Anda di halaman 1dari 140

DAY - 1

Basic – Introduction
Mempelajari Bahasa Inggris dengan metode ini, harus sabar dan tekun.
Menghafal tidak usah lebih dari lima atau enam kata satu hari. Sewaktu
membunyikan huruf-huruf hidup itu, harus diingat beda bunyi [o]: [o] [ₑ],[ₑ], dan
[ₔ]. Membaca kalimat-kalimat latihan dalam pelajaran ini harus sampai mahir dan
mengerti benar.

Saran saya, silakan print out materi ini seluruhnya, agar Anda bisa melakukan
catatan atau menggarisbawahi hal-hal penting, dan terkadang saya meminta Anda
untuk menjawab pertanyaan secara langsung.

Bunyi huruf hidup:

o (tebal) berbunyi seperti di kata sombong
o (biasa) berbunyi seperti di kata solo
ₑ (tebal) berbunyi seperti di kata ember
ₑ berbunyi seperti di kata medan
ₔ (lemah) berbunyi seperti di kata kembar
: (titik dua) pada huruf hidup, tanda bacaan agak panjang, umpanya a: ₔ., i:, dan

S.P.O.K – K.S.P.O
Mempelajari bahasa Inggris bagi kita orang Indonesia tidak begitu sulit,
karena susunan kalimatnya hampir sama dengan susunan kalimat Indonesia.
Bahasa Inggris terdiri dari delapan bagian. Contoh „tubuh‟ manusia.
Apakah yang dimaksud “tubuh”? Tentu kita akan menjawab bahwa yang dikatakan
tubuh itu terdiri dari empat bagian yaitu: I. Bagian kepala II. Bagian tangan III.
Bagian badan IV. Bagian kaki. Masing-masing yang empat bagian ini mempunyai
bagian pula. Contoh bagian kepala terdiri dari : mata, hidung, mulut, kuping dan
lain-lain. Kesemuanya mempunyai hubungan satu sama lain.
Jika setiap bagian itu disusun sesuai dengan tempatnya, maka terbentuklah
badan sesuai dengan bentuknya. Begitu juga dengan bahasa Inggris. Kita harus

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tahu nama bagian tiap-tiap kata yang kita pakai dalam menyusun kalimat dan bisa
meletakkan pada tempat yang semestinya, sehingga tidak salah kita menyusun dan
membunyikan kata-kata itu menurut tanda-tanda yang sudah diberikan.

Adapun bahasa Inggris itu terdiri dari delapan nama tiap bagian. Satu
diantara yang delapan itu bernama „verb‟ bacaanya [wₔ:b] artinya “kata kerja‟‟.
Di pelajaran awal ini kita mempelajari yang ini saja dulu karena ini adalah materi

Yang dimaksud dengan kata kerja seperti “melihat”, “berbicara” dan lain-lain.
“Melihat” adalah nama kerja mata dan “berbicara” nama kerja mulut. Begitulah
seterusnya dengan kata yang lain-lain, contoh menendang, memukul, tertawa dan

Untuk memudahkan Anda bisa cepat menguasai bahasa Inggris, karena Anda
baru mempelajari kata verb, maka saya beri Anda dibawah ini list atau catatan
„verb‟ dan yang bukan „verb‟. Hafallah arti dan bacaann kata-kata ini lebih dahulu
sebelum meneruskan pelajaran ini.
Tulisannya Bacaannya Artinya
Want Wont Mau
Learn lₔ:n Belajar, menghafal
See Si: Melihat, menjumpai
Speak Spi:k Berbicara
Go Go Pergi
Live Liv Tinggal, hidup
Ask A:sk Suruh, tanya
Try Trai Coba
Tulisannya Bacaannya Artinya
I Ai Saya

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From From Dari
to-night Tu-nait Malam ini
Can Ken Boleh, bisa
Already Olredi Sudah
Also Olso Juga, pula
English Inglish Bahasa Inggris
Will Wil Akan
Uncle angkₔl Paman
Now Nau Sekarang
With With Dengan, bersama
My Mai Saya punya
By and by Bai „n bai Sebentar lagi



Kata “I‖ cara membacanya: [ai] artinya “saya‖. Gunanya selalu jadi pokok
kalimat dan diletakkan sebelum „verb‟ pertama dalam kalimat.

Seperti yang sudah diterangkan di atas bahwa susunan kalimat Indonesia

hampir sama dengan susunan kalimat Inggris, tidak terbalik-balik kalau
dibandingkan dengan bahasa Belanda, Jerman, Jepang dan lain-lain. Hanya dalam
beberapa hal saja yang berbeda dengan cara susunan kalimat Indonesia, maka
yang berbeda itu saja yang akan kita pelajari sementara yang sama tidak perlu
diterangkan lagi. Dengan demikian kita dapat lebih cepat memahami bahasa
Inggris. Sepakat ya?

Menurut susunan kalimat Inggris, setiap kalimat, apabila memakai lebih dari
satu ‗verb‘ maka verb yang kedua, ketiga atau keempatnya dalam kalimat itu harus
memakai „to‘ bacanya [tu] dan kata ini tidak memiliki arti. diletakkan kepada

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verb yang kedua, ketiga dan seterusnya, hanya menurut peraturan bahasa itu saja.
Jika tidak menggunakan ‗to‘ salahlah kalimat itu.

Misalnya: I want to learn to speak english.

Lihatlah dalam kalimat ini, verb yang pertama yaitu ‗want‘ yang kedua
‗learn‘ dan yang ketiga ‗speak‘. Hanya verb yang pertama saja yang tidak memakai
‗to‘, tetapi verb yang kedua dan ketiga, harus menggunakan ‗to‘. Kalau kalimat itu
Anda buat “I want learn speak English‖, maka kalimat itu menjadi tidak benar.
Cobalah Anda lihat kalimat-kalimat dibawah ini dan silakan garisbawahi setiap
„verb‟ yang Anda jumpai agar Anda lebih memahami materi pertama ini.

Iwant to learn English from Mr. Maula.
Iwant to see the cinema to-night.
I will try to speak English with Mr. Maula.
My friend can already speak English a little.
I can also speak English.
My uncle will come from Medan.
I will go to see Mr. Ali.
I live now in Jakarta with my uncle.
My friend will also learn English from Mr. Maula.
I want to ask my friend to come here to learn English.

Cobalah perhatikan kalimat-kalimat diatas. Yang huruf tebal adalah „verb‟

yang kedua dan ketiga saja. Dan „verb‟ yang pertamanya tidak memakai „to‟
untuk „verb‟ kedua dan ketiga itu tidak memiliki arti. Akan tetapi apabila sesudah
„to‟ ini ada kata benda, nama orang, nama negera, atau selain kata „verb‟ maka
„to‟ memiliki arti “ke” atau “kepada”.
I go to Medan artinya saya pergi ke Medan.
I speak to Mr Ali artinya saya berbicara kepada Ali.

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Silakan baca kalimat cerita sederhana dibawah ini minimal 2 kali; sekali untuk
menganalisis “to”, dan sekali lagi dibaca dengan suara agar terbiasa dengan bunyi
bahasa Inggris dan langsung bisa praktek mengucapkannya

I come from Medan. I live now with my friend in Jakarta. I learn to speak English
also in Jakarta. Now I can speak English a little. My friend can also speak English.
I will try to speak English with my friend.
By and by I will ask Mr Ali to come here. I want to ask him (dia) to learn English
from Mr Maula.

Sebelum Anda mahir dengan kata-kata dan kalimat-kalimat di atas jangan

membaca pelajaran di bawah.

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DAY I – Lesson 2
―Kata Penghubung/Connector‖

Hafallah kata-kata dibawah ini, sesudah itu latihlah kalimat-kalimat

dibawahnya dan jangan lupa memakai kata „to‟ pada kata kerja kedua dan ketiga
dalam kalimat.

Tulisannya Bacaannya Artinya
Wish Wisy Ingin
Understand andₔstend Mengerti
Think Thing Fikir, kira
Call Ko:l Panggil
Buy Bai Membeli
Tulisannya Bacaannya Artinya
Tomorrow Tumoro Besok
There deₔ Kesitu/kesana atau
On the way On dₔwe Di tengah jalan
Often ofₔn Kerapkali, sering
If If Jikalau
Cinema sinₔmₔ Bioskop
He Hi Dia (laki-laki)
Office Ofis Kantor
Abroad ₔbro:d Luar negri
In In Dalam atau di

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Setiap kalimat apabila ditengahnya memakai kata penghubung, maka
kalimat yang sudah kata penghubung itu dihubungkan kalimat baru, oleh sebab itu
„verb‟ yang pertamanya tidaklah memakai „to‟ sebagai keterangan diatas.

Misalnya : I will go to see Mr Maula because I want to learn English from him.
Artinya : Saya akan pergi menjumpai Anda Maula karena saya mau belajar
Bahasa Inggris darinya.

I will go to Medan if I can already speak English.

Artinya : Saya akan pergi ke Medan kalau saya sudah bisa berbicara Inggris.

Kalimat “I will go to see Mr Maula” dihubungkan oleh kata penghubung

because dengan kalimat “I want to learn English from him” dan kalimat “I will go
to Medan” dihubungkan oleh kata penghubung if dengan kalimat “I can already
speak English”.

Maka kalimat sesudah because dan if itu verb pertamanya tidak boleh
memakai to.

Kata-kata penghubung ini sangat banyak. Diberikan di sini hanya beberapa

buah yang kita perlukan saja untuk sementara.

Tulisannya Bacaannya Artinya
Because Biko:s Sebab
And then En den Lantas
Therefore deₔfo: Oleh karena itu
If If Kalau
But Bat Tetapi

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Sekarang coba praktek dengan latihan dibawah ini. Perhatikan kata kerja setelah
penghubung dan penggunaan “to”. Seperti sebelumnya, baca minimal 2 kali; sekali
analisis dan sekali lagi dibaca dengan keras agar terbiasa. Lebih baik jika Anda
mencoba mengartikannya kedalam bahasa Indonesia dan mengartikannya kembali
kedalam bahasa Inggris tanpa melihat materi latihan ini. Lalu cocokkan hasilnya.


By and by I will go to Bandung because I want to see the cinema there. I will go to
Japan if I can speak English. I wish to understand English, therefore I learn it from
Mr Maula.

I learn to speak English now because I will go to Cairo. Tomorrow I will go to Medan
and then I go to Padang.


My friend will come to see me tomorrow because he will learn English from me. I
come from Bandung and I live now in Jakarta with my uncle. I learn to speak
English also in Bandung. Now I can speak English a little. I often try to speak
English with my friend because he can also speak English. Tomorrow I will go back
(kembali) to Bandung with my friend and on the way I will also speak English.


I will go to Bandung because I want to see my friend there. From here I will go by
plane. I will go to Medan if I can speak English. My friend can speak English a little
but he will also learn in Jakarta from Mr Maula. My friend will live in Bandung with
my uncle if he can learn to speak English there. I wish to see Mr Ali because he will
learn with my friend. I also will ask my friend to come to Jakarta to learn to speak
English from Mr Maula on I will go to Medan with my
friend. My friend will also often speak English with me.

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Dalam kalimat-kalimat diatas ini Anda dapat memperhatikan cara memakai
„to‟ untuk „verb‟ yang kedua, ketiga dan seterusnya. Dan Anda juga dapat melihat
kalimat-kalimat yang dibatasi oleh “kata penghubung”. Asalnya dua kalimat
dijadikan satu oleh karena kata penghubung itu. Itulah sebabnya „verb‟ yang
pertamanya tidak boleh memakai „to‟ dalam kalimat yang sesudah kata
penghubung itu.

Untuk mempermahir lidah dan cara pemakaian „to‟ itu, bacalah kalimat
dibawah ini berulang-ulang!

I wish to understand English therefore I come to learn it from Mr Maula. Now I can
speak English with my friend because he can also speak English.

I learn to speak English now because I will go abroad. From now I will often try to
speak English with my friend because he can also speak English.

Mr Maula will come to my school tomorrow. He will learn also.

I learn to speak English in Jakarta from Mr Maula. My friend will also learn it from
him, therefore he will come here tomorrow.

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DAY – 2
KATA BANTU/Auxiliary Verb
Cara membuat kalimat negatif (-) dan introgatif (?)

Sebelum mahir pelajaran yang pertama diatas, cara memakai „to‟, jangan
dipelajari pelajaran ketiga ini.

Didalam bahasa Inggris ada dua belas kata-kata yang kita namakan saja
kata pembantu. Disini yang akan berikan empat buah lebih dahulu dan yang
delapan lagi dipelajaran yang akan datang.

Kata Pembantu Bacaannya Artinya

Can [ken] Bisa, dapat
Must [mast] Harus
Will [wil] Akan
Do [du] (tak ada arti apa-apa)

Kata bantu ada dua macam kegunaannya. Guna yang pertama yaitu untuk
bertanya (Interrogative Sentence), dan kedua adalah untuk membuat kalimat
negatif (Negative Sentence). Jika Anda membuat kalimat pertanyaan, maka salah
satu dari kata-kata bantu yang dua belas itu diletakkan didepan kalimat sesuai
dengan artinya – sesuai kebutuhan kalimat. Misalnya:

Will you come tomorrow? --- Akan datangkah kamu besok? (bahasa gaulnya: kamu
besok datang?)
Can you speak English? --- Bisakah kamu berbicara bahasa Inggris? (bahasa
gaulnya: kamu bisa bahasa Inggris?)

Jangan sampai terbuat : “You will come tomorrow?” atau “You can speak English?”

Sip? Lanjut ke halaman selanjutnya untuk melihat lebih banyak contohnya..

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Lihatlah contoh dibawah ini
1. Will you learn to speak English from Mr Maula?
2. Can you try to speak English with Mr Ali?
3. Must you go to learn there?
4. Must he learn also?
5. Will you go to Bandung tomorrow?
6. Will he learn from Mr Ali?
7. Do you come from Medan?
8. Do you see Mr Ali in the school?

Apabila kalimat itu tidak memakai kata bantu yang ada arti pakailah ‗do‘
seperti contoh nomor 7 dan 8. Dapat diartikan ‗do‘ itu dengan ―kah‖ saja. Do you
Catatan tambahan, semua contoh pertanyaan yang ada diatas disebut
dengan “YES/NO Questions” dalam bahasa Inggris. Disebut “YES/NO Questions”
karena jawaban untuk pertanyaan ini HANYA ADA 2 pilihan: YES, atau NO. Contoh:
Can you fly? Jawabnya: NO! :D

Ada satu jenis pertanyaan lagi yang Anda harus tahu yaitu “WH Questions”.
Ini sering Anda jumpai dalam pelajaran bahasa Indonesia dulu di sekolah –
terutama yang pernah belajar jurnalistik secara khusus: 5W – 1H. Sudah ingat?

Well, 5W – 1H itu disebut dengan “kata tanya” atau “Question Words” dalam
bahasa Inggris. Apabila kalimat itu memakai kata tanya seperti:
Kata Pembantu Bacaannya Artinya
Where [hweₔ] Dimana, kemana
When [hwen] Kapan
Why [hwai] Kenapa
What [hwot] Apa
Who [hu:] Siapa
How [ha:w] Bagaimana

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Maka kata tanya ini letaknya di depan sebelum kata bantu.

Contoh: Where do you learn speak English?

When will you go to Bandung?

Jangan sampai terbuat : kata bantu sebelum kata pertanyaan atau tidak
memakai kata bantu.
Contoh : Do where you learn? atau Will
when you go to Bandung?
What you see there?
Where you live?
Paham ya? Mudah kan?

Nah, agar lebih terbiasa, hafallah kata-kata dibawah ini dan baca berulang-
ulang sampai hafal luar kepala kalimat-kalimat dibawah ini!

Kata Bacaannya Artinya

Uncle angkₔl Paman
Twice Twais Dua kali
How many times Haw meni taimz Berapa (banyak) kali
A week ₔ wi:k Seminggu
Again Ege:n Lagi
Practice Prektis Mempermahir
Tongue Tang Lidah
English Inglisy Bahasa Inggris
Intend Intend Bermaksud
Your yuₔ Kamu punya
School Sku:l Sekolah
Already Olre:di Sudah
Language Lengwidzy Bahasa
Only Onli Hanya, saja

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Very well Veri wel Dengan baik
House Haus Rumah
His His Dia punya
Soften softₔn Melunakkan/Melembutkan

Where do you live, Mr Maula? I live in Banda Aceh.

Do you live with Mr ali? No, I live with my wife and daughter.
Do you learn to speak English in jakarta? Yes, I do.
How many times do you learn in a week? I learn only twice a week.
Can you already speak English? Yes, I can already speak
English a Little.
When will you go to school again? I will go to school
again tomorrow.
Do you often speak English with your friend? Yes, I often practice
my English with him.
Can your friend speak English also? Yes.
Why do you learn to speak English? I learn to speak English
because I want to go aboard

Semakin mudah dan semakin mengerti ya? Kita coba latihan ya.

Sekarang, jawablah sendiri pertanyaan-pertanyaan Exercise I dan II di bawah ini.

Kirimkan jawaban Anda ke email agar saya periksa dan
beri komentar jika ada kesalahan.


Do you wish to go to Jakarta?

Why do you wish to go to Jakarta?
When will you go to Medan?
Do you want to see the cinema in Medan?
Will you go to Africa if you can speak English?

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Dou you also understand English?
Where must you learn it?
When will you learn to speak English from Mr Maula?
Where will you go to tomorrow?
When will he come to see me?
Why must he come to me?

Do you come from Jakarta?
Do you also learn English in Jakarta?
Where do you live now?
Do you often speak English with Mr John?
Can Mr John speak English?
Where will you learn to speak English?
Will you often speak English with me?
Why do you go to see Mr Ali in Jakarta?
Do you learn English from Mr Maula?
Do you live in Jakarta now?
Will you come to my house tomorrow?

Sekarang coba dibaca contoh percakapan dibawah ini dengan bersuara. Agar Anda
langsung bisa praktek ngomong Inggris!

Where do you live, Mr Maula? I live in Banda Aceh.

Do you live with your uncle in Padang? No. I live with my friend in Padang.
Do you learn English also in Padang? Yes, I do.
Can you already speak English now? Yes, I can speak English already.
When will you go to Bandung? Perhaps I will go to Bandung
Do you know Mr Ali? Yes, I know Mr Ali very well
Do you often speak English with him? Yes, I often speak English with him.

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Can your friend speak English also? Yes, he can speak English a little.
Why do you also learn to speak English? I learn to speak English because
I will go abroad with my uncle.
Where will you go? I will go to Australia.

Penting !!!
Silakan coba praktek melakukan percakapan dengan teman-teman di grup
bahasainggrispemula, karena Anda sudah bisa bertanya apapun dalam bahasa
Inggris. Tanya apa saja dalam bahasa Inggris sambil menambah teman baru dari
seluruh Indonesia. Asyik kan? Saya usahakan nimbrung di percakapan kalian ;) Ayo
Mau kenalan dan chat FB dengan bule? UDAH BISA!
Ntar kalau ada tidak paham bagaimana? TIDAK MASALAH, Anda baru belajar 2
pelajaran loh..tapi sudah bisa nanya ini-itu dalam bahasa Inggris sudah bagus
sekali. Sebelumnya malah gak ngerti apa-apa dan gak tau gimana caranya. Iya,
kan? Hajar..cari kenalan!

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DAY – 3
Cara Membuat Kalimat Negatif/Negative Sentence

Kata Bacaannya Artinya

Lesson lessₔn Pelajaran
Time Taim Waktu
This Dis Ini
Have Hev Mempunyai
Diligently dilidzyₔntli Dengan rajin
Money Many Uang
Has Hez Mempunyai (dipakai
untuk he, it atau she)
Buy Bai Membeli


Mengatakan “tidak” dalam bahasa Inggris ada dua macam yaitu: no atau
not, tetapi tempatnya dalam kalimat berbeda. No harus bersamaan tempatnya
dengan (sebelum) kata benda, seperti orang, barang, tempat, binatang, waktu atau
makanan. Singkatnya sebelum segala benda.

