Anda di halaman 1dari 28


EKONOMI : 31 – 45
AKUNTANSI : 46 – 60


1. Jika maka = ….






2. Suatu garis yang melalui titik (0, 0) membagi persegi panjang dengan titik-titik sudut (2, 0); (6, 0); (2, 10);
dan (6, 10) menjadi dua bagian yang luasnya sama. Gradien garis tersebut adalah ….



(C) 2

(E) 1

3. Semua bilangan real x yang memenuhi adalah ….






4. Diberikan fungsi dan dengan a, b, dan c adalah bilangan-bilangan real positif.

Syarat agar adalah ….


5. Empat anak laki-laki dan tiga anak perempuan duduk berderet. Diketahui satu anak laki-laki dan satu
anak perempuan adalah kakak beradik. Jika urutan duduk diatur berselang seling antara anak laki-laki
dan perempuan serta kakak beradik tidak berdampingan maka urutan duduk yang mungkin ada
sebanyak ….
(A) 35
(B) 36
(C) 72
(D) 108
(E) 144

6. Misalkan  dan  adalah bilangan bulat dan merupakan akar-akar persamaan maka
nilai k agar minimum adalah ….
(A) 30
(B) 29
(C) 13
(D) 29
(E) 30
7. Jika grafik fungsi diperoleh dari grafik fungsi melalui pencerminan
terhadap garis maka m – n = ….
(A) 3
(B) 4
(C) 5
(D) 6
(E) 7

8. Diketahui . Jika dan maka = ….

(A) 4
(B) 5
(C) 6
(D) 7
(E) 8

9. Misalkan Undan Sn berturut-turut menyatakan suku ke-n dan jumlah n suku pertama suatu deret aritmatika.
Jika maka = ….
(A) 120
(B) 135
(C) 140
(D) 150
(E) 175

10. Jika ; ; ;;dan

maka = ….

(A) 4
(B) 2
(C) 1
(D) 2
(E) 4

11. Jika dan maka determinan A sama dengan ….

(A) 4
(B) 3
(C) 2
(D) 2
(E) 3

12. Semua bilangan real x yang memenuhi

adalah ….


13. C


Titik x, y, dan z terletak pada segitiga ABC sehingga AX = AZ; BX = BY; CY = CZ seperti pada
gambar. Jika BC, CA, dan AB berturut-turut adalah a cm, b cm, c cm maka 2AX = … cm.



14. Jika fungsi f dan g mempunyai invers dan memenuhi maka = ….



15. Seorang siswa mengikuti 6 kali ujian dengan nilai 5 ujian pertama adalah 6, 4, 8, 5, 7. Jika semua nilai
ujian dinyatakan dalam bilangan asli maksimal 10 dan rata-rata 6 kali ujian lebih kecil dari mediannya,
maka nilai ujian terakhir yang mungkin ada sebanyak ….
(A) 3
(B) 4
(C) 5
(D) 6
(E) 7

16. Jika dan , maka nilai dari ….

(A) 1
(B) 4
(C) 5
(D) 8
(E) 11

17. Pada suatu pengukuran tinggi badan terhadap 40 orang peserta lomba, ternyata ukuran tinggi badan
yang dimiliki oleh Fajar (salah satu peserta lomba) terdapat kesalahan pencatatan oleh panitia. Tinggi
badan fajar sebenarnya adalah enam kali dari nilai yang tercatat oleh panitia. Ketika panitia
mengoreksi kesalahannya, rata-rata tinggi badan peserta lomba naik sebesar 3,5 cm. Tinggi badan
Fajar sebenarnya adalah …. cm


18. Tempat parkir seluas 600 m2 hanya mampu menampung 58 jenis kendaraan yang terdiri dari bus dan
mobil. Tiap satu buah mobil membutuhkan tempat 6 m2 sedangkan bus 24 m2. Biaya parkir tiap mobil
Rp 2.000,- dan bus

Rp 10.000,-. Jika tempat parkir itu penuh, hasil dari biaya parkir maksimum adalah ....
(A)Rp 260.000,-
(B)Rp 250.000,-
(C)Rp 228,000,-
(D)Rp 186.000,-
(E) Rp 116.000,-

1 1

19. Nilai x yang memenuhi

log ( x −2 x ) ≥ log x 2 adalah ….
2 4

(A) 1<x≤2
(B) 1< x< 2 atau x<4
(C) 2< x≤3
(D) 2≤x≤3
(E) 1< x<4

x≠(2 k −1)
20. Jika tan x=m .sec x , dengan 2 untuk setiap k bilangan bulat, maka

(A) 4−4 m
(B) 3−4m
(C) 3(1−m )
(D) 3−m
(E) 4−m

( x+1 ) [ ( x+ 4 )( x−2) ]
21. Semua nilai x yang memenuhi pertidaksamaan −3 x 2 +2 x−8 adalah ….

(A) {−2<x<1 atau x>2 }

(B) {−4 <x <2 atau x≠−1 }
(C) {−4 <x<−1 }
(D) {−1<x<2 atau x>2 }
(E) {−4 <x <−1 atau x>2 }

2t , x, y , x 3
22. Diketahui t ,h, x merupakan bilangan real positif. Jika 3 berturut-turut merupakan suku
pertama, kedua, ketiga, dan keempat barisan geometri, maka suku pertamanya adalah ….

(A) √3
(B) √3
(C) √3
(D) √ 2+ √3
(E) √ 2−√ 3

23. Jika matriks

A= (32 −54 ) dan matriks ( A +B ) =(21 32 ) , maka jumlah unsur-unsur matriks B adalah


(A) 0
(B) 1
(C) 2
(D) 3
(E) 4

24. Dari angka 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 dan 8 akan dibuat bilangan ratusan yang terdiri dari angka yang berbeda.
Peluang bahwa bilangan tersebut merupakan bilangan ratusan genap adalah ….

(A) 6
(B) 14
(C) 8
(D) 24
(E) 18

1 1 1
f ( x )= x 3 + bx 2 + x 2 + x−19
25. Syarat agar fungsi 3 4 2 selalu naik untuk semua nilai x real adalah ….

(A) −6<b <2

(B) −2<b<6
(C) 2<b<6
(D) −6<b <−2
(E) 0<b <2

−1 −1
26. Jika g( x )=x−2016 dan (g ∘f )(−2)=2018 , maka nilai a= ….

(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4
(E) 5

27. Jika log( log x )=log 3+log ( log(1+ y )) dan log( x−19 )=3 log y , maka nilai dari x− y= ….

(A) 25
(B) 26
(C) 27
(D) 28
(E) 29

2 {
x + y=2 a
28. Nilai maksimum a sehingga sistem persamaan x +2 y =6 a mempunyai penyelesaian adalah ….

