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Kontrak Pembelajaran

CM224963 - Geodinamika dan Deformasi

Ira M. Anjasmara, PhD

Departemen Teknik Geomatika

Fakultas Teknik Sipil, Perencanaan, dan Kebumian
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
Informasi Umum Mata Kuliah


Kode : CM224963
Kredit : 2 sks
Semester : MK Pilihan
Dosen kuliah : Ira Mutiara Anjasmara
Putra Maulida
Jadwal kuliah : Kamis 11.00 - 12.50 GM-306
Jadwal responsi : tentative tentative
Prasyarat : Pemetaan Terestris Lanjut, Survei GNSS

-IM Anjasmara, 2022-

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Course Description

This course studies the science and concepts of geodynamics related to the
structure and dynamics of the Earth, such as volcanic phenomena, plate
movements (landslides and earthquakes). Students can also learn about
deformation studies such as the phenomenon of land subsidence, geodetic
aspects in deformation studies, and knowledge of geodetic science applications
and methods in deformation surveys. After studying geodynamics and
deformation studies, it is expected to open students’ insights into disaster
mitigation knowledge.

-IM Anjasmara, 2022-

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Course Learning Outcomes
1. Able to explain the Earth’s geodynamic phenomena related to the structure
of the Earth and plate tectonic theory
2. Able to identify various types of the Earth’s geodynamic phenomena
3. Able to identify geodetic technology that can be used to carry out
geodynamic observations of the Earth
4. Able to perform observations and analyze the Earth’s geodynamics using
geodetic methods
5. Able to explain the geodetic aspects in deformation studies
6. Able to perform studies and analysis of deformation using geodetic
observation data
7. Able to use the results of geodynamic and deformation analysis for disaster
mitigation -IM Anjasmara, 2022-

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Learning Materials
1. Introduction to Deformation Analysis and Geodynamics
2. Earth’s structures: layers of the Earth, Earth’s core, Earth’s characteristics
3. Plate Tectonics: plate tectonics theories, continental drift, and geological
4. Geodynamics phenomena: volcano, earthquake, fault activities, landslide,
land subsidence
5. Methods of geodynamics survey: geodynamics studies using SLR, VLBI,
6. Geodynamics studies: global and regional crustal deformation
7. Deformation studies: geodetic aspects in deformation study, deformation
analysis methods, deformation surveys, deformation survey networks, case
8. Disaster mitigation -IM Anjasmara, 2022-

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Pustaka Utama :
1. Turcotte, D. L and G. Schubert. 2002. Geodynamics (2nd Ed). Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge.
2. Caspary, W.F. 1998. Concepts of Network and Deformation Analysis.
Monograph 11, School of Surveying. The University of New South Wales.
3. Smith, D. E and D.L. Turcotte. 2013. Contribution of Space Geodesy to
Geodynamics. Published by the American Geophysical.
4. Stacey, F. D and P.M. Davis. 2008. Physics of the Earth (4th Ed).
Cambridge University Press, New York.
5. Segall, Paul. 2010. Earthquake and Volcano Deformation. Princenton
University Press. Pricenton. New Jersey.
6. Mal, A.K. and S.J. Singh. 1991. Deformation of Elastic Solids. Prentince
Hall, Inc., New Jersey. -IM Anjasmara, 2022-

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Pustaka Pendukung:
I E-learning Geodinamika dan Analisis Deformasi
I Jurnal-jurnal yang terkait, antara lain:
- Journal of Geodesy
- Journal of Geodynamics
- Geophysical Journal International
- Geophysical Reseach Letters
- Nature.

-IM Anjasmara, 2022-

Kontrak Pembelajaran 7/11 CM224963 - Geodinamika dan Deformasi

Rencana Evaluasi

Evaluasi Bobot
Tugas 1 (Gunung Api) 10 %
Tugas 2 (Landslide/Landsubsidence) 10 %
Tugas 3 (Tatanan tektonik Indonesia) 10 %
Tugas 4 (Teknik Geodetik untuk studi dan pemantauan 10 %
Presentasi Tugas 10 %
Laporan pengolahan InSAR untuk geodi- 25 %
Laporan pengolahan data GNSS untuk geodi- 25 %

-IM Anjasmara, 2022-

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Kriteria dan Bobot Penilaian
Hard-skills - Kelengkapan materi
- Kedalaman penjelasan 90 %
- Ketepatan jawaban/hasil
- Efektifitas komunikasi
Soft-skills - Ketepatan sikap akademik 10%
Kriteria A AB B BC C D E
(86-100) (76-85) (66-75) (61-65) (56-60) (41-55) (0-40)

Hard-skills Lengkap, Lengkap, Lengkap, Kurang Kurang Tidak Tidak

dalam, dalam, dalam,tepat lengkap, lengkap, lengkap, lengkap,
tepat, tepat, dan kurang kurang kurang kurang tidak dalam,
berpendapat efektif efektif dalam, dalam, dalam, tidak tidak tepat,
dan efektif kurang kurang tepat, tidak tidak efektif
tepat, efektif tepat, efektif

Soft-skills Jujur, tang- Jujur, tang- Jujur, tang- Jujur, Jujur, Jujur, tidak Tidak
gungjawab, gungjawab, gungjawab, kurang tang- kurang tang- tanggung- jujur, tidak
kerjasama kerjasama kerjasama gungjawab, gungjawab, jawab, tidak tanggung-
kerjasama kurang kerjasama jawab, tidak
kerjasama kerjasama

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Minimal kehadiran 80% (jika kurang maka tidak bisa ikut ujian).
Mencontek tugas/kuis dari teman
−→ nilai 0
Mencontek saat ujian
−→ nilai akhir E (sesuai Peraturan Akademik)
Terlambat mengumpulkan tugas tanpa pemberitahuan dana alasan yang
−→ nilai 0
Ujian/Kuis susulan dapat dilakukan apabila ada surat keterangan/surat
Toleransi keterlambatan masuk kuliah 15 menit.
-IM Anjasmara, 2022-

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