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FAQ Chaos Rings 3

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FAQ : Chaos Rings 3

I decided to do this little (not so much now !) FAQ, gathering infos

from Toucharcade Chaos Rings 3 forums :

Reasons are that the thread is getting quite big, and infos are splattered so, i
picked some useful things there, as it’s the best place to get informations for
western release.

The topic :

Credits goes to nice members of those forums  : Evokerz, Spinda, Styr , aGu ,

Derek111, Sorryformyenglish, Ctown20, Pivi, Araivanear, nb1804 , Mattosai (me) and
of course ho1yski3s !

Genes list / Skills complete list, courtesy of ho1yski3s :

Genes Stats spreadsheet, courtesy ofappleshark :

Item drop list spreadsheed, courtesy ofho1yski3s again !

Complete Quest List (Spoilers Alert)

F.A.Q. Summary :

1 - Tips Dasar

2 - Aquinas Manuscript quest (recurrent questions)

3 - The “13 last genes”

4 - Monthly super rare genes (2015)

5 - Monthly event boxes and rewards

6 - Special Event Dates

7 - Finishing 100th magma floor

8 - Maps and Gifts Colors rewards (for crafting genes)

9 - Gene combination and Heritage Skills (Blue skills)

10 - Gene crafting / Popular Skills

11 - Popular Genes (and Early Game cheesing)

12 - Fate Seals (MASSIVE SPOILERS)

1 - Tips Dasar

- Penggunaan Karakter
Leary mampu melakukan 6 hit dengan serangan normal dan untuk upgrade AA (Art
Ascendant) berbasis magic,mengabaikan Phys Resistance.Juga memiliki akses +50%
kesenjata es (Scarlet Ironside)

Karakter utama dan Al mampu menghasilkan 6 hit dengan senjata khusus,namun biasanya
2 hit.Karakter Utama akan mendapatkan senjata dark terkuat (Incarnation) sementara
Al mendapatkan senjata fisik terkuat (Alter La Traviata) yang mana sebanding +100%
saat floodgate attacking.Mereka juga mampu menghasilkan banyak hit saat menggunakan

Daisuke:Belum sepenuhnya yakin namun dia memiliki senjata terberat yang

menjadikannya sebagai pengguna AA terkuat namun memiliki keakuratan kecil dan
paling lambat dalam serangan fisik.Memperoleh akses +50% senjata berelemen tanah
(One-Armed Bedivere)

Elroux:Senjatanya bisa menghasilkan 1 atau 3 hit seperti Daisuke.Namun yang pasti

diketahui dia memiliki sedikit lebih banyak MP dibanding yang lain,ini berarti dia
mampu lebih banyak menggunakan mantra.Dia juga mendapat akses ke senjata
light/cahaya terkuat di game ini.AA nya mengabaikan phys res.

Jika berburu Eggons,gunakan Leary,Katakter utama (Senjata Ripper) dan Al dengan

Suzumushi untuk hit naksimal.

-Eggons Hunt Quest :Ada satu cara untuk mengulang lagi dan lagi quest ini: bunuh
grup dengan 3 eggons untuk dapatkan xp (gunakan fitur Fights Now disini agar.Lawan
grup eggons dengan 3 eggons di dalamnya.Jika kurang dari 3 sebaiknya escape dan
Fight now lagi sampai dapat lawan dengan 3 eggons),lakukan sampai kill 9 eggons
saja,saat tinggal tersisa satu ganti gene semua karakter ke gene lemah(Atau gunakan
gene Kepler)Biarkan party dihajar eggons dan kalah lalu pilih give up.

Game Over,lalu kenlmbali ke Npc maka quest Hunt Eggons akan tetap tersedia.

-Game ini disesuaikan dengan setelan jam di ponsel,jadi setiap hari kamu akan
mendapat 5 koin sebagai hadiah login,kemudian majukan waktu ke hari berikutnya di
ponsel,masuk lagi ke game(tanpa menutup aplikasi sebelumnnya dan reward akan tampil
di menu my page

Lakukan ini berulang,5 koin setiap 10detik

Ketahuilah bahwa permainan akan mengingat saat kamu menyimpan, hari terakhir berada
(menulisnya di suatu tempat!), jadi jika kamu memilih paket VIP lakukan saat kamu
selesai (kembali ke tanggal sebenarnya, beli paket VIP, itu tidak akan kedaluwarsa
sampai hari kamu berhenti mendapatkan hadiah.)

Tentu saja jika kamu kembali ke tanggal sebenarnya,kamu tetap dapat semua
keuntungan,jadi tak perlu khawatir

- Kamu juga bisa menggunakan tanggal agar bisa mendapatkan event spesial dan super
battles setiap bulannya,dan 2 gene spesial dengan total berjumlah 12,keterangan
lebih jelasnya ada di bawah.

- Reset game ketika:kamu membeli gene box untuk mendapatkan gene super,atau mencari
gift tertentu memakai koin (contoh:untuk menciptakan gene) : Save,buka box,ok, save
, hasil buruk : tutup aplikasi,dan koinmu aman,ulangi sampai dapat yang diinginkan

-The Voyager’s Snapshot 3 :kamu mungkin menemukan kendala untuk menyelesaikan quest
ini dan bertanya dimana bisa menemukan Thousand Voyagers suit nya Al.Untuk
memilikinya kamu harus mengikuti September 9 Event.

