Anda di halaman 1dari 86


8. Menggunakan secara tepat, peralatan tenaga tangan, peralatan

tenaga mesin alat-alat ukur untuk fabrikasi dan perbaikan di atas
kapal. (Appropriate use of hand tools, machine tools and measuring
instruments for fabrication and repair on board)

What type of screw is number 4 ?

A. A round head screw *

25. What rigging device is shown at the bottom ?

A. A wire sling*

26. What is shown top right ?

A. An eye bolt*

. What kind of tool is shown top left and for what is it used ?
A. A torque spanner /Used on foundation bolts*
40. What is the tool shown upper right ?


A. A hydrant wrench*
41. What tool is shown bottom left and for what is it used ?

A. Articulated socket wrench/Out of centre extension*

42. What kind of tool is shown right bottom and into what does it fit ?

A. A bar wrench /It fits into exhaust gas pipe fastening bolts*
43. What kind of wrench is shown upper left ?

B. A Stillwell adjustable wrench*

44. What kind of tool is shown upper right ?


A. An adjustable nut wrench*

45. What is the tool shown bottom left ?

A. A forged flexible star-spanner*

Apabila anda mendapat suatu pesanan untuk menyampaikan maksud untuk membuat
suatu komponen dalam bentuk ilustrasi ke seorang teknisi bengkel yang berbeda
bahasapercakapannya dengan anda, dalam bentuk apakah ilustrasi yang paling tepat
anda buat?

c. Gambar teknik

2. Gambar merupakan alat untuk menyatakan maksud dari seorang juru gambar.
Gambar disebut juga sebagai.....

b. Bahasa teknik

3. Bila anda seorang pembuat gambar manakah pernyataan di bawah ini yang paling
tepat menyatakan fungsi dari gambar teknik untuk anda?

.d. Sebagai media penyampai informasi.

4. Dalam dunia teknik gambar memiliki beberapa fungsi antara lain:

 Gambar berfungsi sebagai sarana penyampaian informasi.

 Gambar sebagai sarana pengawetan, penyimpanan, dan penggunaan keterangan.
 Gambar sebagai cara-cara pemikiran dalam penyiapan informasi.
Dari penjelasan di atas, apabila anda memiliki suatu komponen teknik dan pada suatu
saat komponen tersebut hilang. Manakah fungsi dari gambar teknik yang paling tepat?

.d. Gambar berfungsi untuk menyuplai bagian-bagian produk yang pernah dibuat.


5. Berikut adalah sifat-sifat gambar dan tujuan-tujuan gambar:

 Internasionalisasi gambar
 Mempopulerkan Gambar
 Perumusan Gambar
 Sistematika Gambar
 Penyederhanaan Gambar
 Modernisasi Gambar
Bila seorang perancang membuat gambar menggunakan komputer dan menggambar
dengan mementingkan susunan dan konsolidasi sistem standar gambar. Berikut ini
manakah yang tepat menggambarkan sifat gambar?

d. Modernisasi gambar dan Sistematika gambar

6. Peraturan-peraturan yang ada dalam gambar teknik dimulai dengan persetujuan

bersama dan kemudian dibuatkan suatu standar perusahaan. Pernyataan tersebut
merupakan sifatgambar teknik, yaitu

a. Internasionalisasi gambar

7. Apabila diketahui ukuran pokok dari kertas gambar adalah ukuran A0 dengan panjang
1189 mm dan lebarnya 841 mm, berapa ukuran untuk kertas A3?

c. 297 X 420 mm

8. Berapakah ukuran tepi lain (=C) apabila kertas yang dipakai adalah kertas A4 yang
berukuran 210 X 297 mm ?

c. 10 mm

9. Dimanakah posisi kepala gambar pada kertas gambar?

c. Sudut kanan bawah

10. Apakah nama dari suatu bagian susunan pada kertas gambar di bawah ini?


d. Skala referensi metrik

11. Apakah nama dari suatu bagian susunan pada kertas gambar di bawah ini

d. Tanda Orientasi

12. Apakah nama dari suatu bagian susunan pada kertas gambar di bawah ini

e. Tanda pemotongan

13. Apa tujuan dibubuhkan tanda orientasi?

c. Untuk menentukan arah penglihatan gambar

14. Apabila anda menyusun kertas gambar dan untuk memudahkan kedudukan gambar,
apakah yang anda buat?.

b. Tanda Tengah Kertas Gambar

15. ..... adalah pebandingan ukuran linier pada gambar terhadap ukuran linier dari unsur
yang sama atau dari benda pengecilan atau perbesaran gambar.

a. Skala gambar


16. Berikut ini yang paling tepat digunakan bila gambarnya dibuat lebih besar dari benda
sebenarnya yaitu

d. Skala pembesaran

17. Skala apakah yang tepat anda gunakan apabila anda membuat gambar kerja suatu
benda yang memiliki ukuran dimensi 500 X 356 X 210 mm pada kertas A4?

e. Skala pengecilan

18. Dalam suatu pengukuran benda berbentuk balok didapatkan ukuran panjang, lebar
dan tinggi berturut-turut adalah 45 X 30 X 24 cm. Apabila anda membuat gambar
baloktersebut dengan skala 1 : 3, berapakah ukuran panjang, lebar dan tinggi yang
anda gambar?

d. 15 X 10 X 8 cm

19. Berdasarkan kekerasannya, pensil dibedakan menjadi 3 kelompok yaitu keras,

sedang dan lunak. Di bawah ini manakah yang termasuk dalam kategori lunak?

e. 2B

20. Apa kegunaan dari mal lengkungan?

a. Untuk membuat garis-garis lengkung yang tidak dapat dibuat menggunakan


21. Apakah nama dari alat gambar di bawah ini?

a. Mistar Skala

22. Perhatikan gambar di bawah ini!


Pada gambar di atas merupakan beberapa cara penggunaan penggaris, segitiga siku
sama kaki dan sebuah segitiga siku 60°. Pada bagian yang dilingkari, berapakah
sudut yangdibentuk oleh pasangan segitiga tersebut?

