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Unsur zat hara yang diserap pada tumbuhan :

 Unsur hara Carbon (C), Oksigen (O) dan Hidrogen (H) dapat diserap dalam bentuk gas.
Ketiga unsur hara ini disebut hara non mineral, karena tidak berasal dari mineral yang
ada didalam tanah. Selain itu unsur C, H, O juga dapat diserap berbentuk ion dari dalam
 Unsur mineral sebanyak 13 jenis, yaitu N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Mo, B, Cl 
diperoleh tanaman dari dalam tanah.
 Unsur hara tarnbahan/ unsur benefisial terdiri dari: Na, Al, Si, Au, Sn, Ni atau beberapa ahli
rnengatakan unsur beneisial terdiri dari: Na, Al, Si, Ba, Ni, Ce, Sn, Ba, Co. Unsur-unsur C, H, 0, N
rnerupakan unsur pernbangun bahan organik turnbuhan.

bagaimana mekanisme proses penyerapan zat hara tersebut melalui akar

sehingga sampai keseluruh tubuh tumbuhan?
Secara umum, mekanisme gerakan unsur hara dari larutan tanah ke permukaan akar
dikelompokkan menjadi 3 model, yaitu :
1. Intersepsi Akar

Yaitu akar tanaman hidup tumbuh memanjang dan menerobos partikel-partikel tanah, sehingga
terjadi kontak akar dengan hara yang ada dilarutan tanah maupun hara dibagian tanah yang

 Unsur haranya dalam kondisi statis, akar tanamannya aktif.

 Makin luas cakupan keberadaan akar didalam tanah, maka makin luas permukaan
bidang serapan akar terhadap unsur hara.
 Penyerapan unsur hara terjadi pada bulu-bulu akar (root hair).
 Intersepsi akar pada tanaman akan meningkat dengan adanya mikoriza, simbiosis jamur
dan akar tanaman. Efek positif mikoriza ini paling besar bila tanaman tumbuh pada
tanah-tanah yang kurang subur (Comerford 2005; Havlin et al. 2005 dalam Munawar

Unsur hara yang dapat diserap melalui model ini adalah Kalsium (Ca) dan Magnesium (Mg).

2. Aliran Massa

Yaitu pergerakan hara didalam tanah ke permukaan akar tanaman yang terangkut oleh aliran
konvektif air akibat penyerapan air oleh tanaman atau sebagai air transpirasi.

 Jumlah hara yang bergerak dengan model aliran masa, sebanding dengan jumlah air
yang diserap tanaman dan konsentrasi hara didalam air tersebut.
 Unsur haranya dalam kondisi aktif, akar tanamannya pasif.
 Lokasi unsur hara agak jauh dari permukaan akar.
 Kekeringan akan mengakibatkan penurunan jumlah hara yang bergerak dengan model
aliran massa.

Unsur hara yang diserap melalui model ini adalah N (dalam bentuk NO3-), Ca2+, Mg2+, H3BO3
dan sulfur.

3. Difusi

Yaitu proses pergerakan hara didalam larutan tanah dari bagian yang berkonsentrasi tinggi ke
bagian yang berkonsentrasi rendah.

 Unsur haranya dalam kondisi aktif, akar tanamannya pasif.

 Lokasi unsur hara sangat dekat dengan permukaan akar.
 Bagian tanah yang banyak unsur hara = konsentrasi tinggi.

Bagian permukaan akar tanaman = konsentrasi rendah. Sehingga melalui model difusi, hara
bergerak dari lokasi yang jauh dari akar menuju ke permukaan akar dibantu oleh adanya larutan
tanah. Unsur hara yang diserap melalui model ini adalah P, K, Cu, Fe, Mn dan Zn.

 Setelah bersentuhan dengan permukaan akar, unsur hara masuk kedalam bagian akar
tanaman melalui mekanisme pertukaran ion. Permukaan akar memiliki muatan negatif,
berasal terutama dari gugus karboksil pada membran akar.

COOH —> COO– + H+

Ion H+ dapat digantikan oleh ion pada unsur hara.

 Setelah unsur hara memasuki jaringan akar tanaman, maka unsur hara ini diangkut
melalui xylem dari akar ke daun. Pergerakan unsur hara dari akar ke daun dipengaruhi
oleh 3 kondisi, yaitu :

 Daya dorong akar.

