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Analytical Exposition Text merupakan jenis teks yang banyak kita jumpai dalam

bacaan sehari-hari walaupun tidak semua orang tahu bahwa yang kita bacaa itu
sebenarnya adalah jenis teks ini. Analayitical exposition text merupakan jenis teks yang
berisikan pendapat-pendapat mengenai sesuatu baik benda, tempat, atau kejadian.
Nah, pada kesempata kali ini Media Belajar Bahasa Inggris akan membahas
mengenai analytical exposition text. Untuk sobat ketahui bahwa analytical exposition
text merupakan jenis teks argumentative text, seperti Hortatory Exposition Text. Untuk
lebih jelasnya mari kita lihat penjelasan mengenai analytical exposition text berikut ini.
Semoga bermanfaat. Check this out!!!

A. Pengertian Analytical Exposition Text

Analytical exposition text adalah jenis teks yang termasuk ke dalam jenis Argumentation
Text dimana teks tersebut berisi tentang pemikiran terperinci penulis tentang sebuah
kejadian atau peristiwa yang ada di sekitar.

B. Tujuan Komunikatif Analytical Exposition Text

Tujuan komunikatif dari analytical exposition text adalah untuk meyakinkan pembaca
bahwa topik yang dihadirkan adalah topik yang penting untuk dibahas atau mendapat
perhatian dengan cara pemberian argumen-argumen atau pendapat-pendapat yang
mendukung ide pokok atau topik tersebut.

C. Struktur Kebahasaan Analytical Exposition

Struktur kebahasaan analytical exposition text terdiri dari tiga bagian yaitu:

1. Thesis

Di bagian Thesis, penulis memperkenalkan topik atau ide pokok yang akan
dibahas. Thesis selalu berada di paragraf pertama dalam analytical exposition

2. Argument

Di bagian ini penulis menghadirkan argumen-argumen atau pendapat-pendapat

yang mendukung ide pokok penulis teks tersebut. Biasanya dalam sebuah
analytical exposition text terdapat lebih dari dua argumen. Semakin banyak
argumen yang ditampilkan, semakin membuat pembaca percaya bahwa topik
yang dibahas oleh penulis adalah topik yang sangat penting atau membutuhkan

3. Reiteration

Bagian ini merupakan bagian penutup dari sebuah analytical exposition text yang
selalu terletak di akhir paragraf. Reiteration berisi penulisan kembali atau
penempatan kembali ide pokok yang terdapat di paragraf pertama. Reiteration
juga biasa disebut dengan conclusion atau kesimpulan.
D. Ciri Kebahasaan Analytical Exposition

Dalam sebuah analytical exposition text, terdapat beberapa ciri-ciri kebahasaan seperti
di bawah ini, yaitu:

 menggunakan simple present

 mengunakan reltional process
 menggunakan internal conjunction
 menggunakan casual conjuction

E. Contoh Analytical Exposition Text

Untuk melengkapi dan memperkuat pemahaman anda mengenai analytical exposition

text, sengaja penulis sertakan contoh beserta terjemahan seperti berikut ini.

Cars Should Be Banned

Cars should be banned in the city. As we all know, cars create pollution, and cause a lot
of road deaths and other accidents.

(Argument 1)
Firstly, cars, as we all know, give contribution to the most of the pollution in the world.
Cars emit deadly gas that causes illness such as bronchitis, lung cancer, and ‘triggers’ off
asthma. Some of these illnesses are so bad that people can die from them.

(Argument 2)
Secondly, the city is very busy. Pedestrians wander everywhere and cars commonly hit
pedestrains in the city, which causes them to die. Cars today are our roads biggest

(Argument 3)
Thirdly, cars are very noisy. If you live in the city, you may find it hard to sleep at night,
or to concentrate on your homework, and especially when you talk to someone.

In conclusion, cars should be benned from the city for the reason listed.


Mobil harus dilarang di kota. Seperti yang kita ketahui, mobil membuat polisi dan
membuat banyak kematian di jalan dan kecelakaan.

Pertama, mobil, sebagai mana kita ketahui, menyumbang polusi terbanyak di dunia.
Mobil mengeluarkan gas mematikan yang menyebabkan penyakit seperti bronchitis,
kanker paru-paru, dan pemicu asthma. Beberapa penyakit tersebut sangatlah buruk
bagi manusia yang bisa menyebabkan kematian.

Yang kedua, kota sangatlah sibuk. Pejalan kaki berjalan ke mana-mana dan mobil
umumnya menabrak pejalan kaki di kota, yang menyebabkan kematian. Mobil hari ini
adalah pembunuh terbesar di jalan.

Yang ketiga, mobil sangatlah berisik. Jika kamu tinggal di kota, kamu mungkin akan
menjumpai sangat lah susah untuk tidur di malam hari atau untuk berkonsentrasi pada
pekerjaan rumah kalian, dan khususnya ketika kamu berbicara kepada seseorang.

Kesimpulannya, mobil harus dilarang dari kota berdasarkan alasan tersebut.

Kumpulan Contoh Analytical Exposition di bawah ini hadir untuk melengkapi artikel
sebelumnya tentang penjelasan analytical exposition text. Kumpulan beberapa contoh
anaytical exposition beserta terjemahan tersebut ditujukan bagi pembaca yang sedang
ini memahami apa itu analytical exposition text dan bagimana cara membuatnya secara

Seperti yang sudah dijelaskan pada artikel sebelumnya, analytical exposition text
adalah salah satu dari 13 jenis teks bahasa inggris yang mempunyai tujuan untuk
meyakinkan pembaca bahwa topik bacaan yang sedang dibaca merupakan topik yang

Dalam membuat sebuah analytical exposition text, terdapat beberapa hal yang mesti
diperhatikan seperti thesis, arguments, dan penutup. Pada pembuatan thesis yang
berisi tentang topik permasalahan yang akan diangkat, yang selanjutnya di perkaya
dengan argumen-argumen atau pendapat-pendapat yang mendukung. Sedangkan
pada penutup di isi dengan kesimpulan. Untuk mempermudah pembaca memahami
penjelasan analytical exposition text, penulis hadirkan beberapa contoh analytical
exposition text sebagai berikut. Semoga bermanfaat. Check this out!!!
1. Career in Translation
Functionally, translation is transferring the message or the meaning and not the word.
According to Nida, such translation is called dynamic equivalence translation. It tries to
bring the precise message in different language. Selengkapnya >>>

2. Smoking Is Good for Us?

Before we are going to smoke, it is better to look at the fact. About 50 thousand people
die every year in Britain as direct result of smoking. This is seven times as many as die
in road accidents. Nearly a quarter of smokers die because of diseases caused by
smoking. Selengkapnya >>>
3. Laptop Is Students' Freind
Conventionally, students need book, pen, eraser, drawing book, ruler and such other
stuff. Additionally, in this multimedia era, students need more to reach their progressive
development. Students need mobile keyboards to record every presented subject
easily. Selengkapnya >>>

4. The Problem of Being Too Fat

Being too fat is commonly known as overweight or obesity. It is simply defined as too
much body fat inside. Overweight potentially leads high risk of health problem.
Selengkapnya >>>

