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Seafoods Indonesia
Lampung Plant Pasteurization Tank Operation Procedure

ME Procedure

Pasteurization Tank Operation Procedure

Doc. No : P/07/ME.04.03
Rev : 04, Issue Date : November 16, 2015

Approved by: Sign: November 16, 2015

ME Head
Approved by: Sign: November 16, 2015
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Seafoods Indonesia
Lampung Plant Pasteurization Tank Operation Procedure

General Manager

1. Tujuan/Objective
Pembuatan Prosedur Pengoperasian Pasteurisasi ini bertujuan untuk menjadi pegangan
operator terhadap pengoperasian Steam boiler dan Ring Blower yang dipakai untuk
proses pasteurisasi.
Preparation of Operating Procedures Pasteurization aims to become the operator to
handle the operation of steam boilers and Ring blowers are used for the pasteurization
2. Ruang Lingkup/Scope
Ruang lingkup prosedur ini adalah control suhu dan Ring Blower yang berada di ruang
The scope of this procedure is to control the temperature and Ring Blowers are located in
the pasteurization.

3. Penanggung Jawab/Accountability
3. 1. Penanggung jawab pelaksanaan prosedur ini adalah staff pasteurisasi langsung
sebagai pemeriksaan harian.
Responsible for the implementation of this procedure is pasteurized direct staff as
daily checks.
3. 2. Penanggung jawab supervisi adalah Supervisor Pasteurisasi dan QC Pasteurisasi
sebagai pelaksana operasi.
Responsible for the supervision and QC Supervisor Pasteurization Pasteurization as
an operating executive.
3. 3. Penanggung jawab supervisi perbaikan dan perawatan adalah Supervisor ME dan
ME Head.
Responsible for supervision of repairs and maintenance are the ME and ME Head

4. Langkah Kerja/Procedure
4.1 Tangki Hot tank Pasteurisasi dioperasikan 1 jam sebelum produk masuk ke tanki
Hot Tanks Pasteurisation tanks operated an hour before the products enter into
the pasteurization tank.
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Seafoods Indonesia
Lampung Plant Pasteurization Tank Operation Procedure

4.2 Pemanasan hot tank pasteurisasi dilakukan satu persatu. Tidak boleh dilakukan
pemanasan awal tangki secara bersamaan karena dapat menyebabkan tekanan
steam boiler drop/turun.
Heating hot pasteurization tanks carried one by one. Should not be performed
simultaneously preheating tank because it can cause the boiler steam pressure
drop / fall
4.3 Setelah satu tangki sudah tercapai suhu setting nya, tangki hot tank yang lainnya
boleh dipanaskan.
After one tank has reached its temperature setting, the other tank should be hot
tank is heated.
4.4 Dalam proses pemanasan hot tank tidak boleh menyalakan blower.
In the process of heating hot tank should not be turning on the blower.
4.5 Blower dioperasikan setelah ada produk yang masuk ke dalam hot tank.
Blower operated when there is a product that goes into the hot tank.
4.6 Demikian juga halnya dengan chill tank, blower pada chill tank dioperasikan
setelah ada produk tang masuk ke dalam chill tank.
Similarly, chill tanks, blowers in chill tanks after the product is operated pliers
into the chill tank.
4.7 Plastic penutup bagian atas tangki harus terpasang dan menutup rapat tangki agar
panas atau dingin tidak cepat berubah oleh suhu luar.
Plastic cover the top of the tank must be installed and sealing the tank so that hot
or cold does not rapidly change the temperature outside.
4.8 Pastikan bahwa alarm suhu berfungsi dengan baik.
Make sure that the temperature alarm is functioning properly.
4.9 Exhaust fan harus dioperasikan bila kegiatan pasteurisasi berlangsung.
Exhaust fans should be operated when the activities take place pasteurization.
4.10 Setelah kegiatan pasteurisasi di hot tank selesai, operator pasteurisasi harus
memberitahukan kepada operator boiler agar boiler segera dimatikan.
After the completion of pasteurization in the hot tank, pasteurizer operator shall
notify the operator immediately turned off the boiler to boiler.
4.11 Setelah kegiatan pasteurisasi selesai, seluruh tangki pasteurisasi harus ditutup
dengan penutup plastic dengan rapat agar suhu air di hot tank dan chill tank tidak
terpengaruh suhu luar.
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Seafoods Indonesia
Lampung Plant Pasteurization Tank Operation Procedure

After the pasteurization is completed, the entire pasteurization tank must be

covered with plastic lid tightly so that the temperature in the hot water tank and
chill tanks are not affected by outside temperatures.
4.12 Penggantian air tangki pasteurisasi tidak boleh dilakukan pada shift pagi karena
penggunaan air diutamakan untuk produksi.
Replacement water pasteurization tank should not be made on the morning shift
because of the use of preferred water for production.
4.13 Penggantian air tangki pasteurisasi dilakukan pada shift malam, setelah
sebelumnya memberitahuakan kepada personil ME.
Replacement water pasteurization tank carried on the night shift, having
previously memberitahuakan to personnel ME.
4.14 Personil ME akan melakukan pengecekan terlebih dulu terhadap kondisi stock
air. Bila kondisi atau stock air tidak mencukupi untuk dilakukan penggantian air
tangki pasteurisasi maka penggantian air ditunda ke hari berikutnya.
ME personnel will first check the condition of the water stock. If the condition of
water or stock is not sufficient to do the replacement of water tank replacement
water pasteurization then postponed to the next day.

5. Dokumen/Document
5.1 F/07/ME.01.37 Form Preventive Maintenance Pasteurisasi
5.2 F/07/ME.01.36 Formulir Service Record

6. Catatan Perubahan / Changing Records

No Alasan Perubahan / Reason of Changing Tanggal Efektif/Effective Date
 Change Format
3.  Bilingual January 1, 2012
 Add Document
4.  Review Procedure November 16, 2015

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