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Biodata penulis

Nama : Muhammad Rifky Putra Pratama S

Nim : 071511433078

Umur : 18 Thn

Alamat : Medokan Ayu 1 MA 1 M No.31 Surabaya

Universitas : Universitas Airlangga Surabaya

Prodi : Sosiologi

Motto : Everyday Is Holiday

June 26, 2016


Kontroversi Gojek vs Ojek

Teori yang saya bisa ambil dan mendekati dari masalah yang
saya kaji itu tentang Teori “Social Conflict, Harmony and
Integration” dari John V. Dovidio, Samuel L. Gaertner,
Victoria M. Esses, dan Marilynn B. Brewer. Konklusi yang saya
dapat dari teori tersebut adalah konflik antar kelompok
adalah fenomena yang komplek yang mempunyai sumber
sejarah, budaya, ekonomi dan psikologikal. Sebagai
tambahannya, fenomena tersebut adalah fenomena yang
dinamis yang bisa berubah bentuk dan manifestasinya setiap

Hubungannya dari masalah yang saya kemukakan adalah

konflik yang terjadi di antara para pengemudi online tersebut
adalah karena sumber ekonomi. Hal tersebut masuk akal
karena terjadi kecemburan sosial oleh pengemudi
transportasi konvensional karena merasa sumber

June 26, 2016


memperoleh uang mereka diambil oleh pengemudi

transportasi online.

Kemacetan Jakarta membuat pangsa pasar ojek berkembang

besar. Meski tarifnya kerap tak menentu, banyak warga
Jakarta dan sekitarnya mengandalkan ojek sebagai moda
transportasi sehari-hari.

Ojek adalah moda transportasi yang ada hampir di seluruh

sudut kota Jakarta yang terkenal dengan kondisi lalu
lintasnya yang buruk. Ojek bisa ditemukan di tiap sudut jalan.
Pengemudi ojek juga tidak perlu menjalani pemeriksaan atau
pendaftaran apapun. Pembayarannya dilakukan secara tunai,
dan tarifnya tergantung dari tawar menawar. Ojek terkesan
tidak aman, dan helm yang mereka sediakan biasanya tidak
bersih. Proses tawar menawarnya juga kadang
menjengkelkan. Intinya, ojek adalah moda transportasi yang
disukai sekaligus dibenci, tapi sangat diandalkan oleh orang
banyak di kawasan rawan macet seperti Jakarta.

Go-Jek sebenarnya sudah ada sejak beberapa tahun lalu dan

ingin memperbaiki transportasi ojek dengan menciptakan
armada ojek yang aman dan terpercaya. Tapi baru di awal

June 26, 2016


tahun ini Go-Jek meluncurkan aplikasi mobile-nya dan mulai

serius mengembangkan jaringan pengemudi ojeknya.

Melalui aplikasi ini, pengguna bisa memesan ojek dan tidak

perlu mencarinya lagi di jalan. Pengemudi Go-Jek juga bisa
dinilai berdasarkan pengalaman perjalanan yang dialami.
Pengemudi Go-Jek ini juga sudah terdaftar, melewati proses
pemeriksaan, dan selalu menyediakan helm yang bersih dan
masker ke tiap penumpang. Di bulan Juni, GrabTaxi dari
Malaysia meluncurkan layanan yang mirip di Jakarta dan
diberi nama GrabBike. Tapi, karena muncul lebih awal, Go-
Jek masih lebih unggul dan membuat mereka sedikit lebih
disorot di konflik ini.

Dalam waktu singkat, masyarakat Jakarta sangat menerima

layanan seperti Go-Jek dan GrabBike ini, karena keduanya
membuat moda transportasi yang tidak formal tapi
dibutuhkan ini menjadi lebih bisa dipercaya. Pengemudi ojek
juga banyak yang memanfaatkan momen, dan Go-Jek
mengklaim bahwa mereka sudah punya lebih dari 2.500
pengemudi terdaftar, dan helm dan jaket hijau khas mereka
sudah sering dijumpai di jalan-jalan kota Jakarta. Persaingan
antara layanan jasa trasportasi sepeda motor berbasis

June 26, 2016


aplikasi Gojek dan ojek reguler yang cenderung mengarah

kepada tindak kekerasan. Hal itu menarik perhatian tidak
hanya dari masyarakat, tetapi juga Wakil Gubernur DKI
Jakarta, bahkan Presiden RI Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

Pertentangan antara ojek konvensional versus layanan Go-

Jek versus angkutan umum lainnya semakin memanas.Saya
mencari tahu mengapa konsumen lebih memilih
menggunakan layanan Go-Jek dibandingkan kendaraan
lainnya. Ini dia beberapa alasan utamanya:
1. Pelayanan yang lebih profesional
Selain menyediakan helm bagi pengendara dan penumpang
(lengkap dengan masker dan penutup rambut), Go-Jek juga
melengkapi supir-supirnya dengan perangkat yang
menunjang pemesanan dan aktivitas lainnya.

2. Layanan pesan antar

Selain mengantar penumpang, konsumen juga banyak
menggunakan layanan Go-Jek untuk kurir dan pemesanan
makanan.Artinya? Kita bisa pesan makanan dari manapun,
termasuk dari warung sate kesukaan yang tidak punya
delivery service!
3. Diskon dan harga promosi

June 26, 2016


Semua orang suka diskon. Ini yang digunakan oleh Go-Jek

untuk menarik massa. Mulai dari potongan harga untuk
pengguna pertama hingga promosi jelang bulan puasa.
4. Tidak perlu ke pangkalan
Aplikasi Go-Jek memungkinkan pengguna untuk memesan
ojek tanpa harus ke pangkalan. Mereka bisa mendapatkan
ojek di manapun dan kapanpun.
 5. Potensi kerja paruh waktu
Bagi pengemudi, Go-Jek memberikan keleluasaan dalam
bekerja. Artinya, siapapun —asal punya SIM dan STNK— bisa
jadi supir ojek tanpa harus mangkal.
Namun, bukan berarti Go-Jek tidak memiliki kekurangan.
Kami menghimpun beberapa keluhan dari pengguna di media

1. Server aplikasi yang mengalami gangguan

Seperti aplikasi digital lainnya, server Gojek mengalami
gangguan sehingga pengguna tidak bisa memesan layanan.
Kesalahan teknis juga terkadang terjadi pada penggunaan
Go-Jek Credit, alat pembayaran sejenis pulsa. Ada yang
mengeluh kreditnya terpakai, namun layanan tidak datang,
ada pula supir yang kebingungan karena tidak paham sistem

June 26, 2016


ini. Entah ini kesalahan teknis atau akal-akalan supir, masalah

credit cukup menjadi sorotan pengguna layanan Go-Jek.

2. Sulitnya mencari supir Go-Jek

Penggunaan aplikasi berarti konsumen harus bergantung
pada sistem pencarian di sana. Terkadang, aplikasi tidak
berhasil mendapatkan supir yang dibutuhkan, padahal
banyak supir Go-Jek berkeliaran di daerah tersebut.

3. Perubahan struktur sosial?

Sebuah blog mengkritik sistem baru yang dibangun oleh Go-
Jek secara antropologis. Menurut penulisnya, sistem ini
merusak tatanan sosial dan nilai-nilai yang terkandung dalam
sebuah pangkalan ojek: sistem mengantri, sopan-santun,
hingga sentuhan personal yang terjadi dalam setiap transaksi
di pangkalan ojek.
Layanan angkutan ojek sepeda motor berbasis telepon
seluler seperti GoJek dan Grab Bike memberikan peluang
bagi pengemudi ojek untuk mendapatkan pelanggan di lokasi
mana saja tanpa terikat pangkalan. GoJek di laman resminya
menyatakan bahwa seluruh calon pengemudi GoJek akan
mendapat pelatihan menyeluruh mulai penggunaan telepon
seluler hingga keamanan mengemudi. Selain itu pengemudi

June 26, 2016


akan mendapat pembagian keuntungan sebesar 80 persen

untuk pengemudi dan 20 persen untuk perusahaan,
termasuk bonus saat mencapai target tertentu.

