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HEARTBURN (Rasa Panas pada Bagian Dada)

Disusun Oleh :

1. Devi Suparyeti NIM: P27224020491

2. Ove Novia Dian Istiqomah NIM: P27224020509


TAHUN 2021


Rasa syukur kami haturkan kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa, karena
berkat karunianya kami dapat menyusun makalah ini dengan baik dan selesai
tepat pada waktunya. Makalah ini kami beri judul “Ketidaknyamanan pada Ibu
Hamil Trimester 1 tentang Heartburn (Rasa Panas pada Bagian Dada)”.

Penyusunan makalah ini bertujuan untuk memenuhi tugas Asuhan

Kehamilan dari Dosen pengampu mata pelajaran. Selain itu, makalah ini juga
bertujuan untuk memberikan tambahan wawasan bagi kami sebagai penulis dan
bagi para pembaca. Khususnya dalam hal ketidaknyamanan kehamilan trimester 1
dengan Heartburn (Rasa Panas pada Bagian Dada).

Terakhir, kami menyadari bahwa makalah ini masih jauh dari

kesempurnaan. Maka dari itu kami membutuhkan kritik dan saran yang bisa
membangun kemampuan kami, agar kedepannya bisa menulis makalah dengan
lebih baik lagi. Semoga makalah ini bermanfaat bagi para pembaca, dan bagi kami
khususnya sebagai penulis.

Surakarta, 06 Januari 2021



HALAMAN JUDUL...........................................................................................i

KATA PENGANTAR.......................................................................................ii

DAFTAR ISI.....................................................................................................iii

BAB I PENDAHULUAN..................................................................................1
A. Latar Belakang................................................................................................1
B. Rumusan Masalah...........................................................................................2
C. Tujuan.............................................................................................................2

BAB II PEMBAHASA......................................................................................3
A. Pengertian Heartburn pada Ibu Hamil............................................................3
B. Penyebab Heartburn pada Ibu Hamil..............................................................3
C. Penanganan Heartburn pada Ibu Hamil..........................................................4

BAB III PENUTUP...........................................................................................5

A. Kesimpulan.....................................................................................................5
B. Saran...............................................................................................................5

DAFTAR PUSTAKA........................................................................................6


A. Latar Belakang

Salah satu target global yang tertuang dalam Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs) adalah menurunkan angka kematian ibu (AKI). Hal tersebut selaras
dengan arah pencapaian Indonesia sehat 2030 yaitu menjamin kehidupan yang
sehat dan mendorong kesejahteraan bagi semua orang di segala usia. Hasil Survey
Demografi dan Kesehatan Indonesia (SDKI) tahun 2012,AKI masih berada pada
359 per
100.000 kelahiran hidup. (Badan Pusat Statistik et al., 2013)

Kehamilan menjadi pengalaman baru bagi seorang perempuan, perubahan

fisik serta psikologis dan perubahan sosial menimbulkan ketidaknyamanan dan
kecemasan tersendiri. Prevalensi kecemasan selama kehamilan sekitar 3-17%,di
negara maju 10% dan di negara berkembang 25%,di Indonesia angka kejadian
kecemasan pada kehamilan berkisar 28,7%. (Kemenkes RI,2011;Rubertsson et
al.,2014; Shahhosseini et al., 2015)

Salah satu perubahan fisik yang dapat menimbulkan ketidaknyamanan pada

ibu hamil yaitu heartburn yang sering terjadi pada trimester pertama. Heartburn
adalah suatu kondisi dimana asam lambung naik dengan sensasi terbakar di sekitar
dada bagian bawah hingga tenggorokan bagian bawah. selama kehamilan, hormon
progesteron menyebabkan katup rileks, yang dapat meningkatkan frekuensi
mulas. Ini memungkinkan asam lambung masuk ke kerongkongan dan mengiritasi

Menurut J. E. RICHTER Department of Medicine, Temple University School

of Medicine, Philadelphia (2005), heartburn diperkirakan terjadi pada 30-50%
kehamilan, dengan insiden mendekati 80% di beberapa populasi. Biasanya,
mulas/Heartburn selama kehamilan hilang segera setelah melahirkan, namun,
kadang-kadang menunjukkan eksaserbasi penyakit refluks gastroesofagus yang
sudah ada sebelumnya. Kebanyakan pasien mulai memperhatikan gejala mereka
akhir trimester pertama atau trimester kedua kehamilan dengan mulas menjadi
lebih sering dan parah pada bulan-bulan terakhir kehamilan. Indeks massa tubuh
sebelum kehamilan, kenaikan berat badan selama kehamilan, atau ras tidak
memprediksi mulas/ heartburn dan usia ibu yang lebih tua tampaknya memiliki
efek perlindungan pada heartburn.

Berdasarkan uraian tersebut, maka kami penulis tertarik untuk berdiskusi

mengenai ketidaknyamanan yang sering terjadi pada ibu hamil trimester pertama
dengan keluhan rasa panas pada bagian dada atau sering disebut dengan

B. Rumusan Masalah

1. Apa pengertian dari Heartburn pada ibu hamil?

2. Apa penyebab hearburn pada ibu hamil?
3. Bagaimana penanganan Hertburn pada ibu hamil?
C. Tujuan
1. Untuk mengetahui pengertian heartburn pada ibu hamil
2. Untuk mengetahui penyebab heartburn pada ibu hamil
3. Untuk mengetahui bagimana penanganan heartburn pada ibu hamil



A. Pengertian Heartburn pada Ibu Hamil

Heartburn adalah suatu kondisi dimana asam lambung naik dengan sensasi
terbakar di sekitar dada bagian bawah hingga tenggorokan bagian bawah. Kondisi
ini banyak dialami oleh ibu hamil. Heartburn saat hamil memang tidak berbahaya,
namun akan mengganggu kenyamanan ketika kondisi ini terus berulang. Kondisi
seperti ini disebabkan perut kembung selama kehamilan dan terjadi di trimester
kedua. Namun, sebagian juga merasakan heartburn saat trimester pertama.
Menurut American Pregnancy Association, selama kehamilan, hormon
progesteron menyebabkan katup rileks, yang dapat meningkatkan frekuensi
mulas. Ini memungkinkan asam lambung masuk ke kerongkongan dan mengiritasi
lapisan. Mulas dan gangguan pencernaan justru lebih sering terjadi selama
trimester ketiga karena rahim yang tumbuh memberi tekanan pada usus dan
lambung. Tekanan pada perut juga dapat mendorong isi kembali ke
kerongkongan. ( Heartburn pada ibu hamil, Phani fauziah, 2020)

B. Penyebab Heartburn pada Ibu Hamil

1. Hormon Kehamilan (Progesterone) Peningkatan hormone kehamilan
(progesterone) sehingga menyebabakan penurunan kerja lambung dan
esophagus bawah akibatnya makanan yang masuk cenderung lambat
dicerna sehingga makanan menumpuk hal ini menyebabakan rasa penuh
atau kenyang dan kembung
2. Tekanan dari rahim yang semakin membesar karena kehamilan pada isi
3. Faktor hormone kehamilan (HCG), yang menstimulasi produksi estrogen
pada ovarium dan hormon estrogen diketahui meningkatkan mual muntah

4. Faktor pencernaan, hormon estrogen dapat memicu peningkatan asam
lambung sehingga membuat mual muntah
5. Faktor psikologis, perasaan bersalah, marah, ketakutan dan cemas dapat
menambah mual dan muntah
6. Faktor keturunan, ibu yang mengalami mual muntah maka anak yang
dilahirkan memiliki resiko 3 % mengalami mual muntah sampai
mengalami HEG.
(Patimah Meti,570-579,2020) (Phani fauziah. 2020. heartburn pada ibu

C. Penanganan Heartburn pada Ibu Hamil

1. Makan dengan jumlah kecil tapi sering setiap 1-2 jam

2. Hindari makan sebelum tidur, beri jeda 2-3 jam agar makanan dapat
dicerna terlebih dahulu

3. Hindari makanan pedas, makanan berminyak/berlemak seperti


4. Hindari makanan yang asam seperti buah jeruk, tomat, dan jambu

5. Kurangi makanan yang mengandung gas seperti kacang-kacangan

6. Konsumsi makanan tinggi serat seperti roti gandum, buah (papaya),

kacangkacangan dan sayuran (seledri, kubis, bayam, selada air, dll)

7. Sebaiknya minum setelah selesai makan dan hindari makan dengan


8. Hindari minum kopi, minuman bersoda dan alcohol serta hindari rokok

9. Atur posisi tidur senyaman mungkin dengan posisi setengah duduk

10. Gunakan pakaian yang longgar dan nyaman

(Patinah Meti 570-579, 2020) (Phani fauziah.2020.heartburn pada ibu


11. Konsumsi jahe dapat menurunkan asam pada lambung. Jahe adalah
karminatif, yakni bahan yang mampu mengeluarkan gas dari dalam
perut; hal ini akan meredakan perut kembung. Jahe juga merupakan
stimulan aromatik yang kuat, disamping dapat mengendalikan muntah
dengan meningkatkan gerak peristaltik usus.

