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) ‫( درس من الصراع الفلسطيني االسرائيلي‬

Abdul Wahid Maktub

JUM’AT, 21 MEI 2021

19:30 WIB ATAU 20:30 WITA
ZOOM ID : 3334441313 PASSWORD : Indonesia
Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Bertakwalah kepada Allah dan hendaklah setiap
orang memperhatikan apa yang telah diperbuatnya untuk hari esok (akhirat), dan
bertakwalah kepada Allah. Sungguh, Allah Mahateliti terhadap apa yang kamu
Dan Kami tetapkan terhadap Bani Israil dalam Kitab itu, “Kamu pasti akan berbuat
kerusakan di bumi ini dua kali dan pasti kamu akan menyombongkan diri dengan
kesombongan yang besar.”
Maka apabila datang saat hukuman bagi (kejahatan) yang pertama dari kedua
(kejahatan) itu, Kami datangkan kepadamu hamba-hamba Kami yang perkasa, lalu
mereka merajalela di kampung-kampung. Dan itulah ketetapan yang pasti terlaksana.
Kemudian Kami berikan kepadamu giliran untuk mengalahkan mereka, Kami
membantumu dengan harta kekayaan dan anak-anak dan Kami jadikan kamu
kelompok yang lebih besar.
( Al Isra’, 4-6 )
Dan janganlah engkau
(Muhammad) sedih oleh
perkataan mereka. Sungguh,
kekuasaan itu seluruhnya milik
Allah. Dia Maha Mendengar, Maha
‫ح ِمثْل ُ ٗه َۗوتِلْكَ ْاالَيَّا ُم نُدَا ِول ُ َها بَيْ َن النَّا ِس َو ِليَعْلَ َم ه‬
‫ّٰللا ُ الَّ ِذيْ َن‬ ٌ ‫س الْقَ ْو َم قَ ْر‬ َّ ‫ح فَقَ ْد َم‬ ٌ ‫سكُ ْم قَ ْر‬
ْ ‫س‬ َ ‫ا ِْن يَّ ْم‬
١٤٠ - ‫ب ال هظ ِل ِميْ َن‬ ‫ٰا َمن ُ ْوا َويَت َّ ِخذَ ِمنْكُ ْم شُ َهد َۤا َء َۗو ه‬
ُّ ‫ّٰللا ُ َال ي ُ ِح‬
Jika kamu (pada Perang Uhud) mendapat luka, maka mereka pun (pada Perang
Badar) mendapat luka yang serupa. Dan masa (kejayaan dan kehancuran) itu,
Kami pergilirkan di antara manusia (agar mereka mendapat pelajaran), dan
agar Allah membedakan orang-orang yang beriman (dengan orang-orang kafir)
dan agar sebagian kamu dijadikan-Nya (gugur sebagai) syuhada. Dan Allah
tidak menyukai orang-orang zalim.
Israel Palestine conflict: US President Bill Clinton (C) stands between PLO leader
Yasser Arafat (R) and Israeli Prime Minister Yitzahk Rabin (L) as they shake
hands for the first time, on September 13, 1993
Country Government Terri tory Popul ation GDP
(s q km) (2001 es t.) (Bi l lions)

ARAB Tota l Mos tl y monarchies 13,486,861 292,400,267 $1,195.49

Is rael Democracy 20,770 5,938,093 $110.20

Ara bs > Israel 649 fol d 49 fol d 11 fol d
Al geria Republic 2,381,740 31,736,053 $171.00
Ba hrain Mona rchy 620 645,361 $10.10
Comoros Republic 2,170 596,202 $0.42
Dji bouti Republic 22,000 460,700 $0.57
Egypt Republic 1,001,450 69,536,644 $247.00
Ira q In tra nsition 437,072 23,331,985 $57.00
Jorda n Mona rchy 89,213 5,153,378 $17.30
Kuwa it Mona rchy 17,820 2,041,961 $29.30
Leba non Republic 10,400 3,627,774 $18.20
Li bya Di cta torship 1,759,540 5,240,599 $45.40
Ma uri tania Republic 1,030,700 2,747,312 $5.40
Morocco Mona rchy 446,550 30,645,305 $105.00
Oma n Mona rchy 212,460 2,622,198 $19.60
Qa ta r Mona rchy 11,437 769,152 $15.10
Sa udi Arabia Mona rchy 1,960,582 22,757,092 $232.00
Soma lia None 637,657 7,488,773 $4.30
Suda n Mi l i tary regime 2,505,810 36,080,373 $35.70
Syri a Mi l i tary regime 185,180 16,728,808 $50.90
Tuni sia Republic 163,610 9,705,102 $62.80
UAE Emi ra tes 82,880 2,407,460 $54.00
Yemen Republic 527,970 18,078,035 $14.40
ARAB Total Mos tl y monarchies 13,486,861 292,400,267 $1,195.49

