dan / atau imperforata selaput
(tanduk berkomunikasi atau atau sisa-sisa rahim V2 normal dalam vagina dara
tidak) b. Tanpa rongga yang unilateral / aplasia) Longitudinal non-yang vagina Aplasia
belum sempurna (tanduk V3 V4

U6 terklasifikasi malformasi
V yang

Anomali terkaitberasal dari non-Müllerian:

Gambar 4.1 Skema klasifikasi ESHRE / ESGE untuk anomali genital wanita

Desain Sistem Ada lima kelas utama dalam sistem ESHRE / ESGE
berdasarkan klasifikasi anomali uterus; selanjutnya,
Anatomi adalah dasar untuk kategorisasi sistematis uterus normal diadopsi sebagai kelas 0, dan kasus
anomali dari sistem klasifikasi ESHRE / ESGE. yang berpotensi tidak diklasifikasikan dapat
Anatomi uterus adalah karakteristik dasar yang dikategorikan dalam kelas 6 (Gbr. 4.2 ). Unsur baru
dipilih untuk desain kelas utama; asal embriologis dan signifikan dari sistem baru ini adalah definisi
telah diadopsi sebagai karakteristik dasar sekunder. deformitas uterus sebagai proporsi landmark anatomi
Dengan demikian, definisi anatomi uterus yang uterus (misalnya ketebalan dinding uterus) karena
berasal dari asal embriologis yang sama diwakili fakta bahwa dimensi uterus dan, lebih khusus lagi,
dalam kelas utama. ketebalan dinding uterus biasanya dapat bervariasi
Variasi anatomis dari kelas-kelas utama yang dari satu uterus. sabar untuk yang lain.
menunjukkan derajat deformitas uterus yang berbeda
dan signifikan secara klinis adalah dasar untuk desain Kelas U0 atau uterus normal
sub-kelas utama. Anomali serviks dan vagina Didefinisikan sebagai uterus yang memiliki garis
diklasifikasikan dalam subkelas yang berdampingan interostial lurus atau melengkung tetapi dengan
secara independen. lekukan internal
Kelas dan Sub Kelas Utama Uterus
4 Klasifikasi Malformasi Genital Wanita

Kelas U0 / Uterus normal Kelas U1 / Uterus dismorfik

a. Berbentuk T b. Infantilis c. Lainnya

Kelas U2 / uterus septate a. Sebagian b. Selesaikan a. Sebagian b. Lengkap
c. Bicorporeal septate
Kelas U3 / uterus bikorporeal
Kelas U4 / Hemi rahim Kelas U5 / aplastik rahim

a. Dengan b. Tanpa sebuah. Dengan b. Tanpa
Kelas U6 / Kasus tidak terklasifikasi
Gambar 4.2 Klasifikasi ESHRE / ESGE dari anomali uterus: representasi skematis (Diadaptasi dari Grimbizis et al.
[ 18 , 19 ])

pada garis tengah fundus tidak melebihi 50% dari uterusseptat) dan / atau defek vagina (lihat anomali/
ketebalan dinding uterus. Penambahan uterus nor mal vagina) [ 17 ].
sebagai kelas 0 diputuskan untuk memberikan
kesempatan klasifikasi independen malformasi Kelas U3 atau uterus bikorporeal
kongenital serviks dan vagina ketika uterus normal [ Ini didefinisikan sebagai uterus dengan lekukan
20 , 29 , 31 ]. eksternal di garis tengah fundus melebihi 50% dari
ketebalan dinding uterus; itu adalah cacat fusi
Kelas U1 atau uterus Dysmorphic embriologis. Lekukan luar dapat membelah sebagian
Ini didefinisikan sebagai uterus yang memiliki garis atau seluruhnya korpus uterus termasuk atau tidak
besar uterus normal tetapi dengan bentuk rongga serviks dan / atau vagina; jelas bahwa hal ini juga
uterus yang abnormal tidak termasuk septa. Kelas U1 terkait dengan lekukan bagian dalam di tingkat garis
selanjutnya dibagi menjadi tiga kategori: Kelas U1a tengah yang membelah rongga seperti yang juga
atau uterus berbentuk T , memiliki korelasi normal terjadi pada kasus uterus yang terpisah. Kelas U3
2/3 kor pus uterus dan 1/3 serviks, dan ditandai dibagi lagi menjadi tiga sub
dengan rongga uterus yang sempit karena dinding kelas menurut derajat deformitas: korpus
lateral yang menebal (memberikan karakteristik uterusKelas U3a atau uterus bikorporeal parsial ,
bentuk T). Kelas U1b atau uterus infantilis , ditandai dengan lekukan fundus eksternal yang
mempunyai korelasi terbalik 1/3 badan uterus dan 2/3 sebagian membagi korpus uterus di atas serviks.
serviks, serta ditandai juga dengan rongga uterus Kelas U3b atau uterus bikorporeal komplet ,
yang sempit tetapi tanpa penebalan dinding lateral. ditandai dengan lekukan fundus eksternal yang
Kelas U1c atau lainnya, termasuk semua deformitas membelah korpus uterus secara sempurna hingga
minor rongga uterus dan termasuk juga yang setinggi serviks. Pasien dengan uterus bikorporeal
memiliki lekukan dalam pada garis tengah fundus komplit juga bisa memiliki serviks yang
<50% dari ketebalan dinding uterus. berdampingan (mis. Double cer vix / AFS didelphys
Hal ini bertujuan untuk memfasilitasi penelitian uterus) dan / atau defek vagina (mis. Septum vagina
klinis untuk pasien dengan deformitas minor dan terhambat atau tidak). Rahim kelas U3c atau
untuk secara jelas membedakan mereka dari pasien bicorporeal septate yang ditandai dengan lebar
dengan uterus septat [ 14 , 33 ]. lekukan fundus garis tengah melebihi 150% dari
ketebalan dinding uterus karena adanya defek
Kelas U2 atau uterus septate absorpsi sebagai tambahan dari defek fusi utama.
Ini didefinisikan sebagai uterus dengan garis luar Pasien-pasien ini sebagian dapat diobati dengan
normal dan lekukan internal di garis tengah fundus penampang histeroskopi dari elemen septate defek.
melebihi 50% dari ketebalan dinding uterus. Uterus
septat adalah defek embriologis absorpsi dari septum Kelas U4 atau hemi-uterus
garis tengah; fusi normal. Lekukan garis tengah Ini didefinisikan sebagai perkembangan uterus
dicirikan sebagai sep unilateral; bagian kontralateral bisa terbentuk tidak
tum dan dapat membelah sebagian atau seluruhnya sempurna atau tidak ada; itu adalah cacat formasi.
rongga rahim. Kelas U2 dibagi lagi menjadi dua sub- Kelas U4 selanjutnya dibagi menjadi dua sub kelas
kelas menurut derajat deformitas korpus uterus: tergantung pada ada atau tidaknya rongga rudimenter
Kelas U2a atauseptat parsial yang uterusditandai fungsional karena ini adalah satu-satunya faktor
dengan adanya septum yang membelah sebagian klinis penting untuk komplikasi seperti hemato-
rongga uterus di atas level ostium serviks interna dan, cavity atau kehamilan ektopik [ 11 , 32 ]: Kelas U4a
Kelas U2b atau uterus septat lengkap yang ditandai atau hemi -uterus dengan rongga rudimenter
dengan adanya septum yang sepenuhnya membelah (fungsional) yang ditandai dengan adanya tanduk
rongga dalam uter hingga setinggi ostium serviks kontralateral fungsional yang berkomunikasi atau
interna. Pasien dengan uterus septat lengkap (Kelas tidak berkomunikasi.
U2b) bisa memiliki serviks atau tidak GF Grimbizis dan R. Campo
42 Kelas U4b atau hemi-uterus tanpa rongga
rudimenter (fungsional) yang ditandai baik dengan
adanya tanduk uterus kontralateral nonfungsional Sub-kelas V0 atau vagina normal
atau aplasia penuh pada bagian kontralateral. Ini adalah defek absorpsi serviks yang ditandai
dengan adanya serviks bulat luar normal dengan
Kelas U5 atau uterus aplastik adanya septum.
Ini didefinisikan sebagai tidak adanya rongga uterus
yang berkembang sepenuhnya atau sepihak. Ini Sub-kelas C2 atau serviks ganda
adalah cacat formasi yang mencakup semua kasus Ini adalah cacat fusi serviks yang ditandai dengan
aplasia uterus [ 4 , 26 ]. Pasien dengan uterus aplastik adanya dua serviks yang berbeda, bulat secara
dapat mengalami defek yang berdampingan eksternal, terbagi penuh atau sebagian menyatu.
(misalnya aplasia vagina / sindrom Mayer Dikombinasikan dengan uterus bikorporeal komplit,
Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser) [ 26 ]. Kelas U5 sebagai ESHRE / ESGE Kelas U3b / C2 terdiri dari
selanjutnya dibagi menjadi dua sub-kelas tergantung uterus didelphys AFS merly.
pada ada atau tidaknya rongga fungsional di tanduk
rudimenter yang ada [ 12 , 18 , 19 , 26 , 27 ] karena Sub-kelas C3 atau aplasia serviks unilateral.
ini adalah satu-satunya faktor klinis yang penting Cacat pembentukan serviks yang ditandai dengan
untuk keberadaan kesehatan masalah terkait seperti perkembangan serviks hanya unilateral; bagian
nyeri siklik dan hemato-rongga: Kelas U5a atau kontralateral bisa terbentuk tidak sempurna atau tidak
uterus aplastik dengan rongga rudimenter ada. Sub-kelas ini memungkinkan klasifikasi anomali
(fungsional) yang ditandai dengan adanya tanduk langka seperti uterus bikorporeal lengkap dengan
fungsional bi- atau uni lateral, Kelas U5b atau aplasia serviks unilateral (Kelas U3b / C3), yang
uterus aplastik tanpa rongga rudimenter merupakan anomali obstruksi parah. Meskipun pasien
(fungsional) yang ditandai baik oleh adanya sisa-sisa dengan hemi-uterus selalu mengalami aplasia serviks
uterus atau dengan aplasia uterus penuh. unilateral, hal ini tidak perlu disebutkan dalam
laporan klasifikasi akhir (Kelas U4 bukan Kelas U4 /
Kelas U6 disimpan untuk kasus yang masih belum C3).
diklasifikasikan Sistem ini dirancang untuk
menyertakan, diharapkan, semua kasus yang Sub-kelas C4 atau aplasia serviks
diakibatkan oleh cacat embriologis pembentukan, Ini adalah cacat formasi serviks yang ditandai
fusi atau absorpsi. Cacat duplikasi atau anomali dengan tidak adanya jaringan serviks secara absolut
jaringan Mullerian ektopik [ 3 ], jika ada, tidak dapat atau dengan adanya jaringan serviks yang rusak parah
dijelaskan; anomali ini atau lainnya yang mungkin seperti korda serviks, obstruksi serviks, dan
tidak diklasifikasikan dengan penggunaan kelas fragmentasi serviks. Dimasukkannya semua varian
utama dapat dimasukkan ke dalam kelas ini. ini [ 20 , 28 , 29 ] di sub-kelas C4 membuat
klasifikasi serviks sederhana dan ramah pengguna.
Sub-kelas ini dalam kombinasi dengan korpus uterus
Sub-kelas Serviks normal atau cacat memungkinkan klasifikasi anomali
yang menghalangi karena cacat serviks.
Anomali serviks dikategorikan menjadi empat kelas
tambahan; selanjutnya, serviks normal diadopsi
sebagai kelas 0. Sub-kelas vagina

Sub-kelas C0 atau serviks normal Anomali vagina dikategorikan menjadi empat kelas
Sub-kelas ini menggabungkan semua kasus tambahan; selanjutnya, vagina normal diadopsi
perkembangan serviks yang normal. Penambahan sebagai kelas 0.
serviks normal sebagai kelas C0 memungkinkan Sub-kelas ini memasukkan semua kasus
klasifikasi independen malformasi uterus dan vagina perkembangan vagina normal. Penambahan vagina
kongenital ketika serviks normal. normal sebagai kelas V0 memungkinkan klasifikasi
4 Klasifikasi Malformasi Genital Wanita Sub-kelas independen formasi mal bawaan rahim dan vagina
saat serviks normal.
C1 atau serviks septate
Sub-kelas V1 atau septum vagina non-
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Bagian II
Skrining dan Diagnosis Malformasi

pengantar Bab ini akan menjelaskan secara rinci indikasi,

kontraindikasi, teknik yang digunakan, dan
komplikasi histerosalpingografi, menggambarkan
kisaran penampilan HSG yang terlihat pada anomali

5 Histerosalpingografi
saluran genital wanita (FGTA) dan secara kritis
menilai nilai teknik dalam manajemen pasien dengan
Anne P. Hemingway dan Geoffrey H. Lebih dari satu abad telah berlalu sejak Rindfl
eish [ 1 ] melaporkan HSG pertama kali dilakukan
dengan menyuntikkan

AP Hemingway, BSc, MB, BS, FRCR, FRCP (*)

Departemen Pencitraan, Rumah Sakit Hammersmith,
Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust,
DuCane Road, London W12 0HS, Inggris
GH Trew
Department of Reproductive Medicine,
Hammersmith Hospital,
Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust,
DuCane Road, London W12 0HS, UK
larutan bismut ke dalam rongga rahim. Pada tahun
digunakan oleh Cary [ 2 ] untuk menentukan patensi
1914, collargol, zat yang larut dalam minyak telah
tuba tetapi penggunaannya ditinggalkan karena efek
samping yang merugikan. Lipiodol, media kontras
Histerosalpingografi (HSG), prosedur radiologis
larut minyak lainnya, pertama kali digunakan pada
yang dilakukan untuk menggambarkan rongga rahim
tahun 1925 untukhisterosal
dan saluran tuba, melibatkan intro duksi media
pingografi[ 3 ], ketika salah satu indikasi
kontras yang larut dalam air radiografi beryodium ke
penggunaannya adalah untuk memastikan diagnosis
dalam saluran endoserviks, rongga rahim dan saluran
kehamilan! [ 3 , 4 ] Lipiodol tetap digunakan secara
tuba di bawah kendali sinar-x fluoroskopi.
rutin sampai tahun 1980-an ketika sebagian besar
digantikan oleh agen kontras yang larut dalam air [ 5 cantly over the last two decades with the dra matic
]. Sebagian besar HSG sekarang dilakukan dengan developments in infertility management [ 6 , 7 ].
menggunakan agen kontras radiografi beryodium non
ionik yang larut dalam air seperti Omnipaque 300
(Iohexol-GE Healthcare). Indications and Contraindications
A variety of imaging techniques is employed to [5,6,8,9]
demonstrate the uterus and fallopian tubes including
hysterosalpingography (HSG), 3D ultrasound, Investigation of infertility is the commonest
sonohysterography and magnetic resonance imaging indication for hysterosalpingography, other indi
(MRI). The number of these procedures performed cations are shown below.
has risen signifi -

GF Grimbizis et al. (eds.), Female Genital Tract Congenital Malformations: 49 Classifi cation, Diagnosis and
Management, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4471-5146-3_5,
© Springer-Verlag London 2015
50 cavity and can lead to an incorrect diagnosis as
intrauterine blood may be mistaken for pathol ogy
Common Indications such as polyps.
for Hysterosalpingography

• Primary or secondary infertility Technique [ 6 – 9 ]

• Recurrent pregnancy loss
• Post –operative assessment following: – Hysterosalpingography is ideally undertaken in the
Caesarean section follicular phase of the menstrual cycle after bleed ing
– Myomectomy has stopped and prior to ovulation (day 6 to day 14),
– Division of intrauterine adhesions – although this window may be extended in women
Reconstructive tubal surgery with longer or irregular menstrual cycles.
AP Hemingway and GH Trew
– Hysteroscopic sterilization
• Assessment of congenital abnormalities –
Delineation of anatomy Pregnancy in the cycle in which the HSG is
– Following corrective surgery performed is excluded by requesting the patient to
Hysterosalpingography, performed correctly, is a avoid unprotected intercourse from day 1 of the cycle
remarkably safe and well tolerated procedure and by performing a urine ß hCG preg
however some absolute contraindications such as nancy test immediately prior to the examination.
pregnancy, active pelvic infection and bleed Women with amenorrhea or oligomenorrhea are
ing exist: asked to abstain from intercourse for a minimum of
14 days prior to the examination and a urine ß hCG
pregnancy test is performed.
Contraindications A calm environment, respect for the woman's
privacy and dignity, and experienced personnel are
to Hysterosalpingography
prerequisites for a successful examination [ 5 , 9 ].
HSG is an intimate examination, many women
• Pregnancy
are apprehensive either because of a previous
• Untreated pelvic infection
traumatic speculum examination or because they
• Bleeding
have read worrying descriptions of the examina
• Uterine or tubal surgery within last 6 weeks • tion on the internet. The number of staff in the
Immediate pre-menstrual phase
examination room should be limited wherever
• Allergy to contrast medium possible to the radiologist, radiographer and nurse
Recent or current untreated pelvic infection will and, if requested by the patient, only female staff
be exacerbated by hysterosalpingography and can should be present.
result in serious morbidity. The radiologist undertaking the HSG takes a brief
Performing an HSG whilst there is bleeding obstetric and gynaecological history, this is followed
increases the risk of infection, may result in by a detailed explanation of the procedure together
endometrial tissue being fl ushed into the perito neal with an opportunity for questions. Written consent is
obtained and oral antibiotic prophylaxis administered. Fig. 5.1 Examination trolley & range of equipment.
The woman lies on her back on the x-ray examination Examination trolley showing from left to right : a tray with 0.1
% chlorhexidine cleaning fl uid, a cusco speculum and
couch, heels together, knees and hips fl exed. Some lubricating jelly; sponge forceps, Uterine sound, 5Fr
authorities advocate an initial vaginal examination [ 5 51
], however this is not routine in our department and is
reserved for the very few patients in whom uterine cavity under intermittent fl uoroscopic
visualisation of the cervix is problematic. control. It is crucial to infuse the contrast slowly in
Hysterosalpingography is an aseptic rather than a order to minimize discomfort. Forcible or rapid
sterile procedure, however all staff involved must infusion causes signifi cant pain, which in turn may
observe strict aseptic technique and all equip ment limit the investigation and cause tubal spasm.
used must be sterile for single use only. The introitus Mechanical injection devices should not be used.
is cleaned with 0.1 % chlorhexidine and a well An early filling image of the uterine cavity is
lubricated, warmed metal or plastic speculum taken to visualize small intrauterine fi lling defects,
introduced gently into the vagina. The cervix is such as polyps or fi broids, which may be obscured
visualized and cleaned with 0.1 % chlorhexidine by contrast medium in later images. This is followed
solution. Some authors describe the use of tenaculum by right and left anterior oblique images to
forceps to grasp the cervix to facilitate insertion of demonstrate the uterine cavity and the fallopian tubes
the catheter and traction on the cervix and uterus [ 7 , throughout their length. These images may be
8 ] however this increases patient discomfort [ 5 ]. In acquired by either turning the patient and/or utilizing
author's experience of in excess of 10,000 HSGs the the rotational capability of the image intensifi er. A
use of tenaculum forceps has not been required. fourth image is obtained in the frontal projection to
5 Hysterosalpingography
show intra- peritoneal spill from the fallopian tubes.
It is essential to obtain at least one true en-face image
The cervical canal is cannulated; the choice of of the uterine cavity (Fig. 5.2 ) if signifi cant
cannula depends on the size of the cervical os. It is pathology is not to be missed, this may require gentle
essential to have a wide range of equipment available trac tion or upward pressure on the cannula combined
to enable catheterization of any os, [ 9 ] (Fig. 5.1 ). with patient rotation and/or angulation of the image
The most frequently used catheters in our unit are the intensifi er. These 4 images are the mini mum
5 F Catheter with a 2 cc balloon (Rocket Medical) or required – it may be necessary to acquire more and
a Margolin (Cook Medical) catheter. The catheter the examination can be supplemented
must be primed with con trast medium prior to
insertion and careful atten
tion to remove all air bubbles is essential. The tip of
the catheter is placed in the high cervical canal and
once the chosen catheter is securely placed, if
possible, the speculum is removed, however if
visualization of the cervix has been diffi cult or to
remove the speculum may dislodge the catheter then
it is left in situ. Before any contrast is introduced into
the uterine cavity the radiologist should review the
pelvic cavity fl uoroscopically for radio-opaque
densities such as calcifi ed fi broids, dermoid cysts or
surgical clips and, if indicated, take a control image.
A radio-opaque side marker is placed on the image
intensifi er.
Non-ionic iodinated water-soluble radiographic
contrast medium (Omnipaque 300) is infused slowly
and gently by hand injection into the

balloon HSG catheter, Margolin acorn catheter, Goldstein

HyCoSy catheter, 4Fr vessel dilator, Rocket 27 mm suction
cup, 21 g plastic venous cannula and 10 cc syringe with
contrast medium
Fig. 5.2 Normal HSG enface view. A normal HSG showing Complications
the cervical canal, uterine cavity en-face and both fallopian
tubes with free intraperitoneal spill. U0 C0 V0 of Hysterosalpingography