d. 75°

23. Apakah yang anda butuhkan untuk membuat gambar secara cepat?

d. Mal bentuk

24. Apabila anda tidak memiliki busur derajat, penggaris T dan segitiga, alat apakah
yang tepat digunakan untuk menggantikan alat-alat tersebut?

e. Mesin Gambar

Jenis garis menurut tebalnya ada dua macam, yaitu garis tebal dan garis tipis. Berapakah
perbandingan kedua jenis garis tersebut?

d. 1 : 0,5

29. Berikut ini disajikan penulisan dengan beberapa jenis huruf. Manakah jenis huruf
yang paling tepat digunakan dalam gambar teknik?.....

c. Angka dan Huruf

30. Bila suatu huruf dibuat dengan ketinggian 14 mm, berapakah jarak minimum antar

d. 2 mm

1. Fungsi gambar teknik adalah sebagai berikut, kecuali.......

A. Pengawetan dan penyimpanan
What type of screw is number 2 ?

A. A cheese head screw


22. What type of screw is number 3 ?

A. A hexagon head screw

23. What type of screw is number 4 ?

B. A round head screw

24. What rigging device is shown at the bottom ?

B. A wire sling
25. What is shown top right ?


B. An eye bolt
26. What kind of tool is shown top right and what is its purpose ?

A. Traverse cut chisel /To break bolts and nuts

27. Before leaving the engine room workshop, you are to ensure that...

A. all tools are in place, power tool supply is off, all is sea fast.
28. What is the device shown in the centre of the picture ?

A. A shackle
29. What do you call the device shown on the right side of the picture ?

A. An elongated eye lifter


30. What is the measuring device shown top right ?

A. A micrometer
31. What is shown top left ?

A.An overhead bulkhead eye

32. What is the tool shown top left called ?

A carpenter's ball hammer

33. What kind of hammers are shown bottom left and right side ?

A. Lead hammers
B. Plastic hammers
C. Recoil-less hammers
D. Assemblers hammers
34. What kind of hammer is shown top left and for what is it used ?


A. Bell hammer /To knock split pins in

B. Lead hammer / For heavy hammering of
frozen nuts and bolts
C. Aluminium hammer / For testing
tightness of motor covers
D. Plastic or Teflon hammer. / For light assembly work
35. What kind of hammer is shown bottom left and for what is it used ?

A. A common hammer / All purpose engineer's work

B. A curved hammer / Used for hammering and removing rust
C. A claw hammer / For carpentry and wood work, nail removal.
D. A carpenter's hammer I Used for all purpose work on deck
36. What kind of hammer is shown right side and for what is it used ?

A. Heavy hammer/ For use on large size forged ring spanners

B. Striking hammer / To loosen or fastening torque rings
C. Moker hammer / To loosen or fastened cylinder head nuts


D. Sledge hammer/ For all-purpose grudgingly and powerful hammering

37. What kind of hammer is shown at the top and for what is it used ?

A. A brick hammer /For hammering plates and steel

B. A fitter's hammer/For general use
C. A blacksmith's hammer / General purpose
D. A descaling hammer f For descaling heavy rust
38. What kind of hammer is shown at the bottom ?

A. A scale remover
B. A deckhand hammer
C. A chipping hammer
D. A double edge hammer
39. What kind of tool is shown top right ?


A. An adjustable pipe spanner

B. An adjustable wrench
C. A shifter
D. A pocket spanner

40. What is the tool shown top left and for what is it used ?

A. Centre punch. / To mark a point on metal

B. Drivel / To push small pins out of their fastening
C. Pointed chisel / To chisel a tracing groove
D. Dopper punch. / To chisel a small hole trough metal sheets
41. What is shown on the left side of the picture ?


A. A cylinder head lifter

B. A triple hook chain lifter
C. A cylinder liner pulling chain
D. An oil drum lifting chain
42. What is shown on the right of the picture ?

A. A lifting block
B. A rattle chain
C. A chain block
D. A chain lifter

43. What do you call the measuring device shown top centre ?

A. A workshop compass found in any workshop, any profession

B. A plane level compass


C. A metal worker's compass, with spring tension adjustable by screw

D. A ship's compass used only on board ship
44. What kind of tool is shown bottom centre ?

A. A pipe cutting tool

B. A pipe bending tool
C. A pipe flating tool
D. A pipe fitting tool
45. What is the purpose of the tool shown bottom right ?

A. To extract bushes and gears from shafts

B. To extract ball bearings, roller bearings or needle bearings
C. To extract pulleys and sleeves from shafts
D. All of these.


46. If you are an engine room rating, what basic technical knowledge must you posses
as far as tools and equipment are concerned ?
A. Be able to operate the drilling machine
B. Be able to operate the milling machine
C. Be able to identify and select the proper tool for each job
D. Be able to operate the gas welding equipment
47. Re-conditioning part 4 and part 7 of this valve using carborandum paste is called -

A. lapping
B. fitting
C. grinding
D. overhauling
48. What is the fastening device shown at the left side of the drawing ?
A. A frame clamp
B. A support fastener
C. A beam clamp
D. An angle iron fastener


49. What is the measuring instrument shown on the top left ?

A. 1/10th to 1/20th millimetre

B. 1/20th to 1/25th millimetre
C. 0.1 to 0.5 millimetre
D. 0.1 to 0.25 millimetre
50. Suppose you need to draw a circle of 186 mm diameter on metal or on a packing
sheet. How would you do this using the compass shown top centre ?

A. Set opening of compass legs to 93 mm using a steel ruler

B. Measure 186mm on packing, draw 2 lines through the centre
C. Indicate straight line with points 0mm, 93mm and 186mm on packing
D. Project first a hexagon on packing or steel plate
51. What is the accuracy of a micrometer shown top right ?


A. 0.01 to 0.005 millimetres

B. 0.1 to 0.2 millimetres
C. 0.05 to 0.01 millimetres
D. 0.1 to 0.5 millimetres
52. What is the measuring device shown at the bottom ?

A. A right angle plane tracer

B. An angular tracer.
C. A tracing instrument
D. A 90 degree angle projector
53. What is the measuring device shown in the top and what is it used for ?


