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(An Experimental Research at the first grade Students of SMA Negeri 1 Gowa)


Submitted to the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Makassar

Muhammadiyah University in Part Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree
of Education in English Department



NIM 10535 6103 14




Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini:

Nam : Muhammad Nur Fajar Mursal

Nim : 10535 6103 14

Jurusan : Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris



Dengan ini menyatakan bahwa skripsi yang saya ajukan di depan tim
penguji adalah hasil karya saya sendiri dan bukan hasil ciptaan orang lain atau
dibuatkan oleh siapapun.
Demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dan saya bersedia menerima sanksi
apabila pernyataan ini tidak benar.

Makassar, Mei 2019

Yang Membuat Pernyataan

Muhammad Nur Fajar M


Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini:

Nama : Muhammad Nur Fajar Mursal

Nim : 10535 6103 14

Jurusan : Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris

Fakultas : Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

Dengan ini menyatakan perjanjian sebagai berikut:

1. Mulai dari penyusunan proposal sampai selesai penyusunan skripsi ini, saya
akan menyusun sendiri skripsi saya (tidak dibuatkan oleh siapapun).
2. Dalam menyusun skripsi, saya akan selalu melakukan konsultasi dengan
pembimbing yang telah ditetapkan oleh pimpinan fakultas.
3. Saya tidak akan melakukan penjiplakan (plagiat) dalam penyusunan skripsi.
4. Apabila saya melanggar perjanjian seperti pada butir1, 2, dan 3, saya bersedia
menerima sanksi sesuai dengan aturan yang berlaku.
Demikian perjanjian ini saya buat dengan penuh kesadaran.

Makassar, Mei 2019

Yang Membuat Perjanjian

Muhammad Nur Fajar M


Tetaplah fokus terhadap cita-citamu. Kemudian, bersabarlah ketika

kesulitan menghampirimu dan perbanyaklah doa kepada allah.
Sesungguhnya setelah kesulitan pasti akan ada kemudahan


This thesis is dedicated to:

The researcher’s beloved father and mother, my brother, my sister, my

beloved women and my friend.


Muhammad nur fajar mursal, 2019. The Use of Picture Series as Media in
Increasing Students’ Writing Skill ( A Pre-Experimental Research at the First
Grade Students of SMA Negeri 1 Gowa in the Academic Year of 2018/2019).
Under the thesis of English Education Department, the Faculty of Teacher
Training and Education, Makassar Muhammadiyah University, guided by Ummy
Khaerati Syam and Muh. Astrianto Setiadi.

The objective of the research was to find out whether the use of picture
series is able to improve the content of the students writing or not which it
referred the ability of the students to write narrative text in content covering unity
and completeness, and language use covering tenses.

The researcher used a Pre-experimental Design with one group pre-test and
post-test design. The population was the First Grade Students of SMA Negeri 1
Gowa in Academic Year 2018-2019, which consisted of six classes. The sample
was 35 students. It employed of six meetings. It employed essay writing as
instrument. A number of the samples were 35 students in Class X.E.

The research findings indicated that using Picture Series could improve the
students writing ability in terms of content and language use especially in writing
narrative text. It was proved by the students’ mean score in pre-test was 65.68 and
post-test was 82.77. It showed that the students’ writing ability in post-test was
higher than pre test. After calculating the difference between matched pair (D), it
was found that the result of t-test value was 25,53. By applying the level of
significance (p) =0,05 and the degree of freedom (df) = 35-1=34, it was found that
the result of t-table was 2.03. Therefore, the t-test was greater than t-table
(25.53>2.03). Therefore, the t-test was greater than t-table (25.53>2.03) and null
hyphothesis was rejected and Alternative hypothesis was accepted. It mean that
there was a significant difference in the students’ writing ability before and after
applying Picture Series.

Keywords: picture series, content, language use, writing skill.


Alhamdulillah Robbil Alamin, the writer expresses his sincere gratitude to

the almighty God, Allah S.W.T, who has given guidance, mercy, and good health.

So that he could finish writing this thesis. Shalawat and Salam are addressed to

beloved and chosen religious messenger the prophet Muhammad S.A.W. as great

guidance and marvelous teacher for all of human in the world.

I would like to express my deepest profound gratitude to my parents, my

father Muh. Mursal, my mother Suharti Arsyad for their prayer, financial,

motivation and sacrificed. Thanks to Kamaluddin, S.Pd who always gives spirit

and help me to quickly complete my thesis.

The researcher realizes that in carrying out the research and writing this

Thesis, many people have contributed their valuable suggestion, guidance,

assistance, and advice for the completion of this thesis. Therefore he would like to

thank them:

1. The highest appreciation for the Rector of Makassar Muhammadiyah

University, Dr. H. Abd. Rahman Rahim, SE.,M.M

2. My deeply and most grateful to Erwin Akib, M.Pd., Ph.D, the Dean of

Teacher Training and Education, staff and also all lecturer who have taught

the writer during study at Makassar Muhammadiyah University.

3. The highest appreciation for the Head of English Department of Makassar

Muhammadiyah University, Ummi Khaerati Syam, S.Pd, M.Pd.

4. My greatest thanks are due Ummi Khaerati Syam, S.Pd., M.Pd as my first

consultant and Muh. Astrianto Setiadi, S.Pd., M.Pd as my second consultant,

who has helped the writer in correcting this thesis and has spent a lot of time

to give guidance, suggestion, and advice in the accomplishment of this thesis.

5. The highest appreciation for the Head Master of SMA Neg. 1 Gowa, Drs.

Muh, Arsyad S. M.Pd and the English teacher and all the staff of the school

for their permission, supports, and facilities during my research and all my

students the first grade of SMA Neg. 1 Gowa.

6. Finally, for the H class and all everybody that could not be mentioned one by

one, may Allah S.W.T. the almighty God be with us now and forever.

Finally, I strongly hope that all supports, encouragement, and facilities

from all people and parties that make it possible and easy for me to complete this

research are noted as act of devotion by Allah SWT. May the Almighty Allah

SWT always be with us, Aamiiin.

Makassar, April 2019

Muh. Fajar Mursal


TITLE PAGE ................................................................................................ i

LEMBAR PENGESAHAN .......................................................................... ii
PERSETUJUAN PEMBIMBING................................................................. iii
SURAT PERNYATAAN .............................................................................. iv
SURAT PERJANJIAN ................................................................................. v
MOTO DAN PERSEMBAHAN .................................................................. vi
ABSTRACT…………................................................................................... vii
AKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................. viii
TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................. x
LIST OF TABLE ........................................................................................... xiii
LIST OF FIGURE......................................................................................... xiv
LIST OF GRAPHIC ................................................................................... xv

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION................................................................ 1
A. Background ....................................................................................... 1
B. Problem statement............................................................................. 3
C. Objective of the study ....................................................................... 3
D. Significant of the study ..................................................................... 4
E. Scope of the study ............................................................................. 4


A. Previous Related Research Findings ............................................. 5

B. Concept of Writing............................................................................ 7

1. Definition of writing ................................................................... 7

2. Component of good writing ........................................................ 7

3. The important of writing ............................................................. 9

4. The characteristic of good writing .............................................. 10

5. Types of writing ......................................................................... 11

6. Process of writing…………………………............................... 12

C. The concept of narrative text ......................................................... 13

1. Definition of narrtive text ........................................................... 13

2. Type of narrative text .................................................................. 13

3. Generic structure of narrative text............................................... 14

4. Language feature of narrative text .............................................. 15

D. The concept of teaching media....................................................... 15

1. Definition of teaching media....................................................... 15

2. The function of teaching media................................................... 16

3. Kinds of teaching media............................................................... 16

E. Concept of picture series ................................................................. 17

1. Defenition of picture series........................................................... 17

2. The advantage of picture series..................................................... 18

3. Step of picture series...................................................................... 19

F. Conceptual frame work..................................................................... 19

G. Hypothesis........................................................................................... 20

CHAPTER III METHOD OF RESEARCH ............................................ 21

A. Research design................................................................................. 21
B. Population and sample ...................................................................... 23
C. Variable and indicators of research................................................... 23
D. Research instrument .......................................................................... 24
E. Data collection .................................................................................. 24
F. Data analysis ..................................................................................... 25


A. Finding .... ......................................................................................... 28

B. Discussion …………………………………………………. ……... 38


A. Conclusion ........................................................................................ 41
B. Suggestion ………………………………………………….……... 42
BIBLIOGRAPHY....................................................................................... 43
APPENDIX.................................................................................................. 45


Table Page

Table 3.1 Criteria score of content ........................................................... 26

Table 3.2 Criteria score for language use................................................. 26

Table 3.3 Classifying the score of the students ........................................ 27

Table 4.1 the improvement of unity and completeness of content in the student’s

narrative text………………………………………………….... 29

Table 4.2 the frequency and percentage of the students’writing ability

in terms of content.................................................................... 30

Table 4.3 the improvement of tenses in the students’ability narrative

text............................................................................................ 32