-Formula Exp besar: VIP(x1.5) + Triple Eggons(x3.0) + Apple of the Flesh(x2.0) +

Apple of the Eternity(x3.0) =EXP MULTI BESAR (X27) = INSTAN BESAR LEVEL TINGGI .
(Kamu visa dapat sekitar 200 000 lebih exp di dungeon 121-130 (sekitar 306 180 exp
di 121-130 di Theia)).

-Menghentikan regenerasi lawan:status poison bisa menghentikan regenerasi

lawan(bisa berguna untuk di beberapa boss)

- Yae ramen shop :kamu mungkin bertanya berapa banyak uang yang harus diberikan
sebelum sesuatu terjadi:sepertinya dibutuhkan 3.000.000ML

- Farming ML :Baca tips Eggons diatas, 10000+ ML untuk level eggons 130+.

- Genes max level  :  normal gene > 30  rare gene > 60 super rare gene > 100.

- Kamu tidak bisa menambah jimlah bintang dari gene (kamu bisa temukan beberapa
gene level rendah yang mana bervariasi jumlah bintangnya seperti 2 atau 3 bintang)

Meski begitu kamu bisa meningkatkan kelangkaan kartu gene yang sudah max,dibutuhkan
untuk mengkombinasikannya dengan gene max level lainnyamaxed yang memiliki tingkat
kelangkaan yang sama (atau diatasnya seperti Kepler).Contohnya sebagai berikut





Ingat bahwa gene SR mendapatkan skill baru setiap menxapai lvl 20,40 and 60

- Kepler adalah gene SR spesial.Hanya bisa didapatkan dari lucky gene box dan

digunakan untuk:

    -Mengupgrade gene R ke SR,tetap menjadi gene serupa

    Mereset gene mu(jika melakukan kesalahan dalam mendapatkan skill tapi tetap
mempertahankan skill warisan biru,lihat di bagian keterangan skill warisan)

- Skill seperti critical x2 ayau first turn critical berlaku hanya di serangan
normal, kamu tidak akan mendapatkan damage lebih dengan skill fisik apapun (seperti
asura lotus,atau Magnum Fang)

Critical x2 bisa jadi berguna meskipun begitu,jika kamu memiliki skill auto-counter
(counter jadi serangan normal),gene Kenshin memiliki keduanya

-Kombinasi Spell/Mantra:Dijelaskan singkat di tutorial:kombinasi spell memerlukan

beberapa kali spell yang sama yang dipakaikan di beberapa karakter (2 atau 3),akan
aktif dengan waktu terbanyak,meski tak selalu,urutan penggunaan spell juga penting
karena kombinasi spell akan bergantung pada karakter peretama yang memicu spell
kombinasi: stats, equipment,pasif, buff pada tokoh yang memakai kombo spell
mempengaruhi faktor didalamnya,karakter lain yang mendukung (dan dikalikan)
kekuatan dari pemakai spell pertama.Kombo triple spell adalah cara melakukan damage
terbanyak di game ini(kamu bahkan bisa melakukan satu tembakan ke beberapa boss
super event 130)                                

-  Final Strike ( atau super attack) :akan bergantung pada tingkat kelangkaan gene
yang dipakaikan,dibutuhkan SR untuk melancarkan final strike yang kuat.

Bagaimana melakukan final strike :kamu harus berada di jalur unggul,dan melancarkan

seeangan tipe fisik saat musuh mengalami stun (bisa terjadi saat terkena titik
weakness/kelemahan atau terkena critical),kamu juga harus mlakukan serangan di
akhir putaran(urutan sangatlah penting disini) .

Jika jalur unggul mencapai Max,kamu.akan bisa melakukan serangan ulti

2 - Quest Aquinas Manuscript

Snowdrop flower : di kota di winterborough,jalan ke belakang lalu di sebuah ujing

kamu akan menemukan bunga (bukan di gunung)

World tree blossom :Tepat di puncak World Tree, tidak sulit

Firegrass :Di Magma Ocean magma ocean (lv.10 atau sebelumnya)

Lily bell :di sierra island dimana pigtapir berada,ke selatan,lalu dekat jurang.

Kemudian kamu akan menjalankan quest untuk the bleeding heart saat kamu sudah
memiliki keempat nya tadi

3 -13 gene terakhir

Ketika kamu sudah menamatkan game dan sudah menciptakan semua gene,kamu bakal
menemukan 13 gene yang terlewatkan di Genes Index,gene tersebut memerlukan
kombinasi tertentu dengan 2 gene bintang 4 yang berelemen sama :

Kojiro > Solomon + Da Vinci

Juliet > Tutankhamun + Shakespeare

Nuwa > Kenshin + Goemon

Jekyll & Hyde > Rapunzel + D'artagnan

Napoleon > Masamune + Jubei

Newton > Spartacus + Yoshitsune

Shizuka Gozen > Ikkyu + Amaterasu

Alexander  > Ishtar + Susanoo

Cleopatra > Daji + Qui Shi Huang

Kamehameha  > Basho + Michelangelo

Iseult > Marie + Lugh

The Lionheart > Heishichi + Nostradamus

John Doe > Tsukuyomi + Jack the Ripper

4 - Monthly super rare genes (2015)

