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The Kidney

Structure of
The Kidney
Structure of
a Nephron
● Each kidney contains around a
million tiny structures called
nephrons, also known as
kidney tubules or renal tubules
● The nephrons start in the cortex
of the kidney, loop down into
the medulla and back up to the
● The contents of the nephrons
drain into the innermost part of
the kidney and the urine
collects there before it flows
into the ureter to be carried to
the bladder for storage

● Kapiler menjadi menyempit saat masuk ke dalam glomerulus yang meningkatkan tekanan pada darah.
● Hal ini pada akhirnya menyebabkan molekul-molekul kecil yang dibawa dalam darah terpaksa keluar dari kapiler dan
masuk ke dalam kapsul Bowman, tempat molekul-molekul tersebut membentuk filtrat.
● Zat yang dipaksa keluar dari kapiler adalah: glukosa, air, urea, garam
● Beberapa di antaranya berguna dan akan diserap kembali ke dalam darah di bagian bawah nefron.
Selecive Reabsorption
Reabsorption of Glucose

● Setelah filtrat glomerulus memasuki Kapsul

Bowman, glukosa adalah zat pertama yang
diserap kembali di PCT.
● Hal ini dilakukan dengan transportasi aktif
● Reabsorpsi glukosa tidak dapat terjadi di
tempat lain di nefron karena yang
memfasilitasi transpor aktif glukosa hanya
terdapat di PCT.
● Penderita diabetes tidak dapat mengontrol
kadar glukosa darahnya dan seringkali sangat
tinggi, artinya tidak semua glukosa yang
disaring dapat diserap kembali ke dalam darah.
● Karena tidak ada tempat lain bagi glukosa
untuk diserap kembali, glukosa berlanjut di
filtrat dan berakhir di urin penderita diabetes.
Selecive Reabsorption
Reabsorption of Water and Salts

● Saat filtrat melalui Loop of Henle,

garam yang diperlukan diserap
kembali ke dalam darah melalui difusi
dan transportasi aktif.
● Saat garam diserap kembali ke dalam
darah, air juga diserap melalui proses
Selecive Reabsorption
The Kidney

 Langsung

Holy 

Nilai 



Statistik Performa

17 0 0
Benar sebagian benar Salah

42 s 17
Waktu/Pertanyaan Benar Beruntun
Lembar kerja Nama

13. Excretion (2.1)

Total pertanyaan: 17
Estimasi pengerjaan: 9menit
Disusun oleh Adinda Azzahra

1. Which of the following would be lost from both the kidneys and lungs?

a) Water b) Carbon dioxide

c) Glucose d) Urea

A nephron is shown in the image.

Which number is correctly shows where filtration and selective
reabsorption occur?


a) 1 and 2 b) 2 and 4
c) 2 and 3 d) 1 and 3

3. Which of the following substances would be reabsorbed by the kidneys?

a) Salts, urea, and glycogen b) Salts and glycogen

c) Salts and glucose d) Urea and glucose

4. Which of the following statements correctly describes the function of the kidneys?

a) Reabsorbing glucose and removing urea b) Removing glucose and reabsorbing salts
c) Deamination and reabsorption of glucose d) Making and removing urea

Which row of the table correctly displays the correct roles of the
following organs in processing waste in the human body?


a) A b) B
c) C d) D
6. Which substance is NOT found in the urine of a healthy person?

a) Glucose b) Salts
c) Water d) Urea

7. The area where glucose is selectively reabsorbed is the....

a) Loop of Henle b) Proximal convoluted tubule

c) Distal convoluted tubule d) Collecting tubule

8. The process that reduces the volume of the kidney filtrate and returns substances (water, glucose,
amino acids) to the blood is....

a) filtration b) reabsorption

c) perspiration d) transport

9. Water and Salt reabsorption into the circulatory system is mostly done by....

a) PCT b) DCT
c) Loop of Henle d) Glomerulus

10. The high pressure capillary network that pushes fluid out of the bloodstream is the....

a) PCT b) DCT
c) Loop of Henle d) Glomerulus

11. Under normal conditions, which of the following substances is found in urine?

a) Blood cells b) Protein

c) Glucose d) Urea

12. Where in the kidney does ultrafiltration happen?

a) Glomerulus b) Loop of henle

c) PCT d) DCT

13. What substances are usually removed from the body by the kidney?
I. Urea
II. Water
III. Glucose

a) I and II b) I and III

c) II and III d) I, II, III
14. Which of the following best describes what happens in the glomerulus?