Table 4.4 the frequency and percentage of the students’writing ability

in terms of language use........................................................... 33

Table 4.5 the improvement of content and language use in the students’

narrative text............................................................................. 34

Table 4.6 the improvement of the writing in narrative text..................... 36

Table 4.7 the value of t-test................................................................ 37



Chart 2.1 Conceptual Framework…………….……………………….. 19

Chart 4.1 the improvement of the students’ in unity and completeness .. 31

Chart 4.2 the improvement of the students’ in tenses ............................. 34

Chart 4.3 the improvement of the students in content and language use . 35

Chart 4.4 the students’ improvement of the students’ ability in writing

narrative text in terms of content and language use ................. 36



Figure 3.1 Research Design...................................................................... 22




A. Background

English is the third most widely spoken mother tongue in the world,

after Mandarin and Spanish. English is also used as a second language and

official language by the European Union, Commonwealth, and the United

Nations, as well as various other organizations. English in Indonesia is

generally taught as a foreign language. The term 'foreign language' in the

field of language teaching differs from 'second language'. A foreign language

is a language that is not used as a communication tool in a particular country

where the language is taught. While the second language is a language that is

not the primary language but became one of the languages used in general in

a country. For example, English in Singapore is a second language. Mass

media, communications, and talks in the country often use English. In

Indonesia, the policy of teaching English as a foreign language changes over

time and the turn of policies that are mostly economic and political.

Writing is one the four basic skills in teaching and learning which must

be mastered by the students and taught well by the teachers. Writing is a

language in printed form; it is used to convey information about something

and to express idea. Writing is also a system of intercommunication by means

of conventional visible marks. According to Flynn and Stainthorp in thresia

(2017:9) “writing is a complex process that allows writers to explore


thoughts, ideas, and make it visible and concrete”. According to Richards and

Renandya in thresia (2017 :9) “ state that the process of teaching writing

consists of four basic stages. They are planning, drafting, revising and


English has four skills that are speaking, reading, listening, writing.

from some existing skill in english, skill less interested student is writing.

because there are several factors so students are less interested in writing.

internal factors are obstacles that arise from within the student itself for

example students do not have sufficient vocabulary. external factors namely

obstacles that arise from outside the student, namely from the teacher itself

such as: The teacher does not provide process writing for students, so there

are no stages that can help students in making their writing. The teacher does

not teach writing using appropriate techniques. The teacher does not provide

interesting material or media in students' writing activities.

At the initial observation, the researcher see the school's teachers only

provide explanations to students and use the book package to write a narrative

text. Automatically if the teacher only gives an explanation and gives a book

to write narrative text, the student's skill will not develop especially the

student's vocabulary.

Based on the above problem, the researcher decided to promote one of

the teaching picture of series as media that appeal to the students in order to

help the students in making narrative text by using picture as media.


The purpose of using the picture of series as media in learning this

writing so that students can develop skills in writing.

Based on the above problem, the researcher is interested to lift a

research title with The Use Of Picture Series as Media To Increase writing

Narrative Text ’ at The first Grade Students Of SMA Negeri 1 Gowa.

B. Problem Statements

Related to the background above, the researcher formulates the

problem in this study are :

a. does the use of picture series increase the writing narrative text in terms of

language use

b. does the use of picture series increase the writing narrative text in terms of


C. Objectives of the Study

Based on the research problems above, the objective of the research

are as follows:

a. to find out whether or not the use of picture series increase the students’

writing skill in terms of language use at the first grade students of SMA

Negeri 1 Gowa.

b. to find out whether or not the use of picture series increase the students’

writing skill in terms of content at the first grade students of SMA Negeri

1 Gowa.

D. Significance of the study

1. For the students :

The students can apply the use of series of picture as media in their

study club to improve their writing ability. It helps them become better

learner and help them to evaluate and have responsibility for their own


2. For the teacher :

This study can give a contribution to other teachers to innovate learning

media, especially by using series of picture as media in teaching, so that they

can increase both teaching-learning quality and the students' learning


3. For other researcher :

The result of the study can be used as a reference for starting point to

conduct further study about teaching and learning English, especially by

applying the use of series of picture as media in every classroom activity.

E. Scope of the study

This research was limited to the use picture series as media to improve

writing skill in narrative text. These were focused on content and language

use because most of the students have difficulty in writing well and they have

difficulty in expressing their idea to complete their writing’s content.




A. Previous Related Research Findings

There had been some research related to the writing skill by using

picture series. Some of them are quoted below.

The first research was Using Picture Series to Enhance Students’

Ability in Narrative Writing by Khotimah (2017). In this research, the

researcher found that by using picture series can improve the students’

writing skill. The result of this study showed that the improvement of the

experimental class was higher than that of the control class. It was known

from the comparison of the improvement of their average score in both

classes on the content aspect of writing that is 7.26 in the experimental class

and 3.28 in the control class. Besides, the result of the hypothesis testing

shows that the score is 0.000 which is lower than 0.05 (0.000<0.05), which

means the research hypothesis that “the use of picture series can improve the

students’ ability in narrative writing skill especially on the content aspect” is


The second researcher was the effect of picture series toward students’

Descriptive writing skill by Nina Puspitaloka (2016). In this research,

research found that using picture series was effective to improve students’

writing skill. In this research, written test was administered as an instrument

for both experimental and control groups and the administrating of


questionnaires given to an experimental group. To answer the first research

problem, the data from written test were analyzed using independent t-test.

The result of data was of t observed = 2.037 and t table = 2.00 with the

standard of significance 0.05. It means that t observed was higher than the t

table (2.037 > 2.00). Moreover, the result indicated that Picture Series media

significantly was effective toward students’ descriptive writing skill. Based

on the result of questionnaire, it can be explained that most of the students

had positive responses in learning writing of descriptive text by using Picture

Series media and they were felt enjoyable and interested series to use pictures

in learning writing descriptive text.

The third research was Using Pictures Series Technique to Enhance

Narrative Writing among Ninth Grade Students at Institución Educativa

Simón Araujo by Katia Gregoria Contreras Gutiérrez (2015). In this research,

the researcher found that by using pictures series can influence the students’

achievement in writing skill. The obtained results through descriptive

statistics (Mean) indicated there was a significant difference between the

group which was taught through Pictures series technique and Process-based

approach over the one which only received Process-based instruction. The

researchers conclude that the intervention with Picture series technique

improved the overall growth of writing skills, specific to the areas of

Transition or logical sequence and Ideas exposure.

Based on the previous related studies above, the researcher concluded

that the using picture series in the class is effective to improve students’

writing skill and students more understand the material in their writing


B. Concept of Writing

1. Definition of Writing

Byrne in Hartina (2013:8) states that writing is clearly more than the

prediction of the sounds. The symbols have been arranged according to

certain in convention. As rule, however the students do not write just one

sentence or a number of sentence as arranged in particular order linked

together in certain ways. Writing involves the encoding of message of some

kinds that translate throghout into language.

D’ Angelo in Fajriani (2016:7), states that writing is a form of

thinking for a particular audience, and for particular occasion. According to

this concept that one of the most important tasks as a writer is to master the

principles of writing and thinking that will help to achieve his goal. The most

important of these principles are those of invention arrangement, and style

invention is the process of discovering ideas for speaking or writing


2. omponents of good writing

Jacob in Fajriani (2016:15) points out five kinds of components in

writing. They are content, organization, language use, vocabulary, and


a. Content

The content of writing should be clear for the readers so that the readers

can understand the message convey and gain information from it. In order to

have a good content of writing, its content should be well unified and

completed. This term is usually known as unity and completeness, which

become characteristic of good writing.

b. Organization

The purpose of organizing material in writing involves coherence,

order of importance, and general to specific general, chronological order and

spatial order of pattern. When writing the learner should arrange their writing

chronologically. They should present their ideas based on the order of which

happened from the beginning to the end.

c. Vocabulary

Vocabulary is one of the language aspects dealing with the process of

writing study. In the process of writing the writer always thinks about putting

word into sentences and then putting sentences into pharagraphs untill they

can create a piece of writing. The lack of vocabulary make someone fails to

compose what they are going to say because they felt difficult to choose the

appropriate vocabulary.

d. Language Use

Language used in writing description and other form of writing

involves connected languages and point of grammar should be one that is


capable of producing grammar. We should not be able to do anything more

than latter separate function. And also grammar can help the students improve

the use of formal language.

e. Mechanics

Mechanics in writing deals with capitalization, spelling and

punctuation. Capital letters have principal use in English writing. This may be

use distinguish between particular and general classes of person, place, and


3. The Important of Writing

There are a lot of reasons why writing is important by Hairston in

Fajriani (2016: 9):

a. Writing is a tool for discovey. We stimulate our thought process by the act

writing into information and tab into information and image we have our

unconscious mind.

b. Writing helps us to organize our ideas. We can arrange them in coherent


c. Writing generates new ideas by helping us to make connection and see


d. Writing down ideas allow us to dictate ourselves form them.

e. Writing helps us to observe and process information when we write a

topic, we learn it better.


f. Writing enables us to solve the problems by putting the element of them

into written form; we can examine and manipulate them.

g. Writing on a subject makes us active rather than passive learns of

information while the other reason.