Is rael Total Democracy 20,770 5,938,093 $110.20

Ara bs > Israel 649 fol d 49 fol d 11 fol d
The UN votes for Palestine to be split into separate Jewish and
Arab states, with Jerusalem becoming an international city.
The move is accepted by Jewish leaders but rejected by the
Arab side and never implemented.
Unable to solve the problem, British rulers leave the region.
The state of Israel is created by Jewish leaders.
Palestinians object to the creation of Israel and a war follows,
with neighbouring Arab countries forming a coalition with
Palestinian factions.
Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians flee or are forced out of
their homes in what they call Al Nakba, or the 'Catastrophe'.
The fighting ends in a ceasefire, and Israel controls most of the
Jordan occupies land which became known as the West Bank,
and Egypt occupied Gaza.
Jerusalem is divided between Israeli forces in the West, and
Jordanian forces in the East.
The “Six-Day War” begins with Israeli warplanes striking Egyptian
airfields and Israeli ground forces entering the Sinai Peninsula.
Jordan joins the fighting alongside Egypt, but Israeli forces have the
upper hand and take control of the Gaza Strip, Sinai, the West Bank, the
Golan Heights and predominantly Arab East Jerusalem.
Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians flee or are displaced.
None of the Palestinians displaced - or their descendants - have ever
been allowed to return home, as Israel said it would overwhelm the
country and threaten its existence as a Jewish state.
A coalition of Arab nations, led by Egypt and Syria, launch a surprise
attack on Israel.
The Arab forces initially gain ground, but are driven back by an Israeli
counter-offensive aided by supplies from allies, including the United
A peace deal between Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime
Minister Menachem Begin, known as the Camp David accords, is
brokered on September 17 by USA President Jimmy Carter.
Potential Palestinian peace proposals are discussed, but never carried
A Palestinian uprising - or intifada - erupts, bringing clashes and protests in the
West Bank, Gaza and Israel.
The unrest continues on and off for years, with many lives lost on both sides.
The first of two pacts, known as the Oslo accords, is signed between Israel
and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), setting out a peace process.
Left unresolved, however, were key issues such as Israeli settlements in the
West Bank and the status of Jerusalem, which is viewed by the Palestinians
as the capital of any future state, meaning peace was still not achieved.
Another Palestinian intifada begins after a visit by right-wing Israeli political
figure Ariel Sharon to a compound in Jerusalem venerated in Judaism,
Christianity and Islam.
Clashes and violence continue until 2005, leaving hundreds dead on both
The Palestinian militant group Hamas wins elections in Gaza, leading to
political strains with the more moderate Fatah party controlling the West Bank.
Israel begins three weeks of attacks on Gaza after rocket
barrages into Israel by Palestinian militants, who are supplied by
tunnels from Egypt.
More than 1,110 Palestinians and at least 13 Israelis are killed.
Israel kills Hamas military chief Ahmed Jabari, triggering more
than a week of rocket fire from Gaza and Israeli airstrikes.
At least 150 Palestinians and six Israelis are killed.
Hamas militants kill three Israeli teenagers kidnapped near a
Jewish settlement in the West Bank, prompting an Israeli military
A seven-week conflict leaves more than 2,200 Palestinians dead
in Gaza.
In Israel, 67 soldiers and six civilians are killed.
The Trump administration recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of
Israel and announces that it plans to shift the US Embassy from
Tel Aviv, stirring outrage from Palestinians.
Protests take place in Gaza along the fence with Israel,
including demonstrators hurling rocks and gasoline bombs
across the barrier.
Israeli troops kill more than 170 protesters over several
Tensions rise in Jerusalem during Ramadan, with Palestinians
saying Israeli police imposed unnecessarily harsh restrictions
on them during their month of fasting.
Israeli policing of Palestinians leads to the use of CS gas and
stun grenades inside al-Aqsa mosque, a holy site for both
Muslims and Jews.
Palestinians are threatened with eviction from their homes in
Sheikh Jarrah – a Palestinian neighbourhood outside the walls
of the Old City – with land and property claimed by Jewish
settler groups in the Israeli courts.
Hamas issues an ultimatum to Israel to remove its forces from
the al-Aqsa compound and from Sheikh Jarrah, and fires
rockets at Jerusalem, which is met with resistance by Israel
and fighting begins.
Abdul Wahid Maktub - WA : 0811888400

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