(A) 1
(B) 4
(C) 8
(D) 3
(E) 3

29. Nilai p agar salah satu akar persamaan x −12 x+ p=0 tiga kali akar yang lainnya adalah ….

(A) 18
(B) 21
(C) 24
(D) 27
(E) 30

f (x )= px 2 +( p+4 ) x−
30. Jika −4 < p<−2 , maka grafik fungsi 2 ….

(A) Berada di atas sumbu x

(B) Berada di bawah sumbu x
(C) Menyinggung sumbu x
(D) Memotong sumbu x di dua titik berbeda
(E) Memotong sumbu x di dan dengan dan

31. Barang yang merupakan barang yang sangat dibutuhkan oleh masyarakat. Berikut ini yang termasuk
barang publik adalah ....

(A) beras
(B) listrik
(C) taman
(D) sinar matahari
(E) bahan bakar minyak

32. Jika meningkatnya harga barang Y menyebabkan meningkatnya jumlah barang X yang diminta,
maka ....

(A) X dan Y merupakan barang substitusi

(B) X dan Y merupakan barang komplementer
(C) X dan Y, masing-masing merupakan barang inferior dan normal
(D) X dan Y, masing-masing merupakan barang normal dan inferior
(E) X dan Y masing masing merupakan barang tahan lama dan cepat rusak

33. Pada saat kurva utilitas marginal (marginal utility) sama dengan nol maka ....

(A) utilitas total mencapai maksimum

(B) utilitas total mengalami penurunan
(C) utilitas total mengalami peningkatan
(D) utilitas rata-rata sama dengan utilitas marginal
(E) utilitas rata-rata lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan utilitas marginal

34. Berikut ini hal-hal yang dianggap benar berkaitan dengan biaya produksi, KECUALI....

(A) AC = AFC + AVC

(B) kurva Fixed Cost (FC) berbentuk horizontal
(C) kurva Average Cost (AC) berada di atas kurva Average Variable Cost (AVC)
(D) kurva Marginal Cost (MC) memotong kurva Average Cost (AC) di titik minimum
(E) kurva TotalCost (TC) naik dari kiri bawah ke kanan atas dimulai dari titik origin

35. Berikut ini yang merupakan fungsi APBN/APBD, KECUALI....

(A) otorisasi
(B) stabilisasi
(C) distribusi
(D) organisasi
(E) perencanaan

36. Sumber modal sendiri pada koperasi adalah ....

(A) dana cadangan, hibah, dan simpanan sukarela

(B) simpanan pokok, simpanan wajib, dan dana cadangan
(C) simpanan pokok, dana cadangan, dan simpanan sukarela
(D) simpanan pokok, simpanan wajib, dan simpanan sukarela
(E) bantuan pemerintah, simpanan pokok, dan simpanan wajib

37. Instrumen easy money policy yangdijalankan oleh Bank Sentral adalah ....

(A) menurunkan cash ratio

(B) melakukan kredit selektif
(C) meningkatkan pajak pendapatan
(D) menaikkan suku bunga tabungan
(E) mempersempit kredit likuiditas kepada bank umum

38. Pernyataan yang benar tentang industri pada pasar persaingan sempurna adalah ....

(A) perusahaan hanya menikmati laba ekonomi dalam jangka panjang

(B) dalam jangka pendek, perusahaan hanya memperoleh laba normal
(C) dalam jangka panjang perusahaan dapat menderita kerugian ekonomi
(D) dalam jangka pendek perusahaan akan selalu memperoleh laba ekonomi
(E) dalam jangka pendek, perusahaan dapat menderita kerugian ekonomi atau memperoleh laba
ekonomi, tetapi dalam jangka panjang mereka hanya mendapatkan laba normal

39. Bila harga suatu barang naik mengakibatkan pendapatan total (TR) perusahaan turun, maka barang
tersebut dikategorikan sebagai barang yang memiliki permintaan ....
(A) Elastis
(C)Elastis unitari
(D) Elastis sempurna
(E)Inelastis sempurna

40. Garis anggaran (budget line) akan berotasi ke dalam apabila....

(A) Harga salah satu macam barang turun

(B)Harga salah satu macam barang naik
(C)Harga kedua macam barang naik
(D) Pendapatan konsumen meningkat
(E) Pendapatan konsumen menurun

41. Di bawah ini adalah jenis badan usaha menurut kegiatannya, kecuali ....

(A) Eksploratif
(D) Perdagangan

42. Produk Nasional Bruto (PNB) adalah nilai barang dan jasa yang dihasilkan oleh ....

(A) penduduk negara asing di suatu negara.

(B) penduduk negara sendiri dan negara asing.
(C) penduduk suatu negara di negaranya sendiri.
(D) penduduk suatu negara baik di negaranya maupun di negara lain.
(E) penduduk negara sendiri dengan penduduk negara lain di negara tersebut.

43. Perusahaan di pasar persaingan akan memutuskan untuk menutup usahanya ketika ....

(A) harga terlalu rendah

(B) harga berada di atas AC
(C) harga berada di atas MC
(D) harga berada di atas AVC
(E)harga berada di bawah AVC

44. Kecenderungan menurunnya permintaan suatu barang seiring dengan meningkatnya pendapatan
masyarakat merupakan indikasi bahwa barang tersebut merupakan barang ....

(A) Komplementer
(D) Normal
45. Hal berikut akan terjadi di pasar tenaga kerja,jika pemerintah menerapkan kebijakan upah minimum
adalah ....

(A) Kelebihan penawaran tenaga kerja

(B)Kelebihan permintaan tenaga kerja
(C)Penurunan penawaran tenaga kerja
(D) Peningkatan permintaan tenaga kerja
(E)Tercapainya kondisi keseimbangan di pasar tenaga kerja


46. Pada tanggal 1 Mei 2019 PT ABC membayar dimuka Rp12.000.000,00 untuk satu tahun asuransi.
Manakah dari pernyataan berikut ini yang akan menjadi bagian dari jurnal penyesuaian pada tanggal 31
Desember 2019?

(A) debit asuransi dibayar dimuka untuk Rp4.000.000,00

(B) debit asuransi dibayar dimuka untuk Rp8.000.000,00
(C) debit biaya asuransi untuk Rp4.000.000,00
(D) debit biaya asuransi untuk Rp8.000.000,00
(E) kredit biaya asuransi untuk Rp4.000.000,00

47. Data neraca saldo “UD IHSAN” per 31 Desember 2019 menunjukkan saldo debet pembelian
Rp20.000.000,00. Jika perusahaan menggunakan pendekatan harga pokok penjualan, maka jurnal
penyesuaian yang tepat untuk transaksi tersebut adalah ....