4. The Characteristic of good writing

Sumerset in Ashar (2014:18) states it’s never that easy to

characterize good writing. For the most part, we know instinctively when

something that we’re reading is of great quality. Similarly, we know it when

a piece of writing is better pushed aside.

While it’s likely not possible to create a play – by – play list of all

characteristics of great writing, certain things are present in almost every

well- made piece of text :

 It has a clearly-defined purpose.

 It makes clear and focused points.

 It supports those points with details and accompanying facts.

 It presents varied points in a cohesive manner.

 It doesen’t waste the reader’s time by veering away from focus without


If you take account of all the well-made writing you’ve seen over the years,

those points will inevitably be present. They are, for the most part,

fundamental characteristics of what makes a piece of writing work.


5. Types of writing

According to Oshima and Hogue in Fajriani (2016:11) there are

some types of Writings:

a. Narration

Narration is story writing. When you wrote a narrative pharagraph or

essay, you write about events in the order that they happened. In other

words, you use time order to organize your sentence. In the model essay, the

writer uses time order to divide the essay into pharagraphs. An outline of the

essay narration would like this: orientation, complication, and resolution.

b. Description

Descriptive writing to the sense, so it tells how something looks,

feels smells, tastes and sounds. A good description is like a “word picture”

the reader can imagine the object, place, or person in his or her mind of the

reader. In a description, writers often use spatial order to organize their

ideas. Spatial order is the arrangement of items in order by space. An outline

of description would like this: introduction, body, and conclusion.

c. Explanatory

There are three kinds of explanatory composition, they are:

1. Explaining a process

To write an explanatory composition that explains a process, rely on

the same skills you have used in everyday situations. Explain the steps in

the process briefly and clearly. Start with the step and proceed through all

the step in the order in which they must be completed. It is essential that the

steps be presented in the correct sequence and that they are accurate and

complete. An effective way to organize an explanatory composition that

explains a process is to follow this plan: introduction, steps in the process

and conclussion.

2. Stating an opinion

An explanatory composition may express an oppinion and explain

why others should explain why others should accept that opinion. In an

explanatory composition, you need to present strong, specific reasons or

facts. An effective way to organize an explanatory composition that stating

an opinion is to follow this plan: introduction (express your opinion, as

directly as possible), body (supporting opinion), and conclussion

(summarize your argument as forcefully as you can).

6. Process of writing

This section included a description of the activities leading to the

writing for the previous essay. These activities include are prewriting,

writing, and rewriting:

a. Prewriting

Graham and Perin in Fajriani (2016:11) explain that pre-writing

engages the students in activities design to help them generate or organize

ideas for their composition. Engaging the students in such activities before

they write a first draft improve their quality of their writing. Prewriting

activities include gathering possible information for a paper through reading

or developing a visual representation of their ideas before sitting down to


b. Writing

Graham and Perin in Fajriani (2016:11) state that the process of writing

approach stress activities that emphasize extends opportunities for writing.

Writing for real audiences, self reflection, personalize, instructions and goals,

and cycles of planning, ad reviewing.

c. Rewriting

At this stage, you will need to work more careful. Read what you have

written and repaired it as you can. Finally, when you satisfied that your

writing is clear and correct, write it out its final form. Write carefully. Make

your work as neat as possible.

C. Concept of The Narrative text

1. Definition of Narrative text

Narrative Text is the text that tells something imaginative or something

that is just a fantasy and the goal is only to entertain the reader.

2. Type of Narrative text

Narrative Text has a core story that usually only in the form of the

author's imagination or a real incident that was captured by the author or

even a combination of both. In various sources Narrative Text can be

found in the form: fables (Stories about animals behave like humans

pictured), fairy stories (The story is fantastic, full of wonders), mysteries,

science fiction, romance horror stories, legends, historical narratives,

personal experience (personal experiences written), ballads (ballads, which

can be a touching story readers, usually in the form of a love story that is

not up).

3. Generic Structure of Narrative Text

According to Thalib in Harida (2014:16) state that there are three

generic structure of narrative, they are:

a. Orientation

Orientation is the introduction of what is inside the text, who involves

in the text, when and where it happens. The otherhand, orientation is the

introduction of the participant in the story.

b. Complication

Complication is what happens with the participants. It explores the

conflict among the participants. Complication is the main element of

narrative. Without complication, the text is not narrative. The conflict can be

shown as natural, social or psycological conflict.

c. Resolution

This is the phase where the participants solve the problem aroused by

the conflict. It is not matter whether the participants succeed or fail. The point

is the conflict becomes ended.


4. Language Feature of Narrative text

According to Mislaini in Hartina (2013:40) there are three language

feature of narrative text:

a. Using processes verbs

b. Using temporal conjunction

c. Using simple past tense

d. Usually begins with the adverb of time (Adverbs of Time) Such as: long

time ago, once, one, once upon a time.

D. Concept of Teaching Media

1. Teaching Media

Media is every tool to convey information or messages from one place

to another place. In teaching learning process also use media to make the

process run effective and interesting. This part describes definition of

teaching media, function of teaching media, and kinds of teaching media.

Generally, teaching media mean all tools which may be used by teacher to

deliver teaching material to students in teaching learning process to reach

certain learning goals.There are some experts that stated about teaching

media. According to Bakri (2011:3) media is plural form of medium, which

derives from latin word medius that has meaning “middle”. In language,

medium means “between or interval”. The meaning of media aimed at

something that delivers information (massage) between message sender and


2. The Function of Teaching Media

According to Sudjana (2001:64) the function of teaching media in

teaching and learning process as follows:

a) The using of media in teaching learning process is not addition function,

but has own function as an aid to express effective teaching learning


b) The using of teaching media is integral part of all learning situation. It

means that teaching media is one of element that should be developed by


c) The using of teaching media is more important to accelerate teaching and

learning process and help student in comprehend material from teacher.

3. Kinds of Teaching Media

According to Mahajan (2012:6-7), media are classified into seven

categories such as:

a) Graphic Media

b) Display Media

c) Three Dimensional Media

d) Projected Media

e) Audio Media

f) Video Media

g) Visual Media

E. Concept of Picture Series

1. Defenition of Picture Series

Picture series is one of the instructional media to overcome the writing

problems especially in writing narrative text. Picture series is a creative idea

to develop concepts of the story written by the students. Previously, they are

difficult to integrate sentence in making a composition because they are lack

of ideas. By using picture series, students can build concepts and raise the

ideas of the story they write. According to Metiawati in Nurkamri (2014)

“Picture series is a number of related composite linked to the form of series or

sequence of events”. According to Alex in Muna (2016) “Picture Series is

one of the media that is support the process of brainstorming during the

process of writing as visual aids that stimulate to provide inspiration to

express something”. Picture series contains the series of pictures forming a

story. Kreidler in Nurkamri (2014) states, “A series of pictures can be used as

cues for the retelling of a story.” Picture series guided them to write and

compose each pharagraph.

Wright (1988) states that pictures are very important in helping students

to retell expreriences or understand something since they can represent place,

object, people, etc. Harmer (2004:33) adds that pictures are often used to

present situations to help students work with grammar and vocabulary. It is

enjoyable for the students because it encourages activity in guessing the

messages from the picture based on their imagination. Students can

understand the content of the whole series of pictures because the pictures are

related. Pictures series are arranged as media to help students express their

ideas and feelings fluently. Picture series can be used in various teaching

learning activities especially teaching writing in narrative text. By using

picture series, students are able to develop their ideas so that it eases students

to build concept of the story will be written by them.

2. The Advantage of Picture Series

According to Latuheru in Nurkamri (2014), pictures have several

function in the teaching and learning process. First, picture can translate

abstract ideas into more realistic forms. Second, pictures are easily obtained,

for example from schoolbooks, newspapers and magazines. Third, pictures

are usable in different kinds of academic levels. Fourth, picture can save the

teacher’s time and energy. In addition, Raimes in Nurkamri (2014), pictures

in sequence provide for a variety of guided and free writing exercises. A

picture sequence, such as a comic strip, provides the subject matter for

writing narrative and for speculating about the story beyond the pictures in

the strip.

By using picture series, the attention of students to be focused on the

picture. So picture series creates their inspiration. Picture series can be used

in every material and whatever the emphasis of the syllabus that teacher is


3. Step of Picture Series

Metiawati in Nurkamri (2014) state that there are several steps when the

student’s begin to write narrativ text:

a) Showing picture series to students and asking students to observe then


b) Asking the students to give their own ideas about the pictures.

c) Asking the students to write pharagraph narrative based on the series of

pictures in a group work.

d) Checking the suitability of students essay with pictures series concept.