5. The Unhealty Fast Food

Fast food nowadays is considered a normal eating venture. People are not just eating
out on special occasions or weekends anymore. It means that all the time they mostly
eat fast foods. However is fast food good for health? Selengkapnya >>>

6. Writing Is A Great for Money Online

The emergence of the internet has given internet entrepreneurs many ways to make
money. Writers are one group that have benefited from their talents as a result in the
rise of internet based jobs. Selengkapnya >>>

7. TV Is Bad for Children (NEW!)

Television plays very important role in our lives, and it is also main source of
entertainment. We watch TV whenever we are free, or sometimes while working, and
learn many things from it. As the TV is used in our daily life, it broadcasts many live
events and news which educate us in many ways. But, sometimes children watch those
programs on TV which should not meant to be viewed by child's age group and have
many negative impacts on their lives. Selengkapnya>>>

8. Social Media Are Bad for Teenagers (NEW!)

Social media Web sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and many others have
become nearly inescapable facets of modern life, particularly for teenagers. Social
media is becoming more than just a part of their world, it’s becoming their world. Teens
are spending more and more time online, usually on a social media platform like
Facebook or Twitter. Most teens now have smart phones where they are on social
media networks all throughout the day. They are constantly texting, tweeting, and
posting pictures via Snapchat and Instagram. However, hyper-connected to social
media could be bad for them. Selengkapnya>>>

Semoga Kumpulan Contoh Analytical Exposition di atas bisa bermanfaat bagi sobat
sekalian dalam memahami apa itu analytical exposition text dan cara membuatnya.
Apabila ada suatu kesalahan baik berupa penulisan, isi, maupun terjemahan, mohon
kiranya kritik dan saran yang membangun untuk kemajuan bersama. Jangan lupa like
dan share juga ya sobat. Terima kasih.. ^^English is Fun^^

Social Function :
To persuade the reader or listener that importance of reading should be realized by

Pembahasan materi Hortatory Exposition ini mencakup:

• Generic Structures of Hortatory Exposition
• Thesis of Hortatory Exposition
• Arguments of Hortatory Exposition
• Recommendation of Hortatory Exposition
• Language Features of Hortatory Exposition

Contoh bacaan Hortatory Exposition & Generic Structures dari Hortatory


 Title

The Importance of Reading

 Thesis

Reading habit is poor among Indonesians because most people haven’t realized the
importance of reading. There are several reasons why reading habit is so important.

 Argument 1

Firstly, reading is important to transform knowledge and technology. By reading, one

knows the world. Someone will understand what he/she doesn’t see by himself or
herself. The lines of the paragraphs in an article contain pieces of knowledge. The
knowledge is needed to improve the quality of human’s life.

 Argument 2

Secondly, realizing the importance of reading will make someone motivated to read.
When we know that something is very
important because it can give us valuable information, we will try to get or do the
thing. For example, a businessman who always follows latest information or news, will
know what to do in his/ her business. He will make a good decision to make a

 Argument 3
Third, it is observed that children and teenagers who love reading have comparatively
higher IQs. They are more creative and do better in school and college. It is
recommended that parents to inculcate the importance of reading to their children in
the early age. Reading is said to significantly help in developing vocabulary. You will
keep on learning new words phrases, idioms, and learn to use them in several
different ways as well. The children who start reading from on early age are observed
to have good language skills, and they grasp the variances much better.

 Argument 4

Fourth, a good understanding toward the importance of reading can be achieved by

well organized. To plant an understanding is not an easy job. It needs a hard work
from all components of the nation, especially the government. It can be done through
various kinds of mass media such as TV, radio, booklets, bulletins, newspapers,

 Recommendation

Therefore, the importance of reading should be realized by our self to improve the
quality of human`s life. It will be better if the goverment support about that. In this
globalization world, those people with little knowledge will be left behind, to speed
up the better change in this country, a good reading habit is really important.

LANGUAGE FEATURES of Hortatory Exposition

(1)Firstly, reading (2) is important to transform knowledge and technology. By

reading, one (3)knows the world. Someone (4)will understand what he/she doesn’t
see by himself or herself. The lines of the paragraphs in an article contain pieces of
knowledge. The knowledge (2) is needed to improve the quality of human’s life.
(1)Secondly, Realizing the importance of reading (4)will make someone
motivated to read. When we know that something is very important because it (4)can
give us valuable information, we (4)will try to (5)get or do the thing. For example, a
businessman who always follows latest information or news, (4)will know what to do
in his/ her business. He (4)will make a good decision to make a transaction.
(1)Third, It (2)is observed that children and teenagers who love reading have
comparatively higher IQs. They (2)are more creative and do better in school and
college. It is recommended that parents to inculcate the importance of reading to
their children in the early age. Reading (2)is said to significantly help in developing
vocabulary. You (3)will keep on learning new words phrases, idioms, and learn to use
them in several different ways as well. The children who start reading from on early
age (2)are observed to have good language skills, and they grasp the variances much
(1)Fourth, A good understanding toward the importance of reading (4)can be
achieved by well organized. To plant an understanding (2)is not an easy job. It needs
a hard work from all components of the nation, especially the government. It (4)can
be done through various kinds of mass media such as TV, radio, booklets, bulletins,
newspapers, magazines.

(1) : Link Argument (4) : Modal
(2) : Relational Process (5) : Adverb
(3) : Material Process

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Career in Translation
Functionally, translation is transferring the message or the meaning and not the word.
According to Nida, such translation is called dynamic equivalence translation. It tries to
bring the precise message in different language.

Many people like to watch Hollywood movie but many get trouble in understanding to
the actors' dialogue. So the way they get the understanding about the movie is reading
the translating text running. If Hindi translation is provided, it will bring the better
understanding for Indian moviegoer. Hollywood movie spread over other Asia countries.
Therefore, Arabic translation, Indonesian translation and Farsi translation are widely
needed and that is a big chance for English master in that countries.

India is likely being an English speaking country. India translation will grow better and. It
seems Indonesia, Malaysia and Filipina will reach that mark too soon. Translation job
will be great in amount and that is good development for translating job seekers.

Is Smoking Good for Us?

Before we are going to smoke, it is better to look at the facts. About 50 thousands
people die every year in Britain as direct result of smoking. This is seven times as many
as die in road accidents. Nearly a quarter of smokers die because of diseases caused
by smoking.

Ninety percent of lung cancers are caused by smoking. If we smoke five cigarettes a
day, we are six times more likely to die of lung cancer than a non smoker. If we smoke
twenty cigarettes a day, the risk is nineteen times greater. Ninety five percent of people
who suffer of bronchitis are people who are smoking. Smokers are two and half times
more likely to die of heart disease than non smokers.

Additionally, children of smoker are more likely to develop bronchitis and pneumonia. In
one hour in smoky room, non smoker breathes as much as substance causing cancer
as if he had smoked fifteen cigarettes.

Smoking is really good for tobacco companies because they do make much money from
smoking habit. Smoking, however is not good for health both the smokers themselves
and every body else.