Berdasarkan jurnal dengan judul “Effect of ginger in the treatment of

nausea and vomiting compared with vitamin B6 and placebo during
pregnancy : a meta-analiysis” oleh Hu, Youchun, et all (2020)
menunjukkan bahwa suplementasi jahe secara signifikan
mengurangi gejala umum mual dan muntah dibandingkan dengan
plasebo, tetapi tidak efektif secara signifikan pada muntah. Selain
itu, jahe lebih efektif daripada vitamin B6 dalam pengobatan mual
muntaj, meskipun tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan.

12. Mengurangi asam lambung atau mual muntah agar tidak terjadi
heartburn maka dapat dilakukan akupresur PC6. Stimulasi
tekanan pada titik akupuntur Neiguan (PC6) adalah metode yang
sangat kuno dalam akupunktur Cina, yang telah digunakan secara
efektif untuk mengontrol mual [9]. Titik akupuntur PC6 terletak
tiga ujung jari di bawah pergelangan tangan di lengan bawah di
antara dua tendon [9]. Telah dinyatakan bahwa tekanan titik
akupuntur PC6 dapat mengontrol mual dan muntah dengan
mengontrol fungsi usus.

Menurut Tara, et all dalam penelitiannya yang berjudul “The Effect

of Acupressure on The Severity of Nausea, Vomiting and Retching in
Pregnant Women : A Randomized Controlled Trial” tahun 2020
menunjukkan bahwa tekanan titik akupuntur PC6 dapat
menurunkan beratnya mual, muntah, dan muntah. Oleh karena
itu, karena sedikit efek samping, biaya rendah, dan aplikasi yang
mudah dibandingkan dengan terapi lain, terapi ini dapat

sebagai pilihan terapi yang tepat dalam meredakan gejala ibu


A. Kesimpulan
Berdasarkan makalah diatas dapat disimpulkan jika ketidaknyamanan ibu
hamil dengan heartburn dapat dialami oleh beberapa ibu hamil yang diakibatkan
naiknya hormone estrogen selama kehamilan. Ketidaknyamanan ibu hamil dengan
heartburn juga dapat diatasi tanpa menggunakan obat kimia, contohnya dengan
memperbanyak minum air putih setiap hari dan cukup istirahat.

B. Saran
Penulis menyadari sepenuhnya jika makalah ini masih banyak kesalahan dan
jauh dari sempurna. Oleh karena itu, untuk memperbaiki makalah tersebut penulis
meminta kritik yang membangun dari para pembaca.


Meti Patimah.2020. “Pendidikan Kesehatan Ibu Hamil Tentang Ketidaknyamanan

Pada Kehamilan Trimester I dan Penatalaksanaannya”Jurnal Pengabdian
Masyarakat. Vol. 41, No. 3 September 2020, Hal. 570-578

J. E. RICHTER.2005. Review article: the management of heartburn in pregnancy.

22: 749–757

decastro LP. Reflux esophagitis as the cause of heartburn in pregnancy. Am J

Obstet Gynecol 1967; 98: 1–10.

Phani fauziah. 2020. Heartburn pada ibu hamil. Diakses pada 2 februari 2021.

Tara, Fatemeh, et all. 2019. The effect of Accupressure on The Severity of Nausea,
Vomiyinh, and Retching in Pregnant Woman : A Randomized Controlled
Trial. Complementary Medicine Reached : DOI : 10.1159/000505637

Hu, Youchun, et all. 2020. Effect of Ginger in The Treatment of Nausea and
Vomiting Compared with Vitamin B6 and Placebo During Pregnancy : A
Meta-Analysis. The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine :
ISSN: 1476-7058 (print) 1476-4954 (online).

Research Article / Originalarbeit
Complement Med Res Received: July 14, 2019
Accepted: December 24, 2019
DOI: 10.1159/000505637
Published online: February 4, 2020

The Effect of Acupressure on the Severity of

Nausea, Vomiting, and Retching in Pregnant
Women: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Fatemeh Taraa Hamidreza Bahrami-Taghanakib
Masoud Amini Ghalandarabadc Ziba Zand-Kargard Hamideh Azizid
Habibollah Esmailye Hoda Azizib
Department of Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran;
Department of Chinese and Complementary Medicine, School of Persian and Complementary Medicine, Mashhad
University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran; c Medical student, Faculty of Medicine, Mashhad University of
Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran; d Gynecologist, Mashhad, Iran; e Department of Biostatistics, School of Health,
Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran

Keywords sea, vomiting, and retching was done based on the

Acupressure · Pregnancy-induced nausea and vomiting · Rhodes Index on the first and fifth day (before and after
Hyperemesis gravidarum · Nausea · Vomiting the interven- tion). Pearson chi-square test, one-way
ANOVA, Kruskal-Wal- lis, and Wilcoxon tests were used
for statistical analysis using SPSS version 18. This
Abstract clinical trial was registered at the Iranian Registry of
Introduction: Nausea and vomiting are common Clinical Trials (IRCT) with the code
problems during pregnancy. Previous studies have IRCT201512187265N6. Results: Ninety patients with a
shown that stimu- lation at Neiguan (PC6) acupoint can mean age of 26.40 ± 4.73 years were studied in 3
be effective in control- ling pregnancy-induced nausea groups of 30. There was no significant difference
and vomiting. However, more evidence is required for between the 3 groups in terms of the severity outcomes
approving this method on controlling pregnancy-induced before the intervention, while, after the intervention, the
nausea and vomiting. The aim of this study was to three groups were signifi- cantly different on the fifth day
determine the efficacy of PC6 acu- point pressure in terms of vomiting frequen- cy, distress from retching,
stimulation on the severity of nausea, vomit- ing, and distress from vomiting, duration of nausea, distress from
retching in pregnant women. Method: This ran- nausea, amount of vomiting, fre- quency of nausea, and
domized, multi-center clinical trial was conducted on frequency of retching (p < 0.001 for each outcome).
preg- nant women referring to Health Centers and According to the linear regression analysis, the correlation
Ommolbanin Hospital in Mashhad, Iran, during between occupation with vomiting frequen- cy (beta
December 2016 to Sep- tember 2017. Women with first coefficient = 0.252) and nausea severity (beta coef-
singleton pregnancy and be- low 12 weeks were ficient = –0.213) was statistically significant. Conclusion:
included. Patients were randomly allo- cated into three
It seems that PC6 acupoint pressure can reduce the
groups of (1) PC6 pressure (4 times a day, for 10 min), (2)
severity of nausea, vomiting, and retching in pregnant
sham acupressure, and (3) medication with vita- min B6
and metoclopramide. Assessment of severity of nau-
Göteborgs Universitet Downloaded by:

© 2020 S. Karger AG, Basel © 2020 S. Karger AG, Hoda Azizi Basel School of Persian and Complementary Medicine
Mashhad University of Medical Sciences
Azadi Square, Pardis University Campus, Mashhad 9135913556 (Iran)
tung durchWirkung der Akupressur
die Übelkeit, Menge des auf den
Schweregrad von Übelkeit, Erbrechen
Häufig- keit der Übelkeit und Häufigkeit des und
Würgereiz bei Schwangeren: eine
Würgereizes (p < 0,001 für jedes Zielkriterium).
Gemäß linearer Regres-kontrollierte Studiefiel die
Korrelation zwischen Beschäftigung und der Häufigkeit
des Erbrechens (Betakoeffizient = 0,252) sowie der
Schwere der Schlüsselwörter
Übelkeit (Betakoeffizient =
–0,213) statistisch · schwangerschaftsinduzierte
signifikant aus. Schlussfolgerung:
Es scheint, dass Erbrechen
Übelkeit und · Hyperemesis am
die Druckstimulation
gravidarum · Übelkeit · Erbrechen
Akupunkturpunkt PC6 die Schwere von Übelkeit,
Erbrechen und Würgereiz bei Schwangeren verringern

