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(Judul artikel harus ringkas, informatif, menghindari singkatan, dan menggambarkan
isi penelitian. Jumlah kata dalam judul maksimal 16 kata)

Penulis11), Penulis22)dst. [Font Garamond 12 Cetak Tebal dan Nama Tidak Boleh
NamaFakultas, nama Perguruan Tinggi/Afiliasi (penulis 1)
email: penulis
Nama Fakultas, nama Perguruan Tinggi/Afiliasi (penulis 2/Dosen Pembimbing)
email: penulis

Abstract [Garamond 10 Cetak Miring]

Abstraksi: Abstract ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris yang berisikan isu-isu pokok, tujuan
penelitian, metoda/pendekatan dan hasil penelitian. Abstract ditulis dalam satu alenia,
tidak lebih dari 150 kata. (Garamond 10, spasi tunggal, dan cetak miring).

Keywords: Maksimum 5 kata kunci dipisahkan dengan tanda koma. [Font Garamond 10
spasi tunggal, dan cetak miring]

Pendahuluan [Garamond 12 bold, Tebal, Tanpa diberi Numbering]

Bagian ini berisi latar belakang masalah, tujuan umum serta ulasan singkat
mengenai variable-variabel yang diteliti serta das sein dan das sollen di lapangan. Pada
bagian ini juga dideskripsikan kajian-kajian teoritik yang relevan baik yang bersumber dari
buku maupun hasil penelitian yang dipublikasikan melalui jurnal ilmiah.
Penulisan menggunakan Garamond, 12, normal. Spasi 1,15. Style citation Turabian,
footnote, dan disarankan menggunakan reference manager (mendeley, crossref, dan
sebagainya). Panduan turabian selengkapnya lihat di panduan pengutipan atau lihat di

Metode [Garamond 12 bold, Tebal, Tanpa diberi Numbering]

Bagian ini menguraikan bagaimana cara penelitian yang dilaporkan dilakukan. Jika
penelitiannya merupakan penelitian kuantitatif, materi pokok pada metode penelitian ini
pada dasarnya terdiri dari: (1) variabel penelitian, (2) rancangan penelitian, (3) populasi dan
sampel, (4) teknik pengumpulan data dan pengembangan instrumen, dan (4) teknik analisis
data. Jika penelitiannya merupakan penelitian kualitatif, pada bagian ini diuraikan
pendekatan dan cara-cara yang dipakai dalam penelitian, seperti lazimnya pada penelitian
Sumber pustaka pada bagian ini diperlukan agar pembaca yang ingin mengetahui
lebih lanjut dapat mencari dan membaca buku referensinya. Jika menggunakan paket
perangkat lunak statistik, maka nama perangkat lunak tersebut perlu disebutkan lengkap
dengan versinya.

Template Artikel Prodi PAI

Penulisan menggunakan Garamond, 12, normal. Spasi 1,15. Style citation Turabian,
footnote, dan disarankan menggunakan reference manager (mendeley, crossref, dan

Hasil dan Pembahasan [Garamond 12 bold, Tebal, Tanpa diberi Numbering, UNTUK
Hasil penelitian memuat hasil analisis yang dilakukan terhadap data yang telah
dikumpulkan. Pengujian hipotesis dan perhitungan statistik tidak perlu disajikan secara
rinci, cukup diuraikan dalam bentuk esei. Penyampaian hasil penelitian dapat dibantu
dengan pemakaian tabel atau grafik yang disertai dengan tambahan narasi untuk
mempermudah pembaca memahaminya. Tabel yang disajikan hendaknya tabel yang
ringkas. Tabel yang sangat panjang hendaknya dihindari. Tabel-tabel, grafik-grafik, dan
semacamnya hendaknya dituliskan di dekat teks yang mengacunya. Keterangan
gambar/grafik diletakkan di bawah gambar/grafik tersebut, sedangkan judul tabel diletakkan
di atasnya. Judul diawali dengan huruf kapital.

Tabel 1. Rangkuman Analisis Variansi Dua Jalan Sel Tak Sama (font 10pt)

Analisis Variansi Dua Jalan Sel Tak Sama

JK dK RK Fobs Fa Keputusan
H 0 A Metode (A) 3976.1492 2 1988.074 35.614 3 ditolak
6 4
H 0 B Keingintahua 450.2605 2 225.1302 4.0330 3 ditolak
n (B)
H 0 AB Interaksi 235.2931 4 58,8233 1.0538 2.3 diterima
(AB) 7

Galat 17751.446 31 55.8222

8 8
Total 22413.149 32
6 6

Semua gambar dan tabel diberi judul dan nomor, diletakkan di bagian bawah atau
atas, di halaman segera sesudah disebutkan, tapi tidak boleh terpotong oleh kolom/halaman
dan jika melebar boleh menggunakan satu kolom (selebar halaman). Gambar dalam bentuk
grafik harus asli (bukan hasil scanning).

