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Rumus dari Future Perfect Tense

Rumus dibagi dalam tiga bentuk kalimat, yakni kalimat positif, kalimat
negatif, dan juga kalimat interogatif.

 Kalimat positif = Subject + will + have + verb 3 + Object

 Rumus kalimat negative = Subject + will + not + have + verb 3 + Object
 Rumus kalimat interogatif = Will + Subject + have = verb 3 + Object + ?

Namun, dalam penggunaan bentuk kalimat ini, terdapat satu hal yang
penting untuk dimasukkan di dalam kalimat, yakni keterangan waktu atau
disebut juga dengan time complement.

Time complement ini berfungsi dalam membantu menegaskan suatu

kejadian atau peristiwa tersebut akan selesai di waktu yang akan datang.

Contoh yang dapat dipakai dalam time complement yakni by this time next
day, in four years, etc. Seluruh dari time complement dapat dipakai, namun
harus mengarah ke masa yang akan datang dan bukan mengarah ke masa
lampau (misalnya, last year, yesterday, dan lainnya).

Contoh Kalimat Future Perfect Tense

Kalimat Positif


 I will have finished my works at the end of this week. Artinya, saya akan
menyelesaikan pekerjaan saya di akhir minggu ini.
 My brother will have broken your book when you come this morning.
Artinya, kakak saya akan merusak buku anda ketika anda datang pagi
 They will have moved Kim by this time tommorow.
 We will have gotten to the Korea by this time the next month.
 Jeon will have gone office when you arrive.

Kalimat Negatif


 I won’t have finished my works at the end of this week. Artinya, saya
tidak akan menyelesaikan pekerjaan saya di akhir minggu ini.
 My brother won’t have broken your book when you come this morning.
Artinya, kakak saya tidak akan merusak buku anda ketika anda datang
pagi ini.
 They won’t have moved Kim by this time tomorrow.
 We won’t have gotten to the Korea by this time next month.
 Jeon won’t have gone office when you arrive.

Kalimat Interogatif


 Will I have finished my works at the end of this week?. Artinya, Akankah
saya menyelesaikan pekerjaan di akhir minggu ini?
 Will my brother have broken your book when you come this morning?
 Kemudian, Will they moved Kim by this time tomorrow?
 Will we have gotten to the Korea by this time the next month?
 Will Jeon have gone office when you arrive?

Soal Latihan Future Perfect Tense – Manual

1. We will be studying English.

a. We will have been studying English.
b. We will have studied English.
c. We will have be study English.

Answers : B

2. I will be doing the test.

a. I will not have be done the test.
b. I not will have done the test.
c. I will not have done the test.

Answers : C

3. My father will have been sleeping.

a. Will have my father sleep?
b. Will my father have sleeped?
c. Will my father have slept?

Answers : C

4. She will have been teaching.

a. Will she not have taught?
b. Will not she have taught?
c. Will she have not taught?

Answers : A

5. He is in the Hospital.
a. He will have be in the Hospital.
b. He will have been in the Hospital.
c. He will have being in the Hospital

Answers : B
Pengertian Future Perfect Continuous
Future perfect continuous merupakan salah satu bentuk kalimat yang
digunakan untuk dapat mengekspresikan tindakan yang sedang akan
berlangsung ataupun berkelanjutan. Dimana akan dimulai pada waktu tertentu
atau di masa depan dan terus berlanjut hingga masa nanti.

Terdapat dua referensi waktu lanjutan dalam tense ini. Dua referensi waktu
tersebut adalah for then months, for 2 years, since Monday, dan since June.

Apabila tidak terdapat referensi waktu, maka kalimat tersebut jelas future
continuous tidak menyatakan future perfect continuous. Karena tanpa
menggunakan referensi waktu yang berkelanjutan, maka kalimat tersebut adalah
future continuous tense.

Rumus Future Perfect Continuous

Rumus dari tense ini dapat dibangun dengan menggunakan Will/Shall + Have +
Been + Present Participle (Verb-1+Ing) + Since/For + Time Signal.
Rumus Bentuk Kalimat Positif
Subyek + will + have been + -ing/present participle

Contoh Kalimat

– I shal have been shiting under the tree since 10 A.M.

– The cat will have been sleeping long.
– They will have been playing

Rumus Bentuk Kalimat Negatif

Subyek + will + not + have been + -ing/present participle

Contoh Kalimat

– They will not have been playing

– The cat won’t have been sleeping
– She will has been swiming with her boyfriend for 3 hours.

Rumus Bentuk Kalimat Interogatif

will + Subyek + have been + -ing/present participle
Contoh Kalimat

– Will they have been playing

– Will the cat have been sleeping
– Shil she have been swiming with her boyfriend for 3 hours.
Soal Latihan Future Perfect Continuous Tense

1. Bobby … on the non-profit organization for six month next week.

a. will have been being
b. will have been be

Answers : A

2. Your children … paintball in my back yard for more than two hours by
the time you pick them up.
a. will have been being playing
b. will have been playing

Answers : B

3. The construction workers … for more than 90 minutes when the bell
a. won't have been sleeping
b. wouldn't have been sleeping

Answers : A

4. He … the business for two years by the end of next April.

a. will has been running
b. will have been running

Answers : B

5. Your friend will be angry since he … so long.

a. would have been waiting
b. will have been waiting

Answers : B

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