(A) Pembelian Rp20.000.000,00

HPP Rp20.000.000,00
(B) HPP Rp20.000.000,00
Pembelian Rp20.000.000,00
(C) Pers. barang dagang Rp20.000.000,00
HPP Rp20.000.000,00
(D) HPP Rp20.000.000,00
Pers. barang dagang Rp20.000.000,00
(E) Pers. barang dagang Rp20.000.000,00
Pembelian Rp20.000.000,00

48. Keadaan laba normal pada suatu perusahaan terjadi pada saat ....

(A) Penerimaan rata-rata = biaya variabel rata-rata

(B)Penerimaan rata-rata = penerimaan marginal
(C)Penerimaan marginal = biaya marginal
(D) Harga barang per unit = biaya rata-rata
(E) Harga barang per unit = biaya variabel rata-rata

49. Jika modal awal 100 juta rupiah, hasil penjualan 60 juta rupiah, biaya produksi 20 juta rupiah dan
pengambilan untuk kepentingan pribadi 3 juta rupiah, besarnya modal akhir adalah ....

(A) 183 juta rupiah

(B) 180 juta rupiah
(C) 163 juta rupiah
(D) 160 juta rupiah
(E) 137 juta rupiah

50. Jurnal berikut yang merupakan jurnal penutup rekening beban sewa pada akhir periode adalah ....

(A) Beban sewa di debet, kas di kredit

(B)Kas di debet, beban sewa di kredit
(C)Laba-rugi di debet, beban sewa di kredit
(D) Beban sewa di debet, laba-rugi di kredit
(E)Beban sewa di debet, sewa dibayar dimuka di kredit
51. Berikut ini adalah neraca saldo setelah penyesuaian CV MAJU tahun 2019:

Perlengkapan : Rp
Pendapatan : 5.200.000,00
Beban Asuransi : 20.000.000,00
Pendapatan diterima dimuka: 1.000.000,00
Beban Perlengkapan : 6.000.000,00
Beban Depresiasi : 5.000.000,00
Asuransi Dibayar di Muka : 2.000.000,00

Laba bersih untuk periode tersebut adalah ....

(A) Rp1.000.000,00
(D) Rp12.000.000,00

52. Pada tanggal 1 Januari 2019, total aset perusahaan ABC adalah Rp175.000.000,00 dan pada tanggal 31
Desember 2019, total aset perusahaan ABC tersebut adalah Rp205.000.000,00. Pada tanggal 1 Januari
2019, jumlah ekuitas perusahaan ABC adalah Rp110.000.000,00 dan pada tanggal 31 Desember 2019,
jumlah ekuitas perusahaan ABC adalah Rp155.000.000,00. Apa yang terjadi dengan perubahan
kewajiban perusahaan ABC untuk tahun 2016?

(A) Kewajiban meningkat sebesar Rp115.000.000,00

(B) Kewajiban meningkat sebesar Rp15.000.000,00
(C) Kewajiban turun sebesar Rp115.000.000,00
(D) Kewajiban turun sebesar Rp15.000.000,00
(E) Tidak terjadi perubahan pada kewajiban

53. Laporan keuangan yang menyajikan informasi kinerja (prestasi) perusahaan adalah ….

(A) catatan laporan keuangan

(B) laporan perubahan modal
(C) laporan posisi keuangan
(D) laporan laba rugi
(E) laporan arus kas

54. Pada tanggal 1 Oktober 2019 PT Harapan Jaya membayar dimuka Rp12.000.000,00 untuk satu tahun
asuransi. Manakah dari pernyataan berikut ini yang akan menjadi bagian dari jurnal penyesuaian pada
tanggal 31 Desember 2019?

(A) Debit biaya asuransi untuk Rp3.000.000,00

(B) Debit biaya asuransi untuk Rp9.000.000,00
(C) Kredit biaya asuransi untuk Rp3.000.000,00
(D) Debit asuransi dibayar dimuka untuk Rp3.000.000,00
(E) Debit asuransi dibayar dimuka untuk Rp9.000.000,00

55. Konsultan Abdi Brother pada akhir Desember 2019 memiliki aset sejumlah Rp180.000.000,00 dan
utang bank Rp90.000.000,00. Maka modal Abdi Brother bila memilki utang juga sebesar
Rp8.000.000,00 adalah ….

(A) Rp82.000.000,00
(B) Rp90.000.000,00
(C) Rp98.000.000,00
(D) Rp172.000.000,00
(E) Rp270.000.000,00

56. Akun yang jika nilainya bertambah dicatat di sebelah debet adalah rekening ….

(A) Utang
(B) Pendapatan
(C) Asuransi dibayar dimuka
(D) Pendapatan diterima dimuka
(E) Beban yang masih harus dibayar

57. Laporan keuangan yang berisi informasi tentang jumlah pendapatan dan biaya-biaya operasional dan
biaya non operasional perusahaan dinamakan....

(A) Neraca
(B)Neraca saldo
(C)Laporan rugi/laba
(D) Laporan arus kas
(E)Laporan perubahan modal

58. Dalam suatu perekonomian diketahui memiliki data sebagai berikut (dalam miliar) :

 GNP Rp3.000,00
 Transfer payment Rp125,00
 Penyusutan Rp300,00
 Pajak langsung Rp150,00
 Pajak tidak langsung Rp350,00
 Laba ditahan Rp100,00
 Subsidi Rp75,00
Dari data tersebut, maka besarnya personal income adalah....
(A) Rp2.450,00
(D) Rp2.100,00

59. Jika Laundry CEPAT menjurnal transaksi pembelian peralatan secara tunai sebesar Rp2.500.000,00
dengan mendebet perlengkapan dan mengkredit kas Rp2.500.000,00, maka jurnal koreksi yang harus
dibuat adalah....

(A) Kas (D) Rp2.500.000,00, peralatan (K) Rp2.500.000,00

(B)Peralatan (D) Rp2.500.000,00 dan kas (K) Rp2.500.000,00
(C)Perlengkapan (D) Rp2.500.000,00 dan kas (K) Rp2.500.000,00
(D) Perlengkapan (D) Rp2.500.000,00 peralatan (K) Rp2.500.000,00
(E)Peralatan (D) Rp2.500.000,00, perlengkapan (K) Rp2.500.000,00

60. Bengkel ANUGRAH memulai awal tahun operasi dengan total aset Rp160.000.000,00 dan total
kewajiban Rp80.000.000,00. Selama tahun bisnis yang tercatat pendapatan Rp120.000.000,00, beban
operasional Rp75.000.000,00 dan deviden sebesar Rp10.000.000,00. Laba bersih yang dilaporkan
oleh Bengkel ANUGRAH untuk tahun ini adalah....

