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(A Descriptive Research)


Submitted to the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Muhammadiyah

University of Makassar in Partial Fulfillment for the Degree of Education in
English Department

10535 6308 15





Nama : Sulfiani

NIM : 10535 6308 15

Program : English Education Department

TITLE : An Analysis on the English Speaking Anxiety of the Third Semester

Students of English Department in Muhammadiyah University of

Skripsi yang saya ajukan di depan tim penguji adalah hasil karya saya sendiri bukan
hasil ciplakan dan tidak dibuatkan oleh siapapun.

Demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sebenar-benarnya dan bersedia

menerima sanksi apabila pernyataan saya tidak benar.

Makassar, Januari 2020

Yang membuat perjanjian




Nama : Sulfiani

NIM : 10535 6308 15

Program : English Education Department

TITLE : An Analysis on the English Speaking Anxiety of the Third Semester

Students of English Department in Muhammadiyah University of

Dengan ini menyatakan perjanjian sebagai berikut:

1. Mulai dari penyusunan proposal sampai dengan selesai skripsi saya, saya akan menyusun
sendiri skripsi saya.
2. Dalam menyusun skripsi, saya akan selalu konsultasi dengan pembimbing.
3. Saya tidak akan melakukan penjiplakan (plagiat) dalam menyusun skripsi saya.
4. Apabila saya melanggar perjanjian saya seperti yang tertera pada butir 1, 2, dan 3 maka
saya bersedia menerima sanksi sesuai dengan aturan yang berlaku.

Demikian perjanjian ini saya buat dengan penuh kesadaran.

Makassar, Januari 2020

Yang membuat perjanjian


“Effort makes you. You will regret someday if you don’t do your
best today. Don’t think it’s too late but keep working on it. It may
take time, but there’s nothing that gets worse due to practicing.
So practice…
You may get depressed but it’s evidence that you are doing



I dedicate this thesis

For my beloved family, my friends

And all people who love and pray for me…


Sulfiani, 2020. An Analysis on the English Speaking Anxiety of the Third Semester
Students’ of English Department in Muhammadiyah University of Makassar (A
Qualitative Research). Under the Thesis of English Education Department the Faculty of
Teacher Training and Education, Muhammadiyah University of Makassar, supervised by
Hasnawati Latief and Farisha Andi Baso.

The objective of this research to find out the factors that causing students anxiety in
speaking English and the types of students’ anxiety in speaking English at the third semester
students’ of English department in Muhammadiyah University of Makassar.

This research used Descriptive-qualitative Method and applied Purposive Sampling

Techniques. Respondents consisted of 15 students who experienced anxiety in F class, of
third semester students of English Department in Muhammadiyah University of Makassar.
The data gathered through observation checklist, distributed open-ended questionnaire, and

The results of this research showed that there are 5 factors that causing students’
anxiety in speaking English. The most factor that dominated is fear of making mistakes,
following by lack of vocabulary, lack of confidence, friends/classmates and type of task. And
researcher also find out 3 types of anxiety that the students experiencing in their speaking
anxiety, the most factor is communication apprehension, following by test anxiety and fear of
negative evaluation.

Keywords: Speaking, Anxiety.


Sulfiani, 2020. Analisis Kecemasan Siswa dalam Berbicara Bahasa Inggris pada
Mahasiswa Semester Tiga Jurusan Bahasa Inggris di Universitas Muhammadiyah
Makassar. (Sebuah Penelitian Kualitatif). Skripsi Departemen Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris di
Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar, di bimbing
oleh Hasnawati Latief dan Farisha Andi Baso.

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan factor-faktor yang

mempengaruhi kecemasan siswa dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris dan tipe –tipe kecemasan
siswa dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris pada siswa semester tiga jurusan pendidikan bahasa
Inggris di Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.

Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan
mengunnakan purposive sampling. Responden dari penelitian ini terdiri dari 15 siswa yang
mengalami kecemasan di kelas F, dari jurusan bahasa Inggris universitas Muhammadiyah
Makassar. Data dikumpulkan melalui observasi ceklis, angket open-ended dan interview.

Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan ada 5 factor yang mempengaruhi kecemasan
siswa dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris, factor yang paling mendominasi adalah takut
melakukan kesalahan, kemudian diikuti oleh kurang vocabulary, kurang percaya diri, teman
sekelas dan tipe tugas. Peneliti juga menemukan 3 tipe anxiety yang dialami oleh siswa, type
yang paling mendominasi yaitu komunikasi, tes kecemasan, dan takut terhadap evaluasi

Kata kunci: Bebicara, kecemasan.


Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alamin, all praises be to Allah SWT, the Lord of this

universe. Researcher expresses her highest gratitude to Allah SWT for the love,

blessing, mercy, help and health to the researcher in finishing this research. Peace and

blessing be upon our prophet Muhammad SAW, his family, companions, and his

faith followers till the end of the world.

Alhamdulillah by the grace of Allah the highest, the researcher could finish
her thesis after long hard effort of writing. Thus, she would like to express her
greatest gratitude to her beloved parents Asri and Nurhayati who always pray,
support, and motivate her of every part of her life especially in doing this research.
During the writing of this thesis, the researcher received a lot of help from a number
of people. She realized that this thesis could never be completed without their
generous help, support, advice and prayers. It would be an honor for researcher to
express her deepest appreciation to:
1. Prof. Dr. H. Abd Rahman Rahim SE., MM. as the head of university of

Muhammadiyah university of Makassar.

2. Erwin Akib M.Pd.,P.Hd as the Dean of FKIP also for his signature, support

and motivation during her study at UNISMUH.

3. Ummi Khaerati Syam, S.Pd, M.Pd the head of English Department of FKIP

also for her signature, support and motivation.

4. Researcher most profound and sincere thanks and appreciation is due to her

first supervisor Dra. Hasnawati Latief, M.Pd and to her second supervisor

Farisha Andi Baso, S.Pd., M.Pd. Who patiently guided and assisted her to
finish this thesis by giving suggestions, motivation, and correction since the

proposal until this thesis finished.

5. All lecturers who have taught her and all staff of FKIP and especially staff of

English Education Study Program.

6. The Students Third Semester English Education Department 2017 of FKIP

UNISMUH Makassar.

7. Her big family who always gives inspiration and motivation to continue her


8. Special thanks go to her motivator Musdalifah as a sister who always

supported her, Sukriawan as one of support system for her and her beloved
friends for the critics, suggestion and especially the unforgettable days, they
are: Zhuni Winayasari, Epri Soeryaningsih, Windi Setiowati, Tasmaniar
Taiyeb, Khairunnisa, Rika Afraini Rasmatmur, Siti Aisyah and all member of
Class C whose name cannot be mentioned one by one.
Finally, the researcher realizes that this thesis has some weakness and

shortage. Thus, she would be grateful to accept any suggestions and corrections from

anyone for better writing.

May the Almighty bless us now and forever, and this thesis can be useful,

Aamiin ya Rabbal alamin.

Makassar, January 2020



PAGE TITLE .......................................................................................... i

LEMBAR PENGESAAHAN ................................................................. ii

APPROVAL SHEET .............................................................................. iii

COUNSELLING SHEET 1 .................................................................... iv

COUNSELLING SHEET 2 .................................................................... v

SURAT PERNYATAAN ........................................................................ vi

SURAT PERJANJIAN ........................................................................... vii

MOTTO AND DEDICATION ............................................................... viii

ABSTRACT ............................................................................................. ix

ABSTRAK ............................................................................................... x

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS . .................................................................... xi

TABLE OF CONTENTS........................................................................ . xiii

LIST OF TABLES .................................................................................. . xiv

LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................ xv

LIST OF APPENDICES ........................................................................ . xvi

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION .......................................................... 1

A. Background ............................................................................ 1

B. Problem Statement .................................................................. 4

C. Objective of Study ................................................................... 5

D. Significance of Study .............................................................. 6

E. Scope of the Research ............................................................ 7


A. Review Related Research Findings ......................................... 8

B. Concept of Speaking ............................................................... 10

C. Concept of Anxiety ................................................................. 15

D. Conceptual Framework............................................................ 22

CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHOD .............................................. 24

A. Research Design ...................................................................... 24

B. Population and Sample ........................................................... 25

C. Indicator .................................................................................. 25

D. Research Instrument ................................................................ 25

E. Procedure of Data Collection .................................................. 27

F. Technique of Data Analysis ................................................... 27

CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION .................................. 29

A. Findings. .................................................................................. 29

B. Discussion ............................................................................... 46

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION .......................... 52

A. Conclusion. .............................................................................. 52

B. Suggestion ............................................................................... 53




Number Page

4.1 Table 4.1 Students’ Physical and Behavior Presence in Speaking

Performance ............................................................................................. 30

4.2 Table 4.2 Result of open-ended questionnaire and

Interview ................................................................................................... 32

4.3 Table 4.3 Types of Students’ Anxiety ............................................. 40


Number Page

4.1 Students’ Physical and Behavior Presence in Speaking

Performance .............................................................................................. 31


APPENDIX A Fields of Observations Checklist Result ........................ 56

APPENDIX B List Name of Participants ............................................... 58

APPENDIX C Blue Print of Open-Ended Questionnaire and Result of

Questionnaire ........................................................................................... 60

APPENDIX D Blue Print of Interview Guidelines and Interview

Transcript .................................................................................................. 62

APPENDIX E Data Categorization ........................................................ 64

APPENDIX F Documentations .............................................................. 66



This chapter deals with background, problem statement, the objective of the

research, the significant of the research, and the scope of research.

A. Background

Speaking is one of the most important skills that need to be developed by English

language students. Students are asking to practice English in everyday life, especially

in class. Learning to speak can help the students to make a habit and being fluency in

speaking, so they can improve their speaking skill, because by getting use to speaking

will contribute greatly to improving students’ ability to speak English (Putra, 2018).

Richard (2008) adds that learners often evaluate their success in language learning as

well as the effectiveness of their English course basis of how much they feel they

have improved in their spoken language proficiency. It is mean that speaking is one

skill of language development that should be mastered by the target language learner.

Being able to speak proficiency in English is one of the objective points in

English Learning. However, students have a different personality especially

psychological condition. Some problem of students face when they try to speak

English but they feel nervous of afraid going wrong and when they see a friend speak

up fluency but they feel unconfident and upset by English speaking skill they have.

These conditions are called anxiety (Darmawati, 2017).


Anxious situations like when we feel nervous, worried and fearful. People

struggle, trembled, perspire, and our hearts beat quickly (Tobias in Ansari 2015). The

anxious students are also inhibited when attempting to utilize any second language

fluency he or she managed to acquire. The resulting poor test performance and

inability to perform in class can contribute to a teacher’s inaccurate assessment that

the students lack either some necessary aptitude for learning a language or sufficient

motivation to do the necessary work for a good performance (Horwitz et al, 1986).

Additionally, in relation to the performance anxieties above, According to Young

in Ohata (2005) offers an extensive list of the potential sources of language anxiety,

she argues that language anxiety can arise from 1) personal and interpersonal

anxieties, 2) learner beliefs about language learning, 3) teacher beliefs about language

teaching, 4) classroom procedures/ instructor-learner actions and 5) language testing.

Those are the potential sources that may a factor of students’ anxiety.

Every student sometimes may have different types of anxiety. It shows by their

psychological and psychological reaction such as when they feel stress and emotion.

(Darmawati, 2017). In addition, Horwitz in Tanveer (2007) stated foreign anxiety

concerns performance evaluation within academic and social context, there are three

related performance anxiety, that are: 1) communication apprehension, 2) test

anxiety, and 3) fear of negative evaluation. Communication apprehension is a type of

anxiety of shyness characterized by fear of anxiety to communicating with people.

Language anxiety frequently shows up in testing situations students commonly report

to counselor that they “know” a certain grammar point but “forget” it during a test or

an oral exercise when many grammar points must be remembered and coordinated

simultaneously. The problem can also be isolated in persistent “careless” errors in

spelling or syntax. The students realize usually sometime after the test, that he and

she know the correct answer but put down the wrong one due to nervousness. If the

student realizes he and she is working preventable errors during the test, anxiety and

errors-may escalate. However, learners commonly report various kind of evaluative

situations in which their knowledge and performance of foreign language is

monitored by people around them as the most stressful situations contributing to

anxiety. They fear to making mistakes and as a result get corrected by the teacher in

front of their classmate.

Anxiety as one of obstacles in speaking, it has a big impact in language learning

development especially in speaking performance and they can’t success to acquiring

English for badly. Juhanna in Izumi (2017) stated that the very limited chance to

practice can be the causes of being not confidence, shyness, and silence that impede a

natural communication. In addition, anxious students may “freeze” or “blank” and be

unable to provide information on test that they know before the test (Mashayekh and

Hashemi, 2011). In many cases, they may have an anxiety reaction which impedes

their ability to perform successfully in a foreign language class (Horwitz, et all.,

1986). If the students want to success in speaking, they must be lower their anxiety

and have to expect that they can success to acquiring English.