A. Thread thickness gauge. Measure clearance of bolls and nuts

B. Thread wear down gauge. Measures wear-down on bolts / nuts
C. A bolt thickness gauge. To measure the size of bolts
D. A thread gauge. To measure thread size on bolts and studs

54. What measuring device is shown in the bottom left corner ?

A. A bore calliper
B. An inside tracer
C. A pipe calliper
D. An adjustable inside caliper
55. What is the purpose of the calliper shown in the bottom left corner ?


A. Measuring piston ring gaps

B. Measuring inside diameters of hydraulic pipes
C. Measuring inside diameters or gaps
D. Measuring fuel pump lifts
56. What is the measuring device shown in the right bottom corner ?

A. A pipe calliper
B. An adjustable outside calliper
C. A flange calliper
D. An adjustable pipe caliper
57. How will the tool shown at the top be powered if it is to be used on tankers ?


A. By battery power,12 Volt maximum

B. By compressed air 8.5 kg/cm2 maximum
C. By compressed air 3.5 kg/cm2 maximum
D. By AC power 110 Volt, 60 Hz maximum
58. For what are RECOIL-LESS HAMMERS used ?

A. To assemble tight fitting parts

B. To chisel deep grooves in metal
C. To hammer on ring spanners
D. To test the foundation bolts of engines

59. What kind of tool is shown top left and for what is it used ?


B. A torque spanner /Used on foundation bolts

C. A ratchet spanner /Used on main engine piston crowns
D. A forged ring spanner / Used to be hammered by a sledgehammer
E. A forged torque spanner / Used to hammer nuts
60. What is the tool shown upper right ?

B. A bearing cap-wrench
C. An orifice removal wrench
D. A purifier assembly wrench
E. A hydrant wrench
61. What tool is shown bottom left and for what is it used ?


B. Articulated socket wrench/Out of centre extension

C. Flexible ratchet wrench / As extension for ratchets
D. Square ratchet wrench /45 degree out of line wrench
E. Flexible socket spanner / For sunken nuts removal and fitting
62. What kind of tool is shown right bottom and into what does it fit ?

B. A socket bolt wrench /It fits into Allen Bolts (Allen keys)
C. An angle wrench / It fits into cylinder cover plugs
D. A torque wrench / It fits over nuts
E. A bar wrench /It fits into exhaust gas pipe fastening bolts
63. What kind of wrench is shown upper left ?


C. A spring wrench
D. An adjustable spanner
E. A Stilson wrench
F. A Stillwell adjustable wrench

64. What kind of tool is shown upper right ?

B. An adjustable nut wrench

C. A Stilson wrench
D. A pipe wrench
E. An adjustable vice grip wrench
65. What is the tool shown bottom left ?


B. A flexible ring spanner

C. A ratchet spanner
D. A forged flexible star-spanner
E. A torque ring spanner
66. What kind of tool is shown top right ?

A. A mechanic's spanner
B. A double ended ring spanner
C. A star spanner, double forged.
D. A common bolt spanner, double forged
67. at is the tool shown top right ?


A. A double ended open spanner

B. A flat mechanic's double spanner
C. A double flat spanner
D. A forked double spanner
68. What kind of tool is shown bottom left ? How can it be extended ?

A. An open spanner / Cannot be extended

B. A double hexagon spanner /Extended by rod
C. A star spanner /Extended bytorque bar
D. single ended ring spanner / Extended by a pipe or rod

69. What kind of tool is shown bottom right bottom ?


A. A socket wrench forked spanner

B. A combined open ended spanner and socket wrench
C. A flat ratchet spanner
D. A single ended forked ratchet wrench
70. kind of assembly does the upper left piece and the upper centre piece make

A. A socket wrench assembly

B. A ratchet spanner
C. A ratchet torque assembly
D. A ratchet lever assembly
71. What kind of tool is shown on the bottom left corner of the picture and when is it
used ?


A. An extended spanner /When the nut is found frozen

B. A rod spanner / For cylinder cover tightening
C. A hexagon fork spanner. / To apply extra force when tightening
D. A pinchbar spanner /When there is no space available on side
72. What kind of tool is shown bottom centre ?

A. A shifting spanner
B. An adjustable pocket spanner
C. A vice grip wrench
D. A pipe spanner
73. On what equipment should the wrench shown bottom right be used ?

A. On electric motor couplings


B. On broken studs
C. On piping and rods
D. On bolts and nuts

74. The tools shown here are --------------- ?

A. engineer's tools
B. duty engineer's and watchkeeper's control room tools
C. welder's tools
D. electrician's tools
75. What is the tool shown top left called and by whom is it mostly used ?


A. Curved long nose pliers /Electricians

B. Manometer curved pliers / engineers
C. Welding rod pliers /Utters and welders
D. Instrument long nose pliers / Automation and control engineers
76. What is the tool shown top right and by whom is it used ?

A. Flat nose pliers /Bythe electrician

B. Electrician's pliers /By the electrician
C. Mechanical pliers /By the engineers and fitters
D. Cornbination pliers /For general use
77. What is the tool shown bottom left and by whom is it used ?

A. Outside circlip pliers /By engineers

B. Round point pliers / By electricians


C. Inside circlip pliers / By engineers

D. Eye nose pliers / By the electrician
78. What kind of tool is shown bottom left ? What is its use ?

A. Blacksmith's chisel/To cut steel bars and rods

B. Mason's chisel / To break up cement boxes
C. Hot chisel / To cut bolts and nuts
D. Cold chisel / A general purpose cutting and splitting tool

79. If the welding torch and the oxygen/acetylene pressure regulators are fitted in the
engine room workshop, to what should they be connected ?


A. Gas bottles depending the material to weld

B. Oxygen and acetylene pipe lines
C. Safety values
D. The oxygen and acetylene bottles
80. When igniting the welding torch, how would you proceed ?

A. Open acetylene, ignite, open oxygen than adjust flame

B. Ignite whilst controlling acetylene, open oxygen, adjust flame
C. Open acetylene, ignite, than adjust flame with oxygen.
D. Open oxygen and acetylene, than ignite
81. What is the gas welding equipment shown right side ?