Students' Laptop

Conventionally, students need book, pen, eraser, drawing book, ruler and such other
stuff. Additionally, in this multimedia era, students need more to reach their progressive
development. Students need mobile keyboards to record every presented subject
easily. Of course it will need more cost but it will deserve for its function.

First, modern schools tend to apply fast transferring knowledge because the school
needs to catch the target of curriculum. Every subject will tend to be given in
demonstrative method. Consequently students need extra media cover the subject.
Since there is a laptop on every student’s desk, this method will help student to get
better understanding.

Secondly, finding an appropriate laptop is not difficult as it was. Recently there is an

online shop which provides comprehensive information. The best is that the shop has
service of online shopping. The students just need to brows that online shop, decide
which computer or laptop they need, and then complete the transaction. After that the
laptop will be delivered to the students' houses. That is really easy and save time and
From all of that, having mobile computer is absolutely useful for students who want to
catch the best result for their study.

The Problem of Being Too Fat

Being too fat is commonly known as overweight or obesity. It is simply defined as too much
body fat inside. Overweight potentially leads high risk of health problem.

Being too fat is recognized as a major factor for heart disease. Due to the overweight, the heart
will work harder. It can lead to the heart attack. Furthermore, obesity potentially rises blood
cholesterol and blood pressure. In addition, being too fat can change the amount of sugar in the
blood. This will cause diabetes and other serious disease.

Beside all of that, being too fat is often avoided by many young women. They said that
becoming too fat will bother their physical beauty appearance.

More serious studies are necessary to see the effect of obesity. However it is clear enough that
overweight is not good enough for healthy life.

The Unhealthy Fast Food

Fast food, nowadays, is considered as a normal eating venture. People are not just
eating out on special occasions or weekends anymore. It means that all the time they
mostly eat fast foods. However is fast food good for health?

Fast food has its popularity in the 1940’s. Within a few years, fast-food operations
popped up everywhere. With the compelling rise in fast-food restaurants since the
1940’s, oddly it started the rise in obesity and cancer during that same time period.

Fast food is highly processed with a wide array of additives. To ensure fast food’s low
cost, the fast food products are made with highly-processed ingredients to give it shelf-
life, to hold consistency, and to enhance flavor. Fast food is altered from its original
healthy form.

It is not the calories in fast food which damage health and waistline. It is the chemical
additives such as aspartame and MSG (monosodium glutamate). Studies show that the
chemical additives lead to weight and disease issues.
So, there is absolutely nothing nutritional about fast food. Fast food simply feeds hunger
and craving.

Writing is a Great for Money Online

The emergence of the internet has given internet entrepreneurs many ways to make
money. Writers are one group that have benefited from their talents as a result in the
rise of internet based jobs.

Blog writing is an increasingly popular way to earn money online determined by the
owner of the blog. There are many free websites out there that will help you set up your
own blog if you choose to go that route because blog plus advertisement is a potential

Article writing is also good to earn money online. Make sure to optimize your articles to
promote and advertise you own business ventures. These articles are a free way to
market the products and services you offer for free. The most effective advertising with
these articles comes from the dialogue box that is inserted at the end of each article.
These dialogue boxes contain links to basically any website you would like to drive
traffic to. For instance, you might have one link in your dialogue box to a product you
are selling and one to a blog where you are promoting a discussing other products.

Writing takes some time to gain credibility through but once it's done, earning potential
can become very powerful.

Writing is a Great for Money Online

The emergence of the internet has given internet entrepreneurs many ways to make
money. Writers are one group that have benefited from their talents as a result in the
rise of internet based jobs.

Blog writing is an increasingly popular way to earn money online determined by the
owner of the blog. There are many free websites out there that will help you set up your
own blog if you choose to go that route because blog plus advertisement is a potential

Article writing is also good to earn money online. Make sure to optimize your articles to
promote and advertise you own business ventures. These articles are a free way to
market the products and services you offer for free. The most effective advertising with
these articles comes from the dialogue box that is inserted at the end of each article.
These dialogue boxes contain links to basically any website you would like to drive
traffic to. For instance, you might have one link in your dialogue box to a product you
are selling and one to a blog where you are promoting a discussing other products.

Writing takes some time to gain credibility through but once it's done, earning potential
can become very powerful.

TV is Bad for Children

Television plays very important role in our lives, and it is also main source of
entertainment. We watch TV whenever we are free, or sometimes while working, and
learn many things from it. As the TV is used in our daily life, it broadcasts many live
events and news which educate us in many ways. But, sometimes children watch those
programs on TV which should not meant to be viewed by child's age group and have
many negative impacts on their lives.

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that kids under 2 years old
not watch any TV and that those older than 2 watch no more than 1 to 2 hours a day.
The first 2 years of life are considered a critical time for brain development. TV and
other electronic media can get in the way of exploring, playing, and interacting with
parents and others, which encourages learning and healthy physical and social
development. As kids get older, too much screen time can interfere with activities such
as being physically active, reading, doing homework, playing with friends, and spending
time with family.

I believe that many children who watch TV for long hours, have many negative impacts
on their health such as they may weak their eye-sight at young age. In fact, these
children should spend most of their time playing and studying, which would give them
better result later and keep them healthy as well. If these children keep wasting their
precious time watching TV for long hours instead studying, it may affect their school

Many children tend to follow their favorite actors or actress and imitate them by wearing
same cloths, following same attitude and try to speak same languages. This becomes
worse when they watch any action movies and perform same actions at home, which
might injure them or change their behavior toward other people.
Television indeed can be a media to entertain and to teach children something.
However, programs in TV are not designed for children only; they also include some
programs for adult. Watching TV too much could make children following some clothes,
attitudes, and language which may be bad for them. Too much watching TV also will
weaken children eyes. Thus, watching TV too much is bad for children.

Social Media are Bad for Teenagers

Social media Web sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and many others have
become nearly inescapable facets of modern life, particularly for teenagers. Social
media is becoming more than just a part of their world, it’s becoming their world. Teens
are spending more and more time online, usually on a social media platform like
Facebook or Twitter. Most teens now have smart phones where they are on social
media networks all throughout the day. They are constantly texting, tweeting, and
posting pictures via Snapchat and Instagram. However, hyper-connected to social
media could be bad for them.

Today teens don’t know how to disconnect. Social media has allowed them to take their
life online from the time they wake up till they back to sleep via their smart phone. One
reason this “always connected” activity is harmful is because of the alarming trend of
cyberbullying. Bullying has now moved from not only being in the school and on the
bus, but online. What does this mean? If a teen is getting bullied, they cannot get away
from it! The people bullying them simply continue their bullying via social media

A new study has found that teenagers who engage with social media during the night
could be damaging their sleep and increasing their risk of anxiety and depression.
Teenagers spoke about the pressure they felt to make themselves available 24/7, and
the resulting anxiety if they did not respond immediately to texts or posts. Teens are so
emotionally invested in social media that a fifth of secondary school pupils will wake up
at night and log on, just to make sure they don’t miss out.
Another impact social media has had on teens is teens being more comfortable online
doing things that they should be more sensitive to doing. A separate study by the
National Citizen Service found that, rather than talking to their parents, girls seek
comfort on social media when they are worried. The survey also suggests that girls are
likely to experience stress more often than boys – an average of twice a week.