Gojek-ojek berbaikan
Meski kerap berkonflik di daerah lain, pengojek pangkalan
dan pengemudi Go-jek di Jalan Holtikultura, Pasar Minggu ini
bisa bekerja berdampingan. Minggu lalu, mereka bersepakat
untuk damai setelah berdiskusi mengenai pembagian
Kesepakatannya adalah pengemudi Go-Jek tidak boleh
mengambil penumpang secara langsung tanpa lewat aplikasi.
Kesepakatan tersebut dipasang dalam spanduk biru yang
dipampang di depan pangkalan.

Jasa ojek profesional vs jasa ojek pangkalan

Banyak kelebihan yang ditawarkan oleh jasa ojek profesional
ini, khususnya melalui teknologi. Melalui sebuah aplikasi
mobile, para konsumen ojek dimudahkan untuk
menggunakan jasa transportasi alternatif ini. Mulai dari
menentukan tujuan, transparansi tarif, kemudahan

June 26, 2016


menghubungi rider, pelayanan yang nyaman, hingga

pelebaran layanan untuk mengirim paket ataupun makanan.
Sadangkan dari sisi rider (tukang ojek), pihak penyedia jasa
ojek profesional umumnya mendekati dengan penawaran
bagi hasil yang atraktif dan perlindungan kecelakaan serta
jiwa. Tapi, semakin tinggi pohon, semakin kencang pula angin
yang menerpanya.
Meskipun menuai banyak sanjungan, bukan berarti layanan
ojek profesional seperti GoJek tak mendapat hambatan sama
sekali. Belum lama ini ada kasus rider Go-Jek meminta
konsumen untuk membatalkan pesanan karena ancaman
tukang ojek pangkalan sekitar. Melihat hal ini, wajar jika kini
masyarakat banyak yang beranggapan bahwa para tukang
ojek konvensional mulai gerah dengan kehadiran layanan
ojek profesional seperti Go-Jek dan sejenisnya.
Pihak penyedia jasa ojek profesional seperti Go-Jek dan
GrabBike sebenarnya sudah banyak melakukan pendekatan
dengan pihak ojek pangkalan dengan berbagai penawaran
untuk bergabung, nyatanya banyak yang masih menolak.
Singkatnya, seperti yang diberitakan Kompas, alasan mereka
yang menolak adalah mereka merasa “ribet” dengan segala
aturan yang harus mereka patuhi. Bahkan ada pula yang

June 26, 2016


keberatan dengan tata cara untuk bergabung dengan Go-Jek

yang dianggap berbelit dengan harus melengkapi beberapa
dokumen yang dibutuhkan.
Jika melihat dari sudut pandang tersebut, wajar jika
masyarakat berpendapat bahwa ojek konvensional ini buruk
pelayananannya. Tarif yang semena-mena, pelayanan yang
kurang nyaman, tak ada jaminanan keamanan jika terjadi hal
buruk di jalanan, dan lain sebagainya. Tapi, benarkah
sepenuhnya seperti itu?
Nyatanya, meski tak dianggap terorganisir, ojek pangkalan ini
sebenarnya memiliki struktur sosial yang tertata rapih dalam
suatu komunitas atau paguyuban. Sistem paguyuban ini tidak
main-main, di sana mereka menentukan tarif pasar yang
berlaku, sistem antrian, bagi-bagi rejeki, dan juga pelanggan
lokal. Penerapannya lebih ke arah kekeluargaan, bukan
korporasi seperti yang diterapkan oleh jasa ojek profesional.
Memang jika harus dijabarkan lebih lanjut, fungsi dari
paguyuban ini masih sangat abstrak dan tak bisa diukur
secara pasti karena erat kaitannya dengan sosial. Melalui
paguyuban, tukang ojek juga bisa mendapat “asuransi”
berupa bantuan keluarga atau teman. Selain itu, tak
sembarang tukang ojek juga bisa bergabung untuk masuk

June 26, 2016


dalam satu paguyuban.

Masih tepatkah bila kita menyebut ojek konvensional tidak

Konflik antara ojek pangkalan dan layanan ojek berbasis

telepon seluler seperti GoJek semakin memanas. Di beberapa
lokasi muncul spanduk larangan bagi GoJek mengambil
penumpang di wilayah tersebut. Namun beberapa
pengemudi GoJek memilik trik untuk tetap melayani
pelanggan di wilayah tersebut tanpa terlibat konflik dengan
ojek pangkalan setempat.
Komar, pengemudi GoJek, mengaku tidak menggunakan
jaket seragam saat mengambil pelanggan di daerah larangan
tersebut. “Biasanya saya pakai jaket sama helm biasa, terus
helm GoJek buat penumpang saya taruh di tas. Nanti kalau
sudah jalan agak jauh baru saya kasih helm,” ujarnya kepada
Tempo, Rabu, 29 Juli 2015.
Komar berujar, cara ini cukup berhasil menghindari konflik
dengan para pengemudi ojek pangkalan yang mengenali
pengemudi GoJek berdasarkan seragam jaket dan helm yang
berwarna hijau dengan tulisan GoJek.
Pengemudi GoJek lainnya, Sugimin, mengambil langkah yang
sedikit berbeda dari Komar. Sugimin biasanya mengarahkan

June 26, 2016


calon pelanggan untuk menunggu di tempat yang lebih jauh

jika di lokasi tersebut terdapat ojek pangkalan. “Saya enggak
mau ribut sama orang setempat, makanya saya sering minta
ketemu di tempat yang agak jauh atau enggak saya ambil
sekalian ordernya,” tutur Sugimin.

Lain lagi Galih, pengemudi GoJek yang berdomisili di wilayah

Palmerah. Dia bersama beberapa rekan GoJek di sekitar
wilayah Jakarta Barat memiliki grup chat untuk saling berbagi
informasi. “Kami bikin grup biar saling mengingatkan daerah
mana yang rawan atau daerah mana yang lagi ada sweeping
ojek pangkalan," ujarnya.
Galih menambahkan, manajemen GoJek juga telah
membekali mereka dengan pengetahuan tentang zona-zona
‘merah’ atau wilayah yang rawan konflik dengan ojek
pangkalan. Manajemen memerintahkan para pengemudinya
untuk lebih berhati-hati dalam mengambil penumpang di
wilayah-wilayah tersebut.
Dalam beberapa bulan terakhir, terjadi penolakan layanan
penyedia jasa angkutan umum sepeda motor GoJek di
berbagai lokasi di Jakarta. Beberapa spanduk penolakan yang
dilakukan tukang ojek pangkalan ada di wilayah Kuningan,
Kalibata City, dan Warung Buncit, Jakarta Selatan, bahkan

June 26, 2016


meluas hingga ke Bintaro, Tangerang Selatan. Mereka

beralasan omzet ojek pangkalan menurun sejak munculnya
GoJek dan Grab Bike yang mengandalkan layanan
pemesanan berbasis teknologi aplikasi di telepon seluler.

Perseteruan kedua kubu tersebut dibahas khusus di Istana

Negara pada awal September lalu, saat Presiden Jokowi
mengajak makan siang sejumlah pengemudi, termasuk
tukang ojek regular dan pengendara Gojek.

Ia mengakui dukungan diberikan secara penuh oleh

Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta baik terhadap Gojek maupun
bisnis penyedia jasa ojek lainnya di Ibu Kota. "Sistem
pencarian penumpang yang diterapkan Gojek yang bagus,
menjadi alasan adanya dukungan dari Pemprov DKI Jakarta,"

Dengan keunggulan yang dimiliki Gojek itu, Djarot

mengimbau agar para pengojek konvensional dapat meniru
sistem pencarian pelanggan oleh perusahaan tersebut.
Perbaikan sistem diperlukan karena dia memandang ojek
merupakan salah satu sarana transportasi alternatif yang
sangat penting bagi warga Jakarta saat ini.