Einleitung: Übelkeit undIntroduction
Erbrechen treten in der
Schwangerschaft häufig auf. Frühere Studien
haben gezeigt, dass die Stimulation des Pregnancy is often associated with many problems,
Akupunkturpunkts Nei- guan (PC6) Übelkeit und the most common of which is nausea and vomiting,
Erbrechen in der Schwanger- schaft wirksam which is reported by 50–80% of women between 6
kontrollieren kann. Für die Zulassung die- ser and 12 weeks of pregnancy [1–3], although it is
Methode zur Behandlung von Übelkeit und Erbrechen reported that morning nausea and vomiting can
in der Schwangerschaft sind jedoch weitere continue until the 20th week of pregnancy in 20% of
Belege er- forderlich. Mit der vorliegenden Studie cases [1, 2]. Hyperemesis gravi- darum, which is
sollte die Wirksam- keit der Druckstimulation am commonly reported as a frequent and severe nausea
Akupunkturpunkt PC6 auf den Schweregrad von and vomiting in pregnant women, is less common,
Übelkeit, Erbrechen und Würgereiz bei accounting for 0.3 to 3% of pregnancies [3, 4]. Various
therapeutic interventions are recommended for
Schwangeren ermittelt werden. Methode: Die
pregnancy-induced nausea and vomiting, which are
vorlie- gende randomisierte multizentrische
di- vided into two groups of pharmaceutical and non-
klinische Studie wurde an schwangeren Frauen
phar- maceutical treatments [5, 6]. Pharmaceutical
durchgeführt, die sich zwischen Dezember 2016 treatments include antihistamines and vitamins B6
und September 2017 in Ge- sundheitszentren und and B12 as well as dopamine antagonists and H3, or a
im Ommolbanin Krankenhaus in Mashhad, Iran, combination of them [2, 7]; however, the results of the
vorgestellt hatten. In die Studie wurden studies show that these therapeutic interventions are
Erstgebärende mit einer Einlingsschwangerschaft bis rarely successful to lead to a complete recovery in
zur affected mothers [1, 2, 8]. In addi- tion, pregnant
12. Schwangerschaftswoche aufgenommen. Die women’s concern of possible side effects of drugs and
Patien- tinnen wurden nach dem Zufallsprinzip their teratogenic effects on the fetus sometimes causes
einer von drei Gruppen zugewiesen: (1) PC6- improper and insufficient consumption of such
Druckstimulation (viermal täglich für 10 Minuten), (2) medication in this group of people. Therefore, finding
Scheinakupressur und (3) me- dikamentöse a safe, immediate, and strong intervention with high
Behandlung mit Vitamin B6 und Metoclo- pramid. access at any location, even at the patient’s home, has
Die Bewertung des Schweregrads von Übelkeit, seemingly remained a research priority [2, 4, 8].
Erbrechen und Würgereiz erfolgte an Tag 1 und Tag Pressure stimulation at Neiguan (PC6) acupoint is
5 (vor und nach der Intervention) mithilfe des a very ancient method in Chinese acupuncture, which
Rhodes-Index. Bei der statistischen Analyse kam has been used effectively to control nausea [9]. The
SPSS Version 18 zur An- wendung und es wurden PC6 acu- point is located three fingerbreadths below
der Pearson-Chi-Quadrat-Test, eine einfaktorielle the wrist on the inner forearm in between the two
ANOVA sowie Kruskal-Wallis- und Wil- coxon-Tests tendons [9]. It has been stated that the PC6 acupoint
durchgeführt. Die klinische Studie war beim pressure may control nausea and vomiting by
iranischen Register für klinische Studien (Iranian controlling the functioning of the intestine [10]. In
Registry of Clinical Trials, IRCT) unter der Kennung
addition, other researchers believe that acupressure
acts through inhibition of cerebrospinal flu- id
IRCT201512187265N6 registriert. Ergebnisse:
function by neurostimulation, which reduces the de-
gree of nausea and vomiting [10, 11]. So far,
(90) Patientinnen mit einem Durchschnittsalter von
26,40 pressure stimulation at the PC6 acupoint has been
± 4,73 Jahren wurden in drei Gruppen mit je 30
used to control chemotherapy-induced vomiting, and
some studies have also shown that this intervention
can also be effective in
Göteborgs Universitet Downloaded by:

2 Complement Med Res Tara et al.

DOI: 10.1159/000505637

pregnancy-induced nausea and vomiting [3, 4, 12, 13]. A review study conducted by Cluver et al. [2]
indicated a need for further interventional studies, ance of the patient (with constant pressure and not with
although there is evidence regarding the effect of massag- ing). The PC6 point location was described as 2 cun
pressure stimulation at the PC6 acupoint on controlling (three finger- breadths) below the wrist on the inner forearm
pregnancy-induced nau- sea and vomiting. Therefore, in between the two tendons of the palmaris longus and flexor
this study was conducted with the aim to determine carpi radialis muscles. The TE5 point location was described
as 2 cun (three finger- breadths) above the transverse crease
the efficacy of PC6 acupoint pressure stimulation of the dorsum of the wrist, between the radius and ulna. Then
intervention compared with the sham group and also, the study team taught patients to do the acupressure
to examine the impact of drug in- tervention in the themselves. In all the 3 groups, the first day was dedicated to
severity of nausea, vomiting, and retch- ing in the control phase, and the intervention was initi- ated on the
pregnant women. second day, which continued until the end of the fifth day. In
the acupressure group, this pressure was applied to the
Neiguan (PC6) acupoint 4 times a day (in the morning after
getting up, at noon, in the evening, and at night before
Materials and Methods bedtime) for 10 min at the maximum possible endurance of
the patient (with constant pressure and not with massaging). If
Study Design and Setting the patients had severe nausea during the pressure intervals,
This randomized, single-blind, multi-center clinical trial they could just once undergo the ex- periment earlier than the
was conducted on pregnant women referring to health four specified times during a day. In the sham acupressure
centers in Mashhad, Iran, during December 2016 to group, pressure was applied to Waiguan (TE5), the counterpart
September 2017. In this study, the Daneshamooz and of Neiguan, located on the dorsal aspect of the forearm.
Villashahr Health Centers as well as the Ommolbanin During the study period, all the patients received the same
Hospital, Mashhad, Iran were selected as the study locations. training on diet (using low-fat foods, solid foods, frequent
The study was conducted according to the extend- ing meals, low volumes per meal, etc.).
Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT)
statement of Revised Standards for Reporting Interventions in Data Collection
Clinical Trials of Acupuncture (STRICTA). For each patient, a checklist including demographic
informa- tion such as age, sex, education, occupation, body
Participants mass index (BMI), gestational age by week, type of pregnancy,
The inclusion criteria were: (1) first pregnancy, (2) as well as infor- mation related to the assessment of severity of
pregnancy below 12 weeks, and (3) singleton pregnancy. The nausea, vomiting, and retching based on the Rhodes Index
exclusion crite- ria included: (1) proof of fetal death, (2) history was completed. The reli- ability and validity of the Rhodes
of underlying or associated disease, (3) history of mental Index of nausea, vomiting, and retching have been confirmed
disorders (based on being hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital), in previous studies in different countries [14, 15]. In Iran, the
(4) pregnancy after infertil- ity treatment, (5) smoking, (6) validity and reliability of this ques- tionnaire has been
acupressure history for any disease, confirmed by Modares and colleagues [16]. This index has also
(7) any gastrointestinal problems like gastritis, GERD, been used frequently in other studies in Iran [17, 18]. The
heartburn, IBS, etc. and urinary tract infection, (8) questionnaire consisted of eight questions that in- cluded the
dehydration, (9) hyper- emesis gravidarum, and (10) history times of vomiting episodes per day, the volume of the
of infertility. vomiting, the degree and length of nausea and retching, as
well as the distress associated with the conditions. The
Sampling Methods, Blinding, and Allocation questionnaire was completed at the end of each day by the
Patients were allocated into one of the three groups of (1) patient, and its findings on the initial day (before intervention)
acu- pressure at PC6 4 times a day, for 10 min, (2) sham and fifth day (after the inter- vention) were used for
acupressure, and (3) vitamin B6 plus metoclopramide comparison. In addition, the frequency of patients who felt
treatment, using the ran- domized block method. This is a recovery from nausea, vomiting, and retching at each day of
small-sample pilot study with a sample size of 30 individuals study in the study groups was recorded daily. The training
for each group. The patients in both the acupressure and sham of the patients, prescribing medications to them, and ar-
acupressure groups were unaware of their group. The rangements for their follow-up in this project were performed
interviewer and the statistical analyst were blind, but there was by the study team trained by one faculty member
no possibility for blinding the intervener. acupuncturist.

