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Design of the three-phase axial flux

generator with eight permanent

Neodymium magnets for charging
battery 12 Volt
Desain generator fluks aksial tiga fase dengan delapan permanen
Magnet neodymium untuk pengisian baterai 12 Volt

Muhammad Dwi Septarino

Pada perancangan fluks generator aksial dengan kutub yang berlawanan
memiliki 12 kumparan pada kedua stator yang masing-masing memiliki 375
lilitan yang dihubungkan seri dengan 8 magnet Neodymium Iron Boron
(NdFeB) pada rotornya. Diameter kawat email yang digunakan pada generator
ini adalah 0,5 mm. Pengujian dilakukan dengan menggunakan baterai beban
12 Volta, dengan perlakuan sel, pengisian menggunakan generator fluks aksial.
Penelitian ini menggunakan sistem pemanen energi untuk mengisi baterai
lithium 12 Volt
Latar Belakang
Hari ini dengan semakin menipisnya energi primer berupa minyak bumi dan
batu bara yang menyebabkan melonjaknya harga minyak dan batu bara,
mengakibatkan membengkaknya biaya listrik di Indonesia. Pembengkakan
tersebut juga karena 85% bahan bakar listrik adalah minyak bumi dan batu bara
ditambah dengan perkembangan teknologi di era ini, yang akan membutuhkan
lebih banyak sumber daya listrik untuk memasok kebutuhan dan permintaan
konsumen kepada perusahaan listrik negara. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan
pemodelan penelitian sebagai pembangkit listrik yang energi potensialnya
terdapat di alam. Di setiap pembangkit listrik, akan ada generator yang
diperlukan untuk mengubah energi mekanik menjadi energi listrik
Metodelogi Penelitian

1. Set up experimental
komponen yang digunakan pada
generator fluks aksial antara lain stator,
rotor, magnet permanen neodymium, inti
besi, dan belitan atau kumparan. Stator
berukuran 8x8 cm, jumlah lilitan 375
lilitan. salah satu sisi stator memiliki enam
lingkaran yang diletakkan pada pelat
stator dan dihubungkan dengan
menggunakan inti besi. Pada lapisan
kedua terdapat rotor yang berisi magnet
neodymium permanen dengan diameter
magnet 15x2 mm dengan kuat medan
magnet sebesar 0,89 mT untuk setiap
tarikan. Peletakan magnet ditempatkan
pada lingkaran rotor, dengan jarak antar
magnet 2 cm.
Metodelogi Penelitian (lanjutan)
2. Experimental Tests

Pengujian bertujuan untuk mengetahui tegangan dan arus keluaran yang digunakan untuk pengisian
berupa pengisian baterai 12 Volt. Pada pengujian generator didapatkan (I1) arus keluaran generator dan
juga mengukur tegangan keluaran generator (V1) yang diukur sebelum rangkaian penyearah. Sebuah
tachometer mengukur kecepatan.. Frekuensi yang dihasilkan oleh generator akan diukur menggunakan
osiloskop. Pengukuran tegangan keluaran (V2) dan arus keluaran (I2) berupa DC, diukur setelah
melewati rangkaian penyearah. Pengujian menggunakan dua parameter data kecepatan putar generator
yang berbeda, yaitu 2000 RPM dan 2765 RPM. Pada kecepatan putar generator 2000 RPM didapatkan
arus charging sebesar 0,017 A dengan threshold 11.281 V, waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk charging adalah
720 menit. Dan pada kecepatan data kedua, 2765 RPM menghasilkan beban arus sebesar 0,142 A
dengan tegangan 11.172 V, dengan lama waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk pengisian baterai dalam 510
Berdasarkan data perhitungan daya, pada saat pembebanan baterai 12 Volt menggunakan kecepatan
putar generator 2765 RPM, generator menghasilkan daya sebesar 2,74 Watt pada saat array kosong. Saat
menggunakan generator kecepatan putar 2000 RPM, energi yang dihasilkan 0,33 Watt. Besarnya daya
yang diterima baterai pada saat pengisian juga dipengaruhi oleh arus dari keluaran generator,
Hasil dan Pembahasan

Pengaruh kecepatan dan arus pada frekuensi generator

Frekuensi berpengaruh dalam menentukan kecepatan putar rotor dan arus yang dihasilkan generator,