• Infection
• Pain
• Intravasation
by fl uoroscopic grab images. Tilting the patient head
• Pregnancy irradiation
down on the examination couch, rotating the patient
through 360 degrees and taking delayed images may • Failure
also be necessary to adequately demonstrate the • Vasovagal episode
fallopian tubes [ 5 , 9 ]. • Contrast medium allergic reaction A significant
Usually a maximum 10 cc contrast medium is complication of HSG is pelvic infection, which is
suffi cient to demonstrate the cavity and tubes but in reported to occur in between 1 and 3 % of all cases
a very enlarged cavity up to 50 cc may be required. and up to 10 % in the presence of tubal pathology [
If the catheter has been introduced into the lower 12 – 14 ]. In women with a medical history of pelvic
segment of the uterine cavity it is essential that any infec tion the risk of infection is reduced by the use
balloon is defl ated and the catheter is withdrawn of prophylactic antibiotics [ 7 , 13 ]. Whilst some
whilst continuing to infuse contrast medium under fl centres routinely screen all women for Chlamydia
uoroscopic control at the end of the procedure in prior to HSG some authors advo cate prophylactic
order to adequately visualize the lower uterine antibiotics in all women before uterine
segment and upper cervical canal (Fig. 5.3a, b ). instrumentation without prelim inary screening [ 15 ].
Hoffmann [ 10 ] observed that common causes for The author's practice is to administer 1 g of
misdiagnosis in HSG include failure to obtain an en- Azithromycin immedi ately prior to the procedure. It
face view, failure to defl ate an intra-uterine balloon is impossible to completely exclude the risk of
and failure remove a speculum obscuring the cervical infection. Aseptic technique, prophylactic antibiotics,
canal. additional antibiotic therapy in the presence of
hydrosalpinges and the avoidance of undertak ing an
In our unit we employ a Siemens Axiom Artis C
HSG in the presence of active or recent PID (pelvic
arm x-ray machine. As in all investigations involving
inflammatory disease) will help minimize the
ionising radiation it is essential to keep the dose to
the patient as low as practicable. In our department
the mean screening time is 1 s and the DAP (dose An HSG is an invasive and intimate examination
area product) is 0.48 Gy cm 2 . The national DRL however by paying attention to the environment,
(dose reference level) for HSG is 2 Gy cm 2 & 0.7 establishing a rapport with the patient and with
min (42 s) [ 11 ]. experience and good technique the patient may
AP Hemingway and GH Trew experience mild discomfort but it should rarely be a
painful examination. We do not advise the use of
analgesia before the procedure as this increases the
Complications [ 6 , 9 ] expectation, and therefore the experience, of pain.
Patients are advised that they
As with any procedure HSGs may be associated with
complications, these can be minimized by good
technique and observance of the contraindications.
5 Hysterosalpingography

Fig. 5.3 Balloon in LUS infl ated & defl ated. ( a ) HSG showing a balloon catheter infl ated in the lower uterine
segment (LUS). ( b ) The same patient following defl ation of the balloon and a normal LUS. U0 C0 V0


Fig. 5.4 Intravasation; HSG a woman who suffered a contrast agents for HSG are rare. The authors would
miscarriage and has undergone an ERPC. ( a ) The study not undertake an HSG in someone with history of a
reveals a uterine cavity that has an arcuate confi guration,
previous severe reaction to

may experience some discomfort post procedure and iodinated contrast medium as an HSG is an elective
to take analgesia if necessary. procedure and the information required can be
Intravasation is usually indicative of uterine obtained in other ways if necessary for example by
pathology. If it occurs it is of no clinical signifi - HyCoSy, MRI, or hysteroscopy.
cance but may limit the study as it may not be
possible to accurately identify the fallopian tubes
(Fig. 5.4a, b ) [ 7 ]. Hysterosalpingographic
Irradiation of an early pregnancy is avoided by Demonstration of Female Genital
abstinence from intercourse from the fi rst day of the Tract Anomalies
menstrual cycle and until after the HSG has been
performed and by performing a urine ß hCG
In the evaluation of congenital anomalies HSG is
pregnancy test on the day of the examination.
complementary but it cannot be wholly diagnostic.
Failure to perform an HSG is usually due to
The HSG demonstrates the uterine cavity and
severe vaginismus and consideration should be given
fallopian tubes but it cannot accurately characterize
to mild sedation if this occurs.
evidence of intra-uterine synechiae in the left fundal and
the external contour of the uterus which is essential
cornual region and early venous intravasation. ( b ) A later for the proper defi nition of FGTAs /Mullerian Duct
image shows extensive venous intravasation Anomalies (MDA) [ 16 , 17 ]. Accurate delineation
and classifi cation is essential for determining
treatment and repro ductive prognosis. 3D Ultrasound
and MRI are the modalities of choice for full the
Vasovagal episodes are usually mild but may, on
anatomical evaluation of MDAs [ 18 ].
occasion, be severe and can occur at any stage during
the procedure. Good technique dramatically reduces The HSG may be the fi rst examination to detect a
the incidence of vasovagal reactions. Conservative congenital anomaly. The HSG report should be
treatment is usually all that is required, tilt the head descriptive. The radiologist may be able to suggest
of the examination couch down (Trendelenberg which ESHRE/ESGE [ 19 ] class any demonstrated
position), reassure the patient, provide ice-cold water anomaly falls into but cannot give a defi nitive
to drink and allow the patient to rest until recovered. answer and must therefore provide a differential
Rarely the reaction may be more severe and warrant diagnosis and suggest additional imaging such as
intrave nous fl uids and/or atropine. MRI and/or 3D ultrasound for full characterisation of
the abnormality [ 20 ]. For example the HSG cannot
Allergic reactions following the use of water soluble
distinguish between a septate and a bicornuate
(bicorporeal) uterine cavity and it cannot exclude a Fig. 5.5 Normal HSG. Enface view in steeply ante- verted
non- communicating rudimentary horn in a hemi or uterine cavity U0 C0 V0
5 Hysterosalpingography
unicornuate uterus.
The HSG is useful in demonstrating concomi tant
pathology affecting the cavity and fallopian tubes
including intrauterine synechiae, endome trial polyps,
leiomyomata, salpingitis isthmica nodosa (SIN), tubal
occlusive disease and hydrosalpinges. Demonstration
of all relevant abnormalities is essential if fully
informed consent is to be obtained preoperatively that
allows the removal or correction of all pathology
detected at surgery. Hysterosalpingography is also of
signifi cant value in post-operative assess ment
following surgical correction of operable congenital
anomalies [ 21 ].
AP Hemingway and GH Trew
Fig. 5.6 Normal HSG demonstrating spill over the uter ine
Normal Uterus, Cervix and Vagina fundus Intraperitoneal spill is seen arching over the uterine
(ESHRE/ESGE U0, C0 V0) fundus demonstrating normal myometrial thick ness U0 C0 V0

A normal HSG reveals a triangular shaped uterine

cavity with the fundus representing the base of the
Under this classifi cation it seems likely that some
triangle and the apex the lower segment extending
cavities previously described as arcuate might now
into the endo-cervical canal. The walls of the cavity
fall into class U1c or others ie 'all minor deformities
should be smooth, the fi lling pattern even and the
of the uterine cavity including those with an inner
fundal margin should be straight or showing minimal
indentation of the fundal mid
convexity or concavity. The fallopian tubes, which
arise from the uterine cornu, are divided into four line level of less than 50 % of the uterine wall
parts the short intra mural portion, the long narrow thickness' [ 19 ], although arcuate uteri do not
isthmus, the wider ampulla with prominent mucosal necessarily fi t with the specifi cation that dysmor
folds and the infundibulum, a series of fi mbriae, phic uteri are usually smaller (Fig. 5.7c ). The arcuate
which radiate round the tubal ostium (Figs. 5.2 , 5.3 uterus is described as a single cav ity with a broad
and 5.5 ). Free intraperitoneal spill from the fallopian saddle shaped indentation of the fundus where the
tubes disperses around bowel loops and may fl ow ratio of the fundal indentation is less than 10 % of the
over the fundus indicating clearly the thickness of the inter-cornual distance [ 22 ], however there is debate
myometrium (Fig. 5.6 ). as to whether the arcuate uterus represents an
anomaly at all but is rather just a normal variant [ 20
Dysmorphic Uterus (ESHRE/ESGE U1)
Septate Uterus (ESHRE/ESGE
Whilst the HSG can suggest a dysmorphic uterine
U2) and Bicorporeal Uterus
cavity it cannot distinguish between the sub- classes
specifi ed in the ESHRE/ESGE classifi cation. Figure
5.7a, b demonstrate patients with uterine cavities that
can be described radiologically as “t-shaped” but may These categories include all of those HSGs that
be determined on other imaging modalities as being would have been described as septate, sub- septate,
U1a (t-shaped) or U1b (infantilis). bicornuate and didelphys under previous classifi -
cations. It is not possible to distinguish between these
two categories at hysterosalpingography
and examples will be illustrated together. Figure 5.8a,
b illustrate two very similar HSGs. Figure 5.8a is an
HSG in a 38 year old woman
suffering primary infertility, the study revealed a bicorporeal system with the appearances of
single vagina and cervix with a uterine cavity divided 56
into two distinct uterine horns, polyps in the right
horn and a patent left fallopian tube. Figure 5.8b
shows the HSG of a 29-year-old woman who had 7 ab c
pregnancies, three live births delivered by caesarean
section, a left ectopic pregnancy and 3 miscarriages.
Figure 5.8a was found on MRI to be a septate cavity
(U2a C0 V0); Figure 5.8b was known to be a bicor
nuate (bicorporeal) cavity (U3a C0 V0). Figure 5.9
illustrates a woman who presented with recurrent
miscarriage who had been told elsewhere that she had
a bicornuate cavity. The HSG shows a single cervix
and vagina and two smooth widely separated uterine
horns. The MRI shows very clearly that this is in fact
a septate cavity (U2a C0 V0). AP Hemingway and GH Trew
HSG is of particular value in the post- operative
follow-up in those women found to have a septate
cavity who undergo corrective surgery (Fig. 5.10a, b
If a patient has two vaginas and/ or two cervi ces
it is important to catheterise both in order to assess
the true extent of the anomaly. Figure 5.11a, b
illustrate the importance of technique. An initial HSG
(Fig. 5.11a ) revealed what could easily be mistaken
for a right unicornuate or hemi- uterus, however
careful examination of the vaginal vault revealed a
second cervix on the left. This was separately
catheterised and revealed two cervical canals and two
completely separate uterine horns joined only at the
level of the internal os. Previous classifi cations
would have called this bicornuate bicollis; the
ESHRE-ESGE classifi cation is of a bicorporeal
uterus U3b C2 V0.
Figure 5.12 on the other hand is taken from an
HSG series in a 37-year-old woman who had
previously undergone surgery to relieve a right
heamatocolpos secondary to an obstructing sep
tum. Examination revealed that the patient had two Fig. 5.7 ( a ) Dysmorphic uterus (U1). HSG demonstrates a
separate vaginas, two cervices and contrast media dysmorphic uterine (U1) cavity in a 34-year woman pre
injected into the left side revealed the left horn of the senting with primary infertility. HSG would describe this as t-
uterus, contrast medium crossed a bridge of tissue shaped but cannot differentiate between U1a and U1b. ( b )
Dysmorphic uterus (U1). 'T-shaped' uterine cavity in
into the right side where some contrast refl uxed a 34 year old woman presenting with PCO and primary
down the right cervix and some enters the right cavity infertility which may represent either subclass U1a or U1b. ( c
and tube. The cavities were divided by a thick septum ) Dysmorphic uterus (U1c). A T-shaped cavity with a concave
U2b C2 V2. 'arcuate' fundal margin, which would probably be classifi ed as
Figure 5.13 demonstrates the HSG in a

Fig. 5.8 HSG cannot differentiate between a septate and U2b C0 V0. ( b ) A 29-year-old woman P3 + 4, previous left
bicorporeal uterine cavity. ( a ) A 38 year old woman with ectopic pregnancy with salpingectomy. Caesarian section x3
primary infertility proven on MRI to be a septate cavity proven to be bicorporeal U3a C0 V0

uterus didelphys. Two completely separate vaginas with a singe fallopian tube and no communication
and cervices were cannulated and demonstrated between them. The ESHRE –ESGE classifi cation is
separate uterine cavities each U3b C2 V2.
5 Hysterosalpingography


Fig. 5.9 ( a , b ) HSG and MRI in a woman suffering recurrent miscarriage. The HSG (8a) shows a single cervix and
two widely separated uterine cavities The MRI shows that this is a septate cavity.U2a C0 V0


Fig. 5.10 Pre and post -operative HSG in a 37 year old the internal os but does not extend into the cervical canal U2b
woman found to have a septum. ( a ) Pre-operative HSG shows C0 V0. ( b ) Post-operative HSG shows a virtually normal
a single cervix and two separate uterine cavities shown on uterine cavity only a minor indentation persists on the fundal
other imaging to be septate. The septum reaches margin

Fig. 5.11 Bicorporeal uterus. ( a ) Initial HSG showing a right sided uterine cavity and fallopian tube. ( b )
Catheterization of the left sided cervix fi lls both sides of this bicorporeal system U3b C2 V0
58 Fig. 5.14 Severe fi broid disease in a bicorporeal system.
Extensive fi broid disease diagnosed on MRI and ultra sound.
HSG confi rmed the presence of a complete bicor poreal
system, uterus didelphys U3b C2 V2

Fig. 5.12 Septate uterus. An HSG in a patient with a deep

uterine septum extending to the internal os, two separate
cervical canals and a vaginal septum which had been partially
obstructing the right side resulting in a right haematocolpos.
The uterine cavities communicate at the level of the internal os
U2b C2 V2 Fig. 5.15 Right hemi-uterus. HSG suggested a right uni
cornuate /hemi uterus, ultrasound confi rmed that this rep
resented an isolated system with no rudimentary horn and the
presence of a single right kidney U4b C0 V0

Hemi Uterus (ESHRE/ESGE U4)

Previously described as unicornuate, there are four

different types of hemi uterus. Isolated (35 %),
communicating rudimentary cavity (10 %), non
communicating rudimentary cavity (22 %) and
rudimentary non-cavitary horn (33 %) [ 23 ]. If the
HSG suggests that there is a hemi- uterus, a small
fusiform cavity deviated to one side with a single
fallopian tube, the radiologist must look for any
indication of a rudimentary horn (Fig. 5.15 ).