Jadi harus: no book --- no friend

no time --- no house

Seperti ―I have no money‖ --- saya tidak mempunyai uang.

Karena menurut peraturan, ‗no‘ mesti bergandengan dengan kata kerja
Have/has. Kata ‗have‘ untuk pokok kalimat, he dan she atau it memakai ‗has‘.

Contohnya: I have no friend in Jakarta.

He has no house in Bandung.
You have no uncle in Jakarta.

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Have atau has ini masuk kata kerja. Jadi kalau datang verb lain sesudah
have atau has harus memakai to.

Contoh: He has no time to come.

You have no money to buy the book.
I have no time to learn in Jakarta.

Yuk, lihat lebih banyak contoh di cerita sederhana di bawah ini:

I wish to understand English but I have no time to learn it. My uncle has no house
in Jakarta, therefore he will not live there. You have a book and I have a pencil.
He has much (banyak) money in the bank, but I have none (tak ada). He has no
time to see me today, because he will go to Padang.

Not, tempatnya harus bersamaan dengan verb, atau selain dari kata benda,
seperti not go – not see – not come. Akan tetapi not itu tidak boleh berdiri
sendiri, mesti memakai salah satu kata bantu yang dua belas itu (di pelajaran
sebelumnya Anda sudah mempelajari 4 kata bantu).

Jadi susunan kalimatnya tidak boleh :

‗I not go‘ --- ‗You not come‘ --- ‗He not learn‘

Akan tetapi pakailah kata bantu sebelum not itu (menurut artinya/kegunaannya).

Kalau kita mengatakan; ―Saya tidak bisa pergi‖ buatlah ―I cannot go‖ karena
„can‟ berarti bisa. Kalau mau membuat ―Saya tidak akan pergi‖ buatlah ―I will not
go‖, sebab will berarti „akan‟. Kalau mau membuat ―Saya tidak pergi‖ buatlah ―I do
not go‖ sebab do tak ada artinya. “Do” dipakai hanya menemani „not‟ saja.

Jangan sampai terbuat: I not can go – I not will go, dan lain-lain.

Do you understand? ☺

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Yuk latihan lagi. Pelajari dan praktekkan contoh-contoh dibawah ini:

I cannot go today because I have no time.

He will not come here because he will go to Medan.
I will not speak Indonesian with him because he can already speak English.

Dalam kalimat pertanyaan, tetap letakkan kata bantu di depan!

Cannot you go today? Will not you come to see me?

Why cannot you go there? Why cannot he learn today?
Do not you go to see the cinema? I cannot come to your office?
Why do not you go there? Why do not you live in Jakarta?
Will not you go to school? Will not he speak with you?
Why will not he come today? Why will not you come to my office?

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DAY – 4
Cara Menggunakan ―YET‖ dalam kalimat negatif

Kata „yet‟ ini memiliki banyak arti. Kalau diletakkan di akhir kalimat, negatif
fungsinya adalah mengganti arti „tidak‟ menjadi „belum‟, contoh:

I have no time --- Saya tidak mempunyai (ada) waktu.

I cannot speak english --- Saya tidak bisa berbicara Inggris.

Tapi kalau diakhir kalimat itu ditambah kata „yet‟ maka arti “tidak” itu
berubah menjadi “belum”.

Jadi arti kalimat:

I have no time yet --- Saya belum mempunyai waktu.

I cannot speak English yet --- Saya belum bisa berbicara Inggris.


Silakan baca kalimat cerita sederhana dibawah ini minimal 2 kali; sekali untuk
menganalisis “to”, dan sekali lagi dibaca dengan suara agar terbiasa dengan bunyi
bahasa Inggris dan langsung bisa praktek mengucapkannya

My friend will not come here yet. I cannot go there yet.

He has no money yet. I will not speak English with him yet.
You must not go yet. He will not see you yet.
Why do not you go yet? Why do not you call him yet?
Cannot you speak English yet? Do not you live in Jakarta yet?
Why do not you go to learn yet? Cannot he speak English yet?
Do not you learn to speak English yet? Will not you see the cinema yet?
Cannot you come here yet? Will not you learn there yet?

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I cannot speak English yet because I do not learn it yet.

My uncle wishes to go to America but he also cannot speak English yet.
I ask him to learn English from Mr Maula but he has no time yet.
Mr Maula lives in Darussalam. I think, I will come to him because I also wish to
understand English. Mr Ali learns English also from him. When he comes here, he
often asks me to speak English but I will not speak English with him yet because I
cannot speak English very well yet.

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DAY – 5

Untuk mengetahui apakah Anda sudah mengerti benar dengan pelajaran

diatas. Cobalah terjemahkan kalimat-kalimat di bawah ini kedalam bahasa Inggris.
Sesudah Anda buat dan yakin rasanya tidak salah lagi, silakan kirim hasilnya via
email ke


Saya ingin keluar negeri tetapi saya belum bisa berbicara bahasa Inggris oleh
karena itu saya harus menjumpai Mr.Maula untuk mempelajarinya. Kalau saya bisa
berbicara bahasa Inggris, saya akan sering berbicara Inggris dengan kawan saya
mempermahir lidah saya dalam bahasa Inggris. Besok saya akan mulai belajar dari
Mr. Maula di


Kalau saya mempunyai waktu saya akan pergi ke Bandung melihat kawan
saya. Dari sini saya tidak akan pergi dengan kereta api tetapi saya akan pergi
dengan pesawat. Ali juga akan pergi dengan saya tetapi dia belum mempunyai
uang. Didalam pesawat, saya akan coba berbicara Inggris sebab saya ingin
mempermahir bahasa Inggris saya. Kalau saya sudah bisa berbicara Inggris, saya
akan pergi keluar negeri.


1. Dimana kamu tinggal sekarang?

2. Kapan kamu akan pergi ke Bandung lagi?
3. Kenapa kamu tidak pergi ke sekolah?
4. Kapan kamu bermaksud pergi keluar negeri?
5. Kapan kamu mulai berbicara Inggris?

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6. Akankan kamu pergi belajar?
7. Belajar di Bandungkah kamu?
8. Tidak mau belajarkah kamu hari ini?
9. Maukah kamu pergi kesana besok?
10.Maukah kamu mencoba untuk berbicara Inggris dengan si Ali?


1. Kenapa kamu belum pergi ke Medan?

2. Kenapa kamu belum mau datang kesitu?
3. Belum bisa berbicara Inggriskah kamu?
4. Belum bisakah dia menyuruh si Ali untuk datang kemari?
5. Kenapa dia belum akan pergi kesitu?
6. Belum bisa datangkah dia kemari?
7. Belum akan belajarkah dia disitu?
8. Kenapa kamu belum pergi kesekolah?
9. Belum belajarkah kamu?
10.Kenapa dia belum bisa berbicara Inggris?

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Sebelum Anda melanjutkan pelajaran ini hendaklah kata-kata dibwah

ini dihafal lebih dahulu:
Tulisannya Bacaannya Artinya
Take Te:k Ambil, membawa
Teach Ti:tsy Mengajar
Together tₔgedₔ Bersama-sama
Long Long Lama, panjang
Next week Neks wi:k Minggu depan
Although Oldo Meskipun
Near niₔ Dekat
Before Bifo: Sebelum
After school hour aftₔ sku:l awₔ Sesudah jam sekolah
Forget fₔget Lupa
Grateful Gre:tful Berterima kasih
God God Tuhan
Who has been Hu hez bi:n Yang sudah
Very kind Weri kaind Sangat baik hati
Everything Ewriting Segalanya
Bath Ba:th Mandi
Us As Kita, kami
Pray Pre: Sembahyang
Seventh sewₔnth Ketujuh
Sit Sit Duduk
Help Help Menolong
Grow up Gro ap Tumbuh, besar
Aunt A:nt Tante atau bibi
Sweep Swi:p Menyapu
Floor Flo: Lantai

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Clean Kli:n Bersih
Breakfast brekfₔst Makan pagi
Standard stendₔd Derajat, kelas
Teacher Ti:tsyₔ Guru
Pupil Pyu:pₔl Murid
By boat Bai bot Pakai kapal
Language Lengwidzy Bahasa
Long Long Panjang, lama
Brother bradₔ Saudara laki-laki

Biasanya dalam bahasa Indonesia, menyuruh atau memerintahkan berbuat

sesuatu kata perintah ditambah dengan “lah” contoh “duduklah!” atau “pergilah!”
dan lain-lain.

Didalam bahasa Inggris, kata “lah” itu tidak ada. Jadi jika kita mau
menyuruh orang lain berbuat sesuatu, hanya verb saja yang diletakkan didepan
kalimat maka dengan sendirinya sudah bertambah arti “lah” dalam kalimat itu.

Come here! artinya marilah kesini!
Try to speak English! artinya cobalah berbicara Inggris!
Learn diligently! artinya belajarlah dengan rajin!

Do not boleh dipendekkan jadi don‘t artinya ,,jangan” kalau diletakkan

didepan kalimat.
Do not come here! artinya jangan datang kemari!
Don’tsee it! artinya jangan lihat itu!
Don’t forget your lesson! arinya jangan lupakan pelajaranmu!
Do not go there! artinya jangan pergi kesitu!

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Jika kalimat perintah itu bukan kalimat verbal, maka pakailah ‗be‘ didepan
kalimat karena „be‟ itu adalah verb. Tetapi „be‟ ini tidak ada artinya.
Be good artinya baik-baik(lah)
Be dilligent artinya rajin-rajin(lah)
Be careful arinya hati-hati(lah)

Jangan ‗good‘ saja atau ‗good good‘ . karena kalimat perintah ini tidak
ada verb nya, maka „be‟ lah yang menjadi wakil verb.

Don’tbe lazy artinya jangan malas

Don’tbe stupid artinya jangan bodoh
Don’tbe careless artinya jangan lalai
Don’tbe ashamed artinya jangan malu

Akan tetapi kalau sesudah „be‟ itu „jadi‟ (menjadi), misalnya:

Be a teacher artinya jadilah seorang guru!

Be a president artinya jadilah seorag presiden!
Don’tbe a coruptor artinya jangan jadi koruptor!
Don’tbe a traitor artinya jangan jadi pengkhianat!
Be an honest man artinya jadilah orang jujur!

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Day – 7

Setiap kalimat dalam bahasa apapun harus memiliki pokok dan keterangan
dalam kalimat. Contoh saya katakan “Si Amat makan”. Yang jadi pokok kalimat
disini adalah ”Si Amat” dan keterangannya “makan”. Di dalam bahasa Inggris
pokok kalimat ini disebut orang pertama, orang kedua dan orang ketiga. Yang
dikatakan orang pertama yaitu orang yang berbicara. Lawan kita berbicara,
dinamakan orang kedua. Misalnya saya bicara dengan Anda. Maka “saya”
dinamakan orang pertama dan “Anda” lawan saya bicara dinamakan orang kedua.

Apapun yang kita bicarakan (walau nama orang atau nama sesuatu) disebut
orang ketiga. Misalnya: saya berbicara kepada Anda. Saya katakan: “Si Ali datang
dari Medan”. Disini yang kita bicarakan adalah si Ali. Ali inilah yang dikatakan orang
ketiga. Atau saya katakan: “kawan saya”. Maka “kawan saya” ini dinamakan orang
ketiga. Demikian seterusnya. Paham ya?

Menurut undang-undang bahasa Inggris, verb yang pertama untuk orang

ketiga dalam kalimat harus ditambahkan –s dan verb yang kedua dan ketiga tetap
memakai „to‟ tetapi tidak boleh memakai –s pula.

Mr Ali comes from Bandung.
He wants to learn to speak English here.

Jangan sampai terbuat:

Mr Ali come from Bandung. Atau:
He want to learn to speak English here.

Silakan baca kalimat di bawah ini:

My friend lives near my house.
He learns to speak English from Mr Bur.

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Tomorrow he wants to go to Bandung to see Mr Maula.


Apabila suatu kalimat menggunakan salah satu kata bantu yang dua belas itu
(masih ingat kan materinya? Saya sudah kasih 4), maka –s untuk orang ketiga itu,
tidak boleh dipakai lagi.

My friend will come here.

Jangan sampai terbuat:

My friend will comes here.

Karena sudah ada “will” yaitu kata bantu, maka „s‟ tidak boleh dipakai lagi.
Kata bantu “do” untuk orang ketiga adalah “does”.

My friend does not come yet.

Jangan sampai terbuat:

My friend do not come yet

Sekarang silakan baca kalimat cerita sederhana dibawah ini (exercise 1 – 3)

minimal 2 kali setiap exercise; sekali untuk menganalisis kalimat dan penggunaan
semua materi yang telah Anda pelajari, dan sekali lagi dibaca dengan suara agar
terbiasa dengan bunyi bahasa Inggris dan langsung bisa praktek mengucapkannya


My friend can already speak English because he learns it from Mr. Maula on He often speaks English with me because he wants to
practice his tongue in English. Now he lives in Bandung and I live in Jakarta but he
often comes to my house when he has time. Perhaps tomorrow he will come again.

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My friend comes from Bandung. He lives now with his uncle in Jakarta
because he wants to learn to speak English from Mr. Maula. He wishes to
understand English because he wants to go to Japan. He often speaks English with
my uncle because he wants to practice his tongue in English. I also intend to go to
Japan if I have time but now I cannot go yet because I cannot speak English yet.
Will you go also?


Mr Ali does not want to go to Japan because he cannot speak English yet. He
often goes with Mr Karim to see the cinema. Mr Karim often asks him to speak
English but he does not want to answer. His uncle asks him to learn the English
from Mr Maula. Perhaps tomorrow he will begin to learn it. I think I will also learn
English too. If I can speak English I will often speak English with Mr Ali.

Where does he live now? He lives now in Jakarta.

Does he speak English? Yes, he speaks English very well.
Where does he learn it from? He learns it from Mr. Maula.
When will he come here? Perhaps he will come here next week
Will he come by boat? No, he will not come by boat but he
will come by plane.
Will you try to speak English with him? Yes, I will.

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Day – 8

Didalam pelajaran kedua sudah saya menjelaskan bahwa ada dua belas kata
bantu. Diantara yang dua belas itu, Anda sudah tahu lima, yaitu:
Can --- must --- will --- do dan does

Sekarang saya tambah tiga kata batu lagi, yaitu: am --- are --- is. Kegunaan
yang tiga ini dalam bahasa Inggris ada tiga macam. Yang pertama adalah untuk
memberikan arti “sedang” (melakukan sesuatu):
I am learning.
We, they, you are learning.
He, she, it is learning.

Susunannya tidak boleh berubah-ubah. Tidak boleh You am atau He are

atau lain-lain, melainkan tetap sebagai susunan diatas. Undang-undangnya apabila
kata bantu am, are, is itu dipakai dalam kalimat, maka verb yang pertama dalam
kalimat itu harus dintambah dengan –ing dan arti kalimat itu bertambah dengan
‗sedang‘. Jadi kalau kita buat kalimat:
He is seeing artinya dia sedang melihat.
I am learning artinya saya sedang belajar.
You are speaking artinya kamu sedang berbicara.

Tetapi kalau I learn artinya „saya belajar‟, tidak ada mengandung arti
“sedang”. Apabila muncul verb sesudah yang memakai –ing itu, maka tetap harus
menggunakan „to‟ juga sebagaimana yang sudah saya terangkan di pelajaran

Lihatlah contoh di bawah ini:

My friend is learning to speak English from Mr Maula.
Mr Ali is going to learn.
My uncle is trying to speak English with Mr Maula.

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Jadi kalau Anda mau membuat kalimat “Dia belajar” buat saja : “He learns”.
Tetapi kalau mau membuat “Dia sedang belajar” bahasa Inggrisnya menjadi “He is
learning” (arti sedang dalam kalimat ini biasa disebutkan dan dimaklumi saja).


My friend is living in Jakarta now.

He is learning to speak English from Mr Maula there.
Now he can already speak English.
He often comes to my house if he has time.
He Doesn’twant to speak bahasa Indonesia with me because he wants to practice
his English.
He is still learning now.
If you are not learning now, we can go to his house.

Hafallah kata-kata dibawah ini terlebih dahulu sebelum membaca

cerita pendek selanjutnya.
Tulisannya Bacaannya Artinya
Islamic School Islemik school Sekolah islam
Clever boy klewₔ boi Anak pintar
Arabic ₔrebik Bahasa arab
Translate Transle:t Menterjemahkan
Son San Anak kandung yang
By train Bai tre:n Pakai kereta api
Vacation wₔke:syₔn Cuti
Happy Heppi Senang
Museum Myuzi: ₔm Museum
Zoological garden zulojikₔl ga:dₔn Kebun binatang
Proud Praud Sombong
Wrong Rong Salah

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Sitting Sitting Duduk
It It Itu [subjek]
Listen lissₔn Mendengarkan
Bench Benc Bangku
Come home Kam hom Pulang
On bicycle On baisikₔl Pakai sepeda
Holy Holi Suci
Kor‟an Kora:n, ko:ra:n Kitab Qur’an
Examination/exam Igzem Ujian
Or O: Atau
So So Begitu
So kind So kaind Begitu baik hati
Home work Hom wₔ:k pekerjaan rumah
Stand Stend Berdiri, tahan
Younger brother yanggₔ bradₔ Adik laki-laki
Into Intu Kedalam, menjadi
Sometimes Samtaimz Kadang-kadang
What Hwot Apa
Name Ne:m Nama
Wake up We:k ap Bangun
Their deₔ Mereka punya
Early in the morning ₔ:li in dₔ mo:ning Di pagi hari
Final fainₔl Penghabisan, akhir
With whom With hum Dengan siapa
Give Giv Memberi
Fail Fe:l Gagal

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DAY - 9
―Cara Membuat Kalimat Nominal‖

Di dalam bahasa Inggris, setiap kalimat harus memiliki pokok kalimat dan
keterangan kalimat, singkatnya: siapa berbuat apa. Misalnya saya katakan “Si Ali
makan”. Disini yang kita bicarakan adalah Si Ali dan keterangannya si Ali adalah
“makan”. Maka dalam kalimat ini “Si Ali‟‟ pokok kalimat dan “makan‟‟ itu
keterangannya. Didalam bahasa Inggris, pokok kalimat itu dinamakan subject dan
keterangan ini bernama predicate. Subjek ini dalam bahasa belanda disebut
onderwerp dan prediket disebut Gezegde atau Mubtada atau Khabar dalam
bahasa Arab.

Dalam bahasa Inggris setiap Predicate itu harus dimulai dengan verb.
Contohnya: My friend comes from Bandung.

Nah, dalam kalimat ini “my friend” jadi subject dan “comes from Bandung”
bernama predicate. Apabila dalam kalimat itu tidak memakai verb, maka „am‟,
„are‟ dan „is‟ menjadi wakil verb dan namanya „verb to be‟.

Misalnya kita katakan: Si Ali di Medan Sekarang.

Dalam Bahasa Indonesia kalimat “di medan sekarang” adalah predicate dari
si Ali. Akan tetapi masih salah dalam bahasa Inggrisnya, karena predicatenya
belum memakai verb. Oleh sebab itu harus dibuat “Ali - is - di Medan sekarang”.
Begitulah caranya dalam bahasa Inggris.

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Cobalah perhatikan pada pemakaian am, are, is, do dan does, dalam
kalimat-kalimat dibawah ini. Garisbawahi setiap kali Anda melihat am, are, is, do
dan does serta pelajari perbedaan penggunaannya.

I have a friend. His name is Mr Ali. He is now living with his uncle in
Bandung. He can also speak English because he learns it from Mr Maula on Mr Maula does not only teach in Jakarta but also twice a
week he goes by plane to Bandung. Mr Ali is also learning from him so he can also
speak English. When he is in Jakarta, he often comes to my house because I am his
good friend. He does not want to speak bahasa Indonesia with me because he
wants to practice his English with me. When he is here, you can also come to my
house to speak English with Mr Ali. Will you come?


