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My Daily
Aktivitas Harianku My Daily Activities

1. Saya biasanya bangun pada 5a.m 1. I usually get up at 5 a.m

2. Saya pergi ke kamar mandi untuk 2. I go to the bathroom to wash my face
cuci muka
3. Saya berdoa sendirian 3. I pray alone
4. Saya membuat tempat tidurku rapi dan 4. I make my bed neat and fold my
melipat pakaian saya clothes
5. Saya menempatkan mereka dalam 5. I put them in the wardrobe
6. Jam 5.30 saya pergi ke kamar mandi 6. At 5.30 I go to the bathroom
7. Saya membuka keran untuk mengisi bak 7. I open the tap to fill the bath
8. I take a bath
8. Saya mandi
9. I don’t forget to brush my teeth
9. Saya tidak lupa menggosok gigi saya
10. I wear my uniform
10. Saya mengenakan seragam saya

11. Saya berdiri di depan cermin 11. I stand up in front of the mirror
12. Saya menyisir rambut 12. I comb my hair
13. Saya mengenakan sabuk saya, dan kaus 13. I wear my belt, and my socks
kaki saya
14. I polish my shoes and I wear them
14. Saya menyemir sepatu saya dan saya
15. I prepare to go to school
15. Saya mempersiapkan diri untuk pergi
ke sekolah 16. I put my books into my bag
16. Saya meletakkan buku saya ke dalam tas
saya 17. I have breakfast
17. Saya sarapan 18. At 6 o’clock my father takes me to
18. Pukul 6 ayah saya mengantar saya ke school.
sekolah. 19. Some of my friends go to school
19. Beberapa teman saya pergi ke sekolah on foot
dengan berjalan kaki 20. Because their houses are near from
20. Karena rumah mereka dekat dari school

21. Saya mendengar dering bel 21. I hear the bell ring
22. Saya pulang di 01:00 22. I go home at 1 o’clock
23. Ibu saya biasanya menjemput saya 23. My mother usually picks me up
24. Saya biasanya tiba di rumah pukul 24. I usually arrive home at 2pm.
2 siang.
25. Saya meletakkan tas saya di kamar tidur 25. I put my bag in my bedroom
26. Saya ganti baju 26. I change my clothes
27. Saya membersihkan kaki dan tangan 27. I clean my legs and my hands
28. Saya juga mencuci muka saya 28. I also wash my face to make it fresh
untuk membuatnya segar
29. I am ready for lunch
29. Saya siap untuk makan siang
30. I usually have lunch in the dining room
30. Saya biasanya makan siang di
ruang makan

31. Saya mengambil air minum dari kulkas 31. I take some drinking water from the
32. Saya mencampurnya dengan sirup refrigerator
beberapa dan sayameminumnya 32. I mix it with some syrup and I drink it
33. Saya mencuci piring sendiri karena 33. I wash the dishes by myselfbecause
saya tidak mempunyai pembantu I have no servant
34. Saya meletakkan piring di rak 34. I put the dishes in the shelf
35. Saya tidak pernah lupa berdoa sebelum 35. I never forget to pray before I have my
saya makan. meal.
36. Saya membantu orang tua saya untuk 36. I help my parents to sweep the floor
menyapu lantai
37. Saya juga membersihkan jendela. 37. I also clean the window.
38. Saya membuang sampah. 38. I throw the garbage.
39. Saya bersantai sejenak 39. I relax for a while
40. Kadang-kadang saya tidur siang 40. Sometimes I take a nap

41. Pada sore hari saya biasanya bermain 41. In the afternoon I usually
voli play volleyball
42. Saya memainkan beberapa game 42. I play some computer gamesat home
komputer di rumah
43. Saya punya banyak kaset. 43. I have a lot of cassettes.
44. Saya juga suka mendengarkan 44. I also like listening to music,
musik, dan menyanyikan lagu favorit and singing my favorite songs
saya 45. On certain days I learn to dance
45. Pada hari-hari tertentu saya belajar
untuk menari 46. At 6 pm I have dinner
46. Pukul 6 sore saya makan malam 47. I study in my bedroom.
47. Saya belajar di kamartidur saya 48. I read my school books
48. Saya membaca buku-buku sekolah saya
49. Saya membuat beberapa catatan dan 49. I make some notes and summary.
50. I do my homework
50. Saya mengerjakan PR saya
51. After I finish studying I watch
51. Setelah saya selesai belajar saya
menonton televisi
52. Because there are many interesting
52. Karena ada banyak program menarik di
programs on TV
53. Sometimes I read my e-mail
53. Kadang-kadang saya membaca e-mail
54. I never visit facebook or twitter.
54. Saya tidak pernah mengunjungi
facebook atau twitter. 55. I like sharing stories with my
55. Saya suka berbagi cerita dengan brothers and sisters
saudara-saudara saya 56. My parents tell me some stories
56. Orangtua saya mengatakan kepada saya
beberapa kisah 57. At 10 pm I usually go to bed
57. Pada pukul 10 malam saya
biasanya pergi tidur 58. I close the windows and doors
58. Saya menutup jendela dan pintu 59. I clean my hands and my feet
59. Saya membersihkan tangan dan kakiku
60. Akhirnya aku matikan TV dan aku tidur. 60. Finally I switch off the TV and I sleep.

My Daily
No Aktivitas Harianku My Daily Activities
1 Bangun Get up

Saya biasanya bangun pada jam 5 I usually get up at 5a.m

pagi Saya biasanya bangun pagi-pagi I usually get up early in the morning

Saya tidak bangun di siang hari I don’t get up in the afternoon

Apakah kamu biasanya bangun di Do you usually get up in the evening

sore hari

Jam berapa biasanya kamu bangun? What time do you usually get up?

Bangunlah lebih awal! Get up earlier

Jangan bangun jam sepuluh Don’t get up at 10 o’clock


2 Pergi Go

Saya pergi ke kamar mandi untuk I go to the bathroom to wash my face

cuci muka

Saya pergi ke kamar mandi I go to the bathroom to brush my teeth

untuk menyikat gigiku

Saya tidak pergi ke kamar mandi I don’t go to the bathroom to have a

untuk kencing leak

Apakah kamu pergi ke kamar Do you go to the bathroom to wash your

mandi untuk mencuci mukamu? face?

Seberapa sering kamu menggosok How often do you brush your teeth?

Sikatlah gigimu sebelum tidur Brush your teeth before sleeping

Jangan mencuci rambutmu terlalu sering Don’t wash your hair too often

3 Berdoa Pray

Saya berdoa sendirian I pray alone

Kadang-kadang saya berdoa bersama- Somatimes Ipray together


Saya tidak berdoa di rumah I don’t pray at home

Apakah kamu selalu berdoa sendirian? Do you always pray alone?

Dengan siapa kamu biasanya berdoa? Who do you usually pray

Berdoalah dalam konsentrasi penuh with? Pray in full

Jangan berdoa jika kamu tidak serius. concentration

Don’t pray if you are not serious.

4 Merapikan Make neat

Saya merapikan tempat tidurku dan I make my bed neat and fold my clothes.
melipat pakaianku.

Saya merapikan buku-buku saya I make my books neat

Saya tidak pernah melipat pakaian saya I never fold my

Apakah kamu sering merapikan tempat clothes

Do you often make your bed neat?
Berapa lama kamu merapikan tempat
How long do you make your bed neat
Rapikan tempat tidurmu setelah kamu
Make your bed neatafter you get up

Jangan tinggalkan tempat tidurmu Don’t leave your bed in a mass


5 Menaruh Put

Saya menaruh pakaian dalam lemari I put the clothe in the wardrobe

Saya sering menaruhnya di dalam tasku I often put it in my bag

Saya tidak menaruhnya di dalam I dont put it in my pocket

saku saya

Apakah kamu selalu menaruhnya Do you always put it in your bag ?

di dalam tasmu

Di mana kamu biasanya menaruhnya? Where do you usually put it?

Taruhlah itu di atas meja Put it on the table

Jangan menaruhnya di dekat api. Ia Don’t put it near fire. It’s flammable
mudah terbakar

6 Pergi Go

Pada 5.30 saya pergi ke kamar At 5.30 I go to the bathroom

mandi Pada 7.00 saya mulai bekerja At 7.00 I start working

Mereka tidak pergi ke sekolah pada hari They don’t go to school on Saturday

Apakah kamu pergi ke sekolah pada Do you go to school on Saturday?

hari Sabtu?

Seberapa sering kamu pergi ke sekolah How often do you go to school in

dalam satu minggu? a week?

Pergilah ke tempat tidur Go to bed

Jangan pergi tidur terlambat. Don’t go to bed too late.

7 Membuka Open

Saya membuka keran untuk mengisi I open the tap to fill the bath
bak mandi

Saya membuka jendela untuk I open the window to get fresh air
mendapatkan udara segar

Saya tidak membuka keran untuk I don’t open the tap to fill the bath
mengisi bak mandi

Apakah Kamu membuka keran Do you open the tap to fill the bath
untuk mengisi bak mandi

Mengapa Kamu membuka keran? Why do you open the tap?

Bukalahkeran jika perlu Open the tap if it is necessary

Jangan meninggalkan keran terbuka Don’t leave the tap open

8 Mandi Take a bath

Saya I take a bath

mandi I always enjoy taking a bath in the river

Saya selalu menikmati mandi di sungai I never take a bath in the night

Saya tidak pernah mandi di malam hari


Apakah kamu biasanya mandi di Do you usually take a bath at night?

malam hari?

Siapa yang mandi dengan air panas? Who takes a bath with hot water?

Mandilah secara teratur ! Take a bath regularly

Jangan mandi dengan air dingin Don’t take a bath with cold water

9 Lupa Forget

Saya lupa menyikat gigiku I forget to brush my teeth

Saya lupa untuk membalas e-mailnya I forget to reply her e-

Saya tidak lupa menyikat gigiku mail

Apakah kamu selalu menyikat I don’t forget to brush my teeth

gigimu? Seberapa baik kamu Do you always brush your teeth?

menyikat gigimu? Sikatlah gigimu 2x How good do you brush your teeth?

sehari Brush your teeth twice a day

Jangan sikat gigimu terlalu keras Don’t brush your teeth too hard
10 Mengenakan Wear

Saya mengenakan seragamku I wear my uniform

Saya selalu memakai sepatuku I always wear my shoes

Saya tidak memakai jas hujan I don’t wear raincoat

Apakah kamu selalu memakai Do you always wear wristwatch?

jam tangan?

Berapa lama kamu memakai sepatumu How long do you wear your shoes
setiap hari? every day?

Kenakan helm pengamanmu Wear your safety helmet

Jangan lupa untuk klik Don’t forget to click your safety helmet
helm pengamanmu
11 Berdiri Stand

Saya berdiri di depan cermin I stand up in front of the mirror

Saya kadang-kadang berdiri I sometimes stand up alone and sing a

sendiriandan menyanyikan sebuah lagu song

Saya tidak berdiri di depan cermin I don’t stand up in front of the mirror

Apakah kamu seringberdiri di Do you oftenstand up in the bus?

dalam bus?

Berapa lama kamu berdiri per hari? How long do you stand up per day?

Berdirilah di sudut ruang Stand up in the corner of the classroom

kelas Jangan berdiri di atas Don’t stand on the table

12 Menyisir Comb

Saya menyisir rambutku I comb my hair

Saya jarang menyisir rambutku I rarely comb my hair

Saya tidak perlu menyisir I don’t need to comb my hair because it

rambutku karena terlalu pendek is too short

Apakah kamu selalu Do you always comb your hair ?

menyisir rambutmu?

Seberapa sering kamu menyisir How often do you comb your hair?

Sisirlah rambutmu setelah kamu Comb your hair after you wash it

Janganmenyisir rambutmu terlalu lama Don’tcomb your hair too long

13 Memakai Wear

Saya mengenakan sabuk dan kaus I wear my belt and my socks

kakiku Dia memakai topeng dan mulai She wears mask and starts dancing

menari Dia tidak memakai anting-anting She doesn’t wear earring

Apakah dia memakai sepatu hak tinggi? Does she wear high-heeled shoes?

Mengapa kamu suka mengenakan Why do you like wearing high-

sepatu hak tinggi? heeled shoes?

Mohon mengenakan batik. Please wear batik.

Jangan mengenakan rok Don’t wear mini skirt.

14 Menyemir Polish

Saya menyemir sepatuku dan saya I polish my shoes andI wear them

Saya kadang-kadang menyemir sepatuku I sometimes polish my shoes

Saya tidak pernah menyemir sepatuku. I never polish my shoes.

Apakah kamu selalu Do you always polish your shoes?

menyemir sepatumu?

Seberapa sering kamu menyemir How often do you polish your shoes?

Semirlah sepatumu secara teratur Please polish your shoes

Jangan menyemir sepatumu terlalu regularly Don't polish your shoes


too often.

15 Menyiapkan Prepare

Saya mempersiapkan diri untuk pergi I prepare to go to school

ke sekolah

Saya selalu mempersiapkan diri I always prepare to go to school an hour

untuk pergi ke sekolah satu jam before
I don't prepare to play
Saya tidak mempersiapkan diri
untuk bermain
Do you always prepare to go to school?
Apakah kamu selalu mempersiapkan
diri untuk pergi ke sekolah?

How soon do you prepare to go to

Seberapa cepat kamu mempersiapkan school?
diri untuk pergi ke sekolah?
Prepare to go to school an hour before
Bersiaplah untuk pergi ke sekolah
satu jam sebelumnya
Don't prepare to go to school. It's
Jangan mempersiapkan diri untuk pergi Sunday
ke sekolah. Hari ini hari Minggu

16 Meletakkan Put

Saya meletakkan buku-bukuku ke I put my booksinto my bag

dalam tasku

Saya biasanya meletakkan buku- I usually put my books into the

bukuku ke dalam rak buku book shelf

Saya tidak menaruh buku-bukukudi atas I don't put my books on the chair

Apakah kamu selalu meletakkan Do you always put your

buku- bukumudi sembarang tempat books anywhere?

Kapan biasanya kamu meletakkan buku- When do you usually put your books

bukumu ke dalam tasmu? into your bag?

Mohon letakkan buku-bukumu ke dalam Please put your books into your bag

Jangan meletakkan buku-bukumu di Don't put your books on the floor


17 Sarapan Breakfast

Saya sarapan I have breakfast

Saya kadang-kadang makan nasi I sometimes have fried rice and coffee
goreng dan minum kopi untuk sarapan for breakfast

Saya tidak sarapan dengan mie goreng I don't have breakfast with fried nodle

Apakah kamu sarapan sebelum Do you have breakfast before leaving

berangkat ke sekolah? for school?

Apa yang biasanya kamu What do you usually have for breakfast?
makan/minum untuk sarapan?

Sarapanlah sebelum pergi ke sekolah Have breakfast before going to school

Jangan sarapan terlalu banyak. Don't have breakfast too much

18 Mengantarku Takes me

Pada jam 6 pagi ayahku mengantarku ke At 6 o’clock my father takes me to

sekolah school.

Setelah itu ayahku pergi bekerja After that my father goes to work

Ayahku tidak mengantarku ke My father doesn't take me to school.

sekolah Does your father always take you to

Apakah ayahmu selalu mengantarmu ke

Seberapa sering ayahmu mengantarmu How often does your father take you to
ke sekolah? school?

Tolong antarkan saya ke sekolah. Please take me to school. I'm in a hurry

Saya tergesa-gesa.
Don't take me to school. My friend
Jangan antarkan saya ke sekolah will pick me up
Temanku akan menjemputku

19 Jalan kaki On foot / walk

Beberapa temanku pergi ke sekolah Some of my friends go to school on foot

jalan kaki.

Beberapa temanku pergi ke sekolah Some of my friends go to school by taxi

naik taksi.

Beberapa temanku tidak pergi ke Some of my friends don't go to school


Apakah semua temanmu pergi ke Do all your friends go to school on foot?

sekolah jalan kaki?

Berapa banyak temanmu yang pergi ke How many friends of yours go to

sekolah jalan kaki? school on foot?

Tolong pergilah ke sekolah jalan kaki Please go to school on foot.

Jangan pergi ke sekolah jalan kaki. Don't go to school on foot. You will
Kamu akan terlambat. be late.

20 Dekat Near

Karena rumah mereka dekat dari sekolah Because their houses are near from

Karena rumah merekajauh dari sekolah Because their houses are far from

Karena rumah mereka tidak dekat dari Because their houses are not near from

sekolah school

Apakah rumah mereka dekat dari Are their houses near from school?

Seberapa jauh rumah mereka dari How far are their houses from school

Berjalanlah ke sekolah jika Walk to school if your house is near.

rumahmu dekat.

Jangan berjalan ke sekolah jika Don't walk to school if your house is far
rumahmu jauh

21 Mendengar Hear

Saya mendengar bel berdering I hear the bell ring

Saya mendengarpengumuman I hear the announcement

Saya tidak mendengar bel berdering I don't hear the bell ring

Apakah kamu mendengar suaraku ! Do you hear my voice !

Jam berapa biasanya kamu mendengar What time do you usually hear the bell
dering bel? ring?

Dengarkan bel itu. Ia berdering Hear the bell. It's ringing

Jangan dengarkan suara lain Don't hear the other sound

22 Pulang Go home

Saya pulang pada jam 1 I go home at 1 o’clock

Saya jarang pulang pada jam I seldom go home at 3

3 Saya tidak pulang pada jam o’clock I don't go home at 12


12 o’clock

Apakah Kamu pulang Do you go home late?

terlambat? Jam berapa Kamu What time do you go home?

pulang? Go home on time please

Silakan pulang tepat waktu Don't go home before 9pm

Jangan pulang sebelum jam 9 malam

23 Menjemput Pick up
Ibuku biasanya menjemputku My mother usually picks me up

Ibuku biasanya menjemputku dengan My mother usually picks me up

sepeda motor by motorcycle

Ibuku biasanya tidak menjemputku pada My mother usually doesn't pick me up

hari Jumat on Friday

Apakah ibumu biasanya menjemputmu? Does your mother usually pick you up?

Bagaimana ibumu How does your mother usually pick

biasanya menjemputmu? you up?

Tolongjemput saya satu jam lebih awal Please pick me up an hour earlier

Jangan menjemputku. Biarkan

saya pulang dengan bus Don't pick me up. Let me go home
by bus

24 Tiba Arrive

Saya tiba di rumah pada jam 02:00 I arrive home at 2 o’clock

Sayatidak pernah tiba di I never arrive at school late

sekolah terlambat

Saya tidak tiba di rumah sebelum 02:00 I don't arrive home before 2 o’clock

Apakah Kamu sering tiba di rumah Do you often arrive home at 2 o’clock?
pukul 2 malam?

Seberapa sering Kamu tiba di How often do you arrive home after2
rumah setelah pukul 2? o’clock?

Pastikan Kamu tiba di rumah pukul 02:00 Make sure you arrive home at 2 o’clock

Jangan sampai di rumah sebelum pukul Don't arrive home before 2 o'clock

25 Meletakkn Put

Saya meletakkan tasku di kamar tidurku I put my bag in my bedroom

Saya selalu meletakkan tasku di I always put my bag in my bedroom

kamar tidurku

Saya tidak menaruh tasku di I don't put my bag in my bedroom

kamar tidurku

Apakah Kamu biasanya Do you usually put your bag in

menempatkan tasmu di kamar your bedroom?
Where do you put your bag?
Di mana Kamu menempatkan tas
Put your bag in your bedroom
Kamu? Taruh tasmu di kamar tidurmu
Don't put your bag in the kitchen
Jangan meletakkan tasmu di dapur

26 Ganti Change
Saya ganti pakaianku I change my clothes

Saya biasanya mengganti I usually change my clothes after

pakaianku setelah mandi taking a bath

Saya tidak mengganti pakaianku I don't change my clothes if it is

jika masih bersih still clean

Apakah Kamu mengganti Do you change your clothes every day?

pakaianmu setiap hari?
How often do you change your clothes?
Seberapa sering kamu mengganti
pakaianmu? Change your clothes. You will wear
it tomorrow
Gantilah pakaianmu. Kamu
akan memakainya besok Don't change your clothes.

Jangan ganti pakaianmu.

27 Membersihkan Clean

Saya membersihkan kaki dan tanganku I clean my legs and my hands

Saya selalu membersihkan kaki

dan tanganku sebelum tidur. I always clean my legs and my
hands before sleeping.
Saya tidak membersihkan kaki
dan tanganku I don't clean my legs and my hands

Apakah kamu membersihkan kaki

dan tanganmu? Do you clean your legs and your hands?

Seberapa sering kamu membersihkan How often do you clean your legs
kaki dan tanganmu? and your hands?

Bersihkan kaki dan tangan Kamu Clean your legs and your hands

Jangan membersihkan kaki dan tangan Don't clean your legs and your hands.

28 Mencuci Wash

Saya juga mencuci wajahku I also wash my face to make it fresh

untuk membuatnya segar

Saya juga mencuci wajahku I also wash my face to make it fresh

untuk membuatnya segar dan and healthy

Saya tidak membasuh wajahku I don't wash my face

Apakah kamu selalu mencuci Do you always wash your face to make
wajahmu untuk membuatnya segar? it fresh?

Untik apa kamu mencuci mukamu? What do you wash your face for?

Cucilah wajahmu untuk membuatnya Wash your face to make it fresh


Jangan mencuci muka kamu sebelum 10 Don't wash your face before 10 minutes.

29 Siap Ready

Saya siap untuk makan siang sekarang I am ready for lunch now

Saya selalu siap untuk makan I am always ready for lunch as soon as
siang begitu saya tiba di rumah. I arrive home.

Saya tidak siap untuk makan I am not ready for lunch now. I am
siang sekarang. Saya masih still full
Apakah kamu siap untuk makan Are you ready for lunch now?
siang sekarang?

Jam berapakamu siap untuk makan What time are you ready for lunch?

Bersiaplah untuk makan siang Be ready for lunch

Jangan tinggalkan rumah sebelum Don't leave the house before having
makan siang lunch

30 Makan siang Lunch

Saya biasanya makan siang di I usually have lunch in the dining room
ruang makan

Saya biasanya makan siang I usually have lunch with my friends

bersama teman-temanku di kantin in the school canteen.
I never have lunch in the dining room
Saya tidak pernah makan siang di
ruang makan
Do you always have lunch in the
Apakah kamu selalu makan siang dining room?
di ruang makan?
Where do you always have
Dimana kamu selalu makan siang?
lunch? Lunch is ready. Let's enjoy
Makan siang sudah siap. Mari
kita menikmatinya. it.

Jangan makan siang di rumah.

Don't have lunch at home.
31 Mengambil Take

Saya mengambil air minum dari kulkas I take some drinking water from the
Saya jarang mengambil air minum
dari kulkas I seldom take some drinking water from
the refrigerator
Saya tidak mengambil air minum
dari kulkas I don't take any drinking water from the
Apakah Kamu mengambil air minum
dari kulkas? Do you take any drinking water from
the refrigerator?
Mengapa Kamu mengambil air
minum dari kulkas? Why do you take some drinking
water from the refrigerator?
Ambillah air minum dari kulkas, silakan.
Take some drinking water from the
Tolong jangan mengambil apapun refrigerator, please.
dari kulkas
Please don't take anything from the

32 Mencampur Mix

Saya mencampurnya dengan sirup dan I mix it with some syrup andI drink it
saya meminumnya

Saya biasanya mencampurnya dengan I usually mix it with some syrup

sirup dan saya meminumnya andI drink it

Saya tidak mencampurnya dengan sirup I don't mix it with ginger syrup

Apakah Kamu mencampurnya Do you mix it with any syrup and

dengan sirup apapun dan minum? drink it?

Kamu mencampurnya dengan apa? What do you mix it with?

Campurlah dengan sirup apapun dan Mix it with any syrup and drink it

Jangan mencampur sirup dengan bubuk Don't mix the syrup with pepper powder

33 Mencuci Wash

Saya mencuci piring sendiri I wash the dishes by myself

Saya mencuci piring sendiri setiap I wash the dishes by myself each time
kali saya selesai makan. I finish eating.

Saya tidak mencuci piring sendiri. I don't wash the dishes by myself.
Istriku melsayakan itu. My wife does that.

Apakah kamu mencuci piring Do you wash the dishes by

sendiri? Siapa yang biasanya yourself? Who usually washes the

mencuci piring? Cucilah piringnya dishes?

sendiri Wash the dishes by yourself

Jangan mencuci piring. Don't wash the dishes.


34 Meletakkan Put

Saya meletakkan piring di rak. I put the dishes in the shelf.

Saya selalu menempatkan piring di rak. I always put the dishes in the shelf.

Saya tidak menaruh piring di ruang tamu I don't put the dishes in the living room

Apakah Kamu selalu meletakkan piring Do you always put the dishes in the
di rak? shelf?

Di mana Kamu selalu Where do you always put the dishes?

menempatkan piring?

Letakkan piring di rak Put the dishes in the shelf

Jangan menaruh piring di lantai Don't put the dishes on the floor

35 Lupa Forget

Saya kadang-kadang lupa untuk berdoa I sometimes forget to pray before and
sebelum dan sesudah saya makan after I eat

Saya kadang lupaberdoa sebelum belajar I sometimes forget to pray before

Saya tidak pernah lupa untuk belajar I never forget to study

Apakah kamu pernah lupa untuk berdoa Do you ever forget to pray before and
sebelum dan setelah kamu makan? after you eat?

Kapan biasanya Kamu lupa When do you usually forget to pray?

untuk berdoa?

Tolong berdoa sebelum dan sesudah Please pray before and after you eat
Kamu makan

Jangan lupa untuk berdoa sebelum dan Don't forget to pray before and after
setelah kamu makan you eat

36 Membantu Help

Saya membantu orangtusayamenyapu I help my parents to sweep the floor


Saya membantu orangtua saya mencuci I help my parentsto wash my clothes


Saya tidak membantu orangtusaya I don't help my parents to cook


Apakah kamu membantu orangtuamu Do you help your parents to work?


Seberapa sering kamu membantu How often do you help your parents?

Bantulah orang tuamu dengan belajar Please help your parents by studying
yang tekun hard

Jangan lupa berdoa untukorangtuamu Don't forget to pray for your parents

37 Membersihkan Clean

Saya juga membersihkan jendela I also clean the window

Saya juga menggosok jendela I also wipe the window with damp cloth
dengan kain basah

Saya tidak membersihkan dapur I don't clean the kitchen

Apakah kamu juga membersihkan toilet? Do you also clean the toilet?

Mengapa kamu begitu sering Why do you clean the window so often?
membersihkan jendela?

Bersihkan jendelanya, tolong. Clean the window, please.

Harap jangan bersihkan kompor gas. Please don't clean the gas stove.

38 Membuang Throw

Saya membuang sampah. I throw the garbage.

Saya selalu membuang sampah ke dalam I always throw the garbage into its box.

Saya tidak membuang sampah. I don't throw the garbage.

Apakah kamu aIways Do you aIways throw the garbage into

membuang sampah ke kotak garbage box?
How often do you throw the garbage
Seberapa sering kamu membuang into garbage box?
sampah ke kotak sampah?
Throw the garbage into its box.
Buanglah sampah ke dalam kotaknya.
Don't throw the garbage at will.
Jangan membuang sampah sesuka hati. Keep the room clean.
Jagalah kebersihan ruangan.

39 Santai Relax

Saya bersantai sejenak I relax for a while

Saya menikmati program I enjoy television program for a while

televisi sebentar

Saya tidak bersantai sejenak I don't relax for a while

Apakah kamu biasanya bersantai sejenak Do you usuallly relax for a while in
di sore hari? the afternoon?

Jam berapa kamu biasanya What time do you usually relax for
rileks sejenak? a while?

Santailah sejenak. Kita masih Relax for a while. We still have

punya cukup waktu. enough time.

Jangan bersantai. Kita tidak punya Don't relax. We don't have enough time.
cukup waktu.

40 Tidur siang Take a nap

Kadang-kadang saya tidur Siang Sometimes I take a nap

Kadang-kadang saya membaca Sometimes I read morning newspaper.

koran pagi.

Terkadang saya tidak Istirahat Sometimes I don't take a rest at all

sama sekali

Apakah kamu kadang-kadang Do you sometimes take a nap?

tidur siang?

Berapa lama kamu biasanya tidur siang? How long do you usually take a nap?

Tidurlah di siang hari ... Atau kamu Take a nap… Or you will be sleepy
akan mengantuk

Jangan tidur siang. Kitapunya banyak Don't take a nap. We have a lot of things
hal yang harus dilsayakan. to do.

41 Bermain Play

Saya biasanya bermain voli di sore hari I usually play volleyball in the

Saya biasanya bermain bulutangkis afternoon I usually play badminton in

di pagi hari
the morning
Saya kadang kadang tidak
bermain apapun
I sometimes do not play anything

Apakah Kamu biasanya bermain voli Do you usually play volleyball in

di sore hari? the afternoon?

Dengan siapa kamu biasanya bermain Who do you usually play volleyball
voli? with?

Silakan bermain voli dengan saya.

Please play volleyball with me.
Jangan bermain voli di sana.
Terlalu mahal Don't play volleyball there. It's
too expensive

42 Bermain Play

Saya memainkan beberapa game I play some computer games at home

komputer di rumah

Saya kadang-kadang bermain catur I sometimes play chess with

dengan kakekku my grandfather

Saya tidak bermain game komputer di I don't play any computer games at
rumah home

Apakah kamu memainkan Do you play any computer games at

game komputer di rumah? home?

Kapan kamu bermain game komputer? When do you play computer games?

Cobalah untuk memainkan beberapa Try to play some computer games at

game komputer di rumah home

Jangan bermain game komputer terlalu Don't play computer games too much.
43 Mempunyai Have

Saya punya banyak kaset. I have a lot of cassettes.

Saya punya banyak kaset bahasa Inggris. I have a lot of English cassettes.

Saya tidak memiliki banyak tugas. I don't have a lot of assignment

Apakah kamu memiliki banyak kaset? Do you have a lot of cassettes?