Fig. 5.13 Bicorporeal uterus, uterus didelphys. Cannulation

of two separate vaginas and cervices demonstrates two
completely separate uterine cavities each with a single
fallopian tube. U3b C2 V2

Patients with underlying congenital anom alies

may present for investigation as a result of separate
pathology. Figure 5.14 is from an HSG series in a
woman who presented with an abdominal mass and
was found on MRI & US to have fibroids for which
she had had a previous open myomectomy and TCRF
x2. The HSG revealed complete didelphys with both
cavities full of fibroids (leiomyomata) (U3b, C2 V2).
AP Hemingway and GH Trew
5 Hysterosalpingography

Fig. 5.16 ( a, b ) Left hemi- uterus with rudimentary horn. The HSG suggested a left hemi uterus; MRI confi rmed
the presence of a non-communicating functioning right rudimentary horn. U4a C0 V0


Fig. 5.17 Septate cavity with synechiae mimicking a hemi-

second cervix and possibly vagina present that would
uterus. HSG (a) in a woman who had suffered recurrent suggest that what is seen is one half of a bicorporeal
miscarriage suggests a left hemi uterus, MRI
system (Fig. 5.11 ) [ 23 ]. The radiologist must also
take into account any relevant history, which might
suggest other causes for the HSG appearances (Fig.
The catheter should be slowly withdrawn injecting 5.17 ). Uterine synechiae must
continuously under fl uoroscopic control. If a 60
rudimentary cavity is not seen it does not exclude its
presence and further imaging is required (Fig. 5.16a, ab
b ). The radiologist must also examine the patient AP Hemingway and GH Trew
carefully to determine if there is a
(b) and subsequent hysteroscopy confi rmed that this
represented a septate uterus with associated intrauterine
synechiae U2a C0 V0
Fig. 5.18 ( a, b ) Fibroids mimicking a congenital anom aly. pathology, which may co-exist with or mimic a
The HSG in a 38 year old woman with primary infer tility congenital anomaly.
suggested either a bicorporeal or septate uterine

1. Rindfl eisch W. Darstellung des Cavum Uteri. Klin
Wochenschr. 1910;47:780.
2. Cary WH. Note on determination of patency of fallo pian
tubes by the use of Collargol and the X-ray shadow. Am J
Obstet. 1914;69:462–4.
3. Heuser C. Lipiodol in the diagnosis of pregnancy. Lanset.
4. Greenhill JP. Hysterography as an aid in the diagnosis of
abdominal pregnancy: report of a case. JAMA.
5 Hysterosalpingography

Fig. 5.19 Intra uterine synechiae mimicking a septate cav ity. 5. Yoder IC. Chapter 1. Techniques normal anatomy and
The HSG in a 39-year-old woman who had suffered two complications. In: Yoder IC, editor.
miscarriages and ERPC x2. The radiologist suggested syn Hysterosalpingography and pelvic ultrasound: imaging in
echiae (Asherman's syndrome) possibly associated with an infertility and gynecol ogy. Boston/Toronto: Little Brown
underlying congenital abnormality. Hysteroscopy confi rmed and Company; 1988. hal. 2–35.
that all of the appearances were related to synechiae and 6. Simpson WL, Beitia LG, Mester J. Hysterosalpingography:
adhesiolysis restored a cavity with a normal confi guration a reemerging study. RadioGraphics. 2006;26(2):419–31. 7.
Chalazonitis A, Tzovara I, Laspas F, Porfyridis P, Ptohis N,
Tsimitselis G. Hysterosalpingography: technique and
always be considered in the differential diagnosis in applications. Curr Probl Diagn Radiol. 2009;38(5):199–205.
any patient who has previously undergone uterine 8. Ott DJ, Fayez JA, Chen MYM. Chapter 2. Technique of
instrumentation. hysterosalpingography. In: Ott DJ, Fayez JA, edi tors.
Hysterosalpingography: a text and atlas. Baltimore: Urban &
Schwarzenberg; 1991. hal. 13–32.
9. Hemingway AP. Chapter 94b. Hysterosalpingography. In:
Pathology Mimicking Congenital Grainger R, Allison DJ, editors. Diagnostic radiology.
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10. Hoffmann GE, Scott RT, Rosenwaks Z. Common
The HSG may suggest a congenital anomaly but the technical errors in hysterosalpingography. Int J Fertil.
radiologist must always provide a differential diag 1992;37(1):41–3.
nosis that would account for the HSG appearances 11. Hart D, Hillier MC, Shrimpton PC. Doses to patients from
cavity. Ultrasound and MRI and subsequent myomectomy radiographic and fl uoroscopic X-ray imaging procedures
confi rmed that this was a normal cavity distorted by the in the UK-2010 review Health Protection Agency. 2012;
presence of large fi broids ISBN: 978-0-85951-716-4.
HPAwebFile/HPAweb_C/1317134577210. Accessed 4
Mar 2014.
12. Stumpf PG, March CM. Febrile morbidity following
hysterosalpingography: identifi cation of risk factors and
and suggest the appropriate additional imaging (Figs. recommendations for prophylaxis. Fertil Steril.
5.18 and 5.19 ). Figure 5.18 demonstrates how fi 13. 1980;33(5):487–92.
Pittaway DE, Winfi eld AC, Maxson W, Daniell J, Herbert
broid disease may mimic a bicorporeal cavity and C, Wentz AC. Prevention of acute pelvic infl ammatory
Fig. 5.19 how synechiae can mimic a septum. disease after hysterosalpingography: effi cacy of
doxycycline prophylaxis. Am J Obstet Gynecol.
Kesimpulan 14. Forsey JP, Caul EO, Paul ID, Hull MG. Chlamydia
Whilst hysterosalpingography (HSG) is not able trachomatis, tubal disease and the incidence of symp tomatic
to fully characterise congenital anomalies of the and asymptomatic infection following hys terosalpingography.
female genital tract it has an important role in Hum Reprod. 1990;5:444–7.
15. Land JA, Gijsen AP, Evers JL, Bruggeman CA.
suggesting the presence of an anomaly and in the Chlamydia trachomatis in subfertile women undergoing
assessment of the uterine cavity and fallopian 61
tubes both before and after any corrective surgery.
It is also of value in detecting concomitant uterine instrumentation: screen or treat? Hum Reprod.
16. Chandler TM, Machan LS, Cooperberg PL, Harris AC,
Chang SD. Mullerian duct anomalies: from diagnosis to
intervention. Br J Radiol. 2009;82(984):1034–42.

duct anomalies. Radiographics. 2012;32(6):E233– 50.

6 2D Ultrasound (2D US)
17. Behr SC, Courtier JL, Qayyum A. Imaging of mulle rian Accessed 24 Feb

18. Olpin JD1, Heilbrun M. Imaging of Müllerian duct and Sonohysterography
anomalies. Top Magn Reson Imaging. 2010; 21(4):225–
35. (SHG)
19. Grimbizis GF, Gordts S, Di Spiezo Sardo A, Brucker S,
De Angelis C, Gergolet M, et al. The ESHRE- ESGE for the Diagnosis of Female
Genital Anomalies
consensus on the classifi cation of female genital tract
anomalies. Gynecol Surg. 2013;10(3):199–212.
20. Troiano RN, McCarthy SM. Mullerian duct anomalies:
imaging and clinical issues. Radiologi. 2004;233(1): 19–
21. Amesse LS, Pfaff-Amesse T. Mullerian duct abnormali Caterina Exacoustos , Isabella Cobuzzi ,
ties. and Valeria Romeo
overview#showall. Accessed 24 Feb 2014 .
22. Steinkeler JA, Woodfi eld CA, Lazarus E. Female infer
tility: a systematic approach to radiologic imaging and
diagnosis. Radiographics. 2009;29(5):1353–70.
23. Khati NJ, Frazier AA, Brindle KA. The unicornuate uterus
and its variants: clinical presentation, imaging fi ndings,
and associated complications. J USG Med.

Goldstein SR, Benson CB. Imaging of the infertile couple.
London: Martin Dunitz; 2001.
Ott DJ, Fayez JA, Chen MYM. Hysterosalpingography a text
and atlas . Baltimore: Urban & Schwarzenberg. 1991; p.
13–32. Chapter 2.
Yoder IC. Hysterosalpingography and pelvic ultrasound: the different types of anomalies is often diffi cult
imaging in infertility and gynecology. Boston/Toronto: [ 6 ]. Therefore, other diagnostic methods were
Little Brown and Company; 1988.
2D transabdominal (TAS) or transvaginal (TVS)
sonography are the most available diagnostic tools
used to detect the presence of congenital uterine
anomalies [ 1 ]. The diagnosis of congeni
tal uterine anomaly is usually made in patients with
fertility problems or previous adverse obstetric
outcomes while the prevalence in the general
population is largely unknown [ 2 ]. 2D ultrasound
(2D US) is used since many years for the assessment
of uterine morphology because the appearance of the
uterine cavity and the myo
metrium can be analyzed by 2D US in great details.
The value of 2D US for the diagnosis of acquired
uterine abnormalities, such as fi broids or
endometrial cancer, is well known [ 3 , 4 ]. However,
pengantar in patients with congenital uterine anomalies, 2D
TAS and TVS have been used with varying success.
When used as a screening test, 2D TVS has provided
sensitivity rates of up to 100 % [ 5 ]. However, the
distinction between
C. Exacoustos , MD (*) • V. Romeo , MD morphology and must be used in the fi rst diagnostic
Department of Biomedicine and Prevention, approach in case of uterine congenital anomalies
Obstetrics and Gynecological Clinic ,
University of Rome 'Tor Vergata' , before other imaging or endoscopic techniques.
Isola Tiberina 1 , Rome 00186 , Italy The 2D US, transvaginal approach is the basic
e-mail: imaging method and provides objective and mea
I. Cobuzzi , MD surable informations of the cervix, the uterine cavity,
Department of Biomedical Sciences and Human the uterine wall and the external contour of the
Oncology, Obstetrics and Gynecological Clinic , uterus. It is simple, available, reproducible and non-
University of Bari , Bari , Italy
invasive but its accuracy highly depends on the
usually required to complete the diagnosis evalu experience of the examiner and on the examination
ation. In the past, after a suspicious of female genital methodology followed [ 11 , 12 ]. 2D US has a
malformation based on gynecological examination reported accuracy in diagnosing con
and 2D US, several other diagnostic methods were
genital uterine anomalies of approximately 90–92 % [
performed such as hysteroscopy,
2 , 13 ]. Pooled data from reports com paring 2D US
hysterosalpingography, magnetic resonance and
and hysteroscopy suggest low sen sitivities of less
laparoscopy. Actually, with the introduction of 3D
than 60 % but high specifi cities of nearly 100 % [ 1
TVS, most of these diagnostic methods are not more
required [ 7 – 10 ]. However, 2D US is still a very
The sonographic examination should be per
important diagnostic tool in evaluating uterine
formed better during the secretory phase of the

GF Grimbizis et al. (eds.), Female Genital Tract Congenital Malformations: 63 Classifi cation, Diagnosis and
Management, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4471-5146-3_6,
© Springer-Verlag London 2015
64 limits in the evaluation of all pelvic structures
together. It may have some technical problems in
menstrual cycle. During this phase, the hyper echoic case of virgo patients and in patients with vaginal
thick endometrium of the secretory phase is visible as septa or atresia. In these cases, the transrectal
a separated echogenic stripe repre senting the approach with transvaginal probe can be per formed
endometrium surrounded by a hypoechoic with the similar diagnostic accuracy.
myometrial layer (inner myome trium or junctional
zone) [ 14 ]. Imaging should not only focus on
conventional longitudinal and transverse imaging of 2D Ultrasound Techniques
the pelvis but also include orthogonal (coronal or
frontal) images along the long axis of the uterus to Transabdominal Sonography (TAS)
characterize the exter nal uterine contour. In addition
to 2D TVS, sono hysterography (SHG) can help to Transabdominal US is usually best performed with a
evaluate better the uterine cavity and the curved transducer. Although the TA US technique
communications between different parts of the cavity. can be performed with an empty blad der, this
In combi nation with the previous techniques, technique is most effective if the patient has a full
Doppler evaluation in color, power or spectral bladder. The full bladder provides an acoustic
imaging offers informations regarding blood fl ow to window as well as displaces the bowel
or within the pelvic organs. C. Exacoustos et al.
Although 2D US is often the fi rst imaging
modality chosen because its availability, short scan away from the area of interest. Also, the uterine
time and low cost, several limitation are encountered position is in a more perpendicular plane to the sound
during imaging. Image quality from TAS beam, which creates better axial resolu tion,
examination is often not appropriate and poor to producing a better image especially of the
make an accurate diagnosis of the type of genital tract endometrium. A frontal (coronal) section of the
malformations. 2D TAS may be per uterus can be obtained by scanning transabdomi nally
formed, ideally through a distended bladder but with a half-full-bladder and the probe posi tioned as
offers reduced sensitivity and specifi city because of much as possible parallel to the abdominal wall (half-
increased distance from the uterus and of the often full bladder technique) [ 15 ]. The frontal or coronal
intervening bowel. TVS imaging, is supe view of the uterus permits to visualize the fundal
rior to the transabdominal approach but had sev eral contour, myome trial thickness and conformation of
the endome trial cavity. By scanning the region of interest. This allows optimal
transabdominally, the sonographer has access to a visualization of the uterus, cervix, ovaries, adnexal
global view of the pelvic region and the relationship regions and cul-de-sac, as well the uri
between ana tomic structures of the pelvis and upper nary bladder and rectum. It is particularly useful in
abdomen (uterus, ovaries, bladder, kidneys, etc.) may the evaluation of obese patients and in the eval uation
be appreciated. TAS also has its limitations: overly of the retroverted or retrofl exed uterus.
ing bowel gas and patient's body habitus can con A systematic examination by 2D TVS of the
found transabdominal imaging. Due to the fact that pelvis included a detailed assessment of the uter ine
the TAS technique employs a lower fre quency position, size and morphological characteris tics. 2D
transducer, resolution is scarifi ed to ade quate TVS is able to evaluate the vaginal canal introducing
penetration, thus sacrifi cing image quality. the probe slowly by the external vaginal os, looking
to the cervix and the cervical canal in longitudinal
and in transverse section. Uterine cavities were
Transvaginal Sonography (TVS) examined systematically in the longitudinal plane
from the right to the left uterine corner and in the
The primary advantage of TVS over TAS lies in its transversal plane from fundus to cervix. Also the
ability to place a high-frequencies transducer next to lateral parts of the uterine cavity close to the tubal
origin can be evaluated.
6 2D Ultrasound (2D US) and Sonohysterography (SHG) for the Diagnosis of Female Genital Anomalies65

The visualization of endometrial stripe from the are evaluated by moving the transducer along the
cervix to the uterine fundus in longitudinal and in main axis in both trans verse and longitudinal planes.
transverse section permits to evaluate the form of the
uterine cavity, the presence of latero
deviation and the duplication of the cavity. The Sonohysterography (SHG)
evaluation of the uterine fundus in transverse and
longitudinal section can also give information about Sonohysterography (SHG) is a diagnostic tech nique
the type of uterine malformation. Intracavitary septa consisting of an intrauterine infusion of saline
and cavity duplications can be detected especially on solution by means of an intrauterine catheter
transverse section whereas in the longitudinal section positioned in the cervical canal during TVS. The
alterations of the external profi le of the uterus can be uterine cavity is often diffi cult to evaluate using
seen by mov ing the probe laterally and assessing the ultrasound being a virtual space. Enlargement of the
fundal position in different planes. Congenital uterine cavity with SHG can provide additional infor mation
anomalies may be suspected in women who have an and improves the imaging of the internal morphology
endometrial echo that is split from the fundus of the uterine cavity. The expansion of the uterine
downwards or where the interstitial portion of one or cavity with the isotonic saline solution is directly
other fallopian tube is not identifi ed. These fi ndings observed through endovaginal sonogra phy and the
are suggestive of either a duplication anomaly or uterine cavities were examined sys tematically in the
agenesis of one hemi-section of the uterus, longitudinal plane from the right to the left uterine
respectively. The evaluation of adnexal regions is corner and in the transversal plane from fundus to
also very important, at fi rst to visualize both ovaries cervix. Being the best phase to evaluate uterine
and secondary to detect in the lateral parts of pelvis cavities the secretory phase with thick endometrium,
rudimentary cornua or abnormal tubal conformation. SHG could be useful to char acterize better the
The major limitations of TVS are the inability to uterine cavities in case of thin endometrium as in
evaluate the external uterine contour adequately and early follicular phase or if the endometrium stripe is
the lack of global view of pelvis especially in patients unclear (myomas, contra ceptive pills, irregular
with large uterus or with widespread horns. bleeding) [ 4 ].
The possibility to perform of a transrectal scan SHG is a safe procedure and not particularly
with the transvaginal probe is very useful to eval uate painful for the patient. The major limitations of the
patients with congenital vaginal canalization defects procedure are the ability to characterize only patent
or virgo patients. The TVS probe is inserted into the canals and, similar to 2D TVS, the inabil
rectum and advanced until a midline image of the ity to evaluate the external uterine contour ade
cervix is visualized in a lon gitudinal scan. The quately, but it appears that SHG provides more
uterine cervix, parametria, vagina and rectum walls information about uterine abnormalities than
hysterosalpingography or US alone [ 16 ]. Reports agenesis of the upper vaginal part and the injection of
comparing SHG with hysteroscopy have sug gested saline solution in the proximal vagina by means of a
that SHG is highly accurate in both diag nosing and balloon catheter (Foley) can be useful to evaluate the
categorizing congenital uterine anomalies. The length and
weighted mean sensitivity and specifi city are 93 and
99 %, respectively [ 1 ].


