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Nomor : DP.02.02/2/412/2022 04 Februari 2022

Lampiran : 3 (Tiga) Halaman
Hal : Undangan Focus Group Meeting oleh Specialist Language Courses (SLC) dalam
Kegiatan Nursing English Research and Teacher Capacity Buiding in Indonesia

Yth. (Daftar sesuai Lampiran 1)

Dalam rangka melaksanakan kerja sama antara Kementerian Kesehatan dan Kedutaan Besar
Kerajaan Inggris (British Embassy), Pusat Pendidikan SDM Kesehatan bersama dengan Specialist
Language Courses (SLC) akan melaksanakan kegiatan Nursing English Research and Teacher
Capacity Building in Indonesia.

SLC merupakan penyedia layanan Bahasa Inggris Medis terkemuka di Inggris. SLC
menyediakan materi dan sumber daya, program pelatihan untuk profesional di bidang kesehatan dan
mahasiswa, serta melatih dosen Bahasa Inggris Medis. SLC yang didanai oleh British Embassy
mengadakan proyek Nursing English Research and Teacher Capacity Building in Indonesia yang
terdiri dari 2 kegiatan yaitu Research on the current Nursing English landscape in Indonesia dan
Capacity building for Nursing English teachers in Indonesia. Proyek ini berjalan mulai dari 24 Januari
2022 s/d 28 Maret 2022.

Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut kami harap Bapak/Ibu untuk menugaskan pengelola, Dosen
Bahasa Inggris dan perwakilan mahasiswa untuk hadir dalam rangkaian acara Focus Group Meeting
yang akan dilaksanan pada:

hari, tanggal : Senin, 7 Februari 2022

waktu : pukul 16.00 WIB s/d selesai

tempat : Media Rapat Online (via Zoom Meeting)

Meeting ID : 933 4941 1311

Password : psdk5002

Mohon perkenannya untuk mengisi link berikut sesuai dengan bagian masing-masing sebelum
menghadiri Focus Group Meeting:

1. Kementerian Kesehatan:

2. Direktur Poltekkes Kemenkes:
3. Dosen Poltekkes Kemenkes:
4. Mahasiswa Poltekkes Kemenkes:

Diharapkan kehadiran tepat waktu, informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi Sdr. Zaeni Dahlan
(08118019739) atau Sdri. Septi (08567374244) atau email:, Kelompok
Sub-Substansi Fasilitasi Penunjang Pendidikan, Pusat Pendidikan SDM Kesehatan.

Atas perhatian dan kerjasama Bapak/Ibu diucapkan terima kasih.

Dokumen ini ditandatangani secara elektronik melalui Aplikasi TNDE menggunakan sertifikat elektronik yang diterbitkan oleh BSrE. (1/2)
Kepala Pusat Pendidikan Sumber
Daya Manusia Kesehatan,


Dr. Sugiyanto, M.App.Sc

NIP 196607221989031002

Lampiran 1:
1. Direktur Poltekkes Kemenkes Seluruh Indonesia
2. Kepala Bagian Program dan Informasi, Sekretaris Badan PPSDM Kesehatan
3. Koordinator Kelompok Substansi Fasilitasi Pengembangan Pendidikan dan Kemitraan, Pusat
Pendidikan SDM Kesehatan
4. Koordinator Kelompok Substansi Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan, Pusat Pendidikan SDM
5. Koordinator Kelompok Substansi Fasilitasi Akreditasi dan Pengendalian Mutu Pendidikan, Pusat
Pendidikan SDM Kesehatan
6. Sub Koordinator Kelompok sub-Substansi Bidang Fasilitasi Pengembangan, Pusat Pendidikan
SDM Kesehatan
7. Sub Koordinator Kelompok sub-Substansi Kemitraan, Pusat Pendidikan SDM Kesehatan
8. Sub Koordinator Kelompok Sub-Substansi Fasilitasi Teknis Pendidikan, Pusat Pendidikan SDM
9. Sub Koordinator Kelompok Sub-Substansi Fasilitasi Penunjang Pendidikan, Pusat Pendidikan
SDM Kesehatan
10. Sub Koordinator Kelompok Sub-Substansi Fasilitasi Akreditasi, Pusat Pendidikan SDM
11. Sub Koordinator Kelompok Sub-Substansi Pengendalian Mutu, Pusat Pendidikan SDM
12. Kepala Sub Bagian Administrasi Umum Pusat Pendidikan SDM Kesehatan
13. Staf Kelompok Substansi Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan, Pusat Pendidikan SDM Kesehatan

