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TAHUN 2022


A. Identitas Sekolah
Nama Penyusun : Reni Pamuji, S.Pd.
Institusi : SMP Negeri 2 Ajibarang Kab.Banyumas
Tahun Pelajaran : 2022/2023
Kelas : VII
Semester : Gasal
Fase : D
Elemen : Menulis
Capaian Pembelajaran : Capaian Pembelajaran:
Pada akhir Fase D, peserta didik menggunakan teks lisan, tulisan dan
visual dalam bahasa Inggris untuk berinteraksi dan berkomunikasi
dalam konteks yang lebih beragam dan dalam situasi formal dan
informal. Peserta didik dapat menggunakan berbagai jenis teks
seperti narasi, deskripsi, prosedur, teks khusus (pesan singkat, iklan)
dan teks otentik menjadi rujukan utama dalam mempelajari bahasa
Inggris untuk berdiskusi dan menyampaikan keinginan/perasaan.
Pemahaman mereka terhadap teks tulisan semakin berkembang dan
keterampilan inferensi mulai tampak ketika memahami informasi
tersirat. Mereka memproduksi teks tulisan dan visual dalam bahasa
Inggris yang terstruktur dengan kosa kata yang lebih beragam.
Mereka memahami tujuan dan pemirsa ketika memproduksi tulisan
dan visual dalam bahasa Inggris.
Elemen Capaian Elemen Capaian Pembelajaran (Menyimak dan Berbicara):
Pembelajaran Pada akhir fase D, Peserta didik membaca dan merespon teks familiar dan
tidak familiar yang mengandung struktur yang telah dipelajari dan
kosakata yang familiar secara mandiri. Mereka mencari dan
mengevaluasi ide utama dan informasi spesifik dalam decriptive text.
Teks ini dapat berbentuk cetak atau digital, termasuk diantaranya teks
visual, multimodal atau interaktif. Mereka mengidentifikasi tujuan teks
deskriptif dan mulai melakukan inferensi untuk memahami informasi
tersirat dalam sebuah teks deskriptif.
Waktu : 2 Pertemuan (4 x 40 menit)
B. Kompetensi Awal
Peserta didik dapat menulis perkenalan diri dalam Bahasa Inggris
C. Profil Pelajar Pancasila
Religius  Beriman, bertakwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, dan
berakhlak mulia selama proses pembelajaran
Kreatif  Membuat kalimat present tense secara berkelompok.
Berpikir Kritis  Memahami struktur teks, language features dan unsur kebahasaan
dalam descriptive text
Mandiri  Menyusun descriptive text sederhana dengan tema bebas
D. Sarana dan Prasarana
Media Video & gambar, ppt, laptop, LCD proyektor, kamus, kertas karton,
: spidol,whiteboard, speaker dan LMS.
Sumber Belajar Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik, Buku guru dan buku peserta didik
: Kemdikbud, Youtube, PPT, e-learning, dll.
E. Target Peserta Didik : Peserta didik Reguler (34 peserta didik setiap kelas)
F. Model Pembelajaran : Genre Based Approach

