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SERTIFIKAT PENGUJI UJI KOMPETENSI Certificate Of Assessor Of Competency Test Nomor : 61703175 ‘Number : 61701175 Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini dan Pendidikan Masyarakat Direktorat Pembinaan Kursus dan Pelatihan menetapkan bahwa: Ministry of Education and Culture Directorate General of Early Chiléhood ond Community Education Directorate of Course and Training Development This is to Certify thot : TONGAM SITORUS Lahir di Tor Nabotan 14 Oktober 1974 Bong Tr Neon Oper seen ane Dinyatakan Kompeten sebagai Penguji Usi Kompetens! untuk Bideng Keablian Bahasa tnggris Program SE, EC Berlaku Selama Lima Tahun 27 Yanuari 2020 - 27 Januari 2025 1s Competent as Assessor of Competency Test in the Field of English Language Program SE, EC Valid for Five Years Janwory 27th, 2020 - January 27th, 2025 Jakarta, 27 January 2020 = Jokorea, Jonvony 27th, 2030. ~ Direktur Pembinaan Kursus dan Pelatihan, » Ketua indonesian English Course Teacher Association The Director of Courses and Training Development, _-_ The Chairperson Executive Boord of indonesian English Course Teacher Associttion . Agus Salim, SE., M.Si Lusia Soetanto NIP. 196308311988121002 - INIA. 003/IECTA/06

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