Interventions Outcomes
The acupressure group was treated with Neiguan (PC6) The primary outcome of this study was the severity of
acu- point pressure. The sham acupressure group was treated nausea, vomiting, and retching based on the Rhodes Index
by pres- sure at Waiguan (TE5), and the medication group by including vom- iting frequency, distress from retching, distress
vitamin B6 (tab 40 mg, oral, Darou Pakhsh Co., Iran) ½ tab from vomiting, du- ration of nausea, distress from nausea,
every 8 h and metoclopramide (tab 5 mg, oral, Hakim Co., amount of vomiting, fre- quency of nausea, and frequency of
Iran) 5 mg every 8 h before meals. All study assistants were retching. The secondary out- come was the frequency of
trained for the acupressure by one acupuncturist who was a patients who felt recovery from nausea, vomiting, and retching
medical doctor, PhD in acupunc- ture, and university assistant at each day of study.
professor with 10 years of clinical acupuncture experience.
The study assistants consisted of mid- wives of Daneshamooz Ethics
and Villashahr Health Centers and Om- molbanin Hospital. Written informed consent was received from all the
The education included how to locate PC6 and TE5, the patients. The patients had the right to withdraw from the
duration of acupressure 4 times a day (in the morning after study and a phone number was given to them as a 24-h
getting up, at noon, in the evening, and at night before bed- support service in case of any urgent inquiries. According to
time) for 10 min, and the strength at the maximum possible the provisions of the Helsinki Dec- laration, the project
endur- executives were required to preserve the con- fidentiality of
the patients and conduct the research without men- tioning
their names. The questionnaires were kept confidential and
the names and characteristics of the patients were disclosed.
Acupressure for Nausea in Pregnancy Complement Med Res 3
DOI: 10.1159/000505637

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Table 1. Baseline characteristics of patients in three groups of PC6 acupressure, medication, and
Variables Acupressure Medication Sham p
acupressure valu
(n = 30) (n = 30) (n = 30)

Age, years 26.0±4.7 26.5±4.3 26.6±5.2 0.8

Weight, kg 64.9±9.4 58.7±7.8 68.6±9.0 0.024
Body mass index 24.1±2.9 22.8±3.4 24.4±3.6 0.1
Pregnancy duration, weeks 9.6±1.7 9.3±1.3 8.7±2.2 0.081
Education level
Elementary school 3 (10.0) 1 (3.3) 3 (10.0) 0.2
Middle school 3 (10.0) 1 (3.3) 5 (16.7)
High school 15 (50.0) 14 (46.7) 11 (36.7)
Higher education 9 (30.0) 14 (46.7) 11 (36.7)
Housewife 25 (83.3) 29 (96.7) 26 (86.7) 0.001
Practitioner 5 (16.7) 1 (3.3) 4 (13.3)

Data are presented as mean ± SD or n (%). * Significant.

This research was approved by the Ethics Committee of

Mashhad University of Medical Sciences under the code vomiting (p < 0.001), duration of nausea (p < 0.001),
IR.MUMS. REC.1388.100. Also, this clinical trial was dis- tress from nausea (p = 0.001), amount of
registered at the Iranian Registry of Clinical Trials (IRCT) vomiting (p = 0.007), frequency of nausea (p = 0.002),
with the code IRCT201512187265N6. and frequency of retching (p = 0.007) were decreased
post-intervention compared to baseline.
Sample Size
For a pilot study with 95% confidence and 80% power to In the sham acupressure group, all the mentioned
reach a standardized effect size (f = 0.75), at least 30 se- verity outcomes were increased post-intervention
samples were re- quired in each group [19]. com- pared to baseline (p = 0.013, 0.005, 0.006,
0.042, 0.002, 0.009, 0.024 for vomiting frequency,
Statistical Analysis distress from retch- ing, distress from vomiting, distress
Pearson chi-square test was used to analyze the nominal from nausea, amount of vomiting, frequency of nausea,
data. In cases where more than 20% of the expected
frequencies in the tables were less than 5, Fisher’s exact test was and frequency of retch- ing, respectively) except for
used. Moreover, one- way ANOVA, Kruskal-Wallis, and the duration of nausea (p = 0.470).
Wilcoxon tests were used for statistical analysis using SPSS In the medication group, no significant changes
version 18.0 (released 2009; PASW Statistics for Windows, were observed in any of the severity outcomes post-
Chicago: SPSS Inc.). The significance level in all the tests was interven- tion compared to baseline (p > 0.05).
less than 5%.
Comparison of the Severity of Nausea, Vomiting,
and Retching among Study Groups
Results Based on the statistical analysis performed in
this study, the results of Kruskal-Wallis test showed
Baseline Characteristics no sig- nificant difference between the three groups
This study was performed on 90 patients with a based on the frequency distribution of vomiting
mean age of 26.40 ± 4.73 years. The patients were frequency (p = 0.165), distress from retching (p =
studied in 3 groups of 30. The distribution of the 0.548), distress from vomiting (p = 0.27), duration
variables of age, BMI, gestational age, and education of nausea (p = 0.923), dis- tress from nausea (p =
level were homoge- neous in the three groups of 0.489), amount of vomiting (p = 0.075), frequency
acupressure, drug therapy, and placebo; however, of nausea (p = 0.663), and frequency of retching (p
there were significant differences between the three = 0.224) before the intervention, while, after the
groups in terms of weight and occupa- tion (Table 1). intervention, the three groups were significant- ly
different on the fifth day in terms of the severity
Within-Group Comparison of the Severity of out- comes (Table 2).
Retching, Nausea, and Vomiting before and after Furthermore, 90% of the subjects in the sham
the Intervention acupres- sure group stated that pressure at the
In the acupressure group, vomiting frequency (p Waiguan not only did not reduce nausea, retching,
= 0.004), distress from retching (p < 0.001), distress and vomiting, but also increased the severity of them.
Also, the data showed that

4 Complement Med Res Tara et al.

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Table 2. Severity of nausea, vomiting, and retching 5 days after intervention based on Rhodes Index

Variables Medicatio Sham p

n acupressure value
(n = 30) (n = 30) (n = 30)

frequency 7 1 (3.3) 11 (36.7) 2 (6.7) <0.00
and more 1
5–6 0 4 (13.3) 6 (20.0)
3–4 0 2 (6.7) 10 (33.3)
1–2 7 (23.3) 9 (30.0) 9 (30.0)
None 22 (73.3) 4 (13.3) 3 (10.0)
Distress from retching
None 16 (53.3) 2 (6.7) 1 (3.3) <0.00
Mild 10 (33.3) 7 (23.3) 1 (3.3)
Moderate 0 4 (13.3) 11 (36.7)
Great 2 (6.7) 5 (16.7) 13 (43.3)
Severe 2 (6.7) 12 (40.0) 4 (13.3)
Distress from vomiting
None 17 (56.7) 3 (10.0) 4 (13.3) <0.00
Mild 9 (30.0) 3 (10.0) 1 (3.3)
Moderate 3 (10.0) 4 (13.3) 8 (26.7)
Great 0 7 (23.3) 12 (40.0)
Severe 1 (3.3) 13 (43.3) 5 (16.7)
Distress from nausea
None 12 (40.0) 1 (3.3) 2 (6.7) <0.00
Mild 12 (40.0) 7 (23.3) 1 (3.3)
4–6 h 0 2 (6.7) 7 3(23.3)
(10.0) 12 7(40.0)
More than 6 h Amount of vomitingGreat 3 (10.0) 5 (16.7) 12 (40.0)

None 22 (73.3) 4 (13.3) 3 (10.0) <0.001

Small (up to ½ cup) 3 (10.0) 4 (13.3) 2 (6.7)
Moderate (½–2 cups) 2 (6.7) 5 (16.7) 9 (30.0)
Large (2–3 cups) 2 (6.7) 5 (16.7) 11 (36.7)
Frequency of nausea
Very large (3 cups or 1 (3.3) 12 5 (16.7)
more) (40.0)
7 times and more 2 (6.7) 10 4 (13.3) <0.001
5–6 times 2 (6.7) 6 (20.0) 11 (36.7)
3–4 times 3 (10.0) 5 (16.7) 10 (33.3)
1–2 times 6 (20.0) 6 (20.0) 3 (10.0)
None 17 (56.6) 3 (10.0) 2 (6.7)
Frequency of retching
7 and more 2 (6.7) 10 4 (13.3) <0.001
5–6 2 (6.7) 6 (20.0) 5 (16.7)
3–4 3 (10.0) 3 (10.0) 11 (36.7)
1–2 9 (30.0) 9 (30.0) 7 (23.3)
None 14 (46.7) 2 (6.7) 3 (10.0)

medication therapy had no significant effect on Regression Analysis

nausea, and almost 50% of the patients reported
Based on the results of the regression test, the
complete ineffi- cacy of this method, while for
correla- tion between occupation with vomiting
acupressure intervention, 86.7% of patients were
frequency (beta coefficient = 0.252) and nausea
cured during a 7-day follow-up (Table 3).
severity (beta coefficient
= –0.213) was statistically significant (Table 4). No im-
portant adverse event was observed in the study groups.
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Acupressure for Nausea in Pregnancy Complement Med Res 5