It has been suggested that uterine anomalies have

different vessels distribution compared with nor mal
uterus [ 17 ]. Inadequate vascularization and altered
relationships between the endometrial and
myometrial vessels are thought to be the cause of
fertility problems [ 18 , 19 ]. There are evidences that
vascularity within uterine septa is altered. Color or
power Doppler ultrasound allowed simultaneous Fig. 6.1 Transrectal US with TVS probe imaging of a uterine
visualization of uterine morphology and vascular agenesis with vaginal agenesis of the upper vagi nal part: 1 +
network giving more information on the type of ----+ normal hypoechoic lower vaginal tract with hyperechoic
anomaly and the extent of the defect. Furthermore, upper fi brotic agenetic tract. 2 +----+ uretra
C. Exacoustos et al.
Doppler imaging can detect defi cient intraseptal
vascularity and/or inadequate endometrial
development in patients with a septate uterus [ 20 ]. morphology of the vagina and of the fi brotic
66 agenetic tract. It is also possible to visualize the
presence of rudimentary uterine tissue by TVS and
In most situations, Doppler interrogation of pelvic TRS. In case of isolated vaginal agenesis with an
vasculature is better appreciated utilizing endovaginal obstructed or small rudimentary uterus a small or thin
sonography versus the transabdomi nal approach endometrial stripe can be detected. In case of uterine
using Power Doppler with low PRF (0.3–0.6 Hz). hypoplasia, the endometrial cavity is small with a
Due to the fact that the probe is closer to the area of reduced intercornual dis tance (<2 cm) [ 21 ]. Before
interest, the sonographer is able to employ a higher corrective surgery of vaginal canalization defect a
frequency transducer cre ating improved image transrectal US should be performed to obtain
resolution. information on all pelvic organs.
Complete agenesis and hypoplasia without
functioning endometrium could be observed in
puberty with primary amenorrhea. Secondary sexual
2D Ultrasound and Genital
characteristics are present, which refl ects the normal
Anomalies Types ovarian function with normal ovaries that can be seen
during transrectal, transvaginal or transabdominal
Müllerian Agenesis and Uterine US. Primary amenorrhea with severe cyclic pelvic
Hypoplasia/Aplasia (ESHRE/ESGE pain may refl ect isolated vag inal agenesis and the
Class U5; Former AFS Class I) presence of a uterus with functional endometrium
secondary obstructed, resulting in hematometra.
Vaginal and uterine agenesis and hypoplasia can be Hematometra appear
easily detected by 2D US. In patients with Mayer- ance by ultrasound looks like a cystic structure
Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrome the absence of containing dense fl uid with ground-glass appear ance
the uterus and the presence of both ovaries can be (blood).
easily assessed by TVS (Fig. 6.1 ). The ovaries are SHG has no role in the evaluation of müllerian
normal in the major agenesis and hypoplasia.
ity of cases. In case of amenorrhea in Virgo patients
or in the presence of vaginal agenesis, the transrectal
approach (TRS) with transvagi nal probe can be Hemi-uterus (ESHRE/ESGE Class
performed (Fig. 6.1 ). Being often the vaginal U4) or Former AFS Unicornuate
Uterus (AFS Class II) transverse section with circle shape and the
visualization of only one intramu ral tubal part (Figs.
On 2D TVS and TAS images, an isolated unicor 6.2 and 6.3a, b ). A rudimen tary horn in the presence
nuate uterus appears as a normal or slightly smaller of a small uterus could confi rm the diagnosis. If a
than normal uterus and the characteristi cally coronal section can be obtained transabdominally by
asymmetric ellipsoidal shape is very diffi - cult to be a half-full bladder technique [ 23 ], the unicornuate
seen [ 22 ]. It can be suspected by an extremely uterus showed banana shaped endometrial cavity
laterodeviation of the uterus, an endo metrial stripe in without the
6 2D Ultrasound (2D US) and Sonohysterography (SHG) for the Diagnosis of Female Genital Anomalies67

Normal Unicomuate

Fig. 6.2 Comparison in a schematic view of a normal and a incidental unless a non communicating rudimen tary
unicornuate uterus by 2D US. The normal trans verse section horn is present. Dysmenorrhea with hemato metra
of the uterus shows a typical ovoidal endo metrial stripe,
whereas in the unicornuate uterus the endometrial stripe may manifest at menarche in this subgroup.
appears with circle shape and only one intramural tubal part is Unicornuate uterus is often diagnosed in infertile
seen. If a coronal section can be obtained transabdominally by a half-full bladder tech nique
(Fedele) or by 3D US the unicornuate uterus showed banana
shaped endometrial cavity without the usual rounded or
straight fundal contour and without the typical appearance of
usual rounded fundal contour and without the the fundal cavity in transverse section
triangular appearance of the fundal cavity (Figs. 6.2
and 6.3a, b ).
Unicornuate uterus could be associated with patients during the diagnostic workup by SHG or
variable degrees of a rudimentary uterine horn. TVS hysteroscopy. In addition, the incidence of endo
can see a non-cavitary rudimentary horn without metriosis is increased in this subgroup, similar to
associate endometrium as a round shape myometrial the case of other uterine anomalies [ 25 ]. Renal
structure near the single uterine corn and may be diffi abnormalities are more commonly associated with
cult to differentiate from a uter unicornuate uterus than with other müllerian duct
ine peduncolate myoma. In case of rudimentary horn anomalies and have been reported in 40 % of the
with endometrium a differential diagnosis in patients [ 26 ]. The anom aly is always ipsilateral to
communicating or noncommunicating horn must be the rudimentary horn. Renal agenesis is the most
performed. The communication between the two commonly reported abnormality, occurring in 67 %
horns can be evaluated by SHG. of cases. Ectopic kidney, horseshoe kidney, cystic
On SHG images, speculum inspection of the renal dysplasia and duplicated collecting systems
cervix demonstrates a small cervix and a poorly have also been described [ 26 ]. Therefore the
developed contralateral vaginal fornix. After evaluation by TAS is mandatory in these cases.
instillation of contrast material, the endometrial
cavity assumes a fusiform shape, tapering at the apex
and draining into a solitary fallopian tube. Filling of a Complete Bicorporeal Uterus
small communicating rudimentary horn may be seen, with Double Cervix (ESHRE/ESGE
although SHG cannot clearly delineate noncavitary Class U3bC2) or Former AFS
and noncommunicating rudimentary horns [ 24 ]. Didelphys Uterus (AFS Class III)
The diagnosis of unicornuate uterus is usually
Uterus didelphys, which constitutes approxi mately Fig. 6.3 Three planar ( A ) transverse section, ( B ) longitu
5 % of müllerian duct anomalies, is the result of dinal section, ( C ) coronal section view of a normal ( a ) and
unicornuate uterus ( b ). Note the round shaped endome trial
nearly complete failure of fusion of the müllerian stripe in the transverse section ( A ) of the unicornuate uterus (
ducts. No communication is present between the two b ) compared to the normal uterus ( a ). The coronal
endometrial cavities and the two horns. A
longitudinal vaginal sep tum is associated in 75 % of
these anomalies [ 27 ]. In this type of anomaly, two separate nor mal-
sized uteri and cervices are observed. A vaginal
septum may be diffi cult to visualize by 2D US.
a On TA US images, two separate divergent uterine
horns are identifi ed, with a large fundal cleft (Figs.
6.4a, b and 6.5 ).
views ( C ) show also different morphologies ( banana
shapeded ) in the unicornuate uterus ( b ) and fundal trian
gular in the normal uterus ( a ), where as the longitudinal
sections ( B ) are quite similar

On TVS US two separate horns can be easily

identify on the transverse section (Fig. 6.6 ). On the
longitudinal section two endometrial cavities are seen
uniformly separate, with no evidence of
communication. The two uterine horns are usu
ally widely displayed and endometrial and myo
metrial zonal widths are preserved. Two separate

C. Exacoustos et al.
6 2D Ultrasound (2D US) and Sonohysterography (SHG) for the Diagnosis of Female Genital


Fig. 6.4 TAS images of a dydelphus uterus in transverse Fig. 6.5 Half full bladder TAS images of a dydelphus uterus,
section: ( a ) two separate uterine horns are seen ( b ) Color the coronal or frontal view shows two separate divergent
Doppler shows a typical uterine vascularization in each uterine horns with a large fundal cleft

Fig. 6.7 Schematic view of a

dydelphus uterus, two
completely separate uterine
horns are seen in the
transverse and frontal planes
of the uterus, only the two
cervix can appear separated Fig. 6.8 TAS images of a hematocolpo in a young patient
or fused medially together with didelphus uterus and an imperforated vaginal septum
(Note the hypoechoic, dense fl uid (blood) amount below the
uterine cervix in the upper part of the vagina (1 longitudinal
diameter, 2 anteroposterior diameter of the hematocolpo)

the two horns, the two cervical must be incannu lated

by two different catheters. However, if the anomaly is
associated with an obstructed longitu dinal vaginal
cervices need to be documented by identifying in septum, only one cervical os may be depicted, and it
transverse section two separate cervical canals and on may be cannulated with the endometrial confi
the longitudinal section two external cer vical os (Fig. guration mimicking a unicor nuate uterus [ 28 ].
6.7 ). Color Doppler shows a typical uterine Non obstuctive uterus didelphys is usually asymp
vascularization in each horn, arcuate and tomatic, while uterus didelphys with unilateral
horn, arcuate and radial vessels in the myometrium around the vaginal obstruction may become symptomatic at
endometrial layer
menarche and manifest as dysmenorrhea. In case of
obstructive vaginal septum, hematocolpo and
hematometra can be observed on TVS and TAS (Fig.
6.8 ). Endometriosis and pelvic adhesions have an
increased prevalence and are reported to be
secondary to retrograde menstrual fl ow in the subset
of patients with obstruction [ 25 ].

Bicorporeal Uterus (ESHRE/ESGE

Class U3) or Former AFS Bicornuate
Uterus (AFS Class IV)

The bicornuate uterus results from incomplete fusion

of the uterovaginal horns at the level of the fundus
Fig. 6.6 TVS images of a dydelphus uterus, two separate
uterine horns are seen transverse section completely sepa rated
and accounts for approximately 10 % of müllerian
from each other duct [ 13 ]. A bicornuate uterus consists of two
symmetric cornua that are fused caudal
C. Exacoustos et al.

with partial communication of the endometrial

cavities, most often at the level of the uterine isth
mus. The intervening cleft of the complete bicor
nuate uterus extends to the internal cervical os
(bicornuate unicollis) while the cleft of a partial
bicornuate confi guration is of variable length. A
bicornuate bicollis uterus is characterized by a
cleft that extends to the external cervical os. By 2D
US, complete bicornuate uterus is very similar to the
feature of the didelphus and only the assessment of
one uterine isthmic cavity or cervical canal can made
the diagnosis. In case of partial bicornuate uterus the
length of the cleft between the two horns is important
radial vessels in the myometrium around the to be evalu ated and several variations can be
endometrial layer (Fig. 6.4a, b ). observed with different degree of communication
SHG demonstrates two separate endocervical canal, between the two horns. The diagnosis of bicornuate
that open into separate fusiform endome trial cavities, bicollis uterus is very diffi cult by 2D ultrasound and
with no communication between probably the vaginal examination and hysteros copy
70 can be useful in evaluating two separate cervix.
In class IV or U3 anomalies, 2D US may dem middle part of the uterus a double endometrial stripe
onstrate 2 uterine cavities with normal endome trium is detected in one large uterine corpus (Figs. 6.9 and
(Fig. 6.9a ). The most important imaging fi nding is a 6.10 ). On the longitudinal planes, the length of the
concave fundus with a fundal cleft greater than 1 cm corpus measured to each horn is greater than the
[ 5 , 15 , 29 ]. This has been shown to be a reliable length of the corpus taken through the midline (Fig.
means of distinguishing partial bicornuate uteri from 6.10 ). This indentation between the two horns is
septate uteri. 3D US plays actually the most much more easier to be detected by 3D US on the
important role in making this diagno sis. The cleft is uterine coronal section. The cut-off level of this
visualized best on coronal or frontal image of the length of the indentation between the two horns to
uterus that can be obtained by 2D TAS and half-full distinguish a partial bicor nuate uterus from the
bladder technique (Fig. 6.5 ) or by 3D US. In case of septate uterus is 10 mm [ 15 ].
partial bicornuate uterus on TVS transverse section It is also important in case of partial bicornu ate
near the fundus of the uterus, a double uterus to evaluate the length of the commu-
endometrial/myometrial view is seen whereas in the
6 2D Ultrasound (2D US) and Sonohysterography (SHG) for the Diagnosis of Female Genital Anomalies71


Fig. 6.9 TVS images of a bicornuate uterus ( a ) in com seen the transverse section of the bicornuate uterus ( a )
parison to a septate uterus ( b ): two separate uterine horns are whereas only double endometrial layer without doubling of the
myometrium tissue around is seen in the septate uterus ( b )

Fig. 6.10 Comparison in a Longitudintal view

Frontal view Transverse view
schematic view of a partial
bicornuate and a partial
septate uterus by 2D US. In
case of partial bicornuate
uterus on TVS transverse
section near the fundus of the
uterus, a double endometrial/
myometrial view is seen,
whereas in the middle part of
the uterus a double endome
trial stripe is detected in one
large uterine corpus. On the nicating cavity and the presence of a partial septate
longitudinal planes, the cavity due to the fusion of uterine horns. In fact, in
length of the corpus
measured to each horn is
some partial bicornuate uterus, a hys teroscopy
greater than the length of the metroplasty can be performed in case of cavity with
corpus taken through the partial septum. It is therefore very important to
midline in case of bicornuate measure the distance between the fundal indentation
uterus, it is equal in case of and the endometrial cavity. This can be done by 2D
septate uterus
ultrasound in a longitu dinal section calculating the
difference of the distance of the residual myometrial
tissue later ally on the horns and centrally at the level
of the
Partial bicomuate uterus
Partial septate uterus such as polyps and fi broids.
Longitudinal upper vaginal septa are reported to
coexist in 25 % of bicornuate uteri. In presence of
indentation and the common septum (Figs. 6.10 and imperforated septa or vaginal septa a hemato colpo
6.11 ). The septum separating the 2 horns can be observed (Fig. 6.8 ) [ 5 , 15 ]. Features such as
demonstrates echogenicity identical to that of extreme antefl exion or retrofl exion and the presence
myometrium. The inferior portion of the septum and deformity caused by overlying leiomyomas made
(extending for a variable length inferiorly) may be fi the differential diagnosis extremely diffi cult.
C. Exacoustos et al.
brous [ 6 ].
SHG can be useful in evaluating the commu nication
between the cavities. The presence of uterine septum Septate Uterus (ESHRE/ESGE Class
may create some diffi culties to perform SHG U2 or Former AFS Class V)
accurately. In this case, as in the didelphus uterus, the
two cervical must be incan The septate uterus composes approximately 55 % of
72 müllerian duct anomalies [ 30 ] and results from
partial or complete failure of resorption of the utero-
a vaginal septum after fusion of the parame
sonephric ducts.
A septate uterus is considered complete if the
septum, which arises in the midline fundus, extends
to the internal cervical os, otherwise it is considered
partial. A partial septum is variable in length and may
be mild or extend proximal to internal cervical os.
Extension of the septum to the external cervical os
and the upper vagina is seen in approximately 25 %
b of case [ 31 ]. Complete duplication of the cervix can
occur and a double os can be detected (bicervical
septate uterus). The external uterine contour may be
con vex, fl at or mildly concave [ 32 ]. The depth of
the fundal indentation is important for differentiation
of a septate from a partial bicornuate. A cutoff of 1.0
cm was chosen after subjective evaluation by
gynecologists at the time of laparoscopy and, while
noted to be arbitrary, has been found to be reliable for
c differentiation from a bicornuate con fi guration [ 15 ,
33 ].
At 2D US a septate uterus is suspected when in
transverse section double endometrial stripe with out
doubling of the myometrium tissue is seen (Fig. 6.9a,
b ). The endometrial cavities are sepa rated at the
fundus and, depending on septal length, double
endometrial stripe is detected in the middle part of
Fig. 6.11 TVS longitudinal view of a septate uterus in three the uterus until the cervical canal (Figs. 6.10 and 6.12
different sections: ( a ) lateral on the left al the level of the ). In longitudinal planes, it is important for the
tubal angle, ( b ) in the uterine middle at the level of the
septum, ( c ) lateral on the right. Note the length of the corpus diagnosis that the length of the corpus measured to
measured to each horn (diameter 1 in c ) is equal to the length each of the horns is equal or ≤10 mm than the length
of the corpus taken through the midline (diam of the corpus taken through the midline (Figs. 6.10 ,
eter 1 in b ). Septum length can be obtained calculating the 6.11 and 6.13 ). The measurement of the serosa-
difference of the distance of the residual myometrial tis sue
laterally on the horns ( a or c ) and centrally at the level of the endometrial thickness of the uterus along its fundal
indentation and the common septum ( b ) border in longitudinal section is used as a diagnostic
crite rion; in the septate uterus the thickness should
increase reaching the midline as the septate becomes
nulated by two different catheters. SHG gives also apparent (Fig. 6.11 ) [ 34 ].
the opportunity to evaluate intracavitary anomaly
6 2D Ultrasound (2D US) and Sonohysterography (SHG) for the Diagnosis of Female Genital Anomalies73

The external uterine contour must demon

strate a convex, fl at or slightly concave confi gu
ration and may best be appreciated on transverse
images of the uterus or coronal section obtained
by TAS half full bladder technique; however,
defi nitive characterization of the fundal contour
remains a potential limitation of 2D US. The
differentiation of a septate from a partial bicor
nuate uterus on a true frontal view of the uterus
(coronal section) can be obtained only by 3D
TVS or MRI. In this plane, the fundal indenta
tion of the external contour can be accurately
seen and measured to assess if the uterus is con
sidered to be bicornuate or sepatate (Fig. 6.10 ).
An intercornual distance of less than 4.0 cm has
been also proposed to distinguish a septate from
a bicornuate uterus [ 35 ]. However, this mea
surement is a residuum of hysterosalpingogra
phy (HSG) criteria that were created to
compensate the inability of HSG to demonstrate
the fundal contour.
The inferior segment of the complete septum
is hypoechoic and refl ects the caudal fi brous
component. Multiple biopsies demonstrated
increased amounts of muscular tissue and less
connective tissue are present in the upper seg
ment of septum [ 36 ]. Transvaginal color Doppler
obtains information on vascularity of the septal
region which may be important to distinguish the
more vascularized myometrial component of the
septum from the less vascularized fi brotic part
and could be useful in determining treatment
options (Fig. 6.14a, b ).
SHG of a septate uterus can be used to evalu
ate the size and extent of septa [ 28 ] especially in
case of thin endometrial stripe or in the presence
of leiomyomas or adenomyosis within the sep
tum causing secondary distortion of cavity.
However, the diagnostic accuracy of SHG alone
is low for differentiation of septate from bicornu

Fig. 6.12 TVS transverse view of a septate uterus in 6

different sections of the uterus. Note the double endome
trial layer at the uterine fundal ( a ), corpus ( b , c ) and isth
mic level ( d ) and the single endometrial stripe at the
internal cervical os ( e ) level
74 lateral on the right two separate uterine horns
C. Exacoustos et al.

ate uteri [ 37 ]. SHG gives also the opportunity to
evaluate intracavitary anomaly such as polyps and fi
broids (Figs. 6.15 and 6.16 ).

Arcuate Uterus (AFS Class VI)

The arcuate uterus is characterized by a mild

indentation of the endometrium at the uterine fundus
as a result of near complete resorption of the utero-
b vaginal septum. Classifi cation has been problematic,
because it remains unclear whether this variant
should be classifi ed as a true anomaly or as an
anatomic variant of normal.
In the original Buttram and Gibbons classifi -
cation, the arcuate uterus was subclassifi ed with the
bicornuate uterus because it “most closely resembled
a 'mild' form of bicornuate uterus” [ 38 ]. On revision
of the classifi cation by AFS, a separate class was
designated, because the arcu ate uterus can be
distinguished from a bicornuate uterus on the basis of
its complete fundal unifi ca tion [ 21 ]. Finally in the
last ESHRE/ESGE clas sifi cation arcuate uterus is no
more considered as a distinct uterine congenital
anomalies and some previous classifi ed arcuate
uterus are classifi ed as septate uterus (U2 class) and
others as normal or dysmorphic uterus (U0/U1 class).
On 2D US images, a normal external uterine
contour is noted, with a broad smooth indentation on
the fundal segment of the endometrium. The
indentation may be best appreciated in the transverse
Fig. 6.13 TVS longitudinal view of a complete septate uterus
plane with subtle, focal, superior duplication of the
in three different sections ( a ) lateral on the left; ( b ) in the endometrial echogenic com
uterine middle at the level of the septum note the total absence plexes. No division of the uterine horns is noted
of the endometrial stripe, only the cervical canal is seen; ( c )


Fig. 6.14 Power Doppler TVS images of a septate uterus ( a ) nuate uterus around the endometrial layer ( b ) and the
in comparison to a bicornuate uterus ( b ). Note the typical irregular vascularity between the two-endometrial stripes in
vessel distribution in the myometrium of the bicor case of septate uterus ( a )
6 2D Ultrasound (2D US) and Sonohysterography (SHG) for the Diagnosis of Female Genital Anomalies75

a b
Fig. 6.15 SHG of a septate uterus: ( a ) transverse section of Fig. 6.16 SHG of a septate uterus can be used to evaluate
a septate uterus ( b ) the same transverse section after saline better the size and the presence of polyps: ( a ) transverse
injection in the uterine cavity, note the presence of an section of a septate uterus with polyps at the isthmic level ( b )
endometrial polyp in the left horn, that can be missed at only coronal view of the two cavities during saline infusion note the
2D scan better visualization of the septal myometrial tissue

Fig. 6.17 Schematic view

of an arcuate uterus note
the fundal transverse
section very similar to this
of the septate uterus of at
fundal level (Fig. 6.10 )

[ 5 ] (Figs. 6.17 and 6.18 ). For 2D TVS diagnosis of longitudinal planes, the length of the corpus mea
arcuate uterus, in transverse section double sured to each of the horns is ≤10 mm longer than the
endometrial without doubling of the myome trium length of the corpus taken through the mid line. The
through the distal part of the uterus and a single differential diagnosis in 2D US of an arcuate uterus
endometrial stripe through the middle part of the from a subseptate uterus in very diffi cult. The lateral
uterus is detected (Figs. 6.17 and 6.18 ); In parts of the uterine cavity
a 76
C. Exacoustos et al.