a) Regulation of salt balance leading to the b) Ultrafiltration introduces water and other
production of urine molecules into the capillaries
c) High blood pressure forces water and other d) Selective reabsorption of water and
molecules into the nephron molecules by active transport

15. Why should glucose not appear in urine?

a) It is too large to be filtered through the b) It is rebsorbed in the collecting duct

Bowman's capsule
c) It is rebsorbed in the distal convoluted tubule d) It is rebsorbed in the proximal convoluted

16. What part of the nephron is responsible for blood pressure–driven filtration?

a) Glomerulus b) PCT
c) Loop of henle d) DCT

Which line shows the correct movement of substances in a

healthy person?


a) A b) B
c) C d) D
Kunci Jawaban

1. a) Water 2. d) 1 and 3 3. c) Salts and glucose

4. a) Reabsorbing glucose 5. c) C 6. a) Glucose

and removing urea

7. b) Proximal convoluted 8. b) reabsorption 9. c) Loop of Henle


10. d) Glomerulus 11. d) Urea 12. a) Glomerulus

13. a) I and II 14. c) High blood pressure 15. d) It is rebsorbed in the

forces water and other proximal convoluted
molecules into the tubule

16. a) Glomerulus 17. b) B

The Liver
The Liver

 Langsung

Holy 2 

Nilai 



Statistik Performa

12 0 0
Benar sebagian benar Salah

18 s 12
Waktu/Pertanyaan Benar Beruntun
Lembar kerja Nama

13. Excretion (3.1)

Total pertanyaan: 12
Estimasi pengerjaan: 6menit
Disusun oleh Adinda Azzahra

1. What is urea produced from?

a) Fatty acids b) Glucose

c) Amino acids d) Glycerol

2. The organ whose excretory functions include detoxification of the blood and formation of urea is....

a) Liver b) Kidney
c) Heart d) Bladder

3. A nitrogen waste resulting from the breakdown of the amino acids produced during protein digestion

a) Carbon dioxide b) Salts

c) Urea d) Water

The table shows information about urea.

Which row is correct?


a) A b) B
c) C d) D

5. The liver is the site of deamination. This term means...

a) Breaking down of amino acids b) Breaking down of proteins

c) Building up proteins d) Removing acids from the blood

6. What is a function of the liver?

a) converting bile to urea b) converting urea to amino acids

c) deamination of amino acids d) deamination of carbon dioxide
7. In which order does urea pass through structures in the body?

a) kidney → ureter → liver → urethra b) kidney → urethra → liver → ureter

c) liver → kidney → ureter → urethra d) liver → urethra → kidney → ureter

8. A healthy person eats a very high-protein diet. What effect will this have on their urine?

a) It will contain amino acids. b) It will contain glucose.

c) It will contain more urea. d) It will contain more water.

9. When food molecules are converted to other molecules that the body needs in the liver is called....

a) Assimilation b) Excretion
c) Deamination d) Filtration

10. Excess amino acids absorbed in the blood that are not needed to make proteins cannot be stored,
so they are broken down in a process called....

a) Assimilation b) Excretion
c) Deamination d) Filtration

11. The urea dissolves in the blood and is taken to the .... to be excreted

a) Liver b) Lungs
c) Kidney d) Bladder

12. Why the urea should be excreted from the body?

a) Because it is very toxic to the body b) Because the body need it

c) Because the body doesn't need it anymore d) Because it is useful for the body
Kunci Jawaban

1. c) Amino acids 2. a) Liver 3. c) Urea

4. b) B 5. a) Breaking down of amino 6. c) deamination of amino

acids acids

7. c) liver → kidney → ureter 8. c) It will contain more urea. 9. a) Assimilation

→ urethra

10. c) Deamination 11. c) Kidney 12. a) Because it is very toxic

to the body

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