June 26, 2016


"Pemprov DKI mendukung Gojek karena sistemnya bagus.

Harusnya tukang ojek lain bisa meniru cara tersebut.
Bagaimanapun juga, baik ojek dan Gojek itu dibutuhkan di
Jakarta sepanjang transportasi publik belum bisa optimal,"
kata Djarot.

Persaingan kurang sehat antara Gojek dan ojek regular

berawal dari kasus pemukulan terhadap seorang pengendara
Gojek di kawasan Warung Buncit, Jakarta Selatan, sesaat
setelah dia mengantar penumpangnya ke lokasi tujuan.

"Saat sedang mengambil penumpang di sekitar Warung

Buncit, pengendara Gojek wanita ini dikeplak tukang ojek
yang mangkal dekat situ," kata Kapolsek Pancoran Komisaris
Minto Padal Putro.

Tidak terima atas pemukulan yang dialaminya, pengendara

Gojek wanita itu lantas melaporkan perbuatan oknum tukang
ojek di Warung Buncit ke Polsek Pancoran. "Perdamaian
akhirnya disepakati oleh kedua pihak. Tukang ojek pangkalan
kami minta buat surat pernyataan agar tidak mengulangi lagi
perbuatannya," kata Minto.

Sementara itu, lima pengojek pangkalan nekat mengeroyok

seorang pengendara Gojek di Jalan Agus Salim, Bekasi Timur,

June 26, 2016


Kota Bekasi, akhir Agustus lalu. Kelimanya telah ditangkap

pihak kepolisian Resor Kota Bekasi.

Pada acara tersebut para pengojek di pangkalan dan Gojek

curhat kepada Presiden Jokowi mengenai persaingan yang
mereka hadapi. Sanuri, tukang ojek reguler yang biasa
mangkal di Cempaka Putih, misalnya, mengeluh karena
pendapatannya turun sejak ada Gojek.

"Tadinya dapat Rp 100 ribu, sekarang cuma dapat Rp 30 ribu,

kan kami jadi susah," ucapnya.

Saat mendapat giliran, Suryadi, pengemudi Gojek, mengaku

justru mengajak para tukang ojek reguler untuk bergabung
dengan Gojek karena menurut dia ikut masuk dalam armada
tersebut dapat memperluas jaringan dan wawasan.

Sebagai penengah antara kedua kelompok tersebut,

Prersiden Jokowi meminta mereka tidak berseteru. "Jangan
berantem. Namanya hidup, ya, bersaing. Mosok yang Gojek
nggak boleh jalan, anak-istrinya gimana? Namanya hidup, ya,
ada persaingan," katanya.

Senada dengan ajakan kepala Negara, Wakil Gubernur DKI

Jakarta Djarot Saiful Hidayat mengimbau para pengojek

June 26, 2016


konvensional dan pengendara Gojek agar dapat bersaing

secara sehat untuk mendapatkan penumpang di Ibu Kota.

Imbauan itu disampaikan wagub setelah terjadi pemukulan

terhadap pengendara Gojek oleh pengojek konvensional.
"Kalau bersaing itu secara kompetitif dan fair serta tidak bisa
menggunakan cara-cara kekerasan," katanya.

Ada beberapa kawasan di Jakarta yang menjadi daerah anti

dengan Gojek, salah satunya di kawasan Rawajati, Jakarta
Selatan. Pengendara ojek pangkalan di sana melarang
pengendara Gojek ataupun Grabbike masuk dan mengambil
penumpang di wilayah itu, karena mereka mengaku
pendapatannya berkurang seiring menjamurnya driver Gojek
ataupun Grabbike.

Begitu pula, dengan pengendara ojek pangkalan di kawasan

Siaga Raya, Jakarta Selatan. Mereka melarang pengendara
Gojek ataupun Grabbike masuk ke wilayahnya dan
mengambil penumpang. Pasalnya, selain karena pendapatan
mereka turun drastis, juga pernah didapati seorang
pengendara Gojek atau Grabbike mengambil penumpang
tanpa menggunakan aplikasi.

June 26, 2016


Para pengendara ojek pangkalan bukannya tidak pernah

diajak bergabung dengan Gojek ataupun Grabbike,
melainkan mereka menolak. Alasannya beragamm, ada yang
keberatan dengan sistem bagi hasil yang diterapkan, ada juga
yang menganggap mereka akan saling serobot dalam
mendapatkan penumpang jika bergabung bersama Gojek
ataupun Grabbike.

Adanya kawasan anti-Gojek membuat pengendaranya harus

lebih berhati-hati saat akan mengambil penumpang.
Contohnya, Eko, driver Gojek yang pernah diintimidasi oleh
oknum pengendara ojek pangkalan saat mengantarkan order
ke lokasi pelanggan Gojek.

CEO Gojek Nadiem Makarim menilai tindakan para tukang

ojek pangkalan tersebut adalah tindak pidana. Dia
menyerahkan kasus itu kepada pihak kepolisian. Kepada para
pengendara Gojek, disarankan agar menggunakan aplikasi
saja untuk mendapatkan penumpang.

Saya memesan Go-Jek hampir tiap hari dan sering mengajak

pengemudinya ngobrol. Sejauh ini hampir semuanya (minus
satu orang) yang mengaku penghasilannya meningkat sejak
bergabung dengan Go-Jek. Satu orang yang mengaku

June 26, 2016


penghasilannya tidak berubah pun tetap merasa aplikasi ini

berguna karena memudahkannya menemukan penumpang.

Lantas, kenapa layanan ini ditentang oleh beberapa

pengemudi ojek? Kebanyakan masyarakat Jakarta melihat
tindakan mereka sebagai sesuatu yang “terbelakang” dan
mulai mempertanyakan kesiapan kota besar ini untuk
menerima inovasi dari teknologi.

Ojek pangkalan adalah sebuah komunitas, sebuah paguyuban

para tukang – tukang ojek. Di sana ada aturan - aturan tak
tertulis yang berlaku, seperti ada antrian, ada bagi-bagi rejeki
dan ada pelanggan-pelanggan lokal. Keributan seringkali
terjadi ketika ada tukang ojek dadakan yang merebut
penumpang tanpa mau antri atau bergabung dengan
pangkalan tersebut.

Tahun 2011, GoJek hadir di Indonesia sebagai social

enterpreneurship inovatif untuk mendorong perubahan
sektor transportasi informal agar dapat beroperasi secara
profesional. Manajemen GoJek menerapkan sistem bagi hasil
dengan pengemudi ojek yang berada di bawah naungannya.
Pembagiannya adalah, 80% penghasilan untuk pengemudi
ojek dan 20%-nya untuk GoJek. Saat ini anggotanya sudah

June 26, 2016


mencapai angka sekitar 1000-an. GoJek menawarkan 4

(empat) jasa layanan yang bisa dimanfaatkan oleh para
pelanggannya: Instant Courier (Pengantaran Barang),
Transport (Jasa Angkutan), Shopping (Belanja) dan Corporate
(Kerjasama dengan perusahaan untuk jasa kurir) yang
menekankan keunggulan dalam Kecepatan, Inovasi dan
Interaksi Sosial. Para pengguna Gojek, harus mengunduh
GoJek Mobile App dari handphone mereka, baru mereka bisa
memesan layanan Gojek. Para Gojek dengan mudah
mendapatkan konsumen karena sudah mengandalkan
kemajuan teknologi, tanpa harus nongkrong menunggu
tanpa kepastian menunggu nomor urut antrian jatah narik.