Fig. 6.18 Three planar view ( A = transverse, B = longitudinal and C = coronal) view of an arcuate uterus, note how
the transverse section ( A ) at fundal level is very similar to this of the septate uterus

close to the tubal origin often gave a false impres Other Types
sion of an arcuate uterus. In both cases, a division of
endometrial echo in the lateral uppermost part of the Other uterine corpus anomalies include a small
uterine cavity was seen. However, due to the inability hypoplastic uterus, constriction bands, a widened
to obtain frontal (coronal) sections of the uterine lower uterine segment, and a narrowed fundal
fundus, the distinction between a normal, septate and segment of the endometrial canal, irregular endo
an arcuate uterus is often impossible on conventional metrial margins and intraluminal fi lling defects. A
2D US. The 2D US evaluation and measuring are T-shaped confi guration of the endometrial cavity is
very similar to these of the septate uterus however a the one of these uncommon abnormali ties. T-shaped
larger inter uterus was seen in the past in women exposed to DES
cornual distance and shorter internal indentation (or [ 39 , 40 ]. It has been shown that DES interferes with
septal length) are observed. embryologic development of the mesenchyme of the
On SHG images, opacifi cation of the endome genital tract. Structural anomalies of the uterine
trial cavity demonstrates a single uterine canal with a corpus, cervix and vagina were subsequently
broad saddle-shaped indentation of the uterine fundus described [ 41 ]. T-shaped uterine cavities are
[ 5 ]. observed now
6 2D Ultrasound (2D US) and Sonohysterography (SHG) for the Diagnosis of Female Genital Anomalies77

also in not exposed DES patients and are associ ated be accurately diagnosed. On 2D SHG images,
to infertility, recurrent spontaneous miscar riages, cervical hypoplasia and cervical stenosis may make
premature deliveries and other pregnancy cannula insertion into the endocervi cal canal diffi
complication. A clearly defi nition of this T-shaped cult.
confi guration is actually not present. It seems that
not only the large and fl at fundal cavity but also the
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uterus: imaging appearance, associated anomalies, and 1990;9:661–4.
clinical applications. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 43. Salle B, Sergeant P, Awada A, et al. Transvaginal
ultrasound studies of vascular and morphologic changes in ultrasound are both non-invasive techniques and both
uteri exposed to diethylstilbestrol in utero. Hum Reprod. perform equally well for uterine imaging [ 1 , 3 ].
44. DeCherney AH, Cholst I, Naftolin F. Structure and Associated renal anomalies can be detected with
function of the fallopian tubes following exposure to abdominal ultrasound as with MRI.
diethylstilbestrol (DES) during gestation. Fertil Steril. 3D ultrasound has the advantages that it is readily
1981;36:741–5. available in centres dedicated to women's health such
as gynaecological or fertility units and that abdominal
as well as vaginal scanning are well known and
accepted by women. 3D ultrasound volumes can be
stored and manipu
lated later or elsewhere and an infi nite number of
sections through any plane in the volume can be

D. Van Schoubroeck , MD (*)

Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology ,
University Hospitals KU Leuven ,
Campus Gasthuisberg, Herestraat 49 ,
Leuven 3000 , Belgium
Department of Development and Regeneration , KU
Leuven , Leuven , Belgium
T. Van den Bosch • D. Timmerman , MD
Department of Development and Regeneration , KU
Leuven , Leuven , Belgium
3D ultrasound imaging has limitations. Children

7 3D Ultrasound (3D US) cannot be scanned by a vaginal approach nor can

women with vaginal atresia. An abdominal
ultrasound may be limited in those cases too due to
eg the impossibility to obtain suffi cient bladder fi
Dominique Van Schoubroeck , lling, abdominal scar
Thierry Van den Bosch , and Dirk ring or adiposity. Complex anomalies may prove
Timmerman particularly challenging. Although 3D ultra sound is
the fi rst line diagnostic test for congeni tal uterine
anomalies, additional imaging with MRI and/or
invasive tests such as laparoscopy or hysteroscopy
may be useful or necessary to come to an accurate

3D Ultrasound in the Diagnosis

of Female Genital Anomalies

Ultrasound examination of female genital organs

may benefi t from a full bladder in case of an
abdominal approach whereas for a vaginal scan, a full
bladder may push the uterus up and out of the fi eld
obtained. From an economical point of view, of vision.
MRI is the more expensive test. 3D ultrasound differs from 2D ultrasound in the use
The fi rst studies on 3D ultrasound in the diag nosis of a 3D probe and software only. 3D ultra sound
of congenital Müllerian anomalies were performed evaluation of the female genital tract starts off with a
more than a decade ago, and the accuracy of 3D standard 2D evaluation and these 2D images are
ultrasound imaging of uterine morphology has been obtained with the 3D probe in stan dard mode. A
demonstrated [ 4 , 5 , 8 , 10 , 13 ]. poor 2D image because of eg abdominal scarring,
adipose tissue or bowel
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and 3D
GF Grimbizis et al. (eds.), Female Genital Tract Congenital Malformations: 79 Classifi cation, Diagnosis and
Management, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4471-5146-3_7,
© Springer-Verlag London 2015
80 erence image comprises the outer and inner
D. Van Schoubroeck et al.
gasses for an abdominal approach or because of a
pelvic mass or bowel gasses for a vaginal approach contour of the fundal myometrium and the begin
will result in a poor quality 3D volume. ning of the interstitial portion of the Fallopian tubes
A female genital anomaly may be detected on 2D (Fig. 7.2 ). Ultrasound imaging is based upon refl
imaging. 2D ultrasound only may be diagnos tic in ection of high frequency sound waves at interfaces
case of a major anomaly such as uterine agenesis, between tissues with different charac teristics and a
classifi ed in class U5 b (aplasia) in the distinct endometrial line is neces sary to delineate the
ESHRE/ESGE 2013 consensus classifi cation (further uterine cavity from the myometrium. The quality of
referred to as ESHRE/ESGE) [ 6 ]. 2D ultrasound the ultrasound image will be optimal if the
may show a hematocolpos secondary to an endometrium is thick, thus in the secretory or late
obstruction to menstrual fl ow in case of a transverse proliferative phase of the menstrual cycle [ 2 ] (Fig.
vaginal septum, ESHRE/ESGE class U0C0V3 or 2 7.3 ). If the endometrial echo is not distinct enough,
hemicorpora with cervical agenesis (ESHRE/ESGE sonohysterography, also called fl uid instillation
U3bC4) (Fig. 7.1 ). sonography or FIS, will enhance contrast so that the
However, for an accurate evaluation of the much uterine cavity becomes clearly delineated. Saline or
more prevalent but less severe distortions of uterine gel are neg ative ultrasound contrast agents, while gel
morphology within the context of congen ital foam containing micro-air bubbles acts as a positive
malformations, a coronal image of the uterus ultrasound contrast agent [ 11 ] (Fig. 7.4 ).
perpendicular to its long axis is required. The ref Sonohysterography implicates a speculum exami
nation and insertion of a catheter through or in the


Fig. 7.1 Abdominal 2D ultrasound: ( a ) uterine agenesis: septum/imperforate hymen: ESHRE/ESGE U0 C0 V3:
ESHRE/ESGE U5b C4 aplasia: vagina ( white arrow ), absent dilated proximal vagina ( white arrow ). ( c ) complete
cervix and uterine body. ( b ) Transverse vaginal bicorporeal uterus and cervical aplasia: ESHRE/ESGE U3b
C4: hemicorpora ( white arrow )
7 3D Ultrasound (3D US)
Fig. 7.2 Reference plane for uterine morphology assessment


Fig. 7.3 The endometrial line needs to be visible for opti mal D. Van Schoubroeck et al.
ultrasound imaging. 2D sagittal image of the uterus: ( a ) the
endometrium is not visible. ( b ) a well-defi ned

cervical canal and causes more discomfort compared

to a vaginal ultrasound examination only [ 12 ].
Sonohysterography isn't an option if a vaginal
approach is not possible or if the woman doesn't
consent to.
endometrium. ( c ) contrast enhancement by fl uid instilled in
the uterine cavity

Ultrasound imaging implies cross sections

through the uterine cavity and cervical canal as well
as through the endometrium, myometrium and
cervical wall whereas the outline of the uterus should
be visible too. Any change of

Fig. 7.4 Coronal image showing the outer uterine con tour, abdominal or by a vaginal approach, depends on the
the fundal outline of the cavity, the thickness of the fundal position of the uterus (Fig. 7.6 ). Transverse 2D
myometrium and the beginning of the interstitial segments of
the Fallopian tubes. ( a ) Unenhanced rendered images of the uterus can usually be obtained and an
interrupted endometrial or cervical echo may be
indicative of a fusion or a resorption anomaly. But
morphology is to be detected and the underlying these transverse images do not allow for a detailed
cause should be elucidated too: eg a fi broid may evaluation of the degree of altered morphology (Fig.
distort the cavity and/or the uterine contour, an 7.7 ). With 3D ultrasound technology, the volume can
intracavitary structure may be a fi broid or a polyp, be
and a bulging wall may be due to adeno 7 3D Ultrasound (3D US)a1
myosis (Fig. 7.5 ). A congenital anomaly can be
evidenced too. To evaluate the more minor con
genital uterine anomalies with 2D ultrasound, success
in obtaining the reference image by an
image. ( b ) Negative contrast enhancement by instilling gel or
saline. ( c ) Positive contrast enhancement by instill ing fl uid
containing small air bubbles (gel foam)

a2 b2 c d

Fig. 7.5 Ultrasound provides additional information on in the acquired volume (Fig. 7.8 ). This explains why
changes in uterine morphology. ( a ) endometrial polyp, polyp, 3D imaging is essential for an accurate eval uation of
( a1 ) 2D, ( a2 ) 3D-FIS. ( b ) intracavitary fi broid, ( b1 )
the majority of congenital uterine and

manipulated and any section through the volume can D. Van Schoubroeck et al.
be made. The reference image can be obtained,
irrespective of the position of the uterus
2D, ( b2 ) 3D-FIS. ( c ) adenomyosis in the anterior myome
trial wall (2D). ( d ) intramural fi broid and ESRE/ESGE U2b
C2: complete septate uterus and cervical septum (3D)
Fig. 7.6 2D coronal image of the uterus: ( a ) transabdom inal due to a thin endometrial line. ( c ) 3D coronal rendered image:
image: ESHRE/ESGE U2b, complete septate. ( b ) ESHRE/ESGE classifi cation: the indentation is >50 % of the
Transvaginal image: retroverted uterus, ESHRE/ESGE thickness of the fundal myometrium: U2a C0 partial septate
(AFS classifi cation: arcuate uterus)


Fig. 7.7 Transverse 2D ultrasound does not allow for

accurate assessment of the fundal myometrium. ( a ) Sagittal
2D image. ( b ) Transverse 2D image: an inter rupted
endometrial line is visible despite the poor contrast
U0, normal. Full arrow : external fundal contour. Dotted
arrow : indentation ( a ), fundal outline of the cavity ( b ). X
beginning of the Fallopian tubes
7 3D Ultrasound (3D US)


Fig. 7.8 3D sectional planes and rendered image of a normal uterus ESHRE/ESGE U0 C0. ( a ) abdominal
ultrasound. ( b ) vaginal ultrasound

cervical anomalies by ultrasound. An important discussion and use in training programs. Contrary to
added value of 3D ultrasound is that a volume can be 2D ultrasound, laparoscopy or hys teroscopy where
stored and exported allowing for reassess ment, one is restricted to the still images or videos taken at
the moment of the examination, volume manipulation can be stored during volume acquisi tion too.
during off line analysis allows for an infi nite number The volume can be studied in different ways,
of additional sections and information. depending on the 3D software available. The
“sectional planes” mode depicts three orthogonal
planes (A, B, C). If a longitudinal section of the
How to Obtain the Reference 3D uterus is shown in the A plane and a transverse
Image for the Evaluation of Uterine section of the uterus in the B plane, a coronal uterine
Morphology cross section is seen in the C plane. If the reference
line is on the endometrium in A and B, a mid-coronal
After having performed a standard 2D evalua tion, a image of the uterine cavity is depicted in the C plane.
3D volume of the uterus is to be made (Fig. 7.9 ). The The rendering mode produces a “thick sliced” image
ultrasound probe is hold fi xed on a 2D midsagittal or and the thickness of it can be adapted. Software may
transverse image of the uterus. Especially in case of a allow adjust ing the section plane by curving or
wide uterine fun dus or an abnormal uterine axis, it tracing the reference line so that it remains central on
may be preferable to start from a transverse image of the endometrium and the cervical canal (Figs. 7.12
the uterine fundus (Fig. 7.10 ). The volume box out and 7.13 ). The reference image for evaluating
line (region of interest) appears on the screen when 86
the 3D button has been activated and the size of the
box as well as the sweep angle (usu ally between 90° Fig. 7.9 How to obtain a
and 120°) have to be adjusted so that the volume will 3D volume of the uterus
include the uterus in full, including the fundal outline.
The time of acquisi tion can be adapted too. A slower
acquisition takes more time but results in an better
resolution. To evaluate the cervix, one can opt for a
separate volume. The quality of the 3D images will
be better if this volume is obtained after hav ing
enlarged the 2D image so that the region of interest
box includes the cervix only (Fig. 7.11 ). The
ultrasound probe is to be hold motionlessly during
actual volume capture. It is instructive to pay
attention to the sequence of consecutive 2D images
of the A plane appearing on the screen during volume
acquisition as this gives a fi rst impression of the
content of the resulting vol
ume. Once the volume has been obtained, it can be
manipulated at once or stored for off-line anal ysis
later and/or elsewhere. Colour Doppler information D. Van Schoubroeck et al.
Fig. 7.10 Volume acquisition of ESHRE/ESGE U2a partial septate uterus. ( a ) Starting from a midsagittal image of
the uterus. ( b ) Starting from a transverse image of the uterus

uterine morphology in the context of a congenital if the rendering has been done on a thick slice. It may
anomaly is obtained if the image is not only on the be more informative to rely in this case on a thin mid-
central part of endometrium and cervical canal but coronal image and thus on the C plane of the
also mid-coronal through the fundal myometrium. It sectional planes mode.
is wise to manipulate the volume in the sectional A volume box that does not include the entire
planes mode as to ascertain the reference line through uterus may be misleading too. This stresses the
the fundal myometrium is perpendicular to the long importance of a proper 2D ultrasound evaluation
axis of the uterine cav ity and to pay attention to the preceding 3D volume acquisition so that the region of
exact location of the fi rst part of the intramural interest box and acquisition angle are appropriate and
segment of the Fallopian tube. A rendered image the 3D volume includes the entire uterus. This is even
presented without knowledge of the section plane more vital if the vol
may lead to an inaccurate or erroneous diagnosis. ume is intended to be analysed off-line. Information
(Fig. 7.14 ). The fundal outline and fundal inden that is not included in the volume
tation may be diffi cult to assess on a rendered image
7 3D Ultrasound (3D US)

Fig. 7.11 Volume acquisition of the cervix: sectional planes and coronal rendered image of the cervical
canal b

Fig. 7.12 Uterine morphology is assessed on a sectional or rendered image. ( a ) Adjust the dotted line so that it is on the
rendered image of the mid-coronal plane. The dotted line endometrium in the A and B plane. ( b ) If necessary, the
indicates where the volume is “cut” and this image is given in dotted line can be curved to follow the endometrium
the C plane. The size of the box can be adjusted 88
and its thickness represents the thickness of the slice of the D. Van Schoubroeck et al.