Berapa banyak kaset yang kamu How many cassettes do you have?

miliki? Have a lot of English cassettes and

listen to them.
Milikilah banyak kaset bahasa
Inggris dan dengarkan mereka. Don't be bored to listen English
Jangan bosan untuk mendengarkan
kaset bahasa Inggris.
44 Mendengarkan Listen

Saya juga suka mendengarkan musik I also like listening to music and
dan menyanyikan lagu-lagu favoritku singing my favourite songs

Saya juga suka mendengarkan R & B I also like listening to R&B and
dan menyanyikan beberapa lagu jenis singing some songs of that kind

Saya tidak suka mendengarkan I don't like listening to keroncong

keroncong dan dangdut. and dangdut.

Apakah kamu suka mendengarkan Do you like listening to keroncong

keroncong dan dangdut? and dangdut?

Apa yang kamu rasakan saat kamu What do you feel when you listen to
mendengarkan keroncong dan dangdut? keroncong and dangdut?

Dengarkan keroncong ketika kamu Listen to keroncong when you will sleep
akan tidur

Jangan menyanyi terlalu keras. Don't sing too loudly. The baby
Si bayisedang tidur. is sleeping.
45 Mempelajari Learn
Pada hari-hari tertentu saya On certain days I learn to dance

Pada Minggu pagi saya belajar naik kuda On Sunday morning I learn to ride
a horse
Pada hari Minggu saya tidak On Sundays I don't learn to dance
belajar untuk menari

Apakah kamu belajar untuk menari pada Do you learn to dance on certain days?
hari-hari tertentu?

Apa jenis tarian yang kamu pelajari What kind of dance do you learn on
pada hari Jumat? Friday?

Tolong pelajarilah beberapa tarian Learn some traditional dances please


Jangan belajar breakdance. Don't learn breakdance.

46 Makan malam Dinner

Jam 6 sore saya makan malam. At 6 pm I have dinner

Jam 6 sore saya selalu makan At 6 pm I always have dinner with

malam dengan keluargsaya my family

Jam 6.45 sore saya tidak makan malam. At 6.45 pm I don't have dinner

Apakah kamu selalu makan malam Do you always have dinner at 6 pm?
pukul 6 sore?

Apa yang kamu sering What do you often have for dinner?
makan/minum untuk makan malam?

Silakan makan malam di Please have dinner at home.

rumah. Jangan makan malam di Don't have dinner out.


47 Belajar Study

Saya belajar di kamar tidurku. I study in my bedroom.

Saya sering belajar sendiridi I often study alone in my bedroom.

kamar tidurku.

Saya tidak belajarbersama sama I don't studytogether.

Apakah kamu belajar di kamar tidurmu? Do you study in your bedroom?

Seberapa sering kamu belajar di kamar How often do you study in

tidurmu? your bedroom?

Silahkan belajar di ruang tamu. Please study in the living room.

Harap jangan belajar di kamar Please don't study in the bathroom.


48 Membaca Read

Saya membaca buku sekolahku I read my school book

Saya membaca buku sekolahsebelum I read my l book before the test


Saya tidak membaca novel setiap hari I don't read novelevery day

Apakah kamu membaca buku sekolahmu Do you read your school book
setiap hari? every day?

Seberapa cepat kamu membaca buku How fast do you read your school book?

Bacalah buku sekolahmu dalam mood Read your school book in good mood
yang baik

Jangan membaca buku sekolahmu Don't read your school book with bad
dengan mood yang buruk mood

49 Membuat Make

Saya membuat beberapa catatan dan I make some notes and summary.

Saya selalu membuat beberapa catatan I always make some notes and summary
dan ringkasan dari pelajaran sekolahku. of my school lesson.

Kadang-kadang saya tidak Sometimes I don't make any notes and

membuat catatan dan ringkasan. summary.

Apakah kamu selalu membuat catatan Do you always make notes

dan ringkasan? and summary?

Seberapa lengkap catatan dan How complete are your notes and
ringkasanmu? summary?

Buatlah catatan dan ringkasan sesingkat Make notes and summary as short as
mungkin. you can.

Jangan lupa untuk membuat catatan dan Don't forget to make notes and
ringkasan summary

50 Mengerjakan Do

Saya mengerjakan PR-ku I do my homework

Sayamerasa malas mengerjakan PR-ku Ifeel lazy to do my homework

Kadang kadang Saya tidak Some times I don't do my homework

mengerjakan PR-ku

Apakah kamu mengerjakan PR-mu? Do you do your homework?

Jam berapa kamu mengerjakan PR- What time do you do your homework?

mu? Kerjakan PR-mu sekarang juga Do your homework right now


Jangan pernah menunda mengerjakan Don't ever delay doing your homework

51 Menonton Watch

Setelah saya selesai belajar saya After I finish studying I watch television
menonton televisi

Setelah saya selesai membaca saya After I finish reading I make its summary
membuat ringkasannya

Setelah saya selesai belajar saya After I finish studying I don't

tidak menonton televisi watch television

Apakah kamu menonton televisi setelah Do you watch television after you
kamu selesai belajar? finish studying?

Apa yang kamu kerjakan setelah What do you do after you finish
kamu selesai belajar? studying?

Lihatlah TV setelah kamu belajar. Watch TV after you study. Let your
Biarkan otakmu rileks sejenak. brain relax a while.

Jangan paksa matamu untuk Don't force your eyes to finish reading
menyelesaikan membaca

52 Ada There is / there are

Karena ada banyak program menarik Because there are many interesting
di TV programs on TV
Karena ada banyak program ilmiah di Because there are many scientific
programs on TV
TV Karena tidak ada program menarik Because there are not many interesting
programs on TV
di TV Are there any interesting programs on
Apakah ada program yang menarik
di TV?

Berapa banyak program menarik How many interesting programs are

yang ada di TV? there on TV?

Silakan menonton program-program Please watch scientific programs on

ilmiah di TV dan buatlah TV and summarize it.
Don't watch gossip programs
Jangan menonton program gosip

53 Membaca Read

Kadang-kadang saya membaca e-mailku Sometimes I read my e-mail

Kadang-kadang saya mencuci Sometimes I wash my

sepeda motorku
Kadang-kadang saya tidak membaca
e- mailku
Sometimes I don't read my e-mail
Apakah kamu selalu membaca e-
mailmu setiap hari?
Do you always read your e-mail
Berapa banyak waktu yang kamu every day?
habiskan untuk membaca e-mailmu?
How much time do you spend to read
Bacalah e-mailmu setiap hari your e-mail?

Jangan membaca e-mailmu ketika kamu Read your e-mail every day
terlalu sibuk.
Don't read your e-mail when you are too
54 Mengunjungi Visit

Saya tidak pernah mengunjungi I never visit facebook or twitter

facebook atau twitter

Saya selalu mengunjungi rumah I always visit my grandparents' house

kakek- nenekku

Saya tidak mengunjungi facebook I don't visit facebook or twitter

atau twitter Senin sampai Jumat Monday to Friday

Apakah kamu mengunjungi facebook Do you visit facebook or twitter

atau twitter hari Senin sampai Jumat? Monday to Friday?

Seberapa sering Kamu How often do you visit facebook

mengunjungi facebook atau twitter? or twitter?

Kunjungi facebook atau twitter hanya 10 Visit facebook or twitter just 10 minutes
menit sehari a day

Jangan mengunjungi facebook atau Don't visit facebook or twitter too often
twitter terlalu sering

55 Suka Like

Saya suka berbagi cerita dengan I like sharing stories with my

saudara-saudarsaya brothers and sisters

Saya suka mengerjakanPR-ku I like doing my homework with

dengan teman-temanku my friends

Saya tidak suka berbagi cerita dengan I don't like sharing stories with
nenekku. my grandmother.

Apakah kamu suka berbagi cerita Do you like sharing stories with
dengan saudara-saudaramu? your brothers and sisters?

Dengan siapa kamu suka berbagi cerita? With whom do you like sharing

Silakan bagilah ceritamu stories? Please share your stories

Mohon jangan menyimpan rahasia Please don't keep any secrets

56 Bercerita Tell

Orangtua saya bercerita kepadsaya My parents tell me some stories

beberapa kisah

Guru-guruku kadang-kadang My teachers sometimes tell me their

menceritakan padsaya pengalaman experiences

Orang tua saya tidak pernah bercerita My parents never tell me any stories
pada saya kisah apapun

Apakah orang tuamu selalu bercerita Do your parents always tell you
padamu kisah? any stories?

Cerita tentang apa yang orang tuamu What stories do your parents tell you
beritahu padamu? about?

Ceritakan sebuah cerita lucu, silakan. Tell us a funny story, please

Tolong jangan ceritakan Please don't tell me a liar. Be honest!
padaku kebohongan. Jujurlah!

57 Tidur Sleep

Pada jam 10 malam saya biasanya At 10pm I usually go to bed

pergi tidur

Pada jam 10 pagisaya biasanya sarapan. At 10am I usually have breakfast.

Saya biasanya tidak pergi tidur pada I usually don't go to bed at 10pm on
jam 10 malam pada Sabtu malam Saturday night

Apakah Kamu biasanya pergi tidur Do you usually go to bed at 10pm

pada jam 10 malam setiap hari? every day?

Jam berapa kamu biasanya pergi tidur? What time do you usually go to bed?

Tolong tidurlah pada jam 10 Please go to bed at 10pm at the latest.

malam paling lambat.

Jangan pergi tidur sebelum mengunci Don't go to bed before locking the door.

58 Menutup Cloce

Saya menutup jendela dan pintu I close the windows and doors

Saya selalu menutup jendela dan pintu I always close the windows and doors at
pada malam hari. night.

Saya tidak menutup jendela dan pintu di I don't close the windows and doors in
pagi hari. the morning.

Apakah kamu selalu menutup jendela Do you always close the windows
dan pintu? and doors?

Kapan biasanya kamu menutup jendela When do you usually close the
dan pintu? windows and doors?

Tolong tutuplah jendela dan pintu Please close the windows and doors
sebelum pergi. before leaving.

Jangan menutup jendela dan pintu. Itu Don't close the windows and doors. It's
terlalu panas too hot

59 Mencuci Clean
Saya mencuci wajah, tangan, dan kakiku. I wash my face, hands, and feet.

Saya selalu cuci muka, tangan, I always wash my face, hands, and
dan kakiku sebelum tidur. feet before sleeping.

Kadang-kadang saya tidak Sometimes I don't wash my face, hands,

membasuh wajah, tangan, dan and feet.
Do you always wash your face,
Apakah kamu selalu mencuci hands, and feet?
muka, tangan, dan kakimu?
When do you wash your face, hands,
Kapan kamu mencuci muka, tangan, and feet?
dan kakimu?
Wash your face, hands, and feet to keep
Cucilah muka, tangan, dan kakimu them clean.
untuk menjaga mereka bersih.

Jangan mencuci muka, tangan, dan Don't wash your face, hands, and feet
kakimu dengan air panas. with hot water.
60 Menyalakan Switch
Akhirnya saya nyalakan lampu Finally I switch on the night lamp, and
malam, dan saya tidur. I sleep.

Saya melupakan semua kegiatanku hari I forget all my activities that day, and
itu, dan saya bermimpi indah. I have a good dream.

Akhirnya saya tidak mematikan Finally I don't switch off the night
lampu malam, dan saya tidur. lamp, and I sleep.

Apakah kamu biasanya Do you usually switch on the

menyalakan lampu malam? night lamp?

Mengapa kamu menyalakan lampu Why do you switch on the night

malam? Apakah kamu takut lamp? Are you afraid of darkness?
Switch off the lights before sleeping.
Matikan lampu sebelum tidur.
Don't leave the TV on when you
Jangan biarkan TV menyala pada
saat kamu tidur. sleep.

1. Beribadah
I worship (1) and thank God. God gave me a lot of luck 2. Keberuntungan
(2). I am healthy so (3) I can stand, walk, even run 3. Sehat
easily (4). I carry out all the commandments (5) from 4. dengan mudah
God. I pray 5 times a day. Sometimes I do it myself at 5. Perintah
home. But I often do it together at school or the mosque
near my house. 6. Menghindari
I avoided (6) everything god forbid (7). I never drink 7. Larangan
alcohol. I don't even smoke. I was never rude to my
parents because they loved me so much.

I don't forget to pray. By praying I feel calm to face (8) all 8. Menghadapi
of my problems. By praying I feel God is giving me more 9. Perasaan bahagia
energy.I do everything with a happy feeling (9) because I
believe God records everything I do. I believe goodness
will take me to heaven and badness will take me to hell.

2.TO HUMAN 1. Mematuhi

2. Menghormati
I obeyed (1) and respected (2) my parents because they 3. Mempertaruhkan
loved me so much. My mother risked (3) her life (4) 4. Hidupnya
when she gave birth to me (5). My mother always does 5. melahirkan saya
her best for me. My mother always cooks my
favorite food. My mother helps me with everything.
6. Disiplin
My father works for the family. My father is very 7. Bangun lebih awal
disciplined (6). My father always gets up early(7) in 8. Mengeluh
the morning and pray with my family. My father never 9. Meskipun
complained (8) even though (9) he was tired (10). 10. lelah
11. Berkelahi
I am very happy when playing with my brothers and 12. Menangis
sisters. We laugh a lot together. Sometimes we fight 13. Dalam banyak cara
(11) and cry (12), but in just a few minutes we play 14. Bekerja sama
together again and laugh again.My neighbors are also 15. Masyarakat yang
very nice. We help each other in many ways (13). We Damai
cooperate (14) to create a peaceful society (15).


Water is the source (1) of life on earth. We need water 1. Sumber
for bathing and brushing our teeth at least 2 times a

We need to drink about 2 liters of water every day.

Large animals like horses or cows need much more than 2. Tumbuh
that. Plants also need water. No plant can grow (2) 3. Samudera
without water. Ocean (3) is a paradise for many kinds 4. Sarana Transportasi
5. Matahari bersinar
of fish and other animals. We get fish from the ocean.
6. Menguap
Many types of large fish live in the sea. We also use the 7. Angin berhembus
ocean as a means of transportation (4). The sun shines 8. Menghasilkan
(5) on the ocean. Water vapors (6) and wind breezes 9. Awan
(7) produce (8) clouds (9). Rain falls to bring life. 10. Tumbuh subur

Plants thrive (10). The forest looks green. Animals sing

happily. It is the duty of all of us to protect our earth. Do
not pollute our earth.

I want to be a chef (1). I like cooking. Almost (2) every 1. Juru masak
day I help my mother cook in the kitchen. But I always 2. Hampir
ask myself. Why is my mother's cuisine (3) is just so 4. Hanya begitu-begitu
so(4)? Saja
My father likes to eat. My father often invited 5. Di pinggir jalan
me to eat on the side of the road (5) and also at 6. Tidak puas
restaurants. But to be honest I am also not satisfied (6) 7. Tersedia
with the same menu. I don't like the food that already 8. Menikmati
available (7) in the market. I love to enjoy (8) truly
unique meals. But I don't like European-style food or
other countries. I love unique Indonesian dishes.
One of the unique foods (9) that I like is rujak ice cream. 9. Makanan unik
Yes ... fruit salad plus ice cream ... spicy, sweet, sour, 10. Sayangnya
salty, cold, fresh ... all mixed. Unfortunately (10) this
food is a bit difficult to find in public places. One time I
wanted to open a unique Indonesian food center ... for
example, r

ujak eel, rujak catfish, rujak anchovies, satay flies, satay

imprint, grasshopper chips, flea peek, fried fireflies, etc.

1. Beragama
I am religious (1). I believe in God. Therefore, I always 2. Perintah
do all obligations (2) from God such as praying 5 times 3. Taat dan
a day, I obey and respect (3) my parents, loving my Menghormati
brothers and sisters, etc. I am honest. I always tell
something as it is (4). I never lied (5). I believe in 4. Apa adanya
being honest (6) people will trust (7) with me so that if 5. Berbohong
I get into trouble (8), there will be many people who 6.Jujur
7. Percaya
will help me. 8. Masalah

I am patient , I always try to control (9) my emotions. I 9. Mengatur

don't get angry easily. Smiling, relaxed in the face of 10. Toleransi
problems, and having high tolerance (10) towards 11. Untuk tetap sabar
others is my way to remain patient(11). I am polite. 12. Kasar
I have never been rude (12), especially to my parents and 13. Saudara kandung
14. Jarang
younger siblings(13). I'm diligent. I always do my
homework on time . I rarely (14) watch TV shows. A lot
of TV shows are not so good that I don't like to see them.

On weekends I take a walk or sightseeing (1). 1. Cuci mata

Sometimes I go out (2) with my family or sometimes 2. Pergi keluar
3. Tidak akan
with my friends. I feel good seeing new products on the 4. Tidak membutuhkan
market. Sometimes I want to buy it Nya
but I wouldn’t (3) buy it if I didn’t need it (4).On 5. Mengganggu
Sundays do not disturb(5) me. I usually turn off (6) my 6. Mematikan
HP on Sundays. So don’t call me on Sundays. I always 7. Membersihkan
clean (7) the house, or garden on Sundays. Sometimes I 8. Terlihat
wash my motorbike until it looks (8) clean and shiny 9. Bersinar
10. Pergi
(9). 11. Membawa
On my day off, I toured out of town. We sometimes went 12. Menikmati
(10) to the mountains or the beach. My mother usually 13. Sawah
brings (11) food and drink from home. We love to enjoy 14. Hari Raya
(12) those food and drinks under the trees or in the 15. Meminta maaf dan
middle of the rice fields (13). Memaafkan
On feastday (14) I am apologize and forgive (15). I 16. Menyadari
17. menjaga hubungan
realized (16) that I must have done something wrong and
hurt other people. On certain days I keep in touch (17)
with my relatives. I always try to build a good
relationship with them. Sometimes we talk about

possible businesses together.



My favorite food is rujak ice cream. I love rujak ice 1. Rasanya komplit
cream because it tastes complete (1) ; spicy (2), 2. Pedas
fresh(3), sweet(4), sour (5), and salty (6). 3. Segar
Unfortunately, this food is still hard to come by. In my 4. Manis
spare time (7) I like to listen to Rock & Blues music. 5. Asam
We can enjoy this music while doing anything; 6. Asin
studying, cleaning the house, even while sleeping. The 7. Waktu luang
8.di hafalkan
songs are also easy to memorize (8). My friends also
like this music.
My favorite recreation is going to the beach. I love
playing in the sand. My brother and I usually build
houses out of the sand. I also like collecting (9) shells .
The waves (10) and the small animals in the sea are to 9. Mengumpulkan
me like heaven on earth. My dad used to fly (11) big 10. Ombak
11. Biasanya
kites on the beach.
My favorite sport is playing badminton. I usually play
badminton twice (12) a week on the court near my 12. Dua kali
house. I can spend 1 hour playing badminton. 13. Pekerja keras
Sometimes I play with my dad but I often play with 14. Bekerjasama
people I dont know .My favorite leaders are mom and
dad. My father is hardworking (13) and disciplined .
My mother is patient and diligent. They cooperate(14)
to educate me and my brother.


I don't like being insulted. I don't like to be 1. Diremehkan

underestimated (1). I always try hard to do something 2. Lebih baik
better (2) if I get insulted (3). If I haven't succeeded, I 3. Hinaan
will try even harder until I succeed. I don't like being
gossiped about.
4. Pusat perhatian
I don't like being the center of attention(4) many 5. D itegur
people. I prefer to be reprimanded (5) directly (6) if I 6. Secara langsung
am wrong so I can correct (7) myself.I'm afraid of 7. Mengoreksi
failure. I am afraid to do new things. I know it's not good 8. Mengatasi
for me. I know if I want to successful I must dare to fail.
What should I do to solve (8) these problems?.

I am afraid of ghosts and mice. I feel like ghosts always do

9. Sedangkan
something bad for humans. Whereas (9) if we watch
10. Digigit oleh
cartoons, ghosts help humans. I am afraid of mice because 11. Menyakitkan
I was bitten by (10) rats while I was sleeping. It's painful
(11). I am afraid to be alone. That's why I always try to be
among people. If I have to be alone I play music and sing.
By doing so I feel like I have friends so I am not afraid
Time keeps changing. Once passes (1) time never 1. Sekali terlewat
returns (2). I sometimes feel like my life is passing by 2. Kembali
so fast. At happy times I smile and laugh. I feel so 3. Banyak hal
happy when I am healthy. I can do many things (3)
that I have to do. Life is so beautiful. Everything goes
the way we want.
Every time there is a problem there is always a
solution. When I am sad I try to calm myself down. I
realize life is like that. Sometimes we are happy,
sometimes we are sad.Nothing in this world is
eternal(4). 4. Abadi
5. Secepat mungkin
Everything comes and goes. When I am busy, I am fully 6. Berkebun
concentrated on my activities. I always want to finish 7. Menanam
my work as soon as possible (5) so that I can do other 8. Di depan
work . My free time is relaxing and doing my hobbies. I 9. Di samping
love gardening (6). I plant (7) lots of flowers in front of 10. Merawat
(8) my house and fruits beside (9) my house. When I am
not busy I take care of (10) my plants.

1. Pulau utama
There are 5 major islands (1) in Indonesia, namely 2. Tidak tersebar rata
Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi and Irian Jaya. 3. Sebagian besar
Indonesia also has many small islands such as Nias, 4. Khususnya
Bawean, Merauke, and others. The population is not
evenly spread (2). Most of(3) Indonesians live on the
island of Java, especially in big cities such as Jakarta,
Bandung, Solo, Yogjakarta, and Surabaya. Meanwhile, the
islands outside Java have very few inhabitants. Especially
(4) small islands in the eastern part of Indonesia.

There are many ethnic groups (5) in Indonesia. They 5. Suku

have different local languages (6) and traditional 6. Bahasa daerah
7. Budaya
cultures (7). They have a performing arts show(8). We
8. Pertunjukan seni
know Ludruk, Ketoprak, Wayang, Reog, Jatilan, and 9. Pemilihan
others. They also created a lot of traditional musical 10. Partai politik
instruments such as Gamelan, Angklung, Kulintang, 11. Calon
Sasando, Kecapi, etc. Indonesian governance is 12. Untuk dipilih
democracy. Elections (9) are held once every 5 years. 13. Kota terbesar
The people elect their leaders directly. Political parties 14. Makanan khas
(10) propose several candidates (11) to be chosen (12)
during the election

I live in Surabaya. Surabaya is a city of heroes and a city of

commerce. Surabaya is the second-largest city (13) in
Surabaya has many typical food (14) such as Lontong
Balap, Semanggi, and Tahu Campur.


Indonesia has 2 seasons, the dry season (1) and the 1. Musim kemarau
2. Musim hujan
rainy season (2). Each season lasts (3) approximately 6 3. Berlangsung
months. The dry season starts in April and ends in
September. The rainy season starts in October and ends
in March.It is very hot in the dry season.

The sun is shining (4) bright (5). Farmers usually plant

(6) corn, soybeans, or watermelon. If the dry season lasts

too long (7), it makes farmers unhappy. Maybe even the 4. Bersinar
peasants are suffering (8). There is no water. The river 5. Terang
runs dry. Many plants and animals died from drought (9). 6. Menanam
7. Terlalu lama
After the dry season, the rainy season comes. It rains 8. Menderita
almost every day. The heaviest rains (10) fall in 9. Kekeringan
December and January. During the rainy season, the 10. Hujan paling deras
farmers grow rice and vegetables. They also grow fruit.
They feel very happy.

Grass and flowers flourished, the earth appears green

and the temperature is cool. The sun didn't shine brightly.
It is cloudy (11) most days. Sometimes we hear the sound 11. Berawan
of thunder (12). Sometimes we can see a rainbow (13). 12. Petir
The wind was blowing hard. Frogs sing cheerfully in the 13. Pelangi
rainy season. But if it rains continuously hard every day, it 14. Meluap
can be dangerous. The river will overflow (14). This can 15. Banjir
cause flooding (15). The agricultural area (16) may 16. Area pertanian
have been destroyed. Traffic jams everywhere. Students
cannot go to school.


English is an international language (1). English is

spoken by (2) almost all people in the world. So, it is 1.Bahasa Internasional
obviously (3) that English is very helpful (4). There are 2. Diucapkan oleh
3. Tentunya
many techniques (5) to learn English. We can learn 4. Sangat membantu
English by reading books, watching movies, listening to 5. Banyak cara
songs, writing diary, etc. 6. Kemampuan
My ability (6) in English has not been really that good 7. Belum begitu baik
(7). But at least (8), now I feel more confident (9). I’m 8. Setidaknya
9. Percaya diri

brave to speak in English. I realize the process must go on.

I realize that learning is a never-ending process …. an
endless process. I have to improve my ability in English at
every time.

Suramadu Bridge(1) is located in eastern Java Indonesia. 2. Menghubungkan
Suramadu Bridge connects (2) two islands (3), Java and 3. Pulau
Madura. Length (4) 5.4 km and width (5) 21m. 4. Panjang
Suramadu stretches (6) from Kenjeran Surabaya to 5. Lebar
Labang Madura. Suramadu is the longest bridge (7) in 6. Terbentang
Indonesia. 7. Jembatan terpanjang
8. Menyebrangi
9. Lebih cepat
If we want to go to Madura, we don't have to cross (8) the 10. Lebih nyaman
sea by Ferry. We can get to Madura more quickly(9) and
of course more comfortably (10).

Many people come to Suramadu to see Surabaya and 11. Pengunjung

Madura from a bridge in the middle of the sea. Many 12. Dilarang
13. Mengganggu
visitors (11) stop in the middle of the bridge just to take
14. Lalu lintas
pictures. Although this is prohibited (12) because it
disturbs (13)the traffic (14).


Cows are raised primaril for (1) use as milk and meat 1. Dibesarkan untuk
for human food. They produce among other things such 2. Kebutuhan manusia
as skin (2), offal (3), and feces (4) are also used for 3.Organ dalam
various human needs (5). In several places, cows are 4. Kotoran
also used as a means of transportation (6), cultivating 5. Kebutuhan manusia
land for planting (7)and other industrial tools such as 6. Sarana transportasi
pressing sugarcane (8). 7. Mengolah lahan
Due to these many uses, cows have been a part of many untuk ditanami
human cultures (9) for a long time. 8. Memeras tebu
Like other animals, cows also consist of (10)various 9. Budaya manusia
types of races. Among hundreds of breeds (11), Friesian- 10. Terdiri dari
Holstein cattle are the most common breed of cattle 11. Jenis keturunan
worldwide, in 128 countries. A race can be formed 12. Bantuan manusia
naturally or by human intervention (12) to form a
mixed race.


There are many hospitals and clinics in Indonesia. Every 1. Pelayanan

city has a hospital. Hospitals and clinics havea lot of 2. Rontgen
services (1). There are X-rays (2), blood tests (3), urine 3. Tes darah
tests (4), medical services (5), even surgery services. 4. Tes urin
First of all(6), the doctor examines (7) the patient. The 5. Pelayanan medis
doctor may send (8)patients to the laboratory for X- 6. Pertama-tama
rays. The doctor may write prescriptions (9). 7. Dokter memeriksa
Sometimes the patient has to stay (10) overnightin the 8. Dapat mengirim
hospital. Patients who have fractures may undergo 9. Menulis resep obat
surgery. 10. Harus menginap

1. Musim gugur

2. Musim panas
There are 4 seasons in Europe, spring (1), summer (2), 3. Musim semi
autumn (3), and winter (4). Each season lasts 4. Musim dingin
approximately 3 months. Spring from March to May.
Summer from June to August. Autumn from September
to November. Winter from December to February.
5. Banyak warga asing
Many foreigners (5) leave their country in winter. 6. Mereka berwisata
They have a tour overseas (6) to enjoy the friendly keluar negeri
7. Untuk meikmati
weather (7)Don't try to wear thin clothes (8) in cuaca yang bersahabat
winter. You will be cold (9). The temperature can 8. Baju yang tipis
drop (10) to several degrees below zero (11). 9. Kedinginan
Maybe you can see snow (12) there. Children love to 10. Bisa turun
make snowballs. 11. Dibawah nol derajat
12. Salju
Lots of people are skiing. This sport is very popular. They 13. Mengadakan
14. Peserta
often conduct (13) ski competitions in winter.
15. Meluncur
Participants (14) came from various countries. They 16. Berputar
slide (15), turn (16), and jump (17) off hills (18). 17. Melompat
Sometimes their legs are break while skiing. But they 18. Bukit
are never giving up(19). They enjoy skiing. 19.Menyerah
20. kebalikan
The opposite (20) winter is summer. It sounds funny 21. Berjemur
that it rains a lot in the summer. The temperature is
around 21 degrees Celsius during the day. But for the
people there, it was hot enough. Many people go to the
beach to swim or Sunbathe (21).

17.HEALTH 1. Menghindari
2. Bisa terjadi
Everyone wants to be healthy. Nobody wants to get 3. Menyediakan
4. Pertolongan
sick. But we cannot avoid it (1). One time we must be pertama
sick. It can happen (2) at any time. Therefore we have
to prepare an umbrella before it rains. We need to
provide (3) first aid (4) at home. If the disease is
serious then we go to the doctor.

Some people still use simple methods. They burn (5) 5. Membakar
6. Jarum
needles (6) to take out(7) thorns (8). They used bottles 7. Mengeluarkan
filled with warm water to cure stomach aches. They 8.Duri
touch the forehead (9) to check body temperature, etc. 9. Dahi
10. Peralatan medis
They do so because they do not have medical 11. Termometer
apparatus(10) in their house. It is important to have 12. Gunting
medical equipment at home. These medical devices 13. Perban
14. Obat batuk
include a thermometer (11), scissors (12), sirup
bandage(13), etc. We also need to provide some 15. Obat tetes mata
medicines at home such as aspirin, cough syrup (14),
iodine, eye drops (15), etc.

The computer has 5 parts(1). The first part (2) - is the 1. lima bagian
CPU (Central Processing Unit). The CPU is the brain of 2.Bagian pertama
the computer. The second part is the input device 3). 3. Alat input
4.Yang terdiri dari
We write instructions and data via the input device.
The input device consists of (4) keyboard, mouse,
scanner, etc.