Semakin tinggi frekuensi maka kecepatan putar rotor yang dihasilkan generator juga akan semakin tinggi berdasarkan
hasil percobaan jika nilai frekuensi lebih tinggi, tegangan yang dihasilkan juga akan signifikan, sehingga menurut hukum
Ohm, tegangan dan arus berbanding lurus. Pengujian menunjukkan saat arus naik, tegangan akan meningkat dalam
resistansi konstan, seperti yang dinyatakan dalam persamaan 2. Jika nilai frekuensi lebih tinggi, energi yang dihasilkan
akan signifikan menurut hukum Ohm, tegangan, dan arus secara proporsional. Hubungan arus dan frekuensi
menunjukkan bahwa beban berupa baterai yang terjadi setelah penyearah menyebabkan arus meningkat seperti yang
digambarkan pada gambar 3.
Hasil dan Pembahasan

Pengaruh kecepatan dengan arus dan tegangan waktu pengisian baterai

Sebelum penyearah, kenaikan putaran tidak meningkatkan tegangan keluaran ke generator

setelah melewati penyearah, putaran meningkatkan energi hingga batas tegangan keluaran
maksimum 14 volt. Pengaruh waktu pengisian baterai terhadap arus keluaran generator
sangat signifikan. Penurunan arus keluaran terjadi seiring dengan lamanya waktu pengisian
baterai Ketika kecepatan putar generator adalah 2011 RPM pada 450 menit, tegangan yang
dihasilkan dari output generator adalah 11.891 Volt, dan arus yang masuk ke baterai
adalah 0,011 A.
Pada menit ke-0, arus keluaran yang dihasilkan pada 2000 RPM adalah 0,017 A dan arus keluaran yang dihasilkan
menggunakan kecepatan putar 2765 RPM adalah 0,142 A. Dan dapat dilihat pada grafik, saat menggunakan generator
kecepatan putar 2765 RPM pada menit ke 510 arus yang masuk ke baterai sudah mencapai 0,098 A yang menandakan
bahwa baterai 12 Volt telah terisi dalam 510 menit berdasarkan data percobaan, sedangkan saat menggunakan kecepatan
putar rotor sama dengan 2000 RPM, pada 510 menit arus yang masuk ke baterai adalah 0,01 A. Berbanding terbalik dengan

tegangan keluaran generator menggunakan 2000 RPM 11,281 Volt. Pada saat kecepatan putar generator 2780 RPM maka
tegangan keluaran generator sebesar 11.172 Volt, dan saat baterai mencapai arus minimum maka tegangan setiap
putarannya adalah 12,59 Volt, yang menandakan baterai lithium yang digunakan dalam keadaan penuh, energinya adalah
12,6 volt. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa generator yang dirancang memiliki tegangan keluaran yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan
dengan putaran 2780 RPM, seperti diilustrasikan pada Gambar 5a. Selain itu kerja generator lebih cepat dari putaran 2000
RPM dalam pengisian baterai lihat Gambar 5b.

Rancangan generator yang diusulkan dapat bekerja dengan baik

sebelum dan sesudah pengisian baterai 12 V. NS generator bekerja
lebih efektif pada putaran 2780 RPM dibandingkan dengan 2000
RPM. NS jumlah arus yang dihasilkan pada 2780 RPM hampir
sepuluh kali lipat dibandingkan dengan 2000 RPM. Sedangkan
waktu pengisian di putaran 2780 kira-kira 200 menit lebih cepat
daripada waktu pengisian di putaran 2000RPM.
Design and Development of
Axial Flux Generator Using
Perancangan dan Pengembangan Generator
Fluks Aksial Menggunakan ANSYS RMxprt

Muhammad Dwi Septarino

Jurnal ini menjelaskan aspek desain dan analisis mesin Axial Flux Permanent
Magnet (AFPM) rotor ganda dan stator tunggal. Stator bagian dalam terdiri
dari belitan terkonsentrasi dan rotor luar terdiri dari magnet permanen.
Karena tidak ada inti di stator, cogging tidak terjadi. Pemodelan dan analisis
mesin inti besi dilakukan dengan menggunakan ANSYS RMxprt. Mesin
prototipe dibuat, dan eksperimen dilakukan untuk menguji kinerjanya
dengan membandingkan dengan topologi desain. Mesin yang diusulkan
memiliki keunggulan seperti struktur yang lebih sederhana, beroperasi
pada kecepatan rendah, menghasilkan energi yang lebih tinggi dan bobot
yang ringan.
1. AFPM mesin pertama kali diperkenalkan pada akhir 70-an dan awal 80-an (Campbell,
1975; Leung dan Chan, 1980; Weh et al., 1984). Tumbuhnya minat pada mesin AFPM
dalam beberapa aplikasi karena rasio torsi-terhadap-beratnya yang tinggi dan efisiensi
sebagai alternatif untuk mesin fluks radial konvensional sangat signifikan dalam
dekade terakhir.
2. Semua harmonik ekstra menciptakan fluks tambahan dalam mesin yang menghasilkan
kerugian arus eddy yang tinggi pada rotor konduktor dan magnet permanen.
3. Mesin AFPM yang memiliki stator tunggal dan rotor ganda dengan struktur piringan
dan magnet ditempatkan sedemikian rupa sehingga fluks manufaktur sejajar dengan
sumbu umum rotor dan stator. Mesin-mesin ini umumnya memiliki kepadatan daya
dan torsi yang relatif tinggi.