Based on the previous research by Putra (2018), shows that the anxiety of the

students in class 3E at the third semester students English Education Department in


Muhammadiyah University of Makassar in speaking English in the classroom is very

disturbing to the performance of the students in the presentation, especially in

learning to speak English. The result of the study showed that the most influencing

factor students’ anxiety was motivation, the second was shyness, limited vocabulary,

lack of self-confidence, lack of preparation, grammatical error, friend/classmate, and

then the fear of making mistakes factor is the lowest factor that experienced by

students. The similarity with the previous study is the current research is both find the

factors that experienced by students in English speaking classroom. The difference is

this research is going to find out the types of students anxiety in speaking classroom.

At the students of Muhammadiyah University of Makassar, the researcher is

going to look at many occasions where many participants of experience feeling of

anxiety and discomfort when they are try to speak in English class. This can see when

the lecturer asks the students to formulate or answer the questions, speaking

performance, or oral task, but the students just keep quiet. The interference with their

explanation and performance also prevent them from succeeding in mastering

speaking English. Therefore, this research aims to find out factors that causing

anxiety and analyzing the students’ types of anxiety in English speaking class of the

second semester students’ English department in Muhammadiyah university of


Based on the explanation above, the researcher interests to conducts the research

with the title, “An analysis on the English speaking anxiety of the second semester

students’ of English department in Muhammadiyah university of Makassar”.


B. Problem Statement

Based on the backgrounds’ research above, the researcher would like to formulate

the problem as follows:

1. What are the factors that causing anxiety the third semester students’ of

English department in Muhammadiyah university of Makassar?

2. What are the types of anxiety in speaking the third semester students’ of

English department in Muhammadiyah university of Makassar?

C. The Objective of the Research

Based on the research questions, the objectives of research as follows:

1. To find out factors that causing students’ anxiety in speaking English the third

semester students’ of English department in Muhammadiyah university of


2. To find out the type of students’ anxiety in speaking English of the third

semester students’ of English department in Muhammadiyah university of


D. The Significance of the Research

1. Theoretically Significance

Theoretically, this research is expected to explore information for the

students of English language education about students’ anxiety in speaking

English and its implication towards enhancing student self-confidence when


2. Practically Significance

a. For the students

By this research, the students can determine the types of their anxiety

and factors that cause their anxiety in speaking English, additionally they

can figure it out and can speak fluency.

b. For the Teacher

By this research, the teacher can determine the types and factors that

cause students’ anxiety in speaking English, so they can establish the

strategy to teach based on students problem in order the teacher can help

the to overcome students anxiety in speaking English.

c. For the next researcher

This research is expected to provide information that can be a

reference for the next researcher about the types and factors that cause

students’ anxiety in speaking English.

E. The Scope of the Research

This research is limited to the analyzing the factors that causing anxiety and the

types of anxiety at the third semester students of English Department Muhammadiyah

University of Makassar by using open-ended questionnaire. The factors of anxiety are

focus personal and interpersonal anxieties, learner beliefs about language learning,

instructor beliefs about language teaching, classroom procedures, language testing by

Young in Ohata (2005) and the types of anxiety are focus on types anxiety

(communication apprehension, test anxiety and fear of negative evaluation) by

Horwitz et al (1986).


This chapter deals with preview related research finding, some pertinent ideas and

conceptual framework.

A. Review Related Research Findings

There were some research findings about English speaking anxiety among the

students in university. The results of the researchers were cited below:

1. Putra (2018) in his thesis, “An Analysis of Students’ Anxiety in English

Speaking Classroom (A Case Study at the Third Semester Students of English

Education Department in Muhammadiyah University of Makassar”. This study

used descriptive qualitative method which used questionnaire and observation to

gathered data. He found that the factor students’ anxiety in speaking was

motivation, the second was shyness, limited vocabulary, lack of sekf-

confidence, grammatical error, friend/classmate, while the fear making mistake

factor is the lowest factor experienced by students in class 3E at the third

semester Students of English Education Department in Muhammadiyah

University of Makassar.

2. Listiyaningsih (2018) in her thesis, “Students’ Anxiety in Speaking English

Class at the Eleventh Grade of MAN 4 Bantul in the Academic Year of

2017/2018”. The study was descriptive qualitative research and using data


collected through observation, questionnaire and interview with 33 participants

from the eleventh grade of MAN 4 Bantul. Based on the result of research, the

most dominant factor of speaking anxiety was lack of preparation, and following

by learner beliefs about language teaching, fear of making mistakes, afraid of

classmate and personal and interpersonal anxiety. The researcher also found the

strategies that used by students in reducing anxiety, those were preparation, peer

seeking, positive thinking, avoided eye contact to audience, relaxation and


3. Darmawati (2017) in her thesis, “Students’ Anxiety in Speaking English at The

Second Grade Students of SMA Pesantren Mahyajatul Qurra’ Takalar”. This

research used open-ended questionnaire to identify the cause, types and strategy

to copies students’ anxiety. The result of questionnaire could be conclude that

their anxiety were from learners’ beliefs about language learning,perdonal and

interpersonal anxiety, classroom procedure and language testing. Students’ ways

to overcome their anxiety were preparation, relaxation, positive thinking, and

resignation. Types of anxiety identified in students’ answer were communicative

apprehension, and fear of negative evaluation.

4. Saputri, (2017), in her thesis, “Students’ Speaking Anxiety in the Impromptu

Speech Performance in Speaking I Class Batch 2017”. This researcher was

conducted using qualitative research. In conducting the data through an

observation, questionnaire and interviews. The result of this research showed

that anxiety appeared during the IS performance as seen from its indicators. The

most experienced type of speaking anxiety in the IS activity was a fear of

negative evaluation, followed by communication apprehension and test anxiety.

Those types of speaking anxiety were affected by four factors, namely cognitive

factors, psychological factors, social factors, and physical factor.

Related to the findings above, the researcher concludes that there is a relationship

between anxiety and speaking English, and also variety of strategies to cope students’

anxiety in speaking English.

Based on previous research, those are different with what researcher has. In this

study, the researcher tried to find out the factors and the type of anxiety that cause

students’ anxiety in speaking English.

B. Concept of Speaking

1. Definition of speaking

According to Nunan (2003: 48) Speaking is the productive aural/oral skill. It

consists of producing systematic verbal utterances to convey meaning. Teaching

speaking is sometimes considered a simple process, commercial language schools

around the world hire people with no training to teach conversation. Although

speaking is totally natural, speaking in a language other than our own is anything but


Meanwhile Brown in Utomo (2018) also stated that speaking is an interactive

process of constructing meaning that involves producing, receiving and processing


information. Speakers require that speakers not know how to produce specific point

of language such as grammar, pronunciation, but also that understand when, why and

what ways to produce language.

Moreover Matthew in Izumi (2017), stated that speaking is any process in which

people share information, ideas feeling. It involves all of body language mannerism

and styles anything that adds meaning to a message. it means that there is interaction

between the speakers and listener. The speaker must be able to convey the ideas

clearly in speaking order to the listener can understand and get the message or

meaning clearly.

Based on statements above, the researcher concluded that speaking is the way

people exchanges information, convey a message or ideas orally. Speaking has some

skill such as vocabulary, pronunciation, accuracy and fluency. These are the main that

make student can be a good speaker in communicate with the other people before


2. Goals of speaking

According to Tarigan in Utomo (2018: 12) speaking is related of pronunciation

words that aims to convey what will be conveyed either feelings, ideas or ideas.

Therefore, to convey the message effectively, the speaker must understand what will

be communicated. It means people in the world have speaking ability because


speaking is an activity that we always do in every time to communicate with other

people and to make a good relationship in society.

3. Types of classroom speaking performance

According to Brown (2000: 271) identified six types of speaking performance in

classroom, as follows:

a. Imitative

Imitative speaking is kind of practicing an intonation or trying to pinpoint

a certain vowel sound. It is carried out not for the purpose of meaningful

interaction, but for focusing on some particular element of language form.

This usually performed in drilling form.

b. Intensive

Intensive speaking is one step beyond imitative to include any speaking

performance that is designed for practicing some grammatical aspect of

language. For example in self-initiated or pair work activity forms.

c. Responsive

Responsive speaking was meant by being able to give replies or answers

to the question or comment in meaningful and authentic one.

d. Transactional (dialogue)

Transactional here was meant to the students be able to conveying or

exchanging specific information in an extended form or responsive language.


e. Interpersonal (dialogue)

Interpersonal speaking purposed to maintain social relationship than for

the transmission of fact about information. The conversation are little

trickier for learners because they can involve some factors such as, slang,

ellipsis/sarcasm, a casual register and etc.

f. Extensive (monologue)

Extensive speaking here mostly in the form of monologue, in the

practice, the advance levels are called on to give extended monologue in the

form of oral reports, summaries, or perhaps short speeches.

4. Function of speaking

Richards (2008: 21) expanded three-part version of Brown and Yules’

framework (after Jones, 1996, and Burns, 1998), they are talk as interaction; talk as

performance; talk as performance. Each of these speech activities is quiet distinct in

terms of form and function and requires different teaching approach.

a. Talk as interaction

Speaking as interaction meant that the interaction which serves a primarily

social function. When people meet, they exchange greetings, engage in small

speaking and chit chat, recount recent experiences because they wish to be friendly

and to establish a comfort zone of interaction with others. The focus is more on the

speaker and how they wish to presents themselves to each other.


b. Talk as transaction

Speaking as transaction refers to situation where the focus is on message what

is said or achieved in order to make people understood clearly and accurately.

c. Talks as performance

Speaking as performance is refers to public speaking. It is talk with transmits

information before audience such as classroom presentation, public

announcements and speeches. Speaking as performance tends to be form of

monologue rather that dialogue, often follow a recognizable format and it is closer

to written language than conversational language.

5. Obstacles in Speaking

Rababa’h (2005) stated that there are many factors that cause difficulties in

speaking among EFL (English Foreign Language) learners. According to Dil in

Hosni (2014), in his research that investigated Turkish EFL learners’

communication obstacles in English language classroom, and it reported that

anxiety and unwillingness during the English speaking process are considered two

the biggest obstacle for EFL learners. Anxiety and unwillingness are caused by the

fear of being negatively evaluated when making mistakes, particularly in front of

their friends.

C. Concept of Anxiety

1. The Understanding of Anxiety

According to Suleimenova (2012) anxiety is defined as distress or uneasiness of

the mind caused by fear of danger or misfortune. General anxiety is the excessive

and exaggerated worry about everyday things. Meanwhile Ansari (2015) stated that

anxiety is a negative way to present human feelings. When we are anxious, we feel

nervous, worried, and fearful. We struggle, tremble, perspire, and our hearts beat

quickly. In other opinion, Horwitz et al in Darmawati (2017) added that anxiety is

subjective feeling of tension, apprehension, nervousness, and worry associated with

an arousal of the autonomic nervous system.

Based on statements above, the researcher concluded that anxious is a feeling

distress, nervousness, shyness, worried, fearful of something bad happened.

2. Indicators of Anxiety

According to Saputri (2017), there were some presence of speaking anxiety that

was due to its indicators, as follows:

a. Physically perceptible reactions towards anxiety can be observed from several

indicators. Physically, include nervousness, arms and limbs that vibrate or

tremble, sweat, mouth or throat feel dry, difficulty speaking, difficulty breathing,

heart palpitations or tight-knit, dizziness, feeling weak or numb, frequent

urination, feeling sensitive, or irritable (Nevid in Utomo, 2018). In addition, Rink

in Saputri (2017) other visible reaction are body movements such as excessive

hands moving, hair wagging, or head scratching. Moreover, It may also activate

the motor component of emotions, i.e. performing of a smile or other facial

expressions (Szyszka in Saputri, 2017).

b. Behavior of students such as going blank, forgetting the utterance that have

prepared, being unable to say what they knew, being afraid of making

miscommunication, and avoiding speaking (Occhipinti in Saputri, 2017). In

addition, Schlenker and Learly in Saputri (2017) contribute that speaking anxiety

can also see from the use of speech fillers, such as “uh uhh”, or “hmm..”.

3. The Sources of Anxiety

According to Young (1991), language anxiety could be arised from:

a. Personal and Interpersonal Anxieties

The probably issues that are most commonly cited and discussed source of

language anxiety are Personal and interpersonal (Young, 2010). It was investigated in

correlation with the other social and psychology construct. For example, people that

have low self-esteem may worry about what their friends are think, in fear in their

negative responses or evaluation. Those are psychology phenomena, belong to low

self-esteem and competitiveness, may become the seeds of students to speak in fear

of anxiety.

b. Learner beliefs about language learning

Certain beliefs about language learning also affecting the students’ tension and

frustration in the classroom (Horwitz et al, 1968). Young (1991) also stated that

learner beliefs about language learning can contribute greatly to creating language

anxiety in students.