The third part is the disk drive. The disk drive is on the 5. Setidaknya
CPU. One computer unit usually has at least (5) 2 disk 6. Tampak seperti
drives. The fourth part is the monitor. The monitor 7. Proses kerja
looks like (6) a television. We can see the data we input
into the computer through the monitor. The fifth
sectionis printers. The printer prints the results of
computer work processes (7)

1. Kemacetan
Traffic jams (1) Happen every day in modern cities (2) 2. Kota modern
such as Jakarta and Surabaya. This happens because we
3. Tidak memiliki
do not have reliable public transportation (3). There Transportasi
are no buses that have a fixed schedule (4). The bus umum yang
departs only when it is full of passengers (5). Finally, memadai
many people buy motorbikes. The road is full of 4. Jadwal yg tetap
motorbikes. 5. Penumpang
Schools should have a school bus to pick up (6) and 6. Menjemput
drop off (7) their students. if one bus has 60 seats then 7. Menurunkan
for 60 students there is only 1 bus on the road.It is very
different if their parents take them to school. There are
60 cars or 60 motorbikes on the highway. The conditions
were much different. It is not surprising that to this day
the road is always jammed.
20.FAILURE 1. Kegagalan
2. Apapun
Failure (1) is common in everyday life. Whatever (2) 3. Dua
we do the result is one of two possibilities (3), 4.berhasil
successful(4) or failed (5). Everyone wants to be 5.Gagal
successful, but no one can avoid (6) failure. Everyone 6. Menghindari
successful must have experienced (7) failures. People 7. Mengalami
who never fail are people who never succeed because 8. Karakter yg
they never tried. berbeda
9. Menghadapi
10. kehilangan
Everyone has a different character (8) facing(9) 11. Kepercayaan
failure. Some people lost (10) their self-confidence diri
(11) and gave up (12) on the way. Others take lessons 12.Menyerah
from their failures and retry(13) their efforts. They 13. Mencoba lagi
unconsciously complain (14) and waiting(15)is not a 14. tanpa sadar
good thing to do. mengeluh
15. Menunggu

21.SANUR BEACH 1.Pantai Sanur

2.Tempat terkenal
Sanur Beach (1) is a famous place (2) on the island (3) 3.Pulau
of Bali. This place is located (4) to the east (5) of 5.Timur
Denpasar city, the capital (6) of Bali. Sanur beach is the 6.Ibu kota
right location to enjoy the sunrise (7). 7.Matahari terbit
This makes this tourist object(8) even more interesting 8.obyek wisata
(9). Sanur beach is perfect for children. Sanur beach is not 9.Menarik
dangerous as it has fairly calm waves(10)relatively. But it 10.ombak
cannot be used (11) for surfing. 11.Tidak dapat
Not far from Sanur Beach, there are also diving 12. Lokasi menyelam
locations (12) and snorkeling locations. Due to the 13.Kondisi yg ramah
friendly conditions (13), divers (14) with of all skill 14. Penyelam
levels (15) are safe to dive there. In addition, along 15.Tingkat keterampilan

Music is the art of controlling sound (Everywhere, on top
of the world (1), people are playing music. People who
1. Diseluruh dunia
play music are called musicians. One musical group (2) 2.Grup musik
consists of several people.Generally, everyone plays 1 3.Ide yg berbeda
musical instrument. 4.Keindahan
Everyone has different ideas(3) about beauty (4). So 5. Menjadi ramai
there are many types of music; pop, jazz, blues, reggae, 6.Menjadi sepi
rock, etc. Pop music is the music that most people like. 7. Tidak begitu bagus
This music is easy to enjoy. Not many people like classical
music. With the music world getting noisy (5). If there is
no music world, getting quiet(6), it will be not very nice

23.YOUTH 1. Masa muda

Youth (1) is the most precious(2) period in life. In youth, 2. Yang paling berharga
we are strong, healthy, full of energy. In youth, our 3. puncak vitalitas
4. Menyiapkan
bodies are at the peak of vitality (3). Youth is the best 5. Tidak Membuang
time to prepare (4) tasks for the next future. Waktu
6. Lelah
During youth, we must not wasting time(5). That's when
our physique and our brains are strong. So that we don't
get tired (6)quickly and it's easy to learn something. So
use your youth as best you can to get the best in the next

1. Makhluk spesial
24.HUMAN BRAIN 2.struktur tubuh
3. Otak yg luarbiasa
4. Sayap
Humans are special creatures (1). God gave us perfect 5. terbang lebih
bodily structures (2) and amazing brains (3). Humans jauh
do not have wings (4) but can fly farther (5) and 6. Lebih tinggi
higher (6) than any bird. The human body is not as big 7. Mengangkat
as an elephant's and not as tall as a giraffe's neck. But berat
humans can lift weights (7) that are much heavier (8) 8. Lebih berat
than the body of an elephant. Humans can reach 9. Menciptakan
something as high as a giraffe's neck. With a brilliant
brain, humans can create (9) the tools they need to
make their job easy. If the human brain is damaged
(10) then he cannot do anything. Maybe he is alive but
completely useless.

25.ON-TIME 1. Berharga
Time is more precious (1) than money. If we lose (2) 2. Kehilangan
money we can still get the change(3) which may be 4.Menganggap
bigger.But if we lose time, we can't get it back. 5. Sesuatu yang
But many of us consider(4)time as something trivial (5), remeh
not very valuable.We even have a typical term (6) 6. istilah khas
"rubber clock" which means (7) late time (8) or not on 7. Yang berarti
time (9). 8. Terlambat
9. Tidak tepat
We often receive invitations (10) for meetings, for 10.Menerima
example. It's written(11) the meeting will start at 7 pm undangan
but when we arrived there at 7 o'clock no one was there 11. Tertulis
yet. But we must be proud (12) because maybe we are 12.Bangga
the only people in the world who have that culture . Let 13. Tidak
us not preserve (13) the “rubber clock” culture. melestarikan


Cave (1) Ngerong is a cave and tourist spot (2) in 2. tempat turis
Rengel District, Tuban, East Java. In this place, visitors 3. Ribuan ikan
can see thousands of fish (3) in a river where the 4. Sangat bersih
water is very clear (4).Usually, the visitors (5) throw 5. Pengunjung
(6) food into the river so that the fish will float (7) to 6.Membuang
take food. There are many types of fish in the Ngerong 7. Mengapung ke
cave. Some are small and some are big enough. To permukaan
preserve (8) fish in the Ngerong cave, visitors are not 8. Untuk
allowed to take the fish that live there. melestarikan
Because the water is very clear, most residents (9) 9. Sebagian besar
around the place also use it as a place for bathing (10) penduduk
and washing (11). 10.Mandi
27.KEVIN 1.Atletis
2. Hidung mancung
Kevin is my friend. He is 18 years old. Kevin is neither 3.Rambut pirang
short nor tall. He is not thin and not fat. He is 4.Lesung pipi
athletic(1). Kevin has a sharp nose (2), short straight 5. Bersamaan
blonde hair (3), and dimples (4).Kevin has blue eyes. 6. Pemain gitar
Many girls fall in love with him. Kevin likes listening to terkenal
music and singing. His favorite music is jazz and rap. His 7. Tiga kali
favorite singers are Andien and Iwa K. seminggu
Every Saturday night Kevin usually plays music with his
friends. He can play guitar, piano, and harmonica. He can
play guitar and harmonica at the same time (5). Kevin
wanted to become a famous guitarist (6). He always
learned to play guitar 3 times a week (7).

28 .BOXING 1. Tinju
2. olahraga
Boxing (1) is a dangerous sport (2). Two boxers (3) berbahaya
fight (4) in the ring . A referee manages(5) matches. 3. Dua petinju
Three judges (6) sit under the ring watching the match 4. . bertarung
(7)and give marks (8) to the two boxers. Two boxers hit 5. wasit mengatur
each other (9) with their hands covered with boxing 6. Tiga juri
gloves (10). To keep (11) their teeth, the two boxers bit 7.Mengawasi
(12) the guard of the rubber (13). 8. Memberi nilai
9. Memukul satu
They will get a mark if they hit the face . They must not sama lain
hit the back of the head (14). They may hit the stomach 10.Sarung tinju
(15) but they don't get a score. In general (16) there are 11.Untuk menjaga
two types of boxing, namely amateur boxing (17) and 12. Kedua petinju
professional boxing. In amateur boxing, boxers wear menggigit
boxing gloves and safety helmets. In professional boxing, 13. Pelindung dari
boxers do not wear safety helmets. They only useboxing karet
gloves 14. Belakang
15. Perut
16.Pada umumnya
17. Petinju amatir


Every day our children, elementary school students, 2. Bersaing
study at school. Food and beverage vendors wait for 3. Sama sekali
4. Berbahaya
recess. The bell rings. Our children leave (1) the 5. Lezat
classroom. They ran to the food and drink vendors. They 6. Untung
compete(2) to buy food and drinks.Our children have no 7. Sebisa mungkin
idea (3) that the food and drink they buy is dangerous(4) 8. Konsumen
to their health. They only know the food is delicious(5) 9. Bereaksi
on the tongue. The traders only think about how to get 10. Media
as much profit (6) as possible (7). They don't care about elektronik
11. Siaran
the health of their consumers (8).The government also 12. Hasil
did not react quickly (9). Dangerous foods to health penyelidikannya n
remain on the market even though the electronic media 13. Beberapa
(10) broadcast (11) the results of their investigations waktu
(12) several times (13). What can we do?


1. Tempat berdoa
There are many places of worship (1) in Indonesia. We 2. Masjid
3. Kuil
have mosques (2), temples (3), and churches (4) in almost 4. Gereja
(5) every city 5. Hampir
(6) and village (7) in Indonesia. A mosque is a place of 6. Kota
worship for Muslims. There is a Grand Mosque in almost 7. Desa
every city in Indonesia. There is also an istiqlal mosque 8. Yang terbesar
in Jakarta. Istiqlal is the biggest(8)mosque in East Asia. 9. Monumen Budha
10. Terletak
Borobudur is a famous Buddhist monument (9). 11. Keajaiban dunia
Borobudur is located (10) 40 kilometers from 12. Itu
Yogyakarta. Borobudur is the largest Buddhist temple in kuantitas
Indonesia. Borobudur is also 1 of the 7 wonders of the 13. Tidak sebanyak
world (11). There are still many other temples such as 15. mayoritas
Prambanan, Mendut, Sewu, etc.

The church is a place of worship for Christians. This

place is usually crowded on Sundays. In almost
every city there are churches, but the quantity (12)
is not as many as (13) mosques because the
majority(14) of Indonesia's populationis Muslim.

Citizen (1) in Indonesia has different occupations. Some 1. warga negara

2. beberapa dari
of them mereka
(2) work in offices, banks, hospitals, and factories. 3. menanam
Some of them are farmers. They plant (3) rice, 4. beternak
vegetables, and fruit. They also breed (4) chickens, 5. nelayan
goats, cows, etc. 6. berlayar
7. menangkap
Some of the others are fishermen (5). They live near the 8. menjual
9. pengusaha
sea.They s ail (6) in the middle of the sea to catch (7) 10. karyawan
fish. Farmers and fishermen sell (8) their products to
people living in cities.

They are either entrepreneurs (9) or employees (10).

Entrepreneurs buy and sell goods. Most of them live in

1. jinak
There are various animals in the world. Some of them 2. liar
are tame (1) and some are wild (2). Tame animals such 3. hewan peliharaan
4. biasanya
as birds, chickens, ducks, etc. People like to keep tame 5. di hutan
animals as pets (3). Wild 6. harimau
animals usually (4) live in the forest (5) such as tigers 7. singa
(6), lions (7), etc. Most of them eat meat (8), but some 8. daging
of them eat grass (9). Animals are a source of food (10) 9. rumput
for humans. Cows (11) and goats (12) for example, 10. sumber makanan
produce(13) meat and milk. Chickens, swan (14), and 11. sapi
12. kambing
ducks produce meat and eggs. Animals also help 13. menghasilkan
humans do their job to Plough (15) their fields with 14. angsa
cows or buffaloes (16). Horses are used to pull (17) 15. bajak
carriage(18). Dogs are used to guard houses (19) or 16. kerbau
detect drugs (20). 17. untuk menarik
18. gerbong
19. menjaga rumah
20. mendeteksi
33. TRADITIONAL MUSIC AND DANCE 1. musik dan tarian
2. beberapa
Humans love music and dance (1). Some (2) people like 3. dua hal
music and watch dance. Others like to play music and 4. tidak dapat dipisahkan
dance. Music and dance are two things (3) that are can’t 5. jenis
almost inseparable(4). 6. tarian tertentu
7. tidak menyadari
8. apa yang mereka
There are various kinds (5) of traditional music and
dance in Indonesia. Indonesian traditional music is such
9. misalnya
as gamelan, angklung, kulintang, kentongan, etc. 10. penari
Indonesian traditional dances are such as Remo dance, 11. bisa minum
Kecak dance, Sakurai dance, wax dance, fan dance, etc. In 12. setumpuk air
certain dances (6), dancers are not realizing (7) what 13. makan rumput
they are doing (8). 14. sepertinya
15. bahkan
In the Kuda Lumping dance, for example (9), the dancer 16. kadang-kadang
(10) can drink (11) a pile of water (12), or eat grass (13).
It is looks like(14)very similar to a horse. Even (15)
sometimes they eat glass .

34. YOGYAKARTA 1. kerajinan tangan

2. upacara
Yogyakarta is a famous city in Indonesia. He is well 3. budaya
4. milik raja
known for his handicraft (1), ceremony (2), istana
andtraditional culture(3). We can visit the king's palace 5. yang disebut
(4) which is called (5) keraton. 6. pemandangan
We can enjoy beautiful beach scenery(6) at Parangtritis, pantai
Baron, etc. We can also go to the Prambanan and 7. kuil
Borobudur temples(7). During the full moon (8) we can 8. penuh
enjoy the Ramayana dance in front of the Prambanan sinar bulan
9. makanan
temple. khasnya
We can also enjoy its special food (9), which is gudeg. 10. muda
Gudeg is made from young jackfruit (10). Gudeg cooked nangka
(11) with various Indonesian spices (12). One of the 11. dimasak
famous places in Yogyakarta is Malioboro. This is a place 12. Aneka bumbu
in Yogyakarta that never sleeps. There are many shops 13. Di sepanjang
along this street (13) and we buy various products there. jalan
1. Hutan Asia
35. ASIAN FOREST 2. Hewan liar
3. Kadal
Asian forests (1) have different types of wild (2) animals. 4. Tumbuh
One of these beasts is the leopard. It usually eats birds, 5. Panjang dua
lizards (3), and other small animals. It can grow (4) to a meter
length of 2 meters (5). 6. Hidup
Elephants live (6) in the forests of Thailand, Vietnam, and 7. Kurang
Malaysia. Their number was getting smaller (7) because 8. Pemburu
every time the hunters (8) hunted (9) them.Orangutans 9. Berburu
are famous(10) animalsin the forests of Borneo. It can 10. Terkenal
grow to a height of 2 meters (11). It has short legs and 11. Tingginya dua
long hairy (12)arms. He eats vegetables and fruit. The meter
rivers of Asia also have interesting animals such as 12. Berbulu
crocodiles(13) and snakes (14). Some crocodiles grow up 13. Buaya
to 6 meters in length. 14. Ular

36. POST OFFICE 1. Kirim surat

If you want to send letters (1), postcards (2), or even 2. Kartu pos
money you can go to the post office (3). You will need 3. Kantor pos
4. Stempel
stamps (4) to send letters or postcards. then you can put 5. Letakkan
(5) your letter into the mailbox (6). 6. Kotak surat
The post office offers (7) various services (8) for 7. Penawaran
sending letters; namely ordinary (9), express (10), and 8. Berbagai layanan
registered (11). 9. Biasa
10. Ekspres
Express mail and registered mail will arrive (12) at the 11. Terdaftar
12. Tiba
address faster than (13) regular mail. But the price (14) 13. Lebih cepat dari
of postage is more expensive (15) than ordinary postage. 14. Harga
15. Lebih
If you are sending a package (16) then the weight (17) mahal
should be 16. Paket
(18) at least 3 kilograms. If the weight is less than (19) 3 17. berat
kilograms then it will be considered (20) the same as 18. seharusnya
19. Kurang dari
registered mail. 20. Akan
2. Lainnya
We need shoes, uniforms, and other(1) tools (2) to 3. Berbeda
exercise. Different (3) sports need (4) different tools. To 4. Butuh
play soccer, volleyball, and basketball we need a ball. 5. Tidak ada
No one (5) of the balls are the same. 6. Raket
7. Tenis meja
To play tennis and badminton we need a racket (6). But 8. Lebih besar
a racket for badminton is different from a racket for 9. Lebih berat
tennis, or table tennis (7). The racquet for court tennis 10. Dari
is bigger (8) and heavier (9) than 11. Setiap jaring
(10) the racquet for badminton.

To play badminton, tennis, table tennis and volleyball we

need a net. But each net (11) is different.

38. LIFE IN THE CITY 1. Hidup

Life (1) in a city (2) is different from life in a village (3). 2. Di kota-kota
People in the city have almost all of them (4). We can see 3. Di desa
the streets full of vehicles (5) such as cars, taxis, buses, 4. Hampir
trucks, etc. In the city center, we can see many (6) semuanya
beautiful buildings; hotels, shopping malls, skyscrapers 5. Kendaraan
(7), apartments, etc. 6. Bangunan
People in cities are always busy (8). They leave (9) their 7. Pencakar langit
8. Selalu sibuk
home in the morning and return (10) to their home in
9. Pergi
the evening.
10. Kembali
Husbands and wives have to work to cover (11) the cost 11. Penutup
of living 12. Biaya
(12) in an expensive city (13). People in cities spend (14) hidup
more money (15) than people in rural areas. 13. Mahal
14. Habiskan
15. Lebih
People (1) move (2) too big cities (3) to get (4) jobs and a 2. Bergerak
better life (5). Earning money in big cities is easier than 3. Kota besar
(6) in small villages (7). Even (8) people who do not 4. Dapatkan
have special skills (9) can get money easily (10). 5. Lebih baik
People can find a better life and income in big cities than 6. Lebih mudah
in small villages. That is what the villagers (11) thought dari
(12) before they decided (13) to move and fight (14) in 7. Desa-desa kecil
the big city. 8. Genap
9. Keahlian khusus
10. Mudah
11. Penduduk
12. Pikirkan
13. Putuskan
14. Perjuangan
40.DURIAN 1. Yang paling enak
Many people say durian is the most delicious fruit (1) in 2. Berikan
the world. I can't give (2) any comments because I don't 3. Kulit
like durian. Durian has skin (3) thick (4), rough (5), and 4. Tebal
thorny (6). Durian has a very strong smell (7). If you 5. Kasar
don't like durian, the smell (8) of durian can make you 6. Berduri
have a headache or even vomit (9). 7. Bau yang sangat
Do not bring durian if you are traveling by plane because
8. Bau
durian cannot be carried on an airplane (10). In Indonesia,

durian is an expensive fruit (11). The price can reach (12) 9. Muntah
one hundred thousand rupiah per piece(13) if it is large. 10. Tidak boleh
Don't eat too much durian (14) because durian has high dibawa ke dalam
cholesterol (15). pesawat
11. Mahal
12. Jangkauan
13. Per buah
14. Terlalu banyak
15. tinggi

41. INDONESIAN FRUITS 1. Banyak jenis

2. kuantitas
In Indonesia, there are many kinds (1) of fruit. Perhaps 3. mencapai
the quantity(2) reaches (3) more than a hundred. In 4. kabupaten
certain districts(4) in Indonesia,some fruits are not so 5. berbeda
well known in other regions. 6. menyebutnya
7. dipanggil
Many fruits have different(5) namesin Indonesian and 8. tapi
English. For example, in Indonesian we call it (6) Nanas 9. sama
but in English, it is called (7) Pineapple.

But (8) some fruits have the same name (9) in both
languages. For example rambutan, durian, Melon, duku,
42. FRUITS 1.umumnya
2. lainnya
In general (1) fruit contains minerals, vitamins, and other zat
substances (2) that our bodies need (3). Eating fruit 3. dibutuhkan
every day is very good for our bodies. Don't be surprised 4. jangan
(4) if you go to the doctor, he asks you to eat lots of fruit. terkejut
5. rasa buah
The taste of fruit (5) is fresh (6), sweet (7), sour (8), or a 6. segar
combination of sweet and sour. The sweetness in any fruit 7. manis
is more or less(9) the same. Only the levels are different. 8. asam
For example, dates are sweeter than mangoes. 9. lebih atau kurang
10. rasa asam
But the sour taste (10) in each fruit is not the same (11). 11.Tidak sama
Let's take grapes and mangoes as examples. They are both 12.Lidah kita
acidic. It may be difficult for us to explain but our tongues 13. Dapat mengenali ny
(12) can recognize (13)it.

43. GUAVA SEEDS 1.Seperti apa bentukny

2. Apa rasanya
Do you like guava? Can you tell what it's like(1)and how 3. Kulit halus
does it feel(2)? Guava has a smooth skin (3) yellowish 4. Hijau kekuningan
green (4). 5. Bagian dalam
6. Biji kecil
The inside(5) may be pink or white. There are many 7. Menelan
tiny seeds(6) in it. We usually swallow(7) these seeds. 8. Sedikit asam
9. Langsung
It tastes fresh, sweet and slightly sour(8). Delicious 10. Disajikan
when eaten directly (9). It is also delicious when
served(10) in the form of juice.
44. AMPHIBIOUS CAR 1. Mobil amfibi
2. Kombinasi
Amphibious car (1) is a combination (2) between (3) 3. Antara
4. Perahu
car and boat (4). It can run on the land (5) as a car, and 5. Di darat
it can function (6) as a boat on the water. 6. Jadilah
When he was on the ground, the car was moved (7) by 4 7. Dipindahkan
wheels (8), 2 front wheels (9), and 2 back wheels (10). 8. Roda
When it is in the water it is driven by a propeller (11) 9. Roda depan
which is set up (12) at the rear. 10. Roda belakang
11. Baling-baling
12. Yang sudah diatur
move (13) gear shifter (14) and it will change function 13. Bergerak
from car to boat or viceversa (15). If you like fishing 14. Pemindah gigi
you don't need to rent(16)a boat. 15. Ayat catok
16. Sewa
Take this car to the beach and then drive (17) it into the 17. Berkendara
water. He will be a boat. Choose (18) the location you 18. pilih
like and you can start fishing.

45. EGYPT 1. wilayah

Egypt is a country with most of its territory(1) located 2. Afrika timur laut
in northeastern Africa(2). Egypt is also classified as a 3. negara maju
4. mengenali
developed country (3) in Africa. 5. berbatasan
Egypt was also the first country in the world to 6. barat
recognize (4) Indonesian sovereignty on August 17, 7. selatan
1945. The majority of the Egyptian population lives on 8. timur laut
the banks of the Nill River. 9. berbatasan dengan air
Egypt is bordered (5) with Libya to the west (6), Sudan 10. timur

to the south (7), the Gaza Strip, and Israel to the 11. peradaban kuno
northeast (8). The border with water (9) is through the 12. monumen kuno
Mediterranean Sea to the north and the Red Sea to the
east (10). Egypt is famous for its ancient civilization (11)
and some of the greatest ancient monuments (12) in the
world such as the Pyramids of Giza, the Temple of
Karnak, the Valley of the Kings,and the Temple of

46. BALI
1. Pariwisata Indonesia
Bali is the prima donnaof Indonesian tourism(1) which 2. seluruh dunia
is well known throughout the world (2). Apart from 3. keindahan alam 4.indus
6. Tari Bali
being famous for its natural beauty (3), especially its 7. dikategorikan
beaches, Bali is also famous for its unique and 8. tiga kelompok
interesting arts and culture. The tourism industry (4) is 9. pertunjukan tari sakral
centered (5) in South Bali and several other areas. The 10. upacara menari
main tourist locations are Kuta and surrounding areas 11. pengunjung
such as Legian and Seminyak, eastern areas of cities
such as Sanur, city centers such as Ubud, and in
southern areas such as Jimbaran, Nusa Dua, and Pecatu.
Balinese dance (6) in general can be categorized (7)
into three groups (8), namely guardian or sacred
performing dance (9), bebali or dancing ceremonies
(10) and also for visitors
(11) and billboards- gift or dance for the entertainment
of visitors.
47. KOMODO DRAGON 1. Komodo
The Komodo dragon, also known as the Komodo dragon 2. ditemukan
(1), is a large species of monitor lizard found (2) on the 3. masyarakat adat
islands of Komodo, Rinca, Flores, Gili Motang, and Gili 4. panjang rata-rata
Dasami in East Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia. 5. menimbang
These lizards are by indigenous people (3) Komodo 6. mencapai
Island is also called by the local name ora. Komodo 7. reputasi buruk
dragons are the largest lizards in the world, with an 8. habitatnya
average length 9. menyusut
(4) 2-3 meters and weighing (5) can reach (6) 100 kg. 10. ditunjuk
11.binatang yang dilindun
Their large body and terrible reputation (7) make 13. didirikan
them one of the most famous animals in the world.

Now, the habitat of (8) Komodo dragons has shrunk (9)

due to human activities. The Komodo dragon lizard has
been designated (10) as a protected animal (11) by the
Indonesian government and its habitat is made into a
national park, namely the Komodo National Park,
whose purpose (12) was established (13)to protect
48. NASA 1.agen
NASA or National Aeronautics and Space 2.untuk penelitian
Administration.NASA is an agency(1) established by the 3.ruang
US to research (2)the earth and space(3). Surely this 4.penemuan
agency is familiar to everyone's ears because 5.alat canggih
of its inventions(4) and sophisticated tools(5), including 6.menjelajahi
its popular research, which is researching the planet 7. tata surya
Mars as a planetary target to replace Earth. The agency 8.roket tak berawak
plans to explore(6) the solar system(7) by launching 9. orang-orang hebat
unmanned rockets(8). Recently, it is often heard that 10.peneliti muda
NASA is an agency that houses great people (9)and
young researchers(10).

Africa is the world's second-largest and second-most- 1.terbesar kedua
populous (1)continent, after Asia. 2. Benua Afrika
There are 54 countries on the African continent 3.sungai terpanjang
4. terluas
(2).Facts about Africa are, Africa is a country that has 5. gurun terpanas
the longest river (3)in the world and has the widest 6. diucapkan
(4)and hottest desert(5).Between 1500- 2000 7. dialek yang berbeda
languages are addressed in Africa
There are at least 3,000 different ethnic groups in Africa
and about 2,000 different languages are spoken (6)and
each has a different dialect(7). While Arabic is the most
widely spoken language on the African continent,
followed by English, Swahili, and French are the second
languages in some countries.
50. KFC
KFC was founded(1) by Colonel Harland Sanders, an 1. didirikan
entrepreneur(2) who started selling fried chicken from 2. pengusaha
a roadside restaurant(3) in Corbin, Kentucky. KFC 3. restoran pinggir jalan
4. ruang bengkel
started as a workshop room(4) in North Cabin, an area 5. saat pendatang baru
in southeastern Kentucky, United States. 6. pejalan kaki yang
it all started when newcomers (5) or pedestrians lewat
passing through(6)Kentucky had a hard time finding a 7.ternyata
place to eat. Knowing the complaints of the difficulty of
finding a place to eat, Sanders thought of doing
something he opened Sander's cafe from there, it 8.cukup laris
turned(7) out to be quitein demand(8) by many people, 9.sold
then he worked together to sell his chicken to his friend 10. disinilah KFC lahir
where every piece of chicken sold(9) he would get 9 11. ada sekitar
can, this is where KFC was born (10)with the photo
sanders logo. In 2019, there were around(11) 22,000
KFC shops in around 150 countries.

51.NASI PADANG 1. Biasanya

Nasi Padang, more commonly referred to (1) as Padang disebut
rice, is Minangkabau steamed rice (2)served with 2. nasi kukus
various choices of pre- cooked dishes originating from 3.perjamuan
West Sumatra, Indonesia. It is named after the city miniatur
Padang, the capital of West Sumatra province. 4. kontribusi
A miniature banquet(3) of meats, fish, vegetables, and utama
spicy sambals eaten with plain white rice, is Sumatra's 5.dengan gaya
most famous export and the Minangkabau people's 6.mudah
primary contribution(4) to Indonesian cuisine. A dibedakan
Padang restaurant is usually easily distinguishable(5) 7.tampilan
with its Rumah Gadang style facade(6) and typical jendela
window display(7). Such displays usually consist of 8.terdiri dari
stages (8)and rows of carefully arranged stacked bowls tahapan
and plates filled with various dishes. 9. metode umum
segera dilayani
10. negara
In Padang restaurants, there are two methods of tetangga
serving: the pesan (ordering) and the hidang
(serve) method.
Pesan, the most common method(9), usually employed
by small restaurants with one or two customers
ordering at a time, means the customer examines the
window display, chooses the dish, and orders directly
from the waiter in front. The dish is promptly
In a larger Padang restaurant, the festive hidang
method is usually employed.
Nasi padang is found in various cities in Sumatra, Java,
Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Nusa Tenggara, and papuas well
as neighboring countries (11)Malaysia, Singapore,and

The Statue of Liberty(1) is one of the most famous US 1. Patung Liberty
symbols worldwide and symbolizes independence and 2. bebas dari
freedom from oppression(2). penindasan
In 1984, the Statue of Liberty was added to the UNESCO 3. Situs Warisan
list of World Heritage Sites(3). Dunia
The Statue of Liberty (other names in English: Liberty 4. dikaruniai oleh
Enlightening the World),
French: (La Liberté éclairant le monde) is a giant statue
located on Liberty Island, at the mouth of the Hudson
River in New York Harbor, United States. The statue
was gifted by (4)France to the United States in the late
19th century and is a welcome symbol for visitors, 5.mengembalikan
immigrants, and returning Americans(5). orang Amerika
6. Mahkota
The crown (6)of the Statue of Liberty itself is not as 7. lihat dan
common as other crowns. If you look and count (7)there hitung
are about 7 sharp ends that rise from the statue. The 8. ujung tajam
seven spikes (8)or pointed ends on the crown of the 9. dimaksudkan
Statue of Liberty represent the number of 10. konsep
7 oceans and 7 continents in the world. This is kebebasan
intended(9) to show the universal concept of freedom(10) universal
which is the main meaning of the statue.