(A) Rp35.000.000,00
(B) Rp45.000.000,00
(C) Rp55.000.000,00
(D) Rp80.000.000,00
(E) Rp125.000.000,00

Teks 1 digunakan untuk menjawab soal nomor 61 sampai dengan 65.
Teks 1
(1) Keberhasilan seseorang anak dalam mendengarkan agar dapat diketahui dari bagaimana anak
tersebut memahami dan menyampaikan informasi dari materi yang diperdengarkan secara lisan atau
tertulis. (2) Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa keterampilan mendengarkan cukup kompleks. (3) Jika anak ingin
menangkap makna yang sesungguhnya dari wacana yang tidak tersurat, maka ia harus berusaha
mengungkapkan hal-hal yang tersirat.
(4) Salah satu pembelajaran mendengarkan di SMP adalah mendengarkan cerita anak. (5) Dengan
kompetensi dasar, mereka menemukan realitas kehidupan yang terefleksi dalam buku cerita anak baik asli
maupun terjemahan. (6) Dari pembelajaran ini ternyata siswa mampu (a) menemukan judul cerita anak
yang menarik, (b) menemukan kebiasaan kehidupan sehari-hari anak dalam cerita anak yang dibaca, (c)
menemukan cara berpikir anak dalam cerita anak yang dibaca, (d) menemukan sikap anak dalam cerita
anak yang dibaca, (e) menemukan masalah anak dalam cerita anak yang dibaca, (f) menemukan
cita-cita/harapan anak dalam cerita anak yang dibaca, (g) menunjukkan contoh realitas kehidupan anak
yang terefleksi dalam cerita anak yang dibaca. (Jurnal Ilmiah Bahasa dan Sastra, Des, 2016)

61. Judul yang tepat untuk Teks 1 tersebut adalah ....

(A) Kemampuan Mendengar Cerita dan Pembentukkan Karakter Anak
(B) Pembelajaran Mendengarkan Anak dan Kebiasaan Bercerita
(C) Peningkatan Kebiasaan Membaca yang Membentuk karakter
(D) Pembelajaran Mendengarkan Cerita untuk Mengembangkan Pribadi Anak
(E) Peran Guru dalam Mendengarkan Cerita Anak

62. Kalimat yang TIDAK efektif dalam Teks 1 adalah ....

(A) 1 dan 2
(B) 2 dan3
(C) 1 dan 3
(D) 3 dan 4
(E) 5 dan 6

63. Hubungan isi antarparagraf dalam Teks 1 adalah ....

(A) Paragraf ke-2 memaparkan simpulan materi yang dibahas pada paragraf ke-1.
(B) Paragraf ke-2 memerinci temuan penelitian yang dipaparkan pada paragraf ke-1.
(C) Paragraf ke-2 memaparkan perbedaan perilaku yang dibahas pada paragraf ke-1.
(D) Paragraf ke-1 memaparkan penelitian terhadap anak SMP yang diuraikan pada paragraf ke-
(E) Paragraf ke-1 memaparkan hasil penelitian yang diuraikan pada paragraf ke-2.

64. Simpulan teks yang tepat adalah ....

(A) Cerita anak mempunyai andil besar untuk mengubah cara pikir, kebiasaan, cita-cita,
harapan, dan sikap seorang anak.
(B) Dalam cerita anak terdapat karakter cerita yang menjadi bagian dunia nyata anak.
(C) Anak-anak yang mulai belajar membaca sejak dini akan terlatih konsestrasinya dan berpikir
(D) Kebiasaan mendengarkan cerita sejak usia dini bermanfaat untuk belajar konsentrasi dan
melatih logikanya.
(E) Cerita anak perlu ditanamkan melalui proses pembelajaran, dengan mendengarkan cerita,
karakter anak dapat diubah serta dapat mengamalkan nilai yang ada.

65. Gagasan utama yang tepat untuk paragraf selanjutnya dari teks tersebut adalah ....
(A) Agar keaktifan siswa lebih menonjol, guru sebaiknya memberikan pancingan pertanyaan
kepada siswa.
(B) Guru dapat memberikan model atau contoh cerita anak kepada siswa.
(C) Pembelajaran ini dimulai dengan guru memberikan apersepsi kepada siswa untuk
mengetahui seberapa jauh pemahaman siswa terhadap materi yang akan disampaikan.
(D) Setelah guru mengetahui seberapa tingkat pengetahuan siswa terhadap materi yang
akandisampaikan, mereka mengapresiasikannya.
(E) Pembelajaran apersepsi ini merupakan pemahaman isi sebuah wacana cerita anak tersebut.

Teks 2A dan 2B digunakan untuk menjawab soal nomor 66 sampai dengan 70.
Teks 2A
(1)Fisikawan, Tomsk State University (TSU) Rusia, sedang mengembangkan sebuah metode cetak 3D
ultrasonik yang membuat partikel kecil melayang di dalam medan akustik. (2) Teknologi ini akan
digunakan untuk campuran atau bahan yang memiliki sifat agresif secara kimiawi atau panas. (3) (4)
Teknik cetak 3D yang diajukan oleh peneliti ini memiliki spesialisasi di bidang fisika radio di Tomsk State
University Rusia. (5) Hal ini akan menjadi masa depan manufaktur aditif yang menarik terutama bagi
mereka yang tertarik dengan material yang tidak stabil dan berbahaya.
Teks 2B
(6) Teknik baru ini dapat digunakan untuk mencetak 3D campuran atau bahan yang bersifat agresif
secara kimiawi atau bersifat panas. (7) Tidak hanya mengendalikan dan mengatur secara presisi partikel
yang melayang menjadi bentuk cetak 3D, tetapi juga menjaga partikel tersebut dengan aman selama dalam
kondisi melayang. (8) Meskipun teknologi ini masih berada pada tahap awal, sistem teknologi ini
menggunakan ruang tanpa gema yang dilapisi dengan penyerap dan pemancar gelombang. (9) Sebuah
aliran gelombang dengan frekuensi 40 kHz akan membuat plastik busa melayang dan tingkat kekuatan
dapat disesuaikan terhadap peningkatan jumlah dan ukuran partikel. (10) Selain itu, akan digunakan
perangkat lunak untuk menggerakan partikel yang melayang tadi dari sisi ke sisi yang lain.
(Dialihbahasakan dari:

66. Makna kata materialpada kalimat (5) adalah ....

(A) materi bangunan
(B) bahan mentah
(C) modal
(D) barang bangunan
(E) semen

67. Berdasarkan isi Teks 2A, penulis berpihak kepada siapa ....
(A) pemerintah dan percetakan
(B) peneliti
(C) konsumen
(D) percetakan 3D
(E) percetakan multimedia

68. Perbedaan tujuan penulisan Teks 2A dan Teks 2B adalah ....

(A) Teks 2A mengembangkan metode 3D yang ultrasonik, Teks 2B menjelaskan teknik baru
dalam mencetak 3D.
(B) Teks 2A menjelaskan pengembangan metode 3D ultrasonik; Teks 2B menjelaskan teknik
baru yang berfungsi mencetak 3D campuran.
(C) Teks 2A menjelaskan alasan Fisikawan, Tomsk State University (TSU) Rusia tentang 3D;
Teks 2B menjelaskan fungsi 3D dengan bahan yang bersifak agresif.
(D) Teks 2A mendeskripsikan proses metode 3D ultrasonik; Teks 2B menguraikan perangkat
lunak 3 D ultrasonik dengan menggerakan partikel yang melayang.
(E) Teks 2A menekankan pentingnya peran 3D ultrasonik; Teks 2B memahami sistem teknologi
yang menggunakan ruang tanpa gema.

