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Gizi Pertanian

Materi ini bersumber dari Bappenas, IFPRI, World Bank,, GAIN

Sistem pangan
Gizi, Penyelesaian
dan pertanian
pertanian, Masalah gizi masalah gizi
dan kebijakan pertanian dengan
pemerintah pertanian
pada gizi
Gizi, pertanian, dan
kebijakan pemerintah

This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-SA.

Sumber: Pungkas B. Ali. 2021. Rencana Aksi Pangan dan Gizi. Tantangan & Kemajuan
masalah gizi
linkages” (Chung, 2012)

• Menggambarkan serangkaian
hubungan yang menunjukkan
saling ketergantungan antara gizi,
kesehatan dan pertanian.
• Perubahan dalam status gizi atau
kesehatan diperkirakan akan
mempengaruhi produksi
• Sebaliknya perubahan sektor
pertanian dapat memiliki efek
yang signifikan pada kesehatan
individu dan status gizi.
produksi pangan rumah tangga diharapkan
meningkat asupan makanan individu dengan cara:

1) meningkatkan konsumsi dari produksi sendiri atau

2) berkontribusi terhadap pendapatan rumah tangga

untuk membeli makanan.
Produksi makanan
dan gizi Pendapatan pertanian
dilihat dari: Pemberdayaan
Secara langsung mempengaruhi jumlah dan
jenis makanan yang tersedia untuk konsumsi di
rumah tangga

Produksi Hal ini juga dapat mempengaruhi ketersediaan

pangan dan harga di pasar lokal karena

makanan penjualan beberapa produk pertanian (supply

melimpah harga anjlok dan sebaliknya).

Petani dapat mengkonsumsi makanan dari

produksinya. Tapi tidak sedikit pula yang perlu
membeli kebutuhan lain.
• Bertujuan untuk meningkatkan
pendapatan rumah tangga, sehingga lebih
banyak uang yang tersedia untuk
memenuhi kebutuhan gizi rumah tangga—
Pendapatan dalam hal tidak hanya pembelian
pertanian makanan, tetapi juga pembelian non-
makanan (misalnya, terkait dengan air
bersih dan fasilitas sanitasi) yang akan
memperbaiki kondisi kehidupan dan
mendukung nutrisi yang baik.
• Jalur pemberdayaan perempuan memberikan
kerangka kerja pertanian-untuk-gizi dari lensa
• Ini menggambarkan dampak daya beli perempuan;
tanggung jawab mereka untuk pengasuhan anak
dan rumah tangga; dan jumlah waktu dan energi
yang dihabiskan wanita.
Pemberdayaan • Penelitian telah menunjukkan bahwa ketika
perempuan memiliki kekuatan pengambilan
perempuan keputusan atas pendapatan rumah tangga, mereka
lebih cenderung membelanjakannya untuk
makanan dan perawatan kesehatan daripada laki-
laki, terutama untuk anak-anak mereka.
• Pelatihan yang membantu petani perempuan dan
laki-laki untuk mendapatkan keterampilan
manajemen pertanian dan bisnis juga dapat
meningkatkan gizi (Herforth and Harris 2014)
• The World Bank Group has made headway here: In 2012,
Nutrition and about 12% of agriculture projects included nutrition-
sensitive elements. In 2014, this number jumped to 19%.
Agriculture: • Pertama, pertanian memiliki pengaruh dan
kontak langsung dengan mayoritas rumah tangga di mana
Bridging the individu yang kekurangan gizi tinggal di seluruh dunia.
• Penerima manfaat dari proyek pertanian biasanya
Gap tergolong kekurangan gizi: masyarakat miskin pedesaan.
• Tujuh puluh delapan persen orang miskin dunia tinggal di
pedesaan, dan kebanyakan dari mereka adalah petani
• Kedua, pertumbuhan yang didorong oleh
pertanian lebih berpihak pada penduduk miskin ,
Nutrition and sehingga meningkatkan potensi pertanian untuk
memperbaiki gizi.
Agriculture: • Pertumbuhan pertanian setidaknya dua kali lebih
efektif dalam mengurangi kemiskinan
Bridging the dibandingkan pertumbuhan PDB yang berasal
Gap dari luar pertanian
• Pertumbuhan yang didorong oleh pertanian telah
menyebabkan penurunan yang lebih cepat
(meskipun masih tidak mencukupi) dalam
penurunan kekurangan gizi
• Ketiga, pertanian adalah sektor yang paling baik ditempatkan
untuk mempengaruhi produksi pangan dan konsumsi
Nutrition and makanan bergizi yang dibutuhkan untuk hidup sehat dan aktif.

