Anda di halaman 1dari 2


2 9 digit pertama dalam NPWP adalah kode ...

3 Funds sent by the payer but are not yet usable to the payee is called ..
6 Kombinasi alat lindung nilai adalah ...
9 A debit balance in MOH account indicates ...... overhead
16 Business intellegence technique which uses queries to guide investigation of
hypothesized relationships in data is....
17 Auditing standard regarding agreeing the terms of the audit is ISA.... (in numbers)
20 The first step of a systems development life cycle is ..
21 Element of appropriate audit evidence, in which evidence must be trustworthy is ....
22 Bagian dari proses yang membatasi output total dari seluruh sistem adalah ...
24 Bonds denominated in a currency other than that of its country of issue is ...
25 Revenue stability and cash flow are factors in considering ...... in capital structure decisions.

1 Control which determines if the characters inputted are of the proper type and
right format is a ..... check.
4 Amount of time required to turn raw materials into completed products is ....
5 Pertahanan pengambilalihan dimana perusahaan target membeli sejumlah besar
saham dengan harga premium untuk satu atau lebih pemegang saham adalah..
7 Budgeting approach where the year's budget is referred to previous year's figures and
adjusted to account for expected changes is ......
8 The level of capacity based on producing at full efficiency all the time is ..... capacity.
1 O A document relating to the authorization of merchandise from the warehouse for shipping is..
11 Ketika auditor tidak memperoleh bukti yang cukup dan tepat dan menyimpulkan bahwa
pengaruh kesalahan penyajian material yang tidak terdeteksi bersifat material dan
pervasif, maka opini yang dikeluarkan adalah...
12 Firm's beginning production process to cash collection is ....
13 The gap between duties reasonably expected of auditors and society's expectations is...
14 Kode jenis setoran PPh pasal 22 untuk pemungutan pajak yang dilakukan oleh
bendahara APBN adalah ... (dalam angka)
15 The standard made by IAASB regarding analytical procedures is ISA...... (in numbers)
18 The organization which oversees audits of public companies and other issuers to
protect investors and public interests is ..
19 Bagan batang yang menampilkan tanggal dan tahapan penyelesaian untuk setiap tugas
proyek adalah bagan ....
23 Bahasa pemrograman yang dirancang khusus untuk memfasilitasi komunikasi informasi
bisnis adalah ..

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