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a. Karakteristik UMKM
b. Pengguna Informasi dan Jenis Keputusannya
c. Pengukuran Kinerja UMKM
d. Karakterisik Akuntansi/Pembukuan UMKM
i. Keterbatasan-keterbatasan
ii. Model-model Pembukuan UMKM
e. Penyelenggaraan Sistem Pembukuan Tunggal (Single Entry System)
i. Catatan-catatan (buku-buku) yang perlu diselenggarakan
ii. Penyusunan laporan posisi keuangan dan laporan perhitungan laba-rugi
a. Konversi Sinle Entry ke Double Entry
b. Alternatif Penyelenggaraan Sistem Akuntansi Double Entry UMKM
a. Jenis-Jenis Koperasi
b. Karakteristik dan Bentuk Aktivitas Usaha Koperasi
c. Pengguna Informasi Koperasi dan Jenis Keputusannya
d. Pengukuran Kinerja Koperasi
e. Penyelenggaraan Sistem Akuntansi dan Pembukuan Khusus Koperasi
i. Laporan Keuangan dan Chart of Account Koperasi
ii. Akuntansi Ekuitas Koperasi
iii. Akuntansi SHU
4. AKUNTANSI ORGANISASI NIR LABA (?): Pendidikan, Yayasan Sosial (3 minggu)
a. Jenis-Jenis Organisasi Nir Laba
b. Karakteristik Organisasi Nir Laba
c. Pengguna Informasi Organisasi Nir Laba dan Jenis Keputusannya
d. Pengukuran Kinerja Organisasi Nir Laba
e. Karakteristik Akuntansi Nir Laba
f. Penyelenggaraan Sistem Akuntansi dan Pembukuan Khusus Organisasi Nir Laba
i. Laporan Keuangan dan Chart of Account Organisasi Nir Laba
ii. Akuntansi Penerimaan Iuran
iii. Akuntansi Penggunaan Dana (Belanja)
5. CAPITA SELEKTA (3 minggu)
a. Akuntansi Rumah sakit
b. Akuntansi Hotel
Difference Between Single Entry System and
Double Entry System
August 3, 2015 By Surbhi S Leave a Comment

A business entity can record its monetary transactions either on Single Entry System or Double
Entry System of Bookkeeping. The former is less laborious as well as less time consuming
while the latter completely records the transactions which need substantial effort and time.
Many accounting students suffer confusion between these two approaches to bookkeeping. If
you are looking for their differences, then you are at the right place. This article will reveal all
the substantial differences between Single Entry System and Double Entry System.

Content: Single Entry System Vs Double Entry System

1. Comparison Chart
2. Definition
3. Key Differences
4. Conclusion

Comparison Chart

Basis for
Single Entry System Double Entry System
The system of accounting in which The accounting system, in which every
only one sided entry is required to transaction affects two accounts
record financial transactions is simultaneously is known as the Double
Single Entry System. Entry System.
Nature Simple Complex
Type of recording Incomplete Complete
Errors Hard to identify Easy to locate
Which type of
accounts are Personal and Cash Account Personal, Real and Nominal Account
Preferable for Small Enterprises Big Enterprises
Preparation of
Financial Difficult Easy
Suitable for tax
No Yes
Financial position Cannot be ascertained easily. Can be ascertained easily.
Read more:
Single Entry System (Single Entry
Accounting Bookkeeping) Explained
Definitions, Meaning, and Examples
Home > Encyclopedia > S > Single Entry Accounting

© Business Encyclopedia, ISBN 978-1-929500-10-9. Updated 2016-07-12.

A few businesses choose single entry accounting instead of the more common double entry system. With single
entry accounting, each financial event brings just one transaction in the system, an approach similar to the way that
individuals use a check register.

What is single entry accounting?

Single entry accounting (single entry system, or single entry bookkeeping) is a simple form
of bookkeeping and accounting in which each financial transaction is recorded with a single
entry in a journal or transaction log.

The single entry approach contrasts with double entry bookkeeping and accounting, in which
every transaction results in two equal and offsetting entries, one a debit (DR) and the other a
credit (CR).