Dokumen ini ditandatangani secara elektronik melalui Aplikasi TNDE menggunakan sertifikat elektronik yang diterbitkan oleh BSrE. (2/2)
Nursing English Research and Teacher Capacity Building in Indonesia

The project covers two separate but related activities as agreed:

1. Research on the current Nursing English landscape in Indonesia

2. Capacity building for Nursing English teachers in Indonesia

The objectives and methods used to achieve those objectives for both parts are set out below.

1. Research on the current Nursing English landscape in Indonesia


To carry out research and write a report that provides detail on the current Nursing English
landscape in Indonesia. The report will cover the following aspects of Nursing English programmes
across the 38 health polytechnics:

• Current Ministry of Health policy

• Current Nursing English curricula for Years 1, 2, 3, to include
o expected starting level
o expected outcomes
o hours of face-to-face tuition, hours of homework
o materials
o balance between the four skills
o assessment
• How curricula are developed at different polytechnics and the associated balance between
national and local initiatives
• Teaching methodology commonly used
• Awareness of international testing of Nursing English, e.g. OET Nursing
• Recruitment and induction of Nursing English teachers, inc. qualifications and experience
• Current teacher development activities
• Current understanding of challenges faced and approach to addressing them
• Use of EMI (English as a Medium of Instruction) where deployed
o impact on Nursing English provision
o impact on level of English of Nursing students
o level of English of lecturers
o understanding of challenges and approach to addressing them


The report will include a series of recommendations on where and how improvements can be made
to Nursing English levels across Indonesia across the areas covered. This will include detailed
suggestions for capacity building for Nursing English teachers


1. Interviews

The research will include interviews with the following:

1. Representatives from the Ministry of Health

2. Heads of English departments at the polytechnics and, where appropriate, their managers
and/or directors
3. Nursing English teachers
4. Nursing students

Interviews will be conducted on either a one-to-one basis or with focus groups of up to six

2. Surveys

The research will include surveys distributed to Nursing English teachers and to Nursing students.
These surveys will be designed and distributed following the interviews, so the latter can inform the
questions asked.

Surveys will be conducted online, using software such as Google Forms.

2. Capacity building programme for Nursing English teachers in Indonesia


• To provide 5 professional development webinars for all Nursing English teachers at the 38
health polytechnics - we understand there are 76 in total. Each webinar to focus on a
specific area, e.g. teaching clinical communication, designing materials, assessing Nursing
English levels. Content of this programme will be guided by the interviews we have in the
research outlined above.
• To give teachers the opportunity to reflect on the content of each webinar through online
• To give each teacher a one-to-one professional development session to discuss the content
of the programme and how it might impact their teaching
• To give each teacher access to English for Nursing online content so they can improve their
own levels of subject-specific English


1. Weekly webinar for all teachers over a 5-week period, commencing the week of 7th
February; each webinar to have a clear teaching or knowledge focus
2. Webinars to be recorded and uploaded onto SLC Learning Management System
3. A series of tasks will be developed on the LMS for each webinar, to be done by each teacher
to consolidate and extend the webinar inputs
4. The assignments on the final webinar will include one written submission asking teachers to
reflect on what they have learnt and its practical implications
5. Each submission will be marked by an assigned SLC teacher trainer
6. The teacher trainer will schedule a 30-minute one-to-one tutorial with their assigned
teacher to go through the submission and discuss the programme and ongoing practice
7. Each teacher to have 4 months’ access to the LMS, from February 7 th
8. Each teacher to have access to SLC Nursing English courses, to do on an optional basis,
including English for Nurses, English for Care, Medical Terminology, Essential Grammar for
Healthcare, English for Medical Academic Purposes

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