Template Artikel Prodi PAI

Gambar 1. Proposi Metode Pembelajaran

Di sisi lain, pembahasan merupakan bagian terpenting dari artikel hasil penelitian.
Pada bagian ini penulis menginterpretasikan temuan penelitian, mengaitkan temuan
penelitian dengan struktur pengetahuan yang telah mapan, dan memunculkan ‘teori-teori’
baru atau memodifikasi teori yang telah ada. Pada pembahasan, penulis dapat
membandingkan dengan publikasi lain yang memuat hasil penelitian serupa dan
memberikan komentarnya terhadap adanya persamaan dan adanya perbedaan di antara
keduanya. Penulisan menggunakan Garamond, 12, normal. Spasi 1,15. Style citation
Turabian, footnote, dan disarankan menggunakan reference manager (mendeley, crossref,
dan sebagainya).

Pembahasan [Garamond 12 bold, Tebal, Tanpa diberi Numbering, UNTUK ARTIKEL

Pembahasan merupakan bagian terpenting dari artikel hasil penelitian. Pada bagian
ini penulis menginterpretasikan temuan penelitian, mengaitkan temuan penelitian dengan
struktur pengetahuan yang telah mapan, dan memunculkan ‘teori-teori’ baru atau
memodifikasi teori yang telah ada. Pada pembahasan, penulis dapat membandingkan
dengan publikasi lain yang memuat hasil penelitian serupa dan memberikan komentarnya
terhadap adanya persamaan dan adanya perbedaan di antara keduanya.
Penulisan menggunakan Garamond, 12, normal. Spasi 1,15. Style citation
Turabian, footnote, dan disarankan menggunakan reference manager (mendeley, crossref,
dan sebagainya).

Kesimpulan [Garamond 12 bold, Tebal, Tanpa diberi Numbering]

Kesimpulan menyajikan ringkasan dari uraian mengenai hasil penelitian dan
pembahasan. Kesimpulan hendaknya disampaikan dalam kalimat yang mudah ditangkap
pembaca (dalam kalimat sehari-hari). Sebaiknya simpulan penelitian tidak memuat kalimat
yang berisi terminologi-terminologi statistik dan angka-angka statistik. Kecuali temuan
penelitiannya cukup banyak, dianjurkan untuk tidak menggunakan format enumerasi pada
simpulan penelitian.

Daftar Pustaka [Garamond 12 bold, Tebal, Tanpa diberi Numbering]

Template Artikel Prodi PAI

Penulisan menyesuaikan dengan aturan style citation turabian. Dan disarankan

menggunakan reference manager (mendeley, crossref, dan sebagainya).

Panduan Turabian selengkapnya lihat di panduan penulisan rujukan atau cek via website

Template Artikel Prodi PAI

Teknik Catatan Kaki (Footnote)

One author
1. Malcolm Gladwell, The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big
Difference (Boston: Little, Brown, 2000), 64-65.
2. Gladwell, Tipping Point, 71.

Two or more authors

1. Peter Morey and Amina Yaqin, Framing Muslims: Stereotyping and Representation
after 9/11 (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2011), 52.
2. Morey and Yaqin, Framing Muslims, 60-61.

For four or more authors, list all of the authors in the bibliography; in the note, list only the
first author, followed by "et al."("and others"):

1. Jay M. Bernstein et al., Art and Aesthetics after Adorno (Berkeley: University of
California Press, 2010), 276.
2. Bernstein et al., Art and Aesthetics, 18.

Editor or translator instead of author

1. Richmond Lattimore, trans., The Iliad of Homer (Chicago: University of Chicago
Press, 1951), 91-92.
2. Lattimore, Iliad, 24.

Editor or translator in addition to author

1. Jane Austen, Persuasion: An Annotated Edition, ed. Robert Morrison (Cambridge,
MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2011), 311-12.
2. Austen, Persuasion, 315.

Chapter or other part of a book

1. Angeles Ramirez, "Muslim Women in the Spanish Press: The Persistence of Subaltern
Images," in Muslim Women in War and Crisis: Representation and Reality, ed. Faegheh
Shirazi (Austin: University of Texas Press, 2010), 231.
2. Ramirez, "Muslim Women," 239-40.