Jack Ma or whose real name is Ma Yun is a man born in
China, Hangzhou, China, September 10, 1964, whose life
story has inspired(1)many people. Before becoming an 1. terinspirasi
English teacher he struggled to apply(2) for 30 companies 2. berjuang untuk
(3)but as a result, all rejected(4) him, and when KFC first melamar
3. 30 perusahaan
came to China he and 23 of his friends applied to work as 4. ditolak
KFC employees (5)but 23 of his friends were accepted and 5. Karyawan KFC
only he was rejected.

He started learning English at a young age by talking to

English speakers at the Hangzhou International Hotel.
6. bersepeda
For nine years, Ma cycled(6) 27 km (17 miles) to give 7. nama panggilan

tourists tours of the area to practice his English. He

became pen pals with one of the foreigners, who
nicknamed(7)him "Jack" because he had trouble
pronouncing his Chinese name.

Later in his youth, Ma struggled to go to college. Ma failed 8. lemah

the Hangzhou Teachers' University entrance exam twice 9. diadakan setiap
because his weak(8) point was mathematics. The Chinese Tahun
entrance exam, which is held annually(9), took Ma three
years to pass. Ma attended the Hangzhou Institute of 10. Lulus
Teachers (currently known as Hangzhou Normal
University) and graduated(10) in 1988 with a Bachelor of
Arts in English.
Known as Cristiano Ronaldo, is a Portuguese footballer
1. Pesepakbola
(1)and plays as a striker for the Spanish club Real Madrid.
His mother, Maria Dolores Dos Santos was a cook, while
his father, Jose Dinis Aveiro at that time was a 2. Tukang kebun
gardener(2).The not-so-good economy had made the
mother almost think about killing Ronaldo, who was still 3. Rahim
in the womb(3). At that time, Ronaldo's mother, who
found out that she was pregnant, tried to abort her future
child by going to a doctor, but the doctor refused to
perform the abortion process.

Not giving up, Ronaldo's mother tried to kill the baby-to-be

by drinking warmbeer and doing strenuous
4. Berat
(4)exercise.The mother's attempts to abort Ronaldo failed,
and the baby was born on February 5, 1985 , in Santo
Antonio. 5. Berhasil
Get to know football through extreme games.
Successfully(5) born into the world, Ronaldo knows 6. Kendaraan
football in quite an extreme way.Little Ronaldo is known
to play soccer on the streets used by vehicles(6) passing
by.The boy even had to stop if a vehicle passed by. Luckily, 7. Petugas perlengkapa
not long after, Ronaldo joined the youth team of
Andorinha CF, where his father worked as a team 8. Putar & putar
equipment officer(7). 9. Karir
10. Titik terang
After going through various twists and turns(8) in the 11. Gambar
12. Biaya

youth world, Ronaldo's career(9) began to see a bright 13. Juta.

spot(10).With Real Madrid, Ronaldo became an
important figure(11) at the heart of the game. joined Real
Madrid for a fee (12)of £79.9 million (13)in 2009.

Indomie is a brand of instant noodles(1) produced (2)by 1. Mie instan
Indofood CBP, a subsidiary(3) of Indofood Indonesia. 2. Diproduksi
Indofood itself(4) is the largest instant noodle producer 3. Anak perusahaan
in the world, with 16 factories, 15 billion(5)Indomie 4. Sendiri
packages are produced every year. Indomie is also 5. Miliar
exported (6)to more than 60 countries in the world. 6. Diekspor
Outside of its main factory in Indonesia, Indomie has
been produced in Nigeria since 1995 where the product
is a popular brand. 7. Pabrik pembuatan
Indofood has the largest instant noodle manufacturing
plant (7)in Africa. There are various kinds of Indomie 8. Citarasa Nusantara
variants such as Indomie Goreng, Indomie Kuah, and 9. Berbagai macam
archipelago flavors(8) such as Indomie Soto Padang,
Indomie Seblak, Indomie Soto Lamongan, Indomie
Sambal Mata, and so on. Indonesian people also process
Indomie into various kinds (9)such as Indomie Donuts,
Pizza made from
Indomie, Indomie Burger, and combining(10) Indomie 10. Menggabungkan
with Sambal terasi.

Ferrari is an Italian luxury (1)sports car(2) manufacturer 1. Kemewahan
based in Maranello, Italy. Founded by Enzo Ferrari in 2. Mobil sport
1939. The company built its first car in 1940 and 3. Lencana Ferrari
produced its first Ferrari-badged(3) car in 1947. Ferrari 4. Kecepatan
road cars are generally seen as a symbol of speed(4), 5. Kemewahan
luxury(5), and wealth(6). 6. Kekayaan

Not only about the car but Ferrari has an internally

managed merchandising line that licenses(7) many 7. Lisensi
products bearing(8)the Ferrari brand, including 8. Bantalan
eyewear(9), pens, pencils, electronic goods, perfume, 9. Kacamata
cologne, clothing, high-tech bicycles, watches, cell phones, 10. Lari.
and laptop computers. Ferrari also runs (10)a museum,
the Museo Ferrari in Maranello, which displays road and
race cars and other items from the company's history.


Polar bears are animals that are found around the
northernmost continent of the earth, namely the Arctic 1. Sertakan
continent, and include(1)the most carnivorous(2)bears 2. Karnivora
among other bear families. Polar bears are also 3. Mamalia laut
sometimes classified as marine mammals(3) 4. Pria
Male(4) polar bears weigh between 400 - 600 kilograms 5. Tertarik
and can sometimes reach more than 800 kg with a height 6. Bau
of more than 2.5 meters. While the female polar bear is
only half the weight of the male bear weighing between
200-300 kg and a height of about 2 meters. Polar bears
have a very keen (5)sense of smell(6). They can smell a 7. Perenang
dead whale or seal from 20 miles away. Polar bears are 8. Kelenjar
excellent swimmers(7) because they can swim up to 60 minyak
miles without stopping. The oil glands(8) on the skin can 9. Bulu
oil the fur (9)well so it is waterproof(10) and keeps the 10. Tahan air
body dry during swimming.


The film, produced by Pixar and released(1) by Walt Disney, 1. Dirilis
is about an overprotective(2) clownfish(3) named Marlin, 2. Terlalu protektif
along with a majestic(4) blue fish named Dory, in search of 3. Ikan badut
his missing(5) son, Nemo. Along the way, Marlin learns to 4. Megah
take risks(6)and comes to terms with Nemo taking care of 5. Hilang
himself. The film received several awards (7)such as the 6. Risiko
Academy Award for Best Animated Feature, the first Pixar 7. Penghargaan
film to do so. The film was also nominated in three more 8. Berpenghasilan
categories, including Best Original Screenplay. In addition, it tertinggi.
was the highest-grossing(8) animated film at the time of its
release and was the second highest-grossing film of 2003.


Rafflesia Arnoldii is the biggest flower in the world. It merambat
grows in vines(1)(liana) Tetrastigma and does not have 2. Berfotosintesis
3. Tidak ada akar
leaves so it is unable to photosynthesize(2). The flower is 4. Daun
a parasite with no roots(3), no leaves(4), and no stems(5). 5. Uap
The diameter of the flower when it is in bloom(6) can 6. Mekar
reach 1 meter and weighs about 11 kilograms. The naming 7. Tak terpisahkan
of this giant flower is inseparable(7) from the history of its 8. Penemuan
discovery(8) for the first time in 1818 in the tropical
forest of Bengkulu (Sumatra) somewhere near the Manna
River, Lubuk Tapi, South Bengkulu Regency, so that
Bengkulu is known as the Earth of Rafflesia. Kerinci Seblat
National Park is the main conservation(9) area for this 9. Konservasi
species. This species, together with other members of the 10.Genus
genus (10)Rafflesia, is threatened(11) with status due to 11. Terancam
severe deforestation(12). 12.Deforestasi

Tempe is a typical Indonesian food made from 1. Fermentasi
fermented(1) soybean seeds(2) or several other 2. Biji kedelai
ingredients(3) using several types of Rhizopus molds, 3. Bahan
such as Rhizopus oligosporus, Rh. oryzae, Rh. stolonifera, 4. Ragi
or Rh. arrhizus. This fermented preparation is commonly 5. Harga
known as "tempe yeast"(4). The price(5) of Tempe in 6. Mahal
some developed countries is very expensive(6), such as in
America and England, the price of Tempe reaches 15 US
dollars or around (7)255 thousand rupiah. Tempe can
now be healthy modern preparations(8) such as Tempe 7. Sekitar
Steak, Tempe 8. Persiapan
Burger, Tempe Sate, Sounds very suitable(9) for vegetarians 9. Cocok
and of course very healthy
Harvard University is a private Ivy League research
university in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Founded in 1636 1. Dermawan
and named after its first benefactor(1), pastor(2) John 2. Pendeta
Harvard, Harvard is the oldest institution of higher 3. Pendidikan
education(3) in the United States and among the most 4. Bergengsi
prestigious(4) in the world. The Harvard Library is the 5. Terdiri
world's largest academic library system, comprising (5) 79 6. Mimpi
individual libraries holding about 20.4 million items. Being 7. Sumber
able to study at Harvard University is a dream(6) and a Kebanggaan
source of pride (7)for everyone because Harvard is a place
for great people and a university that has high quality.
62. MORAY EEL 1. Belut
This eel(1) has 200 different species, such as the freshwater 2. Terkecil
moray eel, the smallest (2) being the Snyder's moray eel 3. Berburu
with a maximum length of 11.5 cm and the largest reaching 4. Moluska
a size of 3 meters and weighing 36 kg. Moray eels hunt(3) 5. Sotong
for mollusks (4)such as octopuses, squid, cuttlefish(5), 6. Crustacea
crustaceans(6), and the carcasses (7)of marine animals. It is 7. Bangkai
also the dominant predator (8)in its environment but moray 8. Pemangsa
eels are hunted by several predators namely large 9. Kerapu
grouper(9), shark, barracuda, and sea snake.

1. Bahan
Sate is an Indonesian food that uses ingredients(1)from
2. Daging sapi
chicken, beef(2), goat, or shellfish(3) which are pierced 3. Kerang
(4)with a stick and then burned(5). There are several 4. Ditusuk
kinds of satay in Indonesia such as Madura satay which is 5. Terbakar
seasoned(6) with peanuts(7) and sweet soy sauce(8), 6. Berbumbu
Padang satay with peanut sauce which is savory (9)and 7. Kacang
slightly spicy, then there is Taichan satay which is made 8. Kecap manis
9. Gurih
from white chicken meat and only seasoned with chili
sauce and a little lime juice. Then there is also scallop 10. Biasanya kerang
satay, usually, the clams(10) are cooked first with a 11. Gerobak
slightly spicy seasoning. In Indonesia, it is very easy to
find satay sellers with a cart(11)
Gucci is an Italian fashion label founded (1) in 1921 by 1. Didirikan
Guccio Gucci, making it one of the oldest (2) Italian 2. salah satu yang tertua
fashion brands in operation today. Like many historic
fashion houses, the brand started as a luggage
manufacturer, producing luxury travel goods. Gucci has
developed over the years as a symbol of abundance
representing not only the luxury fashion house (3) but 3. rumah mode mewah
also as a form of slang. Its most common vernacular
usage is to describe
something that is “doing well”, and it can be seen in 4. dimiliki
tracks. 5. pemilik
Currently, Gucci is owned (4) by the French luxury group
Kering. In addition to Gucci, Kering and its proprietor (5)
Francois Pinault also own Yves Saint Laurent, Balenciaga,
and Alexander McQueen
The mandarin duck is a medium-sized duck that is 1. Terkait
related (1) to the North American Wood Duck. This
duck has a length of 41-49 cm and a wingspan of 65-75
The male has a red first beak (2) and a white moon 2. Paruh
pattern above the eye. The chest is purple with two
white stripes. Females have
similar characteristics (3) to the female Wood duck with 3. Karakteristik yang

white eye-rings. Mirip

The mandarin duck in Chinese Yuan-yang , is often 4. Simbol kesetiaan
mentioned in various Oriental arts and is a symbol of
fidelity (4) in marital relations


Stephen William Hawking was an English (1) theoretical 1. fisikawan
physicist, cosmologist, and author who was director of teoretis
research at the Center for Theoretical Cosmology at
Cambridge University at the time of his death. He was the
Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of
Cambridge between 1979 and 2009.
In 1963, Hawking was diagnosed (2) with a slow onset of
symptoms. A progressive form of motor neuron disease
that gradually immobilizes it over decades. Having lost 2. Didiagnosis
his speech, he communicated via sound-producing
devices initially through the use of a hand-held switch,
and finally by using one cheek muscle. Hawking achieved
commercial success with several popular science works
in which he discussed his theory and cosmology in
general. His book A Brief History of Time appeared on the
Sunday Times bestseller list for a record-breaking(3) 237
weeks. Hawking is a Member of the Royal Society and
recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, 3. pemecahan
thehighest civilian (4) award in the United States. In rekor
2002, Hawking was ranked number 25 in a BBC poll of 4. sipil tertinggi
the 100 Greatest Britons. He died on March 14, 2018, at 5. penyakit saraf
the age of 76, after living with motor neuron disease (5) motorik
for more than 50 years.


Stephen William Hawking was an English (1) theoretical
physicist, cosmologist, and author who was director of 1. fisikawan teoretis
research at the Center for Theoretical Cosmology at
Cambridge University at the time of his death. He was the
Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of
Cambridge between 1979 and 2009.
In 1963, Hawking was diagnosed (2) with a slow onset of 2. Didiagnosis
symptoms. A progressive form of motor neuron disease

that gradually immobilizes it over decades. Having lost his

speech, he communicated via sound-producing devices
initially through the use of a hand-held switch, and finally
by using one cheek muscle. Hawking achieved commercial
success with several popular science works in which he
discussed his theory and cosmology in general. His book A
Brief History of Time appeared on the Sunday Times
bestseller list for a record-breaking(3) 237 weeks. 3. pemecahan rekor
Hawking is a Member of the Royal Society and recipient of
the Presidential Medal of Freedom, thehighest civilian (4)
4. sipil tertinggi
award in the United States. In 2002, Hawking was ranked 5. penyakit saraf
number 25 in a BBC poll of the 100 Greatest Britons. He motorik
died on March 14, 2018, at the age of 76, after living with
motor neuron disease (5) for more than 50 years.
The Eiffel Tower is an iron tower (1) built on the Champ de 1. Menara Besi
Mars on the banks of the River Seine, Paris. The tower has 2. ikon global
become a global icon of France (2) and is one of the most 3. Bangunan paling
famous structures in the world.(3) terkenal di dunia
Named after its designer, Gustave Eiffel, the Eiffel
towersare the tallest building in Paris and one of the most
famous structures in the world. More than 200,000,000
people have visited the tower since its construction in
1889, making it the most-visited paid monument in the
4. konvensional
world. Including a 24 m (79 ft) high antenna, the structure 5. bangunan tertinggi
has been 325 m (1,063 ft) tall since 2000, which is the di dunia
same as a conventional (4) 81-story building. 6. tertingggi kelima di
When the tower was completed in 1889, it was the tallest Prancis
structure in the world (5)—a title it retained until 1930
when the


The Great Wall of China or Great Wall of China . Long 1.bangunan
Wall is the longest building (1) ever created by a man terpanjang
2. Tujuh Keajaiban
located in China. Dunia
The Great Wall of China is considered one of the Seven 3. Situs Warisan
Wonders of the World (2). In 1987, the building was Dunia
included in the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites (3).
The Great Wall of China is not a continuous length but is
a collection of short walls that follow the shape of the 4. bentuk
mountains (4) of northern China. On April 18, 2009, after pegunungan
an accurate investigation by the government of the
People's Republic of China, it was announced that the
giant wall constructed during the Ming Dynasty period is
8,851 km long.
According to historical records, after the long wall was
built by the Ming, then the term "changing" ( "great wall"
or "longwall") became known. Previously the term was 5. Tembok Besar
not found. The term (5) the Great Wall of China in 6. makna
Mandarin is "Wanlichang cheng",
meaning (6) "a wall that is 10 thousand li long". At
present, the term is officially used
Japan is an archipelagic country (1) located on the East 1. negara kepulauan
Asian continent (East Asia). As an archipelagic country,
Japan has about 6,852 large and small islands. The main
islands of Japan include Hokkaido Island, Honshu Island,
Shikoku Island, and Kyushu Island. Japan is also one of
the countries that have the longest coastline (2) in the 2. garis pantai
world which is around 29,751 km2. Honshu Island is terpanjang
the largest (3) island in Japan. The (4) capital city of 3. terbesar
4. ibu kota
Japan, namely Tokyo, is located on the island of Honshu.
5. Matahari Terbit
Japan, which is dubbed as the country of the Rising Sun
(5), adheres to a parliamentary constitutional monarchy
system of government, which is a system of government
in which the head of state is an emperor while the head
of government is a prime minister who is usually the
leader of the largest political party or coalition in 6. perekonomian
parliament. Japan is a country that ranks third as the terbesar
country with the largest economy (6) after the United
States and China


Prof. DR(HC). Ing. Dr. Sc. multi. Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie
or known as BJ Habibie is a Pare-Pare (South Sulawesi)
man born June 25, 1936. Habibie became the 3rd President 1.Kecerdasan
of Indonesia and had previously been the 7th Vice
President of the Republic of Indonesia.He has intelligence
(1) and high enthusiasm for science and technology (2) 2. Teknologi
especially Physics. He studied Mechanical Engineering at
the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) and continued 3. Lanjutan
(3) to Rhenisch Wesfalische Tehnische Hochschule-
Germany in 1955. He spent 10 years completing his
undergraduate to postgraduate studies in Aachen-
Germany. 4. program doktor
Until, he continued his doctoral program (4) after
marrying his high school friend, Mrs. Hasri Ainun Besari in
1962. Together with his wife living in Germany, Habibie
5. pengeluaran rumah
had to work to pay for college fees as well as household
expenses (5). Habibie studied the field of Aircraft Design 6. menerima gelar
and Construction. In 1965, Habibie completed his doctoral
studies and received the title (6) Doctor Ingenieur
(Doctorate in Engineering).
Singapore is a developed country (1) located in Southeast
Asia. This island nation which only has an area of 697 km² 1negara maju
plays an important role in international trade and finance. 2. perdagangan dan
keuangan internasional
Singapore is one of the richest countries in the World (3). 3. negara terkaya di Dunia
And the backbone (4) of Singapore's economy is the 4. tulang punggung
processing of imported and exported goods, especially in
manufacturing industries such as electronics, petroleum
processing, chemicals, shipping, rubber processing, and
food processing. In foreign relations, Singapore was one of
the five founding countries (5) of ASEAN in 1967. The five 5. lima negara pendiri
founding countries of ASEAN are Indonesia, Malaysia, the
Philippines, Thailand, and Singapore.Singapore is also a
member of APEC and the United Nations and other
institutions under the United Nations.


Merry Riana was born in Jakarta on May 29, 1980. After
graduating from high school, Merry intends to continue

her studies at Trisakti University. However, his dream to

study at the Electrical Engineering Department at
Trisakti University was shattered due to the great riot (1) 1. kerusuhan besar
in 1998. 2. pergi
Due to unsafe conditions, especially for people of 3. jarak dekat
4. sistem pendidikan
Chinese descent, Merry then went (2) to Singapore to yang baik
avoid unwanted things. And Singapore at that time was
the most reasonable choice because of its relatively close
distance (3), safe environment, and good education
system. (4)
Merry finally studied Electrical and Electronics
Engineering (EEE) at Nanyang Technological University 5. latar belakang
(NTU) in 1998. Merry admitted(5) that this major was pendidikan yang
the right course because he aspired to be an engineer. dimiliki
When he realized that his life had not changed even 6. latar belakang
though he had entered his second year of college, Merry pendidikan
began to think of other ways. Because she has no
educational background (6) and business experience (7), 7. pengalaman bisnis
Merry collects information by attending various
seminars and involving herself in student organizations
related to the business world. Merry then started his
own business after being appointed as a manager by
8. perusahaan
renting an office and having his employees then he jasa keuangan
founded the Merry Riana Organization (MRO) a financial 9. didirikan
services company (8). In addition, he also founded (9)
MRO Consultancy which is engaged in training,
10. anak muda
motivation, and book printing based in Singapore and
has programs to empower women and young people
(10). In 2005, Merry received the Top Agency of the Year
award and the Top Rookie Agency award.
To date, Merry has motivated and trained thousands of 11. Pemasaran
professionals and executives in the areas of sales, 12. Mengawasi
motivation, and marketing (11). In his company, Merry
overseas (12) 40 financial
advisors, who uniquely have a young age (between 21-
30 years).


Merry Riana was born in Jakarta on May 29, 1980. After
graduating from high school, Merry intends to continue
her studies at Trisakti University. However, his dream to
study at the Electrical Engineering Department at Trisakti
University was shattered due to the great riot (1) in 1998. 1. kerusuhan besar
Due to unsafe conditions, especially for people of Chinese 2. pergi
descent, Merry then went (2) to Singapore to avoid 3. jarak dekat
unwanted things. And Singapore at that time was the most 4. sistem pendidikan
reasonable choice because of its relatively close distance
(3), safe environment, and good education system. (4)
Merry finally studied Electrical and Electronics
Engineering (EEE) at Nanyang Technological University 5. latar belakang
(NTU) in 1998. Merry admitted(5) that this major was the pendidikan
right course because he aspired to be an engineer. yang dimiliki
When he realized that his life had not changed even though
he had entered his second year of college, Merry began to
think of other ways. Because she has no educational
background (6) and business experience (7), Merry 6. latar belakang
collects information by attending various seminars and pendidikan
involving herself in student organizations related to the 7. pengalaman bisnis
business world.
Merry then started his own business after being appointed
as a manager by renting an office and having his 8. perusahaan jasa
employees then he founded the Merry Riana Organization keuangan
(MRO) a financial services company (8). In addition, he 9. didirikan
also founded (9) MRO Consultancy which is engaged in
training, motivation, and book printing based in Singapore 10. anak muda
and has programs to empower women and young people 11. Pemasaran
(10). In 2005, Merry received the Top Agency of the Year
award and the Top Rookie Agency award.
To date, Merry has motivated and trained thousands of
professionals and executives in the areas of sales,
motivation, and marketing (11). In his company, Merry
overseas (12) 40 financial advisors, who uniquely have a
young age (between 21-30 years)

Tomatoes are native to (1) Central and South America,
from Mexico to Peru. This plant has green, yellow, and 1. Asli dari
red fruits which are commonly used as vegetables in

cooking or eaten directly without being processed.

Tomatoes contain (2) antioxidants in the form of 2. Berisi
lycopene which can help combat the effects of (3) 3. Pengaruh dari
cancer-causing free radicals.
Tomatoes also contain antioxidants. In addition, it
turns out that tomatoes are low in calories and fat, but
rich in sugar, vitamin A, vitamin C, folate, and
People know fruit tomatoes, vegetable tomatoes, and
4. Pengetahuan
fresh tomatoes. With the development of knowledge (4), 5. Melengkapi
now tomatoes are not only a compliment (5) for food but 6. Kecantikan
also widely known for beauty (6). Benefits (7) of 7. Manfaat
tomatoes for beauty include shrinking pores and
brightening the skin because tomatoes are rich in
vitamin C.
Coffee is one (1) of the most popular drinks for many 1. Salah satu
people. Out of every(2) three people in the world, one of 2. Setiap
them is a coffee drinker. Coffee is delicious (3) if drunk 3. Lezat
4. Menumpuk
either in the morning or at night when work piles up (4). 5. Kopi
The coffee(5) business has also become tens of billion- 6. Bisnis minyak bumi
dollar business, which only the petroleum business(6)
can compete with. A variety of distinctive coffee flavors
make a pleasant sensation in the mouth. For example,
iced coffee or sweet iced coffee is usually refreshing.
Coffee is also one of the basic ingredients(7) of several 7. Bahan
8. Menyelidiki
types of coffee-flavored cakes. But scientists are also
investigating(8) other benefits of coffee. The remaining 9. Selain itu
ground coffee is useful as a good fertilizer. In addition
(9), some disinfectant and insulation products for walls, 10. Minyak kopi
floors and roofs can also be made from coffee. Coffee oil
(10) is also commonly used as an ingredient in paints,
soaps, and other products. Coffee beans can be used for a
variety of products and uses.

76. BEE 1. sekelompok besar

Bees are a large group of (1) honey-producing insects. 2. kaki
Like an insect, it has two pairs of legs(2) and two pairs 3. sayap
of wings(3). Bees make their nests (4) on hills (5), in 4. sarang

wooden trees, and on roofs of houses. Bees feed on 5. di perbukitan

flower nectar and pollen(6). Their way of life is largely 6. nektar dan serbuk
determined by the behavior of the female bee(7). The sari
bees are divided into three groups (8) or colonies 7. lebah betina
namely: queen bees (9), (which is the mother of all bees 8. kelompok
in one colony); female bees, or worker bees whose 9. ratu lebah
numbers can reach tens of thousands, 30,000 bees and 10. lebah jantan
the superior seeds can reach up to 60,000 bees; male 11. jinak
bees (10), there are only hundreds of bees. Bees 12. musim kemarau
undergo complete metamorphosis, The types of bees
that are usually cultivated by beekeepers are tame(11)
or aggressive bees. The honey harvest period lasts
minimum of 12 days and a maximum of 15 days. If the
dry season(12) is short enough in one year, harvesting
can be done 6-7 times.
Meanwhile, if the dry season is long enough, harvesting is
only done 4-5 times.

Lemon comes from Asia, the fruit is yellow and thick 1. Tebal
(1), round (2), and oval (3) with a diameter of 5-7 cm, 2. Bulat
seedless if there is usually one or two, sour taste (4), 3. Lonjong
4. Rasa asam
sepet, slightly sweet (5). 5. Sedikit manis
As for how to consume lemons, it can be done by
making drinks such as infusion of water in the form of 6. Panas
hot (6), cold, lemon juice, and a mixture of (7) cosmetic 7. Campuran dari
ingredients. Lemon has many benefits such as being 8. Anti bakteri
anti-bacterial (8) and as an antioxidant, containing 9. Pencernaan
vitamin C, Streamlining digestion (9), very good at 10. Bibit
cleansing the liver, Caring for oral health, Can detox the
body from toxins that have been left in the body is
fresh. Seedling(10) lemons can be done in two ways,
namely: generatively, namely propagation by seeds, and
vegetatively, namely propagation by grafting and
grafting. Harvesting is done when the fruit reaches
optimal maturity about 8 months from the start of
Pasta is known as a food that originated in Italy. Types
of (1) pasta that is popular in Indonesia are spaghetti,
lasagna, macaroni, penne, and others. 1. Jenis

Pasta is defined as food made from a mixture of

semolina or durum wheat, water, and eggs
Currently, pasta is a global food (2) and can be 2. Makanan global
3. Dibuat
created (3) with various spices (4) and food 4. Aneka bumbu
ingredients. Outside of their country of origin (5) in 5. Asal
Italy, pasta is usually sold packaged in dry form (6). 6. Bentuk kering
Dry pasta (7) is manufactured at the factory using 7. Pasta Kering
an extrusion machine that pushes the pasta dough
out through the sieve holes. Other forms of pasta are
obtained by rolling pasta dough into sheets which are
then cut into pieces or printed. 8. Berbagai bentuk
Pasta comes in various shapes (8) and sizes. In Italy, 9. Varietas yang
there are more than 650 types of pasta and almost every Lebih Tipis
year a new form is created. Pasta that is shaped like long 10. Variasi panjang
noodles like noodles is called spaghetti, the thinner
11. Datar
variety (9) is called vermicelli, the long variation (10)
and flat (11) like kwetiau is called linguine, while the 12. Versi Lebih Tebal
thicker version (12) is called fettucine.
The name of the type of pasta is usually taken from the
names of the pasta forms in Italian. The short, pen-
shaped pasta is called penne, while the butterfly-shaped
pasta is called farfalle.

The olive, botanical name Olea europaea, meaning
'European Oliver found traditionally in the 1. dibudidayakan
Mediterranean Basin. The species is cultivated (1)in
all the countries of the Mediterranean, as well as in
Australia, New Zealand, North and South America,
and South Africa. Olea europaea is the type species
for the genus Olea. The olive fruit, also called an
"olive", is of major agricultural importance in the wilayah
Mediterranean region(2) as the source (3)of olive 3.sebagai sumber
oil; it is one of the core(4) ingredients in 4. inti
Mediterranean cuisine. The tree and its fruit give bahan-bahan
their name to the plant family, which also includes
species such
as lilac, jasmine, forsythia, and the true ash tree.
Hundreds of cultivars of the olive tree are know . Olive
cultivars may be used primarily for oil, eating, or both.
Olives cultivated for consumption are generally referred to as(5) 5. diketahui

"table olives".[4] About 90% of all harvested (6) olives are turned 6. dipanen
into oil (7) , while about 10% are used as table olives 7. berubah menjadi

Poland,officially the Republic of Poland,is a country 2. Eropa Tengah

3. musiman
located(1) in Central(2) Europe. It is divided into 16 iklim
administrative provinces called voivodeshipsand has
a largely temperate seasonal (3)climate.Poland has a
population of over 38 million people and is the fifth-
most populous member state of the European Union.

The Tatra Mountains and National Park form a 4. batas alam

5. gunung
natural border(4) between Slovakia and Poland, rentang jatuh ke
though most of the mountain range(5) falls into
Slovakia. Because there are no borders between EU 6. mungkin untuk
countries anymore, it's now possible to hike kenaikan
(6)between countries easily. (B)The Bialowieza Forest 7. Dunia UNESCO
Reserve has earned its designation as a UNESCO Situs Warisan
World Heritage Site(7). The forest sits on the border
between Poland and Belarus — a border crossing for
hikers is located within the forest itself — and covers
an area of over 1,400 square kilometers. 8. pintu gerbang
The tiny village of Ojcow, just 16 kilometers outside 9. dua sungai
Krakow, is the gateway(8) to Ojcow National Park. lembah
Poland's smallest national park at just 21.46 square 10. musim semi dan
musim panas
kilometers, Ojcow is heavily forested and home to
towering limestone cliffs, over 400 caves, and two
river valleys(9). More than 500 species of butterflies
inhabit the park — in spring and
summer, they take over the trails and the flowering
valleys and are a sight to behold.


