Anda di halaman 1dari 18

Tugas File Management

1. Mekanisme:
a. Alokasi file pada metode Chained Allocation:
File yang akan dialokasikan mulai pada blok yang ditentukan dan lengthnya
menentukan jumlah blok yang akan dikunjungi oleh file. Pada disk, blok-bloknya
tersebar dimana saja, misalnya dari blok 1 bisa loncat ke blok 10, 11, dst hingga
sesuai dengan jumlah blok.

b. Alokasi file pada metode Indexed Allocation:

Indexed Allocation memiliki mekanisme Linked scheme, Multi-level index dan
Combined Scheme. Linked scheme menghubungkan dua atau lebih blok indeks
bersama-sama untuk menahan pointer. Pada linked scheme, setiap blok indeks
kemudian akan berisi pointer atau alamat ke blok indeks berikutnya. Dalam aturan
Multi-level index, blok indeks tingkat pertama digunakan untuk menunjuk ke blok
indeks tingkat dua yang kemudian menunjuk ke blok disk yang ditempati oleh sebuah
file. Ini dapat diperpanjang hingga 3 level atau lebih tergantung pada batas ukuran
file. Sedangkan pada skema Combined Scheme, Inode (information Node) berisi
semua informasi rinci mengenai sebuah file dan sisa ruang Inode berfungsi untuk
menyimpan alamat Disk Block yang berisi file asli. Beberapa pointer pertama di
Inode langsung menunjuk ke block yaitu pointer yang berisi alamat disk block yang
berisi data file. Beberapa pointer berikutnya menunjuk ke semua indirect block.
Indirect block dapat berupa single, double, atau triple indirect blocks. Single indirect
block adalah disk block yang tidak berisi data file tetapi alamat disk dari blok yang
berisi data file. Demikian pula, double indirect block tidak berisi data file tetapi
alamat disk dari blok yang berisi alamat blok yang berisi data file.

2. Vektor untuk memetakan file pada Contiguous Allocation:

// C++ implementation of the Contiguous
// File Allocation which follow First-Fit
// algorithm
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

// File Class
class File {
// Name of File
string filename;

// Size of file
size_t size;

// Partition no. is which part of

// file is present at a particular
// block of memory
int partition;
class Block {
bool occupied = false;
File file;

void set_file(File file)
this->file = file;
occupied = true;
string get_file_name()
return file.filename;

int get_file_partition_no()
return file.partition;

bool is_empty()
return !occupied;

void set_empty()
occupied = false;

int get_empty_count(vector<Block> memory)

int sum = 0;
vector<Block>::iterator slot;

for (slot = memory.begin();

slot != memory.end(); slot++) {
sum += (*slot).is_empty();

return sum;

bool file_exists(vector<Block> memory,

string name)
vector<Block>::iterator slot;

for (slot = memory.begin();

slot != memory.end(); slot++) {
if (!(*slot).is_empty()
&& (*slot).get_file_name() == name) {
return true;
return false;

void set_contiguous_memory(vector<Block>* memory,

vector<int>* index,
File file)
bool avail = false;
int i = 0, count = 0, main_index;
vector<Block>::iterator slot;

// Check if the file already exists

if (file_exists((*memory),
cout << "File already exists"
<< endl;
else {
for (slot = (*memory).begin();
slot != (*memory).end(); slot++) {
if ((*slot).is_empty()) {
if (count == 1)
main_index = i;
if (count == file.size) {
avail = true;
else {
count = 0;
if (avail) {
count = 0;
for (int i = main_index;
i < main_index + file.size;
i++) {
file.partition = count;
cout << "File " << file.filename
<< " has been successfully"
<< " allocated"
<< endl;
else {
cout << "The size of the file is"
<< " greater than"
<< endl;
cout << "the greatest slot available"
<< " in contiguous memory"
<< endl;
cout << "Hence, File "
<< file.filename
<< " cannot be allocated"
<< endl;
void delete_contiguous_mem(vector<Block>* memory,
vector<int>* index_page,
string file)
vector<int>::iterator slot;
int index, i = 0, main_index;
if (!file_exists((*memory), file))
cout << "File does not exist" << endl;
else {
for (slot = (*index_page).begin();
slot != (*index_page).end(); slot++) {

if ((*memory).at(*slot).get_file_name()
== file) {
index = i;
main_index = (*slot);
i = main_index;

while (i < (*memory).size()

&& (*memory).at(i).get_file_name()
== file
&& !(*memory).at(i).is_empty()) {
// Set the Block as empty