Agriculture: • Akses fisik dan ekonomi terhadap pangan bergizi yang

memadai dan terjangkau merupakan fungsi dari sektor
pertanian, melalui dukungan terhadap peningkatan produksi,
Bridging the peningkatan penyimpanan dan pengolahan pasca panen
(termasuk masalah keamanan pangan seperti pengendalian
Gap aflatoksin), dan pengurangan biaya transportasi yang dapat
menurunkan harga pangan bagi konsumen miskin.
• Pertanian tidak secara langsung mempengaruhi permintaan
konsumen tetapi dapat membantu menyediakan makanan
bergizi bagi konsumen dengan harga terjangkau.
Masalah gizi pertanian
• Mari kita pelajari modul
Lesson A
Exploring the
Food System

© 2016 Johns Hopkins University

FoodSpan Infographic
1. Crop production 9. Food processing
2. Food animal 10. Food labeling
11. Food marketing
3. Seafood production
12. Food environments
4. Food chain workers
13. Food waste
5. Climate change
14. Hunger and
6. Agroecology food insecurity
7. Food distribution 15. Food policy
8. Food safety
“When we try to pick out anything by itself, we
find it hitched to everything else in the universe.”
– John Muir
• Photo credit: Kathrin & Stefan Marks. Redwood Forest Morning. Flickr. Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.
Washington Apple Supply Chain
Growing Harvesting Washing, Packing
Apples grow on trees in Apples are picked by Apples are sorted and
orchards hand grading, waxing packed into 40-pound
A wax coating helps cartons
keep apples crisp

Retailing Packaging Processing Distributing

Apples are sold in a Packaging depends on Some apples may be Apples are transported up
variety of stores how the apples are canned or made into to thousands of miles in
processed, if at all applesauce, pie filling, etc. refrigerated trucks

Preparing Consuming Disposing Composting

Apples can be eaten Apples are eaten Throughout the life cycle, Discarded apples can be
whole, added to salads, some apples and parts of composted and used to
cooked in pies, etc. apples are discarded help more apples grow

• Adapted, with permission, from Discovering the Food System.

Photo credit: Apple and Pear Australia Ltd. Flickr. Creative Commons CC-BY 2.0.
Broiler Chicken Supply Chain
Soy growing Soy harvesting Chick hatchery

Corn growing Corn harvesting Poultry feed Poultry producing


Fish harvesting
This example represents the
prevailing industrial model of
poultry production in the U.S.

• Distribution steps not shown. Adapted from Pelletier N. Environmental performance in the US broiler poultry sector: Life cycle energy use and greenhouse gas, ozone depleting,
acidifying and eutrophying emissions. Agricultural Systems, 2008; 98, 67-73. Photo credit: Farm Sanctuary.
Broiler Chicken Supply Chain (continued)

Processing Retailing Preparing Consuming

In this example, the chicken is minimally

processed. Foods such as chicken nuggets
would require additional processing steps.

• Distribution steps not shown. Adapted from Pelletier N. Environmental performance in the US broiler poultry sector: Life cycle energy use and greenhouse gas, ozone depleting,
acidifying and eutrophying emissions. Agricultural Systems, 2008; 98, 67-73. Photo credit: Farm Sanctuary.
Lesson B
Industrialization of Agriculture

© 2016 Johns Hopkins University

Farms, Then and Now

• Photo credits: Carl G. von Iwonski. John Mack Farragher. Yeoman farm families. One Out of Many: A History of the American People, Pearson. 2011.
Dan Davison. John Deere combine and tractor at work. Wikimedia Commons. Creative Commons CC BY 2.0.
• Photo credit: Grave chamber of an Egyptian public official, circa 1250 BCE. Photo public domain.