1. Alasannya
The reason(1) behind such high costs(2) is the 2. biaya tinggi
scarcity(3) of the produce, truffles are seasonal, 3. kelangkaan
extremely difficult (4)to grow, and take many years to 4. sangat
cultivate(5). They also have a short shelf life(6). sulit
Truffles require a very specific climate to grow and 5. budidayakan
require lots of oak trees, that’s why they’re often found 6. rak pendek
in woodland. Hunting(7) them can be labor-intensive as kehidupan
each truffle must be dug up(8) by hand. When setting up 7. Berburu
a truffle orchard, it could take up to 6 years before you 8. harus digali
get a truffle harvest - a business not for the faint- 9. tergantung
hearted.The price of fresh truffles depends(9) on the
supply and demand at any given moment, the species of 10. mereka
truffle, and the quality parfum
of the product, White truffles grown in northern Italy
are the most expensive of all and their fragrance (10)is

is the world's most-visited museum, and a historic (1) 1. bersejarah
landmark in Paris, France. It is the home of some of the
best-known works of art, including the Mona Lisa and
the Venus de Milo. A central landmark of the city, it is
2. Tepi Kanan
located on the Right Bank (2) of the Seine in the city's
3.distrik atau kelurahan
1st arrondissement (district or ward) (3). The museum 4. pameran
opened on 10 August 1793 with an exhibition (4) of 537
paintings, the majority of the works being royal and
confiscated (5) church property. Because of structural 5. disita
problems with the building, the museum was closed
from 1796 until 1801.

The giant panda knownas the Panda bearis a bear
species endemic (1) to China.The giant panda lives in a 1. endemik
few mountain ranges in central China, mainly (2) in 2. terutama
Sichuan, but also in neighboring Shaanxi and Gansu.It 3. tubuh gemuk
is characterized by its bold black-and-white coat and 4.Pemakan daun
rotund (3) body. The name "giant panda" is sometimes 5. sesekali
used to distinguish it from the red panda, a 6. hewan pengerat
neighboring musteloid. Though it belongs to the order 7. bangkai
Carnivora, the giant panda is a folivore (4), with 8. penangkaran
9. ubi
bamboo shoots and leaves making up more than 99% 10. daun semak
of its diet. Giant pandas in the wild will occasionally(5)
eat other grasses, wild tubers, or even meat in the form
of birds, rodents (6), or carrion (7). In captivity, they
may receive honey, eggs, fish, yams, shrub leaves,
oranges, or bananas along with specially prepared
food. . In captivity(8), they might
accept honey, eggs, fish, yams(9), bush leaves(10),
oranges, or bananas along with that food
specially prepared.


South Korea, informally (1) Korea, officially the 1. secara informal

Republic of Korea (ROK), is a country in East Asia, Korea
constituting the southern part of the Korean Peninsula
2. terbentuk
and sharing a land border with North Korea. Its 3. ditentukan
western border is formed by (2) the Yellow Sea, while
its eastern border is defined by (3) the Sea of Japan.
About 25 million people, around half of the country's
population of 51 million, live in the Seoul Capital Area.
South Korea has a big role (4) in the field of music and 4. peran besar
drama, which is now widely liked by various groups,
especially for teenagers who like Korean dramas and
Korean bands, not only that but now Korean food has
also become famous such as Toppoki, Rabboki, various
kindsfishcake and various other kinds of noodles.

Santorini, known since ancient times (1) as Thira, is one 1.zaman kuno
of the most famous islands in the world. The fact that you 2. sambil menatap
can sit in front of the caldera, enjoy local dishes, a drink, 3. kecantikan
luar biasa
or a coffee while gazing at the (2) remarkable beauty (3) 4. Tak ternilai
of an active volcano is priceless (4). Santorini’s volcano is harganya
one of the few active volcanoes on Greek (5) and 5. Yunani
European land The islands that form Santorini came into 6. Santorini datang
existence (6) as a result of intensive volcanic activity; menjadi ada
twelve huge (7)eruptions occurred, one every 20,000 7.Sangat besar
years approximately, and each violent eruption 8. keruntuhan
caused the collapse (8)of the volcano’s central part
creating a large crater (caldera). The volcano, however,
managed to recreate itself over and over again.


Cappadocia is famous as the most popular(1) hot air 1. paling populer

balloon tourist destination in the world. The city seems 2. ikon wisata
to be a tourist icon(2) in Tü rkiye, because of its beauty 3. Kegiatan utama
4. berasal dari
and uniqueness. The main activity(3) that must be done
in Cappadocia is, of course, riding a hot air balloon while
enjoying its stunning landscapes.The name Cappadocia
comes from (4) the Persian word 'Katpatuka,' which
means(5) land of beautiful horses. Because many local 5. yang artinya
residents (6)still ride horses. 6. penduduk setempat
Cappadocia's landscape was formed(7) due to volcanic 7. dibentuk
8. Abu yang tebal
erosion. The thick ash solidified(8) into soft rock and dipadatkan
created mountains of beautiful boulders

1. terdiri dari
Sushi is a Japanese food consisting of (1) rice
2. mentah atau
formed with side dishes in the form of dimasak
seafood, meat, raw or cooked (2)vegetables. 3. rasa asam ringan
Sushi rice has a mild sour taste(3) because it
is seasoned with a mixture of rice vinegar, salt
and sugar.
4. Asal usul
The origin of the word (4)sushi (susyi) is an
adjective for sour taste. There are several types 5. beberapa jenis
(5) of Sushi, namely among others(6), 6. yaitu di antara

Nigirizushi is Fresh raw or cooked seafood is yang lain

placed on top of rice which is formed by 7. dibentuk oleh
clenching(7). Nori is often used to bind (8)side mengepalkan
8.sering digunakan
dishes so they don't get separated (9) from the untuk mengikat
rice , Makizushiare rice rolls filled with 9. jadi mereka tidak
cucumber, tamagoyaki and other fish wrapped in mengerti
nori sheets. Rice rolled(10) with the help of terpisah
sudare (bamboo rectangular shape). Last but not 10. digulung
least is Kaburazushi is a type of sushi that is not
made with rice. Sushi is made by sandwiching
11. mengapit
(11) slices of raw fish between two slices of 12. Fermentasi
carrot radish. After that, the sushi is arranged in waktu
a wooden barrel containing a mixture of cooked
rice mixed with yeast. Fermentation time (12)
for several days.


Spider-Man: No Way Home is an American superhero 1. Berdasarkan

film based on (1) the Marvel Comics character Spider- 2. diproduksi oleh
Man, co-produced by (2) Columbia Pictures and Marvel 3. didistribusikan
Studios, and distributed(3) by Sony Pictures. Spider-Man:
No Way Home continues the story of Spider- Man: Far
From Home against(4) a villain named Mysterio. the film 4. Terhadap
Spider-Man: No Way Home presents (5)several enemies 5. Hadir
(6)from old films such as Doctor Octopus, Green Goblin, 6. beberapa musuh
Sandman, Lizard, and Electro. On the first day of 7.Pada hari pertama
broadcast(7), Spider-Man: No Way Home received (8) a siaran
8. diterima
100% rating from 46 critics (9)on Rotten Tomatoes.In 9. kritik
Spider-Man: No Way Home, Tom Holland gets a new 10. mendapat yang
(10)black and gold costume. thus making his appearance baru
seem mysterious

1. terdiri dari
The Republic of Maldives is an island nation consisting 2. selatan-barat
of(1) a group of atolls (a coral island surrounding a daya
lagoon) in the Indian Ocean. 3. terkecil
Maldives is located in the south-southwest(2) of India, populasi
about 700 km southwest of Sri Lanka. The country has
26 atolls divided into 20 administrative atolls and 1 city.
Maldives is a country with the smallest population(3)
and area in Asia and a 100 percent Muslim population. 4. Rata-rata
The average (4)ground level in the Maldives is 1.5 5. terendah
meters above sea level, making it the country with the
lowest(5) sea level in the world. The highest(6) peak of 6. Tertinggi
the Maldives is only 2.3 meters above sea level, so it is 7. ekonomi
also known as the country that has the lowest highest situasi
peak in the world. Maldives economic 8. Tergantung pada
situation(7)Depend on two main sectors(8), namely sektor utama
tourism and fisheries(9).This country is very well 9. pariwisata dan
known(10) for having many beautiful beaches and perikanan
interesting underwater scenery 10. Terkenal


Doraemon is a robotic blue cat who is auctioned(1) off 1. Dilelang

to a poor, debt-ridden family (2), none other than 2. Dililit hutang
Nobita Nobi's family of descendants(3). Doraemon had 3. Keturunan
been in a tough time(4) like being a baby guard after 4. Waktu yang sulit
failing to pass a test at a robot academy, his ears were 5. telinganya
crushed(5) after being bitten(6) by a rat robot, the paint hancur
was faded from his own act, and there were still many 6. setelah digigit
sad stories he'd passed in the first year since his birth.
Until one day, the family sent it back to the past, about
250 years ago when Nobita, the ancestral(7) of this 7. leluhur
family, still lived in Tokyo.Doraemon is sent back to 8. Cicit Nobita
Nobita's lifetime by Nobita's great-grandson(8), 9. Tingkatkan
Sewashi. He was sent to improve(9) Nobita's life so that
his descendants could have a better life.

1. dalam berbagai
Starfish are beautiful animals and come in a wide macam
variety(1)of colors, sizes, and shapes (almost all of 2. tubuh mulus
3. dengan duri
which look like stars). They have a smooth body(2) with 4. Di bagian bawah
spines(3) on the soft surface of the body. At the 5. memiliki
bottom(4) of the body, they have tubefeet (5) that will tubefeet
move when we turn their bodies. Even though they live
in water, they are not fish. Sea stars have no gills(6), 6. tidak memiliki
scales or fins(7). Starfish also move in a quite different insang
way than fish. Fish move by propelling(8) their bodies 7. sisik atau sirip
8. mendorong
with their tails, while starfish move with their tiny(9) 9. Kecil
tube feet. Although it is the type of starfish with five 10. Memiliki hingga
arms that we know the most about, in fact not all of them
have five arms. Some species have more than five arms,
for example the sun star has up to(10) 40 arms.

1. adalah
Ramen is synonymous with Japan(1), it turns out that ramen
actually comes from China. The fact of this ramen is revealed(2)
when traced(3) from its history, ramen is a typical Chinese soup
2. terungkap
that arrived(4) in Japan with Chinese traders(5) in the 19th
3. Dilacak
century. In 1955 in Sapporo, Japan, Miso Ramen was developed(6)
4. Tiba
using a Japanese spice called Miso. After its appearance, miso
5. Cina
ramen became a popular product in Japan. Apart from being mixed
with miso seasoning(7), this miso ramen is also added with soy
6. dulu
sauce and salt to make it taste more delicious. In making ramen do
not use eggs at all. There are 4 ingredients(8) to make traditional
7. miso
ramen noodles, namely flour, salt, water and kansui. The yellow
color of the ramen noodles is obtained(9) from Kansui. Kansui is
8. bahan
an alkaline solution that regulates(10) the level of acidity in the
9. diperoleh
10. mengatur
11. adonan


Megalodon (Otodus megalodon), which means 1. spesies yang

"big tooth", is an extinct species (1)of shark. This 2. terbesar
shark is thought to have lived around 23 to 2.6
million years ago. It is one of the largest (2)and
most powerful predators that ever lived in the 3. sekilas
oceans. At first glance(3), the shape of the "big 4. ditimbang
tooth" is similar to modern sharks, a typical 5. panjang
megalodon weighed (4) about 12 to 60 tons, with 6. Jarang
a length(5) of about 11 to 13 meters. In rare (6)
cases, a megalodon could weigh up to 70 tonnes 7. rahang yang kuat
and reach up to 20 meters in length. Given its 8. fosil ikan paus
powerful jaws(7) that could reach a size of 3.4
meters, the megalodon's bite force could reach
180,000 Newtons. It is not surprising that their
bite marks are often found in whale fossils(8).
9. unik
Megalodon was not only big, it was also very fast. bentuk tulang
Due to the unique shape of its spine(9), the punggungnya
megalodon was able to lock onto its prey(10) with 10. menguncinya
its powerful jaws, then pull until they tore their mangsa
flesh apart. In addition, they are also capable (11) 11. mampu
of reaching speeds of up to 22 kilometers per


The Nile is a large river that flows north in

1. timur laut
northeastern Africa(1). This river flows into the Afrika
Mediterranean Sea. The Nile is the longest river in 2. dipertimbangkan
Africa, and was once considered(2) the longest river in 3. Bagian utara
the world. The northern(3) part of the Nile river which 4. seluruhnya
flows north almost entirely crosses(4) the Sudanese salib
desert until it reaches Egypt. Cairo is located in one of
the great deltas which then flows into the
Mediterranean Sea at Alexandria. Egyptian 5. Mesir
civilization(5) and the kingdom of Sudan have peradaban
depended on the Nile and its annual floods(6) since 6. banjir tahunan
ancient times. The animals that inhabit (7) the Nile 7. Binatang

include baboons, crocodiles and hippos. Baboons are yang mendiami

intelligent animals and the Ancient Egyptians respected
them. The unique characteristic of this large river is
8. setiap tahun itu
that every year it overflows (8)and causes flooding meluap
along its banks(9) which are filled with farming 9. bank
villages. This overflow occurs due to heavy seasonal


The first Disneyland was an amusement park (1) located 1. hiburan

in Anaheim, California (28 miles from Los Angeles), 2. didirikan
United States. This park is the first Disney theme park to 3. resmi
be established(2), officially opened(3) on July 17, 1955. dibuka
Disneyland is one of the most visited places(4) in the 4. paling banyak
world. Walt Disney's initial idea was to build a place dikunjungi
near his studio where visiting tourists could take photos tempat
with statues(5) of their favorite Disney characters, then 5. patung
6. kolam
the idea developed into a small playground with a 7. tumbuh
pond(6) and boats that could be ridden. The park itself
was to be named Mickey Mouse Park, then the idea
grew(7) bigger and bigger until now it is known as


Flamingos are famous for their bright pink feathers(1), 1. merah muda
stilt-like legs(2), and S-shaped neck. When a flamingo bulu
spots potential dinnerfavorite foods include shrimp, 2. kaki seperti
snails, and plantlike water organisms called algaeit jangkungan
plunges(3) its head into the water, twists it upside 3. terjun
down, and scoops the fish using its upper beak(4) upper 4. paruh atas
beak (5). They are able to "run" on water, thanks to their 5. paruh atas
webbed feet(6), to gain speed before lifting up(7) into 6. kaki berselaput
7. mengangkat
the sky. Flamingo young are born white, with soft, 8. tagihan langsung
downy feathers and a straight bill(8). The bill gradually 9. baru lahir
curves downward as the flamingo matures. Both parents flamingo
take care of the newborn flamingo(9), feeding it a fluid 10. pencernaan
produced in their digestive systems(10). sistem

Matcha is a powdered green tea(1) made by grinding 1. bubuk
green tea(2) into a fine powder. Apart from being teh hijau
2. penggilingan
drunk at tea ceremonies(3), matcha is used as a 3. teh
flavoring and coloring agent for various types of food, upacara
such as mochi, soba, ice cream, shaved ice, chocolate,
and various types of cakes.
The tea ceremony recognizes two types of tea drinks
from matcha, koicha (thick tea)(4) and usucha (o-usu or 4. (teh kental)
thin tea)(5). Both differ in the level of viscosity (6), and 5. teh encer
6. tingkat
how to drink. Koicha and usucha types of tea are both viskositas
served (7) in very formal tea ceremonies. The best 7. dilayani
quality matcha has a sweeter taste and is less bitter. The 8. nutrisi
aroma of matcha is also stronger than that of green tea. isi
In fact, the nutritional content (8) is also mentioned 9. disebutkan
more than(9) other types of tea. lebih dari

Dimsum is a traditional Chinese food that is
familiar (1)to our ears. It turns out that this food 1. akrab
has been around since the Han Dynasty (206 BC 2. Jumlah adalah
– 220), which means that it is now thousands of
years old. Dim Sum is a term (2) from Cantonese
which means 'small food', while in Mandarin it is
called dianxin which literally means 'a little bit
from the heart' or 'touch your heart'. In 3. sesuai
accordance(3) with the small portion per 4. bambu
serving and the amount is indeed not much, only kapal uap
about three to four pieces in one plate or 5. kelezatan
bamboo steamer container(4). This delicacy berasal
originates (5)from the Silk Road(6), especially in 6. Jalur Sutra
parts of Central Asia(7), where during the Han 7. Asia Tengah
Dynasty it was a frequent travel route for 8.rute perjalanan
traderslaborers and farmers(8),. Passers-by untuk
needed a place to rest and then stop by a pedagang buruh
dan petani
tavern(9) for a bit of tea and snacks. These 9. Kedai
snacks are what we know today as dimsum and
then the term yumcha appears which means
drinking tea together while eating dimsum.


Kylian Mbappé Lottin (born 20 December 1998) 1. profesional

is a professional soccer player France(1) who plays as a pemain bola
2. kapten
striker for Ligue 1 club Paris Saint-Germain and captained
the French national team(2). Considered one of the best Prancis
players in world(3), he is considered (4) as a player tim
known for his dribbling skills ball, incredible speed, and 3. pemain terbaik
finishing(5).Born in Paris and raised near Bondy, di
Mbappé began his senior club career(6) in in 2015 playing Dunia
for Monaco, where he is won(7) Ligue 1 titles . In 2017, 4. dia diperhatikan
when he was 18 years old, Mbappé signed contract with 5. kemampuan
menggiring bola,
Paris Saint-Germain with permanent transfer worth(8)
kecepatan luar
€180 million, making him the second most expensive biasa
player and most expensive young player(9) of all time. dan menyelesaikan
Moment 20 years old, Mbappe is already following suit 6. klub senior
world cup tournament and succeed (10) led France to karier
become world champion at that time 7. dia menang
8. permanen
nilai transfer
9. paling banyak
masa muda yang
10. berhasil

1. Amerika
100. BARACK OBAMA politikus
Barack Hussein Obama born August 4, 1961 is 2. menjabat sebagai
an American politician (1)who served as the(2) 3. Afrika pertama
44th President of the United States. He is the Amerika ke
first African American to occupy(3) the menempati
position. Born in Honolulu, Hawaii, Obama 4. lulus
graduated(4) from Columbia University and 5. Sekolah hukum
Harvard Law School(5), where he was 6. komunitas
president of the Harvard Law Review. He was a
7. konstitusional
community organizer (6) in Chicago before hukum
earning his law degree. He worked as a civil 8. tapi tidak
rights attorney in Chicago and taught memenuhi syarat
constitutional law(7) at the University of 9. presidensial
Chicago Law School from 1992 to 2004. He kampanye
10. memenangkan

represented the 13th District of the Illinois a

Senate three times from 1997 to 2004, but did mayoritas
not qualify (8)for the House of Representatives 11. dari
United States in 2000. He began his
12. Demokratis
presidential campaign(9) in 2007, and in 2008, utama
after his primary campaign against Hillary 13. dikalahkan
Rodham Clinton, Obama won a majority(10) of 14. Republik
the delegates(11) in the Democratic primary calon
(12)to become the presidential candidate. He 15. bersumpah
later defeated (13) Republican candidate (14)
John McCain in the 2008 presidential election,
and was sworn (15)in as president on January
20, 2009.



Saya beribadah(1) dan berterima kasih kepada Tuhan. Tuhan 1. worship

memberi saya banyak keberuntungan(2). Saya sehat sehingga(3) 2. luck
saya dapat berdiri, berjalan, bahkan berlari den gan mudah(4). 3. therefore
4. easily
Saya laksanakan semua perintah(5) dari Tuhan. Saya
melakukan sholat 5 kali sehari. Kadang saya melakukannya 5. obligation
sendiri di rumah. Tetapi saya sering melakukannya bersama
di sekolah atau di masjid dekat rumah saya.

Saya menghindari(6) segala yang tuhan larang(7). Saya tidak

pernah minum alkohol. Bahkan saya tidak merokok. Saya
tidak pernah bersikap kasar pada orang tua saya karena mereka 6. avoid
sangat mencintai saya. 7. prohibits

Saya tidak lupa berdoa. Dengan berdoa saya merasa tenang

dalam menghadapi(8) masalah. Dengan berdoa saya merasa
tuhan memberi saya energi lebih banyak.
8. face
Saya melakukan semuanya dengan perasaan bahagia(9),
karena saya percaya tuhan mencatat semua yang saya
kerjakan. Saya percaya kebaikan akan mengantarkan saya 9. happily
ke surga dan kejelekan akan membawa saya ke neraka.


Saya mentaati(1) dan menghormati(2) orang tua saya karena 1. obey

mereka sangat cinta kepada saya. 2. respect
3. bet
4. her life

5. gave me a
Ibu saya mempertaruhkan(3)nyawanya(4) saat dia melahirkan birth
saya(5). Ibu saya selalu melakukan yang terbaik untuk saya.
Ibu saya selalu memasak makanan yang saya suka. Ibu saya
membantu saya dalam segala hal. 6. discipline
7. gets up early
Ayah saya bekerja untuk keluarga. Ayah saya sangat 8. complain
disiplin(6). Ayah saya selalu bangun pagi(7) dan berdoa 9. although
bersama keluarga. Ayah saya tidak pernah 10. tired
mengeluh(8)meskipun(9) dia capek(10).
11. fight
Saya sangat bahagia ketika bermain dengan kakak dan adik 12. cry
saya. Kami sering tertawa bersama. Kadang kami
bertengkar(11) dan menangis(12), tetapi hanya dalam beberapa 13. in many
menit kami bermain bersama lagi dan tertawa lagi. cases
14. cooperate
Tetangga-tetangga saya juga begitu menyenangkan. Kami 15. a peaceful
saling membantu dalam banyak hal(13). Kami bekerjasama(14) society
untuk menciptakan sebuah masyarakat yang damai(15).

1. source
Air adalah sumber(1) kehidupan di bumi. Kita perlu air untuk
mandi, dan gosok gigi minimal 2 kali sehari. Kita perlu minum
sekitar 2 liter air setiap hari.

Hewan besar seperti kuda atau sapi membutuhkan jauh lebih

dari itu. Tanaman juga perlu air. Tidak ada tanaman bisa 2. grow
tumbuh(2) tanpa air.Samudra(3) adalah surga bagi berbagai 3. ocean
jenis ikan dan hewan-hewan lainnya. Kita mendapatkan ikan
dari samudra. 4. means of
Banyak jenis ikan yang besar hidup di laut. Kita juga n
menggunakan samudra sebagai sarana transportasi(4). Tidak

ada kapal tanpa samudera.Matahari bersinar(5) di atas 5. shines

samudra. Air menguap(6) dan angin 6. vapours
berhembus(7)menghasilkan(8)awan(9). Hujan turun membawa 7. wind breezes
kehidupan. 8. produces
9. clouds
Tanaman tumbuh subur. Hutan nampak hijau. Hewanpun 10. protect
bernyanyi bahagia. Adalah tugas kita semua untuk 11. our earth
melindungi(10)bumi kita(11). Jangan mencemari(12) bumi kita. 12. pollute


Saya ingin menjadi juru masak(1). Saya memang suka 1.chef

memasak. Hampir(2) setiap hari saya membantu ibu saya 2.almost
memasak di dapur. Tetapi saya selalu bertanya dalam hati...
mengapa masakan(3) ibu saya itu-itu saja(4)? 3. cuisine
4. is just so so
Ayah saya hobi makan. Ayah sering mengajak saya makan
di warung pinggir jalan(5) dan juga di restoran. Tetapi jujur 5. street side
saya juga tidak puas(6) dengan menu masakan yang itu-itu 6.satisfied

Saya tidak begitu suka dengan makanan yang tersedia(7) di 7.availabl

pasar. Saya senang menikmati(8) makanan yang betul-betul e 8.enjoy
unik. Tetapi saya tidak suka makanan ala eropa atau negara-
negara lain. Saya suka masakan indonesia yang unik.

Salah satu makanan unik(9) yang aku suka adalah rujak es

krim. Ya... rujak buah ditambah es krim... pedas, manis, asam, 9.unique food
asin, dingin, segar... bercampur jadi satu. 10.unfortunatel
Sayangnya(10) makanan ini agak sulit dicari di tempat
umum. Suatu saat saya ingin membuka sebuah pusat
makanan unik Indonesia... misalnya rujak belut, rujak lele,
rujak teri, sate lalat, sate emprit, keripik belalang, peyek
kutu, kunang-
kunang goreng, dll.


Saya beragama(1). Saya percaya kepada Tuhan. Oleh karena 1.religious

itu saya selalu mengerjakan(2) semua kewajiban dari Tuhan
seperti sholat 5 kali sehari, taat dan hormat (3) kepada orang 3.obey and
tua, sayang kepada adik dan kakak, dll. respect
Saya jujur. Saya selalu menceritakan(4) sesuatu apa adanya. 4.tell
saya tidak pernah berbohong(5). Saya yakin dengan 5.tell a lie
bersikap(6) jujur saya, banyak orang akan percaya(7) dengan 6.behaving
saya, sehingga jika saya mendapat(8) masalah pasti banyak 7.believe
orang yang akan membantu saya. 8.get
Saya sabar. Saya selalu berusaha mengendalikan (9) emosi 9. control
saya. Saya tidak mudah marah. Tersenyum, santai dalam
menghadapi masalah, dan toleransi yang tinggi(10) terhadap 10. high
orang lain adalah cara saya(11) untuk tetap sabar. tolerence
Saya sopan. Saya tidak pernah bersikap kasar(12) terutama 11. my way
kepada orang tua dan adik-adik saya. 12. rude
Saya rajin. Saya selalu mengerjakan PR saya tepat waktu
(13). Saya jarang(14) menonton acara TV. Banyak tayangan
TV yang tidak bagus sehingga saya tidak suka melihatnya. 13. on time
14. seldom

Pada akhir pekan(1) saya jalan-jalan / cuci mata. Kadang(2)

saya jalan-jalan bersama keluarga saya atau kadang dengan
teman-teman saya. Saya merasa senang melihat produk- 1.weekend
produk baru di pasar. Kadang saya ingin sekali 2.sometimes
membelinya(3) tetapi saya tidak akan membelinya jika saya it
tidak memerlukannya(4). 4.need it
Pada hari minggu jangan ganggu(5) saya. Saya biasanya 5.disturb
mematikan (6) HP saya di hari minggu. Jadi jangan 6.switch it
menelpon saya pada hari minggu. Saya selalu off 7.clean
membersihkan(7) rumah, 8.look
atau berkebun di hari minggu. Kadang saya mencuci sepeda

motor saya sampai ia kelihatan(8) bersih dan mengkilat(9). 9.shiny

Pada hari libur saya tour ke luar kota. Kami kadang pergi ke 10.mountain
gunung(10) atau ke pantai(11). Ibu saya biasanya 11.beach
membawa(12) makanan dan minuman dari rumah. Kami 12.usually
senang menikmati (13) makanan dan minuman itu di bawah brings
pohon(14) atau di tengah sawah(15) . 13.enjoy
Pada hari raya saya bermaaf-maafan. Saya sadar(16) pasti 14.under the
saya pernah melakukan suatu kesalahan dan menyakitkan(17) tree
orang lain. the
Pada hari-hari tertentu saya bersilaturrahmi dengan kerabat. middle of the
Saya selalu berusaha membina hubungan baik(18) dengan ricefiels
mereka. Terkadang kami berbincang(19) tentang bisnis yang 16.realize
mungkin bisa dibangun(20) bersama. 17.hurt keep
Makanan favoritku adalah rujak es krim. Aku suka rujak relationship
es krim karena rasanya(1) lengkap; pedas(2) , segar,
manis, asam(3) , dan asin. Sayangnya makanan ini masih build
sulit didapat.
Hiburan favoritku adalah mendengarkan(4) musik Rock &
Blues. Kita bisa menikmati musik ini sambil melakukan apa tastes
saja; belajar, membersihkan rumah, bahkan saat tidur. Lagu-
lagunya juga mudah dihafal(5) . Teman-temanku juga suka 3.sour
musik ini. 4.listening to
Rekreasi favoritku adalah pergi ke pantai. Aku senang
bermain di pasir. Aku dan adikku biasanya membangun memorize
rumah dari pasir. Aku juga suka mengumpulkan(6)
kerang(7). Ombak (8)
dan binatang-binatang kecil di laut bagiku seperti surga di
dunia. Ayahku biasanya menerbangkan(9) layang-layang(10) 6.collectin
besar di pantai. g 7.shells
Olahraga favoritku adalah bermain bulu tangkis. Aku 8.wave
biasanya(11) bermain bulu tangkis 2 kali seminggu di 9.flies
lapangan dekat rumahku. Aku bisa menghabiskan(12) 1

untuk bermain bulu tangkis. Kadang aku bermain 10. kite

dengan ayahku tetapi aku sering bermain dengan orang
yang aku tidak kenal(13) . 11. usuall
Pemimpin favoritku adalah ayah dan ibu. Ayahku y
pekerja keras(14)dan disiplin(15). Ibuku sabar dan rajin. 12.spend
Mereka bekerjasama(16) untuk mendidik aku dan
8. KEBENCIANKU 14.hardworking
Saya tidak suka dihina. Saya tidak suka diremehkan(1). 15.discipline
Saya selalu berusaha keras untuk melakukan sesuatu yang 16.cooperate
lebih baik(2) jika saya dihina. Jika saya belum
berhasil, saya akan berusaha lebih keras (3) lagi sampai be under
berhasil. estimated
Saya tidak suka digosipkan. Saya tidak suka menjadi 2.better
pusat perhatian(4) banyak orang. Saya lebih suka 3.harder
ditegur(5) secara langsung(6) jika saya salah sehingga 4.centre of
saya bisa memperbaiki(7) diri saya. attention
Saya takut gagal. Saya takut melakukan hal-hal baru. Saya 5.reminded
tahu itu tidak baik buat saya. Saya tahu kalau saya ingin 6.directly
berhasil (8) saya harus berani gagal. Apa yang saya mesti 7.correct
(9) lakukan untuk mengatasi (10) masalah tersebut.
Saya takut hantu dan tikus. Saya merasa hantu selalu 8.successful
melakukan sesuatu yang buruk bagi manusia. Padahal(11) 9.should
kalau kita nonton film kartun, hantu membantu manusia. Saya 10.solve
takut tikus karena saya pernah digigit(12) tikus ketika saya
sedang tidur. Rasanya sakit sekali (13) . 11. whereas
Saya takut sendirian. Itulah sebabnya saya selalu berusaha
berada di antara banyak orang. Jika saya harus sendiri saya 12. bitten
memutar musik dan bernyanyi. Dengan melakukan itu 13.very
saya merasa ada teman sehingga tidak takut lagi. painful

Waktu terus berganti. Sekali lewat(1) waktu tidak pernah
kembali(2) . Saya kadang merasa hidup saya berlalu
begitu cepat.