Gynan in Ohata (2005) added that the most important aspect of L2 learning in

learner beliefs about language learning is pronunciation, even though the other close

to the other learner aspect, such as vocabulary, communication, travelling to country

a country where the language is spoken, translation or making friends. A similar

study by Horwitz et al (1986) that the numbers of students believe nothing should be

said in the foreign language until it can be said correctly and that is not okay to guess

an unknown foreign language word.

Horwitz cited in Young (1991) presented various kinds of learner beliefs,

suggesting that some of them are derived from the learners’ irrational and unrealistic

learners’ such as : 1) some learners were concerned about the correctness of their

speech in comparison to native speaker, like accent or pronunciation, 2) some

believed that two years is enough time in language learning to achieve a native like

fluency, 3) some believed that language learning is learning about how to translate,

and 4) some others believed that success of L2 learning limited to a few individuals

who are gifted for language learning. As several of these beliefs are unrealistic for the

language learner and it can contribute the anxiety. For example, if the learner set their

self from the beginning they can be sound as good native or if the learner believed

that the most important in language learning is pronunciation, the perfection is how to

speak like native, they are going to frustrated and stressed by found the reality of their

imperfection of pronouncing even they have been do more practice. The stressed also

can contribute the learners if they believe should be mastered English by two years.

The researcher concluded that unrealistic beliefs of learners or learners’

expectation contributing learners to high anxiety before doing. Because the

imperfection or high expectation, they might be ruined the performance.

c. Instructor beliefs about language teaching

According to young (1991: 428) instructor beliefs about language teaching are a

further source of language anxiety. Instructor beliefs about language teaching can

also become a source of creating language anxiety among L2 learners. The teacher

believed that on the role of language teachers may not always correspond to student’s

needs or expectations toward the teacher. For example, when a teacher believes that

his role in class is constantly correct students’ errors, some of the students might

become quiet anxious about their performance (Ohata, 2005)

d. Classroom procedures

Many learners feel that some error correction is necessary (Koch & Terrel in

Horwitz, 1988), the manner of error correction is often cited as provoking anxiety.

Those studies investigated anxieties in relation to instructor-learner interactions show

that students are more concerned about how their mistakes are corrected rather than

whether error correction should be administered in class. In addition, some of the

classroom activities, such as oral presentation or oral skits in front of the class are

also listed as potential of anxiety (Young in Ohata, 2005).

e. Language testing

This would lead to other psychology stresses, such as the fear of losing self-

confidence or feeling inferior to others. In addition, sometimes students felt pressured

to think they had to organize their ideas in a short period of time while caring about

grammar errors at the same time.

Madsen et al in Young (1991: 429) studied that if an instructor has a

communicative approach to language teaching but then gives primarily grammar

tests, this likely contribute students not only complain, but also experience of

frustration and anxiety.

In addition, Listriyaningsih (2018) states that In Indonesia, testing sometimes

called as the technique to collect a score of the students. All the students afraid if they

get bad score, it is important to students. For example of testing which make students

anxious such as when the teacher gives a test in short period will make the students

anxious and pressured, the teacher doing a test before gives notification to students

(unprepared students), and the teacher gives unfamiliar and ambiguous task and


5. Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety

Because language anxiety concern of performance evaluation within an academic

and social context, it is useful to describe with three performance anxieties. The

primary sources of language anxiety explicated by Horwitz in Tanveer (2007) are

communication apprehension, fear on negative evaluation and test anxiety.

a. Communication Apprehension

Communication apprehension is quiet relevant to the conceptualization of foreign

language anxiety. Learners who exhibit communication apprehension do not feel

comfortable communicating in the target language (TL) in front of the others, due to

their limited knowledge of the language, especially in relation to speaking skill.

Generally communication apprehension refers to type of anxiety experienced in

interpersonal communicative setting, especially in the classroom where the learners

have little control of the communicative situation and their performance is constantly

monitored by the teacher and peers. Communication apprehension has a great

influence on students’ communication competence. Learners who typically have

difficulty speaking in front of the other people are liked to be able to learn a foreign

language and develop their communication skill.

b. Fear of negative evaluation

Fear of negative evaluation is the learners feeling about how other teachers or

classmates may negatively evaluate their language ability. Learners who experience

fear of negative evaluation do not consider their language mistakes as a natural thing

or as an attempt to learn a new language, but as a danger for them especially in front

of their teachers or their friends. As a result, they keep silent most of the time and

refuse to participate in language classroom activities.

c. Test anxiety

According to Horwitz in Saputri (2017), test anxiety is an anxiety of performance

evaluation by others emerging from a fear of failing the performance and fear of

making mistakes. Test anxiety is a form of performance anxiety, in which the learner

feel the fear or failure and doing badly in text. Learners who experience text anxiety

consider the foreign language process and especially oral production, as a threatening

situation, rather than an opportunity to improve their communicative competence and

speaking skill.

D. Conceptual Framework

The illustration of factors that causing students’ anxiety in speaking English

has described bellow:


Obstacle in


Factors Types

 Personal and Interpersonal

 Communication
 Learner beliefs about
language learning
 Test anxiety
 Instructor beliefs about
 Fear of negative
language teaching
 Classroom procedure
 Language testing

Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework

Based on conceptual framework, the researcher used descriptive qualitative

research to be analyzed the factors and the types of students speaking anxiety. The

factors that could influenced the students to be anxiety according to Young (1991)

consisted of five factor, they were personal and interpersonal anxieties, learner beliefs

about language leaning, instructor beliefs about language teaching, classroom

procedure and language testing. Moreover, the types of anxiety according to Horwitz

et all in Tanveer (2007), consisted of 3 types, they were communication

apprehension, test anxiety and fear of negative evaluation.




This chapter deals with research design, variable and their operational

definition, population and sample, instrument of the research, procedure of

collecting data, and technique of data analysis.

A. Research Design

This research used descriptive research and qualitative as the approach. It

supported by Heigham and Crocker (2009), that a qualitative research focused on

understanding how participant experience a phenomenon at a certain time, with a

particular context, and the multiple meaning of it for them. Heigham and Crocker

(2009) add that there are several data collection techniques such as observations,

interviews, open-ended questionnaire, and diaries. In this research, the researcher

did observation by checklist sheet before distributed questionnaire to find out the

factors and type of anxiety and also did an interview to validated the data gather in

this research about the factors influencing the students’ anxiety in speaking

English and types of students’ anxiety in speaking English at the third semester

English education department of Muhammadiyah University of Makassar.

B. Population and Sample

1. Population

The population of this research was the third semester students of English

Department of Muhammadiyah University of Makassar. The amount of


students in the third semester approximately 220 students and it devided into

eight classes.

2. Sample

The sample of this study was 15 students which taken by used purposive

sampling which the students of F class of the third semester students of

English Department Muhammadiyah University of Makassar.

C. Indicators

The indicators of this research were the factors of anxiety they are personal

and interpersonal anxieties, learner beliefs about language learning, instructor

beliefs about language teaching, classroom procedures, language testing by Young

in Ohata (2005) that cause students anxiety in speaking and the types anxiety

(communication apprehension, test anxiety and fear of negative evaluation) by

Horwitz et al (1986).

D. Research Instrument

1. Observation

Observation became first data gathering used to gather the data to get

the real situations in speaking class. According to Heigham and Crocker

(2009) observations is the conscious noticing of participants’ behavior in

the natural setting, such as classroom, or any other environment where the

language is being studied. The observation conducted in the third semester

class to directly see and understand how the anxiety appearing during the

speaking performance. The observation sheet conducted to collect the data.

2. Questionnaire

The questionnaire was the main instrument to collect data. By used this

method, the researcher could be device the data from open questionnaire.

Open questionnaire was open-ended question to seek the potential source

of anxiety and also the type of anxiety in speaking English. According to

Teresa et al, open questionnaire or free response question are not

following by any choices and the respondent must answer by supplying a

response, usually by entering a number, a word, or a short text. Open-

ended questionnaire used to get students’ response about a factor behind

their anxiety in speaking, and the type can be identified by their answer.

3. Interview

After distributed questionnaire, the researcher also did an interview to

support and validate the information from students. According to Heigham

and Crocker in Saputri (2017), an interview is aim to dig deeper the

respondents’ experiences, view, and feelings. A semi-structure interview

used to gather the data in this research. Semi-structure interview is an in-

depth interview that uses to find the problem as fair, when the interviewee

is asking about their opinions and ideas (Sugiyono, 2012). In addition,

Heigham and Crocker in Saputri (2017) states that semi-structured

interview is an interview where the interviewer has designed the topic to

explore but is prepare to allow respondents to open up important new


E. Procedure of Data Collection

In collection the data, some procedures did by researcher to be collected the

data as follows:

1. Researcher attended the speaking class of the participants.

2. Researcher observed by observation checklist the activities in speaking class

and carefully gave attention to the learner who speaks in front of the class to

collect some information by some indicators.

3. After speaking class conducted, researcher distributed questionnaire sheet

and the researcher explained the purpose and how to answer the

questionnaire to the participants.

3. After conducted the questionnaire, interview done to observed the factors

caused anxiety deeply and supported also validated answer of questionnaire.

4. And the last, the researcher presented the data in qualitative descriptive


F. Technique of Data Analysis

According to Miles and Huberman Sugiyono (2012), data analysis included

the steps of reduction or words, display the data, and draw conclusion or


1. The first step was reduction process. It could be carried out immediately

after the data would obtain. Questionnaire and interview result arranged in

the form of pattern and group according to the research question. In this

process, the research would be collected all information that have correlation

with students’ anxiety in speaking English,


2. The second step was display data. The data was grouping more specific.

Data from reduction data would be more categorized in short term. In this

process, the research took data that concern in factors of students’ anxiety

and the types of speaking anxiety.

3. The last step was conclusion process. The researcher found out the structure

of students’ anxiety in speaking English. Furthermore, it would be discussed

base on the theory and reinforce with data and information from analysis

students’ answer from questionnaire and interview, the researcher drew

conclusion of the factors anxiety. The researcher analyzed the answer of

questionnaire and interview to be determined the types of students’ anxiety

in speaking English.


In this chapter, the results of the research were presented. The chapter was

divided into two main sections; they are the findings and the discussion of

research. The finding presented the result of the data analysis collected through

questionnaire and interviews about the factors causing students’ English speaking

anxiety at the third semester students of English Education Department of

Muhammadiyah University of Makassar. The discussion deals with the

interpretation of the finding in research.

A. Finding

The results of the data analysis were presented in this part. The data have been

collected by applying three instruments; namely observation, questionnaire and

interview to obtain more accurate and valid data.

1. The result of observation process

The data were collected by observation checklist, it done by researcher with

observed the students’ speaking performance in twice of meeting. The observation

checklist consist of 7 items statement which have been checklist appropriate with

the statements that the students presence in their speaking performance. They

were 2 statements about students’ presence about physical and behavioral before

speaking and 5 statements about students presence of physically and behavior

during speaking. The result of observation checklist shown in the table below:

Table 4.1 Students’ Physical and Behavior Presence in Speaking Performance

No Statement Frequency Percentage

1 Students prefer sitting on the back row than 1 6%

front row.

2 Students keep silent when the lecturer 14 93%

asking a question (not volunteering
themselves to answer firstly)

3 Students are going blank (i.e making pause) 14 93%

4 Students using speech fillers (i.e. umm…,uh 14 93%


5 Students making grammar mistakes 9 60%

6 Students making unnecessary movements 9 60%

7 Students making excessive laugh 11 73%

The table 4.1 shows that all of the statement of students’ physical and

behavior presence in their speaking performance were experienced by the

students. The first statement which prefer to sit in back row was scored 6%,

following the second, the third and four that was students keep silent when

lecturer asking a questions, students are going blank and using speech fillers were

93%, loading the fifth and sixth that were making grammar mistakes and

unnecessary movements were 60% and the last statement that students making

excessive laugh was 73%.


30 Series 1

Figure 4.1 Students’ Physical and Behavior Presence in Speaking

Figure 4.1 shows that there were 7 presences that students experienced in

speaking performance. It shows that different number of physical and behavior

presence in speaking performance that the students showed. The number of the

statements that dominated students presence who which highest checked was

students keep silent when lecturer asking, going blank and making a speech

fillers. The number of making excessive laugh was higher than making mistake

and making unnecessary movements. The number of sitting in back row was the


2. The result of questionnaire

The researcher used open-ended questionnaire consists of 6 items, all of the

items was about the difficulties that they faced in speaking performance, 2 items

that researcher used as main question that would be answer the research question.

The researcher conducted 4 statements which taken from the theory of source

anxiety in the chapter 2; a) I am afraid to making mistakes such as grammar,


pronunciation, vocabulary), b) I am afraid to being evaluated negatively by my

friends, c) I am not confidence with my English skill (Unconfident), and d) The

lecturer too formal.

Base on the result open-ended questionnaire conducted by researcher, the

researcher found that the most factors of students anxiety in speaking was afraid

to making mistakes, followed with they not confidence with their English skill

and afraid to being evaluated negatively by their friends. The researcher also

found that unexpected task as one caused students anxiety. The lecturer belief

about language teaching wasn’t provoking them to be anxiety.