69. Informasi apa yang ada di dalam Teks 2B, tetapi TIDAK dimuat di dalam Teks 2A adalah ....
(A) Metode ultrasonik digunakan untuk mencetak 3D campuran.
(B) Metode ultrasonik bahan bersifat agresif yang dapat mengendalikan, mengatur,dan menjaga
(C) Menguntungkan percetakan
(D) Dampak positif teknologi cetak 3D.
(E) Menggunakan ruang tanpa gema.

70. Kelemahan dari isi teks yang tepat adalah....

(A) Teks 2A tidak menjelaskan bahwa peneliti mengembangkan metode cetak 3D ultrasonik.
(B) Teks 2A tidak menguraikan cara kerja 3D ultrasonik.
(C) Teks 2B tidak memaparkan kelebihan alat cetak 3D ultrasonik.
(D) Teks 2B tidak menjelaskan kelebihan alat cetak 3D.
(E) Teks 2B memuat aliran gelombang yang diperlukan.

Teks 3 digunakan untuk menjawab soal nomor 71 sampai dengan 80.

Teks 3
(1)Komoditas sawit dan turunannya sedang dihambat masuk ke sejumlah negara : Norwegia, AS,
India, dan kawasan Uni Eropa lainnya.(2)Hambatan bisnis ini bukan hanya masalah pelaku bisnis sawit
saja. (3) Ini adalah masalah kita bersama sebagai bangsa. (4) Perspektif ini sangat kuat tersurat dalam
pernyataan Wakil Presiden Jusuf Kalla ketika merespon kebijakan yang menghambat sawit.(5) Menjadikan
sawit sebagai masalah bangsa bukanlah tanpa dasar. (6) Sawit, varitas yang diimpor dari Afrika, telah
menjadi bagian dari identitas bangsa kita. (7) Indonesia adalah negara utama pemasok kebutuhan sawit
(8) Dari catatan United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Foreign Agriculture Service,
Indonesia yang memasok 54 persen sawit dunia. (9) Nilai ekspor sawit dan produk turunannya mencapai
22,77 miliar dollar AS tahun 2017. (10) Nilai ini setara dengan 14,9 persen terhadap total ekspor nonmigas
atau 13,5 persen terhadap total ekspor Indonesia tahun 2017. (11) Dari peluang kerja, Gabungan Pengusaha
Kelapa Sawit Indonesia (Gapki) menyebutkan bahwa industri sawit telah menyerap 8,2 juta tenaga kerja
pada 2016. (12) Jumlah yang belum termasuk pekerja yang menggantungkan hidup pada ribuan kontraktor
dalam rantai produksi sawit.(13) Dengan demikian, Indonesia dapat dikatakan sebagai penghasil sawit
terbesar di dunia.

71. Kalimat topik paragraf pertama pada teks di atas adalah …

(A) Komoditas sawit dan turunannya.
(B) Hambatan bisnis sawit
(C) Kebijakan yang menghambat sawit
(D) Komoditas sawit dan turunannya dihambat masuk ke sejumah negara
(E) Indonesia adalah pemasok kebutuhan sawit dunia

72. Makna rujukan kata ini pada kalimat ketiga di atas adalah …
(A) Komoditas sawit.
(B) Kebijakan negara Norwegia, AS, India, dan kawasan Uni Eropa.
(C) Hambatan bisnis sawit ke sejumlah negara.
(D) Wakil Presiden Jusuf Kalla merespon serius.
(E) Sawit menjadi identitas bangsa kita.

73. Kesalahan penggunaan ejaan ditemukan pada kalimat ….

(A) 1 dan 3 (D) 6 dan 10
(B) 2 dan 4 (E) 8 dan 12
(C) 5 dan 7

74. Pertanyaan yang jawabannya TIDAK ditemukan pada teks di atas adalah …
(A) Negara mana saja yang menghambat bisnis sawit Indonesia?
(B) Berapa nilai ekspor sawit dan produk turunannya?
(C) Berapa persentase pasokan sawit Indonesia ke dunia?
(D) Seberapa besar bisnis sawit ini menyerap tenaga kerja?
(E) Mengapa beberapa negara menghambat komoditas sawit Indonesia?

75. Kalimat tidak efektif ditemukan pada kalimat ….

(A) 2 dan 3
(B) 5 dan 7
(C) 8 dan 12
(D) 10 dan 4
(E) 6 dan 11

76. Hubungan antarparagraf pada teks di atas adalah …

(A) Paragraf satu menggambarkan paragraf dua.
(B) Paragraf satu merinci paragraf dua.
(C) Paragraf dua memaparkan paragraf satu.
(D) Paragraf satu merupakan sebab paragraf dua
(E) Paragraf dua menguraikan paragraf satu.

77. Simpulan teks di atas adalah …

(A) Nilai ekspor sawit Indonesia sangat besar.
(B) Hambatan bisnis sawit Indonesia dari beberapa negara merupakan masalah yang serius.
(C) Komoditas sawit dari Indonesia merupakan pemasok utama kebutuhan sawit dunia.
(D) Ekspor sawit Indonesia pada tahun 2017 setara dengan nilai ekspor nonmigas.
(E) Industri sawit Indonesia menyerap jutaan tenaga kerja.

78. Tujuan penulisan teks di atas adalah ….

(A) Menginformasikan bahwa potensi bisnis sawit Indonesia sangat besar, tetapi sekarang sedang
mendapat hambatan dari beberapa negara.
(B) Memberikan gambaran tentang besarnya bisnis sawit.
(C) Merinci nilai ekspor Indonesia dari komoditas sawit dan turunannya.
(D) Memaparkan bisnis sawit dan hambatan-hambatannya
(E) Memberitahukan tentang bisnis komoditas sawit dan turunannya.

79. Judul yang sesuai untuk teks di atas ….

(A) Bisnis Sawit
(B) Nilai Ekspor Sawit
(C) Peluang Bisnis Sawit
(D) Potensi Bisnis Sawit Indonesia
(E) Negara Penghambat Sawit

80. Kelemahan paragraf kedua teks di atas adalah …

(A) Gagasan utama ada di tengah.
(B) Terdapat kalimat sumbang
(C) Rincian gagasannya tidak jelas.
(D) Data seharusnya didukung dengan sajian tabel.
(E) Tidak ada uraian mengenai perkembangan ekspor sawit dari tahun ke tahun.
Questions 81 – 84 are based on the following text.