Waktu senang saya tersenyum dan tertawa. Saya merasa 1.once passes
begitu bahagia ketika saya sehat. Saya dapat melakukan 2.returns
banyak hal(3) yang harus saya lakukan. Hidup ini begitu
indah. Semua berjalan seperti yang kita kehendaki. Setiap ada
masalah selalu ada solusi.
Waktu saya sedih saya berusaha menenangkan diri saya. 3. many things
Saya sadar hidup memang seperti itu. Kadang kita bahagia
kadang kita sedih. Tidak ada sesuatu di dunia ini yang
abadi(4) .
Semuanya datang dan pergi.
Waktu saya sibuk saya konsentrasi penuh dengan kegiatan
saya. Saya selalu ingin menyelesaikan(5) pekerjaan saya 4. eternal
sesegera mungkin(6) sehingga saya dapat melakukan
pekerjaan yang lain. 5.finish
Waktu luang saya bersantai dan melakukan hobi saya. Saya 6. as soon as
senang berkebun(7) . Saya menanam (8) banyak bunga di possible
depan (9) rumah saya dan buah-buahan di samping(10)
rumah saya. Waktu saya tidak sibuk saya merawat tanaman- 7. gardening
tanaman saya. 8.plant front
10. INDONESIA 10.beside
Ada 5 pulau besar(1) di Indonesia yaitu Sumatra, Jawa,
Kalimantan, Sulawesi, dan Irian Jaya. Indonesia juga
memiliki banyak pulau-pulau kecil seperti Nias, Bawean,
Merauke, dan lain. 1. big islands
Penduduk tidak tersebar (2) merata. Sebagian besar(3)
penduduk Indonesia tinggal di pulau Jawa khususnya di kota- 2. spread
kota besar seperti Jakarta, Bandung, Solo, Yogjakarta, dan 3.most of
Surabaya. Sementara itu pulau-pulau di luar Jawa
mempunyai penduduk yang sedikit sekali. Terutama(4)pulau- 4.especially
pulau kecil di bagian timur Indonesia. 5.ethnic groups
Ada banyak suku bangsa(5) di Indonesia. Mereka memiliki 6.local
bahasa daerah (6) dan budaya tradisional(7) yang berbeda- languages
beda. Mereka memiliki pertunjukan seni(8) masing-masing. 7.traditional

Kita mengenal Ludruk, Ketoprak, Wayang, Reog, Jatilan, dan culture

lain-lain. Mereka juga menciptakan alat musik tradisional show
yang banyak sekali seperti Gamelan, Angklung, Kulintang,
Sasando, Kecapi, dsb.
Pemerintahan Indonesia adalah demokrasi. Pemilu(9)
dilakukan sekali setiap 5 tahun. Rakyat memilih
pemimpin mereka secara langsung. Partai politik 9. election
mengusulkan(10) beberapa calon(11) untuk dipilih (12)
saat pemilu 10. propose
Saya tinggal di Surabaya. Surabaya adalah kota pahlawan dan 11.candidates
kota dagang. Surabaya adalah kota terbesar kedua (13) di be
Indonesia. Surabaya mempunyai banyak makanan khas(14) chosen
seperti Lontong Balap, Semanggi, dan Tahu Campur. 13.the second
biggest city


Indonesia mempunyai 2 musim, musim kemarau(1) dan musim 1. Dry season
hujan(2).Setiap musim berlangsung(3) kira-kira 6 bulan.Musim 2. Rainy season
kemarau dimulai pada bulan April dan berakhir di bulan 3. Lasts
September.Musim hujan dimulai pada bulan Oktober dan
berakhir di bulan Maret.
4. Shines
Udara sangat panas di musim kemarau.Matahari 5. Brightly
bersinar(4)cerah(5). Para petani biasanya menanam(6) jagung, 6. Plant
kedelai, atau semangka.Jika musim kemarau berlangsung 7. Too long
terlalu lama(7), itu membuat para petani tidak bahagia.Bahkan 8. Suffer
mungkin para petani menderita(8). Tidak ada air.Sungai 9. Drought
menjadi kering.Banyak tanaman dan binatang mati karena

Setelah musim kemarau, musim hujan datang.Hujan turun 10. The

hampir setiap hari.Hujan paling deras(10) turun di bulan heaviest
Desember dan Januari.Selama musim hujan petani menanam

padi dan sayuran.Mereka juga menanam buah-

buahan.Mereka merasa sangat bahagia.

Rumput dan bunga tumbuh subur.Bumi nampak hijau.Suhu

udara dingin.Matahari tidak bersinar cerah.Cuaca mendung(11) 11. Cloudy
hampir setiap hari.Kadang-kadang kita mendengar suara 12. Thunder
petir(12).Kadang-kadang kita bisa melihat pelangi(13). Angin 13. Rainbow
bertiup kencang.Katak bernyanyi riang di musim hujan.

Tetapi bila hujan deras turun terus-menerus setiap hari, ini 14. Overflow
bisa berbahaya.Sungai akan meluap(14).Ini dapat 15. flood
menyebabkan banjir(15).Area pertanian(16) mungkin 16. gricultural
hancur.Kemacetan lalulintas di mana-mana.Murid-murid area
tidak dapat pergi ke sekolah.


Perpustakaan umum(1) di kotaku bagus sekali. Gedungnya(2)
besar dan bersih. Ada taman yang indah di depannya. Di 1.Public
taman itu ada bangku untuk bersantai. Kita dapat membaca library 2.The
buku and menikmati(3)indahnya(4) taman. building
Perpustakaan umum di kotaku dilengkapi(5) dengan pengatur 3.Enjoy
suhu udara (AC). Siapapun(6) akan merasa nyaman(7) di sana 4.The beauty
karena udaranya sejuk. Di samping itu ia juga dilengkapi 5.Is completed
dengan komputer. Kita dapat mencari(8)buku yang kita 6.Anyone
inginkan dengan mudah. 7.Comfortable
Kita juga dapat meminta tolong kepada petugas 8.Search
perpustakaan(9) jika ingin meminjam buku. Petugas 9.Librarian
perpustakaan sangat ramah(10). Mereka siap membantu dan 10.Familiar
melayani(11) semua pengunjung. Adaribuan(12) buku di sana, 11.Serve
buku lama dan buku baru. 12.Thousands


Jembatan(1) Suramadu terletak di Jawa timur Indonesia. 1.Bridge

Jembatan Suramadu menghubungkan(2) dua pulau(3), jawa dan 2.Joins
madura. Panjangnya(4) 5.4 km dan lebarnya(5) 21m. Suramadu 3.Island
terbentang(6) dari Kenjeran Surabaya sampai Labang Madura. 4.Its length
Suramadu adalah jembatan terpanjang(7) di Indonesia. 5.Its width
Jika kita ingin pergi ke Madura, kita tidak harus 7. The longest
menyeberang(8) laut dengan Feri. Kita bisa sampai di
Madura dengan lebih cepat(9) dan tentu lebih nyaman(10). 8. Cross
Banyak orang datang ke Suramadu untuk menyaksikan quickly
Surabaya dan Madura dari sebuah Jembatan di tengah laut. 10.More
Banyak pengunjung(11) berhenti di tengah jembatan hanya comfortably
untuk berfoto. Meskipun ini dilarang(12) karena itu 11. Visitors
mengganggu(13)lalu lintas(14).
12. Prohibited
14. SAPI
Sapi dipelihara terutama untuk digunakan sebagai susu dan 1. milk
daging (1) untuk makanan manusia (2) . Hasil samping and meat
seperti kulit, jeroan, tanduk dan feses (3) juga dimanfaatkan 2. human food
untuk berbagai kebutuhan manusia. Di sejumlah tempat, sapi 3. skin, offal,
juga dimanfaatkan sebagai alat transportasi, pengolah lahan horns and
untuk bercocok tanam (bajak) dan alat industry (4) lainnya
(seperti perasan tebu). Karena banyak kegunaan ini, sapi
4. industrial
telah menjadi bagian dari banyak budaya manusia sejak lama.

Seperti hewan lainnya, sapi juga terdiri dari berbagai

jenis ras(5). Di antara ratusan ras, sapi friesian-holstein

jenis sapi paling umum di seluruh dunia, di 128 negara. Ras

dapat dibentuk secara alami atau dengan campur tangan
manusia untuk membentuk ras campuran. Teknologi seperti
inseminasi buatan(6) dan fertilisasi in vitro(7)memungkinkan 5. various
manusia mendapatkan kombinasi breed sapi yang diinginkan. types of
Pemindahan embrio pada sapi dilakukan dengan cara races
memindahkan telur yang telah dibuahi dari sapi berkarakter
6. artificial
unggul ke sapi lainnya untuk dirawat di dalam rahim dan
dilahirkan. Cara ini memungkinkan breed sapi tertentu untuk
7. in vitro
diproduksi dalam jumlah banyak dalam waktu yang singkat.


Ada banyak rumah sakit dan klinik di Indonesia. Setiap kota 1.service
mempunyai rumah sakit. Rumah sakit dan klinik memiliki 2.x-ray
banyak layanan(1). Adafoto rontgen(2), tes darah(3), tes urine(4), 3.blood test
layanan medis(5), bahkan layanan operasi. Terlebih dahulu(6) 4.urine test
dokter memeriksa(7) pasien. Mungkin dokter mengirim(8) 5.medical
pasien ke laboratorium untuk foto rontgen. Dokter mungkin service
menulis(9)resep(10). Terkadang pasien harus menginap(11) di 6.First of
rumah sakit. Pasien yang mengalami patah tulang mungkin all
akan dioperasi. 7.Examine
s 8.Sends
10. rescription


Ada 4 musim di Eropa, musim semi(1),musim panas(2), musim 1.Spring

gugur(3), dan musim dingin(4).Setiap musim berlangsung 2.Summer
kurang lebih 3 bulan.Musim semi dari Maret sampai 3.Autumn /
Mei.Musim panas dari Juni sampai Agustus.Musim gugur fall 4.Winter
dari September sampai November.Musim dingin dari
Desember sampai Februari.
Banyak orang asing(5) yang meninggalkan negaranya pada 6.Have a tour
musim dingin.Mereka berwisata(6) ke luar negeri untuk 7.Friendly
menikmati cuaca yang lebih bersahabat(7). Jangan mencoba 8.Wear
memakai(8) pakaian tipis di musim dingin.Kamu akan 9.Be chilly
kedinginan(9).Suhu udara bisa turun(10) sampai beberapa 10.Drop
derajat(11) di bawah nol.Mungkin anda dapat melihat salju(12) 11.Degrees
di sana.Anak-anak suka membuat bola salju. 12.Snow

Banyak orang bermain ski.Olah raga ini sangat populer.

Merekasering mengadakan(13) kompetisi ski di musim 13.Conduct
dingin.Pesertanya(14) berasal dari berbagai negara.Mereka 14.Participants
meluncur(15), berbelok(16), dan melompat(17) turun dari 15.Slide
bukit(18)Terkadang mereka patah kaki saat bermain 16.Turn
ski.Tetapi mereka tidak pernah jera(19). Mereka sangat 17.Jump
menikmati permainan ski. 18.Hill
Kebalikan(20) musim dingin adalah musim panas. up 20.The
Kedengarannya lucu bahwa banyak hujan turun di musim opposite
panas.Suhu udara sekitar 21 derajad celcius di siang
hari.Tetapi bagi orang di sana, itu cukup panas.Banyak orang
pergi ke pantai untuk berenang atau bermandi matahari(21).


Setiap orang ingin sehat. Tidak seorangpun mau sakit. Tetapi 1.avoid it

kita tidak bisa menghindarinya(1). Suatu ketika kita pasti sakit. 2. happen
Itu dapat terjadi(2) kapan saja. Oleh sebab itu kita harus sedia
payung sebelum hujan. Kita perlu menyediakan(3)pertolongan
pertama(4) di rumah. Apabila penyakit serius baru kita pergi 3. provide
ke dokter. 4.first
Beberapa orang masih menggunakan cara sederhana. Mereka
membakar(5)jarum(6) untuk mengeluarkan(7)duri(8). Mereka
menggunakan botol yang diisi air hangat untuk 5.burnt
menyembuhkan sakit perut. Mereka menyentuh dahi(9) untuk 6.needle
mengetahui suhu tubuh, dll. 7.take out
Mereka melakukannya karena mereka tidak mempunyai alat 9.touch the
kesehatan(10) di rumah mereka. Adalah penting untuk memiliki forehead
alat kesehatan di rumah. Alat kesehatan ini misalnya 10.mrdical
termometer(11), gunting(12), plester(13), dll. apparatus
Kita juga perlu menyediakan beberapa obat-obatan di rumah 11.thermometer
seperti aspirin, sirup obat batuk(14), yodium, obat tetes mata(15), 12.Scissors
dll. 13.Bandage

Komputer mempunyai 5 bagian(1) utama. Bagian pertama(2) 1. Parts

adalah CPU (Central Processing Unit). CPU adalah otak 2. First
komputer. Bagian kedua(3) adalah alat input(4). Kita menulis(5) 3. Second
instruksi dan data melalui alat input. Alat input terdiri dari(6) 4. Input device
keyboard, mouse, scanner, dll. 5. Write
6. Consists of
Bagian ketiga(7) adalah disk drive. Disk drive ada di CPU. 7. Third
Satu unit komputer biasanya mempunyai paling sedikit(8) 2 8. At least
disk drive. Bagian keempat(9) adalah monitor. Monitor 9. Fourth
nampak seperti(10) sebuah televisi. Kita bisa melihat data 10. Looks like
yang kita input ke dalam komputer melalui monitor. Bagian 11. Fifth

adalah pencetak / printer. Printer mencetak hasil proses


kerja(12) komputer. 12. The result


Kemacetan lalulintas(1)terjadi(2) setiap hari di kota-kota besar 1. Traffic jam

seperti Jakarta dan Surabaya. Ini terjadi karena kita tidak 2. Happens
mempunyai transportasi umum yang handal(3). Tidak ada bis 3. Reliable
yang punya jadwal tetap(4). Bis berangkat hanya jika ia 4. Fixed
penuh penumpang(5). Akhirnya banyak orang membeli schedule
sepeda motor. Jalanpun penuh sepeda motor. 5. Passengers

Sekolah seharusnya(6) mempunyai bis sekolah untuk 6. Should

menjemput dan mengantar(7) siswa-siswanya. Jika satu bis 7. Pick up
mempunyai 60 kursi maka untuk 60 siswa hanya ada 1 bis di and send

Sangat berbeda jika orang tua mengantar mereka ke sekolah.

Ada 60 mobil atau 60 sepeda motor di jalan raya. Kondisinya
jelas jauh berbeda. Tidaklah heran hingga hari ini jalan raya
selalu macet.

1. Failure
Kegagalan(1) adalah hal biasa dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. 2. Whatever
Apapun(2) yang kita lakukan hasilnya adalah satu di antara dua 3. Possibility
kemungkinan(3), berhasil(4) atau gagal(5). Semua orang ingin 4. Successful
berhasil, tetapi tidak seorangpun bisa menghindari(6) 5. Failed
kegagalan. Setiap orang yang berhasil pasti pernah 6. Avoid
mengalami(7) kegagalan. Orang yang tidak pernah gagal 7. Must have
adalah orang yang tidak pernah berhasil karena mereka tidak experienced
pernah mencoba. 8. Character
9. Facing
Setiap orang mempunyai sikap(8) berbeda dalam 10. Lose

menghadapi(9)kegagalan. Beberapa orang kehilangan(10)rasa 11. Their

percaya diri mereka(11) dan menyerah(12) di tengah perjalanan. confidence
Sebagian yang lain mengambil pelajaran dari kegagalannya 12. Give up
dan mengulangi(13) usahanya. Mereka sadar mengeluh(14) dan 13. retry
menunggu(15) bukanlah yang terbaik untuk dilakukan. 14. complaining
15. waiting
21. PANTAI SANUR 1. Sanur Beach
2. is a famous
Pantai Sanur (1) adalah tempat terkenal (2) di pulau (3) Bali. place
Tempat ini terletak (4) di sebelah timur (5) kota Denpasar, 3. on the
ibu kota (6) Bali. Pantai Sanur merupakan lokasi yang tepat island
untuk menikmati matahari terbit (7). Hal ini membuat objek 4. located
wisata(8) ini semakin menarik (9). 5. the east
6. capital
Pantai Sanur sangat cocok untuk anak-anak. Pantai Sanur 7. sunrise
tidak berbahaya karena memiliki ombak yang relatif 8. tourist
tenang object
(10) (11). Tapi itu tidak bisa digunakan (12) untuk berselancar. 9. interesting
10. fairly calm
Tak jauh dari Pantai Sanur juga terdapat lokasi diving (13) dan waves
lokasi snorkeling. Karena kondisi bersahabat (14), penyelam 11. relatively
(15) dari semua tingkat keahlian (16) aman untuk menyelam 12. cannot
di sana. Selain itu, di sepanjang garis pantai (17) juga be used
terdapat area pejalan kaki (18) yang sering dijadikan area 13. diving
jogging (19) oleh wisatawan mancanegara maupun locations
masyarakat lokal. 14. friendly
15. divers
16. skill levels
17. beach line
18. pedestrian
19. jogging

22. MUSIK 1. arrange

Musik adalah seni mengatur suara(1). Di mana-mana, di atas sound
dunia banyak orang bermain musik. Orang yang bermain 2. music group
musik disebut musisi. Satu kelompok musik(2) terdiri dari
beberapa orang. Umumnya setiap orang memainkan 1 alat
musik. 3. idea
Setiap orang memiliki gagasan(3) berbeda mengenai 4. beauty
keindahan(4). Sehingga ada banyak jenis musik; pop, jazz,
blues, reggae, rock, dll. Musik pop adalah musik yang paling
disuka banyak orang. Musik ini mudah dinikmati. Tidak 5. noisy
banyak orang yang suka musik klasik. 6. quiet
Dengan musik dunia menjadi berisik(5). Kalau tidak ada musik 7. not very nice
dunia sepi(6), kurang asyik(7).


Masa muda(1)adalah masa yang paling berharga(2) dalam 1. young period

hidup. Di masa muda kita kuat, sehat, penuh tenaga. Di masa 2. the most
muda tubuh kita berada pada puncak vitalitas(3). Masa muda precious
adalah saat terbaik untuk mempersiapkan(4) tugas untuk masa 3. the top of
berikutnya. vitality
4. prepare
Selama masa muda kita tidak boleh membuang(5) waktu. Di 5. waste
masa itulah fisik kita dan otak kita kuat. Sehingga kita tidak 6. tired
cepat capek(6) dan mudah mempelajari sesuatu. Jadi gunakan
masa muda sebaik mungkin untuk memperoleh yang terbaik
di masa berikutnya.


Manusia adalah makhluk istimewa(1). Tuhan memberi pada 1. special

kita struktur tubuh yang sempurna(2) dan otak yang super creature
hebat(3). Manusia tidak punya sayap(4) tetapi bisa terbang 2. perfect body

lebih jauh(5) dan lebih tinggi(6) dari burung apapun. Tubuh structure
manusia tidak sebesar tubuh gajah dan tidak setinggi leher 3. amazing
jerapah. Tetapi manusia dapat mengangkat beban(7) yang jauh4. wings
lebih berat(8) dari tubuh gajah. Manusia bisa menjangkau 5. further
sesuatu yang tinggi jauh lebih tinggi dari leher jerapah. 6. taller
7. lift weight
Dengan otak yang brilian manusia mampu menciptakan(9) alat 8. heavier
yang mereka perlukan untuk membuat pekerjaan mereka 9. create
mudah. Jika otak manusia rusak(10) maka dia tidak dapat 10. damaged
melakukan apa-apa. Mungkin dia hidup tetapi tidak berguna
sama sekali.

25. TEPAT WAKTU 1. more

Waktu lebih berharga(1) daripada uang. Jika kita kehilangan(2) 2. lose
uang kita masih dapat memperoleh gantinya(3) yang mungkin 3. the change
lebih besar. 4. think
5. simple
Tetapi kalau kita kehilangan waktu, kita tidak dapat 6. typical term
memperoleh gantinya.Tetapi banyak dari kita menganggap(4) 7. which means
waktu sebagai sesuatu yang sepele(5), tidak terlalu berharga. 8. time which
is elastic
Bahkan kita punya istilah khas(6) “jam karet” yang 9. not being on
berarti(7)waktu yang elastis(8) atau tidak tepat waktu(9).Kita time
sering menerima undangan(10) rapat misalnya. 10. accept
Tertulis(11) rapat akan dimulai jam 7 malam tetapi ketika 11. it is written
datang di sana tepat jam 7 belum satupun ada orang di sana. 12. must be
Tetapi kita harus bangga(12) karena mungkin hanya kita satu- 13. the only
satunya(13)bangsa di dunia(14) yang mempunyai budaya 14. nation in
tersebut(15). Mari kita lestarikan(16) budaya “jam karet”. the world
15. that culture
16. let’s


Gua(1)Ngerong adalah sebuah gua dan tempat wisata(2) di 1. Cave

Kecamatan Rengel, Tuban, Jawa Timur. Di tempat tersebut 2. Touris
para pengunjung dapat melihat ribuan ikan(3) di sungai yang t
airnya(4)sangat jernih(5). object
3. Thousands
Biasanya para pengunjung(6)melemparkan(7) makanan ke fish
dalam sungai agar ikan-ikan tersebut mengapung(8) untuk 4. Whose water
mengambil makanan. Ada banyak jenis ikan di gua Ngerong. 5. Very clear
Ada yang kecil juga ada yang cukup besar. Untuk menjaga 6. Visitors
kelestarian(9) ikan di gua Ngerong, para pengunjung tidak 7. Throw
boleh mengambil ikan yang hidup di sana. 8. Come to
Karena airnya sangat jernih, sebagian besar warga di 9. To conserve
sekitar tempat tersebut juga memanfaatkannya(10) sebagai 10. Use it
tempat mandi(11) dan mencuci(12). 11. Bathing
12. Washing

1. He is
Kevin adalah temanku. Usianya 18 tahun. Kevin tidak athletic
pendek dan tidak tinggi. Dia tidak kurus dan tidak gemuk. 2. sharp nose
Dia kekar(1). Kevin mempunyai hidung mancung(2), rambut 3. straight
pendek lurus pirang(3), dan lesung pipi(4). blonde hair
4. dimples
Kevin mempunyai mata biru. Banyak cewek jatuh cinta 5. blue eyes
padanya.Kevin suka mendengarkan musik dan menyanyi. 6. at the same
Musik favorit dia adalah jazz dan rap. Penyanyi favorit dia time
adalah Andien dan Iwa K. 7. become a
Setiap sabtu malam Kevin biasanya bermain musik guitarist
dengan teman-temannya. Dia bisa(5) memainkan gitar, 8. 3 times a
piano, dan

harmonika. Dia bisa memainkan gitar dan harmonika dalam week

waktu yang sama(6).Kevin ingin menjadi pemain gitar
terkenal(7). Dia selalu belajar bermain gitar 3 kali seminggu(8).

28. TINJU 1. boxing

2. dangerous
Tinju(1) adalah sebuah olahraga yang berbahaya(2). Dua orang 3. boxers
petinju(3)berkelahi(4) di atas ring. Seorang wasit mengatur(5) 4. fight
pertandingan. Tiga orang hakim(6) duduk di bawah ring 5. manages
mengawasi(7) pertandingan dan memberi nilai(8) kepada kedua 6. judges
petinju.Dua petinju saling memukul(9) dengan tangan mereka 7. watching
yang dilapisi sarung tinju(10). Untuk menjaga(11) gigi mereka, 8. give marks
kedua petinju menggigit(12)pengaman(13) dari karet(14). 9. hit each
Mereka mendapat nilai(15) jika memukul wajah(16). Mereka 10. covered
tidak boleh memukul kepala bagian belakang(17). Mereka with
boleh memukul perut(18) tetapi mereka tidak mendapat nilai. boxing
Secara umum(19) ada dua jenis tinju yaitu tinju amatir(20) dan gloves
tinju profesional. Dalam tinju amatir, petinju memakai 11. Keep
sarung tinju dan helm pengaman. Dalam tinju profesional, 12. Bite
petinju tidak menggunakan helm pengaman. Mereka hanya 13. Something
menggunakan sarung tinju. to save
14. Rubber
15. Mark
16. Face
17. The back
part of the
18. Stomach
19. Generally
20. Amateur


2. Compete
Setiap hari anak-anak kita, siswa- siswi SD, belajar di
sekolah. Para penjual makanan dan minuman menunggu jam
istirahat. Bel berdering. Anak-anak kita meninggalkan(1)
ruang kelas.
Mereka berlari ke para penjual makanan dan minuman.
Mereka berebut(2) untuk membeli makanan dan minuman. 3. At all
4. Dangerous
Anak-anak kita tidak tahu sama sekali(3) bahwa makanan dan 5. Delicious
minuman yang mereka beli sebenarnya berbahaya(4) bagi 6. Profit
kesehatan mereka. Mereka hanya tahu makanan itu lezat(5) di 7. As much
lidah. Para pedagang hanya berpikir bagaimana memperoleh as possible
keuntungan(6)sebanyak mungkin(7). Mereka tidak peduli 8. Consumers
kesehatan konsumen(8) mereka. 9. React
10. Electroni
Pemerintah juga tidak bereaksi(9) cepat. Makanan berbahaya c media
untuk kesehatan tetap ada di pasar meskipun media 11. Broadcast
elektronik(10)menyiarkan(11)hasil investigasinya(12)berkali- 12. The result
kali(13). Apa yang dapat kita lakukan? of his
13. Several


Ada banyak tempat ibadah(1) di Indonesia. Kita mempunyai 1. Places to

masjid(2), candi(3) dan gereja(4) di hampir(5) setiap kota(6) dan pray
desa(7) di Indonesia. Masjid adalah tempat ibadah orang Islam. 2. Mosque
Ada Masjid Agung hampir di setiap kota di Indonesia. Ada 3. Temple
juga Masjid istiqlal di Jakarta. Istiqlal adalah masjid terbesar(8) 4. Church
di Asia Timur. 5. Almost
6. City
Borobudur adalah monumen(9) budha yang terkenal(10). 7. Village

Borobudur terletak(11) 40 kilometer dari Yogyakarta. 8. The biggest

Borobudur adalah candi budha terbesar di Indonesia. 9. Monument
Borobudur adalah juga 1 dari 7 keajaiban dunia(12). Masih 10. Famous
banyak candi-candi yang lain seperti candi Prambanan, 11. Is located
Mendut, Sewu, dll. 12. Wonders of
the world
Gereja adalah tempat ibadah orang Kristen. Tempat ini 13. The
biasanya ramai pada hari minggu. Hampir di setiap kota ada quantity
gereja, tetapi jumlahnya(13)tidak sebanyak(14) masjid karena 14. Is not as
penduduk Indonesia mayoritas(15) beragama Islam. many as
15. majority


Penduduk(1) Indonesia mempunyai pekerjaan yang berbeda- 1. citizen

beda. Sebagian dari mereka(2) bekerja di kantor-kantor, bank, 2. somr of
rumah sakit, dan pabrik. Sebagian dari mereka adalah petani. them
Mereka menanam(3) padi, sayur, dan buah. Mereka juga 3. plant
memelihara(4) ayam, kambing , sapi, dll. 4. breed
5. fisherman
Sebagian yang lain adalah nelayan(5). Mereka hidup dekat laut. 6. sail
Mereka berlayar(6) di tengah laut untuk menangkap(7) ikan. 7. catch
Petani dan nelayan menjual(8) produk mereka kepada orang- 8. sell
orang yang tinggal di kota. 9. businessman

Mereka adalah pengusaha(9) atau karyawan(10). Pengusaha

membeli(11) dan menjual barang-barang. Kebanyakan mereka 10. employees
tinggal di kota. 11. buy

32. BINATANG 1. tame

2. wild
Ada berbagai binatang di dunia. Sebagian dari mereka 3. pets
jinak(1)dan sebagian yang lain buas(2). Binatang yang jinak 4. usually
misalnya burung, ayam, bebek, dll. Orang suka memelihara 5. in the forest
binatang yang jinak sebagai binatang piaraan(3). Binatang buas 6. tiger
biasanya(4) hidup di hutan(5) seperti harimau(6), singa(7), dll. 7. lion

Kebanyakan mereka makan daging(8), tetapi sebagian dari 8. meat

mereka makan rumput(9). 9. grass
10. source of
Binatang adalah sumber makanan(10) bagi manusia. Sapi(11) food
dan kambing(12) misalnya, menghasilkan(13)daging dan susu. 11. cow
Ayam, angsa(14), dan bebek menghasilkan daging dan telor. 12. goat
Binatang juga membantu manusia melakukan pekerjaan 13. produce
mereka. Petani membajak(15) sawah mereka dengan sapi atau 14. swan
kerbau(16). Kuda digunakanuntuk menarik(17) dokar(18). Anjing 15. plough
digunakan untuk menjaga rumah(19) atau mendeteksi 16. buffalo
narkoba(20). 17. pull
18. carriage
19. keep
20. detect