Preface, foreword, introduction, or similar part of a book

1. William Cronon, foreword to The Republic of Nature, by Mark Fiege (Seattle:
University of Washington Press, 2012), ix.
2. Cronon, foreword, x-xi.

Template Artikel Prodi PAI

Book published electronically

If a book is available in more than one format, cite the version you consulted. For books
consulted online, include an access date and a URL. If you consulted the book in a library
or commercial database, you may give the name of the database instead of a URL. If no
fixed page numbers are available, you can include a section title or a chapter or other

1. Isabel Wilkerson, The Warmth of Other Suns: The Epic Story of America's Great
Migration (New York: Vintage, 2010), 183-84, Kindle.
2. Philip B. Kurland and Ralph Lerner, eds., The Founders' Constitution (Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 1987), chap. 10, doc. 19, accessed October 15, 2011,
3. Joseph P. Quinlan, The Last Economic Superpower: The Retreat of Globalization, the
End of American Dominance, and What We Can Do about It (New York: McGraw-Hill,
2010), 211, accessed December 8, 2012, ProQuest Ebrary.
4. Wilkerson, Warmth of Other Suns, 401.
5. Kurland and Lerner, Founders' Constitution.
6. Quinlan, Last Economic Superpower, 88.

Journal article

In a note, list the specific page numbers consulted, if any. In the bibliography, list the page
range for the whole article.

Article in a print journal

1. Alexandra Bogren, "Gender and Alcohol: The Swedish Press Debate," Journal of
Gender Studies 20, no. 2 (June 2011): 156.
2. Bogren, "Gender and Alcohol," 157.

Article in an online journal

For a journal article consulted online, include an access date and a URL. For articles that
include a DOI, form the URL by appending the DOI to rather than using
the URL in your address bar. The DOI for the article in the Brown example below is
10.1086/660696. If you consulted the article in a library or commercial database, you may
give the name of the database instead.

1. Campbell Brown, "Consequentialize This," Ethics 121, no. 4 (July 2011): 752,
accessed December 1, 2012,
2. Anastacia Kurylo, "Linsanity: The Construction of (Asian) Identity in an Online New
York Knicks Basketball Forum," China Media Research 8, no. 4 (October 2012): 16,
accessed March 9, 2013, Academic OneFile.
3. Brown, "Consequentialize This," 761.
4. Kurylo, "Linsanity," 18-19.

Magazine article
1. Jill Lepore, "Dickens in Eden," New Yorker, August 29, 2011, 52.

Template Artikel Prodi PAI

2. Lepore, "Dickens in Eden," 54-55.

Newspaper article

Newspaper articles may be cited in running text ("As Elisabeth Bumiller and Thom Shanker
noted in a New York Times article on January 23, 2013, . . .") instead of in a note, and they
are commonly omitted from a bibliography. The following examples show the more formal
versions of the citations.

1. Elisabeth Bumiller and Thom Shanker, "Pentagon Lifts Ban on Women in

Combat," New York Times, January 23, 2013, accessed January 24, 2013,
2. Bumiller and Shanker, "Pentagon Lifts Ban."

Book review
1. Joel Mokyr, review of Natural Experiments of History, ed. Jared Diamond and James
A. Robinson, American Historical Review 116, no. 3 (June 2011): 754, accessed December
9, 2011,
2. Mokyr, review of Natural Experiments of History,752.

Thesis or dissertation
1. Dana S. Levin, "Let's Talk about Sex . . . Education: Exploring Youth Perspectives,
Implicit Messages, and Unexamined Implications of Sex Education in Schools" (PhD diss.,
University of Michigan, 2010), 101-2.
2. Levin, "Let's Talk about Sex," 98.

Paper presented at a meeting or conference

1. Rachel Adelman, " 'Such Stuff as Dreams Are Made On': God's Footstool in the
Aramaic Targumim and Midrashic Tradition" (paper presented at the annual meeting for the
Society of Biblical Literature, New Orleans, Louisiana, November 21-24, 2009).
2. Adelman, "Such Stuff as Dreams."


A citation to website content can often be limited to a mention in the text or in a note ("As
of July 27, 2012, Google's privacy policy had been updated to include . . ."). If a more
formal citation is desired, it may be styled as in the examples below. Because such content
is subject to change, include an access date and, if available, a date that the site was last

1. "Privacy Policy," Google Policies & Principles, last modified July 27, 2012, accessed
January 3, 2013,
2. Google, "Privacy Policy."