Social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and many others are basically
created to connect everyone around the globe so they can interact and communicate
each other. However, too much exposure of social media can also be bad especially for
teenagers. As it mentioned above, social media could become media for bullying, risk
them of anxiety and depression, and risk their real-life social interaction. Therefore,
social media are dangerous for teenagers’ health both mentally and emotionally.

A. Pengertian Analytical Exposition Text

Analytical exposition text adalah jenis teks yang termasuk ke dalam jenis Argumentation
Text dimana teks tersebut berisi tentang pemikiran terperinci penulis tentang sebuah
kejadian atau peristiwa yang ada di sekitar.

B. Tujuan Komunikatif Analytical Exposition Text

Tujuan komunikatif dari analytical exposition text adalah untuk meyakinkan pembaca
bahwa topik yang dihadirkan adalah topik yang penting untuk dibahas atau mendapat
perhatian dengan cara pemberian argumen-argumen atau pendapat-pendapat yang
mendukung ide pokok atau topik tersebut.

C. Struktur Kebahasaan Analytical Exposition

Struktur kebahasaan analytical exposition text terdiri dari tiga bagian yaitu:

1. Thesis

Di bagian Thesis, penulis memperkenalkan topik atau ide pokok yang akan
dibahas. Thesis selalu berada di paragraf pertama dalam analytical exposition

2. Argument

Di bagian ini penulis menghadirkan argumen-argumen atau pendapat-pendapat

yang mendukung ide pokok penulis teks tersebut. Biasanya dalam sebuah
analytical exposition text terdapat lebih dari dua argumen. Semakin banyak
argumen yang ditampilkan, semakin membuat pembaca percaya bahwa topik
yang dibahas oleh penulis adalah topik yang sangat penting atau membutuhkan

3. Reiteration

Bagian ini merupakan bagian penutup dari sebuah analytical exposition text yang
selalu terletak di akhir paragraf. Reiteration berisi penulisan kembali atau
penempatan kembali ide pokok yang terdapat di paragraf pertama. Reiteration
juga biasa disebut dengan conclusion atau kesimpulan.
D. Ciri Kebahasaan Analytical Exposition

Dalam sebuah analytical exposition text, terdapat beberapa ciri-ciri kebahasaan seperti
di bawah ini, yaitu:

 menggunakan simple present

 mengunakan reltional process
 menggunakan internal conjunction
 menggunakan casual conjuction

E. Contoh Analytical Exposition Text

Untuk melengkapi dan memperkuat pemahaman anda mengenai analytical exposition

text, sengaja penulis sertakan contoh beserta terjemahan seperti berikut ini.

Cars Should Be Banned

Cars should be banned in the city. As we all know, cars create pollution, and cause a lot
of road deaths and other accidents.

(Argument 1)
Firstly, cars, as we all know, give contribution to the most of the pollution in the world.
Cars emit deadly gas that causes illness such as bronchitis, lung cancer, and ‘triggers’ off
asthma. Some of these illnesses are so bad that people can die from them.

(Argument 2)
Secondly, the city is very busy. Pedestrians wander everywhere and cars commonly hit
pedestrains in the city, which causes them to die. Cars today are our roads biggest

(Argument 3)
Thirdly, cars are very noisy. If you live in the city, you may find it hard to sleep at night,
or to concentrate on your homework, and especially when you talk to someone.

In conclusion, cars should be benned from the city for the reason listed.


Everyone should think twice before deciding to eat fast food. There are many health risks when
it comes to eating food that’s made within a matter of seconds.


The food is not properly taken care of, which leads all the way back to where the food is
originally produced.


The health risks that come from eating so much fast food are life-threatening. Obesity can come
from eating fast food that’s bought often.


However, fast food is one of the easiest and cheapest ways of eating. It saves a lot of time and
money, especially for people who are coming home from work. There are many health risks
when it comes to eating food, so think twice before eating fast food.

Contoh Analytical Exposition Text About Smoking should Be Banned In Public



Have you ever come home with the stench of smoke clinging to your clothes? Or inhaled a cloud
of smoke as a group of smokers passed, causing you to cough and choke? Neither experience is
pleasant, and this is why smoking should be banned in public areas.


Many countries today have laws that prohibit smoking in public places. It is because smoking
affects not only the person who smoke but also non smokers as well.


Secondhand smoke is the third leading cause of preventable death (after active smoking and
alcohol), according to the Manitoba Medical Association. They also say that the smoke contains
over 4,000 chemicals, 50 of which are known to be cancer-related.


Secondhand smoke has been linked to heart and respiratory disease; lung, breast, cervical, and
nasal sinus cancers; strokes and miscarriages.


In children, dangers include sudden infant death syndrome, fetal growth impairment, bronchitis,
pneumonia, asthma and middle-ear disease.

Smoking is a dangerous habit that not only affects the smoker, but those around him or her.
Banning the smoking in public will keep non-smokers safer. People who smoke subject
themselves to deadly diseases by choice. Why should non-smokers be forced to be around it?

Contoh Analytical Exposition Text Tentang Internet Dan Pendidikan


The impact of internet in education has been far reaching and still developing. It has created
instant access to a wide variety of research information to help students learn.


Nowadays, internet access has created the potential for students to learn new material easily. The
time students have at class is limited, so the teacher sometimes cannot give all the explanation
needed. In this case, internet can help students to get more explanation.


Internet has become now way of life. In the future, on students’ working life, they will have to
use internet. So it is wise for the teacher to give assignment which related to it. For example,
teacher can ask students to give the assignment via e-mail.


Internet has big impact on education. There are many positive things students and teacher can get
from it.

Melihat dari judulnya yaitu Generic Structure dan Contoh Analytical Exposition
Text, maka dapat kita gambarkan bahwa materi jenis teks Bahasa Inggris yang
akan kita bahas kali ini adala tentang susunan kebahasaan dan contoh teks
Analytical Exposition. Namun ada hal lain yang akan kita bahas dalam hal ini yaitu
tentang definisi atau pengertian, tujuan atau fungsi (purpose) dan juga ciri
kebahasaan teks Analytical Exposition. (Pelajari juga : Generic Structure dan
Fungsi Spoof Text)

Inilah materi tentang Generic Structure dan Contoh Analytical Exposition


1. Pengertian (Definition) Analytical Exposition Text

Analytical exposition text adalah sebuah teks atau tulisan yang memaparkan
pendapat penulis tentang fenomena yang sedang terjadi di sekitar kita.

2. Tujuan (Function) Analytical Exposition Text

Menilik dari pengertian diatas maka tujuan komunikatif dari teks Analytical
Exposition adalah untuk meyakinkan pembaca bahwa topik yang disajikan adalah
topik yang penting untuk dibahas atau mendapat perhatian dengan cara pemberian
argumen-argumen atau pendapat-pendapat yang mendukung ide pokok atau topik
3. Ciri-Ciri Kebahasaan (Language Features) Analytical Exposition Text

 Menggunakan simple present tense.