F. Conceptual Framework

The theoretical framework underlying, the research was given in the

following chart.


Teaching and The
Learning improvement
Process Using of the
Series of students
Picture writing ability
Chart 2.1 Conceptual Framework

The three variables, input, process, and output were briefly clarified follows:

1) Input : it refers to the teaching of writing narrative text.

2) Process : it refers to the technique used in writing narrative text namely series

of picture.

3) Output : the output was the student’s ability in writing narrative text including

content and language use.


G. Hyphothesis

According to Basri in Nurkamri (2014: 26) a hypothesis deals with a

statement that should be examined whether it is accepted or rejected. Based

on the theoretical point of view, the hyphothesis of this research can be

formulated as follows:

1. The alternative hypothesis (H1)

Using series of picture can improve the student’s ability in writing

narrative text at The first Grade Students of SMA Negeri 1 Gowa.

2. The null hypothesis (H0)

Using series of picture cannot improve the student’s ability in writing

narrative text at The first Grade Students of SMA Negeri 1 Gowa




A. Research Design

This research employed the pre-experimental design with one group

pre-test and post-test. This design involved one group as pre test (O1)

exposed to treatment (X), and post-test (O2)

Pre-Experimental Design
Figure 3.1 Research Design

01 X 02


O1 = Pre-test

X = Treatment

O2 = Post-test

(Gay in Hasmi, 2013:16)

1. Pre-test

Before doing the treatment, the students were given a pre-test. The

students can ask to write down narrative text. This test was applied to

know their prior knowledge.

2. Treatment

After the pre-test was given, the students were treated by using

picture series as media. It look 4 meetings and each meeting the students


were given writing materials. For detail information, the researcher

explained the treatment in the form of teaching steps as follows :

a. Pre-writing Activity

1) The teacher explained what narrative text and also explained parts or

generic structures that the students must write in a paragraph.

2) The teacher would choose or the students choose by themselves the

topic to write about.

3) The teacher would give the students some questions which related to

the topic.

b. Writing Activity

1) The teacher would ask the students to write their own narrative text

based on the topic.

2) The students begun to write a narrative text by answering the questions


3) While the students were writing, the teacher moved among them,

giving assistance and guidance as required.

c. Re-writing Activity

1) Collecting the students work, monitoring and mark their work one by

one right away, writing his comment and suggestion underninth.

2) The teacher asked the students to do their final revision and collect

their work.

3. Post-test (O2)

After applied a treatment, the last steps in the writer gave post-test to the

students which supplied the same test with other topic in writing test.

B. Population and sample

1. Population

The population of the research was the first grade students of SMA

Negeri 1 Sungguminasa Kab. Gowa in the academic year 2018/2019 consist

of six classes and the number of students was 210.

2. Sample

The researcher took one class that was class X.F as a sample, it

consisted of 35 students. The researcher used purposive sampling technique

because based on the observation, the researcher found one of the six classes

that the students learnt about narrative text. In this case, the researcher wanted

to know the effect of picture series as media in writing narrative text at

students of grade X.F SMA Negeri 1 Sungguminasa Kab. Gowa.

C. Variables and indicators research

1. Research variables

a. The independent variable

The independent variable was the use of picture series as media in

writing narrative text.


b. The dependent variable

Dependent variable was the students’ improvement in writing skill

toward narrative text.

2. Indicators

The indicator this research was the students improve in writing a

text after learning process using picture series as media that focus on

making narrative text.

D. Instrument of the research

The researcher used essay test for pre-test and post-test to assess

students writing skill. The pre-test was given before the treatment to know the

students prior knowledge in wiriting skill. The post-test was conducted after

the use picture series as media.

E. Procedures of Data collection

The procedure of collecting data involves the following steps:

1. Giving Pre-test

Before doing the treatment, the students were given a pre-test to assess

writing skill. The form test was an essay test. The result of pretest was

compared with the result of post-test after doing the treatment.

2. Giving Post-test

After the treatment, all students were given a post-test to assess their

writing skill. The test form was an essay test. The results obtained would be

compared with the pre-test results to find out how the effect of picture series

as media on writing narrative teks.

F. Technique data analysis

1. Scoring the students correct answer of pre-test and post-test by using this


Students’ correct Answer

Score = X 100%
Total Number of Item

2. Calculation the average score of a student's writing test by using the

following formula.


X = average score

Σ = total default score

N = number of students, (Gay in Hasmi, 2013: 20)

3. In giving score of the students’ writing narrative teks are as follow:

a. Measured the students’ score for Content scoring


Table 3.1 Criteria score of content

No Classification Score Criteria

If the centeral purpose, the unity,
and the completeness of the
1 Excellent 90-100 composition are all correct.

If the composition contains few

errors of central purpose, unity,
2 Very good 80-89 and completeness .

If the composition contains some

errors of the central purpose,
3 Good 70-79 unity, and completeness.

If the composition is dominated

by errors of the central purpose,
4 Fair 60-69 unity, and completeness.

If the central purpose, unity, and

5 Poor 0-59 completeness are all incorrect.

(Gay in Nurkamri,2014:33)

b. Measured the students’ score for organization

Table 3.2 Criteria score of Language Use

No Classification Sc Score Criteria

1 Excellent 90-100 Mastery of grammar taught on

course only 1-2 minor mistakes.
2 Very good 80-89 A few minor mistakes only
(preposition, articles, etc.)
3 Good 70-79 Only 1 or 2 major mistakes but a
few minor ones.
4 Fairly good 60-69 Major mistakes lead to difficulty in
understanding lack of mastery of
sentences construction..
5 Poor 0-59 Numerous serious mistakes.

(Harmer in Nurkamri 2014:33)


c. Classifying the score of the students into the following measurement


Table 3.3 Classifying the score of the students

 96-100 : excellent
 86-95 : very good
 76-85 : good
 66-75 : fairly good
 56-65 : fair

 36-55 : poor

 00-35 : very poor

(Depdikbud, 1985:6)

4. Finding out the significant difference between the pre-test and post-test by

the calculating the value of the t-test. The following formula was


t 
(D )2
 D

N ( N  1)

Notation : t = Test of Significant difference

D = The Mean of the difference Score

∑D = The Sum of all score

n = Total number of sample

∑D² = The square of sum for different

(Gay in Hasmi, 2013:22)




This chapter presents the findings of the research and its discussion. The

finding of the research covered with result of the data collected through the test.

In discussion part, the researcher described the interpretation of the findings.

A. Findings

The findings will present the result of pre-test and post-test, the

comparison between the significant value of t-test and t-table, and percentage

the progress of student’s achievement by using series of picture. The data will

be shown in the table and diagram or graphic.

1. The improvement of the students’ content in writing narrative text by

using picture series

To answer the research question in the previous chapter, the researcher

administered tests, which are given twice to the students. Firstly, pre-test is

given before the treatment. Secondly, post-test is given after treatment, the

result of the students in content area of writing paragraph whose indicator

unity, and completeness on pre-test and post-test were presented in the table



Table 1: the improvement of unity and completeness of content in the

student’s narrative text

Mean score Improvement

No Indicators of content
X1 X2 (%)
1 Unity 64.08 86.00 32.71
2 Completeness 65.51 81.34 24.16
X 66.42 83.43 25.60
The table 1 shows about the mean score of the indicator in each variable

of the students’ ability in writing narrative text. Based on the table, it indicator

that the use of series of picture as the instructional media in teaching and

learning in writing is successful. The result of the mean score in pre-test and

post-test above, where the students mean score of unity and completeness in

pre-test are 64.08 and 65.51 categorized as poor and the students’ means score

of unity and completeness in post-test are 86.00 and 81.34 categorized as very

good. Besides, from the data above, it can be seen that the improvement of the

students’ writing ability in term unity and completeness after being taught by

using series of picture as the instructional media are 32.71 % and 24.16%. The

mean score of its development is 25.60%.


Table 2: the frequency and percentage of the Students’ writing ability in

terms of content.

Pre-test Post-test
No Classification Range
Freq % Freq %
1 Excellent 96– 100 - - - -
2 Very good 86– 95 - - 8 23,00
3 Good 76 – 85 3 9,00 26 74,28

4 Fairly good 66– 75 16 46,00 1 2,85

5 Fair 56– 65 10 28,57 - -
6 Poor 36 – 55 6 17,14 - -
7 Very poor 00 – 35 - - - -
Total 35 100 35 100

The table above shows the frequency and percentage of the students’ content

in Pre-Test in which 3 students (9.00%) got good, 16 students (46.00%) got fairly

good, 10 students (28,57.00%) got fair, 6 students (17,14%) got poor and none of

students got excellent, very good, and very poor classification.

At the Post-Test, the frequency and percentage of the students’ content in

Post-test are 8 students (23.00%) got very good, 26 students (74.28%) got good, 1

student (2.85%) fairly good and none of students got excellent, fair, poor and very

poor classification.

The line chart below shows of the students’ improvement in writing narrative text

including unity and completeness.


