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Ikatan Ahli Manajemen Proyek Indonesia

(Indonesian Society of Project Management Professionals)

Project Communication Management



Project Communication Management
Project Communications Management meliputi proses-
proses yg diperlukan untuk memastikan kebutuhan informasi
proyek dan stakeholder berkesesuaian melalui
pengembangan format2 dan aktivitas2 yg didisain untuk
mencapai pertukaran informasi yg efektif

Project Communications Management consists of two parts.

❑ The first part is developing a strategy to ensure communication is
effective for stakeholders.
❑ The second part is a communications management plan developed
to ensure that the appropriate messages are communicated to
stakeholders in various formats and various means as defined by
the communication strategy
Who are Project STAKEHOLDER ?


A stakeholder is a person or party that has an interest in a project and can either
affect or be affected by the business.


10.1 Plan Communications Management

- plan for project communication activities
- based on the information needs of : each
stakeholder or group, available
organizational assets, and the needs of the
10.2 Manage Communications
The process of ensuring timely and
appropriate collection, creation,
distribution, storage, retrieval,
management, monitoring, and the ultimate
disposition of project information.
10.3 Monitor Communications—The
process of ensuring the information needs
of the project and its stakeholders are met
Trend dalam Manajemen Komunikasi

Inklusi stakeholder dalam review proyek

Inklusi stakeholder dalam rapat proyek

Peningkatan penggunaan media sosial

Pendekatan multifacet dalam komunikasi

Key Concepts

❑ Komunikasi merupakan Pertukaran Informasi baik yg disengaja maupun tidak.

❑ Pertukaran informasi bisa berbentuk ide-ide, instruksi atau ekspresi ‘emosi’.
❑ Mekanisma antara lain :

▪ Bentuk Tertulis. Either physical or electronic

▪ Bentuk Lisan . Either face-to-face or remote.
▪ Formal or informal (as in formal papers or social media).
▪ Through gestures (gerak tubuh). Tone of voice and facial expressions
▪ Through media. Pictures, actions, or even just the choice of words
▪ Choice of words (style expression) . There is often more than one word to
express an idea; there can be subtle differences in the meaning of each of
these words and phrases.
Dimensi Aktivitas Komunikasi

Kegiatan komunikasi memiliki banyak dimensi, termasuk diantaranya :

▪ Internal. Fokus pada stakeholder internal proyek dan internal perusahaan

▪ Eksternal. Fokus pada stakeholder eksternal seperti pelanggan, vendor,
pemerintah, masyarakat , dll.
▪ Formal/Resmi. Seperti Laporan/reports, Rapat Formal (regular dan adhoc),
pengarahan salah satu stakeholder, presentasi
▪ Informal. Aktivitas komunikasi secara umum seperti penggunaan email,
media social, situs web atau diskusi2 informal
Dimensi Aktivitas Komunikasi

▪ Fokus hirarkis. Posisi stakeholder dengan tim proyek yang mempengaruhi

format dan isi pesan , yaitu :
✓ Ke atas. yaitu manajemen senior dari stakeholder
✓ Ke bawah. yaitu tim proyek atau lainnya yg berkontribusi
✓ Horisontal. Yaitu peers atau selevel dari MP
▪ Official. Laporan Tahunan; Laporan kepada regulator / pemerintah.
▪ Unofficial. Pola komunikasi dengan menjalin hubungan yang kuat dengan
stakeholder melalui aktivitas dan media informal dan fleksibel.
▪ Tertulis dan Lisan. Berupa bentuk verbal (kata-kata dan intonasi) dan non
verbal (Bahasa tubuh , Tindakan), media social, sistus web, dan media release

Yang umum dalam Komunikasi adalah ke line organization

Misunderstanding dalam Komunikasi
Misunderstandings can be reduced but not eliminated through
using the 5Cs

1. Correct grammar and spelling (tata bahasa dan pengejaan)

2. Concise (ringkas) expression and kurangi kata-kata yg mubazir.
3. Clear purpose and expression, directed to the needs of the reader. Ensure that
the needs and interests of the audience are factored into the message.
4. Coherent (rasional) logical flow of ideas. A coherent logical flow of ideas and
using “markers” such as introduction and summaries of the ideas throughout
the writing.
5. Controlling flow of words and ideas. Controlling the flow of words and ideas
may involve graphics or just summaries
Essential Communication Skill

