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Departemen Pendidikan Masyarakat B 19’

Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan

NAMA : Zahra Ikhsania Putri

NIM : 1904040

MATA KULIAH : Bahasa Inggris

Perencanaan Learning Materials

Media Interaktif
Materi: Montessori Method of Education

A. Pendahuluan

Bahan ajar media interaktif yang saya buat mengangkat tema tentang Metode
Montessori, dan akan saya sajikan menggunakan link web yang nantinya dapat
diakses oleh siapa saja, kapan saja dan dimana saja. Lebih khususnya aplikasi
yang saya gunakan adalah articulate storyline, articulate storyline sendiri adalah
sebuah perangkat lunak yang dapat digunakan untuk membuat presentasi.
Memiliki fungsi yang sama dengan Microsoft Power Point, akan tetapi memiliki
beberapa kelebihan sehingga dapat menghasilkan presentasi yang lebih
komprehensif dan kreatif. Dengan kelebihan-kelebihan yang dimiliki oleh aplikasi
tersebut maka aplikasi tersebut sangat tepat untuk membuat bahan ajar media

B. Segmentasi

Agar pembelajaran menjadi lebih menarik dan interaktif maka saya membagi
materi-materi nya ke dalam beberapa segmen, yaitu sebagai berikut:

1. Cover
2. Pembukaan/ucapan selamat datang
3. Pemaparan materi dibagi ke dalam beberapa segmen yang disimpan di
menu utama.
- Learning Materials dibagi kembali ke dalam 3 sub-menu.
a. Sub-menu (History): menjelaskan tentang siapa pendiri metode
Montessori beserta sejarahnya
Departemen Pendidikan Masyarakat B 19’
Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan

b. Sub-menu (Explanation): menjelaskan apa itu metode Montessori

beserta tujuan dan manfaatnya.
c. Sub-menu (Implementation): menjelaskan implementasi metode
Montessori di sekolah atau rumah.
- Mini Quiz (berjumlah 3 buah pertanyaan) diakhiri dengan slide review
- Summary/kesimpulan
- Penutup/ucapan terima kasih

C. Script

Pemaparan materi akan dijabarkan menggunakan slide seperti pada Power

Point namun pengguna dapat lebih interaktif karena pengguna dapat
memindahkan slide menggunakan tombol-tombol yang telah disediakan.

1. Cover/Tittle

“Montessori Method of Education”

An Interactive Learning Designed by Zahra Ikhsania Putri

2. Greeting
“Are you excited for a fun learning session?”

3. Main Menu
3.1 Learning Materials
a. History
- Who is The Founder?
Maria Montessori (August 31, 1870–May 6, 1952) was a pioneering
educator whose philosophy and approach remain fresh and modern
one hundred years after her work began. In particular, her work
resonates with parents who seek to stimulate children through creative
activity and exploration in all its forms. Children educated in
Montessori Schools know who they are as people. They are confident,
Departemen Pendidikan Masyarakat B 19’
Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan

at ease with themselves, and interact on a high social plane with peers
and adults. Montessori students are naturally curious about their
surroundings and eager to explore.
- The History
At the beginning of the 20th century, Dr. Maria Montessori, Italy's
first female doctor, opened the Casa dei Bambini (Children's House)
to provide education to low-income children in Rome. Instead of using
traditional teaching methods, Maria Montessori began testing her own
child-centered educational theories in the classroom. The Casa dei
Bambini was unique because it focused on educating each child based
on his or her development stage. Dr. Montessori encouraged children
to take ownership of what they wanted to learn and worked with each
child to create a personalized education that played to that child’s
strengths. Children were encouraged to cooperate and work together
to accomplish their goals. In 1909, Dr. Montessori described her
educational process in detail in Il Metodo della Pedagogia Scientifica
applicato all’educazione infantile nelle Case dei Bambini. Titled The
Montessori Education in English, her book captured the attention of
educators all over the world and in the next two decades, Montessori
schools sprang up on all six continents. In 1929, she founded the
Association Montessori Internationale to provide teacher education
and guidance to the many Montessori schools opening around the
world. Today, Maria Montessori is known as one of the foremost
pioneers of education in the 20th century.
b. Explanation
- What is Montessori?
Montessori is an approach to the education of children. It is a way of
looking at and understanding children. It is a view of how children
develop and learn which has been translated into a systematic method
of education based upon careful scientific study. Simply put,
Montessori is a scientifically founded method of educating children
Departemen Pendidikan Masyarakat B 19’
Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan

founded on the belief that a child's education should be constructed to

develop all aspects of a child: social, emotional, physical and
- What is the purpose?
The main purpose of Montessori education is to help every child
develop essential skills already within him to master the creative
learning process all through his life. It is all about helping him
develop the skills essential for success, not only in school, but also in
- How is Montessori program different from other programs?
1. Teaching in individuals instead of to groups
2. Children learn through practicing tasks
3. The Montessori curriculum is much broader than many other
4. Montessori programs emphasize on self-discipline
5. The routine of the Montessori programis well arranged and based
on the principle of freedom
- Here is the benefit of Montessori education
1. Competence: Children in Montessori schools are often several
years above grade level in their basic skills. Also, since the
Montessori education is comprehensive, children are often
exceptionally knowledgeable in a number of other areas as well.
2. Self-disciplin: Montessori schools are well known for children's
development of self-discipline. Children choose to work long and
hard. They treat materials and others with respect. They display
patience and resistance to temptation and the ability to attend for
long periods.
3. Social Adjustment: Montessori school children usually strike a
visitor as a friendly, empathetic, and cooperative. The classroom is
a cheerful social community where children happily help each
Departemen Pendidikan Masyarakat B 19’
Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan

other. It isnot uncommon to see a child offer to help another child.

Also, learning social grace and courtesy are a part of the
Montessori curriculum.
4. Happiness: Most parents of children in a Montessori schools
comment on how much their children love school.
c. Implementation
- Implementation at School
To achieve goals, there must be some components as the supporting
components of learning provided by the schools. A suitable teaching
method that applied to young learners will bring the schools to
success, get their objectives of learning. If the school uses a
comprehensive Montessori method with a planned program of
learning activities it's can help teahers to meet the childrens personal,
cognitive, moral, intellectual, school and environment needs. Through
this method children learn and develop the attitude to love working
and refining of movement. They will also be able to establish a strong
foundation in both oral and written communication. Students in this
school enjoy the environment where they can explore their ideas and
creativities. Teachers in this school are very kind and respect the
children. They are just like friends for children, teacher‟s presence is
not to give order nor command to them, but to give companion only.
This situation makes children study happily and with strong spirit.
Children learn at very young age, of how to be independent
individuals, creative and discipline children.
- Montessori at Home
Most people have heard of Montessori education programs, but many
don't realize that Montessori's theories are also concepts you can
successfully incorporate at home. Why should a parent consider
implementing Montessori principles at home? Many reasons exist, but
the biggest is that it's a great way to recognize and develop your
child's inherent ability to learn about the world around them through
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Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan

meaningful play. By making a few changes to your home environment,

you can actually help encourage your child's natural curiosity and
ability to learn for years to come. Incorporating Montessori at home:
organize your environtment, emphasize life skills, teach concentration,
focus on inner motivation.
3.2 Mini Quiz
“Are you ready?
- Question 1: Who is the founder of Montessori education?
- Question 2: Montessori is an approach to the education of…
- Question 3: Here is the benefit of Montessori education, except?
“Slide Review Results”

3.3 Summary

Montessori teaching method appreciates the uniqueness of every child. It

benefits the natures of children which are playing and working on the matter
that they are interested in. By considering the strenght of children, this
method is succesful to develop a child's potential maximally without any
pressure but support process.

4. Closing

“Thank you! I hope this lesson will help and educate you about Montessori
education ;)”

D. My Experience

For me cause this is my first time making a script for an interactive

learning in English it’s a little bit hard and confusing. Because I have to
translate the materials from bahasa and sometimes the google translate doesn’t
work well so I have to translate it one by one. I know it’s so wasting my time
but I’ll do my best to get a perfect sentence so later when someone seeing my
interactive learning it’s easy to read and easy to understand. Well, I have a
reason why I choose Montessori Method of education as my content. It’s
Departemen Pendidikan Masyarakat B 19’
Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan

because I think this materials is still rarely discuss or speak and this materials
it’s so interesting, therefore I choose it.

And last but not least, making an interactive learning also the script and
the story board it’s a new experience for me. So far i really enjoy it and it’s so
challenging, I really love to make an interactive learning but I think I will love
it more when I have to make this in bahasa cause it’s easier. I hope I can make
a better version of my interactive learning next time or maybe in next courses,
wish me luck hehe.

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