A. A heavy duty welding torch


B. A blow - by torch
C. An illumination torch
D. A cutting torch
82. Flow should oxygen and acetylene bottles be transported. ?

A. In a special provided stand with clamps

B. In a safety net, well secured.
C. With the caps secured by gas-tight tape
D. In an upright position
83. on the plate thickness to be cut you should

A. the oxygen flow


B. the nozzle size

C. the acetylene flow
D. the oxygen and the acetylene flow
84. Engine room officers must be able to select the proper instrument for each
measurement, know the procedure for using it and ----------------
A. how to care for and calibrate it.
B. must know the dangers in operate it.
C. how to adjust it.
D. how to repair it.
85. What is the measuring instrument shown on the left top ?

A. A Vernier calliper
B. An outside calliper
C. An outside pipe calliper
D. A Dornier calliper

86. Which of these four screws is a fillister head screw ?


A. No 2
B. No 4
C. No 1
D. No 3
87. What type of screw is No 2 ?

A. A flat head screw

B. A glister head screw
C. A hexagon head screw
D. A button head screw
88. 42. What type of screw is No 3 ?
A. A button head screw
B. A flat head screw
C. A fdlister head screw
D. A hexagon head screw
89. at type of screw is No 4 ?

A. A button head screw

B. A flat head screw


C. A fillister head screw

D. A hexagon head screw
90. For cutting hard materials, metal saws with ----------- blades should be used ?
A. sharp angle teeth
B. small pitch
C. dual angle teeth
D. large pitch
91. The "scleroscope" is used to determining --------------
A. the 'brittleness" of a metal.
B. the "thickness" of a metal.
C. the existence of cracks in metal.
D. the ''hardness " of a metal.

92. hat is the function of this hydraulic stressing tool when fastening and unfastening
boltsinuts on an engine

A. To elongate the bolts at required stress value so that the nuts can be tightened
to the position toensure correct pre-tensioning
B. To press the part to be fastened together or down so that the nut can be
tightened by hand.
C. To fasten or unfasten the nut.
D. To apply pressure on cylinder head or bearing so that the bolt/nuts can be
tightened by hand


1. Twist drills can be sharpened with the aid of which of the following ?

A. A file.
B. A wire brush.
C. A pistol drill.
D. The bench grinder.
2. The tool used for scoring lines on metal surfaces is called a .............

A. a pin punch.
B. a centre punch.
C. a scriber.
D. a hammer.
3. A hammer with one flat end to its head and one half round end is called ......

A. a ball pane hammer.

B. a half round hammer.
C. a claw hammer.
D. a chipping hammer.
4. The file known as a "bastard" file is which of the following ?

A. One that is extremely smooth.

B. One having an edge with no teeth.
C. One having a side rounded so it is half round.
D. One that is rough and flat.
5. The part of a hand drill which holds the drill bit is called ...

A. the handle.
B. the chuck key.
C. the spindle.
D. the chuck.
6. The tool used for marking out a circle on steel is called...

A. oddleg calipers.
B. a pair of dividers.


C. outside calipers.
D. inside calipers.
7. A tool used to mark the centre for a twist drill is called...

A. a centre punch
B. a pin punch
C. a scriber
D. a pair of dividers
8. Die nuts are used for which of the following ?

A. Cleaning an existing thread.

B. Cutting a thread on a round bar.
C. Holding and turning dies.
D. Cutting a new thread in a hole.
9. The part of the centre lathe which holds the cutting tool is called ....

A. the compound slide.

B. the tool post.
C. the tailstock.
D. the saddle.
10. Spanners which have one end as a ring spanner and the other end an open ended
spanner are


A. half open ended spanners.

B. combination spanners.
C. socket spanners.
D. half ring spanners.
11. After using hand or power tools, they should be....

A. returned to the workshop bench.

B. returned to the duty engineer.
C. left beside the job for use next time.
D. returned to their allotted stowage position.
12. Side cutters are used.....


A. to cut the side of metal.

B. to hold cold metal
C. to cut electrical wiring.
D. to hold metal while it is being cut.
13. A hacksaw blade is placed in the body of the hacksaw with the teeth facing ........

A. Down and towards the handle.

B. Up and towards the front.
C. Up and towards the handle.
D. Down and towards the front.
14. The diameter of a hole in a piece of metal can best be measured using...........

A. outside calipers
B. an engineer's square
C. feeler gauges
D. inside calipers
15. A tool should be used.........

A. with regard to the correct shape of its handle.

B. for at least 2 different functions.
C. only for the function for which it was designed.
D. for a variety of functions according to circumstances.
16. A machine tool used for reducing the diameter of a round bar is called ......

A. a milling machine
B. a pillar drill.
C. a centre lathe.
D. a bench grinder.
17. The diameter of round bar is best measured with the aid of...

A. an engineer's square.
B. feeler gauges.
C. inside calipers.
D. outside calipers.
18. In a set of thread taps the plug tap has ....

A. a slight taper at its end.


B. no thread at all.
C. the full thread to the end.
D. larger taper at its end.
19. Drilling a hole with a drill in the end of a piece of round bar is best carried out using
which of the following ?

A. A shaping machine
B. A pillar drill.
C. A milling machine.
D. A centre lathe.
20. Which of the following spanners is best to use in most cases ?

A. A pair of stillsons.
B. The correct size ring spanner.
C. A parallel jaw adjustable spanner.
D. The correct size open-ended spanner.
21. What type of screw is number 2 ?

B. A hexagon head screw

C. A round head screw
D. A cheese head screw
E. A countersunk screw

22. What type of screw is number 3 ?

B. A hexagon head screw

C. A fillister head screw
D. A countersunk screw
E. A button head screw

23. What type of screw is number 4 ?


C. A round head screw

D. A countersunk screw
E. A hexagon head screw
F. A cheese head screw

24. What rigging device is shown at the bottom ?

C. A strop
D. A double eye wire strop
E. A wire sling
F. A double loop wire
25. What is shown top right ?


C. An eye bolt
D. A strop bolt
E. A connecting bolt
F. A shackle bolt
26. What kind of tool is shown top right and what is its purpose ?