Melalui kegiatan mengamati gambar, video dan bacaan tentang teks descriptive:
1. Peserta didik mampu mengidentifikasi kosakata yang digunakan untuk membuat teks deskriptif
tentang orang dengan tepat
2. Pesera didik mampu menyusun kalimat sederhana menggunakan Simple Present Tense untuk
Menyusun teks deskriptif tentang orang dengan benar
3. Peserta didik mampu mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan
dengan tepat
4. Peserta didik mampu menyusun teks deskriptif sederhana tentang orang dengan struktur teks
yang tepat
Inovatif waktu
Dengan mampu mengidentifikasi kosakata dan memahami fungsi sosial, struktur kalimat (Simple
Present Tense) serta struktur teks (deskriptif) peserta akan mampu membuat teks deskriptif tentang
a. Do you know who is she?
b. What do you think of his hair?
c. What the colour of her eyes?
d. How about her body? Is she tall or short?
1. Guru menyusun LKPD
2. Guru menyusun materi pembelajaran
3. Guru menyusun asesmen yang digunakan
4. Guru menyusun tes diagnostik
Kegiatan Pendahuluan
1. Guru memberi salam dan mengajak peserta didik berdo’a Religius 5 menit
sebelum pembelajaran dimulai. Nasionalisme
2. Guru bersama dengan peserta didik menyanyikan lagu Bagimu Komunikasi
3. Guru memeriksa kehadiran peserta didik.
4. Guru memberi apersepsi tentang materi yang akan dipelajari.
5. Guru memberi motivasi kepada peserta didik dan
menanyakan kondisi kesehatan.
6. Gur mengajukan pertanyaan pemantik yang ada
keterkaitannya dengan materi pelajaran yang akan
7. Peserta didik mendengarkan guru menyampaikan tujuan
yang akan dicapai pada pembelajaran hari ini dan
penilaian yang akan dilakukan.
8. Peserta didik mendengarkan guru menyampaikan garis besar
cakupan materi yang dipelajari.
Sintaks Numbered Kegiatan Inti Muatan Aloaksi
Heads Together Inovatif waktu
1.Persiapan/penyajian a. Guru menampilkan beberapa gambar Berpikir Kritis 10 menit
materi berkaitan dengan adjective, noun dan Komunikasi
noun phrase.
b. Guru menampilkan contoh kalimat
berkaitan dengan present tense
c. Peserta didik bersama guru melakukan
tanya jawab
2. Pembuatan grup a. Peserta didik dengan bimbingan guru Kerja sama 5 menit
belajar (penomoran) membentuk kelompok terdiri dari 5-6
b. Setiap peserta didik dalam kelompok
akan diberikan nomer yang berbeda
3. sumber belajar a. Peserta didik mempersiapkan sumber TPACK 3 menit
materi pembelajaran yang akan Mandiri
digunakan untuk mendiskusikan soal Kerjasama
yang diberikan oleh guru (buku, kamus,
b. Peserta didik membagi tugas dalam
mengumpulkan informasi
4. Pengajuan Peserta didik menerima LKPD berupa Berfikir kritis 5 menit
pertanyaan pertanyaan-pertanyaan berkaitan dengan
materi yang sudah dipelajari pada
tahapan sebelumnya (adjective, noun,
noun phrase, present tense)
5. Diskusi kelompok a. Peserta didik melalui bimbingan guru, Berfikir Kritis 15 menit
belajar diskusi, dan juga melihat pada sumber Kolaborasi
belajar berusaha mencari jawaban dari
pertanyaan - pertanyaan yang terdapat
dalam LKPD.
b. Peserta didik berfikir bersama untuk
menyatukan pendapat dan memastikan
anggota setiap kelompok mengetahui
6. Pemberian jawaban a. Guru menyebut satu nomor dari setiap Kerja sama 15 menit
kelompok. Komunikasi
b. Setiap kelompok dengan nomor yang
sama mengangkat tangan dan
menyiapkan jawaban kepada semua
peserta didik di kelas.
c. Kelompok yang paling cepat merespon
dan mampu menjawab dengan benar
akan mendapatkan nilai.
7. Memberi a. Guru memberi evaluasi terhadap hasil Kolaborasi 15 menit
kesimpulan/ evaluasi diskusi dan jawaban peserta didik
b. Peserta didik bersama dengan guru Berfikir kritis
menyimpulkan materi pembelajaran
yang telah mereka pelajari
c. Guru meminta peserta didik untuk
mengerjakan soal pada web sekolah
(LMS) sebagai tugas individu.
Kegiatan Penutup Muatan Alokasi
Inovatif waktu
1. Peserta didik bersama guru melakukan refleksi pembelajaran Religius 7 menit
2. Guru menjelaskan materi di pertemuan selanjutnya adalah tentang Komunikasi
menyusun descriptive text sederhana
3. Guru bersama peserta didik menutup pembelajaran dengan berdoa.
Kegiatan Pendahuluan Muatan Alokasi
Inovatif waktu
1. Guru memberi salam dan mengajak peserta didik berdo’a Religius 5 menit
sebelum pembelajaran dimulai. Nasionalisme
2. Guru bersama dengan peserta didik melakukan penghormatanKomunikasi