Bintang 5 bulanan:

1: Calypso / Agamemnon (July, January)

2: Seimei / Black Prince (August, February)

3: Dante / Kishibojin (September, March)

4: Gagarin / Xuanzang (October, April)

5: Wagner / Artemis (May, November)

6: Joan / Athena (June, December)

Bintang 5 dengan kemampuan super langka (lihat daftar gen untuk skill lengkapnya):

SR Joan of Arc = lv.20: In the Pink, lv.40: Light Deluge, lv.60: Rally

SR Gagarin = lv. 20: Mental Wall, lv.40: Advance Healing, lv.60: Unstoppable

SR Artemis = lv.20: Natural Remedy, lv.40: Advance Odette, lv.60: Blue Moon Brave

SR Wagner = lv.20: Adv Electra, lv.40: Magnum Fang, lv.60: Critical First Attack

SR Agamemnon = lv.20: Moonlight Shadow, lv.40: Trompe III, lv.60: Effect Booster

SR Dante = lv.20: Unstopptable, lv.40: Advance Cocytus, lv.60: Effect Booster

SR Black Prince = lv.20: Emperor Mode, lv.40: Asura Lotus, lv.60: Effect Booster

SR Athena = lv.20: Concentrate, lv.40: Emperor Mode, lv.60: Advance Aquinas

SR Xuanzang = lv.20: Unstopptable, lv.40: Asura Lotus, lv.60: Narrow Escape

SR Calypso = lv.20: Magic Counter, lv.40: Recovery x1.5, lv.60: Prime Recovery

SR Kishibojin = lv.20: Advance Cremation, lv.40: Advance Doga, lv.60: Attribute


SR Seimei = lv.20: Moonlight Shadow, lv.40: Mental Wall, lv.60: Braveheart

5 -Hadiah bulanan Gene Box

Box will open in Sp shop as soon as you find at least one gift (in Battle Mode)
that belongs to the box so you can buy / complete their content with coins after.

(C- cyan, B- blue, R- red)

New Year’s Box

1 Jan.
I C Tristan in Despair- Convert to TiD gun ring. Bolt attack 50% up; dark attack
50% down

II R Ice Resistance- You know what it does

III R Sun Rice Cakes- Convert to Sun Rice Cakes (conversion item)

IV C Air Placenta- Convert to AP girl’s armor: Phy Resistance 16% up, bolt
Resistance 30% up; earth resistance 30% down

VI R Shortcake- Adds +8 to a gene’s attack and +8 to its speed

Gene: Himiko

Chocolate Box

2 Feb.

I B Magma Placenta- Convert to MP boy’s armor: Phy resistance 16% up, earth resis.
30% up, bolt resis. 30% down

III R True Love Chocolate- Conversion item

IV B Tiramisu- Adds +8 to a gene’s attack and +2 to its luck

V C Light Resistance- Ykwid

VI R Kay of Wile- Converts to KoW knuckles. Dark attack 50% up; fire attack 50%

Gene: Valentine

Marshmallow Box

3 Mar.

I R Mille-Feuille- Adds +8 to a gene’s defense and +2 to its attack

II C Gawain of the Sun- Convert to GotS cross. fire attack 50% up; earth attack 50%

III B Dark Resistance- Ykwid

IV C Air Placenta- Convert to AP girl’s armor: Phy Resistance 16% up, bolt resis
30% up; earth resis 30% down

V R Doll Set Display- Conversion item

Gene: Okita

Admissions Box

4 Apr.

I C Earth Resistance- Ykwid

II C Ocean Placenta- Converts to OP adult’s armor: Phy resis 16% up, bolt resis 30%
up; earth resis 30% down
III R Galahad of Innocence- Convert to GoI katana: dark attack 50% up, ice attack
50% down

IV C Pinocchio Nose- Conversion item

VI B Cheesecake- Adds +8 to a gene’s defense and +2 to its speed

Gene: Morrigan

Easter Box

5 May

I R Eggon Fossil- Conversion item

II B Tart- Adds +8 to a gene’s defense and +2 to its luck

IV R Bolt Resistance- Ykwid

IV B Sasuke’s Sandals- All allies can evade physical. Can’t be used with magic
reflect effect

V R Merlin’s Staff- Doubles power of next magic attack of all allies

Gene: Odin

Spring Box

6 June

I R June Bride- Conversion item

II C Torte- Adds +8 to a gene’s speed and +2 to its attack

III R Ice Booster- Ykwid

V B Falcon Feather Raiment- Converts to AP boy’s armor: Phy Resistance 16% up, fire
resis 30% up; ice resis 30% down

VI C Mordred of Vice- Converts to MoV sword: fire attack 50% up, bolt attack 50%

Gene: Brunhilde

Milky Way Box

7 July

I C Pancake- Adds +8 to a gene’s speed and +2 to its defense.