B. Traverse cut chisel /To break bolts and nuts

C. Cross cut chisel To chisel grooved profiles in metal
D. Seam cut chisel / To remove welds and protruding objects
E. Sharp cut chisel/For inside piping cutting

27. Before leaving the engine room workshop, you are to ensure that...

B. the entrance to the shop is secured by padlock.

C. all tools are in place, power tool supply is off, all is sea fast.
D. the inventory of all parts used is filled up.
E. the lighting is switched off.
28. What is the device shown in the centre of the picture ?


B. A U-connector
C. A connecting bolt
D. A shackle
E. A bend connector
29. What do you call the device shown on the right side of the picture ?

B. An eye lifter
C. An elongated bolt lifter
D. An elongated eye bolt
E. An elongated eye lifter
30. What is the measuring device shown top right ?


B. A microcalipre
C. A clamp metre
D. A stress meter
E. A micrometer
31. What is shown top left ?

A. A strop connection
B. A loop welding
C. A chainblock clamp
D. An overhead bulkhead eye

32. What is the tool shown top left called ?

A. A carpenter's ball hammer

B. A ball pen hammer
C. A ball head hammer
D. A carpenter's hammer
33. What kind of hammers are shown bottom left and right side ?


E. Lead hammers
F. Plastic hammers
G. Recoil-less hammers
H. Assemblers hammers
34. What kind of hammer is shown top left and for what is it used ?

E. Bell hammer /To knock split pins in

F. Lead hammer / For heavy hammering of
frozen nuts and bolts
G. Aluminium hammer / For testing
tightness of motor covers
H. Plastic or Teflon hammer. / For light assembly work
35. What kind of hammer is shown bottom left and for what is it used ?

E. A common hammer / All purpose engineer's work

F. A curved hammer / Used for hammering and removing rust
G. A claw hammer / For carpentry and wood work, nail removal.
H. A carpenter's hammer I Used for all purpose work on deck
36. What kind of hammer is shown right side and for what is it used ?


E. Heavy hammer/ For use on large size forged ring spanners

F. Striking hammer / To loosen or fastening torque rings
G. Moker hammer / To loosen or fastened cylinder head nuts
H. Sledge hammer/ For all-purpose grudgingly and powerful hammering
37. What kind of hammer is shown at the top and for what is it used ?

E. A brick hammer /For hammering plates and steel

F. A fitter's hammer/For general use
G. A blacksmith's hammer / General purpose
H. A descaling hammer f For descaling heavy rust
38. What kind of hammer is shown at the bottom ?

E. A scale remover
F. A deckhand hammer
G. A chipping hammer
H. A double edge hammer
39. What kind of tool is shown top right ?


E. An adjustable pipe spanner

F. An adjustable wrench
G. A shifter
H. A pocket spanner

40. What is the tool shown top left and for what is it used ?

E. Centre punch. / To mark a point on metal

F. Drivel / To push small pins out of their fastening
G. Pointed chisel / To chisel a tracing groove
H. Dopper punch. / To chisel a small hole trough metal sheets
41. What is shown on the left side of the picture ?


E. A cylinder head lifter

F. A triple hook chain lifter
G. A cylinder liner pulling chain
H. An oil drum lifting chain
42. What is shown on the right of the picture ?

E. A lifting block
F. A rattle chain
G. A chain block
H. A chain lifter

43. What do you call the measuring device shown top centre ?

E. A workshop compass found in any workshop, any profession

F. A plane level compass
G. A metal worker's compass, with spring tension adjustable by screw
H. A ship's compass used only on board ship
44. What kind of tool is shown bottom centre ?


E. A pipe cutting tool

F. A pipe bending tool
G. A pipe flating tool
H. A pipe fitting tool
45. What is the purpose of the tool shown bottom right ?

E. To extract bushes and gears from shafts

F. To extract ball bearings, roller bearings or needle bearings
G. To extract pulleys and sleeves from shafts
H. All of these.
93. If you are an engine room rating, what basic technical knowledge must you posses
as far as tools and equipment are concerned ?
E. Be able to operate the drilling machine
F. Be able to operate the milling machine
G. Be able to identify and select the proper tool for each job
H. Be able to operate the gas welding equipment


94. Re-conditioning part 4 and part 7 of this valve using carborandum paste is called -

E. lapping
F. fitting
G. grinding
H. overhauling
95. What is the fastening device shown at the left side of the drawing ?
E. A frame clamp
F. A support fastener
G. A beam clamp
H. An angle iron fastener

96. What is the measuring instrument shown on the top left ?


E. 1/10th to 1/20th millimetre

F. 1/20th to 1/25th millimetre
G. 0.1 to 0.5 millimetre
H. 0.1 to 0.25 millimetre
97. Suppose you need to draw a circle of 186 mm diameter on metal or on a packing
sheet. How would you do this using the compass shown top centre ?

E. Set opening of compass legs to 93 mm using a steel ruler

F. Measure 186mm on packing, draw 2 lines through the centre
G. Indicate straight line with points 0mm, 93mm and 186mm on packing
H. Project first a hexagon on packing or steel plate
98. What is the accuracy of a micrometer shown top right ?


E. 0.01 to 0.005 millimetres

F. 0.1 to 0.2 millimetres
G. 0.05 to 0.01 millimetres
H. 0.1 to 0.5 millimetres
99. What is the measuring device shown at the bottom ?

E. A right angle plane tracer

F. An angular tracer.
G. A tracing instrument
H. A 90 degree angle projector
100. What is the measuring device shown in the top and what is it used for ?


E. Thread thickness gauge. Measure clearance of bolls and nuts

F. Thread wear down gauge. Measures wear-down on bolts / nuts
G. A bolt thickness gauge. To measure the size of bolts
H. A thread gauge. To measure thread size on bolts and studs

101. What measuring device is shown in the bottom left corner ?

E. A bore calliper
F. An inside tracer
G. A pipe calliper
H. An adjustable inside caliper
102. What is the purpose of the calliper shown in the bottom left corner ?