GoJek kemudian merebak menjadi salah satu kata atau topik

yang bermunculan di berbagai media. Namun bukannya
pembahasan mengenai keunggulan dari layanan ojek unik ini.
Tetapi, yang lebih mengemuka saat ini adalah adanya konflik
antara pengemudi yang bergabung dengan GoJek dengan
tukang ojek pangkalan. Keberadaan layanan GoJek di Ibu
Kota Jakarta mulai memicu konflik. Pelan tapi pasti, suara
penolakan terhadap Gojek mulai mengalir dari para
pengemudi ojek pangkalan. Mereka menganggap eksistensi
Gojek mengganggu keberadaan mereka dan membuat

June 26, 2016


mereka merugi. Tukang-tukang ojek yang biasa mangkal di

Ibu Kota Jakarta, mulai resah dengan banyaknya pengemudi
GoJek yang seliweran di jalan-jalan Ibu Kota.

Persaingan antara pengemudi Gojek dengan pengemudi ojek

pangkalan memang tidak dapat dihindari. Kapolda Metro
Jaya juga melihat, pro kontra yang terjadi di antara tukang
ojek pangkalan dan Gojek lebih diakibatkan oleh masalah
persaingan. Ojek pangkalan merasa tersaingi oleh eksistensi

Padahal General Manager of Corporate Relations Gojek, Sam

Diah sudah menyatakan bahwa pihaknya hadir untuk
membantu pengemudi ojek pangkalan, dan bukan sebaliknya
bersaing dengan mereka. "Yang paling utama kami
sampaikan adalah kami bukan hadir untuk berkompetisi
dengan pengemudi ojek pangkalan," kata Sam Diah. Bentuk
bantuan yang diberikan Gojek kepada para pengojek
menurutnya adalah dengan meningkatkan penghasilan
mereka dengan bantuan teknologi. Tak hanya itu, para
pengojek ini juga mendapat santunan kecelakaan dan
jaminan asuransi kesehatan. Sampai saat ini, kata Sam Diah,

June 26, 2016


Gojek masih membuka kesempatan bagi pengemudi ojek

pangkalan untuk bergabung.

Sampai sat ini, masih belum ada solusi atas konflik antara
tukang ojek pangkalan dengan Gojek. Perintah Kapolda
Metro Jaya Inspektur Jenderal Tito Karnavian untuk
memberikan perhatian berlebih soal keamanan para
pengendara Gojek dinilai belum jadi solusi permanen. Jika
penerapan kebijakan tersebut di lapangan justru membuat
tukang ojek pangkalan merasa didiskriminasikan, maka solusi
akan lebih sulit dicapai. Pemberian rasa aman bagi Gojek,
sebenarnya bisa dilakukan dengan penegakan hukum yang
tegas dan berkeadilan.

Yang lebih dibutuhkan untuk menyelesaikan konflik antara

Gojek dengan para ojek pangkalan adalah aturan yang jelas.
Sejauh ini, belum ada aturan yang jelas soal Gojek ataupun
Ojek Pangkalan. Sementara aturan legal belum ada, Kapolda
bisa mendorong adanya kesepakatan bersama antara Gojek
dengan para tukang ojek pangkalan yang tidak merugikan
salah satunya. Misalnya Gojek tidak boleh masuk komplek
atau perumahan yang kecil. Biarkan itu menjadi area para
ojek pangkalan. Sementara Gojek hanya untuk perjalanan

June 26, 2016


dengan daerah yang lebih jauh. Atau kesepakatan lainnya

yang penting tidak ada yang dirugikan. Tanpa adanya
kesepakatan, yang akan dirugikan bukan hanya Gojek dan
ojek pangkalan saja, tetapi warga juga. Prinsipnya, dalam
menyelesaikan konflik Gojek dengan ojek pangkalan ini,
harus tidak ada diskriminasi.

Harus ditempuh cara – cara yang mengedepankan dialog,

seperti apa yang dikatakan oleh Vice President of Marketing
dari Gojek, Pingkan Irawan. “Kami akan selalu terbuka untuk
berdialog. Sejauh ini juga kan kita sudah bertemu dengan
pemerintah dan diskusi. Kami tetap akan selalu terbuka yang
jelas,” ujarnya. Associate lembaga pemodal MDI Venture
Joshua Agusta mengatakan bahwa bisnis yang inovatif seperti
Go-jek harus melibatkan komunikator yang handal. “Tukang
ojek kan umumnya tidak akrab dengan teknologi, tentu ada
resistensi,” kata Joshua. “Secara umum juga ketika model
bisnis kita men-disrupt sistem yang sudah ada, risiko konflik
tidak bisa dihindari. Seperti halnya yang terjadi di luar
negeri, saat kehadiran layanan Taksi Uber, itu juga
menimbulkan konflik dengan para pengemudi taksi yang
merasa kehadiran armada uber akan mengurangi pangsa
pasar mereka. Uber saat itu sampai meng-hire David Plouffe,

June 26, 2016


mantan tim kampanye Obama sebagai tim komunikasi

mereka. CEO Gojek, Nadiem juga mengakui bahwa gesekan
dengan tukang ojek konvensional adalah karena

Permasalahan Gojek vs Ojek Pangkalan ini, di masa silam juga

pernah terjadi di moda transportasi lain yakni taksi. Di
Bandung, saat taksi Blue Bird mulai boleh masuk, supir-supir
taksi lokal yang kadang memakai argo kuda kemudian
melakukan perlawanan yang mengerikan, taksi Blue Bird
dibakar. Namun kemudian taksi argo kuda di Bandung mulai
berbenah diri dari kekerasan yang mereka pernah buat.
Mereka mulai disiplin dengan argometernya, disiplin
berkendara dan bahkan berseragam. Dan sekarang banyak
orang mengatakan bahwa naik taksi merek apapaun di
Bandung lebih aman daripada di Jakarta. Mereka tidak ada
yang bergabung dengan Blue Bird, tetapi mereka membenahi
sistem mereka menjadi lebih baik.

Kemunculan ojek berbasis aplikasi atau ojek online di satu sisi

disambut positif oleh kalangan konsumen. Di sisi lain,
kehadiran ojek online juga memunculkan masalah. Sebagian
pengemudi ojek konvensional merasa terganggu karena ojek

June 26, 2016


online dianggap merebut lahan nafkah mereka. Akibatnya,

muncul beberapa kasus bentrokan antara ojek konvensional
versus ojek online.
 Terkait kondisi ini, Ketua Dewan Transportasi Kota Jakarta
Ellen Tangkudung mengatakan perkembangan teknologi jelas
tak bisa dihindari. Namun, jika kemajuan teknologi ini
memunculkan masalah, maka pemerintah seharusnya segera
bertindak. Pemerintah, kata Ellen, harus mencari cara
bagaimana agar ojek konvensional tidak ‘bentrok’ dengan
ojek online.
 “Pemerintah itu tak bisa diam saja. Mereka harus buka
suara,” ujarnya dalam acara diskusi “Menelaah Aspek
Hukum, Sosial, dan Ekonomi Fenomena Gojek: Modernisasi
vs Tradisi” di Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia (FHUI),
Kamis lalu (17/9).
 Senada, Ditha Wiradiputra, Dosen Hukum Persaingan Usaha
FHUI, mengatakan pemerintah tak bisa tinggal diam dengan
adanya fenomena ini. Sebagai opsi solusi, Ditha menyebut
contoh cara pemerintah mengatasi dampak menjamurnya
minimarket-minimarket modern yang sempat dituding
mematikan pasar tradisional.
 Saat itu, papar Ditha, ketika awal minimarket menjamur,