 Daya tarik daun.
 Sifat kapilaritas pembuluh.

Dengan adanya ketiga kondisi ini maka sampaikan unsur hara kedaun, kemudian
bereaksi dengan glukosa hasil fotosintesis, dan diedarkan ke seluruh bagian tanam
melalui pembuluh floem.

Nutrients absorbed by plants:

 Carbon (C), Oxygen (O), and Hydrogen (H) nutrients can be absorbed in the form of gas.
These three nutrients are called non-mineral nutrients because they do not come from
minerals in the soil. In addition, elements C, H, O can also be absorbed in the form of
ions from the soil.
 13 types of mineral elements, namely N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Mo, B, Cl
obtained by plants from the soil.
 Additional nutrients/beneficial elements consist of: Na, Al, Si, Au, Sn, Ni or some experts
say the beneficial elements consist of: Na, Al, Si, Ba, Ni, Ce, Sn, Ba, Co. The elements C,
H, 0, N are the building blocks of plant organic matter.

What is the mechanism for the absorption of these nutrients through the roots
so that they reach the entire plant body?

In general, the mechanism of movement of nutrients from the soil solution to the root
surface is grouped into 3 models, namely:

1. Root Interception

That is, the roots of living plants grow lengthwise and break through the soil particles,
resulting in root contact with nutrients in the soil solution and nutrients in other parts of
the soil.

 Nutrients are in static conditions, plant roots are active.

 The wider the scope of the presence of roots in the soil, the wider the surface
area for root uptake of nutrients.

 Absorption of nutrients occurs in the root hairs (root hair).

 Root interception in plants will increase in the presence of mycorrhizae, fungal

symbiosis and plant roots. This positive effect of mycorrhizae is greatest when
plants grow on less fertile soils (Comerford 2005; Havlin et al. 2005 in Munawar
Nutrients that can be absorbed through this model are Calcium (Ca) and Magnesium

2. Mass Flow

That is the movement of nutrients in the soil to the surface of plant roots that are
transported by convective water flows due to water absorption by plants or as
transpiration water.

 The amount of nutrients that move with the mass flow model, is proportional
to the amount of water absorbed by plants and the concentration of nutrients in
the water.

 Nutrients are active, plant roots are passive.

 Location of nutrients a bit far from the root surface.

 Drought will result in a decrease in the amount of nutrients that move with the
mass flow model.

The nutrients absorbed through this model are N (in the form of NO3-), Ca2+, Mg2+,
H3BO3 and sulfur.

3. Diffusion

That is the process of movement of nutrients in the soil solution from parts of high
concentration to parts of low concentration.

 Nutrients are active, plant roots are passive.

 The location of nutrients is very close to the root surface.

 The part of the soil that has a lot of nutrients = high concentration.

Surface part of plant roots = low concentration. So that through the diffusion model,
nutrients move from locations far from the roots to the root surface assisted by the
presence of a soil solution. The nutrients absorbed through this model are P, K, Cu, Fe,
Mn and Zn.
• After coming into contact with the root surface, nutrients enter the plant roots
through an ion exchange mechanism. The root surface has a negative charge, originating
mainly from the carboxyl groups on the root membrane.

COOH —> COO– + H+

H+ ions can be replaced by ions in nutrients.

• After the nutrients enter the plant root tissue, these nutrients are transported through
the xylem from the roots to the leaves. The movement of nutrients from roots to leaves
is influenced by 3 conditions, namely:

 Root thrust.

 Leaf attraction.

 The capillarity of vessels.

With these three conditions, nutrients are conveyed to the leaves, then react with
glucose from photosynthesis, and circulated to all parts of the plant through the phloem

Nutrients absorbed by plants:

 Carbon (C), Oxygen (O), and Hydrogen (H) nutrients can be absorbed in the form of gas.
These three nutrients are called non-mineral nutrients because they do not come from
minerals in the soil. In addition, elements C, H, O can also be absorbed in the form of
ions from the soil.
 13 types of mineral elements, namely N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Mo, B, Cl
obtained by plants from the soil.
 Additional nutrients/beneficial elements consist of: Na, Al, Si, Au, Sn, Ni or some experts
say the beneficial elements consist of: Na, Al, Si, Ba, Ni, Ce, Sn, Ba, Co. The elements C,
H, 0, N are the building blocks of plant organic matter.

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