3. The result of interview

The interview was supported and validated by open-ended questionnaire. The

interview guidelines consisted of 7 numbers which the factor were analyzed by

the answer. Based on the result of interview, mostly students mentioned that the

factors that they were experiencing in their speaking anxiety was they were afraid

to making mistakes, followed by they haven’t enough vocabulary to speak their

ideas, the un-expectable task, lack of confidence, and fear of friends evaluations.

Table 4.2 Result of open-ended questionnaire and Interview

Open-ended questionnaire Interview

Fear of making mistakes in Fear of mistakes, especially in

grammar/pronunciation/vocabulary. grammar and pronunciation

Unconfident students Haven’t enough vocabulary to speak

their ideas

Fear of negative evaluation by friends Un-expectable task


Unexpected task Lack of confidence

Fear of friends evaluations

From the table 4.2 about the factors of students’ anxiety in speaking English,

the researcher concluded that there were five classifications of the factors anxiety

of students with different number of students as follow:

a. Fear of making mistakes

Fear of making mistakes was the first factors that found in this questionnaire.

Fear of making mistakes was mostly found in the students before they were going

to speak in front of their friends and lecturer. They were afraid to making

mistakes because their limited English proficiency. Being afraid to making

mistakes in grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation were the most checked reason

which made them anxious in their speaking performance. It was pursuance with

result of observation early. The researcher captured that the students made

grammatical mistakes and mispronunciation in delivering their speeches. The

finding showed that the students’ limited knowledge in English was clearly. It

was supported by the result of interview of the students, as follows:

R : Dapatkah kalian menjelaskan alasan dari Anxiety atau kecemasan yang

kamu rasakan? (R: Can you explain the reason of your anxiety that you feel?)

SDP : Kalau saya kak takutka salah pengucapan atau salah

grammarnya jadi nanti temanku nda mengerti, dan takut dinilai negative
juga.(I am afraid to making mistakes to mispronouncing and also making
grammatical errors, so my friend don’t understand what I say, I am afraid to
being evaluated negatively)

(Resource: Interview 6)

In the line of SDP, she have difficulty to speak because she afraid about her

grammatical. She hasn’t good enough knowledge about grammar so she didn’t

know to make sentence properly in speaking. From those mistakes, she also fear

of being laughed of friend. It was also showed by observation checklist when she

was speaking. She didn’t prepare well so it made her performance going worst.

Based on finding above, the researcher concluded that fear of making mistake

could be the factors that making students being worst in speaking. The knowledge

about English proficiency was important as the tools of speaking to convey the

ideas of topic properly, but when the students didn’t know the topic exactly, they

hard even they have English proficiency, it gone hard also for students to convey

their ideas.

b. Lack of vocabulary

The second factors that mostly found in students who were anxiety, it was

lack of vocabulary. Mostly the students mentioned that the difficulty of speaking

was they hard memorized the vocabularies. The vocabulary needed to producing

language in speaking. So it was hard for students conveyed their ideas especially

when the lecturer gave task unexpectedly to speak. The students might be

unfamiliar with the topic and also unfamiliar about the vocabulary that they were

going to be produced. The interview showed that:

R : Apa kesulitan kalian dalam Speaking? (What is your difficulty in

AP : Menghafal kosa kata kak. (It is memorizing vocabulary, sis)
R : Nurul bagaimana?I (How about Nurul)

NAD : Kalau saya kak pengetahuan vocabularyku masih terbatas. (I

have limited vocabulary)
(Source: Interview 2)
From those statement, the researcher conclude that lack of vocabulary could

be provoked the students to be anxiety of speaking. The students who have not

enough vocabulary would be hard to be conveyed their ideas in speaking.

c. Lack of self-confidence

Based on the questionnaire result, there were students with this aspect as

factor of anxiety. Unconfident students were also the second factors that

provoking anxiety. Unconfident students it cause by self-perception that they have

about speaking. The students were unconfident because of their unrealistic or

irrational expectation about their ability in speaking. The result of Interview

confirmed that:

R : Dapatkah kalian menjelaskan alasan dari Anxiety atau

kecemasan yang kamu rasakan? (R: Can you explain the reason of your
anxiety that you feel?)
AP : kesulitannya mungkin saya kurang PD kak, karna saya belum
lancar berbicara. (The difficulties maybe because I am not PD because I
haven’t speak fluency)

(Resource: Interview 2)

Based on data above, AP didn’t confidence because she haven’t mastered

English proficiency knowledge, so it was make her cannot speak fluently as what

her expected. It was also showed by her performance in speaking when the

researcher observed her, she did many mistakes in pronouncing a word and looked

like unprepared well.


There also students were unconfident because they can’t believe their selves,

although they have been prepared before. But because of they have low self-

esteem, they worry about what their friend think if they were making mistakes in


R : Dapatkah kalian menjelaskan alasan dari Anxiety atau

kecemasan yang kamu rasakan? (R: Can you explain the reason of your
anxiety that you feel?)
FSS : Kesulitannya mungkin gugupka karena tidak pahamka topic jadi
tidak ada ide untuk berbicara. . (The difficulties maybe because I don’t
understand with the topic so well, so I don’t have idea to speak also.
R : Kalau Askyah? (How about Askyah)
AA : Kalau saya sering sekali tidak PD karena takut salah dan ketika
salah kadang diketawai. (I usually un-PD, because I am afraid to making
mistakes, I am going to be laughed by friends).
(Resources: Interview 4)

From the line of AA, she confirmed that she anxious because she unconfident

about her speaking ability in English, which is she worry about being evaluated

negatively by friends if she was making mistakes. It was also showed when she

has been observed by researcher when she was speaking. Although she has

making a concept about the topic, but when she speaking, she still making pauses,

excessive smile and sometimes cheated the concept in the paper that she brought

when she was speaking in front of friends and lecturer. The low self-esteem can

be provoked her to being anxiety.


d. Friends/ classmates

In speaking performance, the students became anxious because of the situation

of class especially their friends. Based on Interview, there were some students

anxious because when they made mistake, their friends would be laughed.

R : Kalau Tri bagaimana? (How about Tri?)

TNI : Kalau saya tidak pd karena grammarku kak, takut dinilai
negative sama teman. ( I am not confident with my grammar sis, I am
afraid to being evaluated negatively by my friends).
R : Bagaimana reaksinya temanta ketika naliat ki salah Mamat dan
Tri? (How are your friends react to you, if you make mistakes, Mamat and
MAA : Kadang ketawa kadang diamji kak. (Sometimes they laugh,
sometimes they just silent)
R : Tidak takut ki di nilai negative? (Don’t you afraid to evaluate
MAA : Tidak kak (Not really, sis)
TNI : Kadang ketawa kak jadi merasa nda pd ka. (Sometimes they are
laugh and I am becoming unconfident, sis)
(Source: Interview 5)
In the line of TNI, she actually has not good knowledge about grammar so

when she was speaking and there was mistake she made, her friends would

laughed to her. It provoked her to be anxious before perform and being

unconfident. Friends also sometimes laugh to students who were speaking, but

because they have self-confident, they would be ignored it. Those showed in the

line of MAA interview.

There also friends, who were made the students lost. When the students made

mistakes and the friends constantly laugh, the students became blank and lost their

mind when speaking. Besides unsupportive friends, there also supportive friends,

that was make the students better when they were making mistakes. The friends

help the speakers to correct their mistakes. The interview showed that:

R : Bagaimana reaksinya temanta ketika naliatki salah? (How are

your friends react to you if you making mistakes?)

FSS : Kadang ketawa kadang diamji kak. Biasa juga berbisik untuk
membenarkan. (Sometimes they laugh, sometimes the just keep silent.
Sometimes they whisper to correct me)
R : Tidak takut ki di nilai negative? (Don’t you afraid evaluate

FSS : Tidak kak (Not really, sir)

AA : Kadang ketawa kak. Jadi blank ka. (Sometimes they laugh, so I

am going to blank).

(Source: Interview 4)

Based on the statements above, the researcher conclude that the classroom

situation especially friends evaluation would provoked the students to be anxious

in speaking performance. The students needed supportive friends to made their

success in speaking performance, although the friends just gave them a little help

like whispered to correct them, or keep silent when the students were making


e. Types of task

There are some kinds of task given by the teachers in the class, such as speech,

presentation, impromptu speech. The tasks were usually performed in front of the

class or in students’ own seats. The task became something that causes anxiety if

the students’ were asked to present the task in front of the class. Their anxiety

regarding to this factor shown on the following data:

2. Hal apa yang paling mengganggumu dalam belajar bahasa Inggris?

(belajar dalam kelas, ketika saya diharuskan untuk berbicara memberikan
presentasi didepan kelas) What disturbs you the most in learning and
speaking English? (Learning in the classroom, when required to speak,
giving presentation in the class, etc.)
Answer: yang paling mengganggu adalah ketika saya diharuskan untuk
berbicara di epan teman-teman, Karen itu membuat saya nervous/ gugup.
Mungkin karena belum terbiasa berada di depan teman-teman dan dosen
hehe. The most obstacle in speaking are when I should be speak in front of
my friend unexpectedly I am quite nervous. Because I am not accustomed
to speak in front of friends and lecturer, hehe (Question 2, TNI)
Based on the data above, the student felt quite anxious when the lecturer was

asking her to speak unexpectedly in front of her friends. This made her unable to

show her best during her speaking performance. It was also shown when the

researcher observed her speaking performance. Even she has prepared before, but

the lecturer pointed randomly and she was choosing to be performed, she didn’t

really show her best in speaking because she felt unconfident. The lack of practice

to speaking also provoked her to be anxiety.

The students also anxious when the lecturer was tasking her to speak

unexpectedly and they have lack of knowledge about English proficiency. The

interview showed that:

R : Apa kesulitan kalian dalam Speaking? (What is your difficulty in

RHR : Saya dari kecil sudah diajar bahasa Inggris sama mamaku, tapi
saya orangnya pemalu jadi susahka berbicara apalagi di depan teman-
teman. (I have been learning English when I was child, my mother taught
me. I am shyness person, so I hard to speak especially in front of my

R : Yaftah bagaimana? (How about Yaftah)

AYM : Kalau saya kak kalau disuruhki speaking tiba-tiba, karena
pengetahuan vocabularyku masih terbatas. (If we tasking to speak
unexpectedly, it is because of I have limited vocabulary).
(Source: Interview 3)

In the line of AYM, the data showed that the students are anxious because if

they were tasked speaking unexpectedly, he would became silent because he has

not enough vocabulary to produce language. The students need preparation and

knowledge before they initiate oral performance.

4. Types of Students’ Anxiety

Based on the result of questionnaire and interview, the factors of anxiety have

been categorized in to 3 types of anxiety, as follows:

Table 4.3 Types of Students’ Anxiety

No Name of Factors anxiety Types anxiety


1 AP  Lack of confidence Communication apprehension

 Lack of vocabulary
2 AYM  Fear of making mistakes  Test anxiety
 Lack of vocabulary  Communication
 Type of task apprehension
3 FSS Type of task Test anxiety

4 RHR Lack of confidence Communication apprehension

5 S  Lack of confidence  Communication

 Fear of making mistakes apprehension
 Test anxiety
6 MAA  Lack of confidence Communication apprehension
 Lack of vocabulary
7 MY  Friends evaluation  Fear of negative
 Type of task evaluation

 test anxiety
8 TNI  Fear of making mistakes  Test anxiety
 Friends evaluation  Fear of negative
9 YMY Fear of making mistakes Test anxiety

10 NAD  Fear of making mistakes  Test anxiety,

 Lack of vocabulary  communication
 Friends evaluation apprehension
 Fear of negative
11 NP  Lack of confidence Communication apprehension
 Lack of vocabulary
12 SDP  Fear of making mistakes  Test anxiety
 Friends evaluation  Fear of negative
13 F  Fear of making mistakes  Test anxiety
 Friends evaluation  Fear of negative
14 AA  Lack of confidence  Communication
 Friends evaluation apprehension
 Lack of vocabulary  Fear of negative
15 DAMJ  Lack of vocabulary  Communication
 Type of task apprehension
 Test anxiety

Table 4.3 shows that there are three types of anxiety of the students’ speaking

performance. From the finding of factor anxiety, the researcher categorized into

three qualified of the factors. They were communication apprehension, test

anxiety and fear of negative evaluation. The result of Interview was showing that

communication apprehension was experienced by 7 students, followed by test

anxiety 9 students and fear of negative evaluation by 6 students.


a. Communication apprehension

Based on the questionnaire results, there were six students who clearly stated

that they were anxious since they were unconfident. This finding was verified by

the follow up interview. From the interview, this type of speaking anxiety was

experienced by 8 students in speaking performance. They were AP, AYM, RHR,

S, MAA, NAD,NP, AA, and DAMJ. The researcher found one student who was

clearly stated that he was learned English from his childhood, but because of he

was shy so he never has got his best performance. He was RHR. Another students

who have unconfident about their English fluency, they were MAA and AP. And

the researcher also found the student who anxious when she didn’t understand the

topic clearly, so she couldn’t be produced language to convey her ideas.