DOI: 10.1159/000505637

Table 3. Frequency of patients who felt recovery from

nausea, vomiting, and retching at each day of study in the Variables Acupressure Medication Sham
study groups (n = 30)(n = 30)acupressure
(n = 30)
apy intervention, which is consistent with the findings
Initial day 2 (6.7) 6 1 of the majority of other studies. A study published
(20.0) (3.3
recently in 2017 states that PC6 acupressure
1st day 11 (36.7) 4 0 intervention for 12 h for 3 days can significantly reduce
(13.3) (0) pregnancy-induced nausea and vomiting [11]. In a
2nd day 11 (36.7) 2 (6.7) 1 study conducted in Tur- key, it was shown that in
Sum of recovery 26 (86.6) 15 (50.0) 3 (3.3
(10.0) Vomiting subjects undergoing PC6 acu- pressure between days 4–6,
Initial day 2 (6.7) 7 1 there was less severity of nau- sea, frequency of vomiting,
(23.3) (3.3 and feeling of discomfort after nausea [20]. Another study
) showed that the frequency of vomiting, nausea, and
1st day 9 (30.0) 3 0 retching, as well as the discomfort caused by nausea
(10.0) (0)
2nd day 11 (36.7) 2 (6.7) 1
and vomiting were significantly lower in the PC6
Sum of recovery 26 (86.6) 15 (50.0) 3 (3.3 acupoint pressure treatment group than in the control
(10.0) Retching group under drug therapy [21]. The average age of the
Initial day 2 6 (20.0) 2 thepatients, onset [22].
placebo group of the
At atreatment,
higher levelfrequency of pyr-
of the value acu-
(6.7) (6.7) pressure exercises, and findings in their study are fully
1st day 8 4 0 (0) consistent with those
amid for studies, in our
Festin’s study.
review Yet in
study [8]another study,
also showed
2nd day (26.7) (13.3) 0 (0)
11 2 (6.7) the result of the intervention on 138 patients at the
(36.7) PC6 acupoint by 30 bands and one acupressure button
3rd day 4 3 (10.0) that pressure at the PC6 acupoint, compared with the
1 (3.3) showed that pregnancy-related nausea and vomiting were
(13.3) cebo
signif- acupoint,
icantly reduces
reduced in thenausea and vomiting.
acupressure In
group compared

(%). are presented as n
and 6 crossover studies (n = 1,655) were performed
determine the effect of PC6 acupoint pressure stimula-
tion on the prevention of nausea and vomiting in
preg- nant women. The results of their study showed
that this type of intervention can reduce the incidence
of nausea
Discussion and vomiting by up to 50% [23]. Also, a meta-
analysis performed on six pregnancy-related nausea
This study was conducted with the aim to and vomiting treatments including 292 acupressure
compare the interventions including Neiguan (PC6) cases and 288 con- trols showed that acupressure
acupoint pres- sure (4 times a day), placebo significantly reduced post- operative nausea and
(Waiguan, TE5) acupoint pressure, and medication frequency of vomiting by almost 15% [12].
therapy with vitamin B6 and metoclopramide. The However, there were also other studies showing,
results showed that the frequency distribution of con- trary to our study, no higher efficacy of PC6
vomiting in pregnant women was signifi- cantly acupoint pressure stimulation in the prevention of
different at the post-intervention phase between the pregnancy-re- lated nausea and vomiting as
three groups. In our study, the results showed a de- compared to drug therapy or placebo. In the group of
crease in the variables including retching complaints, studies opposed to our study, Jamigorn et al. [24], in a
vomiting, and nausea and vomiting severity and comparative study between PC6 acupressure and
frequen- cy as well as nausea and retching frequency vitamin B6, showed that the severity of nausea and
in pregnant women at the post-intervention phase vomiting, based on moderate changes in the Rhodes
compared with the pre-PC6 pressure intervention. Index, was not significant between the two groups. In
This is while all the above variables increased in the another study, it was found that there was no signifi-
placebo group. However, there was no significant cant difference between the duration of admission,
difference in the drug therapy group between the amount of drug received, and amount of fluid
pre- and post-intervention. The duration of nausea therapy required between the two groups of PC6
also decreased significantly in the acupressure group acupoint pres- sure and placebo [25]. Norheim et al.
after the intervention, but this difference was not [26] also reported a reduction in both the PC6 and
significant in the other two groups. Therefore, the placebo groups in terms of nausea severity (71 and
overall results of our study indicate that PC6 pressure 63%, respectively) and nausea du- ration (71 and 59%,
interven- tion could be significantly more effective respectively).
than drug ther-
6 Complement Med Res Tara et al.
DOI: 10.1159/000505637

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Table 4. Regression analysis of the relationship between job, weight, age, and body mass index with nausea, vomiting, and
retching of pregnant patients

Variables Job Weigh Age Body mass index

Beta p Beta p value Beta p value Beta p
value valu
Retching severity –0.076 0.490 –0.252 0.247 0.041 0.7 0.151 0.4
18 81
Vomiting severity –0.118 0.278 –0.252 0.342 – 0.7 0.041 0.8
0.03 87 49
Nausea severity –0.213 0.034* –0.012 0.954 0.130 0.2 0.006 0.9
49 78
Vomiting times –0.252 0.019* 0.412 0.173 0.011 0.3 –0.020 0.9
09 25
Retching times –0.036 0.744 –0.242 0.265 0.006 0.9 0.320 0.1
59 38
Nausea times 0.203 0.062 –0.170 0.427 – 0.3 0.023 0.9
0.10 37 12
Nausea duration –1.750 0.084 0.212 0.321 0.118 0.2 –0.296 0.1
91 63
Vomiting volume 0.151 0.169 –0.056 0.794 – 0.9 0.140 0.5
0.00 65 12
* Significant.

However, the difference between the findings of peremesis gravidarum, although it can be a
our study and those of other studies could be complemen- tary therapy with standard
attributed to the difference in the studied age groups, supportive therapy. In a simi- lar vein, the
duration of interven- tion, tools used to measure the majority of health system personnel are
volume and severity of nausea and vomiting, as well skeptical about the benefits of PC6 acupoint
as type of drug therapy. Ac- cording to Werntoft and pressure, al- though it received the US Food and
Dykes [27], the duration of in- tervention required to Drug Administration
exert pressure could be an impor- tant factor. They
report that if the band is used each day for 24 h
compared to the short-term effects of placebo, the
improvement will be enhanced. Moreover, Heazell et
[25] found that the use of acupressure bands for 8 h
per day results in a significant improvement in the
amount of intravenous fluid used or hospitalization
length. Al- though we agree on this issue that the use
of the band is less invasive, the need to use the
band for a long time causes the patients to reduce
compliance and decline the precision of applying
pressure, especially at night. Thus, it is assumed that
the use of acupressure band for only 12 h a day can
lead to desired results and also, assures prop- er
application, noncompliance reduction, and better sat-
isfaction rates [11].
Another point to be noted is that the therapeutic
inter- ventions in complementary medicine, apart
from the therapeutic efficacy issues, require to be
culturally accept- ed in order to be effective; therefore,
the findings of this study, as the first study of its type
in Iran, might be of ut- most importance. Our
findings could be considered as valuable since they
are adding to the number of studies agreeing with the
effectiveness of acupressure treatment in controlling
pregnancy-related nausea and vomiting. However, it
should be noted that we cannot claim the ef- ficacy of
PC6 acupoint pressure in the treatment of hy-
license as a complementary treatment [11]. In addition to
the existing confirmations, the findings of the performed
clinical trials, along with our findings, confirm the lack of Conclusions
serious complications in this treatment [11, 21].
Based on the study findings, it seems that PC6
Limitations acu- point pressure can reduce the severity of nausea,
The lack of cooperation of some of the patients in re- vomit- ing, and retching. Therefore, due to few
turning the questionnaire to the research team was one of adverse events, low costs, and easy application
the limitations of this study. Moreover, the amount of compared to other thera- pies, it could be used as an
pressure might differ from patient to patient, as it was appropriate therapeutic option in relieving the
done by the patients themselves. It was another limitation of symptoms of pregnant women.
the study, which was due to the unavailability of the
standard wrist band. In addition, the duration of the
study might have been very short. We only studied single- Acknowledgments and Funding
ton pregnancies with low risk and thus, the results may
not be applicable to high-risk or multifetal pregnancies. A This article is derived from the findings of the thesis for
MD degree (code 6385) at the Faculty of Medicine, Mashhad
future study that examines multifetal pregnancies with high Univer- sity of Medical Sciences (MUMS). This study was
risk can be beneficial. Also, more accurate studies could be funded by the Research Deputy of MUMS under a research
conducted if pressure is applied using standard proposal approved
wristbands or by a doctor.

Acupressure for Nausea in Pregnancy Complement Med Res 7

DOI: 10.1159/000505637
with the grant number 86722 and authorized by the Ethics University of Medical Sciences under the code IR.MUMS.
Com- mittee of MUMS (Ethics Code: REC.1388.100. Also, this clinical trial was registered at the
IR.MUMS.REC.1388.100). The protocol was registered in the Iranian Registry of Clinical Trials (IRCT) with the code
Iranian Registry of Clinical Trials with the code No. IRCT201512187265N6.
We would like to thank the personnel and midwives of
Dane- shamooz and Villashahr Health Centers as well as the
Ommol- banin Hospital, especially Mrs. Farzaneh Hashemi Disclosure Statement
Bakharzi and Mrs. Nadereh Keshmiri, and also all the patients
who participated in this trial for their sincere cooperation. The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.