• Photo credit: Dietmar Temps, 2010. Creative Commons CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.

• Earliest evidence of
Homo sapiens
• For the vast majority of human history, food was
acquired through hunting and gathering. Some
194,000 BCE peoples, such as the San (pictured), still follow a
hunter-gatherer lifestyle.
Image credit: Goran tek-en. Wikimedia Commons. Creative Commons CC BY-SA 3.0.

• Earliest evidence of
• The shift to agriculture is believed to have
occurred independently in several parts of the
world, including the Fertile Crescent (pictured),
11,000 BCE a region in the Middle East that cradled some of
the earliest civilizations.
Photo credit: Maler der Grabkammer des Menna. Wikimedia Commons. Public domain.

• Most species of
farm animals domesticated
6,000 BCE
• Agriculture practiced on every
major continent except Australia
5,000 BCE
• Photo credit: Lynn Betts, USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service.

• Widespread adoption of
industrial agriculture
• Synthetic nitrogen fertilizers (pictured),
introduced in the 1900s, have been credited with
providing the lion’s share of the world’s food over
the 20th century. Pesticides and monocultures are
1900s also hallmarks of industrial agriculture.
Lesson 1
Crops: Growing Problems

© 2016 Johns Hopkins University

• Fishawk. "Corn Field." Flickr, 2010. Creative Commons CC BY 2.0.
• What Harvest in Idaho. USDA. Public domain.
Ecological Impacts
• Potential ecological impacts of
industrial crop production:
● Soil erosion
● Decrease in bee populations
● Emergence of pesticide-
resistant weeds
● Aquatic dead zones
● Depletion of phosphorous
and fossil fuels
● Depletion of groundwater

• The 1930s Dust Bowl demonstrated the devastating potential of soil erosion.
See the Crop Production primer for details. Photo credit: NOAA, 1935. Public domain.
Lesson 5
Our Changing Climate

© 2016 Johns Hopkins University

 The temperature in New York City averaged 82
degrees Fahrenheit on July 20, 2010.
vs. Climate  The temperature in New York City averaged 77
degrees Fahrenheit for the month of July
between 1981 and 2010.

• Photo Credit: Anthony Quintano. Flickr. Creative Commons CC BY 2.0.

The Greenhouse Effect
• Adapted from: US EPA. Climate Change Indicators in the United States, 2014. 3rd edition. Washington, DC.
Sources of Greenhouse Gases H
C Methane
Nitrous oxide N
Decomposition of food waste in landfills Methane, nitrous oxide H
Use of nitrogen-based fertilizer on crops Nitrous oxide

Transporting food products Carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane

Bacterial decomposition in rice paddies Methane, nitrous oxide

Livestock manure Methane, nitrous oxide

Clearing forests for farmland Carbon dioxide

Cattle belching Methane, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide O

Running agricultural machinery Carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane

O Carbon dioxide

• Photo credit : Bob Nichols, 2013. Texas drought affecting corn crops. USDA. Creative Commons CC BY 2.0.
Climate Change
Impacts on Agriculture
 Loss of topsoil
 Fungus invasion in corn crop
 Saltwater contamination of freshwater
 Increased cost to fight weeds
 Increase in a crop’s water needs
 Higher food prices
 Depletion of freshwater sources for

• Photo credit: Brendan Cox, Oxfam International, 2004. Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.
Food System Greenhouse Gas Emissions

U.S. GHG emissions

by food type

U.S. GHG emissions

by supply chain stage

• Data source: Weber CL, Matthews HS. Food-Miles and the Relative Climate Impacts of Food Choices in the United States. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2008, 42 (10), 3508–3513.
Livestock Greenhouse
Gas Emissions
 Livestock are responsible for
15% of global GHG emissions
from human activities – more
than transportation
 39% of livestock’s GHG
emissions are from enteric
fermentation, a digestive
process that produces methane
 Cattle release most of the
methane through belching

• Data source: Gerber PJ, Steinfeld H, Henderson B, et al. Tackling Climate

Change through Livestock – A Global Assessment of Emissions and
Mitigation Opportunities. Rome: FAO; 2013.

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