1. Kemampuan mendengar secara aktif.

Selalu ‘terhubung’ dan ‘terikat’ dengan pembicara dan mampu meringkas
isi pembicaraan untuk memastikan pertukaran informasi yg efektif.
1. Kehati-hatian terhadap perbedaan budaya dan pribadi
2. Kemampuan identifikasi, mengolah-menetapkan dan mengelola ekspektasi
3. Meningkatkan skills team proyek : motivasi, coaching, negoasiasi,persuasive,
dan penyelesaian konflik
10.1 Plan Communication Management
Merupakan proses perencanaan aktivitas-aktivitas komunikasi
berdasarkan : Informasi yg dibutuhkan stakeholder,
asset/sop/knowledge perusahaan, dan kebutuhan proyek sendiri
1. Plan Communication Management
Merupakan proses perencanaan aktivitas-aktivitas komunikasi
berdasarkan : Informasi yg dibutuhkan stakeholder, asset/sop/knowledge
perusahaan, dan kebutuhan proyek sendiri
1. Plan Communication Management
Important Consideration

Siapa butuh informasi Bentuk format

Apa Informasi

Siapa yg otorisasi Bagaimana informasi

share informasi bisa di’ambil’

Kapan informasi Perhatikan

dibutuhkan Time Zone

Dimana informasi Perhatikan masalah

akan disimpan Bahasa dan Budaya
10.1.1 Input : Plan Communication Management

❑ Project Charter : Identifikasi daftar stakeholder utama

❑ Project Management Plan : termasuk Rencana Manajemen Sumberdaya (lihat

Project Resource Mgm) dan Rencana Engagement Stakeholder (lihat Project
Stakeholder Mgm)

❑ Project Documents : termasuk Requirement Documentation dan daftar Register


❑ Faktor-faktor Lingkungan proyek

❑ Organization Process Asset : Knowledge, dan Lesson Learned, SOP

10.1.1 Input : Plan Communication Management

The Organizational Process Assets (OPA) that can influence the

Plan Communications Management process

➢ Organizational policies and procedures for social media,

ethics, and security;
➢ Organizational policies and procedures for issue, risk,
change, and data management;
➢ Organizational communication requirements;
➢ Standardized guidelines for development, exchange,
storage, and retrieval of information;
➢ Historical information and lessons learned repository; and
➢ Stakeholder and communications data and information
from previous projects
1.2 TnT : Communication Requirements Analysis
1.2 TnT : Communication Requirements Analysis
1.2 ToT : Communication Technology

TEKNOLOGI KOMUNIKASI merupakan suatu alat yang membantu

tercapainya Komunikasi yang efektif


3 Komponen/Elemen Komunikasi

- Pada proses yg penting seperti Changes (pek tambah) yg diminta stakeholder, maka harus dilakukan secara formal dan tertulis
- Proses Negosiasi sangat penting dikuasai komunikasi Non Verbal
- Untuk mencegah miskom pada organisasi yang multi negara, sebaiknya tetapkan komunikasi formal tertulis dengan satu Bahasa
- Pada komunikasi verbal oral (misal telepon), maka untuk mencegah dispute maksud sender, sebaiknya dilakukan pengulangan atau
penekanan yg penting
3 Komponen/Elemen Komunikasi




- Komunikasi akan lebih efektif apabila masing-masing menunjukkan kepedulian (care) satu sama
Gunung Es Komunikasi
Komponen/Elemen Komunikasi

Verbal Communication • ORAL / WRITTEN

• WORD Choose
Komponen/Elemen Komunikasi

→ How to say it

Tone – mood and your intention

towards the listener, eg happy or

Pitch – speaking in a
high/low/natural voice

Pace – the speed at which

someone speaks
3 Komponen/Elemen Komunikasi
What your clothes say …

Space Usage
Space Usage

15 – 45 cm 45 – 120 cm 120 – 360 cm 360 – 750 cm

Space Usage
Body Languange : Eye Contact


Bagaimana mata menatap saat akan bersalaman

Top Tip in Non Verbal Communication
How to ‘read’ anyone instantly
Noise in Communication
Information Richness
1.2 ToT : Communication Methods
1.2 ToT : Meeting
1.2 ToT : Meeting Management

➢ Siapkan dan distribusi Agenda Rapat dan tetapkan objektif Rapat

➢ Pastikan Rapat dimulai dan diakhiri dengan tepat

➢ Pastikan Peserta Rapat diundang dan hadir. Yang diundang harus sesuai
dan memiliki otoritas dan kompetensi

➢ Selalu dalam Topik Rapat

➢ Kelola ekspektasi, issue (masalah), dan konflik selama meeting

➢ Rekam semua keputusan, tindak-lanjut, PIC dan Waktu

1.3 Output : Plan Communication
1.3 Output : Plan Communication
STAKEHOLDER Information Type Freq Topic Output Who Repository Format

Manajemen Proyek Internal meeting Weekly project status MOM All Mgm Team Prj Cloud Digital
issue external
issue int & ext
Presentation Each Function

People's Day Semester Perf. Apraisal Perf.Rapor All Project TeamPrj Cloud Digital

Divison (HO) Monthly Report Monthly Project Status Report PM Prj Cloud Digital &
Finance Report

Sponsor / Prj Owner Coord Meeting Monthly Project Status MOM PM Prj Cloud Digital &
Presentation Hardcopy

Variation Meeting Monthly Variatons MOM PM, Comm Mgr Prj Cloud Digital &
Presentation Hardcopy
Communication Artifacts (format)
10.2 Manage Communication
10.2 Manage Communication
❑ is the process of ensuring timely and appropriate collection, creation,
distribution, storage, retrieval, management, monitoring, and the
ultimate disposition of project information.

❑ The key benefit of this process is that it enables an efficient and effective
information flow between the project team and the stakeholders.

❑ Identifies all aspects of effective communication, including choice of

appropriate technologies, methods, and techniques.

❑ In addition, it should allow for flexibility in the communications activities,

allowing adjustments in the methods and techniques to accommodate
the changing needs of stakeholders and the project.
2. Manage Communication
10.2.1 Input : Manage Communications
10.2.2 TnT : Manage Communications
2.2 TnT : Communication Skills
2.2 TnT : Project Reporting
10.2.2 ToT : Project Mgm. Information System
Project management information systems (PMIS) can ensure that stakeholders
can easily retrieve the information they need in a timely way.
➢ Electronic project management tools. Project management
software, meeting and virtual office support software, web
interfaces, specialized project portals and dashboards, and
collaborative work management tools
➢ Electronic communications management. Email, fax, and voice
mail; audio, video and web conferencing; and websites and web
➢ Social media management. Websites and web publishing; and
blogs and applications, which offer the opportunity to engage
with stakeholders and form online communities.

Berbagi informasi dengan stakeholder bisa berupa software PMIS, Database, Portal web, Filling system
2.2 TnT : Interpersonal & Team Skills
10.2.3 Output : Manage Communications
10.3 Monitor Communications
Is the process of ensuring the information needs of the project and its
stakeholders are met.
The key benefit of this process is the optimal information flow as defined in the
communications management plan and the stakeholder engagement plan.
10.3 Monitor Communications

Project Communications should be carefully evaluated and

monitored to ensure that the right message with the right
content (same meaning for sender and receiver) is delivered
to the right audience, through the right channel and the right
10.3.1 Input : Monitor Communications
10.3.2 ToT : Monitor Communications
10.3.3 Output : Monitor Communications

- Proyek yg telah selesai, maka harus update dokumen proyek yg utamanya berisi laporan performance
- Dalam suatu Lesson Learned bukan hanya berisi pengalaman positif saja karean akan dipakai sebagai
knowledge management pada proyek berikutnya
- Informasi yg diperoleh dari manajemen Komunikasi sebaiknya dilakukan System Checklist untuk

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