Chart 4.1: the improvement of the students’ in unity and completeness

50 pre-test
40 post-test
30 development
unity completeness mean score

The chart 1: shows the students’ improvement in indicator of variable. From

the graphic above, it indicates the improvement of unity is 32.71% and the

improvement of completeness is 24.16%. the mean score of its development is


2. The improvement of the students’ language use (tenses) in writing

narrative text picture series

The use of picture series is effective to improve the students’ ability in

writing narrative text in term of language use (tenses). It can be seen from the

table below in which it describes the students’ score of language use indicators

including tenses.

Table 3: the improvement of tenses in the students’ ability narrative text

No Indicator of language Mean score Improvement (%)

X1 X2
1 tenses 64.62 81.71 26.44
X 64.62 81.71 26.44
The table above shows about the mean score of the indicator of each

variable in the students’ ability in writing narrative text. Based on the table, it

indicator that the use of picture series as the instructional media in teaching and

learning in writing is successful. The result of the mean score in pre-test and

post-test above, where the students mean score of tenses in pre-test is 64.62

categorized as poor and the students’ means score tenses in post-test is 81.71

categorized as good. Besides, from the data above, it can be seen that the

improvement of the students’ writing ability in term tenses after being taught

by using picture series is 26.44%.


Table 4: the frequency and percentage of the students’ writing ability in

terms of language use

Pre-test Post-test
No Classification Range
Freq % Freq %
1 Excellent 96– 100 - - - -
2 Very good 86– 95 - - 8 23,00
3 Good 76 – 85 3 9,00 26 74,28

4 Fairly good 66– 75 16 46,00 1 2,85

5 Fair 56– 65 10 28,57 - -
6 Poor 36 – 55 6 17,14 - -
7 Very poor 00 – 35 - - - -
Total 35 100 35 100

The table above shows the frequency and percentage of the students’

language use in Pre-Test in which 3 students (9.00%) got good, 16 students

(46.00%) got fairly good, 10 students (28.57%) got fair, 6 students (17,14%) got

poor and none of students got excellent, very good, and very poor classification.

At the Post-Test, the frequency and percentage of the students’ language use

in Post-test are 8 students (23,00%) got very good, 26 students (74.28%) got

good, 1 student (2.85%) fairly good and none of students got excellent, fair, poor

and very poor classification.

The line chart below shows of the students’ ability in writing narrative

text including unity and completeness covering tenses


chart 4.2: the improvement of the students’ in tenses



60 pre-test

40 post-test


The figure 2: shows the students’ improvement in indicator of variable. From

the graphic above, it indicates the improvement of tenses from pre-test is

64.62% to post-test 81.71%. The improvement is 26.44%.

3. The improvement of the students’ mean score of writing variables

The use of picture of series as the instructional media is effective to improve

the students’ ability in writing narrative text in terms of content and language

use. It can be seen from the table below in which it describes the students’

score of writing’s variables including content and language use.

Table 5: the improvement of content and language use in the students’

narrative text

Mean score Improvement

No Variables
X1 X2 (%)
1 content 66.42 83.43 25.60
2 Language use 64.62 81.71 26.44
X 65.68 82.77 26.02
The table 3 shows about the mean score of each variable of the students’

ability in writing narrative text. Based on the table, it indicate that the use of

series of picture as the instructional media in teaching and learning writing is

successful. The result of the mean score in pre-test and post-test above, where

the students mean score of content and language in pre-test are 66.42 and 64.62

categorized as fair. The students’ means score of content and language use in

post-test are 83.43 and 81.71 categorized as good. Besides, from the data

above, it can be seen that the improvement of the students’ writing ability in

term content and language use after being taught by using series of picture as

the instructional media are 25.60% and 26.44%. based on the chart above, we

can see that the mean score of its improvement is 26.02%.

The line chart below shows of the students’ improvement in writing

narrative text including content and language use.

Chart 4.3: the improvement of the students in content and language use

50 pre-test
40 post-test
30 development
content language use mean score

The chart 4.3: shows the students’ improvement in indicator of variable.

From the graphic above, it indicates the improvement of content is 25.60% and

the improvement of language use is 26.44%. The mean score of its

development is 26.02%.

4. The improvement of the students’ mean score of writing in pre-test and


It has been explained in the previous chapter that the test is administered

twice where the pre-test is administered before giving treatment and the pos-

test is administered after giving treatment. The Development of the students

mean score from the pre-test to post-test can be seen in the following table.

Table 6: the improvement of the writing in narrative text

Mean score Pre-test Post-test Improvement (%)

X 65.68 82.77 26.02

The result of the mean score in pre-test and post-test above, where the

students mean score in pre-test is 65.68 and categorized as poor and the

students’ mean score in post-test is 82.77 and categorized as good. It can be

seen that the improvement of the students’ writing ability in term of content

and language use after being taught by using series of picture is 26.02%


60 development
40 post-test


The chart 4.4: shows the students’ improvement of the students’ ability in

writing narrative text in terms of content and language use after being taught

by using picture series as instructional media is 26.02%.


After calculating t-test value (25.53), then it is compared with the t-

table value. For the level of significance (p)=0.05 with the degree of freedom

(df) = N-1, where N= Number of subject(35 students) then the value of t-table

was 2,03 t-test statistical, analysis for independent sample is applied. It can be

seen in the following table below

Table 7. the value of t-test

t-test value t-table value Comparison

25.53 2.03 25.53>2.03

These findings are used to determine whether or not the hypothesis

stated in this research is statically proved. As being stated in previous that t-

table value and the alternative hypothesis (H1) is accepted. Therefore, based on

the result above where the t-test value is greater that t-table value (25.53>2.03).

it means that the hypothesis “there was significant difference of the students’

ability in writing narrative text before and after using picture series” is

accepted. So, it is concluded that using picture series in learning can make

students more active, enjoy and motivate in teaching learning process. It means

that using picture series as media can be used as one of the alternative to teach

narrative text.

B. Discussion

This research concerned to the use picture series as media in increasing

students’ writing skill in term of content and language use of first grade

students of SMA Negeri 1 Gowa.

Picture series is one of the media that is support the process of

brainstorming during the process of writing as visual aids that stimulate to

provide inspirations to express something. Picture series contains the series of

picture forming a story (Metiawati, 2014).

Teaching writing through the use of picture series is effective to be

applied in writing skill (Nina Puspitaloka, 2016; Ismawati, 2014; Pratiwi,

2016; Apsari, 2017; Dwi Ariningsih, 2010. The result of the study from

Nurkamri (2014) that Picture Series can be used as cues for the retelling a story

and picture series guided them to write and compose each pharagraph.

Picture series can be used in various teaching learning activities

especially teaching writing in narrative text. By using picture series, students

are able to develops their ideas so that it cases students to built concept of the

story will be written by them.

The research finding that the students’ writing skill by using Picture

Series as Media showed the improvement of the students’ writing skill in the

term of content and language use. From the improvement showed the process

in pre-test and post-test. The result of the students writing in pre-test was low,

especially in finding the content and language use. It showed that the students

could not express their ideas and their understandable. It was before using

Picture Series as Media in writing activity.

Based on the problem above, the writer gave the treatment by using

Picture Series as Media, so that the students could show the improvement in

post-test. In pre-test, writer only gave the essay text to know their prior

knowledge before using Picture Series as Media.

At the beginning, their writing skill was very bad. Almost of them were

confused and spent much time to write. They are difficulty in writing well and

they have difficulty in expressing their idea to complete their writing’s content.

After students were given a pre-test, the writer gave the treatment by

using Picture Series as Media. As the result, students become active and enjoy

in writing activity. They would be easy to do writing activity. Most of their

utterance were correct and no need to write for a long time.

The result of students’ mean score after presenting in teaching writing

skill by using Picture Series as Media is better than before the treatment is

given to the students. Before giving the treatment, the students’ writing skill in

content and language use are fair. After giving the treatment, their writing skill

is significantly improve and categorized as good.

Based on this computation, it explains that the students of SMA Negeri 1

Gowa have a better improvement in writing both for content in terms of unity

and completeness and language use in terms of tenses by using Picture Series.

This finding is also supported by the score analysis which showed by the

students' mean score in pretest and posttest which improved The findings

indicate that the use of Series of Picture at the first Grade Students of SMA

Negeri 1 Gowa is effective in teaching and learning to improve the students'

ability in writing narrative text especially in content and language use of

writing It was supported by some opinion of some rescarcher before. Brown

(1983) state that pictures may improve the students' visual literacy. For

example, pictures may help them to comprehend various abstractions. There

are some valuable uses for pictures such as stimulating students' interest and

helping readers to understand and remember the content of accompanying

verbal materials. So, Picture series is one of the instructional media to

overcome the writing problems especially in writing narrative text. Picture

series is a creative idea to develop concepts of the story written by the students.