Mr Karim is not in Jakarta now but he is Bandung already because he wants

to live with his uncle there. He does not want to live in Jakarta because his uncle is
in Bandung. He comes to Jakarta from Medan because he wants to learn to speak
English from Mr Maula. When he knows that Mr Maula is also teaching in Bandung,
he prefers to live in Bandung with his uncle. When I go to Bandung I will see him
and I will try to speak English with him.


Where is Mr Ali today? Is not he in Jakarta?

Is he in the school now? Why is he there?
Are you not going to learn? Why are not you dilligent to learn?
Are you Mr Karim? Is he your uncle?
Why is not he in Jakarta now? Is he in Bandung already?
Is your name Mr Ali? No, my name is not Mr Ali but Mr Karim .
Are you a teacher? Yes.

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Where are you learning now? I am learning now in Kurti School.
Why is not he here now? He is not here now because he goes
to Bandung.


I have a friend in Medan. His name is Mr Ali. He lives now with his uncle in
Medan because he is learning in an Arabic School in Medan. He can also speak
English because he learns it from the evening course. Perhaps he will come here
tomorrow because he is in vacation. I am verry happy when he is here because we
can go to the museum and the zoological garden. Mr Ali is my good friend. He does
not to want speak bahasa Indonesia with me because he knows that I can also
speak English. We are not proud when we speak English on the way but we will
only soften our tongue in English, so when we go abroad someday we can already
speak English very well. I am not ashamed when I am wrong because I know that it
is not my language. Will you try to speak English with me? Come to my house! Will


My uncle is not in Bandung now. He is in Jakarta. He does not live there but
he goes there only to see his nephew. The name of his nephew is Mr Karim. He
learns at the Islamic Boarding School. He is a clever boy. He can also speak Arabic
very well. He can also translate the meaning of our holy Kor‟an into bahasa
Indonesia. I think I like to go there also if I have time. I will not go alone but I will
go together with my friend. Do you know my friend? He is Mr Anwar, the son of Mr
Nurdin. He is the cousin of Mr karim.

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DAY – 10
Exercise Day – Latihan!

Well, sudah 10 hari. Selamat bahasa Inggris Anda sudah semakin baik! Untuk
memastikan Anda sudah benar-benar menguasai seluruh materi hari pertama
hingga sepuluh, silakan pelajari kalimat-kalimat yang dalam cerita sederhana
dibawah ini. Garisbawahi penggunaan “to”, “am”, “are”, “is”, “can”, “must”, “will”,
“do”, “does”, dst.



Tulisannya Bacaannya Artinya

Name Ne:m Nama
Brother bradₔ Saudara laki-laki
Eight E:t Delapan
Year yiₔ Tahun
Old Old Tua (umur)
Pupil Pyu:pₔl Murid
Miss Mis Nona
Elder sister eldₔ sister Kakak perempuan
A (an) E, ₔ (en, ₔn) Se (satu)
The dₔ Itu (hanya tambahan
Town Taun Kota
Aunt A:nt Tante (bibi)
Teacher Ti:tsye Guru
Of Ov, ₔv Dari (kepunyaan)
Mother madₔ Ibu
Look after Luk a:ftₔ Menjaga

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Next month Neks mans Lain bulan (bulan
Perhaps pₔheps, preps Barangkali
Stay Ste: Tinggal sementara
One month Wan mans Satu bulan
After A:ftₔ Sesudah
Go back Go bek Kembali
First fₔ:st Pertama
On the way On dₔ we: Di tengah jalan
Satisfied Setisfaid Puas
By train Bai trein Dengan kereta api
Wait (for) We:t (fo:, fₔ) Tunggu
Station stₔ:syₔn Setasiun
Together tugedₔ Bersama-sama
Ashamed (of) Esye:md Malu
Of course ₔv ko:s Tentu saja
Wrong Rong Salah
Objection Objeksyen Halangan
At Et Di
Very happy Weri hepi Sangat senang
Here hiₔ Sini (disini)
Go for a walk Go fo: ₔ wo:k Berjalan-jalan
There deₔ Disitu (disana)
Rich Ritsy Kaya
At home Et hom Dirumah
People Pi:pₔl Orang-orang

1. My name is Mr Rafli.
2. I am the brother of Mr Arifin.
3. I am now eight years old.

Copyright: Page 3

4. I am the pupil/student of Mr. Maula.
5. Miss Nur is my elder sister.
6. I have also an aunt.
7. Her name is Nursiah.
8. She is the teacher of SMP.
9. My mother has also a brother.
10.His name is Mr Mugni.
11.He is now in Padang.
12.He Doesn’twant to come here yet because he must look after the house in
13.But next month perhaps he will come to Jakarta.
14.He won’t live in Jakarta but he will stay here for one month.
15.After one month he will go back to Padang.

1. Mr Ali is still in Bandung.

2. He does not come to school today.
3. He will come by train tomorrow.
4. I will wait for him at the station.
5. He is my good friend.
6. He lives together with me in Jakarta.
7. We often speak English together.
8. He can also speak English.
9. I will wait for him tomorrow at the stasion
10.I’mvery happy when he‟s here because we can go for a walk together.
11.Of course we must not speak Indonesian on the way.
12.We must practise our English.

Jawablah pertanyaan dibawah ini (boleh dengan menulis atau secara lisan)
berdasarkan keterangan diatas:

1. What is your name?

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2. Are you the brother of Mr Arifin?
3. How old are you now?
4. Are you the pupil of Mr. Maula?
5. Who is you elder sister?
6. Do you also have an aunt?
7. What is her name?
8. Is she the teacher of SMP?
9. Does your mother also have a brother?
10.What is his name?
11.Where is he now?
12.Does not he want to come he yet? Why?
13.Will he come here next month perhaps?
14.Will he live in Jakarta?
15.When will he go back to Padang?

1. Where is Mr Ali?
2. Does not he come today yet?
3. When will he come?
4. Will you wait for him at the station?
5. Is he your good friend?
6. Do you live together in Jakarta?
7. Do you often speak English with him?
8. Can he also speak English?
9. Will you wait for him at the station tomorrow?
10.Why are you happy when he is here?
11.Must you speak Indonesian on the way?
12.Must you practise your English?

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Day – 11
Penggunaan Kata Bantu (Auxiliary) – Bag. 2

Sebagaimana yang sudah saya jelaskan dalam pelajaran sebelumnya bahwa

setiap kalimat harus mempunyai subject dan predicate dan setiap predicate itu
harus dimulai dengan verb.

Apabila tidak ada verb maka am, are, atau is boleh untuk jadi wakil verb,
bukan? Nah, sekarang saya akan menerangka satu hal lagi bahwa di dalam satu
kalimat, tidak boleh memakai dua kata bantu. Misalnya : “I will am in Bandung
tomorrow”. Disini walaupun “am” itu sudah menjadi wakil verb tetapi dia adalah
kata “pembantu”.

Point Pentingnya: 2 kata bantu tidak boleh ada dalam satu kalimat!

Karena dalam kalimat itu sudah ada kata bantu „will‟ maka tidak boleh „am‟
digunakan lagi dan harus diganti dengan „be‟ sebagai wakil verb juga. Jadi kalau
suatu kalimat sudah menggunakan kata bantu „will, can, must‟ atau lain-lain maka
„am, are, is‟ tidak boleh digunakan lagi, tetapi harus diganti dengan „be‟. Dan „be‟
ini tidak memiliki arti apa-apa. Ingat juga! verb yang datang sesudah „be‟ harus
memakai „to‟ apabila sesudah „be‟ itu ada kata benda atau nama orang dan „be‟
itu memiliki arti “jadi‟‟.

Lihatlah contoh dibawah ini agar Anda mengerti keterangan saya diatas

Mr Ali is still in Bandung. Tomorrow he will be here.

I can be stupid if I am not dilligent. I must not be Lazy.
I work hard and I must be rich.
you will be a teacher also if you are diligent.
My uncle will be a captain next month.
I must be at home now because my friend is at home already.
My uncle will be at home also.

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Mr Ali will be here to learn his lesson.

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Day – 12

Kata „it‟ artinya “nya‟‟ kalau diletakkan ditengah atau di akhir kalimat.

Ali can speak English.

He learns it in Jakarta.

Tetapi kalau letaknya di awal kalimat, maka artinya “ini” akan tetapi lebih
sering tidak diartikan. Kenapa? Well, baca pelan-pelan penjelasan saya ya.

Sebelumnya saya sudah menerangkan bahwa setiap kalimat harus memiliki

subject dan predicate dan tiap predicate hanya dimulai dengan „verb‟. Kalau tidak
ada verb, maka am, are, is, atau be boleh menjadi wakil verb.

Begitu pula dengan subject, apabila tidak ada subject dalam kalimat itu,
maka „it‟ jadi wakil subject. Misalnya Anda mau mengatakan kalimat “bagus!”,
dalam bahasa Inggris (terutama dalam bahasa tulisan) tidak boleh „good‟ saja.
Karena tidak ada subject dan predicate. Oleh sebab itu harus dibuat:

It is good artinya bagus atau itu bagus.

It is not good artinya tidak bagus atau itu tidak bagus.
It is raining artinya hari hujan atau hujan.

Paham ya?

Oke, dibawah ini ada cerita sederhana dan didalamnya Anda akan melihat
penggunaan “it” ini dalam banyak variasi. Namun sebelumnya, coba pelajari nama-
nama hari dalam bahasa Inggris dan beberapa kosakata baru dibawahnya agar
Anda bisa memahami arti cerita yang ada dibawah.

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Tulisannya Bacaannya Artinya
Sunday Sandei Minggu
Monday Mandei Senin
Tuesday Cu:zdei Selasa
Wednesday Wenzdei Rabu
Thursday Te:zdei Kamis
Friday Fraidei Jumat
Saturday Satedei Sabtu
Week Wi:k Seminggu

Jika Anda ingin memasukkan keterangan nama hari dalam kalimat, maka
Anda harus meletakkan „on‟ sebelumnya. “on” ini artinya “pada”. Jadi “on sunday”
artinya “pada hari Minggu”, begitu seterusnya. Diingat ya, dan dibiasakan
menggunakan „on‟ kalau menyebut hari. Banyak yang keliru menggunakan “in”
dan “at”.

Tulisannya Bacaannya Artinya

Free Fri: Vriy
Study Stadi Pelajaran
The same dₔ se;m Sama, serupa
Continue kₔntinyu Melanjutkan
Still Stil Masih
Alone ₔlon Sendirian
Till Til Hingga
Down town Daun taun Ke kota
After A:ftₔ Sesudah
Look after Luk a:ftₔ Menjaga
Next month Neks manth Lain bulan
Wait (for) We:t (fo) Tunggu
Ashamed ₔsye:md (ev) Malu
Objection ₔbdzyeksyₔn Halangan, keberatan

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One month Wan manth Satu bulan
Bad Bed Buruk, busuk, jahat
Leader Li:dₔ Pimpinan
Stupid Scu:pid Bodoh
Our awₔ Kita punya
Final fainₔl Penghabisan
Fail Fe:l Gagal (tak berhasil)


It is Sunday today. I do not go to school because I am free.

I go to school only twice a week.
It is every Monday and Thursday.
I go to school in the morning.
I am very glad to learn because I will go to USA next year.
There I will learn again.
I will not go to USA if I cannot speak English.
I will be ashamed there if I cannot speak English.
Americans do not understand bahasa Indonesia yet, they only understand English,
therefore I must understand English before I go to there.


It is Sunday today and I am free. I do not go to school. I think I will go for a

walk to the zoological garden but I will not go alone because I do not know the way
yet. I must call Mr Karim first because he is my friend and he knows the way. Mr
Karim is my school friend. He can already speak English and he does not want to
speak Bahasa with me because he wants to practice his English. I am also the
same. I also wish to understand English more. I am not shy when I am wrong
because I know that it is not my language and also I am still in learning.

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If it is not raining I will go for a walk down-town together with my friend. He

is not here yet. He will be here by and by. He does not live here but he lives in
Bogor. He will not stay long here. He will be here only till tomorrow. He wish to live
here together with me but his father does not allow (bolehkan/izinkan) him
because he is still learning in Bogor. He also learns English in Bogor therefore he
can also speak English a little. Here he often speaks English with me because he
knows that I can already speak English.

Tugas: sesudah Anda membaca tiga bacaan diatas, coba membuat kalimat
pertanyaannya – lalu berikan jawaban. Tanya sendiri, jawab sendiri. Saya tunggu
hasilnya di ya!

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Day – 13
―Verb-ING SELAIN am, are, is‖

Di pelajaran hari ke-9 saya sudah menerangkan bahwa jika suatu kalimat
menggunakan kata bantu “am, are, atau is”, maka verb yang pertama dalam
kalimat itu harus ditambah dengan –ing dan artinya sedang.
Nah, di bawah ini ada beberapa kata-kata, apabila sesudah kata-kata ini ada
„verb‟ maka verb itu ditambah dengan –ing juga. Namun bedanya tidak memiliki
arti “sedang”. Hanya menurut aturan saja verb itu ditambah dengan –ing.

Kata-kata itu adalah:

Tulisannya Bacaannya Artinya
After A:ftₔ Setelah
Before Bifo: Sebelum
Instead of Instead ₔv Daripada
In In Dalam
Without Witaut Tanpa
Because of Bikoz ₔv Disebabkan
While Hwail Sewaktu

Misalnya: While Speaking

After learning
Before speaking
Instead of seeing the picture
Because of going there
Without learning

Tempatnya boleh didepan kalimat dan boleh juga diakhir kalimat sesuai dengan
maksud/kebutuhan saja.

Copyright: Page 45

After learning I will go home, atau
I wiil go home after learning.
Keduanya benar.

Perhatikan lebih banyak contoh ini agar Anda menjadi terbiasa:

Before learning I go to the shop.
Instead of going to Bogor I better go to Bandung
I better see the cinema instead of learning.
I am learning now.
Without learning I cannot speak English.
Because of learning here I can speak English already.
While learning I do not want to play.


After eating I learn my lesson.

I learn my lesson after eating.
Before going abroad I must understand English first.
I must understand English first before going abroad.
Instead of going to Jakarta I better go to Bandung.
I better go to Kuala Lumpur instead of going to Penang.
In learning English he is very dilligent.
He is very dilligent in learning English.
He comes from seeing the cinema.
Without thinking I cannot speak very well.
I cannot speak very well without thinking first.
Because of learning English from Mr Maula, I am not ashamed to speak with an
I am not ashamed to speak with an American because of learning English from Mr
While learning I do not want to play.

Copyright: Page 4

I do not want to play while learning.


My name is Rahmat. I live with my uncle in Bandung. I have also a cousin.

His name is Mr Ahmad. He has a sister her name is Siti. Siti learns in the same
school with us but she sits in the fifth grade and we sit in the seventh.

On Sunday we have no home-work from school, so we go for a walk down-

town or sometimes to the zoological garden. At home or on the way we often speak
English because we will soften our tongue in English. Siti is not ashamed when she
is wrong in speaking English because she still sits in the fifth grade.

My uncle says that he will send us abroad to continue our study. That is why
we must be dilligent in learning our lesson, so we do not fail in our final


I wake up early in the morning. After bathing I pray and then I take my book
and I learn my lessons. Before praying I will not learn my lessons because my uncle
is very angry when he knows that I do not pray. He says that we must thank God
who has been very kind to give us everything.

After learning my lessons I help my aunt to sweep the floor and to clean the
room. And then I take my breakfast.

At seven o‟clock I go to school. I do not walk to the school but I go on

bicycle. On the way I do not want to play but I go straight to the school. At one
o‟clock I come back home. I do not forget my school lessons although it is already
after school hour.

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My uncle is kind to me and I must not forget him. I must be grateful when I
grow up. Do you know my uncle?

Silakan jawaban pertanyaan dibawah ini dengan tulisan, lalu latih lidah dengan
mengucapkan jawaban Anda agar terbiasa mengucapkannya dengan lancar. Jangan
lupa, kirimkan jawaban Anda ke saya: Nanti saya periksa

What is your name?

With whom do you live in Singapore?
Do you also have a cousin?
What is his name?
Does your cousin have a sister also?
What grade is she?
When do you go for a walk?
Why is not Siti ashamed when she is wrong in Speaking English?
Why does your uncle say?
Why must you be dilligent in learning your lesson?
When do you wake up?
What do you do after bathing?
Why will not you learn your lesson before praying?
What time do you go to school?
Do you walk to school?
When do you take your breakfast?
Do you play on your way to school?
What time do you come from school?
Must you be greatful to your uncle?

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DAY – 14
Cara Menggunakan ―ALTHOUGH – YET‖

Di pelajaran sebelumnya, Anda sudah tahu bahwa “yet” gunanya mengganti

arti “tidak” menjadi “belum”, bukan? Sekarang Anda akan mengatahui kegunaan
“yet” yang lain.

Jika “yet” itu berpasangan dengan “although” maka artinya menjadi “namun”
atau “toh” kata orang Belanda yang sekarang diserap oleh bahasa jawa.

Misalnya: “Although I have no money, yet I must buy the book”

Artinya: “Walaupun saya tidak mempunyai uang, namun (toh) saya musti beli buku

“Although he is thirsty, yet he does not want to drink”

Artinya “Walaupun dia haus, namun (toh) dia tidak minum”.

“Although it is raining, yet I must go to school”

Artinya “Walaupun hari hujan, namun saya mesti pergi ke sekolah”.

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Day – 15

“Let” ini artinya “biarkanlah”. “Us” bacanya (as) artinya “kita” atau “kami”.
Kata “let” ini berarti “mari” atau “ayo” kalau berpasangan dengan “us” yang berarti
“kita”. Kalau “us” itu diartikan “kami” maka “let” itu berarti “biarkanlah”.

Jadi arti “let us go” boleh “biarkanlah kami pergi” atau “marilah kita pergi”.
Kalau “Let” ini berpasangan dengan “me” (saya), “him” (dia laki-laki”, “her (dia
perempuan), “it” artinya dia (untuk benda atau binatang), “them” artinya mereka,
maka artinya “biarkanlah”

Let him come to my house – Biarkanlah dia datang ke rumah saya!

Let her go to school – Biarkanlah dia pergi ke sekolah.
Let it stay there – Biarkanlah itu tinggal disitu
Let them learn – biarkanlah mereka belajar
Let us try to Speak English – Marilah kita coba berbicara Inggris

Kata “let” ini juga bisa digunakan untuk “melarang”

Do not let him come there – jangan biarkan ia datang ke situ
Do not let them speak – jangan biarkan mereka berbicara
Do not let me fall – jangan biarkan saya jatuh
Do not let her come late – jangan biarkan dia datang lambat
Do not let him go there – jangan biarkan dia pergi ke situ

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Cara Menggunakan ―PREFER – RATHER THAN‖

„Prefer‟ artinya “lebih suka”. “Rather than” artinya “daripada”. Prefer

digunakan untuk menunjukkan kecondongan kita pada sebuah pekerjaan (verb).

Perhatikan contoh dibawah ini untuk memahami cara penggunaannya.

I prefer to learn rather than to see the cinema.

He prefers to go to Bandung rather than to go to Bogor.
You prefer to speak English rather than to speak Dutch.

Akan tetapi jika sesudah kata „prefer‟ ada kata benda, maka pasangannya
tidak lagi “rather than” untuk mengatakan “dari pada”, tetapi menggunakan „to‟
saja dan itu sudah berarti “dari pada”.

Perhatikan contoh kalimat dibawah ini untuk memahaminya:

I prefer book to pencil. Saya lebih suka buku dari pada pencil.
He prefers Mr Ali to Mr Karim - Dia lebih suka Anda Ali dari pada Anda Karim

You prefer English to Dutch - Engkau lebih suka bahasa Inggris dari pada
Bahasa Belanda.