kepada bendera Merah Putih
3. Guru memeriksa kehadiran peserta didik.
4. Guru memberi motivasi kepada peserta didik dan
menanyakan kondisi kesehatan.
5. Mengajukan pertanyaan pemantik yang ada keterkaitannya
dengan materi pelajaran yang akan dilakukan.
6. Peserta didik mendengarkan guru menyampaikan tujuan yang
akan dicapai pada pembelajaran hari ini dan penilaian yang
akan dilakukan.
7. Peserta didik mendengarkan guru menyampaikan garis besar
cakupan materi yang akab dipelajari.
Sintaks Genre Kegiatan Inti Muatan Alokasi
Based Approach Inovatif waktu
1. Building Knowledge a. Peserta didik menjawab pertanyaan Berfikir kritis 10 menit
of Field stimulus dari guru
Do you know who is she? Komunikasi
What do you think of his hair?
What the colour of her eyes?
How about her body? Is she tall or
b. Peserta didik memperhatikan gambar
tokoh idola dan menyebutkan dengan
beberapa kata (noun,noun phrase,
adjactive ) yang berhubungan dengan
gambar yang ditampilkan
2. Modelling of the a. Peserta didik,mengamati contoh teks Berfikir kritis 15 menit
text descriptive
b. Peserta didik diminta menemukan Mandiri
adjective yang mencirikan seseorang
dalam teks (teks tentang deskirpsi artis
Maudy Ayunda)
c. Peserta didik menemukan informasi
dalam teks tersebut mengidentifikasi
fungsi social dan struktur teks
3. Join Construction of a. Peserta didik membentuk kelompok Kerja sama 30 menit
the text terdiri dari 6 anggota
b. Peserta didik dengan bimbingan guru Berfikir kritis
menyusun paragraf acak menjadi
sebuah teks deskriptif yang runtut
c. Peserta didik dengan bimbingan guru
menganalisis struktur teks deskriptif
d. Kelompok mempresentasikan hasil
diskusinya didepan kelas
e. Guru dan peserta didik dari kelompok
lain meberikan tanggapan hasil yang
4. Independent a. Guru bersama peserta didik melakukan Mandiri 15 menit
Constrution of the evaluasi pembelajaran
Text b. Peserta didik membuat descriptive text Kolaborasi
sederhana tentang artid idolanya
Kegiatan Penutup Muatan Alokasi
Inovatif waktu
1. Guru dan peserta didik menyimpulkan materi pembelajaran Berfikir kritis 5 menit
2. Guru mengingatkan peserta didik untuk mengumpulkan tugas Komunikasi
individu (menulis descriptive text pada pertemuan berikutnya)
3. Guru dan peserta didik melakukan refleksi pembelajaran Religius
4. Guru dan peserta didik menutup pembelajaran dengan berdo’a
Asesmen Diagnostik:
Menulis perkenalan diri dalam materi “Introduction”
Asesmen Formatif:
1. Penilaian Aktivitas Diskusi Kelompok dan Unjuk Kerja Kelompok
2. Penugasan individu berupa menjawab soal-soal pemahaman tentang descriptive text
3. Penugasan individu berupa menulis descriptive text (orang) dengan tema tokoh idola yang akan
dikumpulkan pada pertemuan berikutnya
Asesmen Sumatif:
Penilaian Harian (PH)
1) Pengayaan:
Pengayaan diberikan kepada peserta didik yang menguasai materi ini dengan sangat baik, yaitu
dengan cara memberikan ragam soal yang tingkatannya lebih tinggi.
2) Remidial:
Remedial diberikan kepada peserta didik yang belum menguasai materi dengan baik, yaitu
dengan cara memberikan pengulangan materi dasar serta materi spesifik yang kurang dikuasai
oleh peserta didik.
Note : Soal Remidial dan Pengayaan terlampir
Refleksi Guru:
1. Apakah model pembelajan yang saya gunakan sesuai dengan materi dan karakteristik peserta
2. Apakah semua peserta didik nyaman belajar dalam kelompoknya?
3. Pada bagian mana dari materi ini peserta didik mudah memahami?
4. Bagaimana kesesuaian durasi waktu dan tujuan belajar yang ingin dicapai pada pembelajaran ini?
Refleksi Peserta Didik:
1. Materi apa yang telah pelajari?
2. Materi apa yang sudah saya pahami?
3. Materi apa yang sulit/belum saya pahami?
4. Materi yang telah saya pelajari berguna untuk apa saja?
a. Materi Pembelajaran melalui buku guru dan buku peserta didik
b. Power Point slide
c. Gambar dari google
d. LMS (web sekolah)
Fat : gemuk hair : rambut
Thin : kurus nose : hidung
Tall : tinggi body : tubuh
Short : pendek cheek : pipi
Curly : keriting eyes : mata
Straight : lurus height : tinggi
Chubby : tembeb weight : berat
Brown : coklat friendly : ramah
Pointed : mancung wise : bijaksana
Materi descriptive text
Ayu E, Arini Y, M Bima. 2022. Buku Interaktif English Starter: English for Junior High School
Students Grade VII.Yogyakarta: :PT Intan Pariwara