Besides those reasons, the researcher also found the students’ who anxious

because they were afraid if their audience wouldn’t understand what they were

speak or miscommunicating. It was because he couldn’t be pronounced the

language clearly or the grammar was broken.

R : Dapatkah kalian menjelaskan alasan dari Anxiety atau

kecemasan yang kamu rasakan? (R: Can you explain the reason of your
anxiety that you feel?)

SDP : Kalau saya kak takutka salah pengucapan atau salah

grammarnya jadi nanti temanku nda mengerti, dan takut dinilai negative
juga.(I am afraid to making mistakes to mispronouncing and also making
grammatical errors, so my friend don’t understand what I say, I am afraid
to being evaluated negatively)
(Source: Interview 6)

From the statements, the researcher concludes that there six students were

typing as communication apprehension of their anxiety. This research pointed that

there were two causes of students that experienced communication apprehension.

They were unconfident, their unrealistic reason of students.

b. Test anxiety

Based on the questionnaire result, there were 10 out of 15 students who

acknowledged that they are anxious in speaking performance since they were

afraid to making mistakes. This finding has confirmed by following interview.

The result of interview showed that test anxiety experienced by 10 students, they

were AYM, FSS, S, MY, TNI, YMY, NAD, SDP, F and DAMJ. Based on

interview, AYM and YMY revealed that their anxiety provoked by limited

knowledge about grammar since they were making mistake in applied it in

sentence. YMY also stated that she anxious because of afraid to being evaluated

negatively. But the researcher made decision to choose test anxiety because she

mentioned firstly n her answer it was about fear of making mistakes. She also was

mentioned that she afraid of making mistakes in grammar on the questionnaire

sheet. AYM, NP, J and DAMJ revealed that they were anxious because of their

have limited vocabulary. When the lecturer tasked them to speak, especially when

the topic was unfamiliar it was making them hard to speak and worry about being

success in speaking.

R : Dapatkah Dian menjelaskan alasan dari Anxiety atau kecemasan

yang kamu rasakan? (R: Can you explain the reason of your anxiety that
you feel?)

DAMJ : Saya nervous kak karna saya khawatir kalo nanti dosen bertanya
diluar topic dan saya tidak bisa menjawab karena vocabularyku kurang.
Apalagi di tunjuk tiba-tiba untuk speaking. (I am nervous sis because I am
worry if later the lecturer asking me out of the topics that has been decided
and I can’t answer it because my vocabulary is limited. Moreover, I am
nervous when I am task to speak unexpectedly).
(Source: Interview 8)

In the line of DAMJ, she was anxious when she going to be tasked

unexpectedly to speak. Because sometimes the lecturer asked her out of the topic

that she prepared before. She couldn’t answer it because she has limited

vocabulary and it was make her hard to speak.

From statements above, the researcher conclude that the test anxiety was

demanded the students to think they were going to be failed in their speaking

performance. The students mostly felt afraid to making mistake in speaking

because of their limited vocabulary, the unknown topic and grammatical errors.

c. Fear of negative evaluation

From the Interview result, there were 6 students revealed that their anxiety

was caused by afraid to being evaluated negatively by friends. They were TNI,

MY, NAD, SDP, F and AA. Based on the result of interview, NAD was revealed

herself about afraid to being evaluated negatively by her friends, even it bad

comment or laughed. She experienced when she was in speaking performance.

The interview showed her feeling in being anxiety, as follow:

R : Kalau Tri bagaimana? (How about Tri?)


TNI : Kalau saya tidak pd karena grammarku kak, takut dinilai

negative sama teman. ( I am not confident with my grammar sis, I am
afraid to being evaluated negatively by my friends).
R : Bagaimana reaksinya temanta ketika naliat ki salah Mamat dan
Tri? (How are your friends react to you, if you make mistakes, Mamat and
MAA : Kadang ketawa kadang diamji kak. (Sometimes they laugh,
sometimes they just silent)
R : Tidak takut ki di nilai negative? (Don’t you afraid to evaluate
MAA : Tidak kak (Not really, sis)
TNI : Kadang ketawa kak jadi merasa nda pd ka. (Sometimes they are
laugh and I am becoming unconfident, sis)
(Source: Interview 5)
In the line of TNI, she was anxious because she has bad experiences in her

speaking performance. When she was making mistakes, her friends sometimes

making it was funny to be laughed. It was also confirmed by the result of

observation that researcher did when she performed to present her task. She

looked hasn’t prepared before, she hesitated in speak because the limited

knowledge of the material she have. Her friends more active questioned but she

didn’t know the answer exactly. Her friends started to whisper each other about

the answer that they already knew, until there was one of them asked her about the

right answer. It was making her look so shy and down. The other students S,

NAD, and AA, also experienced it in their speaking performance. AA was the

students that always unconfident to speak. After doing Interview, she revealed that

she has experienced of laughed by friends in speaking performance. It was

because lack of vocabulary that made her hard to speak. The researcher was

observed her in her speaking performance, although she brought a paper of her

speaking concept, she still looked afraid of something. When she started to speak,

she sounded lower and her friends could hear it exactly. She going blank and

making excessive laugh, it shown that there was something wrong with her. After

the interview done, she revealed that she has anxiety about being laughed by

friends when she making mistakes.

Based on the statements above, the researched conclude that sometimes

friends brought positive vibes to students’ improvement, but sometimes they were

not. Unsupportive friends could be provoked the students to be failed in their

speaking performance and being anxiety in speaking.

B. Discussion

This research had been done by early observation, conducted questionnaire

and doing interview. To make discussion clear, the researcher described the result

of data analyzed as follow:

1. The factors causing students’ anxiety in speaking

The discussion consisted of the factors students’ anxiety in speaking English

that divided with gave open-ended questionnaire and interview, in order to know

the factors caused students’ anxiety in speaking English in class 3F at the third

semester students of English Education Department of Muhammadiyah University

of Makassar.

There were some factors that causing students’ anxiety in speaking English.

Referrering to the findings, the researcher classify those factors in to 5 categories,


they were fear of making mistakes, lack of vocabulary, lack of confidence,

friends/classmates and type of task.

a. Fear of making mistakes

Based on finding there were 8 students experienced it in their speaking

performance. The kinds of making mistakes are when the students making wrong

pronounce or using appropriate grammar and still have a lack vocabulary. The

lack vocabulary also found as one factor that students experienced in speaking

anxiety. Moreover, Listriyaningsih (2018) stated that fear of making mistakes

become one of factors that contributing students’ anxiety in speaking.

b. Lack of vocabulary

Based on findings, there were 8 students showed that the most of their

difficulties in speak is because they have lack vocabulary. Sometimes, the lecturer

asked them out of the topic but the students were lack vocabularies to express

their idea. Lack vocabulary contributed the students to be anxious to speaking

English. The previous research also found the lack of vocabulary as one of factors

that caused anxiety. Herwanto (2013) stated that the anxiety which made he forgot

the whole idea he (participant) wanted to say appeared when he tried to remember

one word he wanted t use express his idea.

c. Lack of confidence

Based on the result analysis, the researcher found 6 students which have lack

of self-confident as the students experienced personal and interpersonal anxiety.


They were unconfident to speak because of their self and there were unconfident

because the outside factors. Nervous, shy, unconfident and low knowledge about

English proficiency becoming insides factors that provoked them to be anxiety.

Self-confidence was the second factors of students’ anxiety in speaking English

that found in this research.

d. Friend/Classmate

Based on the result, the researcher found that there 5 of students who afraid to

being evaluated negatively by their friend. They experienced when the

unsupportive friends made them performance going to be worst. For example,

when the students making mistakes in pronounce or grammar, their friends

constantly laugh or whisper to each other. Those conditions made the students feel

blank and feel bad of their selves. The previous researcher by Listiyaningsih

(2018) state that peer related fears or worries, it came light, were not the result or

consequences of actual negative experiences with classmates, such as friends

laugh when making mistakes, this is actually psychological disorder because they

think other people greater and considered doing the wrong thing is big problem.

But mostly of the students didn’t put attention to much to their friends’ negative


e. Type of task

The previous finding by Herwanto (2013), stated the tasks became something

that causes anxiety if the students were asked to present the activities in front of

the class. When they practiced to speak in front of their friends, their confidence

had certain effect to their performance.

Based on the result, there 3 students experienced it in their speaking

performance. Type of task like speaking in front of friends and lecturer such as

giving presentation or impromptu speech made the students quite anxious. The

students mostly anxious because they were tasked in unexpectedly by lecturer,

they constantly fear of making mistakes and afraid of being evaluated negatively

by friends or lecturer.

2. The types of students’ anxiety in speaking English

Based on the result of the answer of open-ended questionnaire that researcher

has been conducted which related to the research questions. Those was answer

about the factors that caused students’ anxiety in speaking English, the researcher

also categorized it into three types of anxiety according to Horwitz et all (1986),

they were communication apprehension, test anxiety and fear of negative


a. Test anxiety

According to Horwitz in Saputri (2017), test anxiety is an anxiety of

performance evaluation by others emerging from a fear of failing the performance

and fear of making mistakes.

Based on the findings, test anxiety was the most type that students

experienced in their speaking performance. There were 10 students become


anxious when the lecturer asking them to speak unexpectedly in from of the

others. Most of them think they afraid to fail in their speaking performance,

besides because of lack preparation, it also because they have lack knowledge of

English proficiency in speaking such as pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar.

Those also happen in students who afraid of to making mistakes.

b. Communication apprehension

Communication apprehension was the second type of anxiety that the students

experienced in speaking performance. Based on the findings above, there were 8

students who were typically shyness and unconfident to speak in front of the other

people. There were students unconfident because their proficiency in English is

lack, there also students anxiety because they rarely speaks in front of their

friends. There also students who are afraid if their speech doesn’t delivering the

message clearly. Communication apprehension has a great influence on students’

communication competence. Learners who typically have difficulty speaking in

front of the other people are liked to be able to learn a foreign language and

develop their communication skill (Horwitz, 1986).

c. Fear of negative evaluation

The lowest type of students’ anxiety in speaking English was fear of negative

evaluation. Fear of negative evaluation is similar with test anxiety. The 6 students

who experienced fear of negative evaluation is anxious because of the

unsupportive friends which give them negative vibes when they were making

mistakes, such as laughing or whispering.



This chapter presented the conclusion and suggestion based on the findings

and discussion for the data analysis.

A. Conclusion

Based on the findings and discussion on the previous chapter, the researcher

concluded there are five factors that causing students’ anxiety in speaking

English, the first factor that mostly provoking students to be anxiety is afraid of

making mistake when the students have perception about their low ability in

English proficiency and afraid to going wrong in their performance. There were 8

of 15 students experienced it. The second factor was lack of vocabulary that

experienced by 8 students who were hard to speak because of they have lack

vocabulary to produce language. The third was lack of confidence, which 6

students experienced it. Most of students anxious because they were un-confident

of their ability in speaking. The fourth was friends/classmates which 5 students

experienced it. Unsupportive friends provoking students to become anxious. The

lowest factor was types of anxiety which 3 students experienced it.

The types of anxiety that students experienced in their speaking performance

according to Horwitz et al (1986) are communication apprehension, test anxiety

and fear of negative evaluation. Based on the result analysis of factors anxiety, the

most type of anxiety was test anxiety that experienced by 10 students. The second

was communicaton apprehension experienced by 8 students and the lowest was

fear of negative evaluation with 6 students.

B. Suggestion

Based on the conclusion above, the researcher would like to give the following

suggestions for:

1. The lecturer of speaking must recognize the anxious students and give

treatment based on their types of anxiety. The lecturer also can build friendly

class with their students in helping students to reduce their anxiety and speak

comfortably with less pressure about fear of making mistakes or being

evaluated negatively.

2. The students who are have anxiety, must find their own way to deal with it.

They should asking help to their lecturer or sharing with friends about their

problem in speaking. They have to build their self-confidence and bravely to

speak in front of their friends or public.

3. The next research, this thesis could be an additional reference for their


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Result Of Observation Checklist

List Name Of Participants

Blue Print of Open-Ended Questionnaire
And Result of Questionnaire

Blue Print of Interview Guidelines and Interview Transcript

Data Categorization

Appendix A:
Result of Observations Checklist

No Statement Frequency Percentage

1 Students prefer sitting on the back row than 1 6%

front row.