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DAY – 1
Cobalah hafal lagi kata-kata dibawah ini sebelum latihan dan melanjutkan pelajaran
Tulisannya Bacaannya Artinya
Although Oldo Walaupun
Yet Yet Namun (toh)
Thirsty tₔ:sti Haus
Drink Dringk Minum
Take care Te:k ke: Menjaga
Body Bodi Badan
Sick Sik Sakit
Go out Go aut Ke luar
Stay Ste: Tinggal
Important thing Impo:tₔnt thing Hal yang penting
To do Tu du Buatan (kerja)
Scarce skeₔs Jarang, Maulait didapat
Pullers pulₔz Penarik-penarik
Stand Stend Tahan (berdiri)
Cold Kold Dingin
Like Laik Suka, seperti
Outside Autsaid Di luar
Many Meni Banyak

Anda sudah banyak mendapatkan pelajaran dari awal hingga pertemuan ke-15.
Untuk memastikan Anda benar-benar menguasai seluruhnya, silakan baca cerita
dibawah ini. Coba pahami dengan baik sambil menganalisis kalimatnya. Siap?

Here we go..

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Mr Ali is my brother. He lives now with my uncle in Bandung. He learns to
speak English from my uncle in Bandung because my uncle is an English teacher in
Bandung. On Sunday he often comes to Jakarta because he wants to meet me.
Here he does not want to speak Bahasa with me because I can also speak English.

We often go for a walk together. He stays here only on Sunday and on

Monday morning he goes back to Bandung. I cannot go to Bandung yet because I
have no time yet. Next month perhaps I will also go to Bandung. I will not go alone,
but I will go together with my friend. I prefer to go with my friend rather than to go
alone because, on the way I can practise my English.


1. In rainy season we must be careful to take care of our body if we do not

want to be sick.
2. We cannot go out in the raining time and we only stay at home.
3. Although we have an important thing to do outside yet we cannot do it.
4. The becak are also very scarce in the raining time because the becak puller
cannot stand the cold.
5. I like to stay at home in the raining time so I can learn my school lesson.
6. I have a friend at home but he is very lazy.
7. Although he is stupid in the class yet he does not learn at home.
8. He is not ashamed of his friend. Do you know him?


1. Today I am free because it is holiday.

2. I think I will go for a walk downtown.
3. And then I go to the zoological garden.
4. It is not far from here.
5. So I will not go by car but I will walk only.
6. I Don’twant to go alone but I will go together with my friend.

Copyright: Page 53

7. He can also speak English.
8. Because he learns it from Mr Maula also in Jakarta.
9. He is my good friend, he is not proud. He is very low-hearted person.
10.Although he is wrong in speaking English yet he is not ashamed.

Sesudah latihan diatas Anda baca berkali-kali hingga sudah mengerti benar
Anda akan artinya dan cara menyusun kata-katanya, cobalah jawab pertanyaan-
pertanyaan di bawah ini:

1. Must we be careful to take care of our body in the raining time? Why?
2. Why must we only stay at home?
3. If we have an important thing to do outside in the raining time, can we do it?
4. Are there many becak in the raining time?
5. Why do you like to stay at home in the raining time?
6. Is your friend diligent to learn?
7. Does he learn at home because he is stupid in the class?
8. Is he ashamed of his friend?

1. Why are you free today?

2. Where will you go for a walk?
3. And then, where will you go?
4. Is it far from here?
5. How do you go there?
6. Do you want to go alone?
7. Can your friend also speak English?
8. Where does he learn to speak English from?
9. Is he proud?
10.Is he ashamed if he is wrong in speaking English?
12.What will he do when he comes back?

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Hafallah lagi kata-kata dibawah ini. Sesudah itu baca contoh kalimatnya.

Tulisannya Bacaannya Artinya

Mind Maind Fikiran
By car Bai ka: Pakai mobil
Walk Wo:k Berjalan
Proud Praud Sombong
Low – hearted Lo-ha:tid Rendah hati
Next year Neks yiₔ Tahun depan
Work wₔ:k Bekerja
Outside Autsaid Di luar
Many Meni Banyak
People Pi:pₔl Orang-orang
Cyphers Saifez Ponten


My uncle wishes to send me abroad to continue my study. I also hope it very

much. Now I learn my lesson very dilligently to please my uncle. When he sees that
my cyphers are good he will be glad and he will have no objection to send me
abroad. He sometimes speaks to me in English at home. Perhaps he wants to know
whether I can speak English already. He often says to me that he wishes to see me
to be a leader in the future. I also know it therefore I never waste my time now and
I learn my lesson diligently. Sometimes I go out to my friend to ask anything that I
do not understand and then I come back home. Sometimes my friend will take me
to see the cinema but I will not go. I prefer to learn my lesson at home rather than
to see the cinema. My hope is to go abroad next year, if I am stupid certainly my
uncle will not send me abroad. Isn’t that so?

Copyright: Page 55


My younger brother can also speak English already but he does not want to
speak English with me because he is still ashamed if he is wrong in speaking, I
often advice him but he does not care. Tomorrow we will go to Bandung to meet
our uncle. From here we will go by taxi. On the way I will try to speak English with
him. He cannot reject it because Mr Karim my neighbour will be also with us. He
will speak English with me. So when we speak English together he will certainly not
be quiet because he knows it. There I will advise him to practice his English with
me I will tell him that we are not proud although we always speak in English. We
will just train our tongue at speaking English so he will not be ashamed to speak
with me or foreigners.


Can you speak English? Yes, I can speak English a little.

Where do you learn it from? I learn it from
Do you learn everyday? No, I learn only twice a week.
Does Mr Ali also learn in Kurti Course? Yes, he also learns there.
Can he also speak English already? Yes, he can.
Do you often speak English with him? Yes, sometimes.
Where is he now? I Don’tknow, perhaps he is still at
Somebody says that you will go Yes, next month.
to Penang with him, is it true?
Why do not you go to school today? Because it is holiday today.
What holiday is it today? It is the Islamic festival day today.
Will not you go anywhere? I Don’tknow yet.
Let us go to the museum? I will wait for Mr Karim first.
Will he also go? I think so. He will always go if
take Him.
All right, we will wait for him. There he comes.

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1. Does your uncle live in Bandung?

2. When do you intend to go there?
3. Why will not you stay long there?
4. Who is your uncle? Does he understand Dutch?
5. Does he prefer to Speak English with you?
6. Do you often speak English with him?
7. Does your friend in Jakarta speak English with you?
8. Why do you often speak English?
9. Will you be ashamed if you go abroad?
10.Do you mind if you are wrong in Speaking English? Why?
11.If you come to my house, must you speak Dutch?

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DAY – 17
Terjemahkanlah kalimat-kalimat dibawah ini, anggap saja sebagai ujian.
Kerjakan tanpa melihat pelajaran ya (langsung diterjemahkan). Sesudah siap email
ke saya hasilnya via email ke Kalau masih salah, buat lagi
sampai benar semua. Sesudah Anda mengerti betul, baru lanjutkan pelajaran


Saya ingin mengerti bahasa Inggris, oleh karena itu saya belajar dari Sekarang saya sudah bisa berbicara Inggris sedikit-
sedikit, oleh kerena itu saya sering berbicara Inggris dengan kawan saya.

Saya ingin pergi keluar negeri, tetapi saya mesti mengerti bahasa Inggris
terlebih dahulu.

Dari sekarang saya tidak akan berbicara bahasa Indonesia, tetapi saya akan
sering berbicara Inggris dengan teman saya untuk mempermahir lidah saya, sebab
kawan saya juga bisa berbicara Inggris.


1. Datangkah Anda kerumah saya?

2. Kenapa kamu tidak datang kesekolah?
3. Dimana kamu berbicara Inggris?
4. Kapan kamu akan pergi ke Bandung?
5. Kenapa kamu tidak pergi ke Bandung?
6. Datang dari Medan kah kamu?
7. Belajar berbicara Inggris kah kamu?
8. Dimana Ali tinggal sekarang?
9. Akan pergi keluar negeri kah kamu?

Copyright: Page 58

10.Tidak maukah kamu datang kesitu?
11.Dimana dia belajar sekarang?
12.Maukah dia datang kemari?
13.Apakah yang kamu pelajari di sekolah?
14.kapan kamu akan pergi belajar?
15.Akan pergi belajarkah kamu?


Si karim tidak dirumah ini hari, sebab dia masih di Bogor. Barangkali dia
akan pulang besok sebab dia mesti belajar. Kalau dia disini kami sering berjalan-
jalan ke kota dan ditengah jalan, kami sering berbicara Inggris untuk

Saya tidak malu apabila saya salah dalam berbicara Inggris sebab itu bukan
bahasa saya. Saya belajar berbicara Inggris sebab saya akan pergi keluar negeri
melanjutkan pelajaran saya.

Sebelum saya pergi ke Amerika, saya mesti mengerti bahasa Inggris terlebih
dahulu sebab di Amerika orang-orang tidak bisa berbicara Indonesia. Oleh sebab itu
saya mesti mengerti bahasa Inggris.

1. Dimana Anda sekarang?

2. Kenapa dia tidak dirumah?
3. Mestikah dia disitu pula?
4. Belum bisakah kamu datang kesitu?
5. Kenapa dia disitu?
6. Belum akan disinikah dia?
7. Belum bisakah dia berbicara Inggris?
8. Tidak dirumahkah dia?
9. Malaskah dia?
10.Kenapa dia mesti disitu?

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11.Disitukah dia sekarang?
12.Kenapa dia belum datang?
13.Kenapa dia belum akan disitu?
14.Dimana dia?


Kata-kata „here‟, „there,‟ dan „abroad‟ tidak boleh memakai „to‟ atau „in‟
kecuali „from‟. Didalam kata-kata itu sudah terkandung arti ke atau di.
Misalnya „‟I will go abroad” artinya „‟saya akan pergi keluar negeri‟‟ jangan dibuat
„to abroad‟. Begitu juga dalam kalimat „I will go there‟ berarti „saya akan pergi
kesitu atau disitu‟ jangan dibuat „to there‟ atau „in there‟.

Membuat kalimat haruslah „‟pokok kalimat terletak sebelum verb nya.

Misalnya: “Now he lives in Bandung”. Walaupun dalam kalimat pertanyaan seperti
dalam ujian kedua No. 1 harus dibuat „Does Mr Ali to my house?” jangan sampai
dibuat “Does Mr Ali house?”.

Satu lagi harus diingat. Bahwa sesudah kata-kata „after‟, „before‟ instead
of” verb yang datang segera sesudahnya harus memakai –ing. Contoh: after
learning, before learning, dan lain-lain.
Kalau sesudah am, are, dan is verb nya ditambah dengan –ing mengandung arti
„sedang‟. Kalau sesudah kata after dan lain-lain itu tidak ada arti „sedang‟. „be‟
sudah menjadi verb hukumnya, jadi kalau datang verb sesudah „be‟ harus
memakai „to‟.

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DAY – 18

Tulisannya Bacaannya Artinya Tulisannya Bacaannya Artinya

Send [send] Kirim Know [no] Tahu

Europe [yuₔrₔp] Eropa Right [rait] Betul
Get [get] Dapat So [so] Jadi
Sometime [samtaim Kadang- Holiday [holₔdi] Hari
s z] kadang besar

Permahirlah bacaan di bawah ini sampai benar!

Can you speak English?
Yes, I can speak English a little
Where do you learn it from?
I learn it from Kurti School
Do you learn every day?
No, I learn it only twice a week
Does your friend also learn in Kurti school?
Yes, he also learns there
Can he also speak English?
Yes, he can
Will you go to Bandung with him?
Yes, sometimes (kadang-kadang)
Where is he now?
I Don’tknow, perhaps he is at home now.
Will you go to Bandung with him?
I Don’tknow yet
Do not you go to school today?
No, I am free today
Why are you free today?
Because it is holiday
When will you go to school again?

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I will go to school again tomorrow
Do you learn together with Mr. Ali?

My uncle lives in Bandung. He is working in the post-office. When he is free,

he often comes to Jakarta. I am his nephew. I often get some money from him. He
wants to send me to Europe next year therefore I must understand English. He also
understands English therefore he sometimes speaks English with me. Perhaps
tomorrow he will come here again because it is Sunday and he is free. I will wait for

Where do you come from? I come from the town

Where will you go to? I will go to see my friend at Bogor
Will you go by train? No, I will not go by train but I will
go by car
Will you go alone? No, I will go together with Mr.
Why do you go with him? He can also speak English, so we
can always speak English on the
Does he also learn English in your Yes, he does
Are not you ashamed to speak No, I am not
English on the way?
Why? Because, I want to practice my
You are right Before I go to Europe I must
understand English very well

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DAY – 19

Tulisannya Bacaannya Artinya

One Wan Satu
Two Tu Dua
Three Thri: Tiga
Four Fo: Empat
Five Faiv Lima
Six Siks Enam
Seven sewₔn Tujuh
Eight E:t Delapan
Nine Nain Sembilan
Ten Ten Sepuluh
Eleven ilewₔn Sebelas
Twelve Twelve Dua belas
Thirteen thₔ:ti:n Tiga belas
Fourteen Fo:ti:n Empat belas
Fifteen Fifti:n Lima belas
Sixteen Siksti:n Enam belas
Seventeen sₔwₔnti:n Tujuh belas
Eighteen E:ti:n Delapan belas
Nineteen Nainti:n Sembilan belas
Twenty Twenty Dua puluh

Berhitung dalam bahasa Inggris sama saja dengan seperti bahasa Indonsia,
tidak terbalik-balik, hanya saja sesudah ratusan bilangan yang penghabisan
memakai kata “and”.

Twenty-one 21
Twenty-two 22

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Twenty-three 23 Hundred 100
Twenty-four 24 Hundred and one 101
Twenty-five 25 Hundred and two 102
Thirty 30 Hundred and ten 110
Thirty-one 31 Hundred and 120
Forty 40
Forty-two 42
Forty-five 45


Tulisannya Bacaannya Artinya

First (1st) [fₔ:st] Pertama

Second (2nd) [sekₔnd] Kedua
Third (3rd) [thₔ:d] Ketiga
Fourth (4th) [fo:th] Keempat
Fifth (5th) [fifth] Kelima

Dari yang ke-enam dan seterusnya memakai –th semuanya kecuali

menunjukkan keduapuluh satu dan keduapuluh dua dan ketigapuluh tiga dan lain-
Misalnya :
Twenty – first (yang) keduapuluh Satu
Twenty – second (yang) keduapuluh dua

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1/4 = One fourth 7/8 = Seven eight

2/3 = Two third 3/5 3/7 = Three seventh
= Three fifth 1/10 ½ = One half
= One ten ¾ = Three fourth (3 quarters)

Three times three is nine = 3 x 3 = 9
Four times three is twelve = 4 x 3 = 12
Six times five is thirty = x 5 = 30
Five times nine is forty-five = 5 x 9 = 45
Two times two is four = 2 x 2 = 4

Ten minus three is seven = 10 - 3 =7
Nine minus four is five = 9 - 4 =5
Eight minus three is five = 8 - 3 =5
Three minus two is one = 3 - 2 =1
Four minus two is two = 2 - 2 =4

Thirty divided by ten is three = 30 : 10 =3
Fifteen divided by three is five = 15 : 3 =5
Ninety divided by ten is nine = 90 : 10 =9
Six divided by two is three = : 2 =3
Twenty-one divided by seven is three = 21 : 7 =3

Two and (plus) two is four = 2 + 2 = 4
Three and three is six = 3 + 3 =
Ten and ten is twenty = 10 + 10 = 20

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Five and five is ten = 5 + 5 = 10
Four and four is eight = 4 + 4 = 8

Times bacanya [taimz] artinya kali ( x )

Minus ‖ [mainə ] ‖ dikurangi ( - )
Plus ‖ [plas] ‖ ditambah ( + )
Divided by ‖ [diwaidid bai] ‖ dibagi ( : )

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DAY – 20
Menyebutkan waktu dalam bahasa Inggris, harus menitnya lebih dahulu.

Misalnya: pukul tiga lewat sepuluh menit.

Harus dibuat: Sepuluh menit lewat pukul tiga.

Lihatlah contoh dibawah ini dan permahir;ah sampai hafal benar !

What time is it now, please? Pukul berapa sekarang, ya?
What is the time now, please? Pukul berapa ekarang, ya?
It is five minutes past two. Pukul dua lewat lima menit.
What is your time now? Pukul berapa jam Anda sekarang?
It is ten minutes to four. Pukul empat kurang sepuluh menit.
What time will you go? Pukul berapa Anda akan pergi?
I will go at a quarter to one. Saya akan pergi pukul satu kurang
What time will tou come home? Pukul berapa Anda akan pulang?
I will come home at half past two. Saya akan pulang pukul setengah tiga.
What time do you begin to learn? Pukul berapa kamu mulai belajar?
I begin to learn at a quarter to eight. Saya mulai belajar pukul delapan
kurang seperempat (lima belas menit).
What time do you go to bed at night? Pukul berapa Anda tidur di malam hari?

―to‖ menunjukkan kurang; ―past‖ menunjukkan lewat.

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Tulisannya Bacaannya Artinya
Sharp sha:p persis, tepat, tajam
Go to bed go tu bed pergi tidur
Stop Stop berhenti (untuk mesin – mesin
Correct kərekt Betul
Too slow tu: slo terlalu lambat
To fast tu: fast Terlalu cepat
Half ha:f Setengah
Quarter kwo:tə Seperempat
Minutes Minits Menit
Watch Wotsy Arloji
Wrist-watch rist wotsy arloji tangan
Pocket-watch pokit wotsy arloji kantong
Keep good time ki:p gud jalannya betul
Spoiled Spoild Rusak
Set Set stel, cocokkan
Wind Waind mengunci (putar)
Get Get Dapat
Birthday be:t dé: hari lahir
Tell Tel katakan, ceritakan
Present prezənt persenan, hadiah
Repair ripéə reparasi, betulkan
Date dé:t Tanggal
Day dé: Hari
Younger brother yanggə adik laki – laki
Rely Rilai percaya (kepada mesin-mesin)
Think Thingk Pikir

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Nothing Nothing tak ada apa – apa
I am sorry aim sori ini sudah menjadi kebiasaan
sebagai minta maaf atas sesuatu
kesalahan kata atau perbuatan
kepada orang lain.

What is your time now? I am sorry, I have no watch.

What time is it now? I am sorry, my watch stops.
Is your watch correct? I am sorry, my watch is a little to fast.
Does your watch keep on time? Yes, it does.
Where is your watch? My watch is spoiled already.
Do you rely on your watch? Yes, I often set it by the radio clock in the

Will not you wind it again? No, I wind it only in the morning.

What watch do you have? I have a wrist-watch but my younger brother

has a pocket watch.
It is a birthday present from my
Where do you get your watch from?
Where can you repair the watch? We can repair it at the watch repair.

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DAY – 21
DAYS: Cara Mengungkapkan Hari

What day is it today? Hari apa ini hari?

It is Tuesday today. Hari ini hari Selasa.
What is the day of today? Hari apa ini hari?
It is Monday today? Ini hari senin.
What is the date of today? Tanggal berapa hari ini?
What date is it today? Tanggal berapa hari ini?
It is the second of January. Hari ini tanggal 2 Januari.

Nama – nama hari dan tanggal

Sunday [Sande] Minggu
Monday [Mande] Senin
Tuesday [Cu:zde] Selasa
Wednesday [Wenzde] Rabu
Thursday [thə:zde] Kamis
Friday [Fraide] Jum‟at
Saturday [sétəde] Sabtu

The first of April tanggal satu April

The second of March tanggal dua Maret
The third of August tanggal tiga Agustus
The fourth of October tanggal empat Oktober
The fifth of November tanggal lima Novemer,
Dan lain – lain.

1. Januari [jenyuəri] 7. July [julai]
2. Februari [februəri] 8. August [o:gəst]
3. March [ma:tsy] 9. September [septembə]

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4. April [ép:rəl] 10. October [oktobə]
5. May [mé] 11. November [nəvembə]
6. June [ju:n] 12. December [disembə]

Permahirlah bacaan di bawah ini!

What day is it today? Hari apakah hari ini?
Today is Monday? Hari ini (adalah) hari Senin.
What date is it today? Tanggal berapa hari ini? Hari
Today is the third of March. ini tanggal tiga Maret.
Don’tyou go to school? (Apakah) kamu tidak pergi ke
Yes, I got school every day, except on Ya, saya pergi ke sekolah setiap
hari kecuali hari minggu

What time is it now? Jam berapa sekarang?