II B Gold Bracelet- Converts to GB girl’s armor: Phy resis 16% up, ice resis 30%
up; fire resis 30% down

III C Deserted Island Seedling- Conversion item

IV C Fire Booster- Ykwid

V R Scarlet Ironside- Converts to SI gun ring: ice attack 50% up, earth attack 50%

Gene: Columbus

Fireworks Box

8 Aug.

I B Dark Booster- Ykwid

II R Spectacular Fireworks- Conversion item

III B Cream Puff- Adds +8 to a gene’s speed and +2 to its luck.

IV R Bedivere- Converts to one-armes bedivere knucles: earth attack 50% up, light
attack 50% down

V B Falcon Feather Raiment- Converts to FFR boy’s armor: Phy resis 16% up, fire
resis 30% up; ice resis 30% down

Gene: George

Harvest Box

9 Sep.

I R Baumkuchen- Adds +8 to a gene’s luck and +2 to its attack.

II B Gold Bracelet- Converts to GB girl’s armor: Phy resis 16% up, ice resis 30%
up; fire resis 30% down

IV B Autumnal Treat- Conversion item

V C Percival of Glory- Converts to PoG cross: light attack 50% up; ice attack 50%

VI C Light Booster- Ykwid

Gene: Stephen

Halloween Box

10 Oct.

I C Jack-O’- Lantern- Conversion Item

IV R Bolt Booster- Ykwid

III B Golden Fleece- Converts to GF adult’s armor: Phy resis 16% up, ice resis 30%
up; fire resis 30% down

V R Gareth of Gallantry- Converts to GoG katana: bolt attack 50% up; light attack
50% down

VI B Mont Blanc- Adds +8 to a gene’s luck and +2 to its defense.

Gene: Don Quixote

Autumn Box
11 Nov.

II C Apple Pie- Adds +8 to a gene’s luck and +2 to its speed.

III C Autumn Leaf Viewing- Conversion item

VI B Selene’s Veil- All allies can reflect a single magic attack. Can’t be used
with physical evasion effect

V B Earth Booster- Ykwid

VI C Ring of Hercules- Doubles power of next physical attack of all allies

Gene: Vlad III

Xmas Box

12 Dec.

I B Magma Placenta- Converts to MP boy’s armor: Phy Resistance 16% up, earth resis
30% up; bolt resis 30% down

III C Jelly Roll- Adds +8 to a gene’s attack and +2 to its defense.

II B Snow Candle- Conversion item

IV R Lancelot of Rebellion- Convert to LoR sword. Earth attack 50% up, light attack
50% down

VI B Fire Resistance- Ykwid

Gene: Santa Claus                 

6 - Special Event Dates (completed thank to nb1804)

Date : Event Name (Boss Attribute) > Reward (Class C Base Atrribute)

January 1 - New Year fest Promotion (2 weeks event)

January 8 - Defeat Super Volheim (Fire) > Weapon (S Class)

January 16 - Defeat Verchiel Nightmare (Thunder) > Weapon (Earth 30%)

January 18 - Defeat Super Aries (Thunder) > Weapon (S Class)

January 24 - Defeat Hamaliel Jaws (Earth) > Armor (Earth 20%)

January 28 - Defeat Super Shyamalan (Earth) > Armor (S Class)

February 1 - Valentine fest Promotion (2 weeks event)

February 8 - Defeat Super Auz (Thunder) > Armor (S Class)

February 16 - Defeat Uriel Mystic Beast (Thunder) > Armor (Thunder 20%)

February 18 - Defeat Super Erik (Light) > Armor (S Class)

February 24 - Defeat Barbiel Specter (Ice) > Weapon (Fire 30%)

February 28 - Defeat Super Sagitarrius (Ice) > Weapon (S Class)

March 1 - White Day fest Promotion (2 weeks event)

March 8 - Defeat Super Marv (Neutral) > Armor (S Class)

March 16 - Defeat Adnachiel Fatality (Dark) > Armor (Dark 20%)

March 18 - Defeat Super Dorothy (Dark) > Armor (S Class)

March 24 - Defeat Gabriel Eradicator (Fire) > Weapon (Ice 30%)

March 28 - Defeat Super Volheim (Fire) > Weapon (S Class)

April 1 - Debut fest Promotion (2 weeks event)

April 8 - Defeat Super Drei 6 (Dark) > Weapon (S Class)

April 16 - Defeat Barachiel Zombie (Thunder) > Armor (Thunder 20%)

April 18 - Defeat Super Auz (Thunder) > Armor (S Class)

April 24 - Defeat Machidiel Mech (Neutral) > Armor (Mag 4%)

April 28 - Defeat Super Mariv (Neutral) > Armor (S Class)

May 1 - Easter fest Promotion (2 weeks event)

May 8 - Defeat Super Old One (Neutral) > Armor (S Class)

May 16 - Defeat Asmodel Twins (Dark) > Weapon (Light 30%)

May 18 - Defeat Super Drei 6 (Dark) > Weapon (S Class)

May 24 - Defeat Ambriel Gold (Neutral) > Armor (Phy +20% Mag -20%)

May 28 -Defeat Super Old One (Neutral) > Armor (S Class)

May 01, 2015 : Easter fest Promotion (2 weeks event)

June 01, 2015 : Defeat Muriel Suckers (Fire) > Armor (Fire 20%)

June 08, 2015 : Defeat Super Grazie (Fire) > Armor (S Class)