Mengetahui Ajibarang, 26 September 2022

Kepala SMP N 2 Ajibarang Guru Mapel Bahasa Inggris
Agus Suwarno, S.Pd. Reni Pamuji, S. Pd
NIP. 19700823 1994012 1001 NIP. -


1. Definition: Descriptive Text is a text which says what a person or a thing is like

2. Social Function/Purpose (Fungsi Sosial/Tujuan):

to describe a particular person. (Untuk mendeskripsikan orang tertentu)
3. Generic Structure (Struktur):
1. Identification (Identifikasi)
Identification contains the general introduction of a person will be described. (Identifikasi berisi
pengenalan secara umum tentang orang yang akan di deskripsikan.)
2. Description (Deskripsi)
Description contains physical appearance, character or personaliy, and behavior or habit of a
person that is described.(Deskripsi berisi penampilan fisik, karakter atau kepribadian, dan
perilaku atau kebiasaan dari orang yang dideskripsikan.), seperti:
a. Physical Appearance (Penampilan Fisik), seperti:
 hair : straight, wavy, curly, blonde, bald
 eyes : dark, blue, brown, slanted
 nose : pointed, flat
 complexion : dark, fair, brown
 body : skinny, thin, fat
 height : short, medium, tall
 looks : beautiful, ugly, handsome
 age : young, old
b. Personality/Character (Kepribadian/Sifat), seperti:
Wise, friendly, honest, polite, generous, unique, kindhearted, arogant, rude, cruel, mean,
greedy, etc.
c. Behaviour/Habit (Perilaku/Kebasaan), seperti: Hobby, habitual action, job, etc.
4. Language Features (Ciri-ciri kebahasaan):
a. Specific Participant (Objek yang dideskripsikan tertentu)
b. Menggunakan Simple Present Tense
c. Menggunakan adjective (seperti: kind, polite, honest) dan noun phrase (seperti: good boy, brown
eyes, wavy hair)
d. Menggunakan action verb (seperti collect, work, make) dan has/have (seperti: She has a pointed
nose. / They have short hairs.)
Maudy Ayunda
Maudy Ayunda is a famous artist from Indonesia. Her full name is Ayunda Faza
Maudya. She was born in Jakarta on December 19th, 1994. Identification
Maudy is a cute and good looking girl. She is tall and slim. She has slanting
eyes, thin lips, a small pointed nose, an oval face, and straight black hair. She
has a very nice smile and an innocent look. Description of physical

Maudy is very friendly to people. She is also a smart and talented girl. She
speaks Indonesian, English, Mandarin and Spanish. She can play piano and
Description of
personality/char acter
Maudy likes to create a song using guitar and piano. Her hobbies are singing,
swimming, writing, and playing musical instrument. Maudy’s favorite singers
are Tompi, Agnes Monica, Bruno Mars, and Taylor Swift. She thinks that they
influence her career mainly in singing. Maudy also plays in some movies. Her first movie title is “Untuk
Rena”. Then she acts in some movies like “Sang Pemimpi, Tendangan dari Langit, Perahu Kertas, and
Description of behavior/habit


1. Media/Alat:
a. Macam-macam video dan gambar yang diambil dari internet dan buku peserta didik,
b. Ppt tentang materi dan contoh teks deskriptif
c. Laptop dan LCD proyektor
d. Kamus
e. Kertas
f. Spidol dan whiteboard
g. Speaker
2. Sumber Belajar:
Buku guru dan buku peserta didik Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan
Gambar dan power point yang berisi materi dan contoh teks deskriptif

Power point:


(Quiz Numbered Heads Together)
Please fill the blank with suitable word in the box given !( Lengkapi kalimat dengan kata yang tepat
dalam kotak! )

Thin - Slanted - fat - curly - well- built - flat

Pointed - stocky - chubby - blond - Wavy - yellow complexion


She has … eyes.


She has … .hair


She has … nose.


His body is … .

She has … cheeks
Rearrange the words into a good sentence!
Susunlah Kata-kata menjadi sebuah kalimat yang benar!

6. has – long – hair – The girl

7. eyes – are – His – and – blue – big
8. dimple – she – in – her – has – cheek
9. his – is – well- body – built
10.Ratih – sharp – has - nose
(Dikerjakan individu pada LMS :

1. Alvin`s hair is ....

a. Wavy
b. Straight
c. Long
d. Curly


Choose the suitable description from the picture!

a. She wears black veil.
b. She wears pink glasses.
c. She wears pink veil.
d. She wears blue glasses.