Fig. 7.13 Software may allow tracing the line on the endometrium and cervical canal to obtain the reference image.
ESHRE/ESGE Class U1b dysmorphic uterus, infantilis

Fig. 7.14 An inaccurate section may result in an errone ous The ESHRE/ESGE Classifi cation
diagnosis. ( a ) The image plane in A is not perpendicu lar to
the long axis of the fundal myometrium. The C plane and the
rendered image show an ESHRE/ESGE The ESHRE/ESGE expert consensus classifi ca tion
system of female genital anomalies pub lished in
2013 proposes main and subclasses for uterine
anomalies, and co-existent subclasses for cervical and
cannot be extracted from it. At best, the patient is to for vaginal anomalies (Figs. 7.17 , 7.18 and 7.19 ).
be called in again. Worse, misinterpretation may The ESHRE/ESGE consensus differs markedly from
result in a wrong diagnosis such as a hemiuterus other classifi cation systems in that to fi t an anomaly
(ESHRE/ESGE class U4) instead of a uterus in class U1, U2 or U3 the thickness of the fundal
didelphys (ESHRE/ESGE class U3bC2) (Fig. 7.15 ). uterine wall is to be assessed (Fig. 7.20 ). Only 3D
Although not reported in the litera ultrasound or MRI are diagnostic modalities capable
of providing this information.
ture, it is possible that a fundal myometrial con
traction may temporarily increase the thickness and
the outline of the fundal myometrium and may cause
a temporary and usually mild indenta Future Research
U2a subseptate uterus but are misleading. ( b ) The image
plane in A has been corrected. The images in the C plane and A major drawback of the existing classifi cation
the rendered image are now true coronal images. systems for congenital female genital anomalies is
ESHRE/ESGE U0 C0, normal uterus and cervix
that morphological changes are a continuum and by fi
tting this continuum into discrete catego
ries, valuable information gets lost inevitably (Fig.
7.21 ). The literature on congenital anoma
tion of the uterine cavity. In case of doubt, a repeat 89
scan may be useful.
Tomographic Ultrasound Imaging (TUI) is the
representation by a series of parallel slices through
the volume and the distance between the slices as
well as their number can be confi gured (Fig. 7.16 ).
This is one example that all modali
ties of volume ultrasound should be considered
depending on the specifi c information one is looking
7 3D Ultrasound (3D US)


Enlarging the angle of acquisition allows for a 3D image of the

entire uterus. ESHRE/ESGE U3b C2, complete bicorporeal
uterus with double cervix

lies is extensive indeed, it is confusing too because

lack of a detailed description of the so called minor
Fig. 7.15 The volume should include the entire uterus. ( a ) uterine anomalies results in overlap in categories and
An acquisition angle that is too narrow results in a 3D image thus diffi cult to interpret results on clinical relevance
of only half of the uterus and could lead to an erro neous and treatment outcome. As put forward in 2004
diagnosis of ESHRE/ESGE U4, hemi uterus. ( b ) already [ 9 ], 3D ultrasound has opened new
perspectives (Fig. 7.22 ). On a standardized coronal
image plane – obtained with 2D, 3D or MRI- Fig. 7.16 Transverse image of the cervix: ( a ) Tomographic
standardized measurements are to be performed [ 7 ]. Ultrasound Imaging (TUI) representation of the 3D volume:
ESHRE/ESGE C1, septate cervix. ( b )
Vascular parameters of the intermediate tissue in case D. Van Schoubroeck et al.
of a split in the cavity may have to be considered too.
A uniform and objective description of altered uterine
mor phology is to be related to clinical relevance, irre
spective of the existing classifi cation systems.
Clinical insignifi cant variants of uterine mor phology
can get classifi ed as such and their own ers be
reassured. If solid data indicate that the
morphological uterine alteration is likely to cause a
clinical problem, it is a congenital uterine anomaly.
In this group, further studies may have to be
conducted to come to categories based on the likely
clinical problem and/or on the treatment modalities.

Transverse 2D section: ESHRE/ESGE C0, normal cervix. ( c )

bc Transverse rendered 3D image: ESHRE/ESGE C1, septate
7 3D Ultrasound (3D US)

a. T-shaped b. infantilis c. other
Class U0: normal uterus b. complete
b. complete c. bicorporeal septate
Class U1: dysmorphic uterus a. partial
Class U2: septate uterus Class U3: bicorporeal uterus

a. with rudimentary
cavityb. no rudimentary
a. partial
a. with rudimentary cavity b. no rudimentary cavity cavity

Class U4: hemi uterus Class U5: aplastic uterus Class U6

Fig. 7.17 Overview of the Uterine anomalies (ESHRE/ESGE 2013 consensus classifi cation): ( a ) pictograms; ( b )
ultra sound images
92 a. T-shaped
D. Van Schoubroeck et al.b. infantilis c. other

Class U0: normal uterus Class U1: dysmorphic uterus

a. partial c. bicorporeal septate

a. partial b. complete b. complete

Class U2: septate uterus un

Class U3: bicorporeal uterus

a. with rudimentary cavity classified b. no rudimentary cavity a. with rudimentary cavity

b. no rudimentary cavity

Class U4: hemi uterus Class U5: aplastic uterus Class U6 Fig. 7.17 (continued)

7 3D Ultrasound (3D US) C1: septate cervix

C0: normal cervix

C2: double “normal” cervix C3: unilateral cervical aplasia C4: cervical aplasia


Fig. 7.18 Overview of the Cervical anomalies (ESHRE/ESGE 2013 consensus classifi cation): ( a ) pictograms; ( b )
ultrasound images
94 C2: double “normal” cervix

C3: unilateral cervical aplasia

C0: normal cervix

C4: cervical aplasia

Fig. 7.18 (continued)

C1: septate cervix
Fig. 7.19 Transverse 3D rendered image of the vagina after complete partial
instilling ultrasound gel in both hemivagina. ESHRE/ ESGE
V1: longitudinal non obstructing vaginal septum
D. Van Schoubroeck et al.
7 3D Ultrasound (3D US)


Fig. 7.20 Assessment of the fundal myometrial thickness. ( a ) <50 % of the wall thickness: ESHRE/ESGE U0
normal or U1c dysmorphic uterus. ( b ) >50 % of the wall thickness: ESHRE/ESGE U2 septate uterus
96 e
D. Van Schoubroeck et al.
Fig. 7.21 Spectrum of morphology within the same class. ( a Depth of indentation
– c ) ESHRE/ESGE U2a. ( d – f ) ESHRE/ESGE U2b. ( d )
broad septum with zonal anatomy. ( e ) intermedi

Fundal contour
ate thickness of septum with unclear zonal anatomy. ( f )
narrow septum, no zonal anatomy

External contour

M: distance between external contour and line between tubal ostia

W: distance between internal tubal ostia
F: distance between tip of indentation and line between tubal
C: length of the unaffected cavity (to level of the internal cervical os)
F/F+C: degree of distortion of the cavity
Fig. 7.22 Measurements on a 3D midcoronal image allow for detailed assessment of the uterine morphology
(Adapted from Salim and Jurkovic [ 9 ])
7 3D Ultrasound (3D US) Giunchi S, Meriggiola MC, Gubbini G, Pilu G, Pelusi C,
Pelusi G. Accuracy of three-dimensional ultrasound in
diagnosis and classifi cation of congenital uterine
Referensi anomalies. Fertil Steril. 2009;92:
1. Bermejo C, Ten Martínez P, Cantarero R, Diaz D, Pérez 6. Grimbizis GF, Gordts S, Di Spiezio Sardo A, Brucker S, De
Pedregosa J, Barrón E, Labrador E, Ruiz López L. Three- Angelis C, Gergolet M, Li TC, Tanos V, Brölmann H,
dimensional ultrasound in the diagnosis of Müllerian duct Gianaroli L, Campo R. The ESHRE/ ESGE consensus on the
anomalies and concordance with mag classifi cation of female
netic resonance imaging. USG Obstet Gynecol. 97
2. Caliskan E, Ozkan S, Cakiroglu Y, Sarisoy HT, Corakci A,
genital tract congenital anomalies. Hum Reprod.
Ozeren S. Diagnostic accuracy of real time 3D sonography
in the diagnosis of congenital Mullerian anomalies in high-
7. Grimbizis GF, Gordts S, Gergolet M, Li TC, Di Spiezio
risk patients with respect to the phase of the menstrual
Sardo A, Tanos V, Brölmann HH, Brucker SY, De Angelis
cycle. J Clin Ultrasound. 2010;38:123–7.
C, Gianaroli L, Campo R. Reply: are the ESHRE/ESGE
3. Deutch TD, Abuhamad AZ. The role of 3- dimensional
criteria of female genital anomalies for diagnosis of septate
ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging in the
uterus appropriate? Hum Reprod. 2014;29:868–9.
diagnosis of müllerian duct anomalies: a review of the
8. Jurkovic D, Geipel A, Gruboeck K, Jauniaux E, Natucci M,
literature. J USG Med. 2008;27:
Campbell S. Three-dimensional ultra sound for the assessment
413–23. of uterine anatomy and detection of congenital anomalies: a
4. Faivre E, Fernandez H, Deffi eux X, Gervaise A, Frydman comparison with hysterosalpingography and two-dimensional
R, Levaillant JM. Accuracy of three dimensional sonogra phy. USG Obstet Gynecol. 1995;5:233–7.
ultrasonography in differential diagnosis of septate and 9. Salim R, Jurkovic D. Assessing congenital uterine
bicornuate uterus compared with offi ce hysteroscopy and anomalies: the role of three-dimensional ultrasonog raphy.
pelvic magnetic resonance imaging. J Minim Invasive
Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol. 2004; 18:29–36.
Gynecol. 2012;19:101–6.
10. Salim R, Woelfer B, Backos M, Regan L, Jurkovic D.
5. Ghi T, Casadio P, Kuleva M, Perrone AM, Savelli L,
Reproducibility of three-dimensional ultrasound diagnosis
of congenital uterine anomalies. USG Obstet Gynecol. congenital conditions that result from failure of
2003;21:578–82. formation, fusion or resorption of the mullerian ducts.
11. Van Schoubroeck D, Van den Bosch T, Meuleman C,
Tomassetti C, D'Hooghe T, Timmerman D. The use of a The prevalence of these anomalies varies greatly,
new gel foam for the evaluation of tubal patency. Gynecol ranging from 0.4 % in the general popu
Obstet Invest. 2013;75:152–6. lation to 8–10 % in women undergoing infertility
12. Van Schoubroeck D, Van den Bosch T, Ameye L, Boes investigation [ 1 – 3 ]. The diagnosis of female
AS, D'Hooghe T, Timmerman D. Pain during Fallopian tube
patency testing by hysterosalpingo foam-sonography genital anomalies is important clinically due to its
(HyFoSy). Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2014 Aug 4. doi: high association with infertility, endometrio
10.1002/uog.14646. sis, and renal anomalies. Magnetic Resonance
13. Woelfer B, Salim R, Banerjee S, Elson J, Regan L, Imaging (MRI) has been widely accepted as the
Jurkovic D. Reproductive outcomes in women with
congenital uterine anomalies detected by three dimensional imaging modality of choice for the evaluation of
ultrasound screening. Obstet Gynecol. 2001;98:1099–103. female genital anomalies, since it is capable of
accurately demonstrating the anatomy of the female
genital tract. The purpose of this book chapter is to
demonstrate the value of MRI for the diagnosis of
female genital anomalies.

LP Marcal , MD
Department of Diagnostic Radiology ,
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center ,
1515 Holcombe Blvd. Unit 1473 ,
Houston , TX 77030 , USA
MAS Nothaft , MD
pengantar Multiscan Imagem e Diagnostico , Rua Jose Teixera,
313 Vitoria-ES , Brazil
The Mullerian (paramesonephric) ducts develop

8 Magnetic Resonance bidirectionally, in the absence of Mullerian inhibiting

factor, to form the female genital tract. The fallopian
tubes, uterus, cervix, and proximal two thirds of the
Imaging vagina are formed by the Mullerian ducts while the
urethra and lower third of the vagina are formed by
for the Diagnosis of Female the urogenital sinus [ 4 – 6 ]. The Mullerian ducts,
Genital Anomalies initially separated by a septum, fuse at their inferior
margin to form the single lumen uterovaginal canal.
Congenital anomalies of the female genital tract may
result from arrest or failure of formation (no
Leonardo P. Marcal and Maria Angela development or underdevelopment) of the paired
Mullerian ducts, failure of fusion, or failure of
resorption of the uterovaginal septum. Interruptions
in this three-phase process of the duct formation,
fusion and septal resorption is used to explain the
differences between the female genital anomalies [ 4
– 6 ].
Santos Nothaft Embriologi

MR Imaging Technique

MRI is remarkably capable of demonstrating the

female genital tract anatomy, providing high
Anomalies of the female genital tract are rare resolution images of the uterine zonal anatomy, and
accurately demonstrating the outer fundal contour. contrast, and are able to reliably demonstrate the
T2-weighted images are the mainstay of MR imaging cervical and uterine
of the female pelvis, due to its excellent soft tissue

GF Grimbizis et al. (eds.), Female Genital Tract Congenital Malformations: 99 Classifi cation, Diagnosis and
Management, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4471-5146-3_8,
© Springer-Verlag London 2015
100 of female genital anomalies, which is based on the
anatomy of the female genital tract [ 10 ]. This
anatomy, clearly depicting the different signal updated version of the ESHRE/ESGE classifi cation
intensities of the endometrium, myometrium, will be used in
junctional zone, fi brous stroma of the cervix, cer LP Marcal and MAS Nothaft
vical mucosa/submucosa, and endocervical canal
mucus [ 3 , 7 ]. As a general rule, the protocol should this chapter. A comprehensive review of this classifi
include a fast gradient – echo or single- shot fast spin cation is beyond the scope of this chapter. In short,
echo (SSFSE) localizer to determine the uterine lie. there are seven distinct classes of anomalies
At the same time, it also provides an overview according to this classifi cation system, depending on
assessment for associated renal anoma the severity of anatomic variation and of distortion of
lies that may be present. Multiplanar Sagittal, axial the uterine body [ 10 ]. Class U0 encompasses all
and coronal Fast-Recovery Fast Spin-Echo (FRFSE) cases with a normal uterine corpus. Class U1 is
T2 images are prescribed along the long axis of the dysmorphic uterus (T-shaped, infantilis and others).
uterus to characterize the external uterine contour, Class U2 or septate uterus, which may be partial or
which is important to differenti complete. Class U3 or bicorporeal uterus, defi ned as
ate certain Mullerian anomalies. An axial or sagittal uteri with an abnor mal fundal outline, characterized
spoiled gradient-echo (SPGR) T1-weighted image is by a fundal indentation greater than 50 % of the
useful to demonstrate retained blood products within uterine wall thickness. Class U4 or hemi-uterus
obstructed uterus, rudimentary uterine remnants or encompasses all cases of unilaterally formed uterus.
hemi-vagina. An axial dual-echo T1-weighted image Class U5 or aplastic uterus includes all cases of
is obtained for diagnosis of blood products or fat uterine aplasia. Class U6 is reserved for all unclassifi
within inci ed malformations. Coexistent cervical and vaginal
dentally found adnexal lesions. Multiphasic contrast- anomalies are classifi ed in independent supple
enhanced volume- interpolated gradient echo with fat mentary subclasses [ 10 ]. C0 is normal cervix,
suppression sequence may be obtained in the sagittal C1septate cervix, C2 duplicated cervix, C3 unilateral
or axial plane for further characterization of cervical aplasia, and C4 cervical aplasia. Vaginal
incidentally found pathology. anomalies subclasses include V0 (normal vagina), V1
(longitudinal non-obstructing vaginal septum), V2
(longitudinal obstructing vaginal septum), V3
MRI of Female Genital Anomalies (transverse vaginal septum / imperforate hymen) and
V4 (vaginal aplasia) [ 10 ].
The strength of MRI for the diagnosis of female
genital anomalies lies in its ability to clearly
demonstrate the anatomy of the female genital tract. Aplasia (ESHRE/ESGE U5)
The AFS classifi cation system of Female genital
anomalies, initially proposed by Buttram and Aplasia is the most severe form of female genital
Gibbons in 1979 and revised by the American anomalies. It ranges from complete aplasia to vary
Society of Reproductive Medicine in 1988, has been ing degrees of hypoplasia of the uterus, cervix, and
widely accepted worldwide [ 8 , 9 ]. This sys tem has upper two thirds of the vagina. The incidence is
many limitations, including the lack of classifi cation approximately 1:5,000 cases and associated
for vaginal anomalies and diffi culty categorizing abnormalities of the urinary tract and/or spine are
anomalies that encompass features of different present in up to 30 % of these patients [ 10 , 11 ]. The
classes [ 3 , 8 ]. The European society of human Mayer-Rokitansky Kuster-Hause syn drome occurs
Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) and the when there is complete failure of Müllerian
European Society for Gynecological Surgery (ESGS) development, resulting in complete agenesis of the
have developed a new updated classifi cation system uterus, cervix, fallopian tubes, and proximal two
thirds of the vagina (Fig. 8.1 ). Partial agenesis is rudimentary uterus will recannalize and develop a
more common than complete agenesis, and in which functional endome trium. In such instances, the
cases Müllerian remnants may be present, such as a normal zonal anatomy
rudimentary uterus (Figs. 8.2 and 8.3 ). Sometimes a
8 Magnetic Resonance Imaging for the Diagnosis of Female Genital Anomalies


Fig. 8.1 ( ESHRE/ESGE U5b/C4/V4 ) Complete aplasia of important, since the presence of functioning uterine
the uterus and upper two-thirds of the vagina. ( a ) Sagittal ( b remnants puts these patients at increased risk of
) axial T2WI images show complete aplasia of the uter ine
corpus, cervix and upper two thirds of the vagina, with fatty developing endometriosis [ 13 , 14 ].
tissue present in the expected location of these structures ( Rokitansky Kuster-Hause syndrome. Note presence of an
arrows in a and b ). The complete failure of Mullerian ectopic pelvic kidney. Associated renal anomalies are common
development characterizes the Mayer and MRI can provide a quick overview of the retroperitoneum
and renal fossa in a single examination. The normal ovaries are
visualized in a coronal T2W image ( arrow in c )

of the uterus is preserved (Fig. 8.4 ). Rudimentary

uteri without a functioning endometrial canal usu ally
lose the usual zonal anatomy [ 11 ]. Ovarian Hemi-uterus (ESHRE/ESGE U4)
development is normal, but these are usually ecto pic
[ 12 ]. The diagnosis of complete agenesis is usually This type of anomaly occurs in about 10 % of cases [
done at puberty with primary amenorrhea. If there is 3 , 13 ], and encompasses all types of unilaterally
a functioning uterine remnant, patients may present formed uterus (formly “unicornu ate” uterus) [ 10 ].
with cyclic abdominal pain [ 13 ]. MRI is capable of There is an asymmetric failure of development of one
differentiating between uterine agen esis and of the Müllerian ducts, with the formation of an
hypoplasia. This differentiation is clini cally
elongated uterus uterine horn, generally shifted to one Fig. 8.2 ( ESHRE/ESGE U5a/C4/V4 ) Partial aplasia of the
side of the pelvis, which communicates with a normal uterus and vagina. ( a ) Sagittal T2 weighted image shows
aplasia of the lower uterine segment and cervix and upper third
vaginal canal. MR imaging typically shows a of the vagina, with an isolated uterine body and fundus with
“banana”-shaped uterus in one side of the pel functional endometrial cavity. Note vaginal gel in the lower
vis, with or without an associated rudimentary two thirds of the vagina ( white
102 a arrow ). On sagittal images, the urethra is the anatomic
landmark used utilized to separate the upper (above the
urethra) from the lower vagina. ( b , c ) Sagittal T1 weighted
images with fat suppression show hematometra ( black arrow
in b ), hematosalphynx ( white arrow in c ) and endometrioma
( black arrow in c )

LP Marcal and MAS Nothaft

8 Magnetic Resonance Imaging for the Diagnosis of Female Genital Anomalies

a c

Fig. 8.3 ( ESHRE/ESGE sub-class V4) Aplasia of the upper

two thirds of the vagina. ( a ) Sagittal T2WI and ( b ) Sagittal
T1WI with fat suppression show large hema tometra, with
signifi cant distention of the endometrial

horn (Fig. 8.5 ) [ 7 , 13 ]. In about 65 % of cases,

there is an associated rudimentary horn which may
contain functional endometrial tissue or not. The
cavity of the rudimentary horn can communicate with
the contralateral endometrial cavity in about 10 % of ab
cases [ 3 ]. The diagnosis is usually made incidentally LP Marcal and MAS Nothaft
during the investi
gation of infertility. If a rudimentary function ing,
non-communicating horn is present, there is

Fig. 8.4 ( ESHRE/ESGE U 5) Uterine hypoplasia. ( a )

Sagittal and ( b ) axial T2WI images show a small rudi
mentary uterus and cervix, with preservation of the zonal


cavity and cervical canal with hemorrhagic material ( arrows ).