June 09, 2015 : Defeat Verchiel Nightmare (Thunder) > Weapon (Earth 30%)

June 16, 2015 : Spring fest Promotion (2 weeks event)

June 18, 2015 : Defeat Super Aries (Thunder) > Weapon (S Class)

June 28, 2015 : Defeat Super Grazie (Fire) > Armor (S Class)

July 01, 2015 : Star fest Promotion (2 weeks event)

July 08, 2015 : Defeat Super Aries (Thunder) > Weapon (S Class)

July 16, 2015 : Defeat Hamaliel Jaws (Earth) > Armor (Earth 20%)
July 18, 2015 : Defeat Super Shyamalan (Earth) > Armor (S Class)

July 24, 2015 : Defeat Uriel Mystic Beast (Thunder) > Armor (Thunder 20%)

July 28, 2015 : Defeat Super Erik (Light) > Armor (S Class)

August 01, 2015 : Summer fest Promotion (2 weeks event)

August 08, 2015 : Defeat Super Shyamalan (Earth) > Armor (S Class)

August 16, 2015 : Defeat Barbiel Specter (Ice) > Weapon (Fire 30%)

August 18, 2015 : Defeat Super Sagitarrius (Ice) > Weapon (S Class)

August 24, 2015 : Defeat Adnachiel Fatality (Dark) > Armor (Dark 20%)

August 28, 2015 : Defeat Super Dorothy (Dark) > Armor (S Class)

September 01, 2015 : Gabriel Eradicator (Fire) > Weapon (Ice 30%)

September 08, 2015 : Defeat Super Volheim (Fire) > Weapon (S Class)

September 09, 2015 : Defeat Barachiel Zombie (Thunder) > Armor (Thunder 20%)

September 16, 2015 : Yummy fest Promotion (2 weeks event)

September 18, 2015 : Defeat Super Auz (Thunder) > Armor (S Class)

September 28, 2015 : Defeat Super Erik (Light) > Armor (S Class)

October 01, 2015 : Defeat Machidiel Mech (Neutral) > Armor (Mag 4%)

October 08, 2015 : Defeat Super Mariv (Neutral) > Armor (S Class)

October 09, 2015 : Defeat Asmodel Twins (Dark) > Weapon (Light 30%)

October 16, 2015 : Halloween fest Promotion (2 weeks event)

October 18, 2015 : Defeat Super Drei 6 (Dark) > Weapon (S Class)

October 28, 2015 : Defeat Super Sagitarrius (Ice) > Weapon (S Class)

November 01, 2015 : Autumn fest Promotion (2 weeks event)

November 08, 2015 : Defeat Super Dorothy (Dark) > Armor (S Class)

November 16, 2015 : Defeat Ambriel Gold (Neutral) > Armor (Phy +20% Mag -20%)

November 18, 2015 : Defeat Super Old One (Neutral) > Armor (S Class)

November 24, 2015 : Defeat Muriel Suckers (Fire) > Armor (Fire 20%)

November 28, 2015 : Defeat Super Grazie (Fire) > Armor (S Class)

December 01, 2015 : Defeat Hanael Gun (Ice) > Armor (Ice 20%)

December 08, 2015 : Defeat Super Gemini (Ice) > Armor (S Class)

December 16, 2015 : Xmas fest Promotion (2 weeks event)

December 18, 2015 : Defeat Super Gemini (Ice) > Armor (S Class)

December 28, 2015 : Defeat Super Gemini (Ice) > Armor (S Class)

7 - Finishing 100th magma floor 

You can get some rewards (you can choose) when you finish the 100 floors of Magma
Ocean :

- Recovery 1,5x  > Very good for any healer as it increase the healing by 50%

- Other skills are auto type skills : Light ,Dark ,Earth,Ice, Fire, Bolt Booster /
Resistance or a Memory drop III reward.

And every time you'll get 30 Coins.

8 - Maps and Gifts Colors rewards (for crafting genes)

Theia Box (Solomon SR): Red I, Blue II, Cyan III, Red IV, Yellow V, Yellow VI

Edge Box (Tutankhamun SR): Yellow I, Yellow II, Blue III, Purple IV, Blue V, Cyan

Primodia (Lugh SR): Blue I, Red II, Yellow III, Yellow IV, Red V, Blue VI

Military (Qin Shi Huang SR): Blue I, Cyan II, Purple III, Cyan IV, Cyan V, Cyan VI

Spaceship (Michelangelo R): Blue I, Red II, Cyan III, Red IV, Blue V, Red VI

Scream (Shakespeare R): Cyan I, Blue II, Cyan III, Cyan IV, Red V, Blue VI

Jellyfish (Rapunzel R): Blue I, Red II, Red III, Red IV, Red V, Cyan VI

Sugarcube (Marie R): Cyan I, Red II, Blue III, Cyan IV, Red V, Red VI (Fight now)

Snowman (Daji R): Red I, Blue II, Blue III, Cyan IV, Cyan V, Blue VI

MagmaOcean (Nostradamus R): Red I, Purple II, Blue III, Blue IV, Cyan V, Blue VI

Airship (Da Vinci R): Cyan I, Cyan II, Red III, Blue IV, Red V, Red VI

World Tree (Basho R): Red I, Cyan II, Cyan III, Red IV, Blue V, Blue VI

Sunflower (Heishichi R): Purple I, Blue II, Red III, Blue IV, Cyan V, Red VI

Blue ocean (D’Artagnan R): Blue I, Cyan II, Red III, Blue IV, Blue V, Cyan VI

9 - Gene combination and Heritage Skills (Blue skills)

When you combine two genes, it results with a 3rd different gene :

If you separate the Genes into groups depending on their location in the Index
(Usually the groups are by 6 Elements and an optional non-elemental) if you fuse a
Gene from a particular group to one from another group, the result will almost
always be a Gene from a third group or near each other in the Index.