Statement of Ethics
Author Contributions
Written informed consent was received from all the
patients. The patients had the right to withdraw from the Fatemeh Tara, Hoda Azizi, Ziba Zand-Kargar, and Hamidreza
Bahrami-Taghanaki contributed substantially to the
study and a phone number was given to them as a 24-h
conception and design of the study. Masoud Amini
support service in case of any urgent inquiries. According to
Ghalandarabad and Hami- deh Azizi contributed to the
the provisions of the Helsinki Dec- laration, the project
acquisition of data. Habibollah Es- maily and Masoud Amini
executives were required to preserve the con- fidentiality of
Ghalandarabad contributed to the anal- ysis and interpretation.
the patients and conduct the research without men- tioning
Hoda Azizi drafted the article. Fatemeh Tara provided critical
their names. The questionnaires were kept confidential and
revision of the article. Hoda Azizi provided final approval of
the names and characteristics of the patients were disclosed.
the version to publish.
This research was approved by the Ethics Committee of

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The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine

ISSN: 1476-7058 (Print) 1476-4954 (Online) Journal homepage:

Effect of ginger in the treatment of nausea and

vomiting compared with vitamin B6 and placebo
during pregnancy: a meta-analysis

Youchun Hu, Adwoa N. Amoah, Han Zhang, Rong Fu, Yanfang Qiu, Yuan
Cao, Yafei Sun, Huanan Chen, Yanhua Liu & Quanjun Lyu

To cite this article: Youchun Hu, Adwoa N. Amoah, Han Zhang, Rong Fu, Yanfang Qiu, Yuan
Cao, Yafei Sun, Huanan Chen, Yanhua Liu & Quanjun Lyu (2020): Effect of ginger in the treatment
of nausea and vomiting compared with vitamin B6 and placebo during pregnancy: a meta-analysis,
The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine, DOI: 10.1080/14767058.2020.1712714
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Published online: 14 Jan 2020.

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Effect of ginger in the treatment of nausea and vomiting compared with vitamin B6
and placebo during pregnancy: a meta-analysis
Youchun Hua, Adwoa N. Amoaha, Han Zhanga, Rong Fua, Yanfang Qiua, Yuan Caoa, Yafei Suna,
Huanan Chena, Yanhua Liub and Quanjun Lyua,b
Department of Nutrition and Food Hygiene, College of Public Health, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China; bFirst Affiliated
Hospital of Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China


Introduction: Nausea and vomiting (NV) affect up to 85% of pregnant women, which has mul- tiple Received 6 August 2019
effects on pregnancy outcome. The truth etiology of nausea and vomiting in pregnancy (NVP) is Accepted 5 January 2020
still unknown. Considering the potential teratogenic effect in fetus due to chemical drugs, ginger
can be used to treat nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. Reports have shown that ginger can
Ginger; meta-analysis;
reduce the severity of NV, however, these results are controversial. Therefore, this meta-analysis nausea; pregnancy; vitamin
aims to explore the effect of ginger in the treatment of nausea and vomiting during pregnancy B6; vomiting
compared with placebo and vitamin B6.
Methods: The randomized control trials (RCTs) on the association with ginger and pregnancy- related
nausea and vomiting were searched and identified in two databases Web of Science and
PubMed (up to April 2019). Stata software was used to conduct meta-analysis. In addition, the
source of heterogeneity explored by metaregression, sensitivity analysis, subgroup analyses, the
publication bias were assessed by Egger’s tests and Funnel plot, p < .05 was considered to be
Results: Thirteen studies involving 1174 subjects were included in this meta-analysis. The result
demonstrated that ginger intervention has significant effect in improving general symptom of
NVP [OR ¼ 7.475, 95% CI ¼ (4.133, 13.520), I ¼ 30.1%], relieving severity of nausea [SMD ¼ 0.821,
95% CI ¼ (0.585, 1.056), I 2¼ 38.9%], but not significant in reducing vomiting [SMD ¼ 0.549, 95%
CI ¼ (—0.268, 1.365),2I ¼ 91.4%], compared with placebo. Besides, ginger intervention has no sig-
nificant effect on improving general symptom of NVP [OR ¼ 1.239, 95% CI ¼ (0.495, 3.102),
I2¼ 57.3%], relieving severity of nausea [SMD ¼ 0.199, 95% CI ¼ ( 2
—0.102, 0.500), I ¼ 65.7%],
reducing vomiting [SMD ¼ 0.331, 95% CI ¼ (—0.145, 0.808), I ¼ 85.9%], compared with vita-
min B6.
Conclusions: Ginger supplementation significantly relieve general NVP symptom and nausea
compared with placebo, but no significant effect on vomiting. Moreover, ginger is more effect- ive
than vitamin B6 in treating NVP, although, there were no significant differences. Further, rigidly
designed RCTs with larger sample sizes are needed to verify the effectiveness of ginger
supplementation for treatment NVP compared with vitamin B6.

Introduction world, and result in a series of complications, for

example, malnutrition, dehydration, electrolyte
Nausea and vomiting (NV) during pregnancy (NVP) is a
common condition, however, may be the most preva- disturb- ance, and excessive weight loss [4]. There is no
lent and dispirited complications [1], which exclude gener- ally accepted point at which NVP becomes HG,
pathological causes of NV before the diagnosis of NV so it is difficult to distinguish between women who
during pregnancy [2]. NV affects up to 85% of women experi- ence NV or HG [5].
in their family, social life and profession [3]. Pregnant NV have multiple effects on pregnancy outcome. A
women suffer from NV mostly in the first trimester, randomized clinical trial [6] indicated a protective
from 6 to 12 weeks. In addition, more than 20% of association of NV in early pregnancy and the risk for
women experiencing NV continue to the 20th week pregnancy loss. However, a prospective cohort study
[2]. Hyperemesis gravidarum (HG), a severe NVP condi- [7] reported that NV during pregnancy showed little
tion, the morbidity reported about 1.1% around the evidence association with pregnancy outcome. Even

CONTACT Quanjun Lyu; Department of Nutrition and Food Hygiene, College of Public Health, Zhengzhou
University, Zhengzhou, China
© 2020 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group
2 Y. HU ET AL.

more, there is an increased risk of depressive symp- as well as NV induced by chemotherapy in cancer
toms at 6 weeks postpartum associated with women patients [19].
who have prolonged nausea [8]. There are many clinical trials [1,20,21] designed in
The pathophysiology of NVP/HG is associated with RCT, exploring the effect of ginger supplement in the
biological, physiological, psychological and sociocul- relief of NV. Reports have shown that ginger can
tural factors, but the true etiology is still unknown [9]. reduce the severity of NVP compared with placebo
Genetic factors increase the risk of NVP incidence [10]. and vitamin B6, however, these results are controver-
Endocrine factors (especially human chorionic gonado- sial. There is insufficient strong evidence for the effect of
tropin) contribute to terrible forms of NVP/HG [11]. ginger intervention. Hence, the present meta- analysis is
Gestational transient thyrotoxicosis has been associ- to further evaluate the effect of ginger supplement in
ated with the severity of NVP/HG [12]. Additionally, pregnant women suffering from NV compared with
delayed gastric emptying may correlate with NVP vitamin B6 and placebo.
symptoms [5]. Trace element deficiency is also associ-
ated with HG. HG can be caused by vitamin B6 thia-
Materials and methods
min, and vitamin K deficiency, which in turn continues
to aggravate vitamin deficiency. Search strategy
There are diversified interventions for cure NVP A comprehensive literature search of Web of Science
according to the severity of NVP, which is divided into and PubMed was conducted before April 2019. The
three broad groups: first-line treatment be applied in following keywords were used: “Ginger” or “Zingiber”
less severe NVP by women before seeking medical and “pregnancy” and “nausea” or “vomiting”. In add-
care, second-line treatment be applied to provide ition, the reference lists of primary papers and reviews
medical care in hospital in more severe NVP, and third- were searched manually to identify additional eli-
line treatment will be applied in even worse con- dition gible research.
[5]. When first suffering the bother of NVP, many
pregnant women try more than one interven- tion
Study selection
which they acquire from the internet or in other ways.
Dietary/lifestyle measures can be used to relieve NVP Papers included met all the following criteria: (1) The
(including increasing oral fluid intake, eating small articles concerning the effect of ginger in treating NV
frequent meals, eating bland foods/protein-pre- during pregnancy, (2) Study design: the effects of gin-
dominant meals and avoiding spicy, odorous and fatty ger were compared with a control group (either pla-
foods, as well as stopping iron-containing multivita- cebo, vitamin B6, acupressure, or other comparer) and
mins). Acupressure, hypnotherapy, aromatherapy, and the participants were randomly assigned to trials, (3)
dietary supplement, including vitamin B6, vitamin B12 Sufficient data for estimating the odds ratios (ORs) or
and ginger have all been documented to be used in standardized mean difference (SMD), (4) The outcomes
treating NVP [5]. were about improvement of NVP. Articles were
In the past, chemicals (pyridoxine, doxylamine [13], excluded if: (1) the systematic review, observational
thalidomide [14]) and natural plant ingredients were papers, case report, or comments, (2) data were
used to treat NV during pregnancy. Nevertheless, it incomplete or unusable. Two reviewers (Youchun Hu
has been reported [14,15] that potential teratogenic and Han Zhang) independently screened the titles and
effect in fetus results from chemical drugs (particularly abstracts of the articles to assessment eligibility for
thalidomide [16]). Given these concerns, there has inclusion until consensus was reached.
been an increasing attempt to use functional natural
products as alternatives to the conventional chemical Quality assessment
medicine treatments, which are often more acceptable
to patients [2], one of which is ginger. Two reviewers (Youchun Hu and Rong Fu) independ-
Ginger is a perennial herb, rhizome for medicinal, ently evaluated the methodologic quality of eligible
fresh or dried products can be used as cooking ingre- RCTs using the Cochrane Risk Assessment Tool [22].
dients or made into pickles, sugar ginger [17]. Ginger The items were for assessment: (1) selection bias (ran-
has been traditionally used as a folk remedy for dom sequence generation), (2) selection bias (alloca-
tion concealment), (3) performance bias (blinding of
gastrointestinal complaints and has been recom-
participants and personnel), (4) detection bias (blind-
mended as a viable adjuvant supplement for NVP [18],
ing of outcome assessment), (5) attrition bias
tion reporting), (7) other biases.