E. Measuring piston ring gaps

F. Measuring inside diameters of hydraulic pipes
G. Measuring inside diameters or gaps
H. Measuring fuel pump lifts
103. What is the measuring device shown in the right bottom corner ?

E. A pipe calliper
F. An adjustable outside calliper
G. A flange calliper
H. An adjustable pipe caliper
104. How will the tool shown at the top be powered if it is to be used on tankers ?


E. By battery power,12 Volt maximum

F. By compressed air 8.5 kg/cm2 maximum
G. By compressed air 3.5 kg/cm2 maximum
H. By AC power 110 Volt, 60 Hz maximum
105. For what are RECOIL-LESS HAMMERS used ?

E. To assemble tight fitting parts

F. To chisel deep grooves in metal
G. To hammer on ring spanners
H. To test the foundation bolts of engines

106. What kind of tool is shown top left and for what is it used ?


F. A torque spanner /Used on foundation bolts

G. A ratchet spanner /Used on main engine piston crowns
H. A forged ring spanner / Used to be hammered by a sledgehammer
I. A forged torque spanner / Used to hammer nuts
107. What is the tool shown upper right ?

F. A bearing cap-wrench
G. An orifice removal wrench
H. A purifier assembly wrench
I. A hydrant wrench
108. What tool is shown bottom left and for what is it used ?

F. Articulated socket wrench/Out of centre extension


G. Flexible ratchet wrench / As extension for ratchets

H. Square ratchet wrench /45 degree out of line wrench
I. Flexible socket spanner / For sunken nuts removal and fitting
109. What kind of tool is shown right bottom and into what does it fit ?

F. A socket bolt wrench /It fits into Allen Bolts (Allen keys)
G. An angle wrench / It fits into cylinder cover plugs
H. A torque wrench / It fits over nuts
I. A bar wrench /It fits into exhaust gas pipe fastening bolts
110. What kind of wrench is shown upper left ?

G. A spring wrench
H. An adjustable spanner
I. A Stilson wrench


J. A Stillwell adjustable wrench

111. What kind of tool is shown upper right ?

F. An adjustable nut wrench

G. A Stilson wrench
H. A pipe wrench
I. An adjustable vice grip wrench
112. What is the tool shown bottom left ?


F. A flexible ring spanner

G. A ratchet spanner
H. A forged flexible star-spanner
I. A torque ring spanner
113. What kind of tool is shown top right ?

E. A mechanic's spanner
F. A double ended ring spanner
G. A star spanner, double forged.
H. A common bolt spanner, double forged
114. at is the tool shown top right ?

E. A double ended open spanner

F. A flat mechanic's double spanner


G. A double flat spanner

H. A forked double spanner
115. What kind of tool is shown bottom left ? How can it be extended ?

E. An open spanner / Cannot be extended

F. A double hexagon spanner /Extended by rod
G. A star spanner /Extended bytorque bar
H. single ended ring spanner / Extended by a pipe or rod

116. What kind of tool is shown bottom right bottom ?


E. A socket wrench forked spanner

F. A combined open ended spanner and socket wrench
G. A flat ratchet spanner
H. A single ended forked ratchet wrench
117. kind of assembly does the upper left piece and the upper centre piece make

E. A socket wrench assembly

F. A ratchet spanner
G. A ratchet torque assembly
H. A ratchet lever assembly
118. What kind of tool is shown on the bottom left corner of the picture and when is
it used ?

E. An extended spanner /When the nut is found frozen

F. A rod spanner / For cylinder cover tightening
G. A hexagon fork spanner. / To apply extra force when tightening


H. A pinchbar spanner /When there is no space available on side

119. What kind of tool is shown bottom centre ?

E. A shifting spanner
F. An adjustable pocket spanner
G. A vice grip wrench
H. A pipe spanner
120. On what equipment should the wrench shown bottom right be used ?

E. On electric motor couplings

F. On broken studs
G. On piping and rods
H. On bolts and nuts


121. The tools shown here are --------------- ?

E. engineer's tools
F. duty engineer's and watchkeeper's control room tools
G. welder's tools
H. electrician's tools
122. What is the tool shown top left called and by whom is it mostly used ?

E. Curved long nose pliers /Electricians


F. Manometer curved pliers / engineers

G. Welding rod pliers /Utters and welders
H. Instrument long nose pliers / Automation and control engineers
123. What is the tool shown top right and by whom is it used ?

E. Flat nose pliers /Bythe electrician

F. Electrician's pliers /By the electrician
G. Mechanical pliers /By the engineers and fitters
H. Cornbination pliers /For general use
124. What is the tool shown bottom left and by whom is it used ?

E. Outside circlip pliers /By engineers

F. Round point pliers / By electricians
G. Inside circlip pliers / By engineers
H. Eye nose pliers / By the electrician
125. What kind of tool is shown bottom left ? What is its use ?


E. Blacksmith's chisel/To cut steel bars and rods

F. Mason's chisel / To break up cement boxes
G. Hot chisel / To cut bolts and nuts
H. Cold chisel / A general purpose cutting and splitting tool

126. If the welding torch and the oxygen/acetylene pressure regulators are fitted in
the engine room workshop, to what should they be connected ?

E. Gas bottles depending the material to weld


F. Oxygen and acetylene pipe lines

G. Safety values
H. The oxygen and acetylene bottles
127. When igniting the welding torch, how would you proceed ?

E. Open acetylene, ignite, open oxygen than adjust flame

F. Ignite whilst controlling acetylene, open oxygen, adjust flame
G. Open acetylene, ignite, than adjust flame with oxygen.
H. Open oxygen and acetylene, than ignite
128. What is the gas welding equipment shown right side ?

E. A heavy duty welding torch

F. A blow - by torch
G. An illumination torch
H. A cutting torch
129. Flow should oxygen and acetylene bottles be transported. ?