 Mengunakan relational process. Biasanya menggunakan kata sambung
yang dapat menimbulkan hubungan sebab akibat. Seperti: because, if
conditional sentence.
 Menggunakan internal conjunction.
 Menggunakan casual conjunction.
 menggunakan action verbs

4. Generic Structure Analytical Exposition Text

Generic Structure teks Analytical Exposition terdiri dari tiga bagian yaitu:


Dalam bagian Thesis, penulis memperkenalkan tentang topik atau ide pokok yang
akan dibahas. Thesis selalu berada di paragraf pertama dalam Analytical
Exposition Text.


Dalam bagian ini penulis menghadirkan argumen-argumen atau pendapat-pendapat

yang mendukung ide pokok penulis, biasanya dalam sebuah Analytical Exposition
Text terdapat lebih dari dua argumen. Semakin banyak argumen yang ditampilkan
semakin percaya pembaca bahwa topik yang dibahas oleh penulis adalah topik
yang sangat penting atau membutuhkan perhatian


Bagian ini merupakan bagian penutup dari sebuah Analytical Exposition Text yang
selalu terletak di akhir paragraf. Reiteration berisi penulisan kembali atau
penempatan kembali ide pokok yang terdapat di paragraf pertama. Reiteration juga
biasa disebut dengan conclusion atau kesimpulan dan terkadang berisi

5. Contoh Analytical Exposition Text beserta analisa atau penjelasannya

Cars Should Be Banned in the City

Cars should be banned in the city. As we all know, cars create pollution, and
cause a lot of road deaths and other accidents.

Firstly, cars, as we all know, contribute to most of the pollution in the

world.Cars emit a deadly gas that causes illnesses such as bronchitis, lung cancer,
and ‘triggers’ off asthma. Some of these illnesses are so bad that people can die
from them.

Secondly, the city is very busy. Pedestrians wander everywhere and cars
commonly hit pedestrians in the city, which causes them to die. Cars today are our
roads biggest killers.
Thirdly, cars are very noisy. If you live in the city, you may find it hard to
sleep at night, or concentrate on your homework, and especially talk to someone.

In conclusion, cars should be banned from the city for the reasons listed.

Analisa (Penjelasan) dari teks diatas:

1. Paraghraf Pertama adalah Thesis, dimana penulis memperkenalkan topik

yang ingin dibahasnya, yaitu tentang mobil yang seharusnya dilarang
beroperasi di kota.
2. Pada paragraf kedua, ketiga dan keempat yaitu argument, dimana penulis
mengemukakan beberapa alasan mengapa mobil seharusnya dilarang
beroperasi di kota.
3. Terakhir (paragraf kelima) adalah reiteration, yaitu penuangan kembali ide
pokok pada paragraf pertama yaitu bahwa seharusnya mobil dilarang
beroperasi di kota.

Itulah materi tentang Generic Structure dan Contoh Analytical Exposition Text
yang dapat kami bagikan pada kesempatan kali ini. Kami berharap semoga
poetingan materi tentang Generic Structure dan Contoh Analytical Exposition Text
diatas dapat bermanfaat bagi kita untuk meningkatkan pemahaman kita dalam
berbagai jenis teks dalam Bahasa Inggris. (untuk versi bahasa Inggris kunjungi
web kami : Generic Structure of Analytical Exposition Text)

Contoh Analytical Exposition

Setelah kita mengetauhi pengertian analytical exposition, berikut adalah 8 contoh analytical exposition
text singkat beserta terjemahannya antara lain :

Contoh 1
Contoh pertama yaitu contoh analytical expisition text singkat tentang pendidikan

Compulsory Education Program

In Indonesia, the government has been making laws on compulsory education for 12 years that will be
started in the academic year 2013 and 2014. The laws is not separated from the role of government,
especially the education minister which aims to make children in Indonesia get provisions for the better

There are some reasons and goals why the government wants to apply the compulsory education
program. Firstly, this is the step of the government to educate the young generation which will be the
next generation. The young generations are expected to open up their mind. Because, the progress and
development of the country are in the hands of the youth who have high nationalism that will make our
beloved Indonesia is better than before.

In addition to the existence of this education program, the government expects the children of
Indonesia will not be left behind with the newest information, science and technology that keep growing
and progressed along with the development of the days in this modern and advanced world. Our young
generation should be up-to-date about the newest knowledge.

Not only that, by the program of compulsory 12-year-education, the government indirectly have
reduced the number of Indonesian people who are illiterate, can not read, as well as writing. Some of
Indonesian societies are still illiterate. This can happen because in the past time they were in low
economy level and they preferred to find a job to get the money rather than to follow education at
school. According to their opinion, if they only study, they will be waste time. They thought that they
need money. They chose to work to survive their lives. The government expects that there will be no
Indonesian people who are illiterate by the compulsory education program.

This is an effort from the government to advance the development of education in Indonesia. By
obliging the young generation to learn until 12 years, they are expected to get a worthy job or be able to
continue until university. Indirectly the government has taken a role in reducing unemployment in
Indonesia so that they can increase the welfare of their family and they have a better life in the future.

The government makes this program of education for people who are in low economy level. By the help
from the government, the government hope that there is no child who does not go to school due to the
high cost. The government also gave grants to provide education places like the aid of computers, books
and other needs that can support the teaching and learning more effective and efficient. The
government provides help to make Indonesian education becomes better than before and to compete
with the other nations.

Those opinions can describe the efforts of the government for education in Indonesia by having 12-year-
compulsary education program, why can this be? The reason why the government is trying to apply that
program is of course for our young generations to be the agent to develop and advance our country.


Program Pendidikan Wajib

Di Indonesia, pemerintah telah membuat undang-undang tentang wajib belajar selama 12 tahun yang
akan dimulai pada tahun akademik 2013 dan 2014. Undang-undang ini tidak lepas dari peran
pemerintah, terutama menteri pendidikan yang bertujuan untuk membuat anak-anak di Indonesia
mendapatkan ketentuan untuk masa depan yang lebih baik.

Ada beberapa alasan dan tujuan mengapa pemerintah ingin menerapkan program wajib belajar.
Pertama, ini adalah langkah pemerintah untuk mendidik generasi muda yang akan menjadi generasi
berikutnya. Generasi muda diharapkan untuk membuka pikiran mereka. Karena, kemajuan dan
pembangunan negara berada di tangan pemuda yang memiliki nasionalisme yang tinggi serta akan
membuat Indonesia tercinta menjadi lebih baik dari sebelumnya.

Selain adanya program pendidikan ini, pemerintah mengharapkan anak-anak Indonesia tidak akan
tertinggal dengan informasi terbaru, ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, yang terus berkembang dan
berkembang seiring dengan perkembangan zaman di dunia modern dan canggih ini. Generasi muda kita
harus up-to-date tentang pengetahuan terbaru.