(incomplete outcome data), (6) reporting bias (selec-


The following data from each included study were

extracted independently by two authors (Youchun Hu
and Yanfang Qiu): the first author’s surname, year of
publication, country of original, administrated daily
dose of ginger and control group, number of partici-
pants, study design, duration of treatment period, ges-
tation stage, measure of NV, means and standard
deviations (SDs) of NV at the pretreatment and post-
treatment, and the improvement ratio of NVP.
Discrepancies were resolved by discussion or a third

Data analysis
The improvement ratio of NVP was combined using the
Mantel–Haenszel method, and measures of effect were
presented as odds rate (OR) with 95% confidence inter-
vals (CIs). The mean difference (MD) for net change and
95% CI was used to determine the effect of ginger or
control group treatment NVP in this meta-analysis. The
formula applied to calculate the mean difference and
the standard deviations (SDs) for the net changes was:
mean difference ¼ Meanpre-treatment — Meanpost-treatment,
SD ¼ square root [(SDpre-treatment)2 þ (SDpost-treatment) 2 — Figure 1. The process of literature search and selection of
(2 R × SDpre-treatment × SDpost-treatment)], assuming a cor- studies in this meta-analysis.
relation coefficient (R) ¼ 0.5 [23].
The presence of significant heterogeneity was
examined by the I-squared (I2) statistic. If the I2 value Study selection and study characteristics
was less than 50%, fixed-effects models were applied,
Figure 1 summarizes the process of literature search
otherwise, the random effects model was used to cal-
and selection of studies. The search strategy resulted
culate pooled results [24]. Metaregression [25] was
in 195 potentially relevant citations. Papers about
performed to detected the source of heterogeneity.
duplicates, reviews, animal, and in vitro experiments were
Besides, the “leave-one-out” sensitive analysis was
removed. The included studies compared ginger with the
used to access the pivotal contributor which has a
three active ingredients (vitamin B6, acupres- sure,
substantial impact on between-study heterogeneity, in
metoclopramide) and placebo. Only one article compared
case no significant covariates were found to be het-
the ginger with acupressure [28] and another
erogeneous [25]. Subgroup analyses [26] were used to
compared with metoclopramide [29]. Therefore, the
evaluate potential effect modification of variables
effect of ginger compared with acupres- sure and
including country (geographic locations), duration of
metoclopramide can’t be analyzed in this meta-analysis.
intervention, gestation stage, outcome measure
Finally, a total of 13 RCT studies involv- ing 1174
and dose.
The publication bias were assessed by Egger’s tests participants were included in this meta-ana- lysis
[1,20,21,30–39]. The main characteristics of these
and Funnel plots [27], and p < .05 was considered to
be significant. Stata software (version 12.0, StatCorp, included papers are presented in Table 1. The meta-
College Station, TX, USA) was employed for the statis- analysis was divided into two parts: ginger versus pla-
tical analysis. p < .05 was considered as statistically cebo and ginger versus vitamin B6. We extracted all
significant. the available data from eligible papers.

Risk of bias in included studies

The estimate of risk of bias is shown in Figure 2, all tri-
als were designed in randomized control trials, while
only 7 of 13 trials described the detailed information


Table 1. Characteristics of included papers about effective of ginger treatment nausea and vomiting during early pregnancy.
St Drop Intervention (ginger Control Group Placebo
First author, year ud Count NPB/NME out dose/day) (control (placebo D of T GS Outcome measure
y ry (treatment) rate dose/day) dose/day) (days) (weeks)
de (%)
Sharifzadeh, RCT Iran 77/77 0 Ginger capsule, Vitamin B6 Placebo capsules (not 4 6–16 Rhodes
2018 (28G,26C,23P)
1000 mg/day capsule, 80 mg specified), dose score þ Likert scale
not specified
Saberi, 2014 RCT Iran 120/106 11 Ginger capsule, No intervention Capsules, 3 7 <16 Rhodes
(37G,33C,36P) .6 capsules/day
750 mg/day (intervent index þ likert scale,
4 days)
Firouzbakht, RCT Iran 120/97 19 Ginger Vitamin B6 capsule, Sugar 4 <20 VAS þ Likert scale
2014 (24G,35C,28P) .1 capsule, 160 mg/day capsule,
7 1000 mg/day 160 mg/day
SeidJavadi, RCT Iran 102/95 6. Ginger capsule, Vitamin B6 tablets, day, dose not specified 4 <17 MPUQE scoring system
(47G,48C) 87
2013 1000 mg/day 80 mg/d
Ozgoli, 2009 RCT Iran 70/67 (32G, 35P) 4. Ginger powder Placebo capsules 4 <20 Nausea analog scale
29 capsules, (lactose), (VAS)
1000 mg/day 1000 mg/day þ frequency of
Ensiyeh, 2009 RCT Iran 70/69 (35G, 34C) 1. Ginger powder Vitamin B6 4 ≤17 VAS þ Likert
43 capsules, 1000 capsules, 40 scale (five-
mg/day mg/day point)
Basirat, 2009 RCT Iran 65/62 (32G, 30P) 4. Ginger biscuits, Placebo biscuit, 5 4 <17 VAS þ Likert scale
62 biscuits/
Chittumma, RCT Thaila 126/123 (61G, 62C) 2. Ginger powder Vitamin B6 4 ≤16 Rhodes index
2007 nd 38 capsules; 1950 capsules, 75 (three symptoms)
NPB: number of patients at beginning of trial; NPE: number of patients at end of trial; Control Group: another active ingredients or measure; VAS: visual analog scale; D of T: duration of treatment; GS: gestation
stage; G: patients in ginger group; C: patients in control group; P: patients in placebo.

the included trials reported the ratio of symptom

improvement and the mean score of pre- and post-
treatment about NV. We focused on baseline compar-
ability for other potential sources of bias. The baseline,
such as the age, gestational age, the severity of NV,
were reported to be comparable in all trials among or
between the ginger and control groups.

Ginger group versus placebo group

The ratio of symptom improvement
The effects of ginger treatment NVP compared with
placebo in five studies [31,36–39] are shown in Figure
3(A). We pooled the study-specific ORs using a fixed-
effect model [OR ¼ 7.475, 95% CI ¼ (4.133, 13.520),
p ¼ .000]. No heterogeneity was detected among the
studies (I2 ¼ 30.1%). Ginger was effective in relief NVP
than placebo group. Egger’s test (t ¼ 0.58, p ¼ .600)
and Funnel plot was used to assess publication bias,
presented in Figure 3(B), no obvious publication biases
were observed in Funnel plots.

Change in nausea score

Five studies [1,20,21,37,38] examined the effects of
relief nausea during early pregnancy between ginger
and placebo [Figure 3(C)]. The pooled analysis used a
fixed-effect model which showed that the ginger group
had significantly reduced the nausea score after
treatment [SMD ¼ 0.821, 95% CI ¼ (0.585, 1.056),
p ¼ .000], indicating that ginger group was significant
in reducing the severity of nausea than the placebo
group. No significant heterogeneity was detected
across studies (I2 ¼ 38.9%). Egger’s tests were 0.07
Figure 2. Risk of bias estimate of included studies in this
meta-analysis. (p ¼ .949). No obvious publication biases were
observed in Funnel plots [Figure 3(D)].

about random sequence generation, and seven studies Change in number of vomiting episodes
described the methods of allocation concealment,
blinding of participants and personnel (performance The forest plots [Figure 3(E)] used five studies
bias) were considered to be low risk in nine trials. The [1,20,21,37,38] to assess the effects of ginger com-
outcomes recorded by participants in all studies, so pared with placebo in reducing the number of vomit-
blinding of outcome assessment (detection bias) were ing episodes during pregnancy, using a random-effect
considered to be high risk in all included studies. model. The use of ginger to reduce the frequency of
To assess the risk of bias for incomplete outcome vomiting episodes was not significant as compared
data (attrition bias), we calculated the dropout rates with placebo [SMD ¼ 0.549, 95% CI ¼ (—0.268,
among these 13 included studies, the dropout rates in 1.365), p ¼ .188].
4 studies were 11.67, 19.17, 19.23, and 19.24%, There was, however, significant heterogeneity
respectively, which may affect the estimation. While across studies (I2 ¼ 91.4%). Metaregression with ori- ginal
the other nine studies have a dropout rate of less country, duration of intervention, gestation stage,
than 10%. All the trials have almost equal number of outcome measure, and intervention dose showed no
dropout from each intervention group. Only 3 trials of significant impact on between-study
6 Y. HU ET AL.