It‟s a quarter to seven. Jam tujuh kurang seperempat.

What time does your lesson begin? Jam berapa pelajaran kamu mulai?

My lesson begins at eight o‟clock. Pelajaran saya mulai jam delapan.

What time do you start from your home? Jam berapa kamu berangkat dari
rumah kamu?

I start at half past seven from my home Saya berangkat jam setengah delapan
dari rumah saya

What time do you come back? Jam berapa kamu kembali?

I come back at one o‟clock. Saya kembali jam satu.

Do you come straight home after lesson? Apakah kamu langsung pulang
sesudah pelajaran (sekolah)?

Yes, I come straight home. Ya, saya langsung pulang.

You are a nice boy. Kamu seorang yang baik.

Does your watch keep on time? Betulkah jam kamu? Ya, jam

Yes, my watch keeps on time. saya betul.

My watch is a little too slow. Jam saya agak sedikit lambat.

Your watch is a little too fast. Jam kamu agak kecepatan.

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I set my watch (it) by the radio clock. Saya mencocokkan saya jam saya

dengan jam radio. Jam saya mati.

My watch stops.
My watch is spoiled. Jam saya rusak.
I will go at one o‟clock sharp. Saya akan pergi jam satu tepat.
My watch does not keep on time. Jam saya jalannya tidak.......
Where will you repair it? Dimana Anda akan betulkan itu?
I will give it to the watch repair center Saya akan berikan jamnya kepada
tukang jam untuk dibetulkan.
I will wind my watch first. Saya akan putar saya punya jam
terlebih dahulu.
What is your time now? Pukul berapa jam Anda sekarang?
Is your watch correct? Betulkah jalan jam Anda?
My father has a pocket watch. Ayah saya mempunyai jam saku.
And I have a wrist watch. Dan saya mempunyai jam tangan.

Menyuruh orang lain yang maksudnya “ke atas” verbnya dengan „up‟ [ap],
menyuruh “ke bawah” pakai „down‟ [daun] sesudah verb. Menyuruh ke dalam
pakai „in‟, menyuruh ke luar pakai „out‟ [aut].

Come in artinya mari ke dalam atau masuklah

Come out ” mari keluar atau keluarlah
Go in ” pergi masuk
Go out ” pergi keluar
Come up ” mari naik
Come down ” mari turun
Sit down ” duduklah
Sit up ” duduklah ke atas.

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Come dan go itu boleh ditukar dengan get.

Misalnya :
Get in artinya mari ke dalam/pergilah ke dalam
Get out ” mari ke luar/pergilah ke luar
Get up ” mari naik/pegilah naik
Get down ” mari turun/pergilah turun.

1. It‟s Sunday today, I Don’tgo to school.
2. I think, I will go for a walk.
3. I will go to Mr Ali first because he is my good friend.
4. He has also nothing to do at home on Sunday so I will call him to go for a
5. We will go to the zoological garden.
6. Mr Ali understands English, too.
7. He learns also from Mr Maula in Medan
8. He is very diligent in learning his lesson because he intends to go abroad.
9. Before he understands English, he will not go abroad, because it will only
make him ashamed.
10. With me he often speaks in English.
11. I ilke to speak English with him because I want to practise my tongue in
speak English.
12. I am not ashamed if I am wrong in speaking because I am still in learning.

Jawablah pertanyaan – pertanyaan di abwah ini menurut latihan diatas!

1. Is it Sunday today ?
2. Where will you go?
3. Why must you go to Mr Ali first?
4. Has he also nothing to do on Sunday?
5. Where will you go with him?
6. Does Mr Ali also understand English?

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7. Where does he learn to speak English from?
8. Why is he very diligent in learning his lesson?
9. Why will not he go abroad?
10. Does he often speak English with you?
11. Why do you like to speak English with him?
12. Are you shy if you are wrong in speaking English?

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DAY – 22
Untuk memastikan pemahaman Anda dengan materi yang sudah dipelajari, coba
terjemahkan sekali lagi kalimat dibawah ini ke dalam bahasa Inggris.

1. Sesudah belajar, saya mau pergi nonton bisokop.
2. Dia datang ke rumah saya sesudah belajar.
3. Sebelum pergi jalan – jalan saya mesti belajar.
4. Saya tidak bisa pergi sebelum makan.
5. Dari pada pergi ke Bandung, lebih baik saya pergi ke Bogor.
6. Kamu lebih baik belajar sekarang dari pada belajar besok.
7. Kawan saya datang dari melihat bioskop dan dia akan pergi pulang sesudah
belajar dari saya.
8. Saya tidak malu kalau saya salah dalam berbicara Inggris, karena saya
masih belajar.
9. Karena belajar dari, saya sudah bisa berbicara
10. Sewaktu belajar saya tidak mau main – main.

1. Akan pergi kemana kamu sesudah belajar?

2. Kenapa kamu tidak mau minum sesudah makan?
3. Apakah kamu pulang dari melihat bioskop?
4. Kenapa kamu tidak pulang sesudah belajar?
5. Maukah kamu main – main sewaktu belajar?
6. Apakah kamu belajar berbicara bahasa Inggris?
7. Kemana kamu akan pergi sesudah belajar?
8. Apakah kamu di rumah sesudah belajar?
9. Akan pergi ke manakah kamu sesudah makan?
10. Datangkah dia belajar sesudah minum?

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1. Datanglah ke rumah saya besok
2. Cobalah berbicara Inggris dari sekarang
3. Belajarlah dengan rajin
4. Pergilah melihat bioskop
5. Belilah buku itu di Bogor
6. Ambillah buku itu dari Rama
7. Mulailah belajar bahasa Inggris
8. Tinggallah di Jakarta
9. Cobalah datang ke situ
10. Berbicaralah dalam bahasa Inggris

1. Jangan pergi ke situ

2. Jangan coba berbicara Belanda
3. Jangan tinggal di Jakarta
4. Jangan coba pergi ke situ
5. Jangan beli itu buku
6. Hati – hatilah pergi ke situ
7. Rajin – rajinlah dalam belajar
8. Baik – baiklah di situ
9. Jadilah seorang guru
10. Jadilah seorang presiden
11. Jangan malas dalam belajar
12. Jangan bodoh saat tinggal di Jakarta
13. Jangan malas pergi ke sekolah
14. Jangan jadi koruptor
15. Jangan jadi pengkhianat

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Saya lebih suka datang ke situ sesudah belajar dari pada datang sekarang.
Walaupun pada saat hujan namun saya mesti datang ke sekolah sebab saya lebih
suka belajar dari pada tinggal di rumah.
Dia lebih suka buku dari pada pensil walaupun dia belum bisa membaca.
Dari pada melihat bioskop lebih baik belajar.
Saya lebih suka berbicara Inggris dari pada berbicara belanda.

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DAY – 22
Cara Menggunakan Kata Kerja untuk ‗Masa Lalu‘ (Verb 2)
Setiap ‗verb‘ dalam bahasa Inggris memiliki tiga jenis dan bentuk katanya pun
berbeda. Tidak seperti bahasa Indonesia yang kata kerjanya tidak pernah berubah
apapun situasinya

I. Present Tense (Verb 1)

II. Past Tense (Verb 2)
III. Past Participle (Verb 3)
Present Tense [prəzən tens] artinya waktu sekarang.

Past Tense [past tens] ” waktu yang telah lalu/lewat.

Contoh past tense: kemarin, tahun yang lalu, dahulu, dll. Ini semuanya
menunjukkan waktu yang lewat yaitu past tense. Apabila kita menceritakan hal
yang sudah lewat maka, „verb‟-nya juga harus „verb‟ yang past Tense (yang
sudah lewat).

Jadi kalau saya mengatakan sesuatu untk waktu sekarang, maka cukup dengan “I
go to Bandung now”. Dan, semua pelajaran yang sudah kita pelajari di pelajaran
yang lalu adalah kalimat present tense. Tetapi kalau saya mau mengatakan
“Kemarin saya pergi ke Bandung”, maka verb “go” harus diganti dengan „went‟,
dimana „went‟ itu adalah bentuk Verb 2 dari „go‟.

Benar: Kemarin (yesterday) I went to Bandung

Tidak boleh : kemarin (yesterday) I go to Bandung.

Sudah paham? Jika belum paham tanya ke saya ya, boleh via BBM aja karena
singkat ☺

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Jenis verb yang ketiga yaitu Past Participle dan nanti saya terangkan bagaimana
cara menggunakannya di pelajaran berikutnya. Oke!

Hafal kata – kata di bawah ini untuk menambah kosakata:

Present Past Bacaannya P.Participle Bacaannya
Tense Tense
Go Went [went] gone [gon]
See Saw [so:] seen [sin]
Speak Spoke [spok] spoken [spokən]
Try Tried [traid] tried [traid]
Come Came [ké:m] come [kam]
Begin Began [bigén] begun [bigan]
Wish Wished [wist] wished [wist]
Understand Understood [andəstud] understood [andəstud]
Learn Learned [lə:nd] learned [lə:nd]
Live Lived [livd] lived [livd]
Want Wanted [wontid] wanted [wontid]
Intend Inteded [intendid] intended [intedid]
Buy Bought [bo:t] bought [bo:t]
Take Took [tuk] taken [té:kən]
Have Had [héd] had [héd]
Send Sent [sent] sent [sent]
Get Got [got] got [got]
Work [wə:kt] Worked worked [wə:kt]
Drink Drank [dréngk] drunk [drank]
Stand Stood [stud] stood [stud]
Know Knew [nyu:] known [now]
Walk Walked [wo:kt] walked [wo:kt]
Sit [sét] Sat sat [sét]
Wind Wound [waund] wound [wound]
Think Though [tho:t] thought [tho:t]

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Call Called [ko:ld] called [ko:ld]

Anda tentu masih ingat Auxiliary Verb/kata bantu kan? Nah, kata bantu ini tidak
memiliki bentuk ‗Past Participle‘ tetapi hanya ‗Past Tense‘ saja.

Present Past
Will would [wud]
Must must [mast]
Do did [did]
Is was [woz]
Are were [we:]

Catatan Penting (Harus diingat selamanya):

1. Susunan kalimat Past Tense sama saja dengan keterangan yang sudah saya
terangkan di pelajaran yang sudah Anda pelajari. Kalau kita menceritakan hal
yang sudah berlalu (past), maka hanya verb yang pertana dalam kalimat itu
saja di Past Tense-kan sementara verb yang kedua, ketiga tetap memakai
‗to‘ dan tidak mengalami perubahan sama sekali.
Misalnya :
Yesterday I went to see the picture

Tidak boleh:
Yesterday I went to saw the picture

2. Tetapi kalau kalimat itu dibatasi oleh kata penghubung maka kalimat baru itu
harus memakai satu Past Tense.

Misalnya :
Yesterday I went to see my uncle in Bandung because he wanted to go to
Last night I wanted to see the cinema but I had no money.

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Last week I went to bandung and I also saw Mr Ali there.

3. Dan kalau kalimat itu menggunakan kata bantu, maka hanya kata bantu saja
di-Past Tense-kan. Apabila kata bantu sudah Past Tense, maka „verb‟
sesudahnya hanya dalam bentuk verb 1 saja, tidak boleh Past Tense.

Misalnya: Yesterday I went to Bogor.

Kalau di dalam kalimat itu ada kata bantu maka kalimatnya menjadi:

―Yesterday I didn‘t go to Bogor‖.

Jangan sampai terbuat : I didn‘t went to Bogor.

Dua kata Past Tense tidak boleh dalam satu kalimat.

Peringatan sekali lagi:

Dalam setiap satu kalimat, hanya verb yang pertama saja harus Past Tense, tetapi
kalau kalimat itu mempunyai kata bantu, maka hanya kata bantunya saja yang di-
Past Tense-kan.

Paham ya?

Sesudah Anda mengerti tentang past tense diatas, sekarang kuasai bentuk-bentuk
keterangan waktu yang menunjukkan past tense dibawah ini:

Yesterday [yestəde] kemarin dulu

Last night [la:st nait] tadi malam
Last week [la:st wi:k] minggu yang lalu
Last month [la:st manth] bulan yang lalu
Last year [la:st yiə] tahun yang lalu
Day before yesterday [dé: bifo: yestədi] kemarin dulu (2 hari yang lalu)

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One month ago [wan manth əgo] satu bulan yang telah lalu

Sekali lagi, jika kata bantu sudah dalam bentuk Past Tense, maka verbnya tidak
boleh Past Tense lagi.

Yang salah:
Last time while I am in Medan, I cannot spoke English yet because I Don’tlearned
it yet.
One day my friend comes from Bandung, he try me to speak English, but I
cannot understood him.
Seharusnya (yang betul):
Last time while I was in Medan, I couldn‟t speak English yet because I didn’t
learn it yet.
One day my friend came from Bandung, he tried me to speak English, but I
couldn‟t understand him.

Demikian juga dalam kalimat bertanya. Hanya kata bantunya saja yang di-past
Jangan sampai dibuat :
Do you go to school yesterday?
Can you came to school yesterday?
Atau :
Did you went to school yesterday?
Can you came to school yesterday?
Did you go to school yesterday?
Could you come to school yesterday?

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P e r i n g a t a n s e k a l i l a g i!
Jangan lupa memakai kata bantu ketika membuat kalimat pertanyaan dan
letaknya di depan kalimat.

Jangan sampai dibuat:

Why you came there yesterday?
What you learned yesterday?

Why didn’t you come there yesterday?
What didn’t you learn yesterday?

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Last week I went to Bogor. On the way I saw Mr Ali and we went together. Mr Ali
tried me to speak English, so we spoke English only on the way. At one o‟clock
we came back home by train because we wanted to see the cinema in Jakarta.

Yesterday Mr Karim came to my house because he wanted to ask me about Bogor.
He also wished to go to Bogor together with me last week but unfortunately he
had no time because he must go to see his uncle in Bandung. I told him that Mr Ali
also went to Bogor together with me and came also together with me.

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DAY – 23
Penulisan ‗not‘ untuk Kata Bantu/Auxiliary Verbs

Jika ada kata bantu bertemu dengan ‗not‘, maka boleh disatukan dan dipakai
selalu dalam percakapan.
Misalnya :
do not jadi don‟t bacaannya [dont]
Does not. ” doesn‟t ” [daznt]
Did not ” didn’t ” [didnt]
Will not ” won’t ” [wont]
Shall not ” shan‟t ” [sya:nt]
Cannot ” can’t ” [ka:nt]
Could not ” couldn‟t ” [kudnt]

Paham ya?
Intinya, dalam percakapan, sebaiknya Anda menyingkat kata bantu dan „not‟.

Sekarang latihan lagi. Sebelum latihan, kuasai terlebih dahulu kosakata

dibawah ini:
While [hwail] Sewaktu
One day [wan dé:] pada suatu hari
Each other [ics adə] satu sama lain
Too [tu:] Terlalu
Too much [tu: macs] Keterlaluan

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Apabila suatu pertanyaan menggunakan Past Tense, maka Anda harus menjawab
dengan Past Tense juga. Perhatikan contoh percakapan-percakapan dibawah ini
dan coba artikan dalam hati dalam bahasa Indonesia agar Anda bisa
menggunakannya langsung dalam percakapan.

Where did he go yesterday?

He went to the town yesterday.
Didn’t you go to school yesterday?
No, I didn’t go to school yesterday.
Why? Because it was raining.
Why didn’t you go by becak?
Because I had no money.
Didn’t you try to speak English with Mr Ali last time?
No, because he couldn’t speak English yet.
Didn’t he learn to speak English from Mr Maula?
No, he didn’t.
Why didn’t he come to my house yet?
Because he went to Bandung.
Couldn‟t he come here yesterday?
No, he couldn’t because he had no time.
Didn’t he go to school?
No, he didn’t (Yes, he did).
What did you buy in the shop?
I bought a book and a pencil in the shop.
Did you see Mr Ali on the way?
No, I didn’t see him on the way.
Couldn‟t you come to my house yesterday?
I wasn‟t here yesterday, I was in Bandung.
When did you arrive here?
I arrived yesterday at four o‟clock.

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Did you come by plane or by train?
I was in a hurry, so I came by plane.
How long did it take from Medan to Jakarta?
It took about 2 hours from Medan to Jakarta by plane.
Did you come alone?
No, I came together with Mr Nurdin.
Where is he now?
He is still in the hotel.
Why didn’t yo come straight to my house?
I was afraid that it would worry you too much.
No, and where did you spend the night?
We were in the hotel. We intended to see you last night but unfortunately
it was raining, and also we were to tried. So we decided to see you this morning.
Go and call Nur, ask him to come here!
All right.

Why didn’t you learn English when you were in Medan last time?
I wanted to learn it but unfortunately I had no time.
Why didn’t you learn it at night?
I lived far away from the town, you see. And sometimes it was also raining at

night, so it was very hard for me to go to school.

When did you come from Medan?

I came from Medan last month.

Did you come here by plane?
I came here by ship only because I didn’t have much money.
Did you come from Medan alone?
No, I came with my uncle.
What is your uncle’s job?
He is teacher in a school.

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Couldn‟t you call Mr Ali from his house yesterday? He
wasn‟t at home. He was out with his friend.
Wouldn’t he come to see you?
No, he wouldn’t come to see me because he would go to Jakarta with Mr
Why didn’t you say that I wanted to see him?
I told him that you called him but he didn’t care.
Weren‟t you together with Mr Ahmad yesterday?
No, I wasn‟t with Mr Ahmad, I was alone.
Didn’t you also go to see the cinema last night?
No, because I had no money and also I had an important thing to
do. What time did you come home last night?
I came home at ten o‟clock.
Did you see Mr Ali when you came back?
Yes, I did.
Was your uncle at home last night?
Yes, he was at home the whole night (semalaman).

Copyright: Page 88

DAY – 24
Anda sudah cukup banyak mendapatkan pelajaran dasar menguasai bahasa Inggris

Yesterday I wasn‟t at home because I went to Malang with my uncle. I came home
this morning by the first train from Bandung. When I came at the station I saw my
younger brother was waiting for me. I was very glad to see him. Before going home
we went to the restaurant first because we wanted to have some tea. After drinking
tea in the restaurant we went home. I did not stay long at home because I must go
to school. My brother also went together with me because we learn in the same
school. Do yo know which one my brother is?

Last night after playing tennis Mr Ali, my cousin, took me to his house. He asked
me to take a bath because he wanted to take me to see the cinema and I told him
that I couldn‟t go because I had some important things to do. He did not also want
to go alone, so when he know (5) that I could not go he told me that he would not
go either (pula). He liked very much to go with me because he could speak English
with me long the way. When I wanted to go home unfortunately the rain came, so I
was obliged to stay there untill nice o‟clock. After the rain stopped I went home by
taxi. I reached (sampai) home at a quarter past nine and my mother was waiting
for me before the door (pintu).


Prese Bacaann Past Bacaa P.Particip Artinya
nt Ya Tense nnya le
Fetch [fetsy] fetched [fetsyt] fetched jemput
Tell [tell] told [told] Told katakan
Rest [rest] rested [restid] rested istirahat
Hurry [hari] hurried [harid] hurried buru - buru
Spend [spend] spents [spent] Spent membelanjak

Copyright: Page 89

Spend the night – bermalam (menginap)
Worry [wari] worried [warid] Worried menyusahkan

Decide [disaid] decided [disaidid] decided Tetapkan

Ask [a:sk] asked [a:skt] asked tanya, suruh


Glad Gléd girang
Fine Fain baik
Harm ha:m membahayakan
Near ni:ə dekat
Restaurant restərənt restauran
Permission pəmisyən permisi
Tried taiəd capai
Plane plé:n kapal terbang
Steamer sti:mə kapal api
Straight stré:t terus
Unfortunately anfo:tsyənitli malang sekali
Along əlong sepanjang
Surprised səpraizt terkejut
Nothing to do nathing tu taka ada kerja
du apa – apa
Useless yu:sləs percuma
They dé: mereka
About əbau kira – kira
Boat Bot sampan (kapal)

Yesterday Mr Ali did not go to school because it was Sunday, so he went for
a walk down-town. While he was walking along the street, he saw Mr Amat
standing near a shop. He called him and asked what he was waiting for Mr Amat
was surprised to see him and asked where he came from. Mr Ali told him that he

Copyright: Page 90

had nothing to do, so he went for a walk. After talking for some minutes they
went together to the zoological garden. They did not stay long there because
it was very hot already. At about twelve o‟clock they went home.