Tidak hanya itu, dengan program wajib belajar 12 tahun, pemerintah secara tidak langsung telah
mengurangi jumlah orang Indonesia yang buta huruf dalam artian tidak bisa membaca, serta menulis.
Beberapa masyarakat Indonesia masih buta huruf. Hal ini bisa terjadi karena di masa lalu mereka berada
di tingkat ekonomi rendah dan mereka lebih suka mencari pekerjaan untuk mendapatkan uang daripada
mengikuti pendidikan di sekolah. Menurut pendapat mereka, jika mereka hanya belajar, mereka akan
membuang-buang waktu. Mereka berpikir bahwa mereka lebih membutuhkan uang. Mereka memilih
untuk bekerja untuk bertahan hidup hidup mereka. Pemerintah berharap bahwa tidak akan ada orang
Indonesia yang buta huruf dengan program wajib belajar.

Ini merupakan upaya dari pemerintah untuk memajukan perkembangan pendidikan di Indonesia.
Dengan mewajibkan generasi muda untuk belajar sampai 12 tahun, mereka diharapkan untuk
mendapatkan pekerjaan yang layak atau dapat berlanjut sampai perguruan tinggi. Secara tidak langsung
pemerintah telah mengambil peran dalam mengurangi pengangguran di Indonesia sehingga mereka
dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan keluarga mereka dan mereka memiliki kehidupan yang lebih baik di
masa depan.

Pemerintah membuat program ini pendidikan bagi orang-orang yang berada di tingkat ekonomi rendah.
Dengan bantuan dari pemerintah, pemerintah berharap bahwa tidak ada anak yang tidak bersekolah
karena biaya yang tinggi. Pemerintah juga memberikan hibah untuk menyediakan tempat pendidikan
seperti bantuan komputer, buku, dan kebutuhan lain yang dapat mendukung proses belajar mengajar
yang lebih efektif dan efisien. Pemerintah memberikan bantuan untuk membuat pendidikan Indonesia
menjadi lebih baik dari sebelumnya dan untuk bersaing dengan bangsa-bangsa lain.

Pendapat-pendapat di atas dapat menggambarkan upaya pemerintah untuk pendidikan di Indonesia

dengan cara menjalankan program pendidikan 12 tahun, mengapa ini bisa terjadi? Alasan mengapa
pemerintah mencoba menerapkan program tersebut, tentu saja agar generasi muda kita untuk menjadi
agen untuk mengembangkan dan memajukan negara kita.

Contoh 2
Berikutnya adalah mengenai contoh analytical exposition text singkat tentang Kesehatan

The Importance of Breakfast

Why is breakfast important? “Breakfast like a King, Lunch like a Prince and Dine like a Pauper” It’s a well
known phrase, but do you follow it?

Breakfast provides many benefits to our health and wellbeing. Breakfast provides the body and brain
with fuel after an overnight fast – that’s where its name originates, breaking the fast! Without breakfast
you are effectively running on empty, like trying to start the car with no petrol!

Breakfast support cognitive function. Breakfast also restores glucose levels, an essential carbohydrate
that is needed for the brain to function. Breakfast provides energy, studies have shown how eating
breakfast can improve memory and concentration levels and it can also make us happier as it can
improve mood and lower stress levels.

Breakfast provides energy needs. People’s energy needs vary depending on activity levels and life stage
but typically men require more energy than women. Growing children require a lot of energy, as an
example boys aged 7-10 years should consume approximately 1970 kcals per day, and girls aged 7-10
years should consume approximately 1740 kcals.


Pentingnya Sarapan
Mengapa melakukan sarapan itu penting? “Sarapan seperti seorang raja, makan siang seperti Pangeran
dan makan malam layaknya seperti orang yang tidak punya” itu adalah frase yang cukup terkenal, tetapi
apakah Anda memahami pentingnya sarapan?

Sarapan memberikan banyak manfaat bagi kesehatan dan kenyamanan kita. Makan pagi memberikan
tubuh dan otak asupan bahan bakar setelah berpuasa (tidak makan) selama satu malam – dari sini nama
“breakfast itu berasal (break = berbuka, fast = puasa) Tanpa sarapan Anda secara bagaikan berlari dalam
keadaan lapar, seperti mencoba untuk menyalakan mobil tapi tidak ada bensin.

Sarapan juga mendukung daya kognitif juga mengembalikan kadar glukosa, yaitu karbohidrat penting
yang dibutuhkan otak untuk bisa berfungsi. Makan pagi menyediakan tenaga, penelitian telah
menunjukkan bagaimana makan pagi dapat meningkatkan tingkat memori dan konsentrasi, juga dapat
membuat kita merasa lebih bahagia karena dapat meningkatkan mood dan menurunkan suasana stres.

Sarapan menyediakan kebutuhan energi yang dibutuhkan. Kebutuhan energi setiap orang itu berbeda
tergantung pada pada kegiatan dan tahapan hidup. Meski begitu secara umum laki-laki membutuhkan
energi lebih banyak dari pada permepuan. Pertumbuhan anak-anak juga membutuhkan banyak energi,
sebagai contoh, anak laki-laki berusia 7-10 tahun harus mengkonsumsi sekitar 1970 kkal per hari, dan
anak perempuan berusia 7-10 harus mengkonsumsi sekitar 1740 Kkal.

Contoh 3
Contoh yang ke-3 yaitu contoh analytical exposition text singkat tentang lingkungan "sampah"

Garbage Service need Improvement

There have been many complaints recently about the ABC garbage collection service. The official
department has agreed that the service needs improvement. But nothing has been done!
In some streets the garbage is collected only once a month because the workmen are not supervised. In
other streets, collection in more frequent but half of the garbage is left in the road. The workmen are
too lazy to pick it up and put it in the trucks.

In some parts of the colony, house-holders are dumping their garbage on the waste land. This is
dangerous and an unhealthy to do. These `dumps’ may catch fire and they will certainly attract rats and
It is the duty of the official department to collect all the garbage efficiently and regularly


Pemerintah perlu meningkatkan Pelayanan sampah

Ada banyak keluhan baru-baru ini tentang layanan pengumpulan sampah ABC. Departemen resmi telah
setuju bahwa layanan perlu perbaikan. Tapi tidak ada yang dilakukan!
Dalam beberapa jalan-jalan sampah yang dikumpulkan hanya sebulan sekali karena pekerja tidak
diawasi. Di jalan-jalan lain, koleksi di lebih sering tetapi setengah dari sampah yang tersisa di jalan. Para
pekerja terlalu malas untuk mengambilnya dan memasukkannya ke dalam truk.

Di beberapa bagian dari koloni, rumah-pemegang sedang membuang sampah mereka di padang gurun.
Ini berbahaya dan tidak sehat untuk dilakukan. Ini `kesedihan 'mungkin terbakar dan mereka pasti akan
menarik tikus dan lalat.
Ini adalah tugas dari departemen resmi untuk mengumpulkan semua sampah efisien dan teratur
Contoh 4
Contoh terakhir yaitu contoh / example analytical exposition text singkat tentang rokok beserta

Is Smoking Good for Us?

Before we are going to smoke, it is better to look at the facts. About 50 thousands people die every year
in Britain as direct result of smoking. This is seven times as many as die in road accidents. Nearly a
quarter of smokers die because of diseases caused by smoking.