 What is single entry accounting?
 Single entry systems: Examples.
 When and where is single entry bookkeeping may be sufficient?
 What are single entry system advantages and disadvantages?

Single Entry Systems: Examples

The single entry approach is very similar to the check register that individuals use to keep track
of checks, deposits, and balances for a single checking account: The amount of each cash inflow
or outflow is recorded along with the transaction name or description. Tables 1 and 2, below, are
examples showing how the single entry bookkeeping / accounting record might look for one
day's transactions for a very small business (e.g., a small retail shop operating as a sole
Date Transaction Amount
1 June XX Starting balance for day $4,520.00
1 June XX Electricity bill for month ($149.80)
1 June XX Postage stamps purchased ($43.00)
1 June XX Inventory purchased ($624.15)
1 June XX Daily product sales $1,040.25
1 June XX Sales tax paid ($83.22)
1 June XX Dailyservice revenues $592.25
1 June XX Bank acct interest received $180.83
1 June XX Customer refund paid ($42.95)
1 June XX Ending balance for day $5,390.21
Table 1. The simplest form of single entry bookkeeping for one day's transactions for a small
business. Funds received are positive numbers andfunds paid out are negative (in parentheses).
Date Transaction Revenues Expenses Balance
1 June XX Starting balance for day $4,520.00
1 June XX Electricity bill for month ($149.80) $4,370.20
1 June XX Postage stamps purch. ($43.00) $4,327.20
1 June XX Inventory purchased ($624.15) $3,703.5
1 June XX Daily product sales $1,040.25 $4,743.30
1 June XX Sales tax paid ($83.22) $4,660.08
1 June XX Dailyservice revenues $592.25 $5,252.33
1 June XX Bank interest received $180.83 $5,433.16
1 June XX Customer refund paid ($42.95) $5,390.21
1 June XX Ending balance for day $5,390.21
Table 2. Single entry bookkeeping with a running balance and separate columns for incoming
revenues and outgoing expenses. Funds received are positive numbers, funds paid out are

Additional columns can be added, of course, to show different categories of revenues or

expenses. The only structure required in the records is to include enough different revenue and
expense categories to meet tax reporting requirements.

Where and when is single entry bookkeeping sufficient?

Single entry bookkeeping and accounting can be adequate for a small business practicing cash
basis accounting. The single entry approach may, in fact, be preferred over a double-entry
system for small companies where all or most of these conditions apply:

 The company uses cash basis accounting, not accrual accounting.

 The company has few financial transactions per day.
 The company does not sell on its own credit, meaning it does not deliver goods or
services and then invoice customers for payment later. Customers must pay at the time of
the sale either in cash, or by written check or bank transfer, or with a 3rd-party
credit/debit card.
 The company has very few employees.
 The company owns few expensive business-supporting physical assets (e.g., it may own
some product inventory, office supplies, and cash in a bank account, but it does not own
buildings, substantial amounts of office furniture, large computer systems, production
machinery, vehicles, etc.).
 The company is privately held or operates as a sole proprietorship or partnership (i.e., the
company does not need to publish the income statement, balance sheet, or other financial
statements that are required of publicly owned companies). 

Under such conditions, a single entry system may be adequate to meet the company's legal

reporting obligations. The single entry system may be adequate for  

 Supporting income tax reporting for the company (for which the primary data

are outgoing expenses and incoming revenues).
 Proving that the company collected and paid government sales taxes for goods or services
 Proving that the company pays its own income taxes. 
 Proving that the company complied with minimum wage payment and employee income
tax withholding requirements.
 Forecasting future budgetary needs and sales revenues.
 Providing real-time visibility and control of incoming and outgoing funds, to avoid over
budget spending or overdrawing the company checking account.

What are single entry system advantages and

The advantages and disadvantages of single entry bookkeeping are best described by comparison
with the primary alternate approach, a double entry system.

Single entry system advantages

Single entry bookkeeping and accounting have the great advantage of simplicity over double
entry bookkeeping and accounting. 