June 26, 2016


banyak masyarakat yang mengajukan keberatan ke

pemerintah. Pemerintah akhirnya menanggapi keberatan itu
dengan memberikan syarat-syarat kepada pelaku usaha yang
ingin membuka minimarket agar mendapatkan izin usaha.
 “Mereka itu kalau mau bangun minimarket ada ketentuan
contohnya berjarak berapa meter dari warung, dan
sebagainya. Nah ini juga yang harus dipikirkan oleh
pemerintah terkait fenomena ojek pangkalan versus ojek
online. Nggak bisa pemerintah itu diam aja dan membiarkan
masyarakat menyelesaikannya sendiri,” sebut Ditha.
 Selain bentrokan dengan ojek konvensional, permasalahan
lainnya adalah ojek online hingga saat ini belum memiliki
payung hukum. Sedari awal, UU Nomor 22 Tahun 2009
tentang Lalu Lintas dan Angkutan Jalan memang tidak
mengakui ojek sebagai angkutan umum, ungkap Ellen.
 Dosen Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia ini menjelaskan
pertimbangan ojek tidak masuk dalam kategori angkutan
umum karena kendaraan roda dua (motor) memiliki potensi
bahaya yang cukup tinggi. Ellen menyebutkan 70 sampai 80
persen kecelakaan di jalan terjadi pada motor.
 Padahal, lanjutnya, saat masuk kategori angkutan umum
maka pemerintah memiliki kewajiban untuk melakukan

June 26, 2016


pembinaan kepada angkutan umum, dan juga ada asuransi-

asuransi yang harus ditanggung dalam kecelakaan yang
terjadi pada angkutan umum.
 “Itulah kira-kira penyebabnya kenapa tidak termasuk
angkutan umum berbayar ya. Kalau memang ojek ini maunya
sebagai angkutan pribadi tidak apa-apa, karena pemerintah
tidak memberikan pembinaan,” ujar Ellen.
 Namun jika melihat fakta yang terjadi di lapangan saat ini,
pengaturan tersebut memang diperlukan. Mengapa? Karena
dalam kenyataannya pertumbuhan ojek ini semakin banyak
dan tidak terkendali.
 Lebih dari sekadar melindungi tukang ojek pangkalan,
menurut Ellen, aturan juga diperlukan untuk melindungi
angkutan umum lain yang dibebankan kewajiban membayar
pajak. Fenomena ojek online initak hanya melemahkan ojek
pangkalan, ucap Ellen. Angkutan umum lainnya seperti
angkot dan taksi pun semakin sepi bahkan tak
“Dengan alasan lebih murah dan mungkin juga lebih nyaman
dari angkot, masyarakat beralih ke ojek sebagai solusi
transportasi yang dirasa cukup untuknya,” kata Ellen.
 “Ojek ini memang satu solusi transportasi ya bagi

June 26, 2016


masyarakat. Nah sementara pemerintah bisa menyiapkan

sarana transportasi yang memadai, ojek-ojek ini dapat
dijadikan sebagai transportasi bridging, transportasi antara.
Ya sambil kita menunggu transportasi yang memadai
tersebut,” pungkas Ellen.

June 26, 2016


Controversy Gojek vs. Conventional Taxi

The theory that I can take and the approach of the problems I
stated it was about the theory of "Social Conflict, Harmony
and Integration" of John v. Dovidio et al. The conclusion I get
from the theory is the conflict between groups was a
complex phenomenon that has a source of history, culture,
economics and the 2001 psychological. Additionally, the
phenomenon is a dynamic phenomenon that could changed
shape and its manifestations at all times.

Relation of the problems I pointed out was a conflict fought

between the drivers online is because of the economy. It
makes sense because of the social kecemburan by
conventional transport drivers because their source of
earning money felt taken by a driver of a transport online.

Jakarta's congestion makes developing great taxi market

share. Although the fare is often erratic, many citizens of

June 26, 2016


Jakarta and surrounding areas rely on taxi as a mode of

transportation daily.

Taxi is a mode of transportation that existed almost around

the corner of the famous Jakarta city with bad traffic
conditions. Motorcycle taxis can be found on every street
corner. Taxi drivers also do not need to undergo an
examination or registration of any kind. Payment is done in
cash, and rates are subject to bargaining. An impressed
unsafe, and a helmet that they provide are usually not clean.
The bargaining process menawarnya also sometimes
annoying. Essentially, the taxi is the preferred mode of
transportation at once hated, but very reliable by many
people in such a congested area of Jakarta.

Go-Jek actually has been around since a few years ago and
wanted to improve transportation-taxi-taxi fleet with
creating a safe and trusted. But earlier this year a new Go-Jek
launched its mobile application and began seriously
developing network driver ojeknya.

Through this application, users can order a taxi and not have
to look it up again on the road. The driver Go-Jek could also
be assessed based on the travel experience. The driver is also

June 26, 2016


Go-Jek already registered, get through the vetting process,

and always provide clean helmet and mask to each
passenger. In June, the GrabTaxi of Malaysia launched a
similar service in Jakarta and was given the name GrabBike.
But, due to appear early, Go-Jek still more superior and
makes them a bit more highlighted in this conflict.

In a short time, the community is very accepting of services

such as Go-Jek and GrabBike, because both make
transportation modes that are not formal but this needed to
be more believable. The driver of a taxi is also a lot that
exploit, and Go-Jek claimed that they already have more than
2,500 driver listed, and helmets and their distinctive green
jacket was already common on the streets of Jakarta. The
rivalry between the motorcycle transportation services-based
application Gojek and regular taxi that tend to lead to acts of
violence. It drew attention not only from the public, but also
the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Indonesian Joko Widodo even

Contradiction between conventional versus taxi service Go-

Jek versus other public transportation is getting heated up. I

June 26, 2016


find out why consumers prefer using the services Go-Jek

compared to other vehicles. He's the main reason some:

1. professional services

In addition to providing helmets for riders and passengers

(complete with mask and cover hair), Go-Jek also completes
the driver-the driver is with devices that support the
reservations and other activities.

2. Mail service between

In addition to dropping off passengers, as well as many

consumers using the service Go-Jek to couriers and ordering
food. Does that mean? We get the message of food from
anywhere, including from warung sate gladness have no
delivery service!

3. Discounts and promotional price

Everyone loves discounts. This is used by Go-Jek to appeal to

the masses. Starting from a discounted price for the first user
to the promotion ahead of the fasting month.

4. No need to base

June 26, 2016


Go-Jek application allows users to order a taxi without having

to base. They can get a taxi wherever and whenever.

5. The potential for part-time work

For the driver, Go-Jek gives discretion in work. This means

that anyone — origin had a driver's license and VEHICLE
REGISTRATION FEES — could be a taxi driver without having
to stay.

However, it does not mean Go-Jek has no shortage. We

gather a few complaints from users in social media.

1. Application Server that is experiencing interference

Like other digital applications, misbehaving Gojek server so

that users are not able to order service.

Technical errors also sometimes occur in the use of the Go-

Jek Credit payment instruments, a kind of pulse. Some are
complaining its credit unused, but the service does not come,
there is also confusion because the driver didn't understand
this system. Somehow this technical error or subterfuge
driver, the problem of credit simply highlights the user
service Go-Jek.

June 26, 2016


2. Difficulty finding drivers Go-Jek

The use of application means consumers have to rely on the

search system in there. Sometimes, the application does not
succeed in getting the needed drivers, but many drivers Go-
Jek hanging around in the area.

3. changes in the social structure?

A blog criticizing the new system built by Go-Jek in

anthropological. According to the author, this system
subverts the social order and values contained in a base taxi
Queuing system: observation, personal touch, until that
occurs in any transaction in their bases.

Motorcycle taxi transport service based mobile phone such

as GoJek and Grab the Bike provides an opportunity for the
driver of a taxi to get customers on site anywhere without
being tied to the base. Official page at GoJek declares that all
prospective drivers will receive thorough training GoJek start

June 26, 2016


cell phone usage to the driving security. In addition the driver

will earn a profit of 80 percent for drivers and 20 percent for
companies, including a bonus when reaching a certain target.

Gojek - taxi upgrade

Although often in conflict in other regions, pengojek bases

and the driver Go-jek in Horticulture, market Street this week
could work side by side. Last week, they unanimously agreed
to peacefully after discussions regarding the sharing of

The deal is the driver Go-Jek may not pick up passengers

directly without passing by the application. The deal
mounted in blue on printed banners in front of the base.