Women are statistically far more likely to donate a kidney to a partner than receive one,
according to a study released Thursday to coincide with World Kidney Day and International
Women’s Day. Based on European data assessed, 36 percent of women donate a kidney to their
husband in clinically suitable cases. That compares with just seven percent of clinically suitable
men donating a kidney to their spouse, said the study by the International Society of Nephrology
(ISN) and the International Federation of Kidney Foundations.
It highlights how women are also liable to suffer from the most serious stages of chronic
kidney disease (CKD) as they tend to live longer than male sufferers and take longer to reach a
stage requiring a transplant.  "Although it is hard to pinpoint a specific reason for higher numbers
of wives being donors than husbands, the evidence suggests women are motivated by reasons such
as altruism and the desire to help their family continue to survive," said Adeera Levin, a Professor
of Medicine at Canada's  University of British Colombia.
The study data shows some two thirds of kidney transplant recipients are men although the
gender difference was less pronounced for donations by deceased men and women.  Worldwide,
the study found 14 percent of women suffer from CKD compared with 12 percent of men.
Although the data showed higher proportions of women live with advanced CKD, "experts believe
that systemic failures to detect or manage CKD in women leave women at a higher risk of
progression and complications."
This year's World Kidney Day is closely focusing on CKD sufferers who are either pregnant
or wishing to conceive. "In women who have had a successful kidney transplant, fertility can be at
least partly restored and chances of successful birth increase," said Dr Giorgina Piccoli of  Italy's
University of Torino and the Centre Hospitalier Le Mans, France. "However, complications in
these women remain more common than in the general population, and preconception medical
counselling should always be sought," added Piccoli. She stressed the "clear need for higher
awareness of CKD in pregnancy, to timely identify CKD in pregnancy, and to follow-up women
with CKD during and after pregnancy."
Dr Piccoli also indicated pregnancy-related complications can increase the risk of kidney
disease. "Women face unique issues in relation to kidney disease and donation, and since this
year’s World Kidney Day coincides with International Women’s Day, we decided now was the
time to highlight these issues," said Professor Levin.

81. What is the main reason for higher numbers of wives being donors of their kidneys to spouse than
husbands? Because the wives ....
(A) have the great immune system in their body.
(B) want to assist their family continue to survive.
(C) are motivated to become a saver in her family.
(D) have long life span based on the research.
(E) never obtain the serious illness in their living.
82. It highlights how women are also liable to suffer from the most serious stages of chronic kidney
disease (CKD) as they tend to live longer than male sufferers and take longer to reach a stage requiring
a transplant.  The joining of the two sentences is ….
(A) augmentation (D) cause – effect
(B) contradictive (E) parallelism
(C) controversy

83. The sentence ‘Based on European data assessed, 36 percent of women donate a kidney to their
husband in clinically suitable cases’ is closest in meaning to ....
(A) it is achievable for women to donate their kidney to their spouse in certain medical cases.
(B) it is great intricate for women to make her spouse survive and get long life expectation.
(C) it is hard to understand why women want to donate their kidney due to their partners.
(D) it is complicated issue in the world that it cannot be solved by many doctors in the world.
(E) it is difficult to gain the motivation why women donate their kidney to their spouse.

84. Women face unique issues in relation to kidney disease and donation, and since this year’s World
Kidney Day coincides with International Women’s Day, we decided now was the time to highlight
these issues," said Professor Levin. The underlined word can also be replaced by ....
(A) advocate
(B) recommend
(C) attain
(D) emphasize
(E) accomplish

Questions 85 – 87 are based on the following text.

Adolescents who feel their parents rarely express interest in their emotional well-being are far more
likely to consider suicide than youths who see their parents as involved, US researchers said Tuesday. The
findings by the University of Cincinnati come as the suicide rate among teenagers rises in the United
States, adding to concern among parents, educators and health experts. In the past month alone, a 10-year-
old girl in Colorado and a 13-year-old in California hanged themselves. Their parents say bullying at
school contributed to the girls' deaths.
"Parents ask us all the time, 'What can we do?'" said Keith King, who coordinates the University of
Cincinnati's health promotion and education doctoral program.  "Kids need to know that someone's got
their back, and unfortunately, many of them do not. That's a major problem. "King and his
colleague, Rebecca Vidourek, based on their findings on a 2012 national survey of people 12 and older
that revealed a significant link between parental behaviors and thoughts of suicide among adolescents.
They found that those most affected by parenting behaviors were 12- and 13-year-olds. 
Children in this age group who said their parents rarely or never told them they were proud of them
were nearly five times more likely to have suicidal thoughts, said the researchers. They were also nearly
seven times more likely to formulate a suicide plan and about seven times more likely to attempt suicide
than their peers.  An unusually high risk of suicide was also seen in 12- and 13-year-olds whose parents
rarely or never told them they did a good job or helped them with their homework.
Among older teens, aged 16 and 17, those who said their parents rarely or never said they were
proud of them were three times more likely to have suicidal thoughts -- almost four times more likely to
make a suicide plan and attempt suicide -- than peers whose parents sometimes or often expressed pride in
their children. Researchers acknowledged that the survey was based on youths' perceptions of their
parent’s behavior, and that some parents may disagree with how their children responded. "Youth
perceptions are extremely important to suicidal ideation and attempts," King told AFP in an email.
"Sometimes parents think they are involved, but from the perspective of the adolescent, they are not."
Some ways for parents to protect against suicide include "direct communication and direct
interactions that are authoritative in nature between the parent(s) and the adolescent," he added. Teens may
also be more likely to try drugs or risky sexual behavior if parents are not adequately engaged, King said.
"A key is to ensure that children feel positively connected to their parents and family," said Vidourek, who
serves as co-director of the Center for Prevention Science, along with King. The study did not delve into
completion of suicide by teenagers, but whether they harbored suicidal thoughts, made plans or had
attempted to take their own lives.
A report by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention earlier this year found that the
suicide rate among teen girls doubled from 2007 to 2015, and rose 30 percent among boys. About 5,900
youths between the ages of 10 and 24 committed suicide in the United States in 2015, according to
government figures. Experts say a range of factors contribute to suicide risk, including depression and
mental health, negative influences on social media, bullying, financial struggles and exposure to violence.
King said certain basic parental behaviors may help. "You can tell them you're proud of them, that they did
a good job, get involved with them and help them with their homework," said King. The research was
presented at this year's American Public Health Association conference in Atlanta.

85. What is the topic of the first paragraph ....

(A) An increasing of the suicide rate among teenagers in the USA based on the research finding.
(B) The decreasing of the parent’s commitment to the school regulations linked to the latest
(C) The educators, parents and health experts are never involved in solving the crucial issue.
(D) Many parents in USA don’t care to their children’s activity outside of school because they
are so busy at work.
(E) Parents in USA have forced the government to find out the greatsolution of doing suicide
among children and teenagers.