( c ) Axial T1W1 shows absence of the vagina between the
urethra and rectum

retrograde menstrual fl ow and the diagnosis usually Fig. 8.5 ( ESHRE/ESGE U4b ) Hemi-uterus with a non
occurs at menarche with the clinical pic ture of functional rudimentary horn. ( a ) Sagittal and ( b ) axial T2WI
images show a hemi-uterus displaying normal
dysmenorrhea and hematometrium [ 13 , 14 ]. If
functional endometrium is present within a non-
communicating rudimentary horn, MR will show a
pregnancies, and obstetric complications [ 13 , 14 ].
distented uterine remnant fi lled with hemorrhagic
In about 40 % of the cases, associated renal
material consistent with hema tometra (Fig. 8.6 ).
anomalies occur, the most common of which is renal
These patients have a greater risk of developing
agenesis [ 14 ], ipsilateral to the rudimen
endometriosis, ectopic
104 tary horn [ 11 ].
anatomy. The endocervical and endometrial canal are depicted zonal anatomy. A small rudimentary non-cavitary horn is
as thin T2-hyperintense ( arrows ) line within the rudimentary present on right ( arrow )

Complete Bicorporeal Uterus


In this anomaly there is complete failure of fusion of

the Mullerian ducts, with formation of
8 Magnetic Resonance Imaging for the Diagnosis of Female Genital Anomalies


Fig. 8.6 ( ESHRE/ESGE U 4a) Hemi-uterus with an pelvis ( arrows ), displaying normal zonal anatomy
obstructed cavitary rudimentary horn. ( a ) Coronal T2WI and
( b ) axial T2WI show a “banana”-shaped uterus to the left of
midline consistent with a hemi-uterus (formerly

two separate uteri with distinct endometrial cavities

and cervices, which characterizes the com plete
bicorporeal uterus (ESHRE/ESGE U3b/C2),
“unicornuate” uterus). A cavitary rudimentary horn is seen on
right ( long arrows ), which is non-communicating resulting in
hematometra. Normal ovaries are present ( short arrows )

the formerly “Didelphys uterus” [ 10 ]. In 75 % of

cases, there is a complete or partial longitudinal
vaginal septum associated. The presence of vaginal
septum may lead to the development of
hematometrocolpos, increasing the risk of endo
metriosis [ 13 , 14 ]. In patients with transverse
vaginal septum and obstruction of one hemi vagina,
Fig. 8.7 ( ESHRE/ESGE U 3b/C2) Complete Bicorporeal
uterus (Formerly “didelphys” uterus). Axial T2WI shows two
the association with ipsilateral renal agenesis is very
completely separate uteri and cervices in each side of the common [ 13 , 15 ]. When there is no vaginal
obstruction, the patient is usually asymptomatic. If when there is an obstructed hemivagina distended by
there is obstruction, the diag nosis is often made at hemato colpos (Figs. 8.8 and 8.9 ).
menarche, with cyclic pelvic pain and enlarging 106 a
abdominal girth. On speculum examination, a
blocked hemivagina can be identifi ed. MRI shows
LP Marcal and MAS Nothaft
two separate uteri with normal endometrial-
myometrial interface and preserved zonal anatomy
(Fig. 8.7 ). The diagnosis of longitudinal vaginal b
septa is easily made with the use of vaginal gel or


Fig. 8.8 ( ESHRE/ESGE U 3b/C2/V2) Complete Bicorporeal and is hyperintese ( white ) on T2Weighted images ( arrow ) . (
uterus (formerly “dildephys”) with obstructing longitudinal c ) Coronal T2WI shows the obstructed left-hemivagina ( LV )
vaginal septum. ( a ) Sagittal T2WI to the left of midline with hematocolpus ( HC ) and hematometra ( LU left uterus).
shows large hematocolpus ( HC ) and hematometra on the left The normal right hemi-vagina distended with gel ( arrow ). ( d
( LU left uterus). ( b ) Sagittal T2WI to the right of mid ) Direct examination shows normal right hemiva gina ( RV )
line shows a separate right uterus ( RU ) with normal zonal and right cervical os ( arrow ). The obstructed left hemivagina
anatomy. The right hemivagina is distended with vaginal gel ( LV ) is seen on the left ( HC )
8 Magnetic Resonance Imaging for the Diagnosis of Female Genital Anomalies

a d

c ( RV right vagina). ( b ) Sagittal T1WI with fat suppression

shows the extensive right hematocolpus ( RV right vagina). ( c
, d ) Axial T2WI images following surgery show two normal
separate uteri ( arrows in c ) and two separate hemi
vaginas distended with gel, separated by a longitudinal septum
( arrow in d )

uterus. The bicorporeal uterus may be partial (class

U3a) or complete (class U3b), depending on the
degree of separation of the uterine corpus by the
external fundal indentation [ 10 ]. It occurs in
approximately 10 % of cases [ 12 , 13 ]. Both uterine
horns are divergent (intercornual distance greater
than 4.0 cm) and there is a deep cleft

Fig. 8.9 ( ESHRE/ESGE U 3b/C2/V2) Bicorporeal uterus

(didelphys) with obstructed right hemi-vagina. ( a ) Coronal
T2WI two divergent completely separate uteri and cervices,
consistent with complete bicorporeal uterus (didelpys) ( RU
right uterus and LU left uterus). There is an obstructing
longitudinal vaginal septum, and the right hemi-vagina is
obstructed and disdented with hemorrhagic material

Bicorporeal Uterus (ESHRE/ESGE U3)

In this anomaly, there is incomplete fusion of the

Mullerian ducts, forming two symmetrical horns, Fig. 8.10 ( ESHRE/ESGE U 3b/C0) Bicorporeal uterus
(Formerly bicornuate). Coronal T2WI shows duplication of
which merge caudally usually in the isthmus, forming
the uterine horns ( short arrows ). There is fusion of cau dal
a bicorporeal uterus with normal cervix uterine body and cervix (Note signifi cant divergence of the
(ESHRE/ESGE U3), the formerly “Bicornuate” right and left uterine horns, separated by a deep midline cleft,
b exceeding 50 % of the uterine wall thickness ( long arrow ))
between the horns (exceeding 50 % of the uterine Fig. 8.11 ( ESHRE/ESGE U 2b) Septate uterus. Axial T2WI
wall thickness) (10). Patients are usually asymp shows a complete septum, extending from the fun dus to the
cervical region ( arrows ). Note that the upper segment of the
tomatic; however, there is a high rate of associated septum in the fundus and body of the uterus is muscular (
obstetric complications [ 3 , 12 ]. MR demonstrates long arrow ), displaying intermediate T2 signal identical to
noninvasively the outer contour of the uterine the myometrium. The lower seg ment of the septum is fi
fundus, with two divergent uterine horns, and a brous, displaying low T2 signal intensity typically seen with
fi brotic tissue ( short arrow ). MR clearly shows the convex
large fundal indentation (exceeding 50 % of the outer uterine contour, which is important to differentiate it
uterine wall thickness) between them (Fig. 8.10 ). from bicorporeal uterus (formerly “bicornuate”). The
The zonal anatomy is preserved in both horns. excellent soft tissue contrast of MR provides information not
Associated pathologies such as leiomyoma and only about the presence and extent of the septum, but is also
capable of demon strating its composition, as illustrated in
adenomyosis are also easily identifi ed. In a bicor this case
nuate-bicoli uterus there is some communication
between the horns, unlike didelphic uterus where
the uteri are completely separate. combination of both components. It can be par tial
(ESHRE/ESGE U2a) or complete (ESHRE/ ESGE
U2b), extending to the external orifi ce of the cervix
Septate Uterus (ESHRE/ESGE U2) or even into the vagina [ 10 ]. The outer contour of
the fundus can be normal, fl at or slightly concave,
This anomaly results from partial or complete with no deep indentation or signifi cant divergence
failure of resorption of the utero-vaginal septum, of the horns. Septate uterus is the anomaly with the
and is the most common anomaly of the female highest association with obstetric complications [ 3 ,
genital tract [ 3 , 13 , 14 ]. The septum, arising in the 13 , 16 ]. MR imaging clearly shows the presence
midline along the fundal region, may be formed and extent of the sep tum along the midline, and
predominantly by muscular, fi brous or a provides an accurate assessment of its thickness, all
LP Marcal and MAS Nothaft of which is rele vant information for adequate
surgical planning (Figs. 8.11 , 8.12 and 8.13 ) [ 7 ,
14 ]. MR is useful to differentiate between
Bicornuate and septate uterus, and this
differentiation is clinically relevant, since the latter
can be treated by hysteroscopic resection of the
septum, decreasing obstetric complications.
8 Magnetic Resonance Imaging for the Diagnosis of Female Genital Anomalies

Fig. 8.12 ( ESHRE/ESGE U3b ) Septate uterus . Coronal between the Mullerian anomalies
T2WI shows a complete uterine septum, extend ing from the
fundus to the cervix ( long arrow ). Note the slightly convex
external fundal contour of the uterus ( short arrow ), without
evidence of a cleft. The multiplanar capabilities of MR make it
the ideal imaging modality to demonstrate external fundal
contour of the uterus, which is key to adequately differentiate
Fig. 8.13 ( ESHRE/ESGE U 3a) Partial septate uterus. Axial Fig. 8.15 ( ESHRE/ESGE sub-classV3 ) Transverse vagi nal
T2WI MR shows partial septate uterus. The upper portion of septum. Sagittal T2WI shows the presence of a trans verse
the septum has myometrial composition and does not extend vaginal septum in the upper vagina ( arrow ). Distention of
into the cervix ( arrow ). The outer uterine contour is slightly fl the vagina with gel is essential for the ade quate diagnosis of
attened vaginal septations, which can be easily overlooked without
proper vaginal distention

Dysmorphic Uterus (ESHRE/

ESGE U1c) Vaginal Anomalies

Considered by some authors as normal variant, this Transverse Septum (Sub-class V3)
anomaly formerly known as “Arcuate uterus” is
characterized by the presence of a This anomaly results from lack of resorption of tis
Fig. 8.14 ( ESHRE/ESGE U 1c) Arcuate uterus. Axial T2WI sue originating from the urogenital sinus and the
shows a small projection of the myometrium into the caudally fused mullerian ducts [ 4 ]. The incidence
endometrial cavity in the uterine fundus ( arrow ). The uterus
is normal is size and the outer fundal contour is convex
varies from 1:2,100 to 1:72,000 [ 17 ]. It can occur
anywhere in the vagina, being more frequent in the
upper third (46 %) [ 18 ]. The symptoms will vary
according to the degree of obstruction. If the
small indentation of the external fundal uterine obstruction is complete, the diagnosis is usually
contour, never exceeding 50 % of the uterine wall made at menarche with primary amenorrhea,
thickness (Fig. 8.14 ) [ 13 ]. It is debatable whether abdominal pain and abdominal mass. When the
arcuate uterus truly represents an anom obstruction is partial, the diagnosis may be delayed,
aly or a just a normal variant. It is likely that most and the patient may present with dispau
cases previously categorized as “arcuate uterus” will renia and dysmenorrhea. MRI typically shows a
fall under either class U1c (minor deformities of the transverse septum in the upper vagina (Fig. 8.15 ).
uterine cavity) or simply class U0 (normal uterus) in Vaginal distention is very helpful for an accurate
the new ESHRE/ESGE classifi cation [ 10 ]. Most MRI diagnosis, which can be achieved with instil
patients with this condi lation of endovaginal ultrasound gel prior to exam,
tion are asymptomatic and have normal obstetric in sexually active patients.
outcome. LP Marcal and MAS Nothaft

Dysmorphic Uterus (ESHRE/


Class U1 or “T”-shaped uterus encompasses all

cases with a markedly narrow uterine cavity.
Exposure to Diethylstilbestrol (DES), a synthetic
estrogen widely used in the 1970s for the treat
ment of premature labor, has been associated with the
development of T-shaped uterus, clear cell carcinoma
of the vagina, and vaginal defor mities. Since the use
of this drug has been sus pended for more than three
decades, this anomaly is now hardly ever
encountered in clinical practice [ 14 ].

Fig. 8.16 ( ESHRE/ESGE subclass V1 ) Longitudinal vag

inal septum. Axial T2WI shows the presence of a high non-
obstructing longitudinal vaginal septum, extending from the
cervical region to the upper vagina ( arrow )
Longitudinal Septum (Sub-class hymen to any level in the vagina, without reaching
V1 or V2) the cervix) [ 19 , 20 ]. The isolated longi
tudinal vaginal septum is not associated with
The origin of the longitudinal vaginal septa is not infertility or obstetric complications, being often
entirely understood. Most authors believe it may asymptomatic [ 13 , 19 , 20 ]. MRI shows the pres
arise either from failure of fusion of the Mullerian ence of a longitudinal septum separating two
ducts (in which case it is seen with uterus didel hemivaginas, which may be obstructed (sub-class
phys) or lack of resorption of the vaginal septum [ V1) or not (sub-class V2) (Fig. 8.16 ). The multi
18 – 20 ]. The septum can be complete (from the planar capabilities of MRI are very useful for the
cervix to the vaginal introitus), high partial (when it diagnosis and evaluation of the extent of the septum.
originates in the cervix and extends to any level Whenever feasible, vaginal distention with
above the vaginal introitus), or low partial (from the ultrasound gel should be obtained to aid the
8 Magnetic Resonance Imaging for the Diagnosis of Female Genital Anomalies

Kesimpulan Abdom. 2011;36(6):756–64. doi:10.1007/ s00261-010-

MRI is the best imaging tool for the evaluation of 8. Olpin JD, Heilbrun M. Imaging of Mullerian duct
female genital anomalies, and is capable of anomalies. Clin Obstet Gynecol. 2009;52(1):40–56.
reliably demonstrating the key imaging features doi:10.1097/GRF.0b013e3181958439.
for the correct diagnosis of Mullerian anoma 9. Shulman LP. Mullerian anomalies. Clin Obstet Gynecol.
2008;51(2):214–22. doi:10.1097/GRF.0b013e31816feba0. 10.
lies. In addition, MRI can provide essential Grimbizis GF, Gordts S, Di Spiezo Sardo A, Brucker S, De
information for proper surgical management and Angelis C, Gergolet M, et al. The ESHRE- ESGE consensus
treatment planning of these anomalies, and in a on the classifi cation of female genital tract
single examination, a comprehensive evalu anomalies. Gynecol Surg. 2013;10(3):199–212. 11. O'Neill
MJ, Yoder IC, Connolly SA, Mueller PR. Imaging evaluation
ation of incidental pelvic pathology and associated and classifi cation of develop mental anomalies of the female
renal anomalies that may be present, obviating the reproductive system with an emphasis on MR imaging. AJR
need for further diagnostic tests. Am J Roentgenol. 1999;173(2):407–16.
doi:10.2214/ajr.173.2.10430146. 12. Allen JW, Cardall S,
Kittijarukhajorn M, Siegel CL. Incidence of ovarian
maldescent in women with mullerian duct anomalies:
evaluation by MRI. AJR Am J Roentgenol.
Referensi 2012;198(4):W381–5. doi:10.2214/ AJR.11.6595.
13. Junqueira BL, Allen LM, Spitzer RF, Lucco KL, Babyn
PS, Doria AS. Mullerian duct anomalies and mimics in
1. Ashton D, Amin HK, Richart RM, Neuwirth RS. The
children and adolescents: correlative intraoperative
incidence of asymptomatic uterine anomalies in women
assessment with clinical imaging. Radiographics.
undergoing transcervical tubal sterilization. Obstet
2009;29(4):1085–103. doi:10.1148/rg.294085737.
Gynecol. 1988;72(1):28–30.
14. Behr SC, Courtier JL, Qayyum A. Imaging of mulle rian
2. Byrne J, Nussbaum-Blask A, Taylor WS, Rubin A, Hill M,
duct anomalies. Radiographics. 2012;32(6):E233– 50.
O'Donnell R, Shulman S. Prevalence of Mullerian duct
anomalies detected at ultrasound. Am J Med Genet.
15. Fedele L, Bianchi S, Di Nola G, Franchi D, Candiani GB.
Endometriosis and nonobstructive mullerian anomalies.
3. Troiano RN, McCarthy SM. Mullerian duct anoma lies:
Obstet Gynecol. 1992;79(4):515–7.
imaging and clinical issues. Radiologi. 2004; 233(1):19–
16. Homer HA, Li TC, Cooke ID. The septate uterus: a review
34. doi:10.1148/radiol.2331020777.
of management and reproductive outcome. Fertil Steril.
4. Gray S, Skandalakis J, Broecker B. Female reproductive
system: embryology for surgeons. Edisi ke-2. Baltimore:
17. Imaoka I, Wada A, Matsuo M, Yoshida M, Kitagaki H,
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 1994. hal. 816–47.
Sugimura K. MR imaging of disorders associated with
5. Edmonds DK. Rokitansky syndrome and other Mullerian
female infertility: use in diagnosis, treatment, and
anomalies. In: Balen AH, Creighton SM, Davies MC,
management. Radiographics. 2003;23(6):1401–
MacDougall J, Stanhope R, editors. Paediatric and
adolescent gynaecology. Cambridge: Cambridge 21. doi:10.1148/rg.236025115.
University Press; 2004. hal. 267–74. http:// 18. Propst AM, Hill 3rd JA. Anatomic factors associated with recurrent pregnancy loss. Semin Reprod Med.
6. Robbins JB, Parry JP, Guite KM, Hanson ME, Chow LC, 2000;18(4):341–50. doi:10.1055/s-2000-13723.
Kliewer MA, Sadowski EA. MRI of pregnancy- related 19. Siegelman ES, Outwater EK, Banner MP, Ramchandani P,
issues: mullerian duct anomalies. AJR Am J Roentgenol. Anderson TL, Schnall MD. High- resolution MR imag ing
2012;198(2):302–10. doi:10.2214/AJR.11.7789. of the vagina. Radiographics. 1997;17(5):1183–203.
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Mullerian duct anomalies: MR imaging. Pencitraan 20. Haddad B, Louis-Sylvestre C, Poitout P, Paniel BJ.
Longitudinal vaginal septum: a retrospective study of 202 history of repeated miscarriages.
cases. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 1997;74(2):197–
Due to the inconsistency of current diagnostic
tools in identifying congenital uterine anomalies and
the lack of an adequate classifi cation system, the
impact of these anomalies on fertility remains a
matter of debate. Moreover, the results of operative
corrections are diffi cult to evaluate. Furthermore,
most women with septate uteri have normal
reproductive performance; only 20–25 % may
experience reproductive failure [ 3 , 4 ]. On the other
hand, evidence from patients with otherwise
unexplained infertility and from ART cycle studies
has shown that correcting congenital uterine
pathologies can ameliorate fertility and reproductive
outcome [ 5 – 8 ].
In contrast with most of the acquired intra uterine
pathologies, like polyps and submucosal myoma, the
pengantar diagnosis of congenital uterine anomalies requires an
evaluation of the uterine

9 Diagnosis of Uterine
S. Gordts , MD
Leuven Institute for Fertility and Embryology ,
Tiensevest 168 , Leuven 3000 , Belgium
Hysterosalpingography (HSG) is a widely
Congenital Anomalies: accepted, commonly used diagnostic tool for
Endoscopy detecting abnormalities of the uterus. Currently, it is
widely available, and it is frequently included in the
typical arsenal for explorations of fertility. HSG and
Stephan Gordts Hysteroscopy are useful for detecting divisions of the
uterine cavity, but they do not allow visu
alisation of the outer uterine contour. This may give
rise to confusion in the differential diagnosis between
a septate and bicorporeal uterus. With the
introduction of more sophisticated, indirect methods
of evaluation, it is questionable whether the
approaches previously considered 'gold standards'
continue to merit that title.