Professional taxi service-taxi services vs. base

Many of the advantages offered by this professional taxi

services, particularly through technology. Through a mobile
application, the consumer be facilitated for taxi use this
alternative transportation service. Starting from determining
the goals, transparency of tariffs, ease contact rider,
comfortable service, up to a widening service to send
packages or food.

June 26, 2016


Sadangkan from the side of the rider (carpenters), the

professional taxi service providers generally approached with
the offer for the results that are attractive and crash
protection as well as the soul. But, the higher the tree, the
more wind gusts also hit.

Despite reaping a lot of flattery, does not mean a

professional taxi service such as GoJek not got the barriers at
all. Not long ago there was a case of the rider Go-Jek asking
consumers to cancel orders because of the threat of
carpenters bases around. Seeing this, reasonable if the many
communities now assume that the conventional carpenters
begin sultry with the presence of a professional taxi service
as Go-Jek and the like.

Professional taxi service provider parties such as Go-Jek and

GrabBike in fact already many approach with the ojek base
with various offers to join, in fact many still resist. In short, as
reported in the compass, the reason they refuse is they feel
"ribet" with all the rules they have to follow. There are even
objected to the Ordinance to join the Go-Jek deemed
excessively intertwined with should complement some of the
required documents.

June 26, 2016


If viewed from the standpoint of the reasonable, if society

argues that conventional taxi this is bad his services. The
rates arbitrarily, less convenient service, no security
jaminanan if bad things happen on the streets, and so on.
But, is it completely like that?

In fact, though not considered an organized, this base

actually has a social structure that is well presentable in a
community or association. This system of associations is not
playing, there they determine the applicable market rates,
the system queue, to share good fortune, as well as local
customers. Its application more toward family, not
corporations as applied by a professional taxi service.

Indeed if should be elaborated further, the function of these

associations were still very abstract and cannot be measured
exactly due to the closely related to social. Through the
Association, carpenters can also got "insurance" in the form
of help family or friends. In addition, there is not any
carpenters could also be merged into one association.

Still tepatkah when we call a conventional taxi not


June 26, 2016


The conflict between taxi and taxi service base-based cell

phones such as GoJek getting heated up. In some locations
appear banners prohibition for GoJek pick up passengers in
the region. But some drivers had the GoJek trick to keep
serving customers in the region without engaging in conflict
with their local bases.

Komar, drivers GoJek, admitted to not use uniform jacket

while taking customers in the area of the ban. "I usually wear
the same jackets helmets GoJek helmets, continue regular
made passengers I put in the bag. Later when it's way a bit
far my new love of a helmet, "he said to the Tempo,
Wednesday, July 29, 2015.

Komar said, this way quite managed to avoid conflict with

the driver of a taxi driver recognized the GoJek base based on
uniform jackets and helmets are green with the inscription

The driver of the other GoJek, Sugimin, takes a slightly

different steps of Komar. Sugimin usually directing potential
customers to wait in a place even further if at that location
there is taxi base. "I want baseball brawl in the same locality,

June 26, 2016


so I often ask to meet in a place that's a bit much or all I take

baseball order," said Sugimin.

Another GoJek, the driver of the Galih domiciled in Palmerah

area. He along with some fellow GoJek around the area of
West Jakarta has a chat group for sharing information. "We
make the Group let mutual reminding which areas prone or
areas where again there are sweeping ojek base," he said.

Galih added, GoJek management has also equip them with

the knowledge of ' red zones ' or areas that are prone to
conflict with their base. Management ordered the rider to be
more careful in taking passengers in these areas.

In the last few months, there is denial of service providers of

public transport services motorbike GoJek at various
locations in Jakarta. Some banner the rejections do
carpenters in the Brass base, Kalibata City, and Stalls, South
Jakarta, even extends to the Bintaro, Tangerang. They
reasoned turnover decreased since the advent of base taxi
GoJek and Grab a Bike reservation service relies on
technology-based applications on a mobile phone.

The enmity the two camps discussed specifically in the

Presidential Palace at the beginning of last September, when

June 26, 2016


President Jokowi invites lunch a number of drivers, including

carpenters and regular rider Gojek.

He acknowledged the support given in full by the

Government of DKI Jakarta well against Gojek as well as
other taxi service provider business in the capital. "Passenger
search system that applied a nice Gojek, became the reason
of the support of the provincial Government of DKI Jakarta,"
he said.

With that, the Gojek owned Djarot appealed that the

conventional pengojek can imitate the customer search
system by the company. System improvements are needed
because he looked at the taxi is one of the alternative means
of transportation that is very important for the citizens of
Jakarta today.

"The provincial Government of DKI supports Gojek because

his system is good. Other carpenters can be imitative way.
However, both taxi and Gojek that are needed in the public
transportation throughout Jakarta can not optimal, "said

Less healthy competition between Gojek and regular taxi

starting from the case of the beating of a motorist in the area

June 26, 2016


of Gojek Stalls, South Jakarta, shortly after he takes

passengers to the destination location.

"While it is taking passengers around the stall, this woman's

Gojek rider dikeplak taxis are available nearby," said Kapolsek
Pancoran Commissioner Minto Padal Putro.

Not received hers, beating top riders Gojek the woman then
reported the Act persons carpenters in a protruding to Polsek
Pancoran. "Peace was finally agreed upon by both parties.
The base we're carpenters make statement in order not to
repeat again what he had done, "said Minto.

Meanwhile, five base pengojek reckless Gojek a rider gang up

on the streets of Agus Salim, East Bekasi, Bekasi, end last
August. All five were arrested Police Resort town of Bekasi.

In the event the pengojek on base Gojek and vent to

President Jokowi about the competition they face. Sanuri, a
regular ordinary taxis available in Cempaka Putih, for
instance, complain because its revenues are down since
there are Gojek.

"Used to be Rp 100 thousand, now just be Rp 30 thousand,

right we so hard," he said.

June 26, 2016


When it gets its turn, Suryadi Gojek, the driver, admitted thus
invite the regular taxis to join the Gojek because according to
he entered in the fleet to expand networks and insight.

As an intermediary between the two groups, the Prersiden

Jokowi ask them not hostile. "Do not berantem. His name is
alive, Yes, compete. Mosok a Gojek dont be roads, anak-
istrinya gimana? His name is alive, Yes, there is competition,
"he said.

Similar with the invitation of Heads of State, the Governor of

DKI Jakarta Djarot Saiful Hidayat appealed the conventional
pengojek and Gojek so that riders can compete healthily to
get passengers in the capital.

An appeal was submitted wagub after beating of motorist

Gojek by conventional pengojek. "If it was competing in a
competitive and fair and could not use violent ways," he said.

There are some areas in Jakarta who became anti with Gojek,
one of them in the area of Rawajati, South Jakarta. Base taxi
riders there banned the riders Gojek or Grabbike come in and
pick up passengers in the area, because they admit to its
revenues reduced as a proliferation of Gojek or Grabbike

June 26, 2016


Similarly, with a base in the area of taxi riders Standby

Kingdom, South Jakarta. They ban the rider Gojek or
Grabbike entry to its territory and pick up passengers.
Because, other than because of their income plummeted, has
also been found to be a rider Gojek Grabbike or pick up
passengers without using the application.

The base instead of taxi riders were never invited to join the
Gojek or Grabbike, but they refused. The reason is
beragamm, some objected to the system for the results that
are applied, there are also assume they will serobot each
other in getting passengers if joined with Gojek or Grabbike.

The presence of anti-Gojek area make their riders should be

more careful when going to pick up passengers. For example,
eco, Gojek driver has ever intimidated by person base taxi
riders while delivering orders to customers Gojek.

CEO Gojek Nadiem Makarim judging the actions of the

carpenters that base is a criminal offence. He handed the
case to the police. The Gojek rider, it is recommended that
applications use to get passengers.

I ordered a Go-Jek almost every day and often invites good-

looking blather. So far almost everything (minus one person)

June 26, 2016


who claims to be his income increased since joining Go-Jek.

One person who claims to be his earnings did not change any
remains found this application is useful because it makes
finding the passengers.