2. some
Manusia suka musik dan tari(1). Sebagian(2) orang suka musik 3. two tings
dan menonton tari. Sebagian yang lain suka bermain musik 4. cannot be
dan menari. Musik dan tari adalah dua hal(3) yang hampir tak separated
dapat dipisahkan(4). 5. kinds
6. certain
Ada berbagai jenis(5) musik dan tari tradisional di Indonesia. 7. not realize
Musik tradisional Indonesia adalah seperti gamelan, angklung, 8. do
kulintang, kentongan, dll. Tari tradisional Indonesia adalah 9. for example
seperti tari remo, tari kecak, tari likurai, tari lilin, tari kipas, 10. the dancer
dll. Dalam tari tertentu(6), penari tidak sadar(7) apa yang mereka 11. can drink
lakukan(8). 12. a pile
Dalam tari Kuda Lumping, misalnya(9), penarinya(10)bisa water
minum(11)seember air(12), atau makan rumput(13). Itu mirip(14) 13. eat grass
sekali dengan kuda. Bahkan(15)kadang(16) mereka makan 14. looks like
kaca(17). 15. even
16. sometimes

17. eat glasses

1. handicraft
Yogyakarta adalah kota terkenal di Indonesia. Ia terkenal 2. ceremony
karena kerajinan(1), upacara(2), dan budaya(3) tradisionalnya. 3. culture
Kita dapat mengunjungi istana raja(4)yang disebut(5) keraton. 4. the king’s
Kita dapat menikmati pemandangan pantai(6) yang indah di 5. which
Parangtritis, Baron, dll. Kita juga bisa pergi ke candi(7) is
Prambanan dan Borobudur. Selama bulan purnama(8) kita bisa called
menikmati tari Ramayana di depan candi Prambanan. 6. beach
Kita juga dapat menikmati makanan khasnya(9) yaitu gudeg. 7. temples
Gudeg dibuat dari buah nangka muda(10). Gudeg dimasak(11) 8. full
dengan berbagai rempah(12) Indonesia. Salah satu tempat moonlight
terkenal di Yogyakarta adalah Malioboro. Ini adalah 9. its
sebuah tempat di Yogyakarta yang tidak pernah tidur. Ada typical
banyak toko di sepanjang jalan(13) ini dan kita membeli food
berbagai produk di sana. 10. young
11. is cooked
12. Variou
s spice
13. Along
the street

Hutan Asia(1) mempunyai jenis binatang buas(2) yang berbeda. 1. Asia forest
Salah satu dari binatang buas tersebut adalah leopard. Ia 2. Wild animals
biasanya makan burung, kadal(3), dan binatang kecil lainnya. 3. Lizard
Ia bisa tumbuh(4) sampai panjangnya 2 meter(5). 4. Grow
5. Two metres
Gajah hidup(6) di hutan Thailand, Vietnam dan Malaysia. long
Jumlah mereka semakin sedikit(7) karena setiap saat para 6. Live
pemburu(8)memburu(9) mereka. Orangutan adalah binatang 7. Are less

terkenal(10) yang ada di hutan Kalimantan. Ia bisa tumbuh 8. Hunters

sampai tingginya 2 meter(11). Ia mempunyai kaki pendek, dan 9. Hunt
lengan panjang berambut(12). Ia makan sayur dan buah. 10. Famous
11. Two metres
Sungai-sungai di Asia juga mempunyai binatang-binatang tall
yang menarik seperti buaya(13) dan ular(14). Beberapa buaya 12. Hairy
tumbuh sampai panjangnya 6 meter. 13. Crocodiles
14. Snakes
36. KANTOR POS 1. Send letter
2. Postcard
Jika kamu ingin mengirim surat(1), kartu pos(2), atau bahkan 3. Post office
uang kamu bisa pergi ke kantor pos(3). Kamu perlu perangko(4) 4. Stamp
untuk mengirim surat atau kartu pos. kemudian kamu bisa 5. Put
meletakkan(5) suratmu ke dalam kotak surat(6). 6. Mailbox
7. Offer
Kantor pos menawarkan(7)berbagai layanan(8) untuk mengirim 8. Variou
surat; yaitu biasa(9), kilat(10), dan tercatat(11). Surat kilat dan s
surat tercatat akan sampai(12) di alamat lebih cepat daripada(13) service
surat biasa. Tetapi harga(14) perangkonya lebih mahal(15) dari 9. Ordinary
pada perangko biasa. 10. Express
11. Registered
Jika kamu mengirim paket(16) maka beratnya(17)harus(18) 12. Arrive
minimal 3 kilogram. Jika beratnya kurang dari(19) 3 13. Faster than
kilogram maka ia akan dianggap(20) sama dengan surat 14. The price
tercatat. 15. More
16. Package
17. the weight
18. should be
19. Less than
20. Will be

37. ALAT OLAHRAGA 1. Tools

2. Other
Kita memerlukan sepatu, seragam, dan alat(1)yang lain(2) untuk 3. Different
berolahraga. Beda(3) olahraga memerlukan(4) alat yang 4. Need
berbeda. Untuk bermain sepak bola, bola voli, dan bola basket 5. No one
kita memerlukan bola. Tidak satupun(5) dari bola-bola itu ada
yang sama.
6. Racket
Untuk bermain tennis dan badminton kita memerlukan 7. Table tennis
raket(6). Tetapi raket untuk badminton berbeda dengan raket 8. Bigger
untuk tenis, atau tenis meja(7). Raket untuk tenis lapangan 9. Heavier
lebih besar(8) dan lebih berat(9)daripada(10) raket untuk 10. Than
11. Each net
Untuk bermain badminton, tennis, tennis meja dan bola voli
kita memerlukan net. Tetapi masing-masing netnya(11)


2. In cities
Kehidupan(1)di kota(2) berbeda dengan kehidupan di desa(3). 3. In villages
Orang di kota memiliki hampIr semuanya(4). Kita dapat 4. Almost
melihat jalan-jalan penuh dengan kendaraan(5) seperti mobil, everything
taksi, bis, truk, dll. Di pusat kota kita dapat melihat banyak 5. Vehicles
bangunan(6) yang indah; hotel, pusat belanja, gedung pencakar 6. Buildings
langit(7), apartemen, dll. 7. Skycrapers
8. Always busy
Orang-orang di kota selalu sibuk(8). Mereka meninggalkan(9) 9. Leave
rumah mereka di pagi hari dan kembali(10) ke rumah di malam 10. Return
hari. Suami dan istri harus bekerja untuk mencukupi(11)biaya 11. Cover
hidup(12) di kota yang mahal(13). Orang di kota 12. Cost of
menghabiskan(14)lebih banyak(15) uang daripada orang di desa. living
13. Expensive
14. Spend
15. More

Orang(1)berpindah(2) ke kota-kota besar(3) untuk 1. People
mendapatkan(4) pekerjaan dan kehidupan yang lebih baik(5). 2. Move
Memperoleh uang di kota besar lebih mudah daripada(6) di 3. Big cities
desa-desa kecil(7). Bahkan(8) orang yang tidak mempunyai 4. Get
keahlian khusus(9) dapat memperoleh uang dengan mudah(10). 5. Better
6. Easier than
Orang-orang dapat memperoleh kehidupan dan penghasilan 7. Small villages
yang lebih baik di kota- kota besar daripada di desa-desa 8. Even
kecil. Itulah apa yang orang-orang desa(11)pikirkan(12) sebelum 9. Special skill
mereka memutuskan(13) berpindah dan berjuang(14) di kota 10. Easily
besar. 11. Villagers
12. Think
13. Decide
14. Struggle

40. DURIAN 1. The most

Banyak orang berkata durian adalah buah terlezat(1)di dunia. 2. Give
Saya tidak dapat memberi(2)komentar apapun karena saya 3. Skin
tidak suka durian. Durian memiliki kulit(3)tebal(4), kasar(5), 4. Thick
dan berduri(6). Durian memiliki bau yang sangat kuat(7). Jika 5. Rough
anda tidak suka durian, bau(8)durian dapat membuat anda 6. Thorny
sakit kepala atau bahkan muntah(9). 7. Very
Jangan membawa durian jika anda bepergian naik pesawat smell
terbang karena durian tidak boleh dibawake dalam 8. Smell
pesawat(10).Di Indonesia durian adalah buah yang mahal(11). 9. Vomit
Harganya bisa mencapai(12)seratus ribu rupiah per biji(13)jika ia 10. Must not be
besar. Jangan makan durian terlalu banyak(14)karena durian taken into
mempunyai kolesterol tinggi(15). the plane
11. Expensive
12. Reach
13. Per piece
14. Too much
15. high


Di Indonesia ada banyak jenis(1) buah. Mungkin 1. kind

jumlahnya(2)mencapai(3)lebih dari seratus. Di daerah(4)tertentu 2. the quantity
di Indonesia terdapat buah yang tidak begitu terkenal di 3. reach
daerah lain. 4. districts

Banyak buah yang memiliki nama berbeda(5)dalam bahasa 5. different

Indonesia dan bahasa Inggris. Misalnya dalam bahasa
Indonesia kita menyebutnya(6) Nanas tetapi dalam bahasa 6. call it
Inggris itu disebut(7) Pineapple. 7. called

Tetapi(8)beberapa buah mempunyai nama yang sama(9)dalam 8. but

kedua bahasa tersebut. Misalnya rambutan, durian, salak, 9. the same
duku, garbis, dll. Apakah buah tersebut berasal dari


Secara umum(1)buah mempunyai kandungan mineral, vitamin, 1. generally

dan zat-zat lain(2)yang dibutuhkan(3)tubuh kita. Makan buah 2. other
setiap hari sangat bagus buat tubuh kita. Jangan heran(4)jika substance
anda pergi ke dokter, dia meminta anda untuk makan banyak 3. needed
buah. 4. don’t be
Rasa buah(5)adalah segar(6), manis(7), asam(8), atau kombinasi 5. taste of fruit
antara manis dan asam. Rasa manis dalam buah apapun 6. fresh
kurang lebih(9) sama. Hanya tingkatannya saja yang berbeda. 7. sweet
Misalnya kurma lebih manis daripada mangga. 8. sour
9. more or less
Tetapi rasa asam(10) yang ada dalam setiap buah tidak ada
satupun(11)yang sama. Mari kita ambil anggur dan mangga 10. the sour
sebagai contoh. Keduanya sama-sama asam. Mungkin itu sulit taste

bagi kita untuk menjelaskan tetapi lidah kita(12)dapat 11. No one

mengenali(13)hal itu. 12. Our tongue
13. Recognize

43. JAMBU BIJI 1. What it

looks like
Apakah anda suka jambu biji? Dapatkah anda jelaskan ia 2. What it
seperti apa(1)dan bagaimana rasanya(2)? Jambu biji memiliki tastes
kulit halus(3)berwarna hijau kekuningan(4). 3. Smooth skin
4. Yellowis
Bagian dalamnya(5)mungkin berwarna merah muda atau h green
putih. Ada banyak biji-biji kecil(6)di dalamnya. Kita 5. The
biasanya menelan(7)biji-biji tersebut. inside
Rasanya segar, manis, dan sedikit asam(8). Lezat jika 6. Small seeds
dimakan secara langsung(9). Juga lezat jika disajikan(10)dalam 7. Swallow
bentuk juice. 8. A little sour
9. Directly
10. Served

44. MOBIL AMFIBI 1. Amphibiou

s car
Mobil amfibi(1)adalah kombinasi(2)antara(3)mobil dan perahu(4). 2. Combination
Ia dapat berlari di darat(5)sebagai mobil, dan ia dapat 3. Between
difungsikan(6)sebagai perahu di air. 4. Boat
5. On the land
Ketika ia ada di darat, mobil ini digerakkan(7)oleh 4 roda(8), 6. Be
2 roda depan(9)dan 2 roda belakang(10). Ketika ia ada di air, functioned
ia digerakkan oleh sebuah baling-baling(11)yang 7. Is moved
dipasang(12)di bagian belakang. 8. Wheels
9. Front wheels
Pindahkan(13)perseneling(14)dan ia akan berganti fungsi dari 10. Back wheels
mobil ke perahu atau sebaliknya(15). Jika anda suka 11. Propeller
mancing anda tidak perlu menyewa(16)perahu. 12. Which is
set up

Bawa mobil ini ke pantai dan kemudikan(17)ia ke dalam air. Ia 13. Move
akan jadi perahu. Pilih(18)lokasi yang anda suka dan anda dapat 14. Gear shifter
mulai mancing. 15. The
16. Rent
17. Drive
18. choose

45.MESIR 1. territory
Mesir adalah negara yang sebagian besar 2. northeastern
wilayahnya(1) terletak di timur laut Afrika(2). Africa
Mesir juga tergolong negara maju (3) di 3. developed
Afrika.Mesir juga merupakan negara pertama di country
dunia yang mengakui 4. recognize
(4) kedaulatan Indonesia pada tanggal 17 Agustus 5. bordered
1945. Penduduk Mesir mayoritas tinggal di tepian 6. the west
Sungai Nill.Mesir berbatasan (5) dengan Libya di 7. south
barat (6), Sudan di selatan (7), Jalur Gaza, dan Israel 8. northeast
di timur laut (8). Perbatasan dengan air (9) melalui 9. border with
Laut Tengah di sebelah utara dan Laut Merah di water
sebelah timur (10).Mesir terkenal dengan peradaban 10. the east
kunonya (11) dan beberapa monumen kuno terbesar 11. ancient
(12) di dunia seperti Piramida Giza, Kuil Karnak, civilization
Lembah Para Raja, dan Kuil Ramses. 12. ancient

46.BALI 1. Indonesian
Bali adalah primadona pariwisata Indonesia(1) yang 2. throughout the
terkenal di seluruh dunia (2). Selain terkenal dengan world
keindahan alamnya (3), terutama pantainya, Bali juga 3. natural beauty
terkenal dengan seni dan budayanya yang unik dan 4.tourism
menarik. Industri pariwisata (4) berpusat (5) di Bali industry
Selatan dan beberapa daerah lainnya. Lokasi wisata 5.centered
utama adalah Kuta dan sekitarnya seperti Legian dan 6. Balinese dance
Seminyak, kawasan timur kota seperti Sanur, pusat 7. categorized
kota seperti Ubud, dan di kawasan selatan seperti 8. three groups
Jimbaran, Nusa Dua, dan Pecatu. Tarian Bali (6) 9. sacred
secara performing

umum dapat dikategorikan (7) ke dalam tiga kelompok dance

(8), yaitu tari pertunjukan wali atau sakral (9), bebali 10. dancing
atau tarian upacara (10) dan juga untuk pengunjung ceremonies
(11) dan reklame - hadiah atau tarian untuk hiburan 11. visitors
47. KOMODO 1. Komodo
Komodo, juga dikenal sebagai naga komodo (1), 2. found
adalah spesies biawak besar yang ditemukan (2) di 3. indigenous
pulau Komodo, Rinca, Flores, Gili Motang, dan Gili people
Dasami di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia. 4. average length
Kadal ini oleh penduduk asli (3) Pulau Komodo 5. weighing
disebut juga dengan nama lokal ora. Komodo adalah 6. reach
kadal terbesar di dunia, dengan panjang rata-rata (4) 2- 7. terrible
3 meter dan berat (5) bisa mencapai (6) 100 reputation
kg.Tubuhnya yang besar dan reputasinya yang 8. the habitat of
mengerikan (7) menjadikan mereka salah satu hewan 9. has shrunk
paling terkenal di dunia. Kini, habitat (8) komodo 10. designated
telah menyusut (9) akibat ulah manusia. Kadal 11. protected
komodo telah ditetapkan animal
(10) sebagai hewan yang dilindungi (11) oleh 12.whose
pemerintah Indonesia dan habitatnya dijadikan taman purpose
nasional, yaitu Taman Nasional Komodo, yang tujuan
13. established
(12) didirikan (13) untuk melindungi mereka .
48. NASA
NASA atau National Aeronautics and Space research
Administration.NASA adalah badan(1) yang
didirikan oleh AS untuk meneliti (2)bumi dan luar 4.inventions
angkasa(3). Tentunya badan ini sudah tidak asing 5. sophisticated
lagi di telinga semua orang karena tools
penemuannya(4) dan alat-alatnya yang canggih(5), 6. to explore
termasuk penelitiannya yang populer yaitu system
meneliti planet Mars sebagai planet target 8.unmanned
pengganti Bumi. Badan tersebut berencana untuk rockets
menjelajahi(6) tata surya(7) dengan meluncurkan 9.great people
roket tak berawak(8). Baru-baru ini sering 10.young
terdengar bahwa NASA adalah agensi yang researchers
menampung orang-orang hebat (9) dan peneliti
muda (10).

49. AFRIKA 1.second-largest

Afrika adalah benua terbesar(1) kedua dan terpadat continent
kedua di dunia, setelah Asia. 3.longest river
Ada 54 negara di benua Afrika (2). Fakta tentang 4. widest
Afrika adalah, Afrika adalah negara yang memiliki 5. hottest desert
sungai terpanjang (3) di dunia dan memiliki gurun 6. are spoken
terluas (4) dan terpanas (5). Antara 1500-2000 bahasa 7.different
dibahas di Afrika, Setidaknya ada 3.000 kelompok dialect
etnis yang berbeda di Afrika dan sekitar 2.000 bahasa
berbeda digunakan (6) dan masing-masing memiliki
dialek yang berbeda(7). Sementara bahasa Arab
merupakan bahasa yang paling banyak digunakan di
benua Afrika, diikuti oleh bahasa Inggris, Swahili, dan
Perancis yang
menjadi bahasa kedua di beberapa negara.
50. KFC 1. founded
KFC didirikan(1) oleh Kolonel Harland Sanders, 3. roadside
seorang pengusaha(2) yang mulai menjual ayam restaurant
goreng dari restoran pinggir jalan(3) di Corbin, 4.workshop
Kentucky. KFC dimulai sebagai ruang bengkel (4) di room
North Cabin, sebuah area di tenggara Kentucky, 5. when
Amerika Serikat. semuanya berawal ketika pendatang newcomers
baru (5) atau pejalan kaki yang melewati (6) Kentucky 6. pedestrians
kesulitan menemukan tempat makan. Mengetahui passing
keluhan sulitnya mencari tempat makan, Sanders through
berpikir untuk melakukan sesuatu dia membuka kafe 7. it turned
Sander dari sana, ternyata(7) cukup diminati(8) oleh be
banyak orang, kemudian dia bekerja sama untuk quitein
menjualnya ayam ke temannya dimana setiap potong demand
ayam terjual(9) dia akan mendapatkan 9 kaleng, 9.sold
disinilah KFC lahir (10) dengan logo sanders foto. 10. this is where
Pada 2019, KFC was born
ada sekitar (11) 22.000 toko KFC di sekitar 150 negara 11. there
were around

51. Nasi padang 1. reffered to

2.Steamed rice
Nasi Padang, more commonly referred to (1) as Nasi 3. miniature
Padang, is Minangkabau steamed rice (2) served banquet
with a wide selection of pre-cooked dishes originating
from West Sumatra, 4. primary
Indonesia. Namanya diambil dari kota Padang, ibu contribution
kota provinsi Sumatera Barat. Perjamuan mini(3) dari 5.easily
daging, ikan, sayuran, dan sambal pedas yang dimakan distinguishable
dengan nasi putih, adalah ekspor paling terkenal dari facade
Sumatera dan kontribusi utama orang Minangkabau(4) 7window
untuk masakan Indonesia. Rumah makan Padang display
biasanya mudah dibedakan(5) dengan gaya fasad 8.consist of
Rumah Gadang(6) dan tampilan jendela yang khas(7). stages
Pajangan seperti itu biasanya terdiri dari panggung (8) 9.common
dan deretan mangkuk dan piring yang disusun dengan method
hati-hati yang diisi dengan berbagai hidangan. promptly
Di rumah makan Padang, ada dua metode penyajian: 10.neighboring
metode pesan (pemesanan) dan metode hidang countries
Pesan, metode yang paling umum(9), biasanya
digunakan oleh restoran kecil dengan satu atau dua
pelanggan memesan sekaligus, berarti pelanggan
memeriksa etalase, memilih hidangan, dan memesan
langsung dari pelayan di depan. Hidangan segera
disajikan (10).
Di restoran Padang yang lebih besar, metode hidang
meriah biasanya digunakan.
Nasi padang terdapat di berbagai kota di Sumatera,
Jawa, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Nusa Tenggara, dan
Papua serta negara tetangga (11) Malaysia, Singapura,


1. The Statue of
Patung Liberty(1) adalah salah satu simbol AS Liberty
paling terkenal di seluruh dunia dan melambangkan 2.freedom from
kemerdekaan dan kebebasan dari penindasan(2). oppression
Pada tahun 1984, Patung Liberty ditambahkan ke 3.World Heritage
dalam daftar Situs Warisan Dunia UNESCO(3). Sites
Patung Liberty (nama lain dalam bahasa
Inggris: Liberty Enlightening the World),
Perancis: (La Liberté éclairant le monde) adalah patung
raksasa yang terletak di Pulau Liberty, di muara Sungai

Hudson di Pelabuhan New York, Amerika Serikat. 4. gifted by

Patung itu diberikan oleh (4) Prancis ke Amerika 5. returning
Serikat pada akhir abad ke-19 dan merupakan simbol Americans
sambutan bagi pengunjung, imigran, dan orang 6. The crown
Amerika yang kembali (5). 7. look and count

Mahkota (6) Patung Liberty sendiri tidak sesering

mahkota lainnya. Jika Anda perhatikan dan hitung (7)
ada sekitar 7 ujung runcing yang muncul dari patung 8.7 sharp ends
tersebut. Tujuh paku (8) atau ujung runcing pada 9. intended
mahkota Patung Liberty melambangkan jumlah 7 10. universal
samudra dan 7 benua di dunia. Hal ini concept of
dimaksudkan(9) untuk menunjukkan konsep freedom
kebebasan universal(10)
yang merupakan makna utama dari patung.
53.JACK MA 1. inspired
2. struggled
Jack Ma atau bernama asli Ma Yun adalah pria to apply
kelahiran China, Hangzhou, China, 10 September 3. 30 companies
1964 yang kisah hidupnya telah 4. rejected
menginspirasi(1)banyak orang. Sebelum menjadi guru 5. KFC employees
bahasa Inggris dia berjuang untuk melamar(2) ke 30 6. cycled
perusahaan(3)tetapi akibatnya, semua ditolak(4) dia, 7. who
dan ketika KFC pertama kali datang ke China dia dan nicknamed
23 temannya melamar untuk bekerja sebagai
karyawan KFC ( 5) tetapi 23 temannya diterima dan 8. weak
hanya dia yang ditolak. 9. held annually
Dia mulai belajar bahasa Inggris di usia muda
dengan berbicara dengan penutur bahasa Inggris di
Hotel Internasional Hangzhou. Selama sembilan
tahun, Ma bersepeda (6) 27 km (17 mil) untuk
memberikan tur turis ke daerah tersebut untuk
melatih bahasa Inggrisnya. Dia menjadi sahabat
pena dengan salah satu orang asing, yang
menjuluki(7) dia "Jack" karena dia kesulitan
mengucapkan nama China-nya.
Kemudian di masa mudanya, Ma berjuang untuk
kuliah. Ma gagal dalam ujian masuk Universitas
Guru Hangzhou dua kali karena titik lemahnya (8)
adalah matematika. Ujian masuk Cina, yang
diadakan setiap

tahun (9), memakan waktu tiga tahun bagi Ma untuk


lulus. Ma menghadiri Institut Guru Hangzhou (saat 10. graduated

ini dikenal sebagai Universitas Normal Hangzhou)
dan lulus (10) pada tahun 1988 dengan gelar Bachelor
Arts dalam bahasa Inggris.


1. Portuguese
Dikenal sebagai Cristiano Ronaldo, adalah pemain footballer
sepak bola Portugal (1) dan bermain sebagai striker
untuk klub Spanyol Real Madrid. Ibunya, Maria
Dolores Dos Santos adalah seorang juru masak,
sedangkan ayahnya, Jose Dinis Aveiro saat itu adalah 2. gardener
seorang tukang kebun(2). Ekonomi yang tidak begitu 3. womb
baik membuat sang ibu hampir berpikir untuk
membunuh Ronaldo yang masih dalam kandungan
(3). Saat itu, ibunda Ronaldo yang mengetahui dirinya
hamil mencoba menggugurkan kandungannya dengan
pergi ke dokter.
Namun dokter menolak untuk melakukan proses
aborsi. Tak menyerah, ibunda Ronaldo mencoba 4. strenuous
menghabisi calon bayinya dengan meminum bir exercise
hangat dan melakukan olahraga berat(4). Upaya sang
ibu untuk menggugurkan kandungan Ronaldo gagal,
dan bayinya lahir pada 5 Februari 1985 di Santo 5. Successfully
Antonio.Kenali sepak bola melalui permainan 6. vehicles
ekstrim. Berhasil (5) lahir ke dunia, Ronaldo
mengenal sepak bola dengan cara yang cukup 7. team
ekstrem. Ronaldo cilik diketahui sering bermain equipment officer
sepak bola di jalanan yang digunakan kendaraan(6) 8.twists and
lalu lalang. Bocah itu bahkan harus berhenti jika ada turns
kendaraan yang lewat. 9. youth world,
Beruntung, tak lama kemudian, Ronaldo bergabung Ronaldo's career
dengan tim yunior Andorinha CF, tempat ayahnya 10.stride
bekerja sebagai petugas perlengkapan tim(7). 11. important
Setelah melalui berbagai liku-liku(8) di dunia figure
remaja, karir Ronaldo(9) mulai menemui titik 12. for a fee
Bersama Real Madrid, Ronaldo menjadi sosok
penting(11) di jantung permainan. bergabung dengan

Real Madrid dengan bayaran (12) sebesar £79,9 juta

pada tahun 2009.

55.INDOMI 1. instant noodles

E 2. produced
3. subsidiary
Indomie adalah merek mi instan(1) yang diproduksi 4. Indofood itself
(2) oleh Indofood CBP, anak perusahaan(3) Indofood 5. billion
Indonesia. Indofood sendiri(4) merupakan produsen
mi instan terbesar di dunia, dengan 16 pabrik, 15
miliar(5) kemasan Indomie diproduksi setiap 6. exported
tahunnya. Indomie juga diekspor (6) ke lebih dari 60
negara di dunia. Di luar pabrik utamanya di
Indonesia, Indomie telah diproduksi di Nigeria sejak
tahun 1995 dimana produk tersebut merupakan merek 7. manufacturing
yang populer. Indofood memiliki pabrik pembuatan plant
mi instan terbesar (7) di Afrika. 8. archipelago
Ada berbagai macam varian Indomie seperti flavors
Indomie Goreng, Indomie Kuah, dan rasa
nusantara(8) seperti Indomie Soto Padang, Indomie
Seblak, Indomie Soto Lamongan, Indomie Sambal 9. various kinds
Mata, dan lain sebagainya. Indomie juga diolah oleh
masyarakat Indonesia menjadi berbagai macam (9)
seperti Indomie Donat, Pizza berbahan Indomie,
10. combining
Indomie Burger, dan menggabungkan (10) Indomie
Sambal terasi.

56. FERRARI 1. Italian

Ferrari adalah produsen mobil sport(1) mewah Italia luxury sports
yang berbasis (2)di Maranello, Italia. Didirikan oleh car
Enzo Ferrari pada tahun 1939. Perusahaan ini 2. manufacturer
membangun mobil pertamanya pada tahun 1940 dan 3. first
memproduksi mobil berlencana Ferrari(3) Ferrari-
pertamanya pada tahun 1947. Mobil jalanan Ferrari badged
secara umum dilihat sebagai simbol kecepatan(4), 4. symbol
kemewahan(5), dan kekayaan (6). of speed
5. luxury
Tidak hanya tentang mobil tetapi Ferrari memiliki 6.wealth
lini merchandising yang dikelola secara internal yang 7. licenses
melisensikan(7) banyak produk yang 8. bearing
mengandung(8)merek Ferrari, termasuk kacamata(9), 9. including
pulpen, pensil, barang elektronik, parfum, cologne, eyewear
pakaian, teknologi tinggi sepeda, jam tangan, ponsel,
dan komputer laptop. Ferrari juga menjalankan

(10)sebuah museum, Museo Ferrari di Maranello, 10. Ferrari

yang menampilkan mobil jalan raya dan balap also runs
barang-barang lain dari sejarah perusahaan.
57. BERUANG POLAR 1. include
2. carnivorous
Beruang kutub adalah hewan yang ditemukan di 3.marine
sekitar benua paling utara bumi, yaitu benua Arktik, mammals
dan termasuk(1)beruang paling karnivora(2)di antara 4.male
keluarga beruang lainnya. Beruang kutub juga 5. very keen
terkadang diklasifikasikan sebagai mamalia laut(3) 6. sense of smell
Beruang kutub jantan (4) memiliki berat antara 400 - 7. excellent
600 kilogram dan terkadang dapat mencapai lebih swimmers
dari 800 kg dengan tinggi lebih dari 2,5 meter.
Sedangkan beruang kutub betina beratnya hanya
setengah dari beruang jantan dengan berat antara
200-300 kg dan tinggi sekitar 2 meter. Beruang
kutub memiliki (5)indra penciuman(6) yang sangat
Mereka dapat mencium bau paus mati atau anjing
laut dari jarak 20 mil. Beruang kutub adalah
perenang yang sangat baik(7) karena mereka dapat 8. The oil glands
berenang hingga sejauh 60 mil tanpa berhenti. 9. oil the fur
Kelenjar minyak(8) pada kulit dapat meminyaki bulu 10. waterproof
(9) dengan baik sehingga tahan air(10) dan menjaga
tubuh tetap kering selama berenang.