Mesin terdiri dari dua rotor eksternal dan satu stator internal. Stator berinti
udara dapat digunakan untuk mengurangi berat alat berat dan memberikan
kecepatan potong yang lebih rendah pada alat berat. Gulungan terkonsentrasi
dirakit untuk membentuk stator yang dirakit menggunakan resin epoksi. Mesin
fluks aksial stator ganda, rotor tunggal juga memiliki momen inersia yang
relatif tinggi, memungkinkan energi disimpan dalam mesin yang berputar
untuk membantu kelancaran keluaran daya selama transien. Rotor terdiri dari
magnet permanen yang terbuat dari neodymium. Magnet neodymium grade
tertinggi adalah N52 yang digunakan. Magnet ini menolak demagnetisasi dan
memiliki magnetisasi saturasi tinggi.
i) . Memilih jumlah nomor pole-coil
Parameter ini yang mendefinisikan aspek desain mesin adalah lebar magnet (busur kutub) ke nilai rasio pitch kutub antara
0,4 dan 0,7 (9),
ii) Kerapatan fluks magnet maksimum
Kerapatan fluks magnet di dekat permukaan magnet Bmg biasanya ditetapkan sekitar Br/2, di mana Br adalah kerapatan
fluks magnet remanen. fluks maksimum per tiang mg dihitung menggunakan

iii) Lebar kaki koil

Mengingat jumlah lilitan per kumparan Nc dan stator ketebalan aksial tw, lebar kaki koil Wc dihitung untuk nilai koefisien
panas Cq yang sama dengan 0,3 W/cm2 dan di mana Iacmax adalah mesin maksimum arus dan adalah resistivitas listrik

iv) Ukuran konduktor

Luas penampang tembaga Sc dan tembaga diameter dc dapat dihitung menggunakan

v) Diameter dalam dan luar mesin

Diameter dalam dihitung secara geometris cara dan kemudian diameter luar dihitung hanya dengan
menambahkan panjang aktif mesin. NS diameter dalam dan luar mesin adalah: dihitung menggunakan
Spesifikasi Mesin Spesifikasi Mesin
Fluksi Aksial
RMxprt adalah paket perangkat lunak interaktif yang digunakan untuk merancang dan menganalisis mesin listrik. Ini adalah
alat desain mesin listrik berbasis template yang menyediakan perhitungan analitik yang cepat dari kinerja mesin dan kami
dapat mengekspornya ke pembuatan geometri 2-D dan 3-D di ANSYS Maxwell. Menggunakan RMxprt, kita dapat
mensimulasikan dan menganalisis berbagai mesin. RMxprt menciptakan mesin yang benar-benar disesuaikan

aliran desain untuk memenuhi permintaan pasar akan mesin dengan efisiensi yang lebih tinggi dan biaya yang lebih rendah
(10). Manfaat utama RMxprt adalah kemampuannya untuk secara otomatis mengatur proyek Maxwell yang lengkap.
Pengaturan ini mencakup simetri dan eksitasi yang sesuai dengan topologi rangkaian kopling untuk analisis transien
elektromagnetik yang teliti. RMxprt secara otomatis menghasilkan model pesanan yang dikurangi, dengan
mempertimbangkan efek nonlinier dan eddy di mana analisis penggerak listrik lebih lanjut dapat dicapai.
A. Stator geometry using RMxpr B. Geometri rotor menggunakan RMxprt
Gbr.1 menunjukkan geometri mesin fluks aksial Rotor terdiri dari 6 kutub seperti yang
dengan 6 kutub stator dan 24 slot stator. ditunjukkan pada gambar 2 berdasarkan di
mana magnet permanen neodymium berada

Analisis kinerja
Setelah merancang dan mensimulasikan mesin menggunakan RMxprt, hasil
sudah didapat. TABEL III. menafsirkan tentang daya, kerugian total dan
efisiensi parameter.
Bentuk Gelombang
1. Efisiensi Vs Kecepatan 2. Current Vs Speed - The Fig.4 3.Daya keluaran Vs Kecepatan - Gbr.5
Efisiensi Mesin AFPM yang dirancang shows the speed curve with menunjukkan kecepatan kurva dengan
ditunjukkan pada Gbr.4 yang: reference to the input RMS current mengacu pada daya keluaran terukur.
menunjukkan efisiensi maksimum Pada kecepatan maksimum daya
pada kecepatan pengenal keluaran terukur adalah diperoleh.