Jawablah pertanyaan – pertanyaan di bawah ini !

Did Mr Ali go to school yesterday?
Where did he go to?
Where did he see Mr Amat?
What did he ask him?
What did Mr Amat ask Mr Ali?
Did he have anything to do?
Where did they go after talking?
Did they stay long there?
What time did they go home?

Last year I was with my uncle in Medan. At the time I couldn‟t speak
English because I didn’t learn it yet. I also didn’t want to learn it at that time
because I supposed (sangka) that it was useless to learn it.
When I came to Jakarta, my friends often spoke English with me. I was
ashamed of them. From that time I began to learn it. Now I can speak
English already.
Where were you last year?
Why didn’t you want to learn it?
Why didn’t you go to school?
Did you think that it was useless to learn?
Did your friend try you to speak English in Jakarta?
Why were you ashamed of them?
Can you speak English already?

Once I was free and I had nothing to do so, I intended to go for a walk around
the town. Before I reached the town at the drain side I heard a kitten meowing as if
to beg help from somebody who had pity (8) on her. It seemed to say that

Copyright: Page 91

she was an orphan, she had no more father and mother. I took her from that
miserable place and bought her home I fed her kindly everyday until she
grew up as a young cat. She was really very grateful and obidient. At night
she never slept but kept watching for the rats the whole night at the kitchen.
One morning I got great surprise, when I wanted to go the bathroom. I saw
her sitting and meowing before a dead poisonous snake which she had killed.
She meowed as if to say that she had killed the snake which would enter the
house at night and would harm the members of my family. I petted that cat on
her head to show her my thanks of her obedience and faith.

Didn’t you come to school yesterday?

No, because I went to the hospital.
What was wrong with you?
I wasn‟t well from the day before yesterday.
What did the doctor say?
He said nothing, he only gave me prescription for medicine and I must take it
from the druggist.
Did Mr Raf come to see you last night?
Yes, he came together with Mr Ali.
Who told him that I was sick?
I Don’tknow. Perhaps he heard it from Mr Nur who did not also come to
school yesterday.
Was Mr Nur also sick? It was a pity.
No, no, he was not sick at all. He didn’t come to school, because he went to

the station to take his uncle who came from Bandung. Where is he now?

He promised to come to see you this morning.

I am sure, he will come by and by.

Tulisannya Bacaannya Artinya

What was wrong with hwot woz rong with “kenapa kamu?” atau “apa hal

Copyright: Page 92

you? yu:? kamu?”
Nothing Nathing tak ada apa – apa
Hospital hospitəl rumah sakit
Say sé: Berkata
Prescription priskripsyən resep obat
Medicine Medisin Obat
Druggist Dragist rumah obat
Sick Sik Sakit
Promised Promist berjanji (past tense)
Once Wans pada suatu kali
Nothing to do nathing tu du tidak ada kerja apa – apa
Round the town raund də taun keliling kota
Reached ri:tsyt Sampai
Drain side dré:n said pinggir parit
Heard hə:d dengar (past tense)
Kitten kittən anak kucing
Meowing myu:ing Mengeong
As if to beg help es iv tu beg help seolah – olah minta tolong
Who hu: “yang” (kalau letakkan di tengah
had pity héd pity mempunyai kasihan
no more no mo: tak ada lagi
miserable mizerəbəl Melarat
fed kindly fed kaindli pelihara dengan sayang
Until Antil Hingga
grew to a young cat gru: ə yang két menjadi kucing bujang (muda)
Really riəli Sebenarnya
Grateful gré:tful berterima kasih
Obedient obi:jənt Patuh
kept watching kept wotsing Menjaga
the whole night də hol nait semalam – malaman

Copyright: Page 93

Kitchen kitsyən Dapur
Got me a great surprise Gat mi e gré:t səprais terkejut besar
bath room ba:th ru:m kamar mandi
sitting and meowing sitting ən myu:ing duduk dan mengeong
Dead Ded Mati
poisonous snake poizənəs sné:k ular berbisa
Which Hwitsy Yang
had killed héd kild sudah membunuh
Enter entə Masuk
do some trouble du sam trabəl membuat susah
members of the family membəz əv də fəmili Anggota ahli rumah
Patted Pétid tepuk bahu
obedience and gratitude obijəns en greticu:d patuh dan berterima kasih
That Dét „bahwa‟ atau‟yang‟ kalau letak nya
di tengah kalimat
at all ət o:l sedikitpun
I am sure aim syuə saya yakin
By and by bai‟n bai nanti, sebentar lagi
Orphan o:fən yatim piatu
Again egé:n lagi
Rich Ritsy kaya
Everyday evridé: setiap hari
Tulisannya Bacaannya Artinya
Well Wel sehat, baik
Last night la:st nait tadi malam

Jawablah sendiri pertanyaan – pertanyaan di bawah ini !

1. Why weren‟t you at home yesterday?
2. Did you go alone?
3. When did you come home by plane?
4. Did you come home by plane?
5. Who waited for you at the station?

Copyright: Page 94

6. Where did you take him before going home?
7. Did you go straight to the school after drinking in the restaurant?
8. Why didn’t you stay long at home?
9. Why did you brother go together with you to the school?
10. Is your school far from here?
11. Where is your school?

1. When did Mr Ahmad take you to his house?

2. Why did he ask you to take a bath?
3. What couldn‟t you go?
4. What didn’t he want to go?
5. Why did he like very much to go with you?
6. When did the rain come?
7. Why did you go straight home?
8. When could you go home?
9. Did you go home on bicycle?
10. What time did you reach home?
11. Where did your mother wait for you?

Copyright: Page 95

DAY – 25
Didalam pelajaran yang sudah lewat, sudah diterangkan bahwa kata pembantu
ada dua belas. Diantaranya yang sudah Anda – Anda ketahui yaitu : can, must,
will, do, does, am, are, is Jadi masih ada empat lagi. Sekarang tambah dua lagi
yaitu have dan has artinya sudah.
Jadi have dan has ini ada dua artinya. Kalau ia menjadi ‗verb‘ berarti
―mempunyai‖ tetapi kalau jadi kata penolong berarti ―sudah‖.
Susunannya : We have – I have
They have – You have
She has – It has – He has
Apabila have atau has ini berarti sudah (yaitu jadi kata pembantu): maka
verb yang pertama sesudahnya mesti Past Participle.
Misalnya : I have gone.
You have gone.
He has gone.
Tetapi selama – lamanya apabila have dan has berarti sudah mestilah
verb yang pertama sesudahnya Pas Participle.
Jangan sampai terbuat : I have go to atau You have went, dll.
Cobalah perhatikan kalimat – kalimat di bawah ini!
I have spoken with Mr Karim.
He has come to my house.
We have tried to speak English.

Ever bacaannya [ewə] artinya pernah

(dipakai dalam bertanya)
Once ” [wans] ” pernah
(dipakai dalam kalimat
Biasa), sekali
Never ” [newə] ” tidak pernah
Always ” [o:lwiz] ” selalu

Copyright: Page 9

Kata – kata ini selalu dipakaikan sering sejalan dengan „have‟ atau
„has‟, tetapi untuk kalimat biasa (bukan kalimat bertanya) selalu ever itu
ditukar dengan once.
Misalnya : I have once spoken with Mr Karim.
He has once come to my house.
We have once tried to speak English.
He has never learned here yet.
We have never tried to speak English yet.

Sebagaimana Anda – Anda sudah pelajari juga, bahwa tiap – tiap membuat
kalimat pertanyaan, kata pembantu harus didepan kalimat. Karena ‗have‘
dan „has‟ itu kata pembantu juga, maka kalau bertanya, haruslah ‗have‟
dan ‗has‘ itu didepan kalimat letaknya.
Misalnya : Have you ever been to Bandung?
Have we ever tried to speak English?
Has he ever come here?
Has she ever learned in Bandung?

Anda – Anda pasti masih ingat bahwa tiap – tiap predicate harus dimulai
dengan ‗verb‘. Kalau Anda – Anda lupa lihatlah pelajaran yang lalu !.
Apabila tidak ada ‗verb‘ maka harus dipakai am, are, atau is untuk
wakil verb.
Misalnya : I am here. You are here.
Kalau kalimat itu memakai kata penolong can, will, dan lain – lain,
maka am, are, dan is itu harus diganti dengan ‗be‘ karena dua kata
bantu tidak dibolehkan.
Misalnya : I will be there. He must be there.
You can be here.
Tidak boleh : I will am there atau He must is there.
Karena tidak boleh dua kata pembantu dalam satu kalimat.
Kalau dibuat : I will there dan He must there.
Misalnya salah juga karena tidak ada verb-nya.

Copyright: Page 97

C a t a t a n :‗Be‘ atau ‗been‘ tidak ada arti apa – apa tetapi kalau datang kata
benda atau nama orang atau nama pangkat sesudahnya, ‗be‘ atau ‗been‘ itu
berarti ―jadi‖. Misalnya : ―He has been a teacher‖.

Begitu pula dengan kalimat ―Saya sudah di sini‖ semestinya ―I have am

here‖, tetapi karena ‗have‘ ini juga kata pembantu tentu saja am, are, is tidak
boleh dipakai, tetapi harus diganti dengan ‗be‘. Dalam pelajaran yang baru
lewat, apabila ‗have‘ atau ‗has‘ dipakai maka ‗verb‘ nya mesti past participle.
Oleh karena ‗be‘ ini telah menjadi wakil ‗verb‘. Hendaklah ‗be‘ ini di-
participle-kan, biarpun sebelum ‗verb‘ past participle itu ada kata – kata ‗ever‘
artinya ‗pernah‘ atau ‗never‘ artinya ―tidak pernah” atau kata – kata lain.

Misalnya : I have once been in Medan

He has once been abroad
You have been here again
Have you ever been in Medan?
Has he ever been here?
Have you ever been rich?

Copyright: Page 98

DAY – 25
Mr Karim has come back from Medan. He has been here again. He says that he has
once tried to speak English with his uncle in Medan. His uncle has once been in
America and has continued his study in America. I am his good friend but I have
never been to America yet. My elder brother has once been in America too but he
has never been to Mecca yet.

Have you ever bought the book in the Kurti book-shop?

Where has he been with his uncle?
Why have you been here again?
Have you ever tried to learn there?
Why hasn’t he come yet?
Have you been long Jakarta?

Mr Ali has been in Bandung now because he is working int the post-office.
I have once met him in Bandung.
C a t a t a n : ‗Once‘ berarti pernah dan ever berarti p e r n a h tertentu
untuk pertanyaan.

He is now already fat.

Perhaps next Sunday he will come to Jakarta because he has promised to
see me.
He wants to take me to see his uncle who is now living at Petojo
His uncle is my good friend while living in Medan but I have never seen
his since I live in Jakarta.
Therefore Mr Ali will take me to his house.
In fact Petojo is not far from my house, but I have never heard that his uncle is
also in Jakarta.
I am sure that his uncle will be very glad when he meets me.
He also Doesn’tknow that I have been in Jakarta now.

Copyright: Page 99

“Where have you been?” Fahamnya “Dimana saja Anda selama ini (tadi)?”
I have been nowhere – Saya tidak kemana – mana.
Have you ever been to the zoological garden?
Not yet, but I have been to the museum.
Have you ever been to the cinema?
Yes, I have atau No, I haven‟t.
Has he ever learned English from Mr Maula?
Yes, he has atau No, he hasn’t.
Has he been rich now?
Yes, he has atau No, he hasn’t.
Have you ever been to the museum?
No, I have never been there yet.
Has he ever bought a book in the shop?
No, he has never bought a book in the shop.

I have never been to Japan yet therefore I wish to go there very much. I have
also once received a letter from my friend in Japan. He says that Japan is like this
and like that.

I have told my father that I wish to continue my study in Japan but he says that he
cannot afford to support me to study in Japan, I will only see the picture and read
the book if I want to know about Japan.

I have been in Bandung for a long time but I have never been to Bali yet altought it
is not far from Bandung. I am often busy and I have no time to go there yet. My
friend has often asked me to go together with him to Bali and I only promise and
promise. Next month perhaps I will be free from my office for two weeks I think I
would like to

Copyright: Page 100

go there. I have also a relation there but I do not know his name. He is the son of
my uncle, so he is my cousin. When I was in Medan he often wrote me but I was
ashamed of him because I could not answer his letter in English and his letter was
always in English. If I go to see my uncle certainly I will look for him, I know his
address but only forget his name. Now if he tries me to speak English I will not be
ashamed anymore because I can speak English already.

Tulisannya Bacaannya Artinya Tulisannya Bacaannya Artinya

Receive [risi:v] terima Reject [riject] tolak
Send for [send fo:] suruh Angry [éngri] marah
No heart [no ha:t] tak sampai keep quite [kip kwaiə] terdiam
Real [ri:l] sebenarnya Promise [promis] berjanji
Relation [rilé:syən] kaum,saudara Busy [bisi] sibuk

Able bacaannya [é:bəl] artinya b i s a atau s a n g g u p

Kalimat “I must can” yang artinya ― Saya mesti bisa‖ tentu saja tidak boleh
dibuat karena sudah diterangkan di pelajaran yang lalu bahwa ―dua kata
penolong‖ dalam satu kalimat tidak dibolehkan. Kalau dibuat ―I must can‖, disini
‗must‘ kata penolong dan ‗can‘ kata penolong juga, sebab itu salah.
Jadi kalau hendak membuat kalimat ―Saya bisa‖, harus lah ‗can‘ itu diganti
dengan ‗able‘. Karena ‗able‘ ini bukan kata penolong, jadi untuk mengatakan
―Saya mesti bisa‖ harus dibuat ― I must can able‖. „Be‘ harus dipakai karena
jadi “wakil verb” sebab ‗able‘ itu bukan verb.
Jadi kalimatnya : He cannot be able to teach me.
You must be able to speak english.
He will not be able to do it.
Seterusnya dalam kalimat ―Saya sudah bisa (sanggup)‖ harus dibuat :
I have been able.
He has been able.
You have been able, dan lain – lain.

Copyright: Page 101

Jangan dibuat : I have can atau He has been could.

My younger brother has been able to speak English after learning it for about two
months from Mr Maula.
He has once tried me to speak English.
Perhaps tomorrow he will come again to my house because he has promised it.
I will wait for him because I like to speak English with him to practise my tongue.
Mr Ali can also speak English.
He has often been here.
If my younger brother and Mr Ali are also here, we do not speak Bahasa but we
will speak English.

Copyright: Page 102

DAY – 26
Di bawah ini diberikan ujian dari pelajaran pertama sampai kepada
‗Past Patrticiple‘.

Si Ali belum bisa datang ini hari sebab dia masih di Bandung.
Barangkali besok dia akan ke sini sebab dia mau pergi melancong ke kebun
Dia akan datang dengan kereta api yang pertama dari Bandung sebab dia tidak
mau datang dengan pesawat udara.
Saya senang, kalau dia disini sebab dia (adalah) kawan baik saya.
Sebelum pergi ke kebun binatang besok, kami akan melancong ke kota
lebih dahulu.

1. Dimana dia tinggal sekarang?
2. Dimana dia sekarang?
3. Akan di sanakah dia besok?
4. Mestikah kami di rumah besok?
5. Kenapa dia tidak mau datang ini hari?
6. Kenapa dia belum di rumah sekarang?
7. Kapan Anda akan di sini lagi?
8. Apa yang dia beli di situ?
9. kapan dia datang mengajar kamu?
10.Apa yang kamu pelajari di sekolahmu?
11.Kenapa dia belum datang?
12.Kenapa dia belum di situ?
13.Belum maukah dia pergi belajar?
14.Belum bisakah dia berbicara Inggris?

Copyright: Page 103


Kemarin saya tidak bisa datang ke sekolah sebab saya sangat sibuk.
Tatkala (kapan) saya mau datang, kebetulan hari hujan.
Tetapi dirumah, saya tidak membuang – buang waktu saya.
Saya ambil buku saya, lantas saya hafal pelajaran saya.
Sewaktu saya sedang menghafal, si Ali datang kerumahku dengan mobil.
Dia mau membawa saya ke sekolah tetapi hari sudah telat oleh karena itu saya
tidak datang.

Tempo hari saya tinggal di Medan tetapi saya tidak belajar bahasa Inggris.
Pada suatu hari, kawan saya datang ke rumah saya.
Dia sangka bahwa saya bisa pula berbicara Inggris oleh karena itu dia
coba berbicara Inggris dengan saya.
Saya tidak bisa menjawabnya sebab saya belum mengerti bahasa Inggris.
Saya sebenarnya malu pada waktu itu (at that time) tetapi saya tidak
berkata apa – apa (anything).
Dari waktu itu saya berjanji dalam hati saya (in my heart) mau belajar bahasa
Sekarang saya sudah mempelajarinya dan sudah mengerti sedikit – sedikit.

Saya belum pernah ke Bali walaupun saya sudah tinggal dua tahun di Jakarta.
Saya sudah sering mendengar tentang Bali oleh karena itu saya ingin sekali
(very much) pergi ke sana.
Adik saya sudah pernah ke sana sebab dia tinggal di Surabaya. Bali tidak
jauh dari Surabaya.
Kalau saya tidak mempunyai halangan, saya akan pergi ke sana.
Saya sudah bicarakan hal ini kepada paman saya san dia juga akan pergi
kalau dia tidak ada halangan.

Copyright: Page 104


Receive [risi:v] received [risi:vd] received [risi:vd] menerima

Teach [ti:tsy] taught [to:t] taught [to:t] mengajar

Tulisannya Bacaannya Artinya

Fat Fét Gemuk
Since Sins Sejak
In fact in fék yang sebenarnya
Nowhere nohwéə tidak kemana – mana
Tulisannya Bacaannya Artinya
Museum myu:ziəm Museum
Cinema sinemə Bioskop
Very much weri matsy Sangat
Like this and like laik dis en laik begini dan begitu
that dét
Afford əfo:d mampu, sanggup
Support sepo:t Sokong
Plan plé:n Rencana
Answer a:nsə Menjawab
End ənd penghabisan, akhir
Read ri:d Membaca
Like Laik suka, seperti
Very busy wéri bizi sangat sibuk
Wait for wé:t fo Menunggu
Unfortunately anfo:tsyənitly Kebetulan
Waste wé:st membuang – buang
And then en den Lantas
Suppose səppoz Sangka
Really riəli sebenar – benarnya
Far fa: Jauh
Objection əbjeksyən Halangan

Copyright: Page 105

DAY – 27

Untuk menunjukkan masa yang akan datang, haruslah memakai kata

pembantu shall atau will yang artinya ―akan‖. Susunannya seperti berikut,
tidak boleh berobah – robah :
I shall [syél] They will
We shall You will
He will
She will
It will
Jadi untuk arti ―akan‖ kepada I dan We mestilah ‗shall‘ dan untuk he; it;
they; you, mestilah ‗will‘.
Misalnya : I shall come to see you tomorrow.
Shall I buy the book?
We shall not be late.
Shall we go to the zoological garden?
You will be able to speak English.
He will teach you.
She will give me some money.
It will be raining again.
Akan tetapi kalau pasangan shall dan will itu ditukar, misalnya :
We will atau He shall
I will atau You shall dan They shall
Artinya bukan ―akan‖ tetapi telah mengandung
kepastian sebagai perjanjian.
Misalnya saya katakan : I will come tomorrow.
Artinya bukan ―Saya akan datang besok‖, tetapi ―Saya pasti akan
datang besok‖. Jadi artinya lebih tegas.
Begitu juga dengan You shall see it. Artinya ‗Kamu pasti akan lihat itu‖.
Begitulah sterusnya.
Past Tense dari will yaitu would [wud]

Copyright: Page 10

Past Tense dari shall yaitu should [syud]

Di dalam kata Past Tense tidak mengandung arti pasti.