Hysteroscopy is considered the gold standard in

evaluations of the uterine cavity. However, the
cavity and an assessment of the uterine muscular widespread use of hysteroscopy is disappointing, and
wall involvement. some gynaecologists continue to consider it an
The prevalence of congenital uterine anomalies is invasive technique that requires general anaes
estimated to be 6 % in the general population of thesia. With the introduction of new-generation,
reproductive age [ 1 ]. The most common anoma lies small hysteroscopes, diagnostic hysteroscopy can be
are the arcuate and septate uterus [ 2 ]. This incidence performed as a minimally invasive exami nation. In a
is comparable to the reported incidence of 7 % in the randomised controlled trial for assess ing pain scores
infertile population. In contrast, the estimated after SIS or an offi ce hysteroscopy, the majority of
incidence is between 13 and 17 % in patients with a women preferred the office hysteroscopy over SIS
(46 >< 21 % ) [ 9 ].
GF Grimbizis et al. (eds.), Female Genital Tract Congenital Malformations: 113 Classifi cation, Diagnosis and
Management, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4471-5146-3_9,
© Springer-Verlag London 2015
114 • watery distension medium
• low intra-uterine pressure
Technique for the Minimally Invasive • atraumatic technique
Approach (vagino-cervico-hysteroscopy)
S. Gordts Although hysteroscopy provides direct visuali sation
of the uterine cavity, a major drawback is that it is
Hysteroscopy, Laparoscopy, diffi cult to make exact measurements of intra-uterine
and Indirect Imaging pathology, and more specifi cally, to measure the
indentations of the uterine fundus. These
In a prospective, randomised study, which evalu ated measurements are based on subjective esti mations
the visualisation index, it was clearly shown that, by performed at the time of examination. It is therefore
reducing the diameter of the hysteroscope, not surprising that, in a recent report, the international
visualisation was improved compared to the 5-mm inter-observer agreement was very disappointing for
hysteroscope. Moreover, the patient's parity and hysteroscopic distinctions between a septate and
surgeon's experience no longer had an important arcuate uterus (ICC 0.27) [ 15 , 16 ]. However, a
impact on the success of visualisation [ 10 ]. The use recent study showed that the accuracy in detecting
of a watery distension medium was reported to be intra-uterine pathology with hysteroscopy was higher
superior to the use of CO 2 . It caused less discomfort than with HSG; the reported agreement between the
for the patient and had the positive effect of fl ushing two procedures was only 33.3 % in the diagnosis of
blood, mucus, and small particles out of the visual fi uterine septum/subseptum [ 17 , 18 ]. Like the HSG,
eld [ 11 , 12 ]. It is also important to limit intra- the hysteroscopy does not allow visualisation of the
uterine pressure during the examination. Ideally, this outer uterine contours. For an accurate diagnosis,
pressure should be maintained below the mean supplementary examinations with ultrasound and
arterial pressure [ 13 ]. laparoscopy are necessary.
The diagnostic hysteroscopy is performed with Previously, hysteroscopy and laparoscopy were
the patient in a normal, gynaecological decubitus the gold standard for diagnosing and evaluating
position. With the use of a small 2–2.9 mm hystero congenital uterine malformations [ 19 , 20 ].
scope, there is no need for general sedation or local However, endoscopic diagnosis relies on the
anaesthesia. After insertion of the hysteroscope into surgeon's subjective impressions and lacks strict
the vagina, a vagino-cervico- hysteroscopy can be objective criteria and measurements; thus, it does not
performed without the use of a tenaculum or for ceps allow assessments of subtle uterine morpho
[ 14 ]. Once the ostium externum of the cervix is logical differences [ 21 ]. The AFS classifi cation
visualised, the hysteroscope is gently introduced. As system, which is used routinely, does not include
a result of the dilatation induced by the watery morphological criteria. With the inability to perform
distension medium, it is possible to determine the exact measurements, it is not surprising that there is
direction of the cervical canal. The hysteroscope is wide variability in estimations of the prevalence of
gently pushed forward in this direction, until the uterine anomalies among different studies, and more
uterine cavity is reached. By turning the 30° angled specifi cally, in the diagnoses of septate and arcuate
endoscope around its longitudinal axis, a complete uteri. Without a means for making accurate
visualisation of the cavity can be achieved (Fig. 9.1 ). measurements and standardised procedures for
performing these measurements, it will not be
possible to determine the true inci dence of uterine
congenital anomalies and their impact on fertility and
reproductive outcome.
Requirements for Minimally Invasive
The 3-D ultrasound approach offers a promis ing
means for making exact measurements of
• Ambulatory endoscopic unit
morphological alterations in congenital uterine
• Small diameter instrumentation with high
pathology (Fig. 9.2 ). A study by Salim et al. [ 22 ]
optical quality
reported very good inter-observer agreement
9 Diagnosis of Uterine Congenital Anomalies: Endoscopy


a bc

Fig. 9.1 Vagino -cervico- hysteroscopy provides a minimally cervical channel; ( b ) visualisation of the direction of the
traumatic performance of diagnostic hysteroscopy. It only cervical channel with further insertion into the uterine cavity;
requires a hysteroscope and a watery distension medium. after insertion, the hysteroscope is rotated about the axis for
Steps: ( a ) hysteroscope locates the cervix with visualisa visualisation of the uterine cavity ( c )
tion of ostium externum cervici; atraumatic insertion of

for 3-D SIS, 97.4 % for 3-D, 94 % for 2-D SIS, and
with 3-D ultrasound measurements. They dem 90.6 % for 2-D, when performed by experts. Several
onstrated the feasibility of performing studies to other studies have also mentioned high accuracy rates
investigate the reproducibility of diagnoses of uterine for 3-D ultrasound in the detection of uterine
anomalies. Once exact measurement techniques are anomalies compared to hysteroscopy and
standardised, it will be possible to make comparisons laparoscopy [ 24 – 26 ]; the best results showed 100
among data from different studies. % sensitivity, specifi city, and accuracy.
In a recent publication, Ludwin et al. [ 23 ] There is growing evidence that 3-D ultrasound
compared the accuracy of 2-D and 3-D ultrasound to may replace hysteroscopy and laparoscopy as the
the gold standards of hysteroscopy and lapa roscopy. gold standard for the diagnosis and classifi cation of
They demonstrated accuracies of 100 % aberrant uterine morphology; particularly for
the small hysterosope: the distension medium dilates the
116 a b
S. Gordts
Fig. 9.2 Like the HSG, ( a ) hysteroscopy ( b ) shows a clear 9 Diagnosis of Uterine Congenital Anomalies: Endoscopy
division in the uterine cavity. A 3D ultrasound examination is
required to make a fi nal differential diag

non-complex uterine anomalies, like classes U1, U2,

and U3, according to the new classifi cation system
of Grimbizis et al. [ 27 , 28 ]. Although hys teroscopy
is currently considered a minimally invasive
procedure, it requires training, and the
risk of complications remains relevant [ 29 ]. In the
diagnosis of more complex anomalies, hysteroscopy
and laparoscopy continue to play important roles. In
adolescents with severe dysmenorrhoea, a complete
exploration should be performed, starting with a
Fig. 9.3 Laparoscopic visualisation of a hemi uterus ( left )
careful examination of the vagina. A visualisation of with a rudimentary horn ( right ). With additional ultrasound, a
the cervix should be performed by direct visual differential diagnosis would be possible between Class 4a
inspection or by vagi noscopy, and it is necessary to (with rudimentary cavity) and Class 4b (without rudimentary
exclude cervico vaginal aplasia. Additional cavity) morphology
information can be gained with indirect visualisation
methods, like 3-D ultrasound and magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI). Indirect imaging should be endometriosis occurred in 77 % of patients [ 38 ].
conducted for identifying the presence, localisation, Laparoscopy offers the potential for both diagnosing
and size of haematometra, haematocolpos or and surgically treating pathology,
pyocolpos. MRI is typically reserved for complex or 117
indeterminate cases, it is non- invasive and allows
excellent soft tissue visualisation [ 30 ]. Non-
for diagnosing non-complex uterine anoma lies
descended ovaries
nosis between a partial septate uterus (U2a) or a partial
(classes U1, U2, U3). For that purpose, the latter
bicorporeal uterus with (U3c) or without a partial septum technique can be considered the pre ferred
(U3a) method, and it may become a manda tory
procedure. The visualisation of the contours of
uterine soft tissue is an added value; it allows the
are well known to occur in case of uterine anom alies differential diagnosis between U2 and U3
[ 31 ]; due to diffi culties in visualising the key abnormalities. In more complex cases, the full
regions, this condition can be missed with arsenal of diagnostic tools should be used,
laparoscopy. MRI can be useful for locating these including a clinical examination, 3-D ultrasound,
ovaries. Some authors advise performing ovarian MRI, hysteros copy, and laparoscopy. Direct
stimulation with clomiphene to improve and facilitate visualisation with hysteroscopy and laparoscopy
visualisation of these ovaries during MRI [ 32 ]. will pro vide information on the presence of
Laparoscopy can provide the means for exact concomi tant pathology that can impair fertility.
descriptions of aberrant uterine anatomy, it can detect Performance of a full exploration will enable the
the partial presence or absence of tubes and ovaries, physician to provide the patient with exact
and it can determine normal or abnormal positioning. information and obtain fully informed consent
Laparoscopy is also neces before attempting a surgical correction.
sary for a differential diagnosis of uterine malfor
mations, like a non-communicating rudimentary horn
or juvenile cystic adenomyoma [ 33 ]. when indicated.
Many patients experience problems with Laparoscopy provides direct visualisation of the
infertility or recurrent pregnancy losses; thus, pelvis and facilitates the identifi cation of congenital
concomitant pathology that might interfere with uterine anomalies. However, it requires the aid of
fertility must be excluded. Among cases of indirect imaging techniques to determine whether a
congenital uterine anomalies, endometriosis occurred rudimentary cavity is pres
in 20–30 % of patients [ 8 , 34 – 37 ]. Among cases ent in cases with a rudimentary horn (Fig. 9.3 ). The
with obstructive pathology, benefi t of direct endoscopic visualisation of the
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hysteroscopy in infertile patients: a prospec tive,
randomized, multicenter study. Fertil Steril.
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considered the gold standard for the identifi - 13. AAGL practice report: practice guidelines for the
cation of congenital uterine anomalies; both management of hysteroscopic distending media (Replaces
techniques are inconvenient, because they cannot hysteroscopic fl uid monitoring guidelines). J Am Assoc
Gynecol Laparosc. 2000;7:167–8.
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presence of a rudimentary cavity. The currently Gynecol Laparosc. 1997;4:255–8.
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HM, van Santbrink EJP, et al. The interna tional agreement
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10 Current Work-Up for Screening

and Diagnosing Female Genital

Attilio Di Spiezio Sardo , Marialuigia Spinelli ,

and Carmine Nappi

Introduction: Defi nition and terminologic issue, from which it derive concerns for
Epidemiology defi nition and, consequently, classifi cation of such
anomalies [ 1 , 2 ].
The diagnostic work-up for female genital tract A key topic in the “ terminology ” used for the
anomalies continues to represent a great chal lenge description of female genital tract anomalies is the
for the gynaecologist due to the presence of various misleading use of the various terms for their defi
techniques available for the diagnosis that differ in nition: “uterine anomalies”, “congenital mal
their invasiveness, availability, needs for training formations of the female genital tract” and
and, more importantly, diagnostic accuracy. It seems “Mullerian anomalies” often used as synony mous,
that, despite advances in ultra sound and new pelvic although they, actually, are referring to dif
imaging techniques, late diagnosis of female genital
tract anomalies remains frequent, accounting for 10
% of the causes of primary infertility [ 1 ]. A. Di Spiezio Sardo , MD (*) • M. Spinelli • C. Nappi
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology , University of
Furthermore the current dispute for diagnos ing Naples “Federico II” ,
female genital tract anomalies embeds its roots in the Via Pansini 5 , Naples , Italy
e-mail: nephric) malformations explaining the existing
ferent concepts. The expression “congenital confusion in the terminology [ 1 – 5 ].
anomalies of female genital tract” includes those The true incidence of congenital anomalies of
malformations that affect the development and female genital tract in the general population and
morphology of the Fallopian tubes, uterus, vagina among women with poor reproductive outcome is not
and vulva, with or without associated ovarian, known accurately. Although incidences of 0.16–10 %
urinary, skeletal or other organ malformations. On have been reported, recent reviews of all published
the other hand, “Mullerian anomalies” include those studies [ 6 – 8 ] suggests an incidence of ~5.5–6 % in
malformations that affect the embryological the general population, 8 % in infertile women, 16 %
development of paramesonephric ducts, also called in women with recurrent pregnancy loss and poor
Mullerian ducts, thus being only part of the female reproductive outcomes and 24.5 % in those with
genital anomalies. Furthermore, only a subcategory miscarriage and infertil ity. Overall, the prevalence of
of Mullerian anomalies is represented by “uterine major congenital anomalies appears to be at least ~
anomalies”. However, as most of the “female genital three-fold higher in women with poor reproductive
tract malformations” affect the uterus, they are often outcome compared with general population [ 8 ].
reported as “uterine” or “Mullerian” (parameso

GF Grimbizis et al. (eds.), Female Genital Tract Congenital Malformations: 121 Classifi cation, Diagnosis and
Management, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4471-5146-3_10,
© Springer-Verlag London 2015
122 anomalies are diagnosed in childhood and
adolescence [ 10 ]. Indeed, obstructive forms of
Diagnostic Work-Up for Female female genital tract malformations are, usually,
Genital Tract Anomalies: Opened detected during ado lescence, when young girls
Issues experience dysmen orrhea, pelvic pain, or diffi culty
in inserting tampons.
Currently, despite technical and technological Secondly , the diagnosis in most cases is late ,
advances of the diagnostic imaging techniques in generally in the third decade of life , and multiple
gynecology, the work-up for screening and diag diagnostic examinations are often scheduled before
nosing female genital tract anomalies is still long formulating fi nal diagnosis . Mazouni et al. [ 1 ]
lasting and twisted. Several reasons have been analysed the diagnostic work-up of 110 women with
claimed to explain such an issue. a “suspicious” of congenital uterine anomalies.
First , non - specifi c symptomatology can be Radiologic diagnosis required two complementary
associated with such anomalies [ 9 , 10 ], since it imaging techniques in 62 % of patients and more than
may vary from being asymptomatic to various forms two in 28 %. The correct
of impaired reproductive outcome and, in more A. Di Spiezio Sardo et al.
complex forms to obstructive phenomena. Indeed,
most of female genital tract anomalies are not easy to diagnosis was established in only 40 % of cases
be detected, as most of them remain unrecognized before hospitalization. Most of the anomalies were
until the radiologic explo ration for infertility or for a initially diagnosed at hysterosalpingogra phy and
history of recurrent miscarriage. Moreover, clinical ultrasonography. The mean time between the fi rst
symptoms lead imaging examination and the diagnosis in a
ing to the diagnosis could vary depending on the type specialized department was 6.7 months. The authors
of the anomaly. Therefore, the course of patients concluded that the diagnosis of female genital tract
before appropriate diagnosis could be long and diffi anomalies in adults is often made at the time of
cult because of these inconsistent and wide-ranged conception and/or obstetric complica
symptoms. According to Mazouni et al. [ 1 ], the tions. They revealed that there is a tendency toward
circumstances leading to the diagnosis were infertility the use of multiple imaging techniques and this
(33.6 %), repeat miscarriage (18.2 %), delayed the diagnosis.
ultrasonography during pregnancy (12.7 %), Thirdly , a consensus is diffi cult to be reached in
pregnancy complications during third trimester (11 that experts are still strongly “ anchored ” on their
%), abnormal fi ndings during gynaecological own beliefs , comforted by scientifi c evi dence all
examination (8.2 %) and, other miscellaneous causes equally acceptable. Another problem seem to be the
(16.3 %). Furthermore, some forms of uterine lack of communication among experts, and
moreover, the diffi culty for each of them to read
other's reports. Overall, it would be desirable that the
training of general practitioners and sonographers be
improved, in order to, (1) increase the diagnostic
accuracy of the currently available imaging
diagnostic techniques and, (2) enhance the use of a
standardized diagnostic codes, in order to improve
communication among different specialists.

Is There a Place for Screening in

the Diagnosis of Female Genital

In order to critically analyze the currently existing

open issues in the diagnostic work-up of female
genital tract anomalies, it is important to start
describing the differences between screening and
diagnostic tests. Thus, as screening test (the term
screening comes from the verb “to screen”, that is
like “to scour”, “to sieve”) is defi ned any method
used to detect early disease or risk factors for a
disease in a large numbers of apparently healthy
individuals, without signs or symptoms. On the
contrary diagnostic tests determine the presence or
the absence of a disease when a subject has signs or
symptoms of that disease. Screening tests are not
designed to be diagnostic. In other words, we cannot
know what we are looking for, if we don't understand
which are our expectations.

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