3. She has long and thick fur”.

The antonym of the underlined word is…
a. Heavy
b. Length
c. Short
d. Fragnant


a. He is young.
b. She is young.
c. He is old.
d. She is old.

a. She is fat
b. She is thin
c. He is fat
d. He is thin

Arrange these jumbled paragraphs based on the generic structure of descriptive text!
1. Isyana Sarasvati
Isyana is a pretty girl. She is slim. She is only 50 kg and 165 tall. She
has long smooth beautiful hair. By glimpsing, she looks like a korean
Talking about her passion in music, Isyana likes jazz, RnB, pop, and
soul. She also can play piano, saxophone, and violin. That’s
fantastic. What do you know about her song? Isyana is being famous
because of a very romantic song entitled “Keep Being You” and
“Tetap dalam Jiwa”.
Do you know Isyana Sarasvati? She is a very famous singer from
Indonesia. Her fulname is Isyana Sarasvati. She is usually called
Isyana. Isyana, the Taurus girl, was born in Bandung, West Java, on
May 2, 1993.
Isyana is a very talented girl. She is kind of introvert girl. She seems
very calm. But actually she is friendly enough to people. She is also
a funny girl. Isyana likes to make joke with her friends.

2. Cak Lontong
Cak Lontong is very well-known as a unique comedian. He is
humorous. He is popular with a logical language or syllogism which
needs people to think.
His full name is Cak Lontong. He has real name, Lis Hartono. He was
born in Magetan on October 7th, 1970. He is a comedian.
He collects expensive bicycles, but if he doesn’t know and doesn’t
realize that there are a lot of them. Cak Lontong, who is also a
presenter, often sells his bicycle collections to fellow bicycle lovers.
Cak Lontong is a great guy. He is very tall and has a big body. His
height is 184 cm. He has a round face, a flat nose and chubby cheeks.
Lembar Jawab LKPD 3
Read the text and answer the following questions!

Maudy Ayunda is a famous artist from Indonesia. Her full name is

Maudy Ayunda Ayunda Faza Maudya. She was born in Jakarta on December 19th,
Maudy is a cute and good looking girl. She is tall and slim. She has
slanting eyes, thin lips, a small pointed nose, an oval face, and
straight black hair. She has a very nice smile and an innocent look.

Maudy is very friendly to people. She is also a smart and talented

girl. She speaks Indonesian, English, Mandarin and Spanish. She
can play piano and guitar.

Maudy likes to create a song using guitar and piano. Her hobbies
are singing, swimming, writing, and playing musical instrument.
Maudy’s favorite singers are Tompi, Agnes Monica, Bruno Mars,
and Taylor Swift. She thinks that they influence her career mainly
in singing. Maudy also plays in some movies. Her first movie title
is “Untuk Rena”. Then she acts in some movies like “Sang
Pemimpi, Tendangan dari Langit, Perahu Kertas, and Refrain”.

Adapted from

1. What is the purpose of the text above?
A. To tell Maudy’s career.
B. To show Maudy’s character.
C. To describe Maudy in specific.
D. To describe Maudy’s passion and attitude.
2. How old is Maudy Ayunda now? She is ... years old.
A. 24
B. 25
C. 26
D. 28
3. What does the second paragraph tell us about ?
A. Maudy’s general introduction.
B. Maudy’s physical appearance.
C. Maudy’s personality.
D. Maudy’s behavior.
4. What does Maudy Ayunda look like? She has ....
A. innocent look
B. small flat nose
C. wavy black hairs
D. short and thin body
5. How many languanges does Maudy Ayunda speak?
A. Four.
B. Five.
C. Six.
D. Seven.
6. The writer describes Maudy Ayunda as a ....
A. lazy girl
B. stupid girl
C. moody girl
D. friendly girl
7. “Maudy is a cute and good looking girl.” The
underlined word can be replaced with ....
A. nice
B. ugly
C. beautiful
D. handsome
8. Is Maudy Ayunda a song writer?
A. Yes, he is.
B. Yes, she is.
C. No, he isn’t.
D. No, she isn’t.
9. “She thinks that they influence her career mainly in singing.”
What does the word they refer to?
A. Maudy’s friends.
B. Maudy’s family.
C. Maudy’s idols.
D. Maudy’s fans.
10. From the text we may know that ....
A. Maudy only loves western singers
B. Maudy can compose a song
C. Maudy doesn’t like acting
D. Maudy has round face


Write a descriptive text about your favorite artist based on the generic structure of
descriptive text!

a. Identification
b. Description of Physical Appearance
c. Description of Character
d. Description of Habit or Behaviour