86. The following statements are true based on the passage, except ....
(A) the suicide rate among teen girls doubled from 2007 to 2015 based on a report.
(B) direct communication and interaction can minimize the adolescent against suicide.
(C) the high risk of suicide has never been revealed by the American government since ten
years ago.
(D) depression and mental health factors can contribute to the teenagers to do suicide.
(E) negative influences on social media and bullying can provide bad impact to the teenager’s

87. Which is not the factor contributing to the suicide risk stated in the last paragraph of the passage ....
(A) bullying.
(B) exposure to violence.
(C) bad influence on social media.
(D) depression and mental health.
(E) hedonism and consumptive living.

Questions 88 – 90 are based on the following text.

Around the age of 13, the human brain region that hosts memory and learning appears to stop
producing nerve cells, said a study Wednesday described as "sobering".  The finding challenges a widely-
held view that the brain's hippocampus region continues to generate neurons, which transmit information
through chemical and electrical signals, well into adulthood in humans, as in other mammals. Neurons are
the cells that allow animals to react to their environment by transferring data about external stimuli such as
a smell or sound to the central nervous system, and from there to muscles and glands to respond
Some research had suggested that hundreds of neurons are created in the human hippocampus
every day, and it was thought that finding ways to boost such "neurogenesis" may help tackle age-related
brain degeneration. Looking at brain samples from 59 adults and children, however, "we found no
evidence of young neurons or the dividing progenitors of new neurons" in the hippocampi of people older
than 18, study co-author Arturo Alvarez-Buylla of the University of California in San Francisco told AFP.
They did find some in children between birth and one year, "and a few at seven and 13 years of age," he
said. Published in the scientific journal Nature, the study "shows that the human hippocampus is largely
generated during foetal brain development," the team said.
They did find some newly-created neurons in different bits of the brain called ventricles, but said
other regions have yet to be explored to determine whether neurogenesis happens there or not. In a
comment also carried by Nature, neuroscientist Jason Snyder from the University of British Columbia said,
describing the study results as "sobering". "These findings are certain to stir up controversy," he said, and
underlined they would have to be confirmed by other researchers. There had been a "general consensus
that the hippocampus is one region in which adult neurogenesis (neuron production) exists in humans as it
does in animals," he wrote. "This is based on several studies. "Nevertheless the authors of the latest paper
said previous research may have misreported the detection of new hippocampal neurons as the protein used
to trace them in animals does not work the same way in humans. The hippocampus has also been linked to
mood, stress, and some neurological diseases in humans. Adult neurogenesis has been observed in the
hippocampi of rodents and monkeys. But it is known not to occur in cetaceans -- the group that comprises
dolphins, porpoises, and whales.

88. Nevertheless the authors of the latest paper said previous research may have misreported the detection
of new hippocampal neurons as the protein used to trace them in animals does not work the same way
in humans. (the last paragraph).The underlined connector is used to state ....
(A) agreement
(B) controversy
(C) rejection
(D) augmentation
(E) cause effect

89. The following statements are true, except ....

(A) adult neurogenesis cannot occur in the group of dolphins, porpoises and whales.
(B) the hippocampus has also been linked to mood, stress, and some neurological diseases in
(C) before the age of 13, the human brain region that hosts memory and learning appears stops
producing nerve cells.
(D) neurons can transmit information through chemical and electrical signals.
(E) hundreds of neurons are created in the human hippocampus every day.

90. Neurons are the cells that allow animals to react to their environment by transferring data about
external stimuli such as a smell or sound to the central nervous system, and from there to muscles and
glands to respond appropriately. The underlined word can also be replaced by ….
(A) apparently
(B) relevantly
(C) effectively
(D) improperly
(E) unsuitably
Choose the correct answer.
Questions 91 – 94 are based on the following text.

Keeping active throughout life could help keep the body younger and healthier as we age,
according to new research in the United Kingdom.Carried out by researchers at the University of
Birmingham and King’s College London, the study set out to look at whether a lifetime of exercise had
slowed down aging in a group of older adult participants.The researchers recruited 125 male and female
healthy amateur cyclists, who were aged 55 to 79 and had been cycling for nearly all of their adult
lives.The participants provided blood samples and muscle biopsy samples, which were then compared to a
group of healthy adults who did not take part in regular physical activity.This group consisted of 55 young
adults aged 20 to 36 and 75 older adults aged 57 to 80.
Results showed that a loss of muscle mass and strength, which is often believed to be normal part
of the aging process, did not occur in the cyclists.Furthermore, their body fat and cholesterol levels also
had not increased with age.The men’s testosterone levels had also remained high, rather than declined with
age, suggesting that they may have avoided most of the “male menopause”.Even more surprisingly, the
researchers also found that exercise appeared to have an anti-aging effect on the immune systems of the
cyclists, as well as their muscles.An organ called the thymus, which makes immune cells called T cells,
starts to shrink from the age of 20 and makes less T cells; however the team found that in this study, the
cyclists’ thymuses were making as many T cells as those of a young person.Commenting on the findings,
Dr. NiharikaAroraDuggal from the University of Birmingham, said, “We hope these findings prevent the
danger that, as a society, we accept that old age and disease are normal bedfellows and that the third age of
man is something to be endured and not enjoyed.”
Professor Stephen Harridge, director of the Centre of Human & Aerospace Physiological Sciences
at King’s College London, also added, “The findings emphasize the fact that the cyclists do not exercise
because they are healthy, but that they are healthy because they have been exercising for such a large
proportion of their lives. Their bodies have been allowed to age optimally, free from the problems usually
caused by inactivity. Remove the activity and their health would likely deteriorate.” “Find an exercise that
you enjoy in whatever environment that suits you and make a habit of physical activity. You will reap the
rewards in later life by enjoying an independent and productive old age,” he said. The findings can be
found detailed in two papers published online in the journal Aging Cell.

91. The following statements are true based on the text, except ….
(A) the study was seriously carried out by researchers from some universities and colleges in London.
(B) blood samples and muscle biopsy samples are taken from the participants to begin a study.
(C) find an exercise that you enjoy in whatever environment that suits you and make a habit of
physical activity.
(D) a group of healthy adults who did not take part in regular physical activity is not involved in the
(E) the research findings can be read by the people in journal Aging Cell.

92. Based on the passage, which of the following reflects the idea of relationships between a lifetime of
exercise and slowing down aging process ....
(A) Preparing the examination – studying harder.
(B) Avoiding natural disaster – drought, landslide, tornado.
(C) Improving vocabularies – well conversation
(D) Doing Black campaign – great political parties.
(E) Growing plants – excessive fertilizers.

93. ‘Find an exercise that you enjoy in whatever environment that suits you and make a habit of physical
activity’ is written in the last paragraph. It can be assumed that ….
(A) doing an exercise and physical activity in a pleasant place regularly can keep our body healthy.
(B) having physical activity is always done by athletes before getting great competition.
(C) exercising our body in physical activity is always recommended by doctors and health trainers.
(D) getting physical exercise everyday can minimize our cardiovascular problem.
(E) Seeking for the comfortable sites for doing exercise and physical activity is advocated by doctors.