Figure 3. Forest plot and Funnel plot (of ginger group versus placebo group). (A) Forest plot showing the effect of ginger versus
placebo on the ratio of symptom improvement using a fixed effects model. (B) Funnel plot displaying the publication bias of gin-
ger versus placebo on the ratio of symptom improvement. (C) Forest plot showing the effect of ginger versus placebo on the
change in nausea score using a fixed effects model. (D) Funnel plot displaying the publication bias of ginger versus placebo on
the change in nausea score; change in number of vomiting episodes. (E) Forest plot showing the effect of ginger versus placebo
on the change in number of vomiting episodes using a random effects model. (F) Funnel plot displaying the publication bias of
ginger versus placebo on the change in number of vomiting episodes.

heterogeneity. The leave-one-out analysis demon-

strated that the main contributor to this high hetero- result implies that ginger was significant in reducing
geneity was one study conducted by Firouzbakht the number of vomiting episodes than the placebo.
et al. [21]. After excluding it, the estimate of variance Tau- Subgroup analysis conducted by country, duration of
squared between-study decreased to 0.377 from 0.792, intervention, gestation stage, outcome measure and
dose showed no significant potential effect modifica-
and the summary SMD for vomiting episodes was
0.883 [95% CI ¼ (0.225, 1.541), I2 ¼ 83.8%]. This tion of variables between study (p > .05). Publication bias
was performed by Egger’s tests (Egger’s

Figure 4. Forest plot and Funnel plot of ginger versus vitamin B6. Change in nausea score: (A) forest plot for 6 studies using a
random effects model; (B) funnel plot displaying the publication bias of studies. Change in number of vomiting episodes: (C) for-
est plot for 6 studies using a random effects model. SMD: (D) funnel plot displaying the publication bias of studies. CI: confi-
dence interval.

tests ¼ —0.46, p ¼ .675) and the funnel plot is pre- Figure 4(A). The pooled analysis of SMD ¼ 0.199 used
sented in Figure 3(F). a random-effect model which showed that the ginger
group was more effective than vitamin B6 in reducing
Ginger group versus vitamin B6 group nausea, but there was no significant difference [95%
CI ¼ (—0.102, 0.500), I2 ¼ 65.7%, p ¼ .196].
The ratio of symptom improvement Metaregression with original country, duration of
Only two studies [32,34] reported the ratio of NVP intervention, gestation stage, outcome measure and
symptom improvement between ginger group and intervention dose showed no significant impact on
vitamin B6 group. We pooled the study-specific ORs between-study heterogeneity. The leave-one-out ana-
using a random-effect model [OR ¼ 1.239, 95% lysis demonstrated that the main contributor to this
high heterogeneity was one study conducted by
CI ¼ (0.495, 3.102), I2 ¼ 57.3%, p ¼ .647], suggesting
Sripramote and Lekhyananda [35]. After excluding it,
that the effectiveness in treating NVP is unclear
the heterogeneity was reduced to I2 ¼ 34.2%, and the
between ginger group and vitamin B6 group. There
summary SMD was 0.324 (95% CI: 0.126–0.523), which
was heterogeneity among two studies, however, no
was reverse to the earlier results. There were no obvi-
sensitivity analyses and publication bias were per-
ous publication biases observed, Egger’s tests were
formed for insufficient number of studies.
0.56 (p ¼ .608). Funnel plots presented in Figure 4(B).

Change in nausea score Change in number of vomiting episodes

Six studies [1,21,30,32,33,35] examined the effects of A total of six studies [1,21,30,32,33,35] assessed the
nausea relief during early pregnancy between ginger effects of reduced number of vomiting episodes dur-
and vitamin B6 and the result was been presented in ing early pregnancy between ginger and vitamin B6
8 Y. HU ET AL.

[Figure 4(C)] by using a random-effect model. No stat- difference. The results are consistent with previous
istically significant difference was observed in reduced research work [1,21,30,35]. Vitamin B6 was as effective
frequency of vomiting episodes between ginger group as ginger in alleviating NVP, which contradicted a
and vitamin B6 group [SMD ¼ 0.331, 95% CI ¼ (—0.145, study conducted by Chittumma et al. [33] that com-
0.808), I2 ¼ 85.9%, p ¼ .173]. pared the effectiveness of ginger and vitamin B6 in
Metaregression with original country, duration of treating NVP in early pregnancy in Thailand, in which
intervention, gestation stage, outcome measure and ginger was significantly effective than vitamin B6.
intervention dose showed no significant impact on Besides, there was a substantial heterogeneity
between-study heterogeneity as well. The leave-one- impact in the reduction of nausea compared between
out analysis demonstrated that the main contributor to ginger and vitamin B6. Interestingly, the leave-one-out
this high heterogeneity was one study conducted by analysis demonstrated that after excluding Sripramote
Firouzbakht et al. [21]. After excluding it, the het- and Lekhyananda [35], the heterogeneity was reduced
erogeneity was reduced to I2 ¼ 57.6%, and the sum- mary to 34.2% from 65.7%, and ginger was more effective
SMD was 0.099 (95% CI: —0.186–0.384), which in relieving nausea than vitamin B6. These results con-
showed no difference with before (p ¼ .497). cur with Ensiyeh and Sakineh [32]. The trial performed
Moreover, a subgroup analysis was conducted by by Sripramote and Lekhyananda [35] was published in
country, duration of intervention, gestation stage, out- early year (2003), compared with other five trials,
come measure and dose. It was revealed that there which may be partly responsible for the
was no significant potential effect modification of vari- heterogeneity.
ables between-study. Additionally, there were no obvi- Moreover, the study conducted by Firouzbakht
ous publication biases observed, Egger’s tests were et al. [21] was the main contributor to high hetero-
1.62 (p ¼ .566), Funnel plots presented in Figure 4(D). geneity in reducing vomiting compared with ginger
and vitamin B6 (I2 reduced to 57.6% from 85.9%), as
Discussion well as ginger compared with placebo (I2 reduced to
83.8% from 91.4%). By comparing these included stud-
Morning sickness is associated with human chorionic
ies, we found that the dropout rate for this study is
gonadotropin, gastrointestinal function, and olfactory
19.17%, whereas the dropout rate of the other studies
sensitivity during pregnancy. NVP is caused by multi-
was less than 12%. Therefore, we deduced that the
factor, the real mechanism is unclear. The deficiency
heterogeneity may be partly caused by the dropout
of nutrients is also associated with NVP, such as vita-
rate. When exploring the heterogeneity in ginger ver-
min B6, so vitamin B6 supplementation can be used
sus placebo (in reducing episode of vomiting), we
to treat pregnancy NV. Ginger is popular around the
failed to find all the heterogeneity among the studies
world as a traditional remedy for NV.
by metaregression, the leave-one-out analysis, and
In this study, the effect of ginger in the treatment
subgroup analysis, due to the low quality of included
of NV during pregnancy were investigated, in which
literature. Further experiments will be necessary to
ginger was compared with placebo, vitamin B6. The
confirm the effect between ginger and vitamin B6 in
pooled effect demonstrated that ginger is effective
the treatment of pregnancy-related NV.
than placebo in the treatment of NV during preg-
Because of the insufficient number of studies and
nancy. However, no significant difference was found
limited quality of evidence, the dose–response was
between ginger and vitamin B6. Funnel plots and
not conducted in this meta-analysis. Besides, this
Egger’s tests revealed no publication bias in this meta-
paper mainly focused on the effect of ginger in the
relief of NVP, so there was no analysis about the
Effectiveness of ginger in treating general NVP
potential side effects. None of the studies reported
symptoms during pregnancy were significant than pla-
any infant congenital abnormalities, abnormal preg-
cebo, which agrees with a previous study [40] based
nancy and delivery outcome occurring as a result of
on six studies conducted in Canada, ginger was signifi-
the ginger intervention. However, some trials reported
cantly effective than placebo in relieving nausea. Ginger
participants suffered dizziness, stomachache and
was more effective than placebo in treatment vomiting,
heartburn after consuming ginger. Stomachache and
but there was no significant difference. In addition, the
heartburn may be avoided by administering ginger
effect of ginger on general NVP symp- toms, NV during
with small frequent meals.
early pregnancy were more effective than vitamin B6,
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but there was no significant
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