1. Penilaian Sikap
Lembar Pengamatan Sikap

Aspek Penilaian
Nama Peserta
No. Kerjasama Tanggung Disiplin Percaya
Jawab Diri

Catatan :
1. Aspek perilaku dinilai dengan kriteria:
100 = Sangat Baik
75 = Baik
50 = Cukup
25 = Kurang
2. Skor maksimal = jumlah sikap yang dinilai dikalikan jumlah kriteria = 100 x 4 = 400
3. Skor sikap = jumlah skor dibagi jumlah sikap yang dinilai = 275 : 4 = 68,75
4. Kode nilai / predikat : 7
5,01 – 100,00 = SangatBaik (SB)
50,01 – 75,00 = Baik (B)
25,01 – 50,00 = Cukup (C)
00,00 – 25,00 = Kurang (K)

2. Penilaian pengetahuan

Jenis soal : Pilihan ganda

Banyak soal : 1- 10 butir
Skor tiap butir :1
Skor maskimal : 10
Soal disusun oleh guru dengan format soal pilihan ganda yang berorientasi HOTS
sebanyak 10 soal.

Nilai = Skor yang diperoleh x 100

Skor maksimal
3. Penilaian Keterampilan
Menulis teks deskripsi sederhana

Aspek yang Excellent Good Poor

dinilai (3) ( 2) (1)
Ide Ide ditulis sesuai dengan Ide ditulis kurang sesuai Ide ditulis tidak sesuai
(25) tema, orisinil, dan dengan tema dan dengan tema, tidak
kreatif kreatif, tetapi masih orisinil dan kurang
orisinil kreatif
Struktur Teks Struktur teks lengkap Struktur teks kurang Struktur teks tidak
(25) lengkap lengkap
Tata Bahasa Tidak ada kesalahan Terdapat 1 – 5 Terdapat lebih dari 5
(20) dalam tata bahasa kesalahan dalam tata kesalahan dalam tata
bahasa bahasa

Pilihan Kata Menggunakan kosakata Menggunakan Menggunakan

(15) yang sesuai, benar, dan kosakata yang kosakata yang kurang
tepat dan mudah kurang sesuai tapi sesuai, kurang tepat,
dipahami. tidak dan sulit dipahami
mempengaruhi arti
Tanda Baca Tidak ada kesalahan Terdapat 1 – 5 Terdapat lebih dari 5
(15) dalam tanda baca kesalahan dalam kesalahan dalam tanda
tanda baca baca


No Capaian Pembelajaran Materi Indikator Level Bentuk Jml

Soal Soal Soal
1. Pada akhir Fase D, peserta Descript Disajikan L2 Pilihan 10
didik menggunakan teks ive text bacaan teks ganda
lisan, tulisan dan visual descriptive,
dalam bahasa Inggris untuk
peserta didik
berinteraksi dan
berkomunikasi dalam konteks dapat
yang lebih beragam dan menentukan
dalam situasi formal dan informasi
informal. Peserta didik dapat terkait struktur
menggunakan berbagai jenis teks dan unsur
teks seperti narasi, deskripsi, kebahasaan
prosedur, teks khusus (pesan
singkat, iklan) dan teks
otentik menjadi rujukan
utama dalam mempelajari
bahasa Inggris untuk
berdiskusi dan
Kisi-kisi soal pengetahuan
Kisi-kisi soal ketrampilan

No Capaian Pembelajaran Materi Indikator Level Bentuk No

Pokok soal soal soal
1. Pada akhir Fase D, peserta didik Descriptive Disajikan L4 Uraian 1
menggunakan teks lisan, tulisan text sebuah tema,
dan visual dalam bahasa Inggris peserta didik
(Menyusu dapat
untuk berinteraksi dan
n teks menyusun
berkomunikasi dalam konteks teks
yang lebih beragam dan dalam deskripsi
situasi formal dan informal. sederhana artis idola
Peserta didik dapat menggunakan tulis dengan tepat
berbagai jenis teks seperti narasi, pendek
deskripsi, prosedur, teks khusus
(pesan singkat, iklan) dan teks
otentik menjadi rujukan utama
dalam mempelajari bahasa
Inggris untuk berdiskusi dan