2 Students keep silent when the lecturer 14 93%

asking a question (not volunteering
themselves to answer firstly)

3 Students are going blank (i.e making pause) 14 93%

4 Students using speech fillers (i.e. umm…,uh 14 93%


5 Students making grammar mistakes 9 60%

6 Students making unnecessary movements 9 60%

7 Students making excessive laugh 11 73%

Appendix B:
List Name of Participants
Class : 3F

No Name of

1 AP




5 S


7 MY



10 NAD

11 NP

12 SDP

13 F

14 AA

Appendix C:
Blue Print of Open-Ended Questionnaire
And Result of Questionnaire

No. Anxiety Anxiety Types Questions Theory


1. Personal and Communication 1. How long Factors of anxiety:

Interpersonal Apprehension have you
Anxieties been  Personal and Interpersonal
learning people that have low self-
English and esteem may worry about
how do you what their friends are think,
feel about in fear in their negative
2. Beliefs about
your responses or evaluation.
experience  Learner beliefs about
of leaning language learning
English? Gynan in Ohata (2005)
(positive, added that the most
negative, important aspect of L2
good, learning in learner beliefs
pleasant, about language learning is
stressful, pronunciation, even though
anxiety- the other close to the other
provoking, learner aspect, such as
hard etc) vocabulary, communication,
2. Do you travelling to country a
think country where the language
learning is spoken, translation or
and making friends.
English as a Type of anxiety:
foreign Communication Apprehension
language is
very Learners who exhibit
difficult? communication apprehension do
What kind not feel comfortable
of communicating in the target
difficulties language (TL) in front of the
or problem others, due to their limited
do you feel knowledge of the language,
when especially in relation to speaking
speaking skill.
in learning
on etc)

3. Instructor Fear of Negative 1. What Factors of anxiety:

Beliefs about Evaluation disturbs you
Language the most in  Instructor beliefs about
language teaching
Teaching learning
teacher believes that his role
in class is constantly correct
students’ errors, some of the
Classroom English?
students might become quiet
Procedures (Learning
anxious about their
4. in the
 Classroom procedures
some of the classroom
required to activities, such as oral
speak, presentation or oral skits in
giving front of the class are also
presentation listed as potential of anxiety
in the class,
etc.) type of anxiety:
2. What kind
of situation
cause more Fear of Negative Evaluation
stress or
Fear of negative evaluation is
anxiety for
the learners feeling about how
you? And
other teachers or classmates may
negatively evaluate their
(speaking in
language ability
front of
teacher in
class and

5. Language Test-Anxiety 1. What do Factor of anxiety

Testing you feel, if
you are Language Testing
going sometimes students felt
tocalled to pressured to think they had to
retell the organize their ideas in a short
material of period of time while caring
learning in about grammar errors at the
the same time.
(afraid, Type of anxiety:
Test anxiety
fear of
failure) Test anxiety is a form of
performance anxiety, in which
the learner feel the fear or failure
and doing badly in text

Do you think
are the reason
of your anxiety
when you
speak English?
Give answer
based on your
Appendix D:
Blue Print of Interview Guidelines and
Interview Transcript

Research Questions Theory


What are the 1. In English Learning, Factors of anxiety:

factors that there are four skills they
causing anxiety are reading, listening,  Personal and Interpersonal
speaking and writing. people that have low self-esteem may worry
the third
Which one do you think about what their friends are think, in fear in
semester the mostly hard to learn
students’ of their negative responses or evaluation.
for you?
English 2. What are the difficulties  Learner beliefs about language learning
department in that make you hard in Gynan in Ohata (2005) added that the most
Muhammadiyah learning speaking? important aspect of L2 learning in learner
university of 3. Are you ever task to beliefs about language learning is
perform in the class like pronunciation, even though the other close to
speech or oral the other learner aspect, such as vocabulary,
communication, travelling to country a country
4. In English learning,
what do you feel when where the language is spoken, translation or
you are going to task to making friends.
doing oral presentation
in front of your friend Type of anxiety:
and lecturer? Are you
feeling anxious, nervous Communication Apprehension
or any others?
5. Can you explain the Learners who exhibit communication apprehension
reason of your anxiety do not feel comfortable communicating in the
based on your target language (TL) in front of the others, due to
experience? their limited knowledge of the language, especially
6. How is your friend react
in relation to speaking skill.
if you making a mistake
in speaking?
7. How do you reduce
your anxiety in speaking

Factors of anxiety:

 Instructor beliefs about language teaching

teacher believes that his role in class is
constantly correct students’ errors, some of the
students might become quiet anxious about
their performance
 Classroom procedures
some of the classroom activities, such as oral
presentation or oral skits in front of the class
are also listed as potential of anxiety

type of anxiety:

Fear of Negative Evaluation

Fear of negative evaluation is the learners feeling

about how other teachers or classmates may
negatively evaluate their language ability

Factor of anxiety

Language Testing

sometimes students felt pressured to think they had

to organize their ideas in a short period of time
while caring about grammar errors at the same

Type of anxiety:

Test anxiety

Test anxiety is a form of performance anxiety, in

which the learner feel the fear or failure and doing
badly in text



1. Nurjannah p
2. Fajrina

R = Researcher

NP = Nurjannah

F = Fajrina

R : Dalam pembelajarn bahasa Inggris, ada 4 skill yaitu reading, listening,

speaking and writing. Menurutmu, skill yang mana yang paling susah untuk

NP : Kalau saya kak speaking.

R : Kalau Fajrina?

F : menurut saya speaking kak.

R : Apa kesulitan kalian dalam mata kuliah Speaking?

NP : Kesulitannya mungkin saya susuah menghafal kosa kata kak

R : Fajrina:

F : kalau saya sangat sulit untuk memahami grammar dan


R :Apakah kalian pernah diberi tugas untuk tampil seperti pidato atau oral
persentasi didepan kelas? Atau yang lainnya

NP : sering kak

F : sering kak

R : Nah, sebelum dipanggil untuk tampil di kelas untuk persentasi atau

berbicara didepan teman-teman dan dosenta, apakah kalian merasa cemas, gugup
atau takut? atau ada yang lain yg kamu rasakan?
F : Cemas kak, takutka salah

NP : kalo saya gelisah kak, apalagi kalo tiba-tiba dan saya tidak ada persiapan.

R : Dapatkah kalian menjelaskan alasan dari Anxiety atau kecemasan yang

kamu rasakan?

NP : Karena pengetahuanku tentang bahasa Inggris nda terlalu dalam pi kak,

apalagi vocabularyku masih kurang, jadi ketika ditunjukka naik berbicara saya
merasa tidak pd kak.

R : Kalau Fajrina?

F : Kalau saya kak takutka salah, takutka gagal. Karena menemukan topik
untuk diceritakan itu nda mudah.

R : bagaimana reaksinya temanta ketika naliat ki salah Nurjannah?

NP : kadang ketawa kadang diamji kak.

R : nda takut ki di nilai negative?

NP : Tidak kak, tidak masalah menurutku.

F : kadang ketawa kak, dan takutka dinilai negative.

R : Jadi bagaimana carata kurangi rasa cemasta?

NP : Harus persiapkan diri kak, haruska juga berani.

F : ketika berbicara kak, tidak saya tatap temanku.



1. Anindia Putri
2. Nurul Asyah Dwizani

R = Researcher

AP = Anindia Putri

NAD = Nurul Asyah Dwizani

R : Dalam pembelajarn bahasa Inggris, ada 4 skill yaitu reading, listening,

speaking and writing. Menurutmu, skill yang mana yang paling susah untuk

AP : Menurut saya speaking kak. Saya senang dikelas speaking apalagi saya
sangat menyukai bahasa Inggis tapi kadang untuk berbicara terasa sulit.

R : Kalau Nurul?

NAD : menurut saya speaking kak.

R : Apa kesulitan kalian dalam Speaking?

AP : Menghafal kosa kata kak

R : Nurul bagaimana?

NAD : Kalau saya kak pengetahuan vocabularyku masih terbatas.

R :Apakah kalian pernah diberi tugas untuk tampil seperti pidato atau oral
persentasi didepan kelas? Atau yang lainnya

AP : Sering kak

NAD : Pernah kak

R : Nah, sebelum dipanggil untuk tampil di kelas untuk persentasi atau

berbicara didepan teman-teman dan dosenta, apakah kalian merasa cemas, gugup
atau takut? atau ada yang lain yg kamu rasakan?

AP : Agak gugup kak.

NAD : kalo saya nervous kak, sama takutka salah.

R : Dapatkah kalian menjelaskan alasan dari Anxiety atau kecemasan yang
kamu rasakan?

AP : kesulitannya mungkin saya kurang PD kak, karna saya belum lancar


R : Kalau Nurul?

NAD : Kalau saya kak takutka salah dan kadang kalo salah diketawai sama

R : bagaimana reaksinya temanta ketika naliat ki salah Nurjannah?

AP : kadang ketawa kadang diamji kak.

R : nda takut ki di nilai negative?

AP : Tidak sama sekali kak.

NAD : kadang ketawa kak, dan takutka dinilai negative.

R : Jadi bagaimana carata kurangi rasa cemasta?

AP : Harus persiapkan diri kak, haruska juga berani.

NAD : ketika berbicara kak, tidak saya tatap temanku.



1. Rayhan Hanif Rasidin

2. Ahmad Yaftah Mubarak

R = Researcher

RHR = Rayhan Hanif Rasidin

AYM = Ahmad Yaftah Mubarak

R : Dalam pembelajarn bahasa Inggris, ada 4 skill yaitu reading, listening,

speaking and writing. Menurutmu, skill yang mana yang paling susah untuk

RHR : Menurut saya speaking kak.

R : Kalau Yaftah?

AYM : menurut saya speaking kak.

R : Apa kesulitan kalian dalam Speaking?

RHR : Saya dari kecil sudah diajar bahasa Inggris sama mamaku, tapi saya
orangnya pemalu jadi susahka berbicara apalagi di depan teman-teman.

R : Yaftah bagaimana?

AYM : Kalau saya kak kalau disuruhki speaking tiba-tiba, karena pengetahuan
vocabularyku masih terbatas.

R :Apakah kalian pernah diberi tugas untuk tampil seperti pidato atau oral
persentasi didepan kelas? Atau yang lainnya

RHR : Pernah kak

AYM : Pernah kak

R : Nah, sebelum dipanggil untuk tampil di kelas untuk persentasi atau

berbicara didepan teman-teman dan dosenta, apakah kalian merasa cemas, gugup
atau takut? atau ada yang lain yg kamu rasakan?

RHR : Takut salah kak.

AYM : kalo saya gelisah kak, nanti tidak sesuai topik.

R : Dapatkah kalian menjelaskan alasan dari Anxiety atau kecemasan yang

kamu rasakan?

RHR : kesulitannya mungkin saya saya kurang peracaya diri, tapi saya harus
berbicara jadi saya berusaha mengatasinya.

R : Kalau Yaftah?

AYM : Kalau saya kak takut tidak sesuai grammar.

R : bagaimana reaksinya temanta ketika naliat ki salah Rayhan?

RHR : kadang ketawa kadang diamji kak.

R : nda takut ki di nilai negative?

RHR : kadang takut kak, down ka biasanya.

AYM : kadang ketawa kak tapi nda masalah ji.

R : Jadi bagaimana carata kurangi rasa cemasta?

RHR : Harus percaya dna yakinkan diri dulu kak.

AYM : ketika sebelum berbicara persiapkan topiknya kak.



1. Fitria Syahruni Syamsuddin

2. Askyah Aliah

R = Researcher

FSS = Fitria Syahruni Syamsuddin

AA = Asyah Aliah

R : Dalam pembelajarn bahasa Inggris, ada 4 skill yaitu reading, listening,

speaking and writing. Menurutmu, skill yang mana yang paling susah untuk

FSS : Menurut saya speaking kak.

R : Kalau Askyah?

AA : Menurut saya speaking kak.

R : Apa kesulitan kalian dalam Speaking?

FSS : kadang kalo tidak saya menegrti topiknya jadi sulit kurasa berkata-kata.

R : Askyah bagaimana?

AA : Kalau saya karena pengetahuan vocabularyku masih terbatas.

R : Apakah kalian pernah diberi tugas untuk tampil seperti pidato atau oral
persentasi didepan kelas? Atau yang lainnya

FSS : Sering kak

AA : Pernah kak

R : Nah, sebelum dipanggil untuk tampil di kelas untuk persentasi atau

berbicara didepan teman-teman dan dosenta, apakah kalian merasa cemas, gugup
atau takut? atau ada yang lain yg kamu rasakan?

FSS : Gelisah kak, apalagi kalau tiba-tiba

AA : Kalo saya kak selalu nervous.

R : Dapatkah kalian menjelaskan alasan dari Anxiety atau kecemasan yang
kamu rasakan?

FSS : Kesulitannya mungkin gugupka karena tidak pahamka topic jadi tidak
ada ide untuk berbicara.

R : Kalau Askyah?

AA : Kalau saya sering sekali tidak PD karena takut salah dan ketika salah
kadang diketawai.

R : Bagaimana reaksinya temanta ketika naliat ki salah?

FSS : Kadang ketawa kadang diamji kak. Biasa juga berbisik untuk

R : Tidak takut ki di nilai negative?

FSS : Tidak kak

AA : Kadang ketawa kak. Jadi blank ka

R : Jadi bagaimana carata kurangi rasa cemasta?