Ninety percent of lung cancers are caused by smoking. If we smoke five cigarettes a day, we are six times
more likely to die of lung cancer than a non smoker. If we smoke twenty cigarettes a day, the risk is
nineteen times greater. Ninety five percent of people who suffer of bronchitis are people who are
smoking. Smokers are two and half times more likely to die of heart disease than non smokers.

Additionally, children of smoker are more likely to develop bronchitis and pneumonia. In one hour in
smoky room, non smoker breathes as much as substance causing cancer as if he had smoked fifteen

Smoking is really good for tobacco companies because they do make much money from smoking habit.
Smoking, however is not good for health both the smokers themselves and every body else.


Apakan Merokok Baik Untuk Kita?

Sebelum kita akan merokok, lebih baik untuk melihat kenyataannya. Sekitar 50 ribu orang meninggal
setiap tahun di Inggris sebagai akibat langsung dari merokok. Angka tersebut tujuh kali lebih banyak dari
pada meninggal akibat kecelakan di jalan raya. Hampir seperempat dari perokok meninggal karena
penyakit yang disebabkan oleh kebiasaan merokok.

Sembilan puluh persen dari kanker paru-paru disebabkan oleh kebiasaan merokok. Jika kita merokok
lima batang sehari, kita enam kali lebih mungkin untuk meninggal akibat kanker paru-paru dibandingkan
non perokok. Jika kita merokok dua puluh batang sehari, risikonya sembilan belas kali lebih besar.
Sembilan puluh lima persen orang yang menderita bronkitis adalah orang-orang yang merokok. Perokok
dua setengah kali lebih mungkin untuk meninggal karena penyakit jantung dibandingkan non perokok.

Selain itu, anak dari perokok lebih mungkin untuk mengembangkan bronkitis dan pneumonia. Dalam
satu jam di ruangan berasap, non perokok menghirup zat penyebab kanker seolah-olah ia telah merokok
lima belas batang rokok.

Merokok benar-benar baik bagi perusahaan tembakau karena mereka menghasilkan banyak uang dari
kebiasaan merokok. Namun kebiasaan merokok tidak baik bagi kesehatan perokok itu sendiri dan orang

Disebutkan dalam Concise Oxford Dictionary, Hortatory termasuk kata sifat (adjective)
bermakna "tending or aiming to exhort" ("cenderung atau bertujuan mendorong /
mendesak orang lain untuk melakukan sesuatu"). Sedangkan Exposition bermakna "a
comprehensive description and explanation of a theory" ("Penjelasan dan penjabaran
sebuah teori secara komprehensif").

Jadi secara bahasa, jika disimpulkan, hortatory exposition adalah teks yang
menjelaskan sebuah teori/masalah secara komprehensif dengan tujuan mendorong
orang lain melakukan / tidak melakukan sesuatu.


Generic Structure, atau susunan umum hortatory exposition adalah sebagai berikut :
1. Thesis / General Statement

Thesis / general statement berisi pernyataan pembuka mengenai topik pembahasan.

Sebagai contoh kita akan membahas mengenai bahaya rokok, thesis statement yang
bisa kita gunakan misalnya :

“Rokok dapat menyebabkan serangan jantung, kanker dan impotensi”.

2. Arguments

Arguments, ”Pendapat” berisi berbagai pembahasan lanjutan dari thesis statement

secara detail. Akan lebih baik jika argument ini tidak hanya berisi pendapat pribadi
penulis saja tapi juga bisa berisi pendapat para pakar. Mengacu pada contoh thesis
statement tentang rokok di atas, kita bisa membuat arguments pendukung dengan lebih
detail, misalnya :

Argument 1 (Serangan Jantung): Saya mengira serangan jantung yang dialami direktur
PT. LaptopButut, Pak “XXX”, disebabkan karena intensitas merokok lebih banyak dari
pada minum air putih.(Terus kembangkan paragraf ini lebih dalam)

Argument 2 (Kanker): Telah banyak dibuktikan bahwa rokok hampir menjadi sebab
utama penyakit kanker. (Terus kembangkan paragraf ini)

Argument 3 (Impotensi): Impotensi seorang bos “XXX” di kota “XXX” disebutkan

karena kebiasaanya merokok sebelum tidur. (terus kembangkan lagi paragraf ini)

3. Recommendation.

Recommendation / suggestion berisi saran penulis tentang topik pembahasan. Jika

membahas tentang bahaya rokok, sobat pasti tahu dong apa yang harus disarankan?

Generic structure hortatory exposition text di atas sengaja menggunakan bahasa

Indonesia agar kita mudah memahaminya. Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut, silahkan lihat
contoh hortatory exposition dalam bahasa Inggris di bawah.


Berikut adalah kumpulan contoh hortatory exposition text yang sudah diterbitkan dalam
website ini, klik link di bawah :

1. Contoh Hortatory Exposition - Why Students Should Eat Breakfast Everyday

2. Contoh Hortatory Exposition - Why You Should Not Smoke
3. Contoh Hortatory Exposition - Why People Should Exercise
4. Contoh Hortatory Exposition - Why People Should Stay Safe in the Sun
5. Contoh Hortatory Exposition - Why People Should Read for Pleasure
6. Contoh Hortatory Exposition - Why Indonesian People Should Value Different
Contoh Hortatory Exposition Text
Demikian Penjelasan dan contoh hortatory exposition yang bisa disampaikan pada
kesempatan saat ini. Semoga memberikan manfaat bagi kita semua yang ingin
memahami lebih lanjut bagaimana cara membuat hortatory exposition.

Sumber :

Adapun tujuan utama analytical exposition text ini adalah, “to attempt to persuade the reader to
believe something by presenting one side of the argument.” Artinya mencoba meyakinkan pembaca
agar mempercayai sesuatu dengan memberikan satu sisi pendapat saja.” Mengacu pada tujuan
analytical exposition ini, hal ini tidak bermakna bahwa dalam analytical exposition berisi satu argumen
saja, akan tetapi berisi berbagai argumen yang memiliki tujuan sama.
Generic Structures of Analytical Exposition
Perbedaan susunan antara hortatory exposition dengan analytical exposition hanyalah pada struktur
terakhirnya saja. Jika hortatory exposition diakhiri dengan recommendation, analytical expostion diakhiri
dengan conclusion. Untuk lebih jelasnya mari kita simak di bawah ini:

 Thesis

Seperti pada jenis teks lainnya, thesis ini berisi pandangan penulis tentang suatu masalah secara lebih

 Series of Argument

Series of Argument berisi beberapa penjelasan lanjutan dari keterangan sederhana dalam thesis
statement. Ketika menulis argument ini, diusahakan agar lebih teliti lagi karena pada bagian inilah
sebuah tulisan bisa mempengaruhi pembaca. Jika perlu, sertakan pendapat menurut para ahli.

 Reiteration/Conclusion

Conclusion sering juga disebut dengan reiteration. Pada bagian ini, kita hanya dituntut untuk
menyimpulkan, atau lebih sederhananya kita mengungkapkan kembali apa yang dijelaskan pada thesis

Grammar Used
Dalam sebuah Analytical Exposition Text, terdapat beberapa ciri-ciri kebahasaan seperti di bawah ini,

 Menggunakan simple present

 Mengunakan reltional process
 Menggunakan internal conjunction
 Menggunakan casual conjuction
Example and Translate
The Unhealthy Fast Food


Fast food nowadays is considered a normal eating venture. People are not just eating out on special
occasions or weekends anymore. It means that all the time they mostly eat fast foods. However is fast
food good for health?

