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I maybe not yours (ini grammatical error. Itu musti ada kata kerja bantu atau auxiliary verb.

seharusnya dia I am maybe not yours)

and you're not mine (klo ini present tense mar boleh pake penjelasan no klo kalimat itu pakai auxiliary
verb Karna di kalimat itu nda ada pakai action verb)

But I'll be there for you (klo ini future tense mar klo so ttg clause berarti ini independent clause

when you need me (klo ini dependent clause klo ttg tense ini present tense)

It is only me (klo ini present tense mar dpe penjelsan sma dgn di atas dank Mey....pake a auxiliary
verb Karna nda ada action verb di kalimat itu.)

Believe me girl it's only me (ini sama leh present tense penjelasan sma dgn yg diatas)

Yeah it's only me (klo ini present tense klo ini Mey sama leh dpe penjelasan yg diatas ttg auxiliary)

I will always be the one (ini sama leh dgn di atas. Future tense mar klo so ttg clause lehh berarti ini
independent clause)

who pull you up (klo ini dependent clause)

When everybody push you down (ini grammatical error. Seharusnya dia when everybody pushes you

And it's only me (klo ini present tensedpe penjelasan sma dgn tu di atas Mey tu ttg auxiliary)

Believe me girl it's only me (ini present continuous tense)

yeah it's only me (ini present continuous tense)

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