Previously, they are difficult to integrate sentences in making a composition

because they are lack of ideas. By using picture series students can build

concepts and raise the ideas of the story they write




This chapter presents conclusions and suggestions based on the findings and

discussion of data analysis

A. Conclusions

After conducting the research by applying Picture Series in improving

students' ability in writing narrative text at the first Grade Students of SMA

Negeri 1 Gowa and based on the research findings in the previous chapter, the

researcher puts two conclusions as follows:

1. Picture Series is effective to improved the students’ writing ability in

terms of content, it was improved by the mean score of content before and

after giving the treatment is 66,42 becomes 83,43 improve 25,60% with t-

test value content is greater than t-table (33,48>2,03).

2. Picture Series is effective to improve the students’ writing ability in terms

of language use, it was improved by the mean score of language use before

after giving the treatment is 64,62 becomes 81,71 improve 26,44% with

the t-test value language use is greater than t-table (30,26>2,03). The result

of calculating t-test of the indicators in the students t-test writing ability

(content and language use) is greater than t-table 25,53>2,03. It means that

there is significance difference between before and after giving the



B. Suggestions

As the result of conducting Series of Picture, the researc her would like

to give fours suggestions for the next research as follows:

1. It is suggested to the English teachers to use Series of Picture as one of

effective media in the teaching and learning process especially in teaching

writing ability

2. It is suggested to the next researchers that they can used Series of Picture

to improve the students writing ability about the other component or

variable of writing, because the researcher only observes a small part of

the component of writing including content and language use.

3. The result of this research can also be used as an additional reference or

further research with different discussion for the next researcher



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Satuan Pendidikan : SMA NEGERI 1 GOWA

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas : XI
Skill : Menulis
Alokasi Waktu : 2x45 menit ( 1 x pertemuan )

Standar Kompetensi : Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks fungsional pendek

dan esei berbentuk narrative, spoof dan hortatory exposition dalam konteks
kehidupan sehari - hari.

Kompetensi Dasar : Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks fungsional pendek

( misalnya banner, poster, pamphlet, dll.) resmi dan tak resmi dengan
menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam
konteks kehidupan sehari – hari.

A. Indikator
 Mampu mengenal dan memahami bentuk paragraf naratif.
 Mampu menulis paragraf berbentuk dengan baik dan benar.

B. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Pada akhir pembelajaran:

 Siswa mampu memahami dan menghafal bagian – bagian
paragraph naratif ( generic structure).
 Siswa mampu mengenal dan menulis paragraph naratif dengan
 Siswa terlibat aktif dalam pembelajaran.
 Siswa dapat bekerjasama dengan teman – teman kelompok saat
mengerjakan tugas kelompok.
C. Materi Pembelajaran

Definition of Narrative text

Narrative text is a story with complication or problematic events
and it tries to find resolution to solve the problem. An important part of
narrative text is the narrative mode, the set of methods used to
communication the narrative through process narration.
Purpose of narrative textis to amuse or to entertainet the raider with a
Generic Structure of narrative text
Orientation : it is about the opening paragraph where the character of
the srory are introduced.
Complication : where the problems in the story developed.
Resulution : where the problem in the story is solved.
kinds of Narrative Text:
Example: Malin Kundang, The legend of Tangkuban Perahu, and The
story of Toba Lake.
Example: The smartest Parrot and The story of Monkey and Crocodile
Fairy Tale
Example: Cinderella, Snow White, The story of Rapunzel and Painting
the Wall.

D. Metode Pembelajaran

- Discovery Learning

E. Langkah – Langkah Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Awal

 Memeriksa kehadiran siswa, kebersihan dan kerapihan kelas.

 Apersepsi dapat dilakukan dengan mengajukan pertanyaan
yang berkaitan dengan pembelajaran yang telah diajarkan pada
pertemuan sebelumnya.
 Guru memotivasi siswa untuk memperbanyak membaca cerpen
dan mengetahui unsur-unsur yang terdapat dalam cerpen.

Kegiatan Inti

 Guru menjelaskan tentang metode Picture Series.

 Guru memperlihatkan beberapa contoh tentang metode
yang akan digunakan.
 Guru membagi siswa dalam beberapa kelompok.
 Guru menjelaskan langkah – langkah dalam
menyelesaikan tugas yang akan diberikan.
 Siswa mengerjakan tugas yang diberikan.

Kegiatan akhir

 Siswa mengumpulkan hasil pekerjaan mereka.

 Menanyakan kesulitan siswa yang dihadapi.
 Guru menyimpulkan hasil pembelajaran bersama siswa.
 Guru memberikan homework.

F. Alat/sumber belajar

- Spidol dan gambar

- Internet

G. Penilaian

 Tehnik : Tertulis (individu)

 Instrument Penilaian : Siswa membuat teks naratif berdasarkan gambar
yang disediakan oleh guru.
 Kriteria penilaian
Students’ correct Answer
Score = X 100%

Total Number of Item

Table 1.1 Criteria score of content

No Score Criteria
Transition from one idea to another
is smooth and provides reader with
clear understanding that topic is
1 90-100 changing.

2 80-89 Some transition of ideas evidence.

There are few transitional markers

3 70-79 or repetetive transitional markers.

4 60-69 There is transitional marker.

5 0-59 No evidence of concept.

(Harmer in Muammar,2010:33)

Table 1.2 Criteria score of Language Use

No Score Criteria

1 Organization is appropriate to a
write asignment and contain clear
90-100 introduction, development of idea,
and conclusion.
2 Events are organized logically, but
some part of the sample may not be
80-89 fully developed.

3 Organization may be extremly

simple or there may be evidence of
70-79 disorganization.

4 Sample is compared if only a few

disjoined sentences.

5 No complete sentences of writing.


(Harmer in Muammar 2010:33)


Satuan Pendidikan : SMA NEGERI 1 GOWA

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas : XI
Skill : Menulis
Alokasi Waktu : 2x45 menit ( 1 x pertemuan )

Standar Kompetensi : Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks fungsional pendek

dan esei berbentuk narrative, spoof dan hortatory exposition dalam konteks
kehidupan sehari - hari.

Kompetensi Dasar : Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks fungsional pendek

( misalnya banner, poster, pamphlet, dll.) resmi dan tak resmi dengan
menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam
konteks kehidupan sehari – hari.

A. Indikator
 Mampu mengenal dan memahami bentuk paragraf naratif.
 Mampu menulis paragraf berbentuk dengan baik dan benar.

B. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Pada akhir pembelajaran:

 Siswa mampu memahami dan menghafal bagian – bagian
paragraph naratif ( generic structure).
 Siswa mampu mengenal dan menulis paragraph naratif dengan
 Siswa terlibat aktif dalam pembelajaran.
 Siswa dapat bekerjasama dengan teman – teman kelompok saat
mengerjakan tugas kelompok.
C. Materi Pembelajaran

Definition of Narrative text

Narrative text is a story with complication or problematic events
and it tries to find resolution to solve the problem. An important part of
narrative text is the narrative mode, the set of methods used to
communication the narrative through process narration.
Purpose of narrative textis to amuse or to entertainet the raider with a
Generic Structure of narrative text
Orientation : it is about the opening paragraph where the character of
the srory are introduced.
Complication : where the problems in the story developed.
Resulution : where the problem in the story is solved.
kinds of Narrative Text:
Example: Malin Kundang, The legend of Tangkuban Perahu, and The
story of Toba Lake.
Example: The smartest Parrot and The story of Monkey and Crocodile
Fairy Tale
Example: Cinderella, Snow White, The story of Rapunzel and Painting
the Wall.

D. Metode Pembelajaran

- Discovery Learning

E. Langkah – Langkah Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Awal

 Memeriksa kehadiran siswa, kebersihan dan kerapihan kelas.

 Apersepsi dapat dilakukan dengan mengajukan pertanyaan
yang berkaitan dengan pembelajaran yang telah diajarkan pada
pertemuan sebelumnya.
 Guru memotivasi siswa untuk memperbanyak membaca cerpen
dan mengetahui unsur-unsur yang terdapat dalam cerpen.

Kegiatan Inti

 Guru menjelaskan tentang metode Picture Series.

 Guru memperlihatkan beberapa contoh tentang metode
yang akan digunakan.
 Guru membagi siswa dalam beberapa kelompok.
 Guru menjelaskan langkah – langkah dalam
menyelesaikan tugas yang akan diberikan.
 Siswa mengerjakan tugas yang diberikan.

Kegiatan akhir

 Siswa mengumpulkan hasil pekerjaan mereka.

 Menanyakan kesulitan siswa yang dihadapi.
 Guru menyimpulkan hasil pembelajaran bersama siswa.
 Guru memberikan homework.

F. Alat/sumber belajar

- Spidol dan gambar

- Internet

G. Penilaian

 Tehnik : Tertulis (individu)

 Instrument Penilaian : Siswa membuat teks naratif berdasarkan gambar
yang telah disediakan oleh guru.
 Kriteria penilaian
Students’ correct Answer
Score = X 100%

Total Number of Item

Table 1.1 Criteria score of content

No Score Criteria
Transition from one idea to another
is smooth and provides reader with
clear understanding that topic is
1 90-100 changing.

