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Monica Kristiyanthi

Departemen Kesejahteraan Sosial, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, 20155, Indonesia

Pengangguran merupakan sebuah masalah serius di suatu negara khususnya Indonesia. Pengangguran
umumnya disebabkan karena jumlah angkatan kerja tidak sebanding dengan jumlah lapangan kerja yang
tersedia. Hal ini terjadi karena negara belum mampu menyediakan lapangan pekerjaan untuk para tenaga
kerja, juga menyangkut kualitas dan produktivitas tenaga kerja itu sendiri. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini
dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi program peningkatan kualitas dan produktivitas tenaga kerja di Unit
Pelaksana Teknis Balai Latihan Kerja Dinas Ketenagakerjaan Kabupaten Deli Serdang. Jenis penelitian dan
pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif
yaitu penelitian yang dilakukan dengan tujuan menggambarkan atau mendeskripsikan objek dan fenomena
yang ingin diteliti. Informan pada penelitian ini yaitu Kepala Unit Pelaksana Teknis Balai Latihan Kerja Dinas
Ketenagakerjaan Kabupaten Deli Serdang, instruktur, alumni peserta pelatihan, serta keluarga maupun teman
dari para alumni peserta pelatihan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, program peningkatan kualitas dan
produktivitas tenaga kerja ini dapat dilanjukan dengan perbaikan. Adapun yang harus diperbaiki yaitu di
bagian input, seperti jalinan kerja sama antara Unit Pelaksana Teknis Balai Latihan Kerja dengan perusahaan
pencari tenaga kerja tidak ada, di bagian product, seperti melakukan monitoring dan pendataan pasca
Kata Kunci: Evaluasi, Tenaga Kerja, UPT BLK

Unemployment is a serious problem in a country, especially Indonesia. Unemployment is generally caused because the
number of labor force is not proportional to the number of available jobs. This happens because the state has not been able
to provide employment opportunities for the workforce, also regarding the quality and productivity of the workforce itself.
This program was held aimed at developing human resources for the people of Indonesia in general, and in the Deli
Serdang area in particular, to improve capabilities in the manpower sector so as to produce a professional and dedicated
workforce. The purpose of this research was to evaluate the program to improve the quality and productivity of the
workforce in the Technical Implementation Unit of the Work Training Center for the Manpower Office of Deli Serdang
Regency. This type of research and approach used in this research is descriptive research with a qualitative approach,
namely research conducted with the aim of describing or describing the objects and phenomena to be studied. The
informants in this study were the Head of the Technical Implementation Unit of the Work Training Center for the
Manpower Office of Deli Serdang Regency, instructors, alumni of training participants, as well as family and friends of
the alumni who participated in the training. Based on the research results, this program to improve the quality and
productivity of the workforce can be continued with improvements. As for what needs to be improved is in the input
section, such as the collaboration between the Technical Implementation Unit of the Vocational Training Center and
companies seeking employment, in the product section, such as monitoring and collecting post-training data.
Keywords: Evaluation, Labor, UPT BLK
How to cite: Kristiyanthi, Monica (2020). Evaluasi Program Peningkatan Kualitas Dan Produktivitas
Tenaga Kerja Di UPT BLK Dinas Ketenagakerjaan Kabupaten Deli Serdang
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