 The single entry approach is readily understood by people with little or no financial or
accounting background.
 For many small companies, the single entry approach can be implemented without the
involvement of a trained bookkeeper or accountant.
 The single entry approach does not require complex accounting software. It should be
clear from the examples above, for instance, that a single entry system can be created and
maintained easily in a written notebook or a very simple spreadsheet.
Single entry system disadvantages

Single entry accounting provides insufficient records and insufficient control for public
companies and other organizations that are required to file audited financial statements such as
the income statement or balance sheet. Nor can it—by itself—give owners and management
crucial information for evaluating the company's financial position. Some of the important
differences between the two approaches illustrate disadvantages of the single entry approach:

     Lack of error checking

A double entry system provides several forms of error checking that are absent in a single entry
system. In the double entry system, every financial transaction results in both a debit (DR) entry
in one account and an equal, offsetting  credit  (CR) entry in another account. For any time
period, the sum of all debits must equal the sum of all credits. That is:

Total DR = Total CR

Moreover, a double entry system works so that the balance sheet equation always holds:

Assets = Liabilities + Equities

These equations together are known as the accounting equation. Any departure from these

equalities in a double entry system is a signal that a transaction entry error has been made

This kind of error checking is not built into a single entry system. If the single-entry bookkeeper
mistakenly enters, say, a revenue inflow as $10,000 when the correct value is $1,000, the error
may not be detected until the company receives a bank statement with an unexpected
low balance for a bank account (or an overdrawn account). In a double-entry system, however,
the $1,000 cash deposit entry (a debit to an asset account, cash on hand) will be accompanied by
another entry recognizing the source, e.g., a credit to a liability account (e.g., bank loan) or a
credit to another asset account (accounts receivable). If the second entry were not made, the
sums of credits and debits in the system would differ, immediately revealing the error.  

     Focus on revenues and expenses only

A double entry system keeps in view the company's entire chart of accounts. That is, all
transactions in a double entry system result in entries in two different accounts, which may be
the so-called income statement accounts (revenue accounts and expense accounts) or the so-
called balance sheet accounts (asset accounts, liability accounts, and equities accounts). 

When the company receives cash through a bank loan, as mentioned, the double entry system
records a debit for an asset account, e.g., cash on hand  (for an asset account, a debit is an
ifncrease), as well as a credit to a liability account, e.g., bank loans (with a liability account, an
increase is a credit).
With a single-entry system, the company may record cash received from a bank loan as incoming
cash, but there is no easy way to record the corresponding increase in liability (bank loan to be
repaid). Single entry systems do not easily track the value of assets, liabilities or equities. 

Single entry systems, moreover, work hand-in-glove with cash basis accounting, where inflows
and outflows are recorded only when cash actually flows. Single entry systems cannot easily
support the alternative approach, accrual accounting—as used by the vast majority of businesses
worldwide. When the delivery of goods and services comes at a different time from cash
payment for those goods and services, for instance, accrual accounting provides the mechanisms
for implementing the matching concept, the practice of recognizing revenues and the costs that
brought them in the same accounting period.

If the vendor delivery and the customer payment fall in different time periods, however, the
single entry system has no way of matching the two events and thus presents a misleading
picture of earnings for either period.

As a result, it is extremely difficult to build a single entry system that conforms to the GAAP
requirements in most countries (Generally accepted accounting principles). This lack may not
concern sole proprietorships, partnerships, or very small privately held corporations—whose
accounting systems must support only the company's needs to comply with tax and employment
reporting requirements. It is nearly impossible to build a single entry system, however,
that supports by itself the reporting needs of public corporations (companies that sell shares of
stock to the public), or other companies that must report statements of income, financial position
(balance sheet), retained earnings, or cash flow (changes in financial position).
6 Jenis Pembukuan Sederhana yang Wajib Dimiliki Bisnis
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Meskipun Bisnis Anda Masih Kecil, Anda Tetap Harus Belajar Tentang Pembukuan. Inilah
Tips Pembukuan Bisnis Kecil Untuk Anda.