So with that you can probably predict how to get every Gene through Fusion if you
have at least a Gene from each group. And no, just to head off the most obvious
question, I haven't found the groups that result in 5*'s groups.

Also fusing elemental pairs always seems to result in a particular element.

Using the first letter of each element (L,D,E,B,F,I,Non), also order doesn't seem
to matter

Non + Any Element = That Element

Any Element + Same Element = That Element

L+D = Non

L+E = F

L+B = F

L+F = D

L+I = B

D+E = I

D+B = L

D+F = I

D+I = E

E+B = F

E+F = L

E+I = B

B+F = I

B+I = D

F+I = E

2* Elemental + 2* Non-Elemental = 3* Elemental

This gene heritates of 2 of any parents skills except the skills the resulting gene
can learn later (you can't get emperor mode skill from heritage if you resulting
gene get it in SR @lvl 40 for example).

When you fuse it select two random skills from the two combined genes : can be 2 of
one gene, or 1 of each gene, whatever.

You can't choose the skills, but there is a trick to get the 2 skills you want :
when you combine the two genes, before validating the fusion , you can check under
"status" button of the resulting gene which are the 2 skills it will heritate : not
happy ? just go a step back, select again the 2 genes to combine, and check again
the heritage skills on the new gene before fusing, you can do it until you get the
2 heritage skills you want (no need to reset the game , what i did a long time
before this... -_ - )

Example of a good thing you can do with this system :

Shizuka Gozen is a good healer, she's a combination of Ikkyu and Amaterasu as you
saw before.

Ikkyu can be a result of Wagner + another gene (of the good group).

Wagner can learn the Magnum Fang skill.

Level Wagner@SR lvl 40 and get Magnum Fang skill .... combine Wagner + another gene
(as long it gives Ikkyu as result) andpasse the Magnum Fang skill to the new Ikkyu

Then level this Ikkyu gene (with Magnum Fang) , Ikkyu get herself emperor mode @SR
lvl 40  ... now... once you have this pretty skill :

Combine Ikkyu + Amaterasu :  you can now give Magnum Fang + Emperor Mode (all from
Ikkyu) to Shizuka Gozen as heritage skills , while she retain her own skills ,
here’s a cool healer with the best physical attack skill and the best buff of the

Heritage skills are the way to get the most powerful genes later, as it gives 2
more skills (8 skills gene) , but it requires time , dedication, experimentation.

There are a few skills you can train directly (but not as blue skills however) on
genes , as rakasha lotus, recovery 1,5x , resulting of Gifts, or Boss rewards (or
Magma ocean lvl 100 rewards).

10 - Gene crafting / Popular Skills

So you will ask which genes are good , “OP” etc.. in the game, there are indeed
some genes that are more (natively) powerful than others (next section)

First , a recurrent question :

how to get Gilgamesh ? 

Gilgamesh is a end game gene you can craft (chapter 4) that requires those 6
yellows gems from :

I Fancy Final Feast-Edge of the World Box/Dungeon

II Darts- Edge of the World Box/Dungeon

III Memory Drop IV- Primodia Box/Dungeon

IV Moonlight Shadow- Primodia Box/Dungeon

V Rakshasa Lutos- Theia Box/Dungeon

VI Iris Shield- Theia Box/Dungeon         


Gilgamesh is popular, because he natively have all the advanced single target
spells (the most powerful spells you can find) , and can also gain stress @lvl 20

can i make Gilgamesh again ? :

Yes, like all genes that can be crafted, you can make them as much as you want as
long you have the gifts for.

Note : Arianrhod (one of the best healer of the game) uses the same principle with
purple gifts (zodiac gifts)

Popular Gene skills : before talking of combination tips, you have to understand
what some of the skills do , i’ll cover only a small fraction of them , mostly
those which are popular or useful :

Advanced spells, they can be single target, or Area, while Area spells are very
good for classic encounter trashing , for hard boss fights on the other hand , it’s
better to have the single target version because  :

They do more damage on a single target (obviously)

Cost less mana (40 for an advanced single target , 80 for advanced area)

So you will quickly run out of mana on long fights if you keep using advanced area
version of the spell (and some bosses have quite high HP pool)


Advanced Healing (all) , Beautiful Rain , Recovery 1,5x  : Advanced healing is the
most powerful healing you can get. Beautiful Rain is a moderate healing, but also
cure status aliments of the team (if you are poisoned etc, but beware, not stats
buff/defbuffs ! ). Recovery 1,5x is a passive skill increasing healing done by your
caster by 50% , you can heal over 4k with this and advanced healing (all).