Artinya : Should dan would ini, boleh diartikan akan; aturannya;
sehendaknya; seharusnya. Menurut peraturan I dan We memakai
―should‘ dan you; she; they, dan lain – lain memakai ‗would‘, tetapi
dalam praktek biasa juga orang Inggris memakai I would atau you should.

Jadi kalau kalimat ini :

I should go yesterday boleh berarti :
Aturannya saya pergi kemarin.
He would come here yesterday boleh berarti :
Aturannya dia datang ke sini kemarin.

Where would you be yesterday?

I would be in Bandung yesterday.
Should I be at your house yesterday?
Yes, you would be at my house yesterday.
Should I learn yesterday?
Yes, you would learn yesterday.
Would they give you some money?
Yes, they would give me some money.

I should come to see you yesterday but unfortunately you were not at home.
He would also be here yesterday but unfortunately it was raining.
He should not got there because he would come to my house.
He would call becak yesterday before going to the town.
He went to Bandung last week and would be back yesterday.
I bought two books yesterday and I would give one to my younger brother.
He would be in Bali yesterday but unfortunately he was still in Bandung.
He took my pen and would take my book also.
They would be my pupils this month.

Copyright: Page 107

You should not buy it because it was too expensive.
Sebagai sudah diterangkan dalam pelajaran yang lewat, bahwa dalam
satu kalimat, sekali – kali tidak boleh memakai dua kata penolong. Misalnya :
I must can, I must will dan lain – lain.
Nah, sekarang datang satu kekecualian, bahwa kata penolong ‗have‘ boleh
sejalan dengan semuanya kata penolong kecuali dengan do-did-does.
Misalnya : I must have
You will have
He can have
I am having
You are having

Jangan lupa bahwa ‗have‘ itu boleh berarti sudah atau mempunyai. Jadi kalau
―I must have‖,
boleh diartikan ―Saya mesti mempunyai‖ atau ―Saya mesti sudah........‖
menurut arti yang dikehendaki.
Sebagai baru saja diterangkan, Should dan Would artinya : aturannya
dan lain – lain.
Jadi : ― I should have gone‖. Artinya: ―Aturannya saya sudah pergi‖.
―He would have been in Bandung‖. Artinya : ―Aturannya dia
sudah di Bandung‖.

My uncle would have been here yesterday. She would haven’tcalled you.
He would have been
We would have been in Bandung already. They would have been more
He would have taken me to them. She would have waited
for me.
He would have come to me. I should have been there

Copyright: Page 108

I should have called him from the office. He would have not been
here yesterday.
The would have been my pupils. He would haven’tbeen my
I should haven’tbeen a teacher We would have gone there.
They would have not taken it.

Last year while I was living with my uncle in Medan. I should have been able to
speak English because my uncle had once sent me to learn it from an Englishman.
I supposed that the Englishman could explain the lesson very well but I was
mistaken. He asked me to learn the a – b – c lesson. He spoke in English only
because he could not speak Indonesian yet. So, I studied on for six months but I
knew nothing, I stopped learning from him and I supposed that it was very hard to
understand the English.

I was not satisfied yet. I joined another course and there the teacher taught me
only to leran : „I have‟ – „you have‟ and so. He did not teach me the way of
arranging the words into sentences. I studied there for about one year, and yet did
not understand the English yet. But since I took lesson from Kurti Course, there I
found that in reality it is not difficult to learn and to understand English. I only
studied it for about two months from SEE! Program. And now I can speak English
already. At house or in the office now. I often speak English. My friends do not
believe that I studied it for about two months only.

So, I ask them to take lesson from SEE! Program, after one month they will confess
that I speak the truth.

Have you ever been together with Mr Ali in Jakarta?
Yes, I have been with Mr Ali for about two years.
Are you related to him?

Copyright: Page 109

Yes, he is the brother of my mother, so he is my uncle.
Does he still teach in Jakarta now?
Yes, he still teach at Kurti Course in Jakarta.
Has he ever come to see you here?
He would have come to see my mother last Sunday but unfortunately it was
raining at Jakarta so he could not come.
I wish to meet him also. Will he come here next Sunday?
I am sure of it because he has important thing to speak with my
mother, he has already told us in his letter that he must be here next
I think he will come by train only.
Shall we wait for him at the station?
All right, if you have no objection.

Tulisannya Bacaannya Artinya

Money Mani Uang
Englishman Inglisymen orang Inggris
Mistaken misté:kən Khilaf
Study on stadi on Belajar
Hard ha:d keras, susah
As Éz sebagai, karena
Another ənadə yang lain
Course ko:s Kursus
And so on en so on dan begitu seterusnya
Words wə:dz kata – kata
Into Into ke dalam, menjadi
Sentences setənsiz kalimat – kalimat
Tulisannya Bacaannya Artinya
About əbaut kira – kira dari hal
Difficult difikəlt Maulait
Or o: Atau

Copyright: Page 110

Office Ofis Kantor
Truth tru:th yang benar
Satisfy[sétisfai] satisfaied satisfied = puas
Join [join] joined [joined] joined = menyertai
Arrange arranged Arranged = menyusun,
[əré:ndz] [əré:ndzyt] Mengatur
Find [fain] found [faund] found = dapat
Believe [bili:v] believed [bili:vd] believe = percaya
Confess confessed confessed = mengaku
[kənfəs] [kənfest]

I. ‗Will‘ dan ‗want‘ berlainan arti. Will berarti ‗akan‘ dan dia nya bukan
verb, sebab itu verb sesudahnya tidak memakai ‗to‘ tetapi ‗want‘
artinya „mau‘ adalah verb, maka verb sesudah want harus memakai
II. Sesudah kata before; after; instead; of; from; in; because of; dan
lain – lain, ‗verb‘-nya harus ditambah dengan –ing .
III. Dua kata penolong tidak boleh dalam satu kalimat. Kalau sudah ada ‗do‘
tidak boleh ada ‗can‘ dan ‗will‘.
IV. Harus awas mempergunakan am; are; is; dengan do atau does. Kalau
kalimat itu tidak memakai verb maka am, are, atau is menjadi wakil

Misalnya : Is he lazy?
Are you rich ? dan lain – lain
Jangan dibuat: Do you lazy?
Do you rich? Dan lain – lain
V. Walaupun kalimat sudah memakai kata pertanyaan contoh Where –
When – What dan lain – lain namun kata pembantu mesti dipakai juga
dan tempatnya sesudah kata pertanyaan itu.

Copyright: Page 111

Misalnya : Where do you go?
Jangan sampai dibuat : Where you go? Dan lain – lain
VI. ‗Yes‘ hanya dapat dipakai untuk arti ―belum‖ kalau kalimat itu memakai
―no‖ atau ―not‖.
VII. ‗Be‘ harus dipakai kalau kalimat itu memakai must; can; will dan lain –
lain. Hanya dengan do dan does tidak boleh dipakai kecuali dalam
kalimat melarang.
Jangan sampai dibuat :
I do not be rich dan lain – lain
VIII. Apabila kalimat sudah memakai am, are, dan is tidak boleh memakai
‗be‘ lagi.
IX. Menterjemahkan kalimat jangan asal dibuat saja, tetapi cocokkan artinya
satu persatu.
Verb yang dipakai –ing hanya terjadi karena dua sebab. Pertama karena
ada am; are; is. Dan kedua sesudah after; before; instead of dan lain
– lain.
X. Beda of dan from :
Of berarti kepunyaan, contoh : the book of Ali artinya buku
kepunyaan si Ali.
From berarti dari.
XI. Home dan House.
House artinya rumah dan Home artinya tempat tinggal. Adapun tempat
tinggal boleh rumah atau bukan rumah. Misalnya:
Orang miskin membuat ‗home‘ nya di bawah jembatan.
Burung membuat ‗home‘ nya di pohon kayu, dan lain – lain.

Copyright: Page 112

DAY – 28
Last time while I was living in Siantar I couldn‟t speak English because I did not
learn it yet, I supposed that it was hopelss for me to understand the English
because I was a stupid man. Some friends advised me to learn it but I refused
them because I thought to myself that it was impossible for me to understand it
because I had never learned any other language before except my own language.

When I came to Medan, everywhere I went, people were speaking English and I
was very much ashamed of them.

Once I followed my friend to the Kurti Course and I heard the explanation of the
teacher, and found that it was not so difficult to understand the English if we
are really diligent to learn it.
So, I joined the course. It took only a few months, I was able to speak English
fluently. I confess that it is a nonsense to be hopeless to understand anything if we
have a real will as the above proverb.


Good morning. I am looking for a
Good morning, Sir. Please come in to good cap, you see. Have you got
have a look. one to fit me?
Yes, we have different kinds, Sir. What I usually put on seven. My head is a
size do you put on? little big you see.
Here, I have one of them will you try to
put on this red one, please? I Don’tlike red. I prefer black.
I think, seven is too big for you. But it is This fits me all right, what do you
up to you. charge for?

Copyright: Page 113

anyhow you may try this one. this?
It is only sixty rupiah, Sir. It is too expensive. I can get it
cheaper from another shop.
Certainly you can but the quality is not the I think it is almost the same
Here I show you another quality. And what do you charge
for this one?
It is looks exactly the same but the velvet
is a little rough.
That is only forty rupiah, would you like it? It looks almost the same,
let me have it.


Our country has been free and its name has been known to all over the world. A
short time after many people from other countries will come here to witness and to
see the richness and the prosperity of Indonesia, our country.
They all speak English because they haven’tstudied our language yet and they are
quite sure that we also understand English. So in our way of comunication with
them, the English language will be used. If we do not understand the English, we
do not only make ourselves ashamed but without even realizing it, we have made
the name of our country looks bad. If you know this, improve your knowledge and
Don’tforget to learn the English, will you?

Tulisannya Bacaannya Artinya
Hopeless Hoplis Putus harapan
Man Mén Orang laki – laki
Advised ədwaist Nasehat (Past tense)
Refused rifyu:st Menolak (past tense)

Copyright: Page 114

Impossible imposibəl Tidak mungkin
Everywhere éwrihwéə Di mana saja
Followed Folod Menigkuti (past tense)
Explanation eskplənesyən Keterangan
A few ə fyu: Beberapa
Fluently flu:əntli Lancar
Proverb prowə:b Pepatah
Above əbav Di atas
A nonsense ə nonsəns Omong kosong
To have a look tu hév ə luk Melihat – lihat
Fit Fit Sesuai
Kinds Kaindz Biasanya
Usually yu:zuəli Macam – macam
Put on seven put on sevən Mengenakan nomor 7
Size Saiz Ukuran
Big Big Besar
You see yu si: (tambahan saja)
Black Blék Hitam
Too tu: Terlalu
All right o:l rait Baik
Anyhow Énihau Walaupun
May mé: Boleh
Charge ca:dzy Kenakan
Expensive Ekpensiv Mahal
Cheaper tayi:pə Lebih murah
Tulisannya Bacaannya Artinya
Almost o:lmost Hampir
Quality Kwoliti Mutu
The same de sé:m Sama
Exactly Ekzéktli Persis
Velvet Welwet Beludru

Copyright: Page 115

Rough Raf Kasar
Use yu:z Pakai, gunakan
knowledge Nolidzy Pengetahuan
Ought o:t Sepatutnya
Country Kantri Negeri
All over o:l owə Pendek
Short syo:t Suruh
Witness Witniss Saksikan
Richness Ritsynis Kekayaan
Fertility Fetiliti Kesuburan
Quite sure kwait syuə Yang sangat
association əsosiéjsyən Pergaulan
Make mé:k Bikin
Ourselves awəselfz Kita sendiri
Without Without Tanpa
Made mé:d Bikin (past tense)
Inferior infiriyə Pandang rendah
Add Éd Tambah
Forget fəget Lupa

Copyright: Page 11

DAY – 29

Semua kalimat Inggris disebut ‗Active Voice‘ dan ‗Passive Voice‘. Yang
dimaksud dengan kalimat ‗Active Voice‘ ini yaitu menunjukkan subject (pokok
kalimat) yang berbuat sesuatu (bekerja).
Umpamanya : ―Si Amat memukul‖.
Di sini yang kita bicarakan ―Si Amat”, kata kerjanya
―memukul‖. Jelas dalam kalimat ini bahwa pokok kalimat yaitu si Amat
dan si Amat berbuat sesuatu ―memukul‖.
Kalimat seperti ini dinamakan kalimat ‗Active Voice‘. Tetapi kalau kita
katakan : “Si Amat dipukul‖ arti kalimat ini bukan si Amat yang berbuat
sesuatu, tetai si Amat dikenai oleh perbuatan atau pekerjaan.
Maka kalimat seperti ini dinamakan kalimat ‗Passive Voice‘. Umpamanya
dalam bahasa kita, kata – kata kerja (verb) yang berawalan di- atau ter-
adalah Passive Voice.
Misalnya : 1. Disepak 3. Dipanggil 5. dibunuh
2. terbunuh 4. Dimakan 6. disuruh

Ini semua kata – kata passive. Jadi semua kalimat yang sudah kita
pelajari dari pelajaran yang lewat adalah kalimat ‗active‘ semua.
Mengertilah Anda – Anda apa yang dikatakan kalimat Passive Voice? Ingat
sajalah semua kata kerja yang berlawanan di- atau ter- seperti contoh di atas
no. 1 sampai no. adalah passive semua.
Nah, sekarang karena Anda – Anda sudah mengerti kalimat Passive Voice
itu, marilah kita kerjakan membuatnya. Membuat kalimat passive, haruslah
memakai kata pembantu am, are, atau is tetapi verbnya yang pertama dalam
kalimat itu mesti Past Participle.
Misalnya : I am called artinya Saya dipanggil
You are called ‖ Engkau dipanggil
He is called ‖ Dia (laki – laki) dipanggil

Copyright: Page 117

Kalau verb sesudah am, are, atau is itu memakai – ing seperti pelajaran
yang sudah lewat, itu semua bukan kalimat passive, tetapi kalimat active,
sebab si subject yang bekerja.
Misalnya : He is eating artinya Dia (laki – laki) sedang makan

Kalau : He is eaten ” Dia (laki – laki) dimakan

Contoh : Mr Ali is asked by his teacher.
This book is bought in Bandung.
My brother is sent abroad to continue his study.
This lesson is learned everyday.
I am taught to speak English by Mr Maula.
Demikian seterusnya.
Permahirlah kata – kata Past Participle di bawah ini supaya banyak kita
dapat membuat kalimat Passive dalam bahasa Inggris.
Present Tense Past tense Past Participle Bacaannya
Explain Explained Explained exsplé:nd
Join Joined Joined Joind
Write Wrote Written ritən
Suppose Suppposed Suppposed Sepozt
Meet Met Met Met
Waste Wasted Wasted wé:sti:d
Hear Heard Hearted hə:d
Feed Fed Fed fə:d
Kill Killed Killed Kild
worry Worried Worried Warid
Stop Stopped Stopped Stopt
Keep Kept Kept Kept
Set Set Set Set
repair Repaired Repaired ripéəd
Spoil Spoiled Spoiled Spoild
Wind Wound Wound Waund

Copyright: Page 118

translate Translated Translate trénslé:tic
listen Listened Listened lisənd
come Came Come Kam
Buy Bought Bought bo:t
Take Took Taken té:kən
teach Taught Taught to:t
know Knew Known Non
Wish Wished Wished Wisyt
Ask Asked Asked a:skt
advise Advised Advised ədwaist
Present Tense Past tense Past Participle Bacaannya
reject Rejected Rejected Rijectid
reach Reached Reached ri:tsy
Pet Petted Petted Petid
Answer Answered Answered ainsəd
Confess Confessed Confessed kənfest
Associate Associated Associated əsosié:tid
Arrange Arranged Arranged eré:ndzy
Feel Felt Felt Felt
Guarantee Guaranteed Guaranteed gérənti:d

Kalau yang diceritakan itu masa yang lewat, maka hanya kata penolong
pembantu am, are, is itu saja yang di-Past Tense-kan.
Misalnya : Yesterday I was called - Kemarin saya dipanggil
Yesterday he was called - Kemarin dia (laki – laki)
Yesterday you were called - Kemarin kamu dipanggil
Kalau bertanya letakkan saja am – are – is itu di pangkal kalimat sebagai
keterangan dipelajaran yang telah lewat.
Misalnya : Is he called? Are you called? Am I
Past Tense : Was he called? Were you called? Was I called?

Copyright: Page 119

Yang dipassive-kan hanya verb yang pertama saja, tetapi verb yang kedua,
ketiga dan seterusnya harus memakai „to‟ sebagai keterangan di atas. Misalnya
: ― I am called to eat‖
Kata ―oleh” dalam bahasa Inggris ―by‖ [bai].
Di dalam bahasa Indonesia kata ‗by‘ yang artinya ‗oleh‘ biasa dipakai, biasa
juga tidak dipakai dalam kalimat.
Misalnya :―Saya dipanggil si Ali‖ atau ―Saya diapnggil oleh si Ali‖.
Tetapi dalam bahasa Inggris ‗by‘ itu mesti dipakai.
Kalau dibuat : ―I am called Mr Ali‖ (salah).
Yang betul : ― I am called by Mr Ali‖.

My brother is taught to speak English by Mr Maula.
My book is borrowed by him because his book is taken by is friend.
When is she called to come here?
Why was he asked to come here?
Where are you tried to speak English by Mr Karim?

Were you asked by your father Yes, I was asked to go to Medan by my

to go to Medan yesterday? father yesterday.

Was I not called to read by the teacher? Yes, you were called to read by the
Why were not you taken to Medan? I was not taken to Medan because I was
not well.
When will your watch be repaired? I Don’tknow.

Apabila kalimat itu memakai kata pembantu can – must – will – shall –
have – has- maka am – are – is harus diganti dengan ‗be‘ atau ‗been‘, sebab
menurut keterangan tempo hari dua kata pembantu tidak boleh dalam

Copyright: Page 120

satu kalimat. Misalnya : ―I will am called‖. Di sini ‗will‘ dan „am‘ sama – sama
kata pembantu tentu saja tidak boleh karena ‗am‘ harus diganti dengan
Misalnya :

The book will be bought by Mr Ali Will the book be bought by Mr Ali?
He can be tried to speak English. Can be tried to speak English?
He must be sent to Cairo. Must he be sent to Cairo?
I shall be asked to learn diligently. Shall I be asked learn to diligently?
I have once been asked to go to Have I ever been asked to go to Cairo?
He has been called to eat. Has he been called to eat?

Jika verb yang di-passive-kan itu verb yang kedua atau yang ketiga dalam
kalimat, contohnya :
―Dia tidak mau disuruh datang ke situ‖. Nah, dalam kalimat ini ―mau‖ adalah
verb yang pertama dan ―disuruh‖ adalah verb yang kedua yaitu yang di-
Membuat kalimat seperti ini yaitu verb yang kedua yang di-passive-kan
itu hendaklah memakai ‗to be‘.
Jadi : ―He does not want to be asked to come there”.
Contoh – contoh : He prefers to be tested today.
He does not like to be appointed a Bupati.
He come here to be examined.
Daftar kata – kata :

Tulisannya Bacaannya Artinya

Borrow Boro pinjam
Banana bəna;na pisang
Test Test uji
Appoint əpoint angkat

Copyright: Page 121

Examine Igzémin periksa


Some years ago in a certain village, there was a kinhearted young man
whose name was Mr Aman. He was educated in religion and was known to be
one of the kindhearted young man in his village.
Everyday in the villagers looked up at him because of his gentleness
and helpfulness, not only to the people but also to animals.
Next to his house there lived a cruel young man, who was very fond of
teasing animals and children.
This made the people in that village dislike him but he had no shame.
The more people dsilike him the worse thing he did.
One day it happened that a cat was passin before his house. When he saw it,
he picked up a piece of stone and threw it on the leg of the cat. The poor
creature meowed painfully as if to show its pain and begged kindness for see
had done nothing wrong.
It was badly hurt and trouble the cat very much. It meowed and meowed
and could not walk anymore. Seeing that, instead of having pity upon it, he
laughed aloud to show his joy having teased the poor creature and it was a
great fun for him.
Mr aman was fortunately standing before his house. He was certainly very
angry in his heart to see the cruel young man but he patiently approached
the poor cat and took it to his house. He looked at the injured leg and saw
that it was badly hurt and troubled the cat very much.
He patted its rough head with his left hand to comfort the cat, Mr Aman took
some hot water and bathed the injured leg as he thought would ease the pain and
help to cure it. Although the cat mewed by the hot water yet it licked the

Copyright: Page 122

hand of Mr Aman because it knew that Mr Aman was helping to cure its
injured leg.
Mr Aman did this for about three days when at last the poor cat was cured.
The cat did not want to go away from Mr Aman‟s house because it lived quite
happy in the house of Mr Aman. Although the cat did not sleep but kept
watching for the rats in the kitchen.
That gave a good lesson to the cruel young man of his cruelty upon the cat.
From that time he repented and did not want to be cruel on anything. Mr Aman
remained as he was gentle and helpful. When he grew into older the people of his
village agreed to appoint him head of the village. He kept on his duty very well
which made all the people in his village respect and love him until his last breath.

1. My uncle will be appointed as a captain.
2. He has been called to come to Jakarta.
3. I have been asked by him to go to my mother to tell her about it.
4. It has been made in Indonesia.
5. This lesson has been translated into English.
6. The question has been already answered.
7. My book has been taken by him.
8. His time has only been wasted.
9. That man has been killed by his enemy.
10.He has already been advised by my father.
11.He does not want to be called now.


We belong to a free nation, sit and stand equal with all free people in the
world. We must not be left behind in knowledge from all other free people,
therefore we must learn hard to improve our knowledge. The association in the
town is not the same as that in the village. People in the town mostly speak
English in their association particulary the western people because they haven‟t

Copyright: Page 123

studied our language yet. They are also quite sure that we have already
understood the English. If we Don’tunderstand the English language we are
certainly ashamed. We must show to the people that we are equal to them.
From now we must not keep quite but we must roll up our sleeves to learn
some knowledge. At least we must be able to speak one language, it is
English because English is used everywhere and some people call it ―The
world language‖. Have you ever studied English from your school? If you
haven‟t, you must learn it from now or if you have no time, you must buy the
guide book and learn it by yourself diligently at home.

For fo: Sebab (kalau ditengah
Educated ejuké:tid Terpelajar
Religion relijən Agama
Kindhearted kaindha:tid Pehiba (pengasih)
Village Wilidzy Kampung
Everybody Ewribodi Semua orang
Looked up lukt ap Pandang hormat
gentleness jentəlnes Budi bahasa
helpfulness Helpfulnes Tolongan
animals eniməlz Binatang – binatang
Next to neks tu Bersebelahan
Fond of fond əv Gemar
teasing ti:zing Menyakiti
dislike Dislaik Benci
shame syé:m Malu
The more də mo: Bertambah banyak
The worse thing də wa:s thing Hal lebih jahat
happened hépənd Kejadian (past tense)
Picked up pikt ap Mengambil dari atas tanah

Copyright: Page 124

A piece ə pi:s Sepotong
stone Ston Batu
creature kri:tsyə Makhluk
meowed myu:d Mengeong (past tense)
painfully pé:nfuli Pedih benar
Leg Leg Kaki
threw thru: Lempar (past tense)
begged Begd Meminta (past tense)
Kindness Kaindnes Belas kasihan
Done Dan Siap (berbuat)
Nothing wrong nathing rong Tak ada yang salah
Children tsyildrən Anak – anak
Watching Wotsying Menjaga
Rat Rét Tikus
Badly hurt bédli hə:t Luka parah
Troubled trabəld Menyusah
Joy Joi Kegembiraan
fortunately fo:tysənitli Untung baik
Standing sténding Berdiri
happening hépəning Kejadian
Cruel kru:əl Kejam
Patiently pé:syəntli Dengan Sabar
Injured injə:d Luka berat

Please answer the following question !

1. Who is Mr Aman?
2. Why did the village people look up at him?
3. Who lived next to his house?
4. Why did the people in that village dislike him?
5. What did the cruel young man do to the cat?
6. Why did the poor cat meow?
7. Was Mr Aman angry with the cruel young man?

Copyright: Page 125

8. What did he do on the poor cat?
9. Why did the cat lick Mr Aman‟s hand?
10.How many days did Mr Aman bathed the injured cat?
11.What did the cat do at night?
12.Why did the cruel young man repent?
13.What happened to Mr Aman at last?
14.Why did all the people in his village respect him?

Patted Pétid Tepuk –tepuk

Rough Raf Kasar
Comfort kamfət Menghibur
Hot water hot wo:tə Air panas
Bathed bé:thd Memandikan (past
Thought tho:t Fikir (past tense)
Ease i:z Memudahkan
Pain pe:n Pedih
Cure kyuə Sembuhkan
Licked Likt Jilat (past tense)
Thanks thénks Ucapan terima kasih
Did Did Lakukan (past tense)
Grew older gru: oldə Lebih tua
Agreed egri:d Setuju
Chief tsyi:f Kepala (pimpinan)
Properly propəli Dengan baik
Respect rispékt Menghormati
A great fun a gré:t fan Kelucuan
Old age old é:zy Hari tua
At last ət la:st Akhirnya
Cruelty kru:elti Kekejaman
Remained rimé:nd Tinggal tetap (past

Copyright: Page 12


Please correct the mistakes that you see in the following lesson !
Sesudah Anda – Anda mempelajari cara menyusun kalimat Inggris ini dari
pelajaran pertama sampai sekarang, untuk mengetaui dapatkah Anda sebenarnya
mengerti atau tidak, cobalah betulkan keslahan – kesalahan yang terdapat dalam
kalimat – kalimat di bawah ini. Membetulkannya satu persatu, jangan sekaligus.

Kalau masih salah, kerjakan lagi sampai betul dan terus akurkan.

1. My friend Don’tlike to come there yet.
2. I want not to come to his house yet.
3. He want to speaks English with me.
4. My brother cannot learn yet today.
5. He not likes to come here.
6. He want goes to learn to speak English.
7. You Don’tcome here!
8. You Don’tlazy to learn!
9. Come your tomorrow, please!
10.Diligent to learn you lesson!

1. Don’the want comes to learn?
2. Why Doesn’the diligent?
3. Why Don’tyou go to school?
4. When must you at home?
5. When he must here again?
6. Come you to see me?
7. Where you learn your English?
8. What you buy in the shop?
9. Don’tyou come to learn?

Copyright: Page 127

1. Do you go to see the cinema last night?
2. Why Don’tyou come to learn yesterday?
3. What you saw in the market yesterday?
4. Did speak English you with my brother yesterday?
5. Can you spoke English last time while you are in Medan?
6. Do you already can speak English?

1. Have you ever be to Bali?
2. Haven’tyou spoken English yet?
3. Have you able to speak English?
4. Didn’t you can to speak English last time?
5. Have he ever bought the book in Bogor?
6. Where has you are?
7. Should be able you to speak English before?
8. Why shouldn’t you go there?
9. Should he has been able to speak English?

1. Where you are asked to learn?
2. Can you are called to learn?
3. Why Don’tyou want be asked to go there?
4. When you will asked to go there?
5. Why Don’tyou here yesterday?

1. I am in Medan before, I live there with my uncle.
2. I should been able to speak English but it is a pity because I did not learn
it in Medan.

Copyright: Page 128

3. When I come here, i hear that many people here speak in English and I
do not understand it, so from that time I begin to learned it from kurti

1. My friend is not at home yesterday because Sunday.
2. He went for a walk with his friend.
3. When I came back from his house it is raining.
4. I call a beca and I went home by it.
5. On the way I meet Mr Ali.
6. He called me from his beca because he wants to come to my house also.
7. So at last we go home together.

1. It Sunday yesterday, I do not want to school, so I go for a walk to the
zoological garden.
2. I did not go by beca because not far from my house.
3. On the way I meet Mr Karim.
4. He also wanted to go to the zoological garden, so we go together.
5. He is very glad to walk with me because he could practise his English
with me.
6. I was also the same.
7. After to seeing the animals in the zoological garden, we go home.

1. Last time while I live in bandung. I could not speak English yet because I
did not learned it yet.
2. I am very froud with my Duch speaking.
3. Once when I take a walk to ashop, suddenly I am asked by a stranger in
4. I do not understand him.
5. He went away from me.

Copyright: Page 129

6. I am of course ashamed of him because I looked like a gentleman but I
could not speak English.
7. From that I time joined the Kurti Course.
8. After learning for two months from there, I can speak English already.
9. Now if I meet any stranger I would not be ashamed anymore because I
can spoke English already.
Daftar kata – kata baru
Tulisannya Bacaannya Artinya
Correct kərəkt Betulkan
Mistakes misté:ks Kesalahan –
Following Folowing Yang berikut
Last night la:st nait Tadi malam

Tulisannya Bacaannya Artinya

Market ma:kət Pasar
At last ət la:st Akhirnya
Together tugedə Bersama – sama
Animals éniməlz Binatang – binatang
Suddenly sadənli Tiba – tiba
Stranger stré:ndyə Orang asing
Away əwé: Jauh (tambahan kata)
Of course əv ko:z Tentu saja
Looked Lukt Tampaknya
Gentleman jentəlmen Anda
Joined Joind Menyertai
Anymore énimo: Lagi
Discuss Diskas Berembuk
Blow Blo Bertiup
Shake sye:k Bergoyang
Otherwise Adewaiz Jika tidak

Copyright: Page 130

Purpose pə:pəs Maksud
Despised Dispaist Dihinakan
Scolded Skoldid Dikata - katai

Some years ago when I was a little boy there was a friend of mine whose name was
Mr Aman. He was the son of a merchant and was petted very much by his father.
But after the death of his father he became very miserable because all the relation
who used to be very kind to him when his father was alive had cared nothing of
him. Instead of helping him, he was chased away when he came near to their
house but Aman was only patient and quiet. His heart whispered that he was also a
man and he had also his knowledge to better his life. The world is quite wide for
him to earn his living, so he hated to beg help from his relations.

After having been scolded by one of his uncle from whom he wanted to beg help he
went hurriedly home and did not say anything to his mother that he wanted to go
to the town to earn his living and would try to struggle hard to help his mother. The
mother heard it, could not say anything but let her tears answer his demand. She
only said that she would pray to God for his success.

In the town he worked hard in the day time and took some lesson in the evening.
He did not waste his time becausse he knew that he was not supported by
anybody. After some years learning he had passed from his final examination. He
joined another high school for some years more and he also passed. At last he was
appointed chief of an office and was respected by the people. He took his mother
living together with him and lived happily.

Copyright: Page 131

Dalam pelajaran kedua tempo hari sudah diterangkan kepada Anda – Anda
bahwa didalam bahasa Inggris ada dua belas kata – kata yang kita namakan
kata pembantu, yaitu :
am must
can do
will does
shall have
are has
is may

Kegunaan kata pembantu yang dua belas ini yaitu untuk bertanya dan untuk
mengawani ‗not‘. Diperingatkan kepada Anda – Anda pengikut kursus dari buku ini
bahwa semua kata pembantu itu tidak boleh diletakkan di tengah kalimat,
tempatnya harus selalu bergandengan dengan pokok kalimat.

Misalnya : I do atau Do I He is atau Is he

You will atau Will you You are atau Are you
I shall atau Shall I I am atau Am I
He does atau Does he You have atau Have you
He can atau Can he He has atau Has she
I must atau Must I He may atau May he

Misalnya : “I come here will to learn. Artinya “Saya datang ke mari akan belajar.
Maka kata penolong ‗will‘ harus dihilangkan karena tidak boleh ditengah kalimat
dan arti akan itu sudah termasuk saja kepada ‗to‘ di verb yang kedua, yaitu „to
Satu contoh lagi : ― You come here do not to play but to learn‖.
Walaupun menurut pelajaran yang lalu, ‗not‘ tidak boleh berdiri sendiri, tetapi
karena kata penolong ‗do‘ tidak boleh diletakkan ditengah kalimat maka ‗do‘ mesti
dihilangkan. Jadi kalimat itu menjadi ― You come here not to play but to learn‖.

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Jadi terpaksa ‗not‘ itu tegak sendiri. Kalau ‗not‘ itu tegak sendiri ditengah kalimat,
maka artinya boleh menjadi tiga macam : ―Tidak, bukannya, tidak........pun‖.

Misalnya : ― I come there not to see you but to see my mother‖.

Artinya : ― Saya datang kesitu tidak (bukannya) akan melihat kamu tetapi akan
menemui ibu saya‖.

Kalau sesudah ‗v e r b‘ tempatnya, berarti dia lebih keras yang berarti

―tidak.....pun‖ atau ―bukannya‖.
Misalnya : ― I speak not a word there‖ (Saya sepatah katapun tidak ada
berkata di situ).
―He comes not to play‖ (Dia datang bukannya akan main – main).

Permahirlah kata – kata dibawah ini !

I have not a single cent. (100)
She comes here not to see you but to meet her mother.
He goes to Jakarta not to play but to continue his study.
She speaks not about the lesson but about her friend.
He buys not the book but the pencil.

Copyright: Page 133

DAY – 30

Omision artinya hilangnya. Sebagaimana dalam pelajaran pertama sudah

diterangkan bahwa menyusun kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris, apabila dalam
kalimat itu memakai lebih dari satu verb, maka verb yang kedua, ketiga dan
sterusnya harus memakai „to‟. Tetapi ada tiga belas kata – kata verb ini, yang
kecuali. Apabila sesudahnya datang verb, maka verb yang pertama di depannya
tidak boleh memakai ‗to‘.
Jadi kecuali dari undang – undang biasa.

Kata – katanya yaitu :

See Si: Melihat
Hear hiə Mendengar
Make Mé:k Bikin
Feel Fi:l Rasa
Watch wotsy Jaga
Know no Tahu
Bid Bid Suruh
Let Let Marilah, biarkanlah
Please Pli:z Tak ada arti
Need not Ni:d not Tidak perlu
Dare not deə not Tidak berani
Behold bihold Lihatlah (dipakai dalam kata
Observe əbzə:v Meninjau

Misalnya : ― I saw him come to learn‖.

Sesudah ‗saw‘ datang ‗come‘ dan tidak boleh ‗come‘ itu memakai ‗to‘ tetapi
kalau sesudah ‗come‘ itu datang lagi ‗verb‘ mestilah memakai ‗to‘ sebab
kekuasaan kata – kata yang ketiga belas itu hanya menghilangkan satu ‗to‘.
Misalnya : ― I saw him come here to learn to speak English‖.

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Demikian pula dengan yang lain – lain.

Contoh :
I have seen him learn from Mr Maula.
I hear the bell ring
He hears me sing
They will come to hear me speak English.
You only make them laugh.
Can you make him understand it?
I can feel the wind blow (bertiup).
You cannot feel the tree shake (bergoyang).
Watch the pick-pocket steal your money.
I will watch him do it.
I know him learn from you.
I Don’tknow him live here.
Let him come to my house.
Bid him come to see me.
Can you let him do it?
I must let them go to continue their sudy.
You cannot let him go to Bali.
Please ask him to come.
You need not be afraid of rain.
I need not tell you about it.
I dare not say it.
You dare not come there.
Behold the devil come.
I observe them discuss the matter.


In the raining time, we must be careful to take care of our body otherwise we will
be sick. Rain is good for the farmers but it is a hindrance for the students to come

Copyright: Page 135

to school. In the raining time the becak are also very scarce because the becak-
pullers cannot stand the cold. So, we must walk to school with an umbrella. If there
is no umbrella we will take a banana leaf for the purpose. In the sunny days people
always forget the umbrella because they suppose it is useless and they are also
lazy to take it with them. But in the rainy days they need get it. So are also the rest
of the people in the world. The readers of this book must keep this in mind. Do not
wait to the time of need on anything that is useful but prepare it before the time of
need comes.
The proverb saya : ― Make hay while the sun shines‖.


Tulisannya Bacaannya Artinya
Wind wind Angin
Blow blo Berhembus
Tree tri: Pohon
Shake syé:k Bergoyang

Tulisannya Bacaannya Artinya

Pick-pocket pik pokit Pencopet
Steal sti:il Mencuri
Afraid əfré:d Takut
Devil dəwel Setan
May mé: Boleh
Season si:zən Musim
Otherwise adəwaiz Yang tidak
Hindrance hindrəns Halangan
Cold kold Dingin
Useless yu:slis Percuma
Hope hop Harap
Prepare pripéə Sedia
Need ni:d Perlu

Copyright: Page 13

Make mé:k Bikin
Sun san Matahari
Body bodi Badan
Farmers fa:məz Kaum tani
Scarce skéəs Jarang
Stand sténd Tahan (berdiri)
Umbrella ambrelə Payung dipakai dalam hujan
Useful yu:sful Berguna
Anything Énithing Sesuatu
Hay hé: Rumput kering
Shines syainz Bersinar
Keep in maind ki:p in maind Perhatikan (ingin)
Students scu:dənt Pelajar – pelajar
Leaf li:f Daun
Purpose pə:rpous Maksud
Always o:lwiz Selalu
Forget fəgət Lupa
World wə:ld Dunia
Readers ri:ədz Pembaca – pembaca
Single singgəl Satu, tunggal
Cent Sent Sen
Afford əfo:d Mampu (sanggup)
Hopeless Hoplis Putus harap (asa)
Any course eni ko:s Sesuatu kursus
Success sakses Berhasil
Become bikam Menjadi
Repent ripent Taubat
Tears tiəz Air mata
Ambitious émbisyes Bercita – cita tinggi
Approach əprotsy Datangi

Copyright: Page 137


Some years ago there was a boy whose name was Aman. His mother was a poor
widow. She could not send her son to school because she could not afford to pay
his school-fee. But Aman wished to be an educated man and he was not hopeless
at all.

One day he told his mother that he would earn his living in the town and would
learn at night from some course. The mother could not answer his question and let
her tears come down a sto answer his question. She prayed to God for the success
of her son.

The next morning, Aman went to the town to look for a job but he could not get it.
At last he became a newspaper boy. At night he never wasted his time but went
to take some lessons from the course. Two years after taht, people did not see
him anymore selling the newspaper on the road side.

He had become an office worker and yet he never stopped learning to add his
We do not know what woud he become some years after.

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DAY – 31 (BONUS)

Kata – kata pertanyaan where; when; why; what; how who; dan lain – lain,
boleh juga dibuat jadi kata penghubung. Diletakkan di tengah kalimat sebagai kata
penghubung tidaklah boleh memakai kata pembantu lagi sesudahnya sebagai
kalimat pertanyaan.

Misalnya : I Don’tknow where he will go tomorrow.

You must tell him when must come to see me.
I Don’tknow why he is so lazy now.
Do you know where he lives?
Will you tell me what he will buy there?

Note: Jangan sampai terbuat sesudah kata pertanyaan itu kata pembantu pula,
karena kata pertanyaan itu sudah dipakai jadi kata penghubung seperti ―Do you
know where does he live?‖ (ini salah).

Cobalah permahir kalimat – kalimat di bawah ini !

1. Will you tell him who I am?
2. Do you know where he is now?
3. I do not know where he will learn.
4. You must tell him where I live.
5. I Don’tunderstand why I am always wrong.
6. Will you tell me what I will do again?
7. Please tell me how I must do it.
8. I wonder why he is so stupid in the class.
9. Do you know who he is?
10.I will explain you what you do not know.

Jika hendak meyingkirkan kalimat itu boleh juga memakai ‗to‘ saja sesudah kata
penghubung itu. Kalau subject sesudah kata – kata penghubung ini sama
dengan subject mula – mula dan mengandung arti ―akan‖.

Copyright: Page 139

1. I do not know where to go (aslinya “I will go”).
2. You must tell him what to say.
3. Tell me when to take it.
4. I Don’tknow what to say.
5. Do you know how to do it?
6. Tell him where to live in Jakarta.
7. I do not know what to give him.
8. I have already forgotten what to buy.
9. He does not know what to learn.

Copyright: Page 140

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