2 80-89 Some transition of ideas evidence.

There are few transitional markers

3 70-79 or repetetive transitional markers.

4 60-69 There is transitional marker.

5 0-59 No evidence of concept.

(Harmer in Muammar,2010:33)

Table 1.2 Criteria score of Language Use

No Score Criteria

1 Organization is appropriate to a
write asignment and contain clear
90-100 introduction, development of idea,
and conclusion.
2 Events are organized logically, but
some part of the sample may not be
80-89 fully developed.

3 Organization may be extremly

simple or there may be evidence of
70-79 disorganization.

4 Sample is compared if only a few

disjoined sentences.

5 No complete sentences of writing.


(Harmer in Muammar 2010:33)


Satuan Pendidikan : SMA NEGERI 1 GOWA

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas : XI
Skill : Menulis
Alokasi Waktu : 2x45 menit ( 1 x pertemuan )

Standar Kompetensi : Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks fungsional pendek

dan esei berbentuk narrative, spoof dan hortatory exposition dalam konteks
kehidupan sehari - hari.

Kompetensi Dasar : Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks fungsional pendek

( misalnya banner, poster, pamphlet, dll.) resmi dan tak resmi dengan
menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam
konteks kehidupan sehari – hari.

A. Indikator
 Mampu mengenal dan memahami bentuk paragraf naratif.
 Mampu menulis paragraf berbentuk dengan baik dan benar.

B. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Pada akhir pembelajaran:

 Siswa mampu memahami dan menghafal bagian – bagian
paragraph naratif ( generic structure).
 Siswa mampu mengenal dan menulis paragraph naratif dengan
 Siswa terlibat aktif dalam pembelajaran.
 Siswa dapat bekerjasama dengan teman – teman kelompok saat
mengerjakan tugas kelompok.
C. Materi Pembelajaran

Definition of Narrative text

Narrative text is a story with complication or problematic events
and it tries to find resolution to solve the problem. An important part of
narrative text is the narrative mode, the set of methods used to
communication the narrative through process narration.

Purpose of narrative textis to amuse or to entertainet the raider with a story.

Generic Structure of narrative text
Orientation : it is about the opening paragraph where the character of
the srory are introduced.
Complication : where the problems in the story developed.
Resulution : where the problem in the story is solved.
kinds of Narrative Text:
Example: Malin Kundang, The legend of Tangkuban Perahu, and The
story of Toba Lake.
Example: The smartest Parrot and The story of Monkey and Crocodile
Fairy Tale
Example: Cinderella, Snow White, The story of Rapunzel and Painting
the Wall.

H. Metode Pembelajaran

- Discovery Learning

I. Langkah – Langkah Pembelajaran

a. Kegiatan Awal

 Memeriksa kehadiran siswa, kebersihan dan kerapihan kelas.

 Apersepsi dapat dilakukan dengan mengajukan pertanyaan
yang berkaitan dengan pembelajaran yang telah diajarkan pada
pertemuan sebelumnya.
 Guru memotivasi siswa untuk memperbanyak membaca cerpen
dan mengetahui unsur-unsur yang terdapat dalam cerpen.

b. Kegiatan Inti

 Guru menjelaskan tentang metode Picture Series.

 Guru memperlihatkan beberapa contoh tentang metode
yang akan digunakan.
 Guru membagi siswa dalam beberapa kelompok.
 Guru menjelaskan langkah – langkah dalam
menyelesaikan tugas yang akan diberikan.
 Siswa mengerjakan tugas yang diberikan.

c. Kegiatan akhir

 Siswa mengumpulkan hasil pekerjaan mereka.

 Menanyakan kesulitan siswa yang dihadapi.
 Guru menyimpulkan hasil pembelajaran bersama siswa.
 Guru memberikan homework.

J. Alat/sumber belajar

- Spidol dan gambar

- Internet

K. Penilaian

 Tehnik : Tertulis (individu)

 Instrument Penilaian : Siswa membuat teks naratif berdasarkan gambar
yang telah disediakan oleh guru.
 Kriteria penilaian
Students’ correct Answer
Score = X 100%

Total Number of Item

Table 1.1 Criteria score of content

No Score Criteria
Transition from one idea to another
is smooth and provides reader with
clear understanding that topic is
1 90-100 changing.

2 80-89 Some transition of ideas evidence.

There are few transitional markers

3 70-79 or repetetive transitional markers.

4 60-69 There is transitional marker.

5 0-59 No evidence of concept.

(Harmer in Muammar,2010:33)

Table 1.2 Criteria score of Language Use

No Score Criteria

1 Organization is appropriate to a
write asignment and contain clear
90-100 introduction, development of idea,
and conclusion.
2 Events are organized logically, but
some part of the sample may not be
80-89 fully developed.

3 Organization may be extremly

simple or there may be evidence of
70-79 disorganization.

4 Sample is compared if only a few

disjoined sentences.

5 No complete sentences of writing.


(Harmer in Muammar 2010:33)


Satuan Pendidikan : SMA NEGERI 1 GOWA

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas : XI
Skill : Menulis
Alokasi Waktu : 2x45 menit ( 1 x pertemuan )

Standar Kompetensi : Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks fungsional pendek

dan esei berbentuk narrative, spoof dan hortatory exposition dalam konteks
kehidupan sehari - hari.

Kompetensi Dasar : Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks fungsional pendek

( misalnya banner, poster, pamphlet, dll.) resmi dan tak resmi dengan
menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam
konteks kehidupan sehari – hari.

A. Indikator
 Mampu mengenal dan memahami bentuk paragraf naratif.
 Mampu menulis paragraf berbentuk dengan baik dan benar.

B. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Pada akhir pembelajaran:

 Siswa mampu memahami dan menghafal bagian – bagian
paragraph naratif ( generic structure).
 Siswa mampu mengenal dan menulis paragraph naratif dengan
 Siswa terlibat aktif dalam pembelajaran.
 Siswa dapat bekerjasama dengan teman – teman kelompok saat
mengerjakan tugas kelompok.
C. Materi Pembelajaran

Definition of Narrative text

Narrative text is a story with complication or problematic events
and it tries to find resolution to solve the problem. An important part of
narrative text is the narrative mode, the set of methods used to
communication the narrative through process narration.
Purpose of narrative text is to amuse or to entertainet the raider with a
Generic Structure of narrative text
Orientation : it is about the opening paragraph where the character of
the srory are introduced.
Complication : where the problems in the story developed.
Resulution : where the problem in the story is solved.
kinds of Narrative Text:
Example: Malin Kundang, The legend of Tangkuban Perahu, and The
story of Toba Lake.
Example: The smartest Parrot and The story of Monkey and Crocodile
Fairy Tale
Example: Cinderella, Snow White, The story of Rapunzel and Painting
the Wall.

D. Metode Pembelajaran

- Discovery Learning

E. Langkah – Langkah Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Awal

 Memeriksa kehadiran siswa, kebersihan dan kerapihan kelas.

 Apersepsi dapat dilakukan dengan mengajukan pertanyaan
yang berkaitan dengan pembelajaran yang telah diajarkan pada
pertemuan sebelumnya.
 Guru memotivasi siswa untuk memperbanyak membaca cerpen
dan mengetahui unsur-unsur yang terdapat dalam cerpen.

Kegiatan Inti

 Guru menjelaskan tentang metode Picture Series.

 Guru memperlihatkan beberapa contoh tentang metode
yang akan digunakan.
 Guru membagi siswa dalam beberapa kelompok.
 Guru menjelaskan langkah – langkah dalam
menyelesaikan tugas yang akan diberikan.
 Siswa mengerjakan tugas yang diberikan.

Kegiatan akhir

 Siswa mengumpulkan hasil pekerjaan mereka.

 Menanyakan kesulitan siswa yang dihadapi.
 Guru menyimpulkan hasil pembelajaran bersama siswa.
 Guru memberikan homework.

F. Alat/sumber belajar

- Spidol dan gambar

- Internet

G. Penilaian

 Tehnik : Tertulis (individu)

 Instrument Penilaian : Siswa membuat teks naratif berdasarkan gambar
yang telah disediakan oleh guru.
 Kriteria penilaian
Students’ correct Answer
Score = X 100%

Total Number of Item

Table 1.1 Criteria score of content

No Score Criteria
Transition from one idea to another
is smooth and provides reader with
clear understanding that topic is
1 90-100 changing.

2 80-89 Some transition of ideas evidence.

There are few transitional markers

3 70-79 or repetetive transitional markers.

4 60-69 There is transitional marker.

5 0-59 No evidence of concept.

(Harmer in Muammar,2010:33)

Table 1.2 Criteria score of Language Use

No Score Criteria

1 Organization is appropriate to a
write asignment and contain clear
90-100 introduction, development of idea,
and conclusion.
2 Events are organized logically, but
some part of the sample may not be
80-89 fully developed.