Makanan cepat saji saat ini dianggap sebagai kegiatan makan yang biasa. Orang-orang tidak hanya
makan makanan cepat saji pada acara-acara khusus atau akhir pekan lagi. Hal tersebut berarti
bahwa sepanjang waktu mereka kebanyakan makan makanan cepat saji. Namun apakah makanan
cepat saji baik untuk kesehatan?

Argument 1

Fast food has its popularity in the 1940’s. Within a few years, fast-food operations popped up
everywhere. With the compelling rise in fast-food restaurants since the 1940’s, oddly it started the rise
in obesity and cancer during that same time period.

Makanan cepat saji memiliki popularitasnya di tahun 1940-an. Dalam beberapa tahun, operasi
makanan cepat saji muncul di mana-mana. Dengan kenaikan yang cepat di restoran cepat saji sejak
1940-an, anehnya itu lah mulanya kenaikan obesitas dan kanker pada periode waktu yang sama.

Argument 2

Fast food is highly processed with a wide array of additives. To ensure fast food’s low cost, the fast food
products are made with highly-processed ingredients to give it shelf-life, to hold consistency, and to
enhance flavor. Fast food is altered from its original healthy form.

Makanan cepat saji diproses secara cepat dengan beragam aditif. Untuk memastikan makanan cepat
saji murah, produk-produk makanan cepat saji yang dibuat dengan bahan yang diproses dengan
cepat untuk memberikan cita rasa, konsistensi rasa, dan untuk meningkatkan rasa. Makanan cepat
saji diubah dari bentuk aslinya yang sehat.

Argument 3

It is not the calories in fast food which damage health and waistline. It is the chemical additives such as
aspartame and MSG (monosodium glutamate). Studies show that the chemical additives lead to weight
and disease issues.

Bukanlah kalori dalam makanan cepat saji yang merusak kesehatan dan menyebabkan obesitas.
melainkan bahan kimia tambahan seperti aspartam dan MSG ( monosodium glutamat ). Studi
menunjukkan bahwa bahan kimia tambahan mengakibatkan masalah berat badan dan penyakit.


So, there is absolutely nothing nutritional about fast food. Fast food simply feeds hunger and craving.

Jadi, sama sekali tidak ada gizi yang terkandung dalam makanan cepat saji. Makanan cepat saji
hanya memuaskan rasa lapar dan kebutuhan.
Contoh Pertama

The importance of learning English

Language is the mean of communication. Mostly groups of society have their own languages. Some of
them appear the top global languages. Most people in the world hear about English, Arabic, and
Mandarin. However English is the most global spoken language. Then if a man wants to catch a global
goal, he has to master English.

Everyone recognize that English is an international language. English is used in writing and speaking by
many people all over the world. It can be either as a first or second language. We even hear British,
American, Australian, and even Singaporean English. Those various names of English are used as the first
language in those countries. Furthermore, some countries have their own languages as a mother
language but also use English mostly in daily communication.

Besides usage in daily interaction, English is also used as a key to open doors leading to scientific and
technical knowledge. No wonder we find manual guides and instructions of many devices written in
English. Even if we have a pack of instant noodle, we will see the cooking instruction also written in
English. This transfer of science and technology will include many countries in economic, social and
politics development. Finally, the most easily seen in the importance of learning English is that most top
requirement in filling job opportunities is the ability using English; active or passive. Job applicants who
master English are more favorable than ones who do not.

The above facts prove that everybody needs to learn English if he likes to greet the global era.

Contoh Kedua

The Dangerous of Using Drugs

Everybody must pay attention of drugs. Drugs are very dangerous for us. Why it is very dangerous for
us? Because its can caused harm to our body.

In terms of health, many organs in our body can be harm because using drug. In general, the impact of
using drug are can unconscious, make us hallucinate, can harm our nerve, and cause addictive effect.
Beside that, using drugs can make the users depressed, liver disease, schizophrenia, blockage of blood
vessels, dehydration, optic nerve damage, brain damage, and finally it can cause DEATH!
When viewed in terms of Islamic law, drugs are forbidden. Because it is cause badness, self harm,
debilitate. And Islam proscribes all that can cause badness, self harm because it is included zhalim. Also
if we using drugs, it means we already do the forbidden things in Islam, it means we sin. So, in terms of
Islamic law, using drugs also dangerous.

Furthermore, if the users of drugs are teenagers, it can endanger their future, and endanger their
homeland, their country. From the data, 32 percent of drugs users in Indonesia are teenagers, so, if
many teenagers –in this case Indonesia- use drugs, it can be endanger this country, harm youth
generation, whereas youths are nation expectation. If the youth using drugs, our nation can be destroy!

So, from now on we must pay attention of drugs, because it’s very dangerous, both in terms of health,
religion (Islam), nationality and state.

Integrated Pest Management

There is no best way to deal with pests in agriculture. Pesticides which are commonly used may cause
many problems. I think combining different management operations is the most effective way to
control pests.

Firstly, the chemicals in the pesticides may build up as residues in the environment and in the soil
which absorbs the chemicals. This reduces the quality of farm product.

Secondly, pests can gradually become resistant to pesticides. This means that newer and stronger
ones have to be developed.

Lastly, some pesticides affect non target plants and animals such as fish and bees. This affects the
ecology and environment as well.

So, understanding of ecology of an area helps a lot in pest control. Pesticides should be chosen and
applied carefully so that they don't affect the ecological balance and environment.

Therefore, integrated pest management is a safe and more effective option to fight pest in agriculture
and livestock.

Read the text carefully and choose the best answer of each questions!
1. Which of the following is not directly affected by pesticides used?
A. Plants
B. Ecology
C. Animals
D. Environment
E. Human Beings

2. What can you say about paragraph two and four?

A. The fourth paragraph supports the idea stated in paragraph two
B. Both paragraphs tell about the disadvantages of using pesticides
C. Both paragraphs tell about how pesticides affect the quality of farm products
D. The statement in paragraph is contrary to the statement in paragraph four
E. The second paragraph tells about the effects of using pesticides on animals mentioned in paragraph

3. One of the disadvantages of using chemical pesticides is …

A. killing fish and bees
B. increasing crops productivity
C. creating balanced ecosystem
D. causing the pests to become inactive
E. helping reduce pollutants in the environment

4. Secondly, pests can gradually become resistant to pesticides. (paragraph 3)

The word resistant in the sentence above means …
A. weak
B. fragile
C. damage
D. unaffected
E. unbalanced

Catatan : Sekian dulu postingan saya tentang Penjelasan dan Contoh Analytical Exposition Text
Definition : Analytical exposition text is a text that elaborates the writer’s idea about the phenomenon
Purpose : To reveal the readers that something is the important case
Generic Structure :
1. Thesis
2. Arguments
3. Reiteration/Conclusion

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