Then, why this service was opposed by some taxi drivers?

Most of the community saw their actions as being "retarded"
and began to question the readiness of this great city to
receive the innovation of technology.

Taxi base is a community, a craftsmen Association –

carpenters. There is an unwritten rules that apply, as there is
a queue, there to share fortune and there are local
customers. Ruckus often occurs when there is an impromptu
carpenters who took passengers without willing to stand in
line or join the base.

In 2011, GoJek present in Indonesia as an innovative social

enterpreneurship to encourage informal transport sector
changes to be able to operate in a professional manner.
GoJek management system applying for the results with the
driver of a taxi which was under its shadow. The Division is,
80% of earnings for taxi drivers and 20% for GoJek. Currently
its members already reach the figure of around 1000 's.

June 26, 2016


GoJek offers 4 (four) services that can be utilized by its

customers: Instant Courier (delivery of Goods), Transport
(transport services), Shopping (shopping) and Corporate (in
collaboration with the company for a courier service) which
emphasizes the advantages in speed, innovation and social
interaction. The users should download Gojek, GoJek Mobile
App from their mobile phones, they can order a new service
Gojek. The Gojek easily get consumers because it was relying
on the advancement of technology, without having to hang
around waiting for certainty without waiting the allotted
queue sort number draw.

GoJek then swept through became one of the words or

topics that have sprung up in various media. But instead of a
discussion of the advantages of this unique taxi service. But,
more to the forefront at this time is the existence of a
conflict between the drivers who joined the carpenters with
GoJek base. The existence GoJek service in the capital Jakarta
began to trigger conflict. Slowly but surely, a sound rejection
of Gojek began to flow from the taxi driver's base. They
assume the existence of the Gojek interfere with their
existence and make them losers. The diviners of the usual
taxi available in the capital city of Jakarta, began to fret with

June 26, 2016


the abundance of the GoJek drivers seliweran in the streets

of the capital.

The rivalry between the driver of a taxi driver with a Gojek

base is indeed unavoidable. Kapolda Metro Jaya also see pros
cons, which happened between carpenters and Gojek base is
more attributable to the issue of competition. Taxi base feel
tersaingi by the existence of Gojek.

When the General Manager of Corporate Relations Gojek,

Sam Diah already stated that it is present to help the driver
of a taxi base, and not otherwise compete with them. "The
main thing we tell them is we are not here to compete with
the driver of their base," said Sam Diah. The forms of
assistance provided to the Gojek pengojek his opinion is to
increase their income with the help of technology. Not only
that, the pengojek also got compensation for accident and
health insurance coverage. Until now, said Sam Diah, Gojek
still opened the opportunity for the driver of a taxi bases to

Until this sat, still no solutions to the conflict between the

carpenters bases with Gojek. Kapolda Metro Jaya command
Inspector General Tito Karnavian excess attention to provide

June 26, 2016


security of the rider Gojek rated yet so a permanent solution.

If the application of the policy in the field thus making
carpenters base feel didiskriminasikan, then the solution will
be more difficult to achieve. The giving a sense of security for
Gojek, actually can be done with strict law enforcement and

More is needed to resolve the conflict between the Gojek

and the ojek base is clear rules. So far, there has been no
clear rules reserved Gojek or Taxi base. While there is no
legal rules, Kapolda could push the existence of mutual
agreement between the Gojek with the carpenters base not
to harm one of them. For example, Gojek could not enter the
complex or residential. Let it be the area taxi bases. While
Gojek just to travel with more distant regions. Another
important deal or no one is harmed. In the absence of an
agreement, which would have harmed not only Gojek and
taxi base only, but the citizens as well. Principle, in resolving
conflicts Gojek with this base, taxi should be no

Should be reached the way – the way that proposes dialogue,

like what was said by the Vice President of Marketing from

June 26, 2016


Gojek, Raobrown Irawan. "We will always be open to

dialogue. So far it is also right that we've met with the
Government and discussions. We will always be open, "he
said. Associate institutions financiers MDI Venture Agusta
Joshua said that innovative businesses such as Go-jek should
involve reliable Communicator. "Carpenters kan are generally
not familiar with the technology, there is resistance," said
Joshua. "In general our business model also when
downloading disrupt the system that already exists, the risk
of conflict is inevitable. Just as happened in foreign countries,
while the presence of Uber taxi service, it also gives rise to
conflict with the taxi drivers who feel the presence of uber
fleet will reduce their market share. Uber when it got to hire
David Plouffe, Obama's former campaign team as their
communication teams. CEO Gojek, Nadiem also
acknowledged that friction with conventional carpenters are
due to miscommunication.

The problem of Gojek vs. Taxi base is, in the past also have
occurred in other transportation modes i.e. taxis. In Bandung,
while Blue Bird taxi started may come, a local taxi driver-
driver sometimes wears argo horse then do a terrible
resistance, Blue Bird taxi were burned. But then the taxi

June 26, 2016


meter on a horse in Bandung start first settled themselves

from the violence that they ever made. They begin with
argometernya discipline, discipline and drive even in uniform.
And now many people say that taxi ride brand apapaun in
Bandung is safer than in Jakarta. They were not there to join
the Blue Bird, but they fix their system for the better.

The appearance of an application or an online-based on the

one hand was greeted positively by consumers. On the other
hand, the presence of an online also gave rise to problems.
Most conventional taxi drivers being distracted because an
online considered seizing the land for their living.
Consequently, it appears some cases clashes between
conventional versus taxi taxi online.

Related to this condition, Chairman of the Jakarta

Transportation Ellen Tangkudung said technological
developments clearly could not be avoided. However, if
technological advances it gave rise to a problem, then the
Government should act soon. The Government, said Ellen,
must figure out a way how to make conventional taxi doesn't
' clash ' with the taxi online.

June 26, 2016


"The Government was unable to dwell alone. They should go

to vote, "he said in the discussions" Examines the legal
aspects, social, and economic Phenomena: Gojek
Modernization vs. tradition "at the Faculty of law, University
of Indonesia (FHUI COMMISSIONER), Thursday (17/9).

Similar, Ditha Wiradiputra, a lecturer in competition law,

saying the Government Effort FHUI COMMISSIONER could
not stay silent in the presence of this phenomenon. As an
option the solution, Ditha mentions examples of how the
Government is addressing the impact of the proliferation of
modern minimarket-minimarket had accused shut off the
traditional market.

Then, the papar Ditha, when early minimart mushrooming,

many people who filed an objection to the Government. The
Government finally responded to that objection by giving the
terms to the businessmen who want to open up markets in
order to obtain a business license.

"They have it if you want to get up there for example

provisions a minimart how many meters from the stalls, and
so on. Well this must be thought by the Government related
to the phenomenon of ojek base versus a taxi online. The

June 26, 2016


Government can not it quietly wrote and let the community

work it out themselves, "call Ditha.

In addition to clashes with conventional taxi, other problems

is an online currently does not yet have a legal umbrella.
Always start, ACT number 22 in 2009 about traffic and Road
Transport did not recognize taxi as public transit, says Ellen.

The Faculty of engineering of the University of Indonesia

lecturer explains considerations for visitors does not fall into
the category of public transport because of the two-wheeled
vehicle (motor) has the potential hazard is quite high. Ellen
mentioned the 70 to 80 percent of the accidents occur on the
road on a motorcycle.

In fact, he continued, when entering the category of public

transport then the Government has a duty to perform the
construction to public transportation, and also there are
insurance-insurance that must be incurred in the accident
which occurred on public transport.

"That's roughly the cause why not include the public

transport paid Yes. If this taxi wants as personal transport
does nothing, because the Government does not provide
coaching, "said Ellen.

June 26, 2016


But if you look at the fact that occur in the field at this time,
the setting is required. Why? Because in reality this taxi more
growth and uncontrolled.