Template Artikel Prodi PAI

Blog entry or comment

Blog entries or comments may be cited in running text ("In a comment posted to The
Becker-Posner Blog on February 16, 2012, . . .") instead of in a note, and they are
commonly omitted from a bibliography. The following examples show the more formal
versions of the citations.

1. Gary Becker, "Is Capitalism in Crisis?," The Becker-Posner Blog, February 12, 2012,
accessed February 16, 2012,
2. Becker, "Is Capitalism in Crisis?"

Chapter or other part of a book

Ramirez, angeles. "Muslim Women in the
Daftar Rujukan Spanish Press: The Persistence of
Subaltern Images." In Muslim Women
in War and Crisis: Representation and
Book Reality, edited by Faegheh Shirazi,
One author 227-44. Austin: University of Texas
Press, 2010.
Gladwell, Malcolm. The Tipping Point:
How Little Things Can Make a Big Preface, foreword, introduction, or
Difference. Boston: Little, Brown, similar part of a book
2000. Cronon, William. Foreword to The
Republic of Nature, by Mark Fiege, ix-
Two or more authors xii. Seattle: University of Washington
Morey, Peter, and Amina Yaqin. Framing Press, 2012.
Muslims: Stereotyping and
Representation after 9/11. Cambridge, Book published electronically
MA: Harvard University Press, 2011. Wilkerson, Isabel. The Warmth of Other
Bernstein, Jay M., Claudia Brodsky, Suns: The Epic Story of America's
Anthony J. Cascardi, Thierry de Duve, Great Migration. New York: Vintage,
Ales Erjavec, Robert Kaufman, and 2010. Kindle.
Fred Rush. Art and Aesthetics after Kurland, Philip B., and Ralph Lerner,
Adorno. Berkeley: University of eds. The Founders' Constitution.
California Press, 2010. Chicago: University of Chicago Press,
1987. Accessed October 15, 2011.
Editor or translator instead of author
Lattimore, Richmond, trans. The Iliad of s/.
Homer. Chicago: University of Quinlan, Joseph P. The Last Economic
Chicago Press, 1951. Superpower: The Retreat of
Globalization, the End of American
Editor or translator in addition to author Dominance, and What We Can Do
Austen, Jane. Persuasion: An Annotated about It. New York: McGraw-Hill,
Edition. Edited by Robert Morrison. 2010. Accessed December 8, 2012.
Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of ProQuest Ebrary.
Harvard University Press, 2011.

Template Artikel Prodi PAI

Journal article Education in Schools." PhD diss.,

Article in a print journal University of Michigan, 2010.
Bogren, Alexandra. "Gender and Alcohol:
The Swedish Press Debate." Journal of Paper presented at a meeting or
Gender Studies 20, no. 2 (June 2011): conference
155-69. Adelman, Rachel. " 'Such Stuff as Dreams
Are Made On': God's Footstool in the
Article in an online journal Aramaic Targumim and Midrashic
Brown, Campbell. "Consequentialize Tradition." Paper presented at the
This." Ethics 121, no. 4 (July 2011): annual meeting for the Society of
749-71. Accessed December 1, 2012. Biblical Literature, New Orleans, Louisiana, November 21-24, 2009.
Kurylo, Anastacia. "Linsanity: The
Construction of (Asian) Identity in an Website
Online New York Knicks Basketball Google. "Privacy Policy." Google Policies
Forum." China Media Research 8, no. & Principles. Last modified July 27,
4 (October 2012): 15-28. Accessed 2012. Accessed January 3, 2013.
March 9, 2013. Academic OneFile.
Magazine article
Lepore, Jill. "Dickens in Eden." New Blog entry or comment
Yorker, August 29, 2011. Becker, Gary. "Is Capitalism in
Crisis?" The Becker-Posner Blog,
Newspaper article February 12, 2012. Accessed February
Bumiller, Elisabeth, and Thom Shanker. 16, 2012. http://www.becker-posner-
"Pentagon Lifts Ban on Women in
Combat." New York Times, January 23, crisis-becker.html.
2013. Accessed January 24, 2013.

Book review
Mokyr, Joel. Review of Natural
Experiments of History, edited by
Jared Diamond and James A.
Robinson. American Historical
Review 116, no. 3 (June 2011): 752-55.
Accessed December 9, 2011.

Thesis or dissertation
Levin, Dana S. "Let's Talk about Sex . . .
Education: Exploring Youth
Perspectives, Implicit Messages, and
Unexamined Implications of Sex

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