Stress : one of the most powerful skills of the game : does 20% damage based on the
remaining HP of the monster , so if you fight a boss with 100.000 hp , it will do
20000 damage on first time, then (if the boss is @80000hp) , 16000 damage on second
cast , etc… the more the remaining HP the more the damage, however at a point when
the boss begins to suffer, you should switch to spells that will do more damage (or
physical attacks)

Emperor Mode : This skill enhance all the stats of your character by around 30% for
5 turns  , it’s the most powerful self buff you can have , and can easily turn the
tide of a fight.

Magnum Fang, Asura Lotus :  Two neutral physical attack skills : Magnum Fang does
6x times normal attacks (unlike the description says those are not weaker than
attacking normally) , combine that with a 6 hit Leary weapon , that’s 36 strikes,
useful to take down either eggons or with physical boosters, and a good boost (like
berserk, emperor mode) , can shred monster and bosses.

Asura Lotus : Can deliver up to 5 strikes (depending of the speed of the character)
, is second best physical skill you can get.

Eraser / Format : Eraser removes all positive or negative buffs/debuffs of everyone

on the field (not statuses like poison etc tho) , like emperor mode, berserk
negative etc… 
Format : Will remove all negative buffs debuffs and status effects of your team.

Passive boost skills : like Physical booster , Dark booster , Attribute affection ,
Magic booster, Critical booster, helps your gene to specialise, and do more damage
with some skills , for example : Kishibojin gene , is an hybrid spell caster :
having advanced cremation, advanced doga, fire booster, earth booster, magic
booster and attribute affection.
        Meaning his fire / earth spells will do some nice damage.

Immunity skills :  Full immunity (poison) , Unstoppable (no skill), Impervious

(stun) , make you character immune to status aliments, can transform a hard fight
into an easy one.

Catalysts : Berserk catalyst, Eggon catalyst etc… are passives that launch at the
start of battle and are permanent , still nice to get.

Trade :  a pelicular skill owned by Iseult gene : you can reverse the status
between a monster and one of your character, here’s an example of use :


Iseult Trade (innate skill) + Snow Tiger (Blue slot skill) combination.

What does Snow Tiger skill do?

This skill give guarantee critical hit + inflict poison debuff on self.


1. Boss A cast Emperor mode on self, you (with no buff or what so ever) cast Trade
to the boss A, what will happen here is you gain Emperor mode and boss A will be
without any buff on him.

2. Another scenario: you have poison debuff and attack buff, boss B does not have
any buff/debuff.

You cast trade onto the boss B, the result will be you cleared of any poison debuff
and attack buff while Boss B have poison debuff and attack buff on him.

Even if boss B IMMUNE to poison skill, he WILL still get the poison debuff

Unlike Stress skill, poison will constantly dmg 10% of total initial engagement HP
or MAX HP which means constant poison in 10 round will kill the enemy off.

The pattern for using Iseult is:

First Turn:

- Iseult uses Snow Tiger first

- Physical attacker uses Asura Lotus / Magnum Fang second

Result: Art Ascendant combo

Second Turn:

- Iseult uses Trade skill on enemy

- Any other char use any action

Result: enemy guarantee poisoned dmg for 10% of his max HP for 2 turn

Third Turn & so on Iseult repeat the same (2 turn above) action for the enemy to
get constant poison debuff.

11 - Popular Genes (and Early Game cheesing)

Early game Snow Tiger + Trade Combo - ho1yski3s

Remember that broken combo that kills bosses within 10 turns regardless? You don't
have to wait until Chapter 4 to get it! In fact its available the moment you unlock
Modern Colosseum!

Basically, Okita + Odd Month Gene Box Salome = Mata Hari with Snow Tiger and Trade

I haven't tested it out so try this at your own risk, but here goes:

1) After unlocking Modern Colosseum, set the date to early March for the White
Dayfest Event. Use your two free Rare Item Attractor boosters and some battle
boosters to easy win a C Rank battle TWICE. This will unlock the marshmallow box.
Then with 20 Ohnz coins complete the item sheet to get Okita, which has Snow Tiger.

2) Not enough Ohnz coins? Thats fine! Do the Using Coins tutorial quest to get some
free coins, and when prompted to buy from the Gene Box, look for a rare Salome with
the Trade skill. if I am not mistaken, on odd months the rare Salome
carries Trade as a learned skill instead of Mental Wall. Train this Salome up to
level 15 quickly to learn the skill.

3) Combine Salome and Okita, making sure that the two blue slots have snow tiger
and trade on them. Voila! Rare Mata Hari with Snow Tiger and Trade.

One step further is upgrading to Kaguya, which has the second highest defence (405)
in the game for survivability.

- Wagner (Phys Atk / Bolt)  Gets Magnum Fang as SR, considered one of the best, if
not the best, Physical skill in the game. Bolt-element. Her stats are skewed
towards Attack and Speed, making her an ideal attacker. Magnum Fang does 6 x
(char's # of hits), up to a max of 36 with Leary using a 6-hit weapon.