3 Organization may be extremly

simple or there may be evidence of
70-79 disorganization.

4 Sample is compared if only a few

disjoined sentences.

5 No complete sentences of writing.


(Harmer in Muammar 2010:33)

SKILL : Writing ( menulis )
- Write your name, class, and reg number.
- Write a narrative paragraph. Write down anything that comes from your head!

Jenderal Soedirman

1) One day General Sudirman attended a meeting regarding the election of war leaders.
at that time there was an attack by Dutch forces and managed to capture the
Indonesian capital.

2) Then after the election, the voters who attended agreed to choose general Sudirman as
warlord to fight the Dutch troops.
3) After that, General Sudirman left for the State Palace to meet with President

4) General Sudirman met President Soekarno at the State Palace and President Soekarno
ordered General Sudirman to remain in Yogyakarta. but General Sudirman refused
and chose to leave Yogyakarta and bring his troops.

5) After general Sudirman left Yogyakarta, the Dutch troops captured the country's top
officials including the president and vice president of Indonesia.
6) Hearing the news, General Sudirman ordered his troops to retake Yogyakarta and free
high-ranking state officials including the president and vice president.

7) After successfully recapturing Yogyakarta from the Dutch troops, General Sudirman
gathered with the battalion commandos at the home of a village head. and in the
morning General Sudirman decided to return to Yogyakarta with his troops.

8) After arriving in Yogyakarta, General Sudirman immediately met with President

Soekarno in the State Palace.
9) General Sudirman returned the military leadership to the president of Soekarno in the
state palace..
Jenderal Sudirman
"General Sudirman" tells of the Great General Sudirman who led guerrillas to face Dutch
military aggression II. He led guerrillas to show the world that the TNI was still there and
would continue to maintain its sovereignty. General Sudirman with a small team of soldiers
and his personal doctor traveled south and started guerrilla resistance for 7 months. At that
time the political leaders were taking refuge in the Sultanate Palace after Yogyakarta fell into
the hands of the Dutch in Military Aggression II. Initially the team led by General Sudirman
was followed by the Dutch, but General Sudirman and his soldiers managed to escape and
establish a temporary base in Sobo near Mount Lawu.

At that time Bung Karno and Bung Hatta were captured and exiled from the Netherlands
which resulted in the government being paralyzed. Meanwhile, General Sudirman who was in
the forest automatically led a military emergency government with the Emergency
Government of the Republic of Indonesia (PDRI) in Bukittinggi. During the guerrilla, with
his command and strategy, he was able to command military activities on the island of Java
including the General Attack on March 1, 1949 in Yogyakarta proposed by Sri Sultan HB IX.
General Sudirman made the island of Java a field of widespread guerrilla warfare and made
the Netherlands run out of logistics and time.

It is told that General Sudirman struggled in a state of severe illness, namely the injured
lungs, but with enthusiasm, the general continued to struggle as his love for the
country.Several times General Sudirman faced the Dutch army, but they did not succeed in
arresting him. The guerrilla team led by General Sudirman was able to make General Spoor's
troops frustrated even though they had deployed a land and air fleet because on the battlefield
they could not control. It was the cooperation between the TNI and the people who finally
won the war, which made the Dutch finally stop their military aggression and recognize the
sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia as a whole. After Bung Karno and Bung Hatta
returned from exile, General Sudirman returned the military emergency government to a
legitimate government under the leadership of Soekarno Hatta.
SKILL : Writing ( menulis )
- Write your name, class, and reg number.
- Write a narrative paragraph ( paragraphs). Write down anything that comes from your


1) In ancient times in a fishing village of Air Manis Beach in the Padang area,
West Sumatra
2) One day there was a large ship that docked the beach and the ship owner asked
to be reunited to the village head on the beach.

3) The ship owner sees Malin as a diligent child..

4) Even though he was reluctant, finally Mande Rubayah allowed his son to

5) After that, Malin Kundang went to the land of Overseas leaving his mother
6) The days passed, a day that felt slow for Mande Rubayah. Every morning and

7) When the boat began to dock, a pair of young people stood on the bridge.
Their clothes are in the sun.

8) Malin was surprised because he was embraced by the frail old woman who
was dressed in rags

9) Mande Rubayah did not believe in her son's behavior, he fell down while
10) Shortly after the weather in the middle of the sea that had been bright,
suddenly turned dark.

11) The next day when the morning sun appeared on the eastern horizon, the
storm had subsided. .
Maling Kundang

The story of ancient times, there lived a poor family in the coastal area. The father worked
along the merchant ships to fulfill their lives. The family has a young boy, named Malin
Kundang. Malin Kundang is a diligent child, he helps every mother's work to ease the burden
on parents. So that his mother was very fond of Malin Kundang. Until at one time, the father
went sailing. But after that day, there was no news of the news. It's been years, Malin
Kundang's mother is now working hard alone to support herself and raise Malin. Seeing that,
Malin invited the young ones to feel very sorry. He was determined to work, migrate and
later return home with a lot of wealth for his mother. Until one day, there was a ship that was
quite luxurious and anchored. As usual, Malin immediately ran to the ship with the transport
workers, because Malin did work as a porter for the traders who came to help his mother.

Seeing Malin who was so diligent, the ship's captain became very interested. He intends to
invite Malin to sail and work on his ship. Malin also felt very happy, because his dream of
sailing and going abroad would be realized. He immediately ran home to ask permission from
his mother. With a heavy heart, his mother released her only child. I want to hold back the
malin to go, but because of seeing the determination of Malin that is so strong, the mother
could not forbid it. "Be careful in the land of land, huh, son. Be kind to everyone, always
humble, and don't forget the almighty God. Mother Malin's message. '' Yes, bro ... Malin will
always remember Mother's advice. Later Malin will go home with a lot of wealth. Malin will
become a rich person, so Mother doesn't need to work anymore. Malin said goodbye. The
word malin said goodbye to the tears of his mother. After that day, every day Malin always
stands on the beach looking at the horizon, hoping Malin will go home soon.

Every time a ship stops, Malin always runs over, hoping her child is on the boat. But always
the disappointment he got, his son was not on the ship.Years have passed, Mother Malin is
still waiting for her son's return faithfully. He always stood on the beach, looking at the
horizon in the morning and evening, hoping his son would come home soon. Until one day,
the residents seemed to be running around to the harbor. Mrs. Malin Kundang, who at that
time was elderly and sickly asked one of the residents. Apparently, in the middle of the port
anchored a very luxurious and large ship. The owner is a handsome and rich young man, they
carry very much merchandise. Hearing this, Malin immediately ran to the port. His steps
seemed weak and teetering because of his old and sickly body. After arriving at the port,
there were many people gathered. On the boat, a young couple in fancy clothes were
distributing money to them. How happy Mother Malin's heart was, because as soon as she
saw, she was very sure that the dashing young man was his child.

He can immediately recognize it thanks to the birthmark Malin has. Soon Malin's mother got
on board and hugged Malin. But the malin treatment was unexpected, he threw the old
woman to his knees. ''Who are you? Dare to defile my expensive clothes? " Malin snapped.
"Malin ... it's me, your mother. Now you really have become a rich kid. Now mother is very
glad you came home. Mother Malin said. Malin was surprised to hear that, unexpectedly the
woman in the shabby clothes was the mother she had left for a long time. "Is this really your
beggar's mother, sir? You say you are an orphan, it turns out he is still alive as a beggar.
Malin's wife said invited in a curt tone. Embarrassed by his wife, Malin invited to finally
argue. And said that it was a beggar who only claimed to be his mother to get more money.
Then Malin Kundang asked the crew to expel him harshly, and immediately raised his anchor
and sailed away. Receiving an outrageous treatment from his son, mother Malin Kundang
was very disappointed. The pain in his heart is truly beyond measure. Finally, he prayed to
the Almighty. "God, you are the one who is just, and hears every prayer of your servant. If it
is true he is not my son Malin, then give him safety and happiness. But if he really Malin
invited my son who has been away for a long time, then I curse him into stone. "Instantly, the
sky that had been bright became dark. The wind blew hard, and there came a rainstorm that
hit the ship. Lightning is intertwined, waves are raging. Seeing that, Malin regretted
everything he did.

Muhammad Nur Fajar Mursal is the second child of

couple Muh mursal and Suharti arsyad. He was born on

October 3rd 1996 in , Sinjai Regency. He has two brother

and two sister. He lives in Sinjai Regency. He finished his

study at SDN 2 Balangnipa in 2008, Junior High School at

SMPN 3 Sinjai in 2011, and Senior High School at SMKN1 Sinjai in 2014. He

was registered as a student of Muhammadiyah University of Makassar at English

Education Department 2014.

At the end of his study, he could finish his thesis with title “The Use of Picture

Series as Media in Increasing Students’ Writing Skill At The First Grade

Students of SMA Negeri 1 Gowa(An Experimental Research at the first grade

Students of SMA Negeri 1 Kab. Gowa).

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