94. Results showed that a loss of muscle mass and strength, which is often believed to be normal part of
the aging process, did not occur in the cyclists. Furthermore, their body fat and cholesterol levels also
had not increased with age. The joining of the sentences states….
(A) contradictory (D) refusal
(B) cause effect (E) augmentation
(C) agreement

Questions 95 - 98 are based on the following text.

YuliatiHerbani, a researcher at the Indonesian Institute of Sciences’ (LIPI) Physics Research Center, is
in the process of optimizing the conjugation of curcumin contained in turmeric onto gold nanoparticles.
The research may lead to an alternative therapy to treat cancer, as reported by Kompas.  The curcumin
would attach to the gold surface with the help of cyclodextrin. The research project is expected to require
approximately two years.  Titled "Synthesis of Curcumin-Gold Nanoparticles with Femtosecon Laser
Ablation Technique and Cytotoxic Bioactivity Studies on Cancer Cells", Yuliati's research earned her a
L'Oreal-UNESCO For Women in Science National Fellowship Awards in 2017 in the engineering science
category.  "The goal is to make more efficient anticancer drugs with the PDT therapy, or photodynamic
therapy. Gold nanoparticles have long been used for PDT," Yuliati said during a Women's Day event in
Jakarta recently, as quoted by Kompas. The shape of the gold nanoparticles selected is a hollow cube,
which is chosen because it is considered more effective to treat cancer than a solid sphere.
To combine curcumin with gold nanoparticles, the LIPI researcher used the laser ablation technique.
The surface of a pure gold plate is inserted into the solution of curcumin and cyclodextrin, then hit with
laser rays. The gold plates would break and become gold nanoparticles, which would then mix with the
curcumin and cyclodextrin in the solution. "The solution would turn to an exclusively red color from the
gold nanoparticles. The yellow tinge from the curcumin would disappear," Yuliati said. The scientist unites
the curcumin contained in turmeric with gold nanoparticles to get a double effect in treating cancer. The
gold nanoparticles fired into the body would release heat to kill cancer cells, while the curcumin works to
kill cancer cells on a wider network. With the presence of gold nanoparticles, curcumin's challenge in the
process, that it is not soluble in water, would be overcome. Curcumin, Yuliati said, was proven to have
many benefits, such as antiallergy as well as anti-inflammatory and anticancer properties. Numerous steps
are needed to extract curcumin from turmeric, since it is only 20 percent of the content of the plant.Yuliati
said cancer therapy with curcumin was still limited to cervical cancer, since the blast fired could only reach
the cancer target close to the outer skin tissue. "This method doesn't hurt as much as chemotherapy. The
curcumin and gold used are not in large quantities, so it could also save cost," Yuliati said.

95. What is the main idea of the first paragraph ....

(A) The goal of the research is to give long life expectation for serious ailment patients in the world.
(B) A study about the conjugation of curcumin in turmeric can be more efficient anticancer drugs was
researched by YulianiHerbani.
(C) A researcher from the Indonesian Institute of Sciences’ (LIPI) Physics Research Center has revealed the
process of new cancers therapy.
(D) Since the shape of the gold nanoparticles selected is a hollow cube, it is more effective to treat
cancers symptoms.
(E) Yuliati Herbani is a well-known researcher from LIPI Indonesia can find out the solution for
cancers patient to survive longer.

96. In connecting the idea in paragraph 1 and paragraph 2, the author in the second paragraph ….
(A) shows evidence why curcumin is always consumed by exhausted people.
(B) gives further impacts of curcumin after being drank by sick people.
(C) argues that curcumin can add bad impacts to cancers patient in the future.
(D) provides a reason why the cancers sufferer has to follow her treatment.
(E) explains the process of blendingcurcumin with gold nanoparticles and the benefits of it.

97. What is the author’s attitude towards the findings of curcumin in turmeric being alternative therapy to
treat cancer ....
(A) Optimistic (D) Critical
(B) Concerned (E) Neutral
(C) Mindful

98. The paragraph following the passage will most likely discuss about ....
(A) a case of cancers patients who are treated by consuming curcumin.
(B) specialtraining on how to plant turmeric in our garden at home.
(C) useful workshop for cancers patients in explaining the benefit of curcumin.
(D) recommendation for all people why we have to cultivate turmeric at home.
(E) endeavors to introduce and convince the benefits of curcumin for cancers

Questions 99 – 100 are based on the following text.

A Spanish researcher and a Paraguayan scientist have presented the most complete and
detailed European study into the repertoire of sounds used by bottlenose dolphins
(Tursiopstruncatus) to communicate. The study reveals thecomplexity and our lack of
understanding about the ….(1)…..
Until now the scientific community had thought that whistles were the main sounds made
by these mammals, and were unaware of the importance and use of burst-pulsed sounds.
Researchers from the Bottlenose Dolphin Research Institute (BDRI), based in Sardinia (Italy) have
now shown that ….(2)…. "Burst-pulsed sounds are used in the life of bottlenose dolphins to
socialize and maintain their position in the social hierarchy in order to prevent physical conflict,
and this also represents a significant energy saving," Bruno Diaz, lead author of the study and a
researcher at the BDRI, which he also manages, said.
According to the experts, the tonal whistle sounds (the most melodious ones) .…(3).…
(above all mothers and offspring), and to coordinate hunting strategies. The burst pulsed sounds
(which are more complex and varied than the whistles) are used "to avoid physical aggression in
situations of high excitement, such as when they are competing for the same piece of food, for
example," explain Diaz. According to Diaz, bottlenose dolphins make longer burst-pulsed sounds
when they are hunting and at times of high aggression: "These are what can be heard best and over
the longest period of time,” and make it possible for each individual to maintain its position in the
The dolphins emit these strident sounds when in the presence of other individuals moving
towards the same prey. The "least dominant” one soon moves away in order to....(4)…. "The
surprising thing about these sounds is that they have a high level of unique-directionality, unlike
human sounds. One dolphin can send a sound to another that it sees as a competitor, and this one
clearly knows it is being addressed," explains the Spanish scientist.

99. Which option best completes (1) ....

(A) The communication of these marine mammals.
(B) The supporting habitat where the mammals live.
(C) The amazing sounds of the unique mammals.
(D) The wild animals annoying these mammals.
(E) The food that are always consumed by the mammals.

100.Which option best completes (2) ....

(A) Thesesounds have to be known by other animals which living together with dolphins.
(B) These sounds have been a secret for dolphin’s living in order to be bothered.
(C) These sounds determine their character to the other animals in their habitat.
(D) These sounds are vital to the animals' social life and mirror their behavior.
(E) These sounds have to be introduced to the other animals when they look for the food.

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