Instrumen penilaian pengetahuan


1. What is the purpose of the text above? C
A. To tell Maudy’s career.
B. To show Maudy’s character.
C. To describe Maudy in specific.
D. To describe Maudy’s passion and attitude.
2. How old is Maudy Ayunda now? She is ... years old. D
A. 24
B. 25
C. 26
D. 28
3. What does the second paragraph tell us about ? B
A. Maudy’s general introduction.
B. Maudy’s physical appearance.
C. Maudy’s personality.
D. Maudy’s behavior.
4. What does Maudy Ayunda look like? She has .... A
A. innocent look
B. small flat nose
C. wavy black hairs
D. short and thin body
5. How many languanges does Maudy Ayunda speak? A
A. Four.
B. Five.
C. Six.
D. Seven.
6. The writer describes Maudy Ayunda as a .... D
A. lazy girl
B. stupid girl
C. moody girl
D. friendly girl
7. Maudy is a cute and good looking girl.” The underlined word can be replaced C
with ....
A. nice
B. ugly
C. beautiful
D. handsome
8. Is Maudy Ayunda a song writer? B
A. Yes, he is.
B. Yes, she is.
C. No, he isn’t.
D. No, she isn’t.
9. She thinks that they influence her career mainly in singing.” What does the C
word they refer to?
A. Maudy’s friends.
B. Maudy’s family.
C. Maudy’s idols.
D. Maudy’s fans.
10. From the text we may know that .... B
A. Maudy only loves western singers
B. Maudy can compose a song
C. Maudy doesn’t like acting
D. Maudy has round face

Instrumen Ketrampilan

Write a descriptive text about your favorite artist based on the generic structure of
descriptive text!

e. Identification
f. Description of Physical Appearance
g. Description of Character
h. Description of Habit or Behaviour

Instrumen Soal Sumatif

The text is for number 1-3

Hello! My name is Boby Fudam. I come from Dundee. A town on the east coast of Scotland, but I’m a
student at Durham University, in the north of England. I’m studying French and German, and I can speak
the languages quite well. I also know little Spanish, so I can speak four languages. I’m enjoying the course
a lot, but it’s very hard work!
I live in Durham Castle, because the Castle is part of the University, with about thirty other students. The
course started two years ago, and I’m in my third year. After the course, I’m going to work in France, but I
don’t know where yet.

1. Boby can speak these languages below except…

a. German
b. Spanish
c. English
d. Dutch

2. What’s Boby going to do after course?

a. To get a job in France.
b. To enjoy in Germany.
c. To study in England.
d. To learn in Spanish.

3. Boby Fudam is … student at Durham University.

a. a lazy
b. a diligent
c. a dull
d. a shy

The text is for number 4- 5

I have a special friend. She is my classmate and sits besides me. Her name is Rohma. Rohma is a quite girl
and very simple on the look. However, I really adore her. She is not only kind but also tough.
Rohma comes from a very simple family. Her father is a pedicab driver and her mother has passed away.
She has a younger brother. His name is Rahmat. In order to help their father, Rohma and her brother work
part-time to earn some money. Rohma sells food during our class break, while her brother sells newpapers
and magazines after school.
One thing that I always admire about her is that she can manage her time well, and she always looks

4. What does the second paragraph tell you about?

a. Rohma and her family
b. Rohma and her father
c. Rohma and her brother
d. Rohma and her friends

5. Where did the writer sit?

a. in front of Rohma
b. behind Rohma
c. next to Rohma
d. far from Rohma

The text is for number 6-8

I’m so happy to have a close friend. She is my beloved classmate, Fafa. We’ve known each other since we
were in grade 8. We were in the same class, and we still are in grade 9 until now.
Fafa is a very kind and friendly girl. She is always ready to help other people. Although she comes from a
rich family, she never looks down on other people. She is very sociable and has a lot of friends. She can
interact easily with people from different ages. Therefore, she is also popular among teachers and parents.

6. What is the text about?

a. The writer’s sister
b. The writer’s family
c. The writer’s deskmate
d. The writer’s best friend

7. What is the main idea of paragraph two?

a. Fafa has good characters
b. Fafa comes from a rich family
c. Fafa is an eighth grader student
d. Fafa is popular among neighbors

8. The underlined word in “she can interact easily with people …” is closest in meaning to ….
a. React
b. Introduce
c. Influence
d. Communicate

The text is for number 9-10

Mr. Targo is my math teacher at school. He teaches us at class IX. He is a smart teacher. He can teach us
very well. He is a strict teacher. He doesn’t like his students came late at class. He will be very angry.
Besides that, he doesn’t like us cheating in the test. He always tells us to be honest. His students must pay
attention to his explanation.
Besides that, Mr. Targo always does the same things every day. Entering the classroom, he will wash his
hands in the basin in the corner the class. After that he will walk over to his desk. Sitting in her desk, he
will look at and greet us formally. Then he will put on her glasses, open his textbook and ask us what
lesson we discussed the previous meeting. And then he starts teaching. I was really amazed by his habit.

9. What is the writer’s purpose to write the text?

a. To show his dislike of his teacher.
b. To get attention of his teacher.
c. To make the readers know the character of his teacher.
d. To make the readers impressed by his teacher.