(*index_page).erase((*index_page).begin() + index);
cout << "File " << file
<< " has been successfully deleted"
<< endl;

void show_contiguous_index(vector<Block> memory,

vector<int> index_page)
int max = 9, i, j;

vector<Block>::iterator slot;

string fname;
for (i = 0; i < index_page.size();
i++) {

if (> max) {
max =;

cout << "+" << string(max + 2, '-')

<< "+---------------+----"
<< "---------+-----------"
<< "-------+\n|"
<< string(max / 2 + max % 2 - 4, ' ')
<< "File Name"
<< string(max / 2 - 3, ' ')
<< "| Start Address | "
<< " End Address | Size"
<< " of the file |\n+"
<< string(max + 2, '-')
<< "+---------------+-------"
<< "------+------------------+"
<< endl;

// Iterate index_pages
for (i = 0; i < index_page.size();
i++) {
cout << "|"
<< string(max / 2 + max % 2
- memory
- memory
+ 1,
' ')
<< string(max / 2
- memory
+ 1,
' ')
<< "|"
<< string(8
- to_string(index_page
- to_string(index_page
% 2,
' ')
<< string(7
- to_string(index_page
/ 2,
' ')
<< "|";
j = index_page
fname = memory

// Till j is less than memory size

while (j < memory.size()
&& !memory
&& memory
== fname) {
j -= 1;

// Print the index pages details

cout << string(7
- to_string(j)
- to_string(j)
% 2,
' ')
<< j
<< string(6
- to_string(j)
/ 2,
' ')
<< "|"
<< string(9
- to_string(j
- index_page
+ 1)
- to_string(j
- index_page
+ 1)
% 2,
' ')
<< j - + 1
<< string(9
- to_string(j
- index_page
+ 1)
/ 2,
' ')
<< "|"
<< endl;
cout << "+" << string(max + 2, '-')
<< "+---------------+------"
<< "-------+------------------+"
<< endl;

// Function to display index of each

// partition of specified file
void show_contiguous_indexes(vector<Block> memory,
vector<int> index_page,
string filename)
int index, i;

// Iterator
vector<int>::iterator slot;

// If file exist then display file

// index and partition
if (file_exists(memory, filename)) {
cout << "File Name = " << filename
<< "\n+------------------+----"
<< "--------------+";

cout << "\n| Current Location |"

<< " Partition Number |";

cout << "\n+------------------+-"

<< " -----------------+\n";

// Iterate through all the index

for (slot = index_page.begin();
slot != index_page.end(); slot++) {
if (*slot).get_file_name()
== filename) {
index = (*slot);

// Loop till memory size is greater than

// index and file is allocated
// in them
while (index < memory.size()
&& memory
== filename
&& !memory
.is_empty()) {
cout << "|"
<< string(9
- to_string(index)
- to_string(index)
% 2,
' ')
<< index
<< string(9
- to_string(index)
/ 2,
' ')
<< "|"

<< string(9
- to_string(memory



- to_string(memory


% 2,
' ')

<< memory

<< string(9
- to_string(memory
/ 2,
' ')
<< "|"
<< endl;
cout << "+------------------+"
<< "------------------+"
<< endl;
cout << "File does not exist "
<< "in given memory"
<< endl;

// Driver Code
int main()
// Declare memory of size 16 Blocks
vector<Block> memory(16);

// Declare index page

vector<int> index_page;
File temp;

cout << "Remaining memory :- "

<< get_empty_count(memory)
<< endl;

// Set the data

temp.filename = "home.txt";
temp.size = 5;

temp.filename = "Report.docx";
temp.size = 6;

temp.filename = "new_img.png";
temp.size = 3;

temp.filename = "test.cpp";
temp.size = 2;

cout << "Remaining memory :- "<< get_empty_count(memory) << endl;

show_contiguous_index(memory, index_page);

cout << "Now we will check each partition of";

cout << " Report.docx and test.cpp before"<< endl;

cout << "deleting them to see" << " which locations ";

cout << "are going to be set free" << " as our slots"<< endl;

show_contiguous_indexes(memory, index_page, "Report.docx");

show_contiguous_indexes(memory, index_page, "test.cpp");
delete_contiguous_mem(&memory, &index_page, "Report.docx");

delete_contiguous_mem(&memory, &index_page, "test.cpp");

cout << "Remaining memory :- "<< get_empty_count(memory) << endl;

show_contiguous_index(memory, index_page);

temp.filename = "hello.jpeg";
temp.size = 8;
set_contiguous_memory(&memory, &index_page, temp);

cout << "Check index page: " << endl;

show_contiguous_index(memory, index_page);

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