More than just protecting the carpenters of the base,

according to Ellen, the rule also required to protect other
public transport charged a duty to pay taxes. The
phenomenon of an online initak only weakens the ojek base,
said Ellen. Other public transport like taxis and more minibus
deserted even not berpenumpang.

"Citing cheaper and perhaps more comfortable than using

public transportation, people switched to taxi transport as a
solution that proved enough for him," says Ellen.

"This is indeed one Taxi transportation solutions Yes for the

community. Well while the Government could prepare
adequate transportation facilities, taxi-taxi can be used as
transportation, transportation between the bridging. Yes
while we await adequate transportation, "pungkas Ellen.

June 26, 2016


Kumpulan meme dari gojek

June 26, 2016


Kumpulan meme gojek

June 26, 2016




Humans are fundamentally social animals. Not only is group

living of obvious contemporary importance (see Spears,
Oakes, Ellemers, & Haslam, 1997), but also it represents the
fundamental survival strategy that has likely characterized
the human species from the beginning (see Simpson &
Kenrick, 1997). The ways in which people understand their
group membership thus play a critical role in social conflict
and harmony and in intergroup integration. This chapter
examines psychological perspectives on intergroup relations
and their implications for reducing bias and conflict and for
enhancing social integration. First, we review social
psychological theories on the nature of individual and

June 26, 2016


collective identities and their relation to social harmony and

conflict. Then, we examine theoretical perspectives on
reducing intergroup bias and promoting social harmony.
Next, we explore the importance of considering majority and
minority perspectives on intergroup relations, social conflict,
and integration. The chapter concludes by considering future
directions and practical implications.

Preparation of this chapter was supported by NIMH Grant

MH 48721 to the first two authors and an SSHRC Grant to the
third author. We gratefully acknowledge the helpful
guidance, suggestions, and support provided by Mel Lerner
and Irv Weiner on earlier versions of the work.


Perspectives on social conflict, harmony, and integration

have reflected a variety of disciplinary orientations. For
instance, psychological theories of intergroup attitudes have
commonly emphasized the role of the individual, in terms of
personality and attitude, in social biases and discrimination
(see Duckitt, 1992; Jones, 1997). Traditional psychological
theories, such as the work on the authoritarian personality
(Adorno, Frenkel-Brunswik, Levinson, & Sanford, 1950), have

June 26, 2016


considered the role of dysfunctional processes in the overt

expression of social biases. More contemporary approaches
to race relations, such as aversive racism and symbolic racism
perspectives, have considered the contributions of normal
processes (e.g., socialization and social cognition) to the
expression of subtle, and often unconscious, biases (Dovidio
& Gaertner, 1998; S. Gaertner & Dovidio, 1986; Kovel, 1970;
Sears, 1988; Sears & Henry, 2000). In addition, the role of
social norms and standards is emphasized in recent
reconceptualizations of older measures, such as
authoritarianism. Right-wing authoritarianism (Altemeyer,
1996, 1998) has been found to be associated with negative
attitudes toward a number of groups, particularly those
socially stigmatized by society (e.g.,Altemeyer, 1996; Esses,
Haddock, & Zanna, 1993).

Recent approaches to intergroup relations within psychology

have also considered the role of individual differences in.

representations of group hierarchy. Social dominance theory

(Pratto & Lemieux, 2001; Pratto, Sidanius, Stallworth, &
Malle, 1994; see also Sidanius & Pratto, 1999) assumes that
people who are strongly identified with high-status groups

June 26, 2016


and who see intergroup relations in terms of group

competition will be especially prejudiced and discriminatory
toward out-groups.These biases occur spontaneously as a
function of individual differences in social dominance
orientation, in contexts in which in-group–out-group
distinctions are salient (Pratto & Shih, 2000). Scales
developed to measure social dominance orientation pit the
values of group dominance and equality against each other
(see Pratto et al., 1994; Sidanius & Pratto, 1999). People high
in social dominance orientation believe that group
hierarchies are inevitable and desirable, and they may thus
see the world as involving competition between groups for
resources. They endorse items such as, “Some groups of
people are simply inferior to other groups” and “Sometimes
other groups must be kept in their place.” Individuals high in
social dominance orientation believe that unequal social
outcomes and social hierarchies are appropriate and
therefore support an unequal distribution of resources
among groups in ways that usually benefit their own group
(see Pratto et al., 1994; Sidanius, Levin, & Pratto, 1996).
Individuals low in social dominance orientation, in contrast,
are generally concerned about the welfare of others and are

June 26, 2016


empathic and tolerant of other individuals and groups (Pratto

et al., 1994). They tend to endorse items such as, “Group
equality should be our ideal” and “We would have fewer
problems if we treated people more equally.”

Sociological theories, in contrast, have frequently

emphasized the role of large-scale social and structural
dynamics in intergroup relations in general and in race
relations in particular (Blauner, 1972; Bonacich, 1972;
Wilson, 1978). These theories have considered the dynamics
of race relations largely in economic and class-based terms—
and often to the exclusion of individual influences (see Bobo,

Despite the existence of such divergent views, both

sociological and psychological approaches have converged to
recognize the importance of understanding the impact of
group functions and collective identities on race relations
(see Bobo, 1999). In terms of group functions, Blumer
(1958a, 1958b, 1965a, 1965b), for instance, offered a
sociologically based approach focusing on defense of group
position, in which group competition and threat were
considered fundamental processes in the development and

June 26, 2016


maintenance of social biases. With respect to race relations,

Blumer (1958a) wrote, “Race prejudice is a defensive
reaction to such challenging of the sense of group position.
As such, race prejudice is a protective device.It
functions,however short sightedly,top reserve the integrity
and position of the dominant group” (p. 5).

From a psychological orientation, Sherif, Harvey, White,

Hood, and Sherif (1961) similarly proposed that the
functional relations between groups are critical in
determining intergroup attitudes. According to this position,
competition between groups produces prejudice and
discrimination, whereas intergroup interdependence and
cooperative interaction that result in successful outcomes
reduce intergroup bias (see also Bobo, 1988; Bobo &
Hutchings, 1996; Campbell, 1965; Sherif, 1966).

With respect to the importance of collective identity,

psychological research has emphasized how the salience of
group versus individual identity can influence the way in
which people process social information. In particular, the
operation of group-level processes has been hypothesized to
be dynamically distinct from the influence of individual-level

June 26, 2016


processes. Different modes of functioning are involved, and

these modes critically influence how people perceive others
and experience their own sense of identity. In terms of
perceptions of others, for example, Brewer (1988) proposed
a dual process model of impression formation (see also the
continuum model; Fiske & Neuberg, 1990; see also Fiske, Lin,
& Neuberg, 1999). The primary distinction in Brewer’s model
is between two types of processing: person based and
category based. Person-based processing is bottom up and
data driven, involving the piecemeal acquisition of
information that begins “at the most concrete level and stops
at the lowest level of abstraction required by the prevailing
processing objectives” (Brewer, 1988, p. 6). Category-based
processing, in contrast, proceeds from global to specific; it is
top-down. In top-down processing, how the external reality
is perceived and experienced is influenced by category-
based, subjective impressions. According to Brewer,
category-based processing is more likely to occur than is
person-based processing because social information is
typically organized around social categories.

With respect to one’s sense of identity, social identity theory

(Tajfel & Turner, 1979) and self-categorization theory

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(Turner, 1985; see also Onorato & Turner, 2001) view the
distinction between personal identity and social identity as a
critical one (see Spears, 2001). When personal identity is
salient, a person’s individual needs, standards, beliefs, and
motives primarily determine behavior. In contrast, when
social identity is salient, “people come to perceive
themselves as more interchangeable exemplars of a social
category than as unique personalities.

June 26, 2016


Saya menggunakan Teori Handbook CHAPTER 20
Teori “Social Conflict, Harmony and Integration” dari
John V. Dovidio, Samuel L. Gaertner, Victoria M. Esses,
dan Marilynn B. Brewer dalam menyelesaikan buku ini.

June 26, 2016


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