- Kishibojin (Fire/Nuker) Probably the hardest hitting fire user that can be

obtained with minimal effort. Has Fire Booster, Attribute Affection and Magic
Booster passives. Learns Concentrate, Advanced Cremation and Advanced Doga (with
Earth Booster         but screw that go full fire). Couple that with a +50-100%
fire weapon (Mordred of Vice        in first dungeon box and Divine Comedy from
Colosseum S Rank) and you have a combo where Gamma Knife + Angry Face + Ice Lotion
+ Concentrate + Crit Into Advanced Cremation takes out around 70%-90% of a boss’s

(I laugh at this damage all the time)

Ice Lotions are a pain to farm so only use it if you have to. Buy Gamma Knife and
Angry Face from Winterborough. There are several bosses that are immune or absorb
fire so don’t just pump your exp and seeds on this gene, look below.

- Athena. (Balanced/Light) She gets Emperor Mode as SR, a powerful self-buff. Her
AoE skills are incredibly powerful at clearing trash until late-game, as many
enemies are Dark element. Holy element. Has balanced stats, with a slight focus on
Attack and Defense.

- Black Prince (Phys Atk / Dark) He gets an instant death type Attack called 'The
End', Emperor Mode, and Asura Lotus - a physical attack that can hit 2-5 x (char's
# of hits), doing more hits with more speed. Like Wagner, Black Prince is skewed
for Attack and Speed at the expense of Defense and Luck. BP's luck is not as bad as
Wagner's though. Dark element.

- Artemis (Dark/Tank) Artemis is mostly on this list for one reason: Stress.

Stress is one of the most powerful spells of the game as i described in previous
section, she get the strong dark spell advanced odette and aug. cremation (if
hybrid needs) , magic resistance, natural remedy and some chances to avoid being 1
shotted (blue moon brave) , adding some physical obtainable skills (on kepler via
gifts or boss fights) could help, as she have a good defense stat and average

- Calypso (Heal / Ice)  Ice based healer, but also attacker as she can have
augmented cocytus, but she also has access to augmented healing (all), revive, and
a way to clear debuffs from your team with recovery. She’s popular cause you can
get her early (check monthly rare) , and you will probably keep her for a long time
for the main quest

- Kenshin (Phys atk / Fire) :  This dragon is quite a heavy physical hitter , auto
counter, crit x2 , emperor mode, physical booster, Rakasha lotus… what else ? give
him Magnum Fang or Asura lotus, and you have a high attack , physical destroyer.

- Arianrhod (Heal / Light) : The most powerful healer with advanced healing (all)
and most useful healing support skills plus advanced mana on the offensive, can be
crafted with the 4 specific purple zodiac genes. Give her Recovery 1,5x from magma
100th floor and your heal number will skyrocket.

- Gilgamesh (heavy polyvalent caster) . Good attack , great caster to complete a

team for spellcasting combination as he’s getting all advanced single target
spells, can learn Stress too.

- Goemon (Fire) / Susanoo (Lightning) / Jubei (Ice) / Yoshitsune (Earth) (best

elemental casters) :  High atk , advanced single target, magic Booster, attribute
affection, augmented AoE of another element, Resistance to opposed element, group
buff / debuff, those are the most powerful element casters , ideal to do some spell
combinations (add concentrate / element boost from arenas gifts and you can one
shot super bosses on triple combo advanced spells) or passing advanced single
target damage spell to other genes (or with gilgamesh)

Also of special note are some of the “hidden” genes:

- John Doe (Phys Atk / Dark)  is quite strong. He does great dark damage and has an
ice based AoE, has Crit x2, Asura Lotus, and more. He has amazing Attack and is one
of the best damage dealers in the game.

- Iseult, Shizuka Gozen (another very good healer) , Juliet, and Kojiro are also
nice genes to get as they have specific skills that can be useful , alone, or to

************** MAJOR STORY SPOILERS WARNING ******************

Don’t read this if you didn’t finished the game already , as it’s revealing major
battles, for some trophies you can earn in the game.

You are warned !

I’ll always put this section to the end of the FAQ so people can still get some
infos without being spoiled storywise.

************** MAJOR STORY SPOILERS WARNING ******************

12 - Fate Seals (MASSIVE SPOILERS)

Fate Seals are special in-game trophy items that are awarded for battles that are
made for the player to lose storywise, but are winnable with strong genes.

They have no practical function in the game, just some nice collectibles.

The list:

Fate Seal (Ram) - Awarded for defeating Aries in the ruined battleship without the

Fate Seal (Skull 1) - Awarded for defeating Drei 6 in the forgotten village.

Fate Seal (Skull 2) - Awarded for defeating Drei 6 with Nasca alone immediately
after the previous battle.

Fate Seal (Dynast) - Awarded for defeating Johannes in the chancellor's cup

Fate Seal (Beast 1) - Awarded for defeating Axion (the Incarnatus attacking New
Paleo) with Nasca and Elroux before Al arrives.

Fate Seal (Beast 2) - Awarded for defeating Axion after Al joins the battle, but
BEFORE johannes arrives.

Fate Seal (Devil) - Awarded for defeating Auz in the terraformer ark.

Tip from forum member Pivi : As for strategies, I have used exclusively Athena,
Calypso and Artemis during the whole game, so if they are well leveled and promoted
to SR, than all of the seals are winnable with this three.

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