Finite Element Simulasi transien waktu Analisis adalah dilakukan dengan

menggunakan desain dan simulasi yang tersedia alat, ANSYS RMxprt. EMF
dan terminal tegangan untuk setiap fase pada kecepatan pengenal 300 rpm
adalah sekitar 22.5V puncak. Untuk meningkatkan daya output, sejumlah besar
kutub-pasangan diperlukan. Pada kecepatan rendah ini, daya keluaran
meningkat . Penghapusan baja laminasi dan inti terbuat dari bahan feromagnetik
sehingga menurunkan beban struktural dan eddy yang terkait rugi-rugi arus dan
histeresis. Mereka menurunkan cogging torsi dan kebisingan saat beroperasi.
Dengan demikian, mesin AFPMG tanpa inti sangat efisien dibandingkan
dengan sebuah mesin konvensional. Selain itu, mesinnya adalah dibuat lebih
kecil dan lebih murah untuk diproduksi.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering


Design of the three-phase axial flux generator with eight permanent

Neodymium magnets for charging battery 12 Volt
To cite this article: Satryo Budi Utomo et al 2021 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 1034 012037

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iCOMERA 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1034 (2021) 012037 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1034/1/012037

Design of the three-phase axial flux generator with eight

permanent Neodymium magnets for charging battery 12 Volt
Satryo Budi Utomo1*, Januar Fery Irawan2, Widyono Hadi1, N.Indah3, Aldhea1
1 Electrical Engineering Department, Jember University
Kalimantan 37, Jember 68121, Indonesia

2 Mining Engineering Department, Jember University

Kalimantan 37, Jember 68121, Indonesia

3 Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Mercu Buana

Meruya Selatan, West Jakara, Indonesia

Abstract. Today with the depletion of primary energy in the form of petroleum and coal, which has
led to soaring prices of oil and coal, resulting in swelling in electricity costs in Indonesia. The swelling
is also because 85% of electricity fuel is petroleum and coal and added by the development of
technology in this era, which will require more electricity resources to supply the needs and
demands of consumers to the state electricity company. Therefore, making research modeling as a
power plant whose potential energy found in nature will be needed. In every power plant, there will
be generators that will be necessary to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy. In design in
axial generator flux with opposite poles, they have 12 coils on both stators, each of which has 375
turns connected in series with 8magnets Neodymium Iron Boron (NdFeB)on the rotor. The diameter
of the wire email used in this generator is 0.5 mm. Tests carried out using a battery 12 Voltas a load,
with the treatment of the cell, is charging using an axial generator flux. Experiments of the voltage,
current, and rotational speed of the rotor to determine the power and efficiency of the generator
carried out before and after the rectifier 3 phase. The rotation variation will produce harvesting
energy. This research employs the system harvesting energy to charge 12 Volt lithium batteries. The
test results show that change flux this magnet produces a voltage of 20 volts and a current of 0.288
A, and the interaction of the magnetic field between Aluminum-Cu electrons is capable of producing
a current of 0.288 A.

Keywords: generator, axial flux, three phase, double stator, neodymium

1. Introduction
Today with the depletion of primary energy in the form of petroleum and coal, which has led to
soaring prices of oil and coal, resulting in swelling in ain electricity costs in Indonesia [20]. This
swelling is also because 85% of electricity fuel is petroleum and coal, and added by the
Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Any further distribution
of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.
Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1
iCOMERA 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1034 (2021) 012037 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1034/1/012037

development of technology in this era that will require more electricity resources to supply the
needs and demands of consumers to the electricity company. [1] Pop et al. has been found that
after the comparison of axial fluxes and permanent radial magnet generators, axial-flux permanent
magnets have shown the best results, which are axial-flux generators cheaper than radial-fluxes.
[2][15-19] So the importance of the availability of alternative power plants using potential energy
from nature will be urgently needed for now and beyond. [3] One way is to make research
modeling as an electric power plant whose potential energy found in nature. [4] At each power
plant, there will be generators that will be needed to convert mechanical energy into electrical
energy [5-7]. In previous research belonged to Andika and Amir Hamzah in 2018. In that study
discussed the design and manufacture generator radial flux of a low-speed three-phase
permanent magnet, using neodymium ring magnets with a magnetic field area of 0.06 mm2, using
12 coils with each coil uses 100 turns and also uses eight poles. By using a frequency of 50 Hz and
the speed used is varied. By using 50 Hz and varying rates, wye testing on the coil will produce a
higher voltage than using a delta circuit [8]. In a previous study, owned by Mehmet Recep and
Mehmet Celeb in 2017, discussed the design and analysis of synchronous generators using a single
stator and double rotors, which used nine coils and 24 magnets with strong magnetic fields
respectively [9]. Christopher et al. discuss battery charging on electric bicycles, using DC engines
axial flux. the research combines the two of the output from the generator to charge the battery.
[10] In designing generators axial flux with opposite poles, which have 12 coils on both stators,
each of which has 375 turns connected in series with 8magnets Neodymium Iron Boron (NdFeB) on
the rotor. The diameter of the email wire used in this generator is 0.5 mm. Tests carried out using
a battery 12 Voltas a load [11], the treatment of the battery is charging using an axial generator
flux [12]. Tests carried out on the voltage, current, and rotational speed of the rotor to determine
the generator power carried out before and after the rectifier [13-14].

2. Materials and methods

2.1. Experimental set-up

Figure 1. Design of the axial flux generator with permanent magnet double neodymium:
a) The shaft is used for placement pulley; b) Coils; c) Stator; d) Rotors

Some components used in the axial flux generator include stator, rotor, magnet permanent
neodymium, iron core, and windings or coils. Stator measuring 8×8 cm, which contains a loop with
a coil of 375 turns, where one side of the stator has six circles that are placed on the stator plate

iCOMERA 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1034 (2021) 012037 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1034/1/012037

and are connected by using an iron core. In the second layer, there is a rotor containing a
permanent neodymium magnet with a magnetic diameter of 15×2 mm with a magnetic field
strength of 0.89 mT for each attraction. Laying of magnets placed in a circle of the rotor, with a
distance between magnets of 2 cm.

2.2 Experimental Tests

Testing aims to determine the voltage and output current used for charging in the form of a 12
Volt charging battery. On testing the generator to get (I1), which is the generator output current
and also measure the generator output voltage (V1) measured before the rectifier circuit. A
tachometer measures the speed. The measurements made on the shaft that rotates following the
rotation of the rotor on the generator. The dish of tachometer mounted on the rotor on the
generator. The frequency produced by the generator will be measured using an oscilloscope
attached to the output line to line on the generator. Measuring the output voltage (V2) and the
output current (I2) in the form of DC, measured after passing through the rectifier circuit.
The test applied two different data parameters of generator rotational speed, including 2000
RPM and 2765 RPM. At a 2000 RPM generator rotational speed, a current obtained charging of
0.017 A with a threshold of 11,281 V, the time required for charging is 720 minutes. And at the
second data speed, 2765 RPM produces a current load of 0.142 A with a voltage of 11,172 V, with
the length of time required for charging a battery in 510 minutes. Based on power calculation data
that has been done on both data parameters, when loading a 12 Volt battery using a generator
rotational speed of 2765 RPM, the generator generated power of 2.74 Watt when the array is
empty. When using a generator rotating speed of 2000 RPM, the energy produced 0.33 Watt. The
amount of power received by the battery when charging is also influenced by the current from the
generator output, this is evident in table 1 and table 2, where a significant difference in current
due to differences in generator rotational speed will affect the amount of power received by the

3. Results and discussion

a b

Figure 2. Design a) rotor with neodymium magnet (A) and Plate rotor (B) b) Stator with core(A),
email wire (B) and plate (C)

The design of the proposed generator consists of 3 layers, namely, stator, rotor, and stator. The
axial flux rotor generator has 8 Neodymium magnets placed around the rotor plate, as shown in
Figure 2a. To examine the effect of the magnetic flux changes, the rotor set between two stators,

iCOMERA 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1034 (2021) 012037 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1034/1/012037

which aims to determine the performance of the axial flux generator when using a double stator.
The stator on this generator surrounding by eight iron cores wrapped around a 0.5 mm enameled
wire, as illustrated in Figure 2b. By a double stator, there are 12 coils in the generator.

3.1. Effect of speed and current on generator frequency

The frequency influences in determining the rotational speed of the rotor and the current
generated by the generator, as stated in equation 1.
120 f (1)
nr 
in which nr = rotor rational speed, f= frequency and p= power.
a b

Figure 3 Frequency on the generator: a) By speed, b) By the current

The higher the frequency, the rotational speed of the rotor produced by the generator will also
be higher under the experimental results, as seen in figure 3.
Ns (2)
Erms  4.44.N . f . max
Then, if the frequency value is higher, the voltage produced will also be significant, so that under
Ohm's law, voltage and current are directly proportional. The test indicated as the current rises,
the voltage will increase in constant resistance, as stated in equation 2. If the frequency value is
higher, the resulting energy will be significant under Ohm's law, voltage, and current
proportionally. The relationship of current and frequency showed that a load in the form of a
battery occured after rectifier causes the current to increase as depicted in figure 3.

3.2. Effect of speed with current and voltage of battery charging time
Before the rectifier, the increase in rotation does not increase the output voltage to the generator,
as seen in Figure 4.a. However, after passing the rectifier, wear rotation increases the energy to
the maximum output voltage limit of 14 volts. The effect of battery charging time on the generator
output current is very significant. The decrease in output current occurs with the length of time
the battery has charged, as shown in Figure 4b. When the generator rotational speed is 2011 RPM
at 450 minutes, the voltage generated from the generator output is 11,891 Volts, and the current
entering the battery is 0.011 A.

iCOMERA 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1034 (2021) 012037 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1034/1/012037

a b

Figure 4. Output Voltage on generator: a) By rotating speed b) By battery charging time

At minute 0, the output current generated at 2000 RPM is 0.017 A and the output current
generated using a rotational speed of 2765 RPM is 0.142 A. This is because the rotational speed of
the generator is one of the factors that influence the output of the generator itself. And can be
seen on the graph, when using a generator rotational speed of 2765 RPM in the 510th minute the
current entering the battery has reached 0.098 A indicating that the 12 Volt battery has been filled
in 510 minutes based on experimental data, while when using the rotating speed rotor equal to
2000 RPM, at 510 minutes the current entering the battery is 0.01 A. Inversely proportional to the
voltage, in graph 6.b shows the ratio between energy and time when at 0 minutes, the generator
output voltage uses 2000 RPM is 11,281 Volts. When the generator rotational speed is 2780 RPM,
the generator output voltage is 11,172 Volts, and when the battery reaches its minimum current,
the voltage of each rotating speed is 12.59 Volts, which indicates the lithium battery used is at
when in a full state, the energy is 12.6 volts. This shows that the generator designed has a higher
voltage output compared to the 2780 RPM rotation, as illustrated in Figure 5a. Besides that, the
work of the generator is faster than the rotation of 2000 RPM in charging the battery see Figure

a b

Figure 5. Characteristics of generator charging time of battery 12 Volt: a) By current, b) By voltage

iCOMERA 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1034 (2021) 012037 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1034/1/012037

Table 1. Test results axial flux generator before load rectifier

Rotational Speed Voltage Line to Frequency

No Wave
Generator (RPM) Line (V) (Hz)

1. 2000 10,172 134

2. 2780 10.337 188

When the axial flux generator is loaded, it will affect the generator output current. The
generator output current when charging the battery at around 2780 shows better results than the
2000 RPM speed. The characteristics of this current will decrease with time, as shown in Figure 6a.
When charging a battery, the electric current has moved into the cell. Then, this charge will be
directly proportional to the electric current and loading time. So the higher the charging time on
the battery, the greater the load on the battery, so that the incoming current for charging will be
smaller because the battery will make battery fully charge fast. At the beginning of charging, the
output current generated at 2000 RPM is 0.017 A, and the output current generated using a
rotational speed of 2780 RPM is 0.142 A. This is because the rotational speed of the generator is
one of the factors that influence the output of the generator alone. when a generator worked at
a rotational speed of 2780 RPM, the loading took 510 minutes to reach 0.098 A. While, when using
a rotational speed rotor of 2000 RPM, at 510 minutes, the current entering the battery was 0.01 A.
Siimilarly to current, as the generator loaded, there will be a change in the output generated by the
generator. The Output voltage characteristics when the generator is loaded will increase. By
measuring the output voltage of the generator when charging the battery, the voltage read is the
voltage received by the battery when using a rotational speed of 2000 RPM and also when the
rotational speed of 2780 RPM. The generator output voltage to the time when charging a 12 Volt
battery has a voltage characteristic with a difference in rotational speed, so the output of the
generator will also be different. It will affect the length of time required for charging a 12 Volt
battery. At the time of charging the battery, the generator output voltage generated a 2000 RPM
rotation of 11,281 Volts. This voltage is slightly higher than the rotational speed of the generator
2780 RPM, which is equal to 11,172 Volts. When the battery reaches its minimum current, the
voltage of each rotating speed is 12.59 Volts, which is the indication that the lithium battery used

iCOMERA 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1034 (2021) 012037 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1034/1/012037

is at full state reaching 12.6 Volts. However, the longer the output voltage produced by the
rotation cycle of 2780 RPM increased significantly compared to the 2000 RPM rotation, as
illustrated in Figure 6b. Therefore, the work of a 2700 RPM generator turns faster than the 2000
RPM speed in charging a battery.
Before the three-phase rectifier when loaded, the waves on the oscilloscope produced look like
in table 1. This is due to the influence of a 12-volt battery charging and the rectifier that the
battery itself is a capacitive load that will make the AC signal imperfect. The wave on the
oscilloscope produced does not appear after the 3-phase rectifier at the charging time as seen in
table 2. The loss of the wave at the oscilloscope is due to the measurement and retrieval of wave
image data taken after the three-phase rectifier, which indeed produces pure DC waves.

Table 2 Data from generator test results in Axial Flux load after the rectifier
Voltage Line to Frequency
No Speed Generator Wave
Line (V) (Hz)

1. 2000 12,042 0,050

2. 2780 12,154 0,135

4. Conclusions
The proposed design of the generator can work well before and after charging a 12 V battery. The
generator works more effectively at the rotation of 2780 RPM compared to that of 2000 RPM. The
amount of current generated at 2780 RPM is almost ten times compared to 2000 RPM. Whereas
the charging time at round 2780 is approximately 200 minutes faster than the charging time at
round 2000 RPM.

5. Acknowledgment
The authors would like to thank the University of Jember for financial support. We also would like
to extend my gratitude to the Engineering Faculty in which we are working at and facilitate the

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© JUN 2020 | IRE Journals | Volume 3 Issue 12 | ISSN: 2456-8880

Design and Development of Axial Flux Generator Using

1, 2, 3
UG Student, Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College

Abstract- This paper describes the design aspects and classified into two type’s namely iron-cored and
analysis of dual rotor and single stator Axial Flux coreless machines.
Permanent Magnet (AFPM) machine. The inner
stator consists of concentrated windings and the II. LITERATURE REVIEW
outer rotor consists of permanent magnet. Since
there is no core in the stator, cogging does not occur. AFPM machines were first introduced in late 70s and
The modelling and analysis of the iron cored early 80s (Campbell, 1975; Leung and Chan, 1980;
machine was done using ANSYS RMxprt. The Weh et al., 1984). Growing interest in AFPM
measured performance of the prototype matches the machines in several applications due to their high
predicted results. Finally, a prototype machine is torque-to-weight ratio and efficiency as an alternative
fabricated, and experiments are carried out to test its to conventional radial-flux machines was significant
performances by comparing with design topology. in the last decade (1). Many variations in the design of
The proposed machine has advantages such as a axial flux permanent machines are possible, including
simpler structure, operates at low speed, yield higher single-sided, double-sided, torus, and multi-disc
energy and light weight. designs. In single-sided AFPM machines there is one
stator and one rotor configuration. Single sided iron
Indexed Terms- Axial Flux Permanent Magnet core permanent magnet machine is used as the bench
(AFPM) Machine, low speed, Neodymium mark of the construction of double-sided iron core
permanent magnets. permanent magnet machine. The drawback of the
single stator-single rotor structure is the unbalanced
I. INTRODUCTION axial force between the rotor and the stator. In double
sided single rotor and dual stator configuration leads to
An electrical machine translates its input electrical the increase in the amplitude of the airgap flux density
power into an output mechanical power i.e. it is an due to shorter airgap. This reduces the required
electromagnetic energy conversion device. The number of permanent magnets, which yields savings
history of electrical machines shows that the earliest in the machine price. On the other hand, slotting may
machines were of the axial-field type. Based on the evoke undesired torque pulsations, but the adopted
principle of electromagnetic induction, Faraday structure allows the rotation of one stator over one half
invented the Faraday disk, which is also called of the slot pitch with respect to the other, which results
the homo polar machine. Because of the strong in reduced slot ripple and space harmonic component.
magnetic force existing between the stator and All extra harmonics create additional flux in the
the rotor, these machines were soon replaced by machine which results in high eddy current losses in a
radial-field machines. AFPM machines have number conducting rotor and in the permanent magnets (2).
of advantages over Radial Flux Permanent Magnet AFPM machines having a single stator and dual rotor
(RFPM) machines such as they have high power to with the disc structure and the magnets are placed in
weight ratio, high aspect ratio, reduced noise and such a way that the manufacturing flux is in line with
vibration levels, adjustable air gaps and occupies less the common axis of rotor and stator. These machines
space etc., AFPM machines are most suitable than generally have relatively high power and torque
RFPM machines for small wind power applications. density (3). The electromagnetic concept of a coreless
Depending on the design characteristics and according AFPM is similar to that of a radial-flux machine, but
to the material used in the stator core, AFPMs are the lack of an iron core removes the attractive forces


© JUN 2020 | IRE Journals | Volume 3 Issue 12 | ISSN: 2456-8880

between the rotor and stator. The absence of these

forces reduces the structural loads on the machine, so iv) Conductor size
that considerable weight savings can be realized, even The copper cross-sectional area Sc and the copper
at higher power ratings. As a result of this lower diameter dc can be calculated using (9)
structural load and lack of iron core, the coreless dc =√(4*Sc )/pi
configuration eliminates all ferromagnetic material where Sc=kf*wc*tw/Nc
including the steel laminations that would otherwise
be needed in the stator, and so does not incur any v) Inner and outer diameter of machine
associated eddy current or hysteresis core losses (4). The inner diameter is calculated in a geometrical
manner and then the outer diameter is calculated
III. AXIAL FLUX PERMANENT MAGNET simply by adding the active length of the machine. The
MACHINES inner and outer diameters of the machine are
calculated using (9)
The machine consists of two external rotors and one Rin =(( 2*Q*Wc )+(p*Wm))/(2*pi)
internal stator. Air cored stator can be used to reduce Rout=Rin+2Wm
the machine weight and gives the machine a lower cut- where Wm is the diameter of the magnet
in speed. Concentrated windings are assembled to
form the stator which is assembled using the epoxy TABLE Ⅰ Machine specifications
resin. The double-rotor, single stator axial flux S.No Parameter Range
machine also has relatively high moment of inertia, 1 Rated output power 14 W
allowing energy to be stored in the rotating machine to 2 Rated Voltage 16V
help smooth power output during transients. The rotor 3 Rated speed 1000 rpm
consists of permanent magnets made of neodymium. 4 Number of Stator Poles 6
The highest grade of neodymium magnet is N52 is 5 Number of Rotor Poles 12
used. These magnets resist demagnetisation and have
a high saturation magnetisation. TABLE Ⅱ Axial Flux Machine dimensions
S.No Parameter Value (mm)
i) Selecting the number of pole-coil number 2 Inner Diameter 55
This parameter that defines the machine design aspect
3 Air Gap 0.5
is the magnet width (pole arc) to pole pitch ratio values
4 Magnet 15
between 0.4 and 0.7 (9),
Radian Length
p=120fnom /nnom
5 Magnet Axial 8
ii) Maximum magnetic flux density
The magnetic flux density near the magnet’s surface
Bmg is usually set at about B r/2, where Br is the
remanent magnetic flux density. The maximum flux
RMxprt is an interactive software package used for
per pole Φmg is calculated using
designing and analyzing electrical machines. It is a
template based electrical machine design tool that
provides fast, analytical calculations of machine
iii) Coil leg width
performance and we can export the same to 2-D and
Given the number of turns per coil Nc and the stator’s
3-D geometry creation in ANSYS Maxwell. Using
axial thickness tw, the coil leg width Wc is calculated
RMxprt, we can simulate and analyse various
for a value of the heat coefficient Cq that is equal to 0.3
machines. RMxprt creates a truly customized machine
W/cm2 and where Iacmax is the maximum machine
current and ρ is the electrical resistivity of copper (9).
Wc=(Iacmax*Nc)/√((2*Cq*Kf*tw )/ρ)


© JUN 2020 | IRE Journals | Volume 3 Issue 12 | ISSN: 2456-8880

B. Rotor geometry using RMxprt

S.NO SPECIFICATIO ASPECT/VALUE The rotor consists of 6 poles as shown in fig.2 based
N/DIMENSION on which the neodymium permanent magnets are
1 Output Power 14.0007 placed.
2 Input Power (W) 19.9958 C. Performance analysis
3 Total Loss (W) 5.99512 After designing and simulating the machine using
4 Efficiency (%) 70.0181 RMxprt, the results have been obtained. TABLE III.
interprets about the power, total losses and efficiency
design flow to meet market demand for higher parameters.
efficiency, lower cost machines (10). A key benefit of
RMxprt is its ability to automatically set up a complete TABLE III Results of RMxprt
Maxwell project. The set up includes the appropriate
symmetries and excitations with coupling circuit D. Waveforms
topology for rigorous electromagnetic transient 1) Efficiency Vs Speed -The efficiency of the
analysis. RMxprt automatically generates a reduced designed AFPM Machine is shown in Fig.4 which
order model, considering the nonlinearities and eddy shows maximum efficiency at the rated speed
effects where further electric drive analysis can be


A. Stator geometry using RMxprt

Fig.1 shows the geometry of the axial flux machine
with 6 stator poles and 24 stator slots.

2) Current Vs Speed - The Fig.4 shows the speed

curve with reference to the input RMS current

Fig.1 Twenty-Four Slot Stator Geometry

Fig. 4 Current Vs Speed


© JUN 2020 | IRE Journals | Volume 3 Issue 12 | ISSN: 2456-8880

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