E. In a special provided stand with clamps

F. In a safety net, well secured.
G. With the caps secured by gas-tight tape
H. In an upright position
130. on the plate thickness to be cut you should

E. the oxygen flow

F. the nozzle size
G. the acetylene flow
H. the oxygen and the acetylene flow
131. Engine room officers must be able to select the proper instrument for each
measurement, know the procedure for using it and ----------------


E. how to care for and calibrate it.

F. must know the dangers in operate it.
G. how to adjust it.
H. how to repair it.
132. What is the measuring instrument shown on the left top ?

E. A Vernier calliper
F. An outside calliper
G. An outside pipe calliper
H. A Dornier calliper

133. Which of these four screws is a fillister head screw ?

E. No 2
F. No 4
G. No 1
H. No 3
134. What type of screw is No 2 ?


E. A flat head screw

F. A glister head screw
G. A hexagon head screw
H. A button head screw
135. 42. What type of screw is No 3 ?
E. A button head screw
F. A flat head screw
G. A fdlister head screw
H. A hexagon head screw
136. at type of screw is No 4 ?

E. A button head screw

F. A flat head screw
G. A fillister head screw
H. A hexagon head screw
137. For cutting hard materials, metal saws with ----------- blades should be used ?
E. sharp angle teeth
F. small pitch


G. dual angle teeth

H. large pitch
138. The "scleroscope" is used to determining --------------
E. the 'brittleness" of a metal.
F. the "thickness" of a metal.
G. the existence of cracks in metal.
H. the ''hardness " of a metal.

139. hat is the function of this hydraulic stressing tool when fastening and unfastening
boltsinuts on an engine

E. To elongate the bolts at required stress value so that the nuts can be tightened
to the position toensure correct pre-tensioning
F. To press the part to be fastened together or down so that the nut can be
tightened by hand.
G. To fasten or unfasten the nut.
H. To apply pressure on cylinder head or bearing so that the bolt/nuts can be
tightened by hand
140. If you are welding in the workshop, you must ensure in advance that the bridge
is told and that…
A. the Chief Engineer is informed as well.
B. the fire alarm for the workshop platform is switched off.
C. the fire extinguishers of the engine room platform are not expired.
D. the emergency fire pump is started.


141. Is anyone allowed to work alone in the workshop of an U.M.S engine room
whilst it is unattended ?
A. Yes, in an emergency only
B. Yes, but onlythe duty engineer
C. No, not at anytime
D. tic., unless the duty bridge officer is informed
142. A patch is to be bonded to a 100 mm diameter sea water line. To avoid contact
with the skin, what should be done?
A. use gloves, use stirrer, take care opening tins and use safety goggles.

B. use gloves, do not smoke,use barrier cream and use safety goggles.

C. use gloves, use brush use barrier cream and use safety goggles.

D. se gloves, ensure below flash point of material, use brush and use safety goggles.

143. In the following, which letter gives advantages only for adhesive bonding?
A. Heeds good surfaces/no protruding parts

B. 4Veight reduction/may join thin sheet

C. Toxic hazardstreduced galvanic action

D. Poor electrical conductivity/may act as an insulator

144. For a repair to a low pressure water line, a propriety wrap repair tape is to be
used. What is its useable life?
A. 9 to 10 minutes

B. 4 to 6 minutes

C. 2 to 3 minutes

D. 11 to 14 minutes

145. A component with a working temperature of 325°C is to be joined using epoxy

resin. Which of the following is suitable?
A. Epoxy nitrile

B. Epoxy silicone


C. Epoxy phenolic

D. Phenolic nitrile

146. When bonding together two metal components, in which sequence should this
be carried out?
A. Clean and roughing surfaces, Add activator to epoxy resin, Apply to surfaces
and Clamp together.

B. Clamp together, Add activator to epoxy resin, Apply to edges and remove

C. Clean and roughing surfaces, Add activator to epoxy resin, Apply to surfaces
and Clamp together only when tacky.

D. Add activator to epoxy resin, Clamp together, Apply to edges and Allow to cure

147. A method of joining two plastics together is by solvent welding. Describe this
A. A high frequency current is applied to clamps at the join

B. Adhesive is applied and dissolves the plastic material being joined

C. Application of a thin film of adhesive to joining surfaces

D. A heating tool is applied with pressure to required join

148. Thermoplastic type adhesives soften when subject to heat, are fusible and
soluble. They are not suitable for?
A. Aluminium

B. Leather

C. Wood

D. Fabrics

149. In which process would a hacksaw be used?

A. Removing burrs

B. Shaping

C. Cutting threads


D. Cutting off

150. Which table best describes the all hard hacksaw blade?
A Rigid

Cuts thick sections

Best for straight cuts

Easily broken if misused

B. Easily broken if misused

Cuts thick sections

Best for straight cuts


C. Rigid

Cuts thin sections

Best for straight cuts

Not easily broken if misused

D. Rigid

Cuts thin sections

Best for straight cuts

Not easily broken if misused

151. Which table best describes the flexible hacksaw blade?

A. Only teeth hardened

Easily broken if misused

Has a long life

Reasonably non-rigid

B. Only teeth hardened

Easily broken if misused


Reasonably non-rigid

Overheats unless liquid cooled

C. Only teeth hardened

Reasonably non-rigid

Overheats unless liquid cooled

Has a long life

D. Only teeth hardened

Reasonably non-rigid

Not easily broken

Has a long life

152. A blind hole in a valve casing requires to be tapped 12 rnm. Which tap(s) would
be used?
A. Second and plug

B. Taper, second and plug

C. Plug

D. Taper and plug

153. When starting to tap a hole, how is the process checked for perpendicularity?
A. By try square

B. By straight edge

C. By spirit level

D. By sighting

154. What dictates the size of drill hole required prior to cutting an internal thread?
A. The thread pitch

B. The outside diameter

C. The thread form


D. The core diameter

155. What is significant about the spring-back hacksaw blade?

A. It can be bent into a circle over its length.

B. It is only suitable for use in a power saw.

C. It is only available with a large tooth pitch.

D. It is a compromise between the flexible and all-hard blade.

156. The engine room workshop carries different types of hacksaw blades. Which
blade should be used to cut sheet metal?
A. Tooth pitch = 6/cm