FSS : Haruska kuasai konsep ku dulu kak.

AA : Membuat konsep dan memahaminya kak.



1. Mamat Abd. Azis

2. Tri Nur Indriani

R = Researcher

MAA = Mamat Abd. Azis

TNI = Tri Nur Indriani

R : Dalam pembelajarn bahasa Inggris, ada 4 skill yaitu reading, listening,

speaking and writing. Menurutmu, skill yang mana yang paling susah untuk

MAA : Speaking kak.

R : Kalau Tri?

TNI : Menurut saya speaking kak.

R : Apa kesulitan kalian dalam Speaking?

MAA : Susah menghafal kosa kata baru

R : Tri bagaimana?

TNI : Kalau saya susah mengaplikasikan grammar atau tenses kak.

R : Apakah kalian pernah diberi tugas untuk tampil seperti pidato atau oral
persentasi didepan kelas? Atau yang lainnya

MAA : Pernah kak

TNI : Sering kak biasa setiap pertemuan

R : Nah, sebelum dipanggil untuk tampil di kelas untuk persentasi atau

berbicara didepan teman-teman dan dosenta, apakah kalian merasa cemas, gugup
atau takut? atau ada yang lain yg kamu rasakan?

MAA : Gugup kak.

TNI : Kalo saya takut salah.

R : Dapatkah kalian menjelaskan alasan dari Anxiety atau kecemasan yang
kamu rasakan?

MAA : Kesulitannya mungkin gugupka jadi nda percaya dirika.

R : Kalau Tri bagaimana?

TNI : Kalau saya tidak pd karena grammarku kak, takut dinilai negative sama

R : Bagaimana reaksinya temanta ketika naliat ki salah Mamat dan Tri?

MAA : Kadang ketawa kadang diamji kak.

R : Tidak takut ki di nilai negative?

MAA : Tidak kak

TNI : Kadang ketawa kak jadi merasa nda pd ka

R : Jadi bagaimana carata kurangi rasa cemasta?

MAA : Haruska percaya kalau bisa, dan tidak peduli apa yang dilakukan teman.

TNI : Haruska berani kak. Pas tampil harus focus.



1. Syifa Dwi Pratiwi

2. Maudy Yunita

R = Research

SDP = Syifa Dwi Pratiwi

MY = Maudy Yunita

R : Dalam pembelajarn bahasa Inggris, ada 4 skill yaitu reading, listening,

speaking and writing. Menurutmu, skill yang mana yang paling susah untuk

SDP : Menurut saya speaking kak.

R : Kalau Maudy?

MY : Menurut saya speaking kak.

R : Apa kesulitan kalian dalam Speaking?

SDP : susah menguasai grammarnya kak, susah mengahafal vocabulary baru

dan cara pengucapannya.

R : Maudy bagaimana?

MY : Kalau saya karena pengetahuan vocabularyku masih terbatas juga cara

pangucapan kata.

R : Apakah kalian pernah diberi tugas untuk tampil seperti pidato atau oral
persentasi didepan kelas? Atau yang lainnya

SDP : Pernah kak

MY : Pernah kak

R : Nah, sebelum dipanggil untuk tampil di kelas untuk persentasi atau

berbicara didepan teman-teman dan dosenta, apakah kalian merasa cemas, gugup
atau takut? atau ada yang lain yg kamu rasakan?

SDP : Takut melakukan kesalahan kak

MY : Sama kak, takutka salah.

R : Dapatkah kalian menjelaskan alasan dari Anxiety atau kecemasan yang

kamu rasakan?

SDP : Kalau saya kak takutka salah pengucapan atau salah grammarnya jadi
nanti temanku nda mengerti, dan takut dinilai negative juga.

R : Kalau Maudy?

MY : Kalau saya kak takutka ketika nda mengertiki temanku apa yang saya
bilang, jadi bertanya terusmi

R : Bagaimana reaksinya temanta ketika naliat ki salah Syifa?

SDP : Kadang ketawa kadang diamji kak. Biasa juga berbisik

MY : Kadang ketawa kak.

R : Jadi bagaimana carata kurangi rasa cemasta?

SDP : Lebih sering belajar dan practice

MY : Membuat konsep dan memahaminya kak, dan kalo tampilka nda saya liat
matanya temanku


1. Yusti Mutia Yusuf

2. Sakiruddin

R = Research

YMY = Yusti Mutia Yusuf

S = Sakiruddin

R : Dalam pembelajarn bahasa Inggris, ada 4 skill yaitu reading, listening,

speaking and writing. Menurutmu, skill yang mana yang paling susah untuk

YMY : Menurut saya speaking kak.

R : Kalau Sakir?

S : Menurut saya speaking kak.

R : Apa kesulitan kalian dalam Speaking?

YMY : Susah menguasai grammarnya kak

R : Sakir bagaimana?

S :Kalau saya cara pangucapan kata.

R : Apakah kalian pernah diberi tugas untuk tampil seperti pidato atau oral
persentasi didepan kelas? Atau yang lainnya

YMY : Pernah kak

S : Pernah kak

R : Nah, sebelum dipanggil untuk tampil di kelas untuk persentasi atau

berbicara didepan teman-teman dan dosenta, apakah kalian merasa cemas, gugup
atau takut? atau ada yang lain yg kamu rasakan?

YMY : Takut melakukan kesalahan kak

S : Sama kak, takutka salah.

R : Dapatkah kalian menjelaskan alasan dari Anxiety atau kecemasan yang
kamu rasakan?

YMY : Takut melakukan kesalahan seperti grammar atau pronunciation.

R : Kalau Sakir?

S : Kalau saya kak kurang PD dengan pengucapan kata.

R : Bagaimana reaksinya temanta ketika naliat ki salah Yusti?

YMY : Kadang ketawa kadang diamji kak, tapi nda masalah menurutku.

S : Kadang ketawa kak.

R : Jadi bagaimana carata kurangi rasa cemasta?

YMY : Lebih sering belajar dan practice dan juga kalo tampilka harus ada
sesuatu yg saya pegang seperti pulpen

S : Meyakinkan dirika dan harus berani.



1. Dian Ayu Miftahul Jannah

R = Research

DAMJ = Dian Ayu Miftahul Jannah

R : Dalam pembelajarn bahasa Inggris, ada 4 skill yaitu reading, listening,

speaking and writing. Menurutmu, skill yang mana yang paling susah untuk

DAMJ : Menurut saya speaking kak.

R : Apa kesulitan kalian dalam Speaking?

DAMJ : susah menguasai grammarnya kak, susah mengahafal vocabulary baru

dan cara pengucapannya. Jadi saya rasa perlu banyakka belajar di rumah dulu baru
ikutka kelas speaking

R : Apakah kamu pernah diberi tugas untuk tampil seperti pidato atau oral
persentasi didepan kelas? Atau yang lainnya

DAMJ : Pernah kak

R : Nah, sebelum dipanggil untuk tampil di kelas untuk persentasi atau

berbicara didepan teman-teman dan dosenta, apakah Dian merasa cemas, gugup
atau takut? atau ada yang lain yg kamu rasakan?

DAMJ : Saya merasa nervouskak.

R : Dapatkah Dian menjelaskan alasan dari Anxiety atau kecemasan yang

kamu rasakan?

DAMJ : Saya nervous kak karna saya khawatir kalo nanti dosen bertanya diluar
topic dan saya tidak bisa menjawab karena vocabularyku kurang. Apalagi di
tunjuk tiba-tiba untuk speaking.

R : Bagaimana reaksinya temanta ketika naliat ki salah Dian?

DAMJ : Kadang ketawa kadang biasaji kak.

R : Jadi bagaimana carata kurangi rasa cemasta?

DAMJ : Lebih sering belajar dan practice sebelum tampil kak.
Appendix E:

No Questions Answers Frequency Notes

1 How long have you been Positive, 3 3 out of 15

learning English and how good,
do you feel about your
experience of leaning Pleasant
English? (positive, Anxiety, 15 15 out of 15
negative, good, pleasant,
stressful, anxiety- Stressful,
provoking, hard etc)

2 What disturbs you the Learning in 15 They anxious to speak in front of

most in learning and the their friends and presentations
speaking English? classroom, because feel unconfident and afraid
(Learning in the when required to making mistakes.
classroom, when required to speak,
to speak, giving giving
presentation in the class, presentation When I am task to giving
etc.) in the class presentation in English, I became
nervous because I felt unconfident.

The obstacles maybe because I’m

not confidence, and always thinking
about how if I making mistakes.

3 Do you think learning and Components 10 They have difficulties of mastering

speaking English as a of speaking component of speaking. Especially
foreign language is very in memorizing vocabulary and also
difficult? What kind of (grammar, making a sentence proper with
difficulties or problem do vocabulary, grammar.
you feel when speaking pronunciation
English? (difficulties in , fluency)
learning and remembering
Because I am afraid to making
vocabulary, grammar, mistakes in pronouncing a word or
accent and pronunciation). applying grammar in a sentence, so
my audience doesn’t understand the
meaning. (NP)

The others 5 Students think the difficulties of

them are because they haven’t
beliefs themselves to speak.

When speaking task, I never found

an obstacles, but I just have to
against my anxiety and beliefs
myself that I can. (RHR)

4. What kind of situation In front of 15 They more anxious when speak in

cause more stress or public and front of people or friends because
anxiety for you? And class they afraid to making mistakes and
why? (speaking in front of being evaluated negatively.
people, teacher in class
and friend)
Speaking in front of people, my
anxiety constantly higher that
before Because I am afraid when I
making mistakes, it will make the
others laugh of me. (AA)

5 What do you feel, if you Yes 15 When the lecturer called their name
are going to called to to speak up in front of their friends,
presentation your task or they fell afraid, nervous, fear of
retell the material of failure, fear of making mistakes and
learning in the classroom? anxious.
Anxiety (afraid, nervous,
fear of failure)
I feel nervous although I was
preparing my material before.
Do you think are the a. I am afraid to making mistakes (such as grammar,
6 reason of your anxiety pronunciation, vocabulary). 13 students
when you speak English? b. I am afraid to being evaluated negatively by my friends. 2
Give answer based on your students
c. I am not feel good with my English skill (unconfident). 7
experience! students
d. The lecturer too formal -


No Questions Answers Frequency FINDINGS

1. In English Learning, there

are four skills they are
reading, listening,
speaking and writing.
Which one do you think
the mostly hard to learn for Speaking 15 15 out of 15

2. What are the difficulties Vocabulary 8 They anxious because they have lack
that make you hard in vocabulary and knowledge about
learning speaking? Pronunciation 6 grammar and pronunciation
and Grammar

Unconfident 1

NP : Kesulitannya mungkin saya

susuah menghafal kosa kata kak, jadi
ketika disuruh berbicara saya jadi kurang

Unexpected 1
3. Are you ever task to They usually task to speak in front of the
perform in the class like class.
speech or oral
R : Apakah kalian pernah diberi
tugas untuk tampil seperti pidato atau
oral persentasi didepan kelas? Atau yang
Yes 15
MAA : Pernah kak

TNI : Sering kak biasa setiap


4. In English learning, what Fear of making 8 They anxious because they fear of
do you feel when you are mistakes making mistakes.
going to task to doing oral
presentation in front of your
friend and lecturer? Are SDP : Takut melakukan kesalahan
you feeling anxious, kak
nervous or any others?
MY : Sama kak, takutka salah.

Nervous 9 Before they perform, they always felt


Un-expected task 2
FSS : Gelisah kak, apalagi kalau tiba-

AA : Kalo saya kak selalu nervous.

5. Can you explain the reason Vocabulary 2 MY : Kalau saya karena pengetahuan
of your anxiety based on vocabularyku masih terbatas juga cara
your experience? pangucapan kata.
R : Dapatkah kalian menjelaskan
alasan dari Anxiety atau kecemasan yang
kamu rasakan?

RHR : kesulitannya mungkin saya saya

Unconfident 6 kurang peracaya diri, tapi saya harus
berbicara jadi saya berusaha

Fear of making 8 YMY : Takut melakukan kesalah

mistakes sehingga dinilai negative.

R : Kalau Tri bagaimana?

Negative TNI : Kalau saya tidak pd karena

evaluations by grammarku kak, takut dinilai negative
friend 5 sama teman.

FSS : Gelisah kak, apalagi kalau tiba-

Unexpected task 3
AA : Kalo saya kak selalu nervous.

6. How is your friend react if The friends usually laugh of them, but
you making a mistake in they didn’t care about it.
speaking? Positive 10

They fear of their friends’ evaluation

like laugh or whispering.

R : Kalau Tri bagaimana?

TNI : Kalau saya tidak pd karena

Negative 5 grammarku kak, takut dinilai negative
sama teman.
R : Bagaimana reaksinya temanta
ketika naliat ki salah Mamat dan Tri?

MAA : Kadang ketawa kadang diamji


R : Tidak takut ki di nilai negatif?