10. The writer describes Mr. Targo as a …

a. Serious man
b. Humorous man
c. Easy going man
d. Friendly than

Instrumen Soal Remidial

The text is for 1- 5

Peter is the youngest in our family. He is fourteen years old and four years younger than me. He has long,
straight hair, bright eyes and a friendly smile. Sometimes he is rather naughty at home, but he usually does
what he is asked to do. Peter is interested in sports very much, and at school, he plays football and tennis.
He is the best badminton player in our family.

1. “Peter is interested in sports very much, and at school he plays football and tennis.” The phrase
“interested in” can be replaced by ….
a. Dislike sport
b. Really likes sport
c. Hates sport very much
d. Finds sport not really entertaining

2. ” He is fourteen years old.” The word “HE” refers to …

a. Peter
b. The writer
c. The writer’s brother
d. the writer’s family

3. “But he usually does what he is asked to do.” The phrase “usually does” means …
a. He does anything he wants.
b. He always asks.
c. He is lazy.
d. He is diligent.

4. What is the text mostly about?

a. Peter
b. Peter’s hobby
c. Peter’s family
d. peters’ elder brother

5. From the text, we may conclude that …

a. Many people do not like Peter.
b. People is older that the writer.
c. Peter is a welcoming person.
d. Peter is not diligent at all.
Soal Pengayaan

Daniel Jacob Radcliffe was born in Fullham, London, 23 July 1989. His nickname is Dan. He is the
only child of Alan Radcliffe and Marcia Gresham.
Dan has white skin, dark brown hair, blue eyes, and a pointed nose. His height is about 168 cm. He
is a loyal, shy, down to earth and humorous person. He is also intelligent and somewhat mysterious. He
loves football, Formula One racing and gymnastics.

1.What is the text about?
2. How old
is Daniel Jacob Radcliffe?
3. What is Daniel hobby?
4. What is Danil Nickname?
5.How tall is Daniel?
1. LKPD 1
1) Slanted
2) Blond
3) Pointed
4) Well-built
5) Chubby
6) The girl has long hair
7) His eyes are blue and big
8) She has dimple in her cheek
9) His body is well built
10) Ratih has sharp nose

2. LKPD 2

3. LKPD 3
Isyana Sarasvati
a. Identification
Do you know Isyana Sarasvati? She is a very famous singer from Indonesia. Her
fulname is Isyana Sarasvati. She is usually called Isyana. Isyana, the Taurus girl, was
born in Bandung, West Java, on May 2, 1993.
b. Description of Physical Appearance
Isyana is a pretty girl. She is slim. She is only 50 kg and 165 tall. She has long smooth
beautiful hair. By glimpsing, she looks like a korean star.
c. Description of Personality or Character
Isyana is a very talented girl. She is kind of introvert girl. She seems very calm. But
actually she is friendly enough to people. She is also a funny girl. Isyana likes to make
joke with her friends.
d. Description of Behavior or Habit
Talking about her passion in music, Isyana likes jazz, RnB, pop, and soul. She also can
play piano, saxophone, and violin. That’s fantastic. What do you know about her song?
Isyana is being famous because of a very romantic song entitled “Keep Being You” and
“Tetap dalam Jiwa”.
2. Cak Lontong
a. Identification
His full name is Cak Lontong. He has real name, Lis Hartono. He was born in Magetan on
October 7th, 1970. He is a comedian
b. Description of Physical Appearance
Cak Lontong is a great guy. He is very tall and has a big body. His height is 184 cm. He has a
round face, a flat nose and chubby cheeks.
c. Description of Personality or Character
Cak Lontong is very well-known as a unique comedian. He is humorous. He is popular with a
logical language or syllogism which needs people to think.
d. Description of Behavior or Habit
He collects expensive bicycles, but if he doesn’t know and doesn’t realize that there are a lot of
them. Cak Lontong, who is also a presenter, often sells his bicycle collections to fellow bicycle

4. LPKD 4
1. C 6. D
2. D 7. C
3. B 8. B
4. A 9. C
5. A 10.B

5. LKPD 5

Based on students’ writing

Soal Sumatif

1.D 6.D
2.A 7.A
3.B 8.D
4.A 9.C
5.C 10.A

Soal Remidial

1. B
2. A
3. D
4. A
5. C

Soal Pengayaan
1. The description of Daniel Jacob Radcliffe
2. 33 years old
3. His hobbies are playing football, Formula one racing, and gymnastics.
4. His nickname is Dan
5. He is about 168 cm

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