B. Tooth pitch = 8/cm

C. Tooth pitch =14/cm

D. Tooth pitch = 10/cm

157. When fitting a blade into a hacksaw, which direction should the teeth be pointing
relative to the handle?
A. Towards

B. Towards if blade is fitted at 90. to normal

C. Towards if blade is fitted at 180. to normal

D. Away

158. Which one of the following is used to finish off a component?

A. File

B. Chisel

C. Scraper

D. Orin

159. What general name is given to files which remove maximum metal in the
shortest time?
A. Double cut


B. Single cut

C. Bastard

D. craw file

160. What general name is given to files used for finishing?

A. Smooth

B. Draw file

C. Single cut

D. Second cut

161. In readiness for use, a good scraper would have its cutting edges?
A. Ground

Oil stoned

Lightly tempered

B. Polished

Sand stoned

Lightly tempered

C. Honed

Sand stoned

Highly tempered

D. Ground

Oil stoned

Highly tempered


162. white metal lined bearing is to be fitted on to a shaft. Which combination would
be used?
A. Use a half-round scraper with engineer's blue on bearing.

B. Use a flat scraper with engineer's blue on shaft.

C. Use a flat scraper with engineer's blue on bearing.

D. U se a half-round scraper with engineer's blue on shaft.

163. Chisels are used …………

A. To finish off a machined workpiece.

B. Anywhere when workpiece cannot be fitted in a suitable machine too.

C. Only on ferrous metals.

D. Only on non-ferrous metals

164. A chisel is refurbished and requires the cutting end to be tempered after
hardening. How is this achieved?
A. Heat to 250.C

Quench in water

B. Heat to 280.C

Quench in oil

C. Heat to 260.C

Quench in water

D. Heat to 230.C

Quench in oil.

165. A flat chisel requires tempering; which temperature and colour is correct for this
A. 80°C purple

B. 250°C light brown

C. 240°C dark straw


D. 260°C dark brown

166. When tempering a cold chisel, at which part of the chisel is the flame directed?
A. The beginning of the tapered portion

B. The cutting edge

C. The hammer end

D. Mid-way

167. When tempering use is made of the microscopic oxide film formed on the
surface, in what sequence does change occur?
A. Purple




B. Straw




C. Brown




D. Straw



168. When out of use temporarily, how should the workshop plate be stored?


A. Wiped with an oiled rag.

B. Covered with a cloth sheet.

C. Covered with grease.

D. Covered with a wooden cover.

169. What special care does an engineers dividers need :

A. Keep oiled

B. Keep screw thread clean

C. Protect points when not in use

D. Always use same leg in centre pop

170. Given a set of odd-leg calipers and a small cork, what use is the cork?
A. Cork has the same properties as silica gel and prevents corrosion.

B. Cork is a sales gimmick.

C. Cork is to protect the point.

D. Cork is used as centre when marking out.

171. A centre punch has a 60° point for?

A. Accurate marking

B. Ease to see

C. Use as scriber

D. Long life

172. A 90° tentre punch is specifically designed to?

A. To scribe

B. Pop mark for drilling

C. Give long life

D. Act as a pin punch

173. A scriber should NOT be used for marking out?


A. When material is copper

B. When material is to be bent

C. When material is plastic

D. When material is to be hot worked

174. What toot would be used to mark off the centre line shown :
A. Odd leg calliper

B. Straight edge and scriber

C. Height gauge

D. Divider

175. Which set of equipment is required to mark out the keyway of a 30 mm diameter
A. Polish flat bar

Slip gauges


Engineer's square

B. Dial gauge

Vee block


Vernier protractor

C. Porthole glass

Slip gauges



D. Surface plate

Vee block


Vernier height gauge


176. Which of the following effects could be reduced if hand powered tools were
A. Fatigue

Loss of concentration


Inaccurate work

B. Over familiar

Use of safety glasses


Personal injury

C. Distraction

Use of hard hat


Eye strain

D. Injury to hands

Tools correctly sharpened

Loss of concentration


130. ldentify the powered hand tool in No.1 ?


A. Drill

B. Grinder

C. Input wrench

D. Screwdriver

131. Identify the powered hand tool No. 2 ?

A. Input wrench

B. Screwdriver

C. Drill

D. Grinder

132. The drawing of an engine mechanism component gives some surfaces as angles.
How would these angles be marked out?

A. With a vernier protractor

B. With odd leg callipers

C. With dividers

D. With a steel rule


133. The sketch shows the two scales of a Vernier caliper. What degree of accuracy will
a measurement have?

A. 0.02

B. 0.03

C. 0.01

D. 0.04

134. The Vernier protractor gives an angular accuracy of?

A. 4 minutes of angle

B. 2 minutes of angle

C. 7 minutes of angle

D. 5 minutes of angle

135. The speed and feed for the 20 mm diameter reamer would be?

A. 25% less

B. 75% less

C. Same as drill

D. 50% less


136. A plastic cover for an instrument requires four 12 mm diameter holes to be drilled.
What is the best method?

A. Slow helix drill, 90° point and wood backing.

B. Jobbing drill 120'' point.

C. Jobbing drill 120° point and wood backing.

D. Jobbing drill 90° point and wood backing.

137. After sharpening a twist drill, which points are most important to check?

A. Flute length

Face of drill

Ensure no rough grinding marks

Lip length

B. Web size

Rake angle

Flank condition

Point angle

C. Land

Overall length

Chisel edge

Helix angle

D. Clearance angle

Chisel edge angle

Point angle

Lip length


138. The diagram shows four types of socket head screws. Identify the socket shoulder

A. No.3

B. No.4

C. No.2

D. No.1

139. The diagram shows four types of machine screws. Identify the cheese head screw.

A. No.4

B. No.1

C. No.3

D. No.2

140. When fitting new bottom ends to a small diesel engine, the bottom end bolts have
no locking devices. Which of the following should be fitted.

A. Split pins

B. Taper pins

C. Parallel pins


D. Bifurcated taper pins


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