Pembukuan adalah salah satu tugas terpenting yang seringkali dilalaikan oleh pemilik bisnis.
Apalagi karena ia tidak berdampak secara cepat terhadap bisnis. Belum lagi, tidak semua
entrepreneur diberkahi dengan ketelatenan dan latar belakang di bidang akuntansi. Padahal,
sekali Anda melalaikannya, maka akibatnya akan menghantam Anda di belakang hari. Anda bisa
menghindarinya dengan membuat pembukuan sederhana. Tidak perlu terlalu mewah. Cukup
sebuah pembukuan yang lengkap dan tidak membuat Anda merasa terbebani. Berikut adalah 6 di

1. Buku Pengeluaran.

Berisi catatan sehari-hari untuk setiap pengeluaran yang terjadi di bisnis Anda. Mulai dari beli
barang sekecil klip, hingga memenuhi kembali stok barang jualan Anda di gudang.

2. Buku Pemasukan.

Setiap sen yang keluar dan masuk ke dalam bisnis Anda HARUS dicatat ke dalam buku arus kas
Anda. Buku pemasukan berisi tentang catatan setiap uang yang masuk ke dalam bisnis Anda

3. Buku Arus Kas.

Arus kas bisnis Anda harus terus menerus dikontrol agar Anda tahu apakah perusahaan Anda
masih punya cadangan biaya untuk beroperasi, atau justru sudah lama pailit. Maka, pencatatan
dan pelaporan harus dilakukan dengan seksama dan teliti.
4. Buku Catatan Stok.

Dengan catatan ini, Anda bisa mengawasi operasional sehari-hari bisnis Anda. Anda bisa
membandingkan antara pemasukan, pengeluaran untuk stok, dan jumlah barang yang keluar dari
gudang. Apabila tidak sesuai, maka ada beberapa hal yang patut Anda curigai.

5. Buku Inventaris Barang.

Dengan catatan ini, Anda bisa menjaga setiap aset yang Anda miliki tetap ada di bawah kendali
Anda. Caranya, catat setiap barang yang Anda beli di sini, setelah Anda mencatatnya pada buku
pengeluaran. Secara berkala, bandingkan antara aset Anda di buku inventaris dengan buku
pengeluaran Anda. Buku ini sangat efektif untuk  bisnis restoran. Misalnya untuk mengetahui
dengan pasti jumlah peralatan masak dan peralatan makan yang Anda miliki.

6. Buku Laba Rugi.

Buku laba rugi adalah pembukuan sederhana pada suatu periode akuntansi yang di dalamnya
terdiri dari unsur-unsur seperti pendapatan dan beban perusahaan. Dari sini, Anda bisa
mengetahui laba (atau justru rugi) bersih yang dihasilkan bisnis Anda.


Selain itu, berikut adalah 2 tips yang perlu Anda terapkan ketika menyusun pembukuan

KISS. Keep it super simple. Pastikan orang lain tidak perlu ekstra latihan untuk bisa membaca
pembukuan Anda.

Tidak perlu mengejar kesempurnaan. Apalagi jika Anda adalah entrepreneur yang sama
sekali tidak memiliki latar belakang akuntansi. Better done than perfect. Yang penting adalah
Anda punya pembukuan yang mudah dibaca, jika kelak bisnis Anda perlu untuk menyewa satu
orang khusus untuk bagian akuntansi.

Gunakan teknologi. Meski namanya adalah buku, bukan berarti pembukuan Anda harus
berbentuk buku. Pencatatan dengan software seperti Microsoft Excel akan membuat hidup Anda
lebih mudah. Namun jangan lupa untuk mencetak pembukuan Anda secara berkala.

Nah Sobat Studentpreneur, Anda sudah membuat catatan pembukuan sederhana untuk bisnis
Anda? Mari berdiskusi di kolom komentar! Anda juga bisa mendapatkan informasi bisnis anak
muda kreatif melalui Facebook atau Twitter Studentpreneur. [Photo Credit: Alexander]

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