58. MENEMUKAN NEMO 1.released

Film, diproduksi oleh Pixar dan dirilis(1) oleh Walt 2.Clown fish
Disney, adalah tentang ikan badut(2) yang terlalu 3. overprotective
protektif(3) bernama Marlin, bersama dengan ikan 4. majesticblue
biru(4) yang agung bernama Dory, untuk mencari(5) fish
putranya yang hilang , Nemo. Sepanjang jalan, of
Marlin belajar mengambil risiko (6) dan berdamai his
dengan Nemo yang menjaga dirinya sendiri. Film missingson
tersebut meraih beberapa penghargaan (7) seperti 6. Marlin learns
Academy Award untuk Fitur Animasi Terbaik, film to take risks
Pixar pertama yang melakukannya. Film ini juga 7. several awards
dinominasikan dalam tiga kategori lagi, termasuk
Skenario Asli Terbaik.

Selain itu, ini adalah film animasi dengan 8. the

pendapatan kotor tertinggi (8) pada saat dirilis dan highest-
merupakan film dengan pendapatan kotor tertinggi grossing
kedua pada
tahun 2003.
59. RAFFLESIA ARNOLDI 1. grows in vines
Rafflesia Arnoldii adalah bunga terbesar di dunia. 3. roots
Tumbuh merambat(1)(liana) Tetrastigma dan tidak 4. leaves
memiliki daun sehingga tidak dapat 5.stems
berfotosintesis(2). Bunga adalah parasit yang tidak 6. bloom
memiliki akar(3), tidak memiliki daun(4), dan tidak 7.inseparable
memiliki batang(5). Diameter bunga saat mekar(6) 8. discovery
bisa mencapai 1 meter dengan berat sekitar 11 9.conservation
kilogram. Penamaan bunga raksasa ini tidak 10. the genus
terlepas(7) dari sejarah penemuannya(8) pertama kali 11.threatened
pada tahun 1818 di hutan tropis Bengkulu (Sumatera) 12.deforestation
di suatu tempat dekat Sungai Manna, Lubuk Tapi,
Kabupaten Bengkulu Selatan, sehingga Bengkulu
dikenal sebagai Bumi Rafflesia. Taman Nasional
Kerinci Seblat merupakan kawasan konservasi utama
(9) untuk spesies ini.
Spesies ini, bersama dengan anggota lain dari genus
(10) Rafflesia, terancam (11) dengan status karena
deforestasi yang parah (12).
60. TEMPE 1. fermented
Tempe adalah makanan khas Indonesia yang terbuat 2. soybean seeds
dari fermentasi (1) biji kedelai (2) atau beberapa 3. other
bahan lainnya (3) menggunakan beberapa jenis ingredients
kapang Rhizopus, seperti Rhizopus oligosporus, Rh. 4. tempe yeast
oryzae, Rh. stolonifera, atau Rh. arrhizus. Olahan 5. The price
hasil fermentasi ini umumnya dikenal dengan sebutan 6.very expensive
"ragi tempe"(4). Harga(5) Tempe di beberapa negara 7. around
maju sangat mahal(6), seperti di Amerika dan Inggris, 8.modern
harga tempe mencapai 15 US dollar atau sekitar preparation
(7)255 ribu rupiah. Tempe sekarang bisa jadi olahan 9. very suitable
modern yang sehat(8) seperti Tempe Steak, Tempe
Burger, Tempe Sate, Kedengarannya sangat cocok(9)
vegetarian dan tentunya sangat sehat


1. first benefactor
Universitas Harvard adalah universitas riset Ivy 2.pastor
League swasta di Cambridge, Massachusetts. 3.higher education
Didirikan pada tahun 1636 dan dinamai menurut 4. most
dermawan pertamanya(1), pendeta(2) John Harvard, prestigious
Harvard adalah institusi pendidikan tinggi(3) tertua di 5.comprisin
Amerika Serikat dan di antara yang paling g
bergengsi(4) di dunia. Perpustakaan Harvard adalah 6. is a dream
sistem perpustakaan akademik terbesar di dunia, 7.pride
terdiri dari
(5) 79 perpustakaan individu yang menampung
sekitar 20,4 juta item. Bisa kuliah di Harvard
University adalah impian(6) dan kebanggaan (7) bagi
setiap orang karena Harvard adalah tempat orang-
hebat dan universitas yang berkualitas.


Belut ini (1) memiliki 200 spesies berbeda, seperti 1. This eel
belut moray air tawar, yang terkecil (2) adalah belut 2. smallest
moray Snyder dengan panjang maksimum 11,5 cm dan 3. Moray
yang terbesar mencapai ukuran 3 meter dan berat 36 eels hunt
kg. Belut moray berburu(3) untuk moluska (4)seperti 4. mollusks
gurita, cumi-cumi, sotong(5), krustasea(6), dan 5.cuttlefish
bangkai (7)hewan laut. Ini juga merupakan predator 6. crustaceans
dominan 7. the carcasses
(8) di lingkungannya tetapi belut moray diburu oleh 8. dominant
beberapa predator yaitu kerapu besar (9), hiu, barakuda, predator
dan ular laut. 9. large grouper

63. SATAY 1.
Sate adalah makanan Indonesia yang menggunakan 2.beef
bahan (1)ayam, sapi(2), kambing, atau kerang(3) 3.shellfish
yang ditusuk (4)dengan lidi kemudian dibakar(5). 4. pierced
Ada beberapa jenis sate di Indonesia seperti sate 5.burned
madura yang dibumbui(6) kacang(7) dan kecap 6.seasoned
manis(8), sate 7. peanuts
padang dengan bumbu kacang yang gurih (9) dan

sedikit pedas, lalu ada taichan sate yang terbuat dari sauce

daging ayam berwarna putih dan hanya dibumbui 10.clams

dengan sambal dan sedikit perasan jeruk nipis. Lalu 11.cart
ada juga sate kerang, biasanya kerang (10) dimasak
terlebih dahulu dengan bumbu yang sedikit pedas. Di
Indonesia sangat mudah menemukan penjual sate
dengan gerobak(11)

Gucci adalah label fesyen Italia yang didirikan (1) 1. founded

pada tahun 1921 oleh Guccio Gucci, menjadikannya 2. the oldest
salah satu (2) merek fesyen Italia tertua yang house
beroperasi saat ini. Seperti banyak rumah mode 4. Gucci is owned
bersejarah lainnya, merek ini dimulai sebagai 5.proprietor
produsen koper, yang memproduksi barang perjalanan
mewah. Gucci telah berkembang selama bertahun-
tahun sebagai simbol kelimpahan yang tidak hanya
mewakili rumah mode mewah (3) tetapi juga sebagai
bentuk gaul.
Penggunaannya yang paling umum adalah untuk
menggambarkan sesuatu yang "baik-baik saja", dan itu
dapat dilihat di trek.
Saat ini, Gucci dimiliki (4) oleh grup mewah Prancis,
Kering. Selain Gucci, Kering dan pemiliknya (5)
Francois Pinault juga memiliki Yves Saint Laurent,
dan Alexander McQueen.
Bebek mandarin adalah bebek berukuran sedang yang
berkerabat (1) dengan Bebek Kayu Amerika Utara. 1. related
Bebek ini memiliki panjang 41-49 cm dan lebar 2.first beak
sayap 65-75 cm. 3. similar
Jantan memiliki paruh pertama berwarna merah (2) characteristics
dan pola bulan putih di atas mata. Dada berwarna 4. symbol of
ungu dengan dua garis putih. Bebek betina memiliki fidelity
karakteristik yang mirip (3) dengan Bebek Kayu
betina dengan cincin mata berwarna putih.
Bebek mandarin dalam bahasa China Yuan-yang,
sering disebutkan dalam berbagai kesenian Timur dan
merupakan simbol kesetiaan (4) dalam hubungan
suami istri


1. English
Stephen William Hawking adalah seorang Inggris (1) theoretical
fisikawan teoretis, kosmolog, dan penulis yang physicist
menjadi direktur penelitian di Pusat Kosmologi
Teoretis di Universitas Cambridge pada saat
kematiannya. Dia adalah Profesor Matematika 2. was diagnosed
Lucasian di Universitas Cambridge antara tahun 1979
dan 2009.
Pada tahun 1963, Hawking didiagnosis (2) dengan
gejala yang muncul perlahan. Suatu bentuk progresif
penyakit neuron motorik yang secara bertahap
melumpuhkannya selama beberapa dekade. Setelah
kehilangan kemampuan bicaranya, dia
berkomunikasi melalui alat penghasil suara awalnya
dengan menggunakan saklar genggam, dan akhirnya
dengan menggunakan satu otot pipi.
Hawking mencapai kesuksesan komersial dengan 3. record-
beberapa karya sains populer di mana dia membahas breaking
teori dan kosmologinya secara umum. Bukunya A Brief
History of Time muncul di daftar buku terlaris Sunday
Times untuk memecahkan rekor (3) 237 minggu.
Hawking adalah Anggota Royal Society dan penerima 4. highest civilian
Presidential Medal of Freedom, penghargaan sipil 5. neuron disease
tertinggi (4) di Amerika Serikat. Pada tahun 2002,
Hawking menduduki peringkat nomor 25 dalam jajak
pendapat BBC tentang 100 Orang Inggris Terbesar. Dia
meninggal pada 14 Maret 2018, pada usia 76 tahun,
setelah hidup dengan penyakit neuron motorik (5)
selama lebih dari 50 tahun.


1. iron tower
Menara Eiffel adalah menara besi (1) yang dibangun 2. global icon of
di Champ de Mars di tepi Sungai Seine, Paris. Menara France
ini telah menjadi ikon global Prancis (2) dan 3. most famous
merupakan salah satu bangunan paling terkenal di structures in
dunia. (3) Dinamai sesuai nama perancangnya, the world.
Gustave Eiffel, menara Eiffel adalah bangunan 4. same as a
tertinggi di Paris dan salah satu bangunan paling conventional
terkenal di dunia. Lebih 5. tallest
dari 200.000.000 orang telah mengunjungi menara ini

sejak pembangunannya pada tahun 1889, structure in the

menjadikannya monumen berbayar yang paling world
banyak dikunjungi di dunia. Termasuk antena setinggi 6. the fifth-tallest
24 m (79 kaki), strukturnya telah setinggi 325 m
(1.063 kaki) sejak tahun 2000, yang sama dengan
bangunan konvensional (4) 81 lantai.
Ketika menara selesai pada tahun 1889, itu adalah
struktur tertinggi di dunia (5) —gelar yang
dipertahankan hingga tahun 1930 ketika Gedung
Chrysler di New York City (319 m — 1.047 kaki)
selesai dibangun. Menara ini sekarang menjadi yang
tertinggi kelima di Prancis (6) dan tertinggi di Paris,
dengan struktur tertinggi kedua Tour Montparnasse
(210 m — 689 kaki), meskipun akan dilampaui oleh
Tour AXA
(225,11 m — 738,36 kaki) .
Tembok Besar China atau Great Wall of China. 1. the
Tembok Panjang adalah bangunan terpanjang (1) yang longest
pernah dibuat oleh seorang pria yang berlokasi di building
China. 2. Seven
Tembok Besar China dianggap sebagai salah satu dari Wonders of
Tujuh Keajaiban Dunia (2). Pada tahun 1987, the World
bangunan tersebut masuk dalam daftar Situs Warisan 3. list of
Dunia UNESCO (3). World
Tembok Besar China bukanlah sebuah panjang yang Heritage Sites
terus menerus tetapi merupakan kumpulan tembok-
tembok pendek yang mengikuti bentuk pegunungan
(4) China bagian utara. Pada tanggal 18 April 2009,
setelah penyelidikan yang akurat oleh pemerintah
Republik Rakyat Tiongkok, diumumkan bahwa tembok 4. the shape of
raksasa yang dibangun pada masa Dinasti Ming ini the
memiliki panjang 8.851 km. mountains
Menurut catatan sejarah, setelah tembok panjang
dibangun oleh Ming, barulah dikenal istilah
"perubahan". Sebelumnya istilah itu tidak ditemukan.
Istilah (5) Tembok Besar China dalam bahasa
Mandarin adalah "Wanli chang cheng", artinya (6)
"tembok yang panjangnya 10 ribu li". Saat ini, istilah
tersebut resmi digunakan

5. The term
6. meaning

69. CINA 1. archipelagic

Jepang adalah negara kepulauan (1) yang terletak di country
benua Asia Timur (East Asia). Sebagai negara
kepulauan, Jepang memiliki sekitar 6.852 pulau besar
dan kecil. Pulau-pulau utama Jepang termasuk Pulau
Hokkaido, Pulau Honshu, Pulau Shikoku, dan Pulau
Kyushu. Jepang juga merupakan salah satu negara
yang memiliki garis pantai terpanjang (2) di dunia 2.longest coastline
yaitu sekitar 29.751 km2. Pulau Honshu adalah pulau 3.The biggest
terbesar di Jepang(3). ibu kota Jepang(4) yaitu Tokyo island
terletak di pulau Honshu. 4. The capital
Jepang yang dijuluki sebagai negara Matahari Terbit city
(5) menganut sistem pemerintahan monarki 5. the country
konstitusional parlementer, yaitu suatu sistem of the Rising
pemerintahan dimana kepala negaranya adalah Sun
seorang kaisar sedangkan kepala pemerintahannya
adalah seorang perdana menteri. yang biasanya
menjadi pemimpin partai politik atau koalisi terbesar
di parlemen. Jepang merupakan negara yang 6. largest
menempati urutan ketiga sebagai negara dengan economic
perekonomian terbesar (6) setelah Amerika Serikat
dan China (Tiongkok).

Prof.DR(HC). Ing. dr. multi. Bacharuddin Jusuf
Habibie atau dikenal dengan BJ Habibie adalah
seorang pria Pare-Pare (Sulawesi Selatan) kelahiran
25 Juni 1936. Habibie menjadi Presiden Indonesia
ke-3 dan sebelumnya pernah menjadi Wakil Presiden 1. He has
Republik Indonesia ke-7. intelligence
Ia memiliki kecerdasan (1) dan antusiasme yang 2. science and
tinggi terhadap sains dan teknologi (2) khususnya technology
Fisika. Ia belajar Teknik Mesin di Institut Teknologi 3. continued
Bandung (ITB) dan melanjutkan (3) ke Rhenisch
Wesfalische Tehnische Hochschule-Jerman pada
tahun 1955. Ia menghabiskan 10 tahun
menyelesaikan studi sarjana hingga pascasarjana di
Aachen-Jerman. 4.doctoral
Hingga, melanjutkan program doktor (4) setelah

menikah dengan teman SMA-nya, Ibu Hasri Ainun program

Besari pada tahun 1962. Bersama istrinya yang tinggal 5. household
di Jerman, Habibie harus bekerja untuk membiayai expenses
kuliah dan biaya rumah tangga (5) . Habibie 6. received the
mendalami bidang Desain dan Konstruksi Pesawat. title
Pada tahun 1965, Habibie menyelesaikan studi
doktoralnya dan
mendapat gelar (6) Doctor Ingenieur (Doktor Teknik).

Singapura adalah negara maju (1) yang terletak di

Asia Tenggara. Negara kepulauan yang hanya 1. developed
memiliki luas 697 km² ini berperan penting dalam country
perdagangan dan keuangan internasional. (2) 2. trade
Singapura adalah salah satu negara terkaya di Dunia and finance
(3). Dan tulang punggung (4) perekonomian Singapura 3. richest
adalah pengolahan barang-barang impor dan ekspor, countries in
terutama di industri manufaktur seperti elektronik, the World
pengolahan minyak bumi, bahan kimia, perkapalan, 4. the backbone
pengolahan karet, dan pengolahan makanan. Dalam 5. five
hubungan luar negeri, Singapura merupakan salah satu founding
dari lima negara pendiri (5) ASEAN pada tahun 1967. countries
Lima negara pendiri ASEAN adalah Indonesia,
Malaysia, Filipina, Thailand, dan Singapura. Singapura
juga merupakan anggota APEC dan PBB serta
lembaga lain
di bawah PBB.

Merry Riana lahir di Jakarta pada tanggal 29 Mei

1980. Setelah lulus SMA, Merry berniat melanjutkan
kuliah di Universitas Trisakti. Namun cita-citanya 1. to the
untuk kuliah di Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas great riot
Trisakti kandas karena kerusuhan besar (1) tahun 2. went to
1998. Singapore
Karena kondisi yang tidak aman, terutama bagi 3. close distance
warga keturunan Tionghoa, Merry kemudian pergi ke 4. good
Singapura (2)untuk menghindari hal-hal yang tidak education
diinginkan. Dan Singapura saat itu merupakan system.
pilihan yang paling masuk akal karena jaraknya yang

dekat (3), lingkungan yang aman, dan

sistem pendidikan yang baik. (4)

Merry akhirnya kuliah di Electrical and Electronics

Engineering (EEE) di Nanyang Technological
University (NTU) pada tahun 1998. Merry
mengaku(5) jurusan ini merupakan jurusan yang tepat 5. Merry
karena ia bercita-cita menjadi seorang insinyur. admitted
Saat menyadari bahwa hidupnya tidak berubah meski
sudah memasuki tahun kedua kuliahnya, Merry mulai
memikirkan cara lain. Karena tidak memiliki latar
belakang pendidikan (6) dan pengalaman bisnis (7), 6. educational
Merry mengumpulkan informasi dengan mengikuti background
berbagai seminar dan melibatkan diri dalam 7. business
organisasi kemahasiswaan yang berkaitan dengan experience
dunia bisnis. 8. services
Merry kemudian memulai usahanya sendiri setelah company
diangkat (7) sebagai manager dengan menyewa kantor 9. she
dan memiliki karyawannya kemudian mendirikan also
Merry Riana Organization (MRO) sebuah perusahaan founded
jasa keuangan (8). Selain itu, beliau juga mendirikan
(9) MRO Consultancy yang bergerak di bidang
pelatihan, motivasi, dan percetakan buku yang
berkedudukan di Singapura serta memiliki program
pemberdayaan perempuan dan generasi muda (10).
Pada tahun 2005, Merry menerima penghargaan Top 10. young people
Agency of the Year dan penghargaan Top Rookie
Hingga saat ini, Merry telah memotivasi dan melatih
ribuan profesional dan eksekutif di bidang penjualan, 11. marketing
motivasi, dan pemasaran (11). Di perusahaannya, 12. Merry
Merry perantauan (12) 40 penasihat keuangan, yang overseas
uniknya berusia muda (antara 21-30 tahun).

Penguin adalah burung yang tidak bisa terbang tetapi

mereka dapat mencapai hingga 15 mil per jam di 1. underwater
bawah air (1). Penguin memiliki sirip (2) serta sayap 2. flippers
(3) dan merupakan penyelam yang hebat. 3. as well
Penguin memiliki 26 spesies yang ada di seluruh dunia, as wings
Ada daerah hangat (4) dan daerah dingin (5). Namun 4. warm regions
mayoritas penguin hidup di tempat bersalju seperti 5. cold regions
Antartika. Makanan mereka bervariasi dari ikan, krill
(sejenis udang), dan cumi-cumi. Ada juga spesies

pinguin yang makanan utamanya (6) adalah ikan 6. whose

sarden, sotong hingga gurita. Penguin makan main diet
hingga enam kilogram per hari
Penguin dapat berenang dalam waktu yang lama
karena otot dadanya yang dapat menguatkan penguin
untuk berenang, bulunya(7) dilengkapi dengan
lapisan lemak khusus yang menjaganya agar tidak 7. feathers
kedinginan saat berada di dalam air.


Tomat berasal dari (1) Amerika Tengah dan Selatan, 1. are native to
dari Meksiko hingga Peru. Tumbuhan ini memiliki
buah berwarna hijau, kuning, dan merah yang biasa
dijadikan sayuran dalam masakan atau dimakan
langsung tanpa diolah.
Tomat mengandung (2) antioksidan berupa lycopene 2. contain
yang dapat membantu melawan efek dari (3) radikal 3.combat the
bebas penyebab kanker. Tomat juga mengandung effect of
antioksidan. Selain itu, ternyata tomat rendah kalori
dan lemak, namun kaya akan gula, vitamin A,
vitamin C, folat, dan potasium.
Orang mengenal tomat buah, tomat sayur, dan tomat
segar. Dengan berkembangnya pengetahuan (4), kini 4. knowledge
tomat tidak hanya menjadi pelengkap (5) untuk 5.compliment
makanan tetapi juga dikenal luas untuk kecantikan 6. widely
(6). Manfaat (7) tomat untuk kecantikan antara lain known for
mengecilkan pori-pori dan mencerahkan kulit karena beauty
tomat kaya akan vitamin C. 7.benefits

75. KOPI

Kopi merupakan salah satu minuman yang 1. one of the

paling(1) digemari oleh banyak orang. Dari setiap most
(2) tiga orang di dunia, salah satunya adalah 2. Out of every
peminum kopi. Kopi itu nikmat (3) jika diminum 3.delicious
baik pagi atau malam hari saat pekerjaan 4. piles up
menumpuk (4). Bisnis kopi(5) juga telah menjadi 5. The coffee
bisnis bernilai puluhan miliar dolar, yang hanya business
dapat ditandingi oleh bisnis perminyakan(6). 6. petroleum

Berbagai rasa kopi yang khas membuat sensasi business

menyenangkan di mulut. Misalnya es kopi atau es 7. basic
kopi manis biasanya menyegarkan. Kopi juga ingredients
merupakan salah satu bahan dasar(7) dari
beberapa jenis kue rasa kopi.
Tetapi para ilmuwan juga menyelidiki(8) manfaat 8. investigating
lain dari kopi. Kopi bubuk yang tersisa berguna
sebagai pupuk yang baik. Selain itu (9), beberapa 9. In addition
produk disinfektan dan insulasi untuk dinding,
lantai, dan atap juga dapat dibuat dari kopi. Minyak 10. Coffee oil
kopi (10) juga biasa digunakan sebagai bahan cat,
sabun, dan produk lainnya. Biji kopi dapat
dimanfaatkan untuk berbagai macam produk dan


Lebah adalah kelompok besar (1) serangga penghasil 1. large group of

madu. Seperti serangga, ia memiliki dua pasang 2. two pairs
kaki(2) dan dua pasang sayap(3). Lebah membuat of legs
sarangnya 3. two pairs
(4) di bukit (5), di pohon kayu, dan di atap rumah. of wings
Lebah memakan nektar bunga dan serbuk sari (6). 4. nests
Cara hidup mereka sangat ditentukan oleh perilaku 5.on hills
lebah betina(7). 6. nectar
Lebah terbagi menjadi tiga kelompok (8) atau koloni, and polle
yaitu: ratu lebah (9), (yang merupakan induk dari 7.female bee
semua lebah dalam satu koloni); lebah betina, atau 8. into
lebah pekerja yang jumlahnya bisa mencapai puluhan three
ribu, 30.000 lebah dan bibit unggul bisa mencapai groups
60.000 lebah; lebah jantan (10), hanya ada ratusan 9.colonies
lebah. Lebah mengalami metamorfosis sempurna, 10. male bees
Jenis lebah yang biasa dibudidayakan oleh peternak 11. beekeepers
lebah adalah lebah jinak(11) atau agresif. Masa panen are tame
madu berlangsung minimal 12 hari dan maksimal 15 12. dry season
hari. Jika musim kemarau (12) cukup singkat dalam
satu tahun, panen bisa dilakukan 6-7 kali. Sedangkan
jika musim kemarau cukup panjang, panen hanya
dilakukan 4-5 kali.

77. LEMON 1. yellow and

Lemon berasal dari Asia, buahnya berwarna 2. round
kuning dan tebal (1), bulat (2), dan lonjong (3) 3.oval
dengan diameter 5-7 cm, tanpa biji biasanya ada 4. sour taste
satu atau dua, rasa asam (4), sepet , sedikit manis 5. slightly sweet
(5). 6. in the form
Adapun cara mengkonsumsi buah lemon dapat of hot
dilakukan dengan cara membuat minuman seperti air 7. mixture of
infus berupa air panas (6), dingin, air jeruk lemon, cosmetic
dan campuranbahan kosmetik(7). ingredients
Lemon memiliki banyak manfaat seperti anti bakteri 8. anti-bacterial
(8) dan sebagai antioksidan, mengandung vitamin C, 9. Streamlining
Memperlancar pencernaan (9), sangat baik untuk digestion
membersihkan hati, Merawat kesehatan mulut, Dapat 10. Seedling
mendetoksifikasi tubuh dari racun yang tertinggal
dalam tubuh segar. Pembibitan (10) jeruk nipis dapat
dilakukan dengan dua cara yaitu: secara generatif yaitu
perbanyakan dengan biji, dan secara vegetatif yaitu
perbanyakan dengan okulasi dan okulasi. Pemanenan
dilakukan pada saat buah mencapai kematangan
optimal sekitar 8 bulan sejak awal pembungaan


Pasta dikenal sebagai makanan yang berasal dari 1. Types of

Italia. Jenis (1) pasta yang populer di Indonesia adalah
spageti, lasagna, makaroni, penne, dan lain-lain.
Pasta didefinisikan sebagai makanan yang terbuat dari 2. pasta is
campuran gandum semolina atau durum, air, dan telur a global
Saat ini, pasta merupakan makanan global (2) dan food
dapat dibuat (3) dengan berbagai bumbu (4) dan bahan 3. created
makanan. 4.various spice
Di luar negara asalnya (5) di Italia, pasta biasanya
dijual dalam kemasan kering (6). Pasta kering (7) of
diproduksi di pabrik menggunakan mesin ekstrusi origin
yang 6. dry
mendorong adonan pasta keluar melalui lubang form 7.dry


saringan. Bentuk pasta lainnya diperoleh dengan cara

menggulung adonan pasta menjadi lembaran-
lembaran yang kemudian dipotong-potong atau
Pasta tersedia dalam berbagai bentuk (8) dan ukuran. 8. various shapes
Di Italia, ada lebih dari 650 jenis pasta dan hampir 9. thinner variety
setiap tahun dibuat bentuk baru. Pasta yang 10. long variation
bentuknya seperti mie panjang seperti mie disebut 11. flat
spageti, variasi yang lebih tipis (9) disebut bihun, 12. thicker version
variasi panjang (10) dan pipih (11) seperti kwetiau
disebut linguine, sedangkan versi yang lebih tebal
(12) disebut fettucine. .
Nama jenis pasta biasanya diambil dari nama bentuk
pasta dalam bahasa Italia. Pasta pendek berbentuk
pena disebut penne, sedangkan pasta berbentuk
kupu-kupu disebut farfalle.


Zaitun, nama botani Olea europaea, yang berarti

'Oliver Eropa ditemukan secara tradisional di 1. cultivated
Cekungan Mediterania. Spesies ini dibudidayakan
(1) di semua negara Mediterania, serta di Australia,
Selandia Baru, Amerika Utara dan Selatan, dan
Afrika Selatan. Olea europaea adalah jenis spesies
untuk genus Olea.
Buah zaitun, juga disebut "zaitun", merupakan 2. Mediterranean
kepentingan pertanian utama di wilayah region
Mediterania(2) sebagai sumber (3)minyak zaitun; itu 3. as the source
adalah salah satu bahan inti (4) dalam masakan 4. core
Mediterania. Pohon dan buahnya memberi nama pada ingredients
famili tumbuhan, yang juga mencakup spesies seperti 5.are known
lilac, melati, forsythia, dan pohon ash sejati. 6.harvested
Ratusan kultivar pohon zaitun diketahui (5)dapat 7.turn into oil
digunakan terutama untuk minyak, makan, atau
keduanya. Zaitun yang dibudidayakan untuk
konsumsi umumnya disebut sebagai "zaitun meja".
Sekitar 90% dari semua buah zaitun yang dipanen(6)
diubah menjadi minyak(7), sementara sekitar 10%
sebagai buah zaitun meja(untuk dimakan).


Polandia, secara resmi Republik Polandia, adalah 1. located

sebuah negara yang terletak(1) di Eropa 2. CentralEurope
Tengah(2). Ini dibagi menjadi 16 provinsi 3. seasonal
administratif yang disebut voivodeships dan climate
memiliki iklim (3) musiman yang sebagian besar 4. natural border
sedang. Polandia memiliki populasi lebih dari 38 5. mountain
juta orang dan merupakan negara anggota Uni rangefalls into
Eropa terpadat kelima. (A)Pegunungan Tatra dan
Taman Nasional membentuk perbatasan alami(4)
antara Slovakia dan Polandia, meskipun sebagian
besar pegununganjatuh (5) ke Slovakia. Karena
tidak ada lagi perbatasan antar negara UE, 6. possible to
sekarang memungkinkan untuk mendaki (6) antar hike
negara dengan mudah. Cagar Hutan Bialowieza 7. UNESCO World
telah mendapatkan penunjukannya sebagai Situs Heritage Site
Warisan Dunia UNESCO(7). Hutan itu berada di
perbatasan antara Polandia dan Belarusiatempat
penyeberangan perbatasan untuk pejalan kaki
terletak di dalam hutan itu sendiridan mencakup
area seluas lebih dari 1.400 kilometer persegi. 8. the gateway
Desa kecil Ojcow, hanya 16 kilometer di luar
Krakow, merupakan pintu gerbang(8) ke Taman
Nasional Ojcow. Taman nasional terkecil di
Polandia dengan luas hanya 21,46 kilometer 9. two river
persegi, Ojcow memiliki hutan lebat dan rumah valleys
bagi tebing kapur yang menjulang tinggi, lebih dari 10. spring and
400 gua, dan dua lembah sungai(9). Lebih dari 500 summer
spesies kupu- kupu menghuni taman ini di musim
semi dan musim panas(10), mereka mengambil
alih jalan setapak dan lembah berbunga dan
merupakan pemandangan yang patut dilihat.


SANGAT MAHAL? 1. The reason

2. such high costs
Alasan(1) di balik tingginya biaya(2) adalah 3.scarcity
kelangkaan(3) produk, truffle bersifat


sangat sulit (4) untuk tumbuh, dan membutuhkan 4.

waktu bertahun-tahun untuk membudidayakan(5). extremely
Mereka juga memiliki umur simpan yang pendek (6). difficult
Truffle membutuhkan iklim yang sangat spesifik untuk 5.cultivate
tumbuh dan membutuhkan banyak pohon oak, itulah 6. a short shelf
mengapa mereka sering ditemukan di hutan. life
Berburu(7) mereka bisa padat karya karena setiap 7. Hunting
truffle harus digali(8) dengan tangan. