Anda di halaman 1dari 44

No Options

gender jenis kelamin male laki-laki

female perempuan

age usia age

job pekerjaan working full time pekerja tetap

working part time pekerja paruh waktu
student pelajar/mahasiswa
enterpreuner wirausaha
others lainnya

household anggota keluargasingle 1 orang

2 persons 2 orang
3 persons 3 orang
4 persons 4 orang
> 4 persons > 4 orang

income pendapatan < 2.500.000

2.500.001 – 5.000.000
5.000.001 – 7.500.000
7.500.001 – 10.000.000
10.000.000 – 12.500.000
> 12.500.000

spending pengeluaran tran< 500.000

500.001 – 1.000.000
1.000.000 – 1.500.000

OD destinasi utama Bogor – Sudirman/Thamrin

Depok – CBD
Pasar Minggu/ Kalibata – CBD
Lebak Bulus – CBD
Cipete/ Hajinawi – CBD
Blok M - CBD

station jarak stasiun ter <1km


smartphone smartphone Yes Ya

No Tidak
tije BRT tije No have Tidak punya
BRT_never Tidak pernah
BRT_rare jarang
BRT_sometimes kadang-kadang
BRT_often sering
BRT_always selalu

mrt MRT No have Tidak punya

MRT_never Tidak pernah
MRT_rare jarang
MRT_sometimes kadang-kadang
MRT_often sering
MRT_always selalu

cl KRL No have Tidak punya

CL_never Tidak pernah
CL_rare jarang
CL_sometimes kadang-kadang
CL_often sering
CL_always selalu

ridesourcing Gojek/Grab No have Tidak punya

RS_never Tidak pernah
RS_rare jarang
RS_sometimes kadang-kadang
RS_often sering
RS_always selalu

taxi taksi No have Tidak punya

Taxi_never Tidak pernah
Taxi_rare jarang
Taxi_sometimes kadang-kadang
Taxi_often sering
Taxi_always selalu

moovit moovit No have Tidak punya

MRT_never Tidak pernah
MRT_rare jarang
MRT_sometimes kadang-kadang
MRT_often sering
MRT_always selalu

waze waze No have Tidak punya

MRT_never Tidak pernah
MRT_rare jarang
MRT_sometimes kadang-kadang
MRT_often sering
MRT_always selalu

gmap googlemap No have Tidak punya

MRT_never Tidak pernah
MRT_rare jarang
MRT_sometimes kadang-kadang
MRT_often sering
MRT_always selalu

jaklingko jaklingko No have Tidak punya

MRT_never Tidak pernah
MRT_rare jarang
MRT_sometimes kadang-kadang
MRT_often sering
MRT_always selalu

other lainnya No have Tidak punya

other_never Tidak pernah
other_rare jarang
other_sometimes kadang-kadang
other_often sering
other_always selalu

bike sepeda Yes Ya

No Tidak

mc sepeda motor Yes Ya

No Tidak

car mobil Yes Ya

No Tidak

Existing_work tujuan bekerja Origin asal

Destination tujuan
Distance jarak
Freq frekuensi
fm_walk jalan kaki
fm_bike sepeda
fm_minitrans angkot
fm_RS_MC ojek online motor
fm_RS_car ojek online mobil
fm_pv_MC kendaraan pribadi motor
fm_pv_car kendaraan pribadi mobil
mm_bus/BRT bus
mm_rail kereta
lm_walk jalan kaki
lm_minitrans/BRT angkot/transjakrta
lm_RS_MC ojek online motor
lm_RS_car ojek online mobil
DD_RS_MC full ojek online motor
DD_RS_car full ojek online mobil
full_pv_bike full sepeda
full_pv_MC full kend pribadi motor
full_pv_car full kend pribadi mobil

Existing_shoppintujuan berbelanjOrigin asal

Destination tujuan
Distance jarak
freq frekuensi
fm_walk jalan kaki
fm_bike sepeda
fm_minitrans angkot
fm_RS_MC ojek online motor
fm_RS_car ojek online mobil
fm_pv_MC kendaraan pribadi motor
fm_pc_car kendaraan pribadi mobil
mm_bus bus
mm_rail kereta
lm_walk jalan kaki
lm_minitrans/BRT angkot/transjakarta
lm_RS_MC ojek online motor
lm_RS_car ojek online mobil
DD_RS_MC full ojek online motor
DD_RS_car full ojek online mobil
full_pv_bike full sepeda
full_pv_MC full kend pribadi motor
full_pv_car full kend pribadi mobil

Existing_recreatitujuan rekreasi Origin asal

Destination tujuan
Distance jarak
Times-Freq frekuensi
fm_walk jalan kaki
fm_bike sepeda
fm_minitrans angkot
fm_RS_MC ojek online motor
fm_RS_car ojek online mobil
fm_pv_MC kendaraan pribadi motor
fm_pc_car kendaraan pribadi mobil
mm_bus bus
mm_rail kereta
lm_walk jalan kaki
lm_minitrans/BRT angkot/transjakarta
lm_RS_MC ojek online motor
lm_RS_car ojek online mobil
DD_RS_MC full ojek online motor
DD_RS_car full ojek online mobil
full_pv_bike full sepeda
full_pv_MC full kend pribadi motor
full_pv_car full kend pribadi mobil

pt-work transportasi number profile nomor

umum compare Yes pilih Ya
bekerja compare No Pilih Tidak
determinant_time alasan waktu
determinant_cost alasan biaya
determinant_transfer alasan titik transfer
determinant_walk alasan jalan kaki dll
determinant_mode alasan moda
determinant_troublesome alasan menyusahkan

pv-work kendaraan number profile nomor

pribadi bekerja compare Yes pilih Ya
compare No Pilih Tidak
determinant_time alasan waktu
determinant_cost alasan biaya
determinant_transfer alasan titik transfer
determinant_walk alasan jalan kaki dll
determinant_mode alasan moda
determinant_troublesome alasan menyusahkan

pt-shopping transportasi number profile nomor

umum compare Yes pilih Ya
berbelanja compare No Pilih Tidak
determinant_time alasan waktu
determinant_cost alasan biaya
determinant_transfer alasan titik transfer
determinant_walk alasan jalan kaki dll
determinant_mode alasan moda
determinant_troublesome alasan menyusahkan
pv-shopping kendaraan number profile nomor
pribadi compare Yes pilih Ya
berbelanja compare No Pilih Tidak
determinant_time alasan waktu
determinant_cost alasan biaya
determinant_transfer alasan titik transfer
determinant_walk alasan jalan kaki dll
determinant_mode alasan moda
determinant_troublesome alasan menyusahkan

pt-recreation transportasi number profile nomor

umum compare Yes pilih Ya
rekreasi compare No Pilih Tidak
determinant_time alasan waktu
determinant_cost alasan biaya
determinant_transfer alasan titik transfer
determinant_walk alasan jalan kaki dll
determinant_mode alasan moda
determinant_troublesome alasan menyusahkan

pv-recreation kendaraan number profile nomor

pribadi compare Yes pilih Ya
rekreasi compare No Pilih Tidak
determinant_time alasan waktu
determinant_cost alasan biaya
determinant_transfer alasan titik transfer
determinant_walk alasan jalan kaki dll
determinant_mode alasan moda
determinant_troublesome alasan menyusahkan

fare biaya fare_not important tidak penting

fare_slight important tidak terlalu penting
fare_moderate sedang
fare_important penting
fare_very important sangat penting

coverage wilayah coverage_not important tidak penting

coverage_slight important tidak terlalu penting
coverage_moderate sedang
coverage_important penting
coverage_very important sangat penting

mode moda mode_not important tidak penting

mode_slight important tidak terlalu penting
mode_moderate sedang
mode_important penting
mode_very important sangat penting

unlimited tanpa batas unlimited_not important tidak penting

unlimited_slight important tidak terlalu penting
unlimited_moderate sedang
unlimited_important penting
unlimited_very important sangat penting

mode_work moda bekerja not willing tidak ingin

not realy willing tidak terlalu ingin
undecided ragu2
somewhat willing agak ingin
willing ingin

mode_shopping moda berbelanjanot willing tidak ingin

not realy willing tidak terlalu ingin
undecided ragu2
somewhat willing agak ingin
willing ingin

mode_recreationmoda rekreasi not willing tidak ingin

not realy willing tidak terlalu ingin
undecided ragu2
somewhat willing agak ingin
willing ingin

freq_shopping frekuensi berbel not willing tidak ingin

not realy willing tidak terlalu ingin
undecided ragu2
somewhat willing agak ingin
willing ingin

freq_recreation frekuensi rekreasnot willing tidak ingin

not realy willing tidak terlalu ingin
undecided ragu2
somewhat willing agak ingin
willing ingin

dest_shopping destinasi berbelanot willing tidak ingin

not realy willing tidak terlalu ingin
undecided ragu2
somewhat willing agak ingin
willing ingin
dest_recreation destinasi rekreasnot willing tidak ingin
not realy willing tidak terlalu ingin
undecided ragu2
somewhat willing agak ingin
willing ingin

reduce_car mengurangi not willing tidak ingin

pemakaian not realy willing tidak terlalu ingin
kendaraan undecided ragu2
pribadi somewhat willing agak ingin
willing ingin

gu-car berhenti not willing tidak ingin

memiliki not realy willing tidak terlalu ingin
kendaraan undecided ragu2
somewhat willing agak ingin
willing ingin

= 1
= 0

= as is

= 1
= 2
= 3
= 4
= 5

= 1
= 2
= 3
= 4
= 5

= 1
= 2
= 3
= 4
= 5
= 6

= 1
= 2
= 3
= 4

= 1
= 2
= 3
= 4
= 5
= 6

= 1
= 2
= 3

= 1
= 0
= N/A
= 1
= 2
= 3
= 4
= 5

= N/A
= 1
= 2
= 3
= 4
= 5

= N/A
= 1
= 2
= 3
= 4
= 5

= N/A
= 1
= 2
= 3
= 4
= 5

= N/A
= 1
= 2
= 3
= 4
= 5

= N/A
= 1
= 2
= 3
= 4
= 5

= N/A
= 1
= 2
= 3
= 4
= 5

= N/A
= 1
= 2
= 3
= 4
= 5

= N/A
= 1
= 2
= 3
= 4
= 5

= N/A
= 1
= 2
= 3
= 4
= 5
= 0

= 1
= 0

= 1
= 0

= 1
= 0

= as is fm = first mile -> access dari asal ke stasiun

= as is mm = main mode -> line haul/ moda utama
= as is lm = last mile -> egress dari stasiun ke tujuan
= as is DD door to door
= as is, walk = 0, No = N/A
= as is, walk = 0, No = N/A
= as is, walk = 0, No = N/A
= as is, walk = 0, No = N/A
= as is, walk = 0, No = N/A
= as is, walk = 0, No = N/A
= as is, walk = 0, No = N/A
= as is, walk = 0, No = N/A
= as is, walk = 0, No = N/A
= as is, walk = 0, No = N/A
= as is, walk = 0, No = N/A
= as is, walk = 0, No = N/A
= as is, walk = 0, No = N/A
= as is, walk = 0, No = N/A
= as is, walk = 0, No = N/A
= as is, walk = 0, No = N/A
= as is, walk = 0, No = N/A
= as is, walk = 0, No = N/A

= as is
= as is
= as is
= as is
= as is, walk = 0, No = N/A
= as is, walk = 0, No = N/A
= as is, walk = 0, No = N/A
= as is, walk = 0, No = N/A
= as is, walk = 0, No = N/A
= as is, walk = 0, No = N/A
= as is, walk = 0, No = N/A
= as is, walk = 0, No = N/A
= as is, walk = 0, No = N/A
= as is, walk = 0, No = N/A
= as is, walk = 0, No = N/A
= as is, walk = 0, No = N/A
= as is, walk = 0, No = N/A
= as is, walk = 0, No = N/A
= as is, walk = 0, No = N/A
= as is, walk = 0, No = N/A
= as is, walk = 0, No = N/A
= as is, walk = 0, No = N/A

= as is
= as is
= as is
= as is
= as is, walk = 0, No = N/A
= as is, walk = 0, No = N/A
= as is, walk = 0, No = N/A
= as is, walk = 0, No = N/A
= as is, walk = 0, No = N/A
= as is, walk = 0, No = N/A
= as is, walk = 0, No = N/A
= as is, walk = 0, No = N/A
= as is, walk = 0, No = N/A
= as is, walk = 0, No = N/A
= as is, walk = 0, No = N/A
= as is, walk = 0, No = N/A
= as is, walk = 0, No = N/A
= as is, walk = 0, No = N/A
= as is, walk = 0, No = N/A
= as is, walk = 0, No = N/A
= as is, walk = 0, No = N/A
= as is, walk = 0, No = N/A

= as is
= 1
= 0
= 1
= 2
= 3
= 4
= 5
= 6

= as is
= 1
= 0
= 1
= 2
= 3
= 4
= 5
= 6

= as is
= 1
= 0
= 1
= 2
= 3
= 4
= 5
= 6
= as is
= 1
= 0
= 1
= 2
= 3
= 4
= 5
= 6

= as is
= 1
= 0
= 1
= 2
= 3
= 4
= 5
= 6

= as is
= 1
= 0
= 1
= 2
= 3
= 4
= 5
= 6

= 1
= 2
= 3
= 4
= 5

= 1
= 2
= 3
= 4
= 5

= 1
= 2
= 3
= 4
= 5

= 1
= 2
= 3
= 4
= 5

= 1
= 2
= 3
= 4
= 5

= 1
= 2
= 3
= 4
= 5

= 1
= 2
= 3
= 4
= 5

= 1
= 2
= 3
= 4
= 5

= 1
= 2
= 3
= 4
= 5

= 1
= 2
= 3
= 4
= 5
= 1
= 2
= 3
= 4
= 5

= 1
= 2
= 3
= 4
= 5

= 1
= 2
= 3
= 4
= 5
ri asal ke stasiun
ul/ moda utama
ri stasiun ke tujuan
ID gender age job household income spending OD station smartphone

1 0 31 1 3 2 4 1 3 1
2 0 33 1 4 2 4 1 3 1
3 1 25 3 4 1 1 1 3 1
4 0 30 1 4 2 3 1 3 1
5 1 43 4 5 3 4 1 3 1
6 1 39 4 3 2 3 1 3 1
7 1 34 5 3 2 3 1 3 1
8 0 28 1 3 2 4 1 3 1
9 1 37 4 4 3 3 1 3 1
10 1 22 3 3 1 1 1 3 1
tije mrt cl ridesourcingtaxi moovit waze gmap jaklingko other

3 4 3 3 3
3 3 3 3 3
2 3 3 3 3
4 4 3 2 1
2 2 2 3 1
2 2 2 2 2
2 2 2 2 1
4 4 3 3 2
2 4 3 2 2
4 3 3 3 3
bike mc car
Origin Destination Distance Freq fm_walk
1 Bogor Sudirman 60 20 0
1 Bogor Gatot Subroto 52 20 0
1 1 Bogor Pasar Minggu 41 16
1 Bogor MT Haryono 45 20 0
1 1 Bogor Glodok 57 20
1 Bogor Blok M 53 20 0
1 Bogor Kalibata 51 24 0
1 Bogor Sudirman 54 20 0
1 1 Bogor Sudirman 54 20
1 1 Bogor Pondok Cina 34 12 0
fm_bike fm_minitranfm_RS_car fm_RS_MC fm_pv_car fm_pc_MC mm_bus mm_rail lm_walk lm_minitran
7000 8000

7000 8000
7000 8000
7000 8000

7000 8000
lm_RS_car lm_RS_MC DD_RS_MC DD_RS_car full_pv_bikefull_pv_MC full_pv_car Origin Destination Distance
Bogor Tanah Abang 57
30000 Bogor Tanah Abang 55
30000 Bogor Senayan 56
30000 Bogor Blok M 53
200000 Bogor Jatinegara 51
Bogor Pasar Senen 55
Bogor Mangga Dua 59
Bogor Blok M 54
200000 Bogor Jatinegara 52
Bogor Pasar Senen 54
Freq fm_walk fm_bike fm_minitranfm_RS_car fm_RS_MC fm_pv_car fm_pc_MC mm_bus mm_rail
8 0 7000 8000
4 0 7000 8000
4 0 7000 15000 8000
4 0 7000 8000
4 0 7000 8000
4 0 7000 8000
4 0 7000 8000
lm_walk lm_minitranlm_RS_car lm_RS_MC DD_RS_MC DD_RS_car full_pv_bikefull_pv_MC full_pv_car Origin
30000 Bogor
200000 Bogor
30000 Bogor
Destination Distance Freq fm_walk fm_bike fm_minitranfm_RS_car fm_RS_MC fm_pv_car fm_pc_MC
Kota Tua 0 7000
Perpusnas 0 7000
Blok M
Tanah Abang 0 7000
Monas 0 7000 12000
Ragunan 7000 20000
Ancol 7000
Depok 0 7000
mm_bus mm_rail lm_walk lm_minitranlm_RS_car lm_RS_MC DD_RS_MC DD_RS_car full_pv_bikefull_pv_MC
pt-work pv-work pt-shopping
full_pv_car number compare determinantnumber compare determinantnumber compare determinant
pv-shopping pt-recreation pv-recreation fare
number compare determinantnumber compare determinantnumber compare determinant
coverage mode unlimited mode workimode shoppmode recreafreq shoppi freq recreatdest shoppi dest recreat

4 4 4 4 5 4 4 3 3 4
4 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 3 4
3 2 4 2 4 4 2 4 4 5
4 4 4 4 3 4 5 3 4 3
5 3 4 3 5 4 5 2 2 4
5 3 4 3 5 4 5 3 3 2
4 3 4 2 2 4 2 4 4 4
4 3 4 4 4 4 3 2 2 4
4 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 5 3
3 2 4 2 2 4 2 3 3 4
reduce car gu car

2 1
2 1
2 1
2 1
2 1
2 1
2 1
2 1
2 1
2 1
ID gender age job household income spending OD station

1 1 50 1 2 5 4 2 2
2 0 42 1 3 4 3 4 3
3 1 25 3 4 1 1 3 3
4 0 35 1 5 6 4 1 1
5 0 40 4 2 6 4 5 1
smartphontije mrt cl ridesourcintaxi moovit waze gmap jaklingko

1 3 2
1 2 1 1
1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1
1 3 4 2 2 2 2 3 3
1 3 4 2 4 2 4 3 4 4
other bike mc car
Origin DestinationDistance Freq fm_walk fm_bike
1 1 Depok Benhil 30 20 0
1 1 Ciputat Menteng 17 25
1 Lenteng AgBlok M 20 15
1 1 Bogor Sudirman 50 20
1 1 1 Antasari Thamrin 20 20 0
fm_minitrafm_RS_carfm_RS_MCfm_pv_car fm_pc_MCmm_bus mm_rail lm_walk lm_minitralm_RS_car
6000 3500

25000 7000 15000

14000 0
lm_RS_MCDD_RS_MCDD_RS_carfull_pv_bikfull_pv_MCfull_pv_carOrigin DestinationDistance Freq
Depok Pasar Ming 20 4
15000 Ciputat Pondok Ind 20 6
15000 Lenteng AgBlok M 20 2
Bogor Senayan 50 6
Antasari Senopati 15 4
fm_walk fm_bike fm_minitrafm_RS_carfm_RS_MCfm_pv_car fm_pc_MCmm_bus mm_rail lm_walk
lm_minitralm_RS_car lm_RS_MCDD_RS_MCDD_RS_carfull_pv_bikfull_pv_MCfull_pv_carOrigin Destination
50000 Depok Senayan
35000 Ciputat Tanah Aba
15000 Lenteng AgMonas
50000 Bogor Blok M
40000 Antasari Bundaran H
Distance Freq fm_walk fm_bike fm_minitrafm_RS_carfm_RS_MCfm_pv_car fm_pc_MCmm_bus
40 1
30 1 0
30 1 0
40 1 0
20 4
mm_rail lm_walk lm_minitralm_RS_car lm_RS_MCDD_RS_MCDD_RS_Carfull_pv_bikfull_pv_MCfull_pv_car
14000 0
5000 0
7000 3500
pt-work pv-work pt-shopping pv-shopping
number compare determinannumber compare determinannumber compare determinannumber
3 1 42
30 1 7 1
25 1 25
1 1 22 1
19 1 23
pv-shopping pt-recreation pv-recreation fare coverage
compare determinannumber compare determinannumber compare determinant
0 3 21 1 5 4
5 1 4 3
1 21 1 5 4
22 1 5 4
0 5 40 0 5 5 5
mode unlimited mode workmode shopmode recrefreq shoppfreq recreadest shoppdest recreareduce car

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2
4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 1
4 5 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 4
4 4 4 3 5 4 4 4 4 3
4 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3
gu car


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