MAA : Tidak kak

TNI : Kadang ketawa kak jadi merasa

nda pd ka

7. How do you reduce your Preparation 4 R : Jadi bagaimana carata kurangi

anxiety in speaking rasa cemasta?
English? Be focus 1
YMY : Lebih sering belajar dan
practice dan juga kalo tampilka harus
Not making eye 5
ada sesuatu yg saya pegang seperti
Be brave 1
S : Meyakinkan dirika dan harus
1. Fear of making mistake

No Data Resource

1. R : Dapatkah kalian menjelaskan alasan Interview 1

dari Anxiety atau kecemasan yang kamu

NP : Karena pengetahuanku tentang bahasa

Inggris nda terlalu dalam pi kak, apalagi
vocabularyku masih kurang, jadi ketika
ditunjukka naik berbicara saya merasa tidak pd

R : Kalau Fajrina?

F : Kalau saya kak takutka salah,

takutka gagal. Karena menemukan topik
untuk diceritakan itu nda mudah.

2. R : Dapatkah kalian menjelaskan alasan Interview 2

dari Anxiety atau kecemasan yang kamu

R : Kalau Nurul?

NAD : Kalau saya kak takutka salah dan

kadang kalo salah diketawai sama teman.

2. R : Dapatkah kalian menjelaskan alasan Interview 3

dari Anxiety atau kecemasan yang kamu

R : Kalau Yaftah?

AYM : Kalau saya kak takut tidak sesuai


3. R : Dapatkah kalian menjelaskan alasan Interview 4

dari Anxiety atau kecemasan yang kamu

R : Kalau Askyah?

AA : Kalau saya sering sekali tidak PD

karena takut salah dan ketika salah kadang

4. TNI : Kalo saya takut salah. Interview 5

R : Dapatkah kalian menjelaskan alasan

dari Anxiety atau kecemasan yang kamu

MAA : Kesulitannya mungkin gugupka jadi nda

percaya dirika.

R : Kalau Tri bagaimana?

TNI : Kalau saya tidak pd karena grammarku

kak, takut dinilai negative sama teman.

5. R : Dapatkah kalian menjelaskan alasan Interview 6

dari Anxiety atau kecemasan yang kamu

SDP : Kalau saya kak takutka salah

pengucapan atau salah grammarnya jadi
nanti temanku nda mengerti, dan takut
dinilai negative juga.

6. MY : Sama kak, takutka salah. Interview 6

R : Dapatkah kalian menjelaskan alasan

dari Anxiety atau kecemasan yang kamu

SDP : Kalau saya kak takutka salah

pengucapan atau salah grammarnya jadi nanti
temanku nda mengerti, dan takut dinilai negative

R : Kalau Maudy?

MY : Kalau saya kak takutka ketika nda

mengertiki temanku apa yang saya bilang, jadi
bertanya terusmi

7. R : Dapatkah kalian menjelaskan alasan Interview 7

dari Anxiety atau kecemasan yang kamu

YMY :Takut melakukan kesalahan seperti

grammar atau pronunciation

8. S : Sama kak, takutka salah. Interview 7

R : Dapatkah kalian menjelaskan alasan

dari Anxiety atau kecemasan yang kamu

YMY : Takut melakukan kesalah seperti

grammar atau pronunciation

R : Kalau Sakir?

S : Kalau saya kak kurang PD dengan

pengucapan kata.

2. Lack of vocabulary

No Data Resource

1. R : Apa kesulitan kalian dalam mata kuliah Interview 1


NP : Kesulitannya mungkin saya susuah

menghafal kosa kata kak, jadi ketika disuruh
berbicara saya jadi kurang pd.
2. R : Apa kesulitan kalian dalam Speaking? Interview 2

AP : Menghafal kosa kata kak

R : Nurul bagaimana?

NAD : Kalau saya kak pengetahuan

vocabularyku masih terbatas.

3. R : Apa kesulitan kalian dalam Speaking? Interview 2

AP : Menghafal kosa kata kak

R : Nurul bagaimana?

NAD : Kalau saya kak pengetahuan

vocabularyku masih terbatas.

4. R : Apa kesulitan kalian dalam Speaking? Interview 3

RHR : Saya dari kecil sudah diajar bahasa

Inggris sama mamaku, tapi saya orangnya
pemalu jadi susahka berbicara apalagi di depan

R : Yaftah bagaimana?

AYM : Kalau saya kak kalau disuruhki

speaking tiba-tiba, karena pengetahuan
vocabularyku masih terbatas.

5. R : Apa kesulitan kalian dalam Speaking? Interview 4

FSS : kadang kalo tidak saya menegrti

topiknya jadi sulit kurasa berkata-kata.

R : Askyah bagaimana?

AA : Kalau saya karena pengetahuan

vocabularyku masih terbatas.

6. R : Apa kesulitan kalian dalam Speaking? Interview 6

SDP : susah menguasai grammarnya kak,

susahmengahafal vocabulary baru dan cara

R : Maudy bagaimana?

MY : Kalau saya karena pengetahuan

vocabularyku masih terbatas juga cara
pangucapan kata.

7. R : Maudy bagaimana? Interview 6

MY : Kalau saya karena pengetahuan

vocabularyku masih terbatas juga cara
pangucapan kata.

8. R : Dapatkah Dian menjelaskan alasan dari Interview 8

Anxiety atau kecemasan yang kamu rasakan?

DAMJ : Saya nervous kak karna saya khawatir

kalo nanti dosen bertanya diluar topic dan saya
tidak bisa menjawab karena vocabularyku
kurang. Apalagi di tunjuk tiba-tiba untuk

3. Lack of confidence

No Data Resource

1. R : Dapatkah kalian menjelaskan alasan Interview 1

dari Anxiety atau kecemasan yang kamu
NP : Karena pengetahuanku tentang bahasa
Inggris nda terlalu dalam pi kak, apalagi
vocabularyku masih kurang, jadi ketika
ditunjukka naik berbicara saya merasa tidak pd

R : Kalau Fajrina?

3. R : Dapatkah kalian menjelaskan alasan Interview 2

dari Anxiety atau kecemasan yang kamu

AP : kesulitannya mungkin saya kurang

PD kak, karna saya belum lancar berbicara.

4. R : Dapatkah kalian menjelaskan alasan Interview 3

dari Anxiety atau kecemasan yang kamu

RHR : kesulitannya mungkin saya saya

kurang peracaya diri, tapi saya harus
berbicara jadi saya berusaha mengatasinya.

5. R : Dapatkah kalian menjelaskan alasan Interview 4

dari Anxiety atau kecemasan yang kamu

FSS : Kesulitannya mungkin gugupka karena

tidak pahamka topic jadi tidak ada ide untuk

R : Kalau Askyah?

AA : Kalau saya sering sekali tidak PD

karena takut salah dan ketika salah kadang
6. R : Dapatkah kalian menjelaskan alasan Interview 5
dari Anxiety atau kecemasan yang kamu

MAA : Kesulitannya mungkin gugupka jadi

nda percaya dirika.

7. R : Dapatkah kalian menjelaskan alasan Interview 7

dari Anxiety atau kecemasan yang kamu

YMY :Takut melakukan kesalahan seperti

grammar atau pronunciation

R : Kalau Sakir?

S : Kalau saya kak kurang PD dengan

pengucapan kata.

4. Friends or classmates

No Data Resource

1. R : Dapatkah kalian menjelaskan alasan Interview 2

dari Anxiety atau kecemasan yang kamu

NAD : Kalau saya kak takutka salah dan

kadang kalo salah diketawai sama teman.

R : bagaimana reaksinya temanta ketika

naliat ki salah?

AP : kadang ketawa kadang diamji kak.

R : nda takut ki di nilai negative?

AP : Tidak sama sekali kak.

NAD : kadang ketawa kak, dan takutka dinilai


2. R : Dapatkah kalian menjelaskan alasan Interview 4

dari Anxiety atau kecemasan yang kamu

FSS : Kesulitannya mungkin gugupka karena

tidak pahamka topic jadi tidak ada ide untuk

R : Kalau Askyah?

AA : Kalau saya sering sekali tidak PD

karena takut salah dan ketika salah kadang

3. R : Kalau Tri bagaimana? Interview 5

TNI : Kalau saya tidak pd karena

grammarku kak, takut dinilai negative sama

R : Bagaimana reaksinya temanta ketika

naliat ki salah Mamat dan Tri?

MAA : Kadang ketawa kadang diamji kak.

R : Tidak takut ki di nilai negatif?

MAA : Tidak kak

TNI : Kadang ketawa kak jadi merasa nda pd


4. R : Dapatkah kalian menjelaskan alasan Interview 6

dari Anxiety atau kecemasan yang kamu

SDP : Kalau saya kak takutka salah

pengucapan atau salah grammarnya jadi
nanti temanku nda mengerti, dan takut
dinilai negative juga.

R : Kalau Maudy?

MY : Kalau saya kak takutka ketika nda

mengertiki temanku apa yang saya bilang, jadi
bertanya terusmi

5. R : Dapatkah kalian menjelaskan alasan Interview 6

dari Anxiety atau kecemasan yang kamu

SDP : Kalau saya kak takutka salah

pengucapan atau salah grammarnya jadi nanti
temanku nda mengerti, dan takut dinilai negative

R : Kalau Maudy?

MY : Kalau saya kak takutka ketika nda

mengertiki temanku apa yang saya bilang,
jadi bertanya terusmi

5. Type of task

No Data Resource

1. R : Apa kesulitan kalian dalam Speaking? Interview 3

RHR : Saya dari kecil sudah diajar bahasa

Inggris sama mamaku, tapi saya orangnya
pemalu jadi susahka berbicara apalagi di depan

R : Yaftah bagaimana?

AYM : Kalau saya kak kalau disuruhki

speaking tiba-tiba, karena pengetahuan
vocabularyku masih terbatas.

2. R :Nah, sebelum dipanggil untuk tampil di Interview 4

kelas untuk persentasi atau berbicara didepan
teman-teman dan dosenta, apakah kalian merasa
cemas, gugup atau takut? atau ada yang lain yg
kamu rasakan?

FSS : Gelisah kak, apalagi kalau tiba-tiba

FSS : Kesulitannya mungkin gugupka karena

tidak pahamka topic jadi tidak ada ide untuk

R : Kalau Askyah?

AA : Kalau saya sering sekali tidak PD

karena takut salah dan ketika salah kadang

3. R : Dapatkah Dian menjelaskan alasan dari Interview 8

Anxiety atau kecemasan yang kamu rasakan?

DAMJ : Saya nervous kak karna saya khawatir

kalo nanti dosen bertanya diluar topic dan saya
tidak bisa menjawab karena vocabularyku
kurang. Apalagi di tunjuk tiba-tiba untuk
Classification of Types Anxiety

No Name of Factors anxiety Types anxiety


1 AP  Lack of confidence Communication apprehension

 Lack of vocabulary
2 AYM  Fear of making mistakes  Test anxiety
 Lack of vocabulary  Communication
 Type of task apprehension
3 FSS Type of task Test anxiety

4 RHR Lack of confidence Communication apprehension

5 S  Lack of confidence  Communication

 Fear of making mistakes apprehension
 Test anxiety
6 MAA  Lack of confidence Communication apprehension
 Lack of vocabulary
7 MY  Friends evaluation  Fear of negative
 Type of task evaluation
 test anxiety
8 TNI  Fear of making mistakes  Test anxiety
 Friends evaluation  Fear of negative
9 YMY Fear of making mistakes Test anxiety

10 NAD  Fear of making mistakes  Test anxiety,

 Lack of vocabulary  communication
 Friends evaluation apprehension
 Fear of negative
11 NP  Lack of confidence Communication apprehension
 Lack of vocabulary
12 SDP  Fear of making mistakes  Test anxiety
 Friends evaluation  Fear of negative
13 F  Fear of making mistakes  Test anxiety
 Friends evaluation  Fear of negative
14 AA  Lack of confidence  Communication
 Friends evaluation apprehension
 Lack of vocabulary  Fear of negative
15 DAMJ  Lack of vocabulary  Communication
 Type of task apprehension
 Test anxiety

Picture 1: Observation day 1 in the classroom

Picture 2: Observation day 2 in the classroom

Picture 3: Interview the Students which revealed experiencing anxiety in
speaking English
Picture 4: The researcher distributes the questionnaire

Sulfiani.She was born on May14th, 1998 in Sinjai

Regency. She is the first bornof twosister and one brother

from the marriage of her parents Asriand Nurhayati. In

2003 she registered as student in MI Nurul Jihad Pintulung,

Sinjai and graduated in 2009.Then she continued her study

atSMP Negeri 1 Sinjai Baratand graduated in 2012.

Afterwards, she graduated atSMA Negeri 1 Sinjai Barat in 2015. In the same

year, she continued her studyat Study Program English Education Departmentthe

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Makassar Muhammadiyah of

University.Finally, she finished her thesis by the title “An Analysis on the English

Speaking Anxiety of the Third Semester Students’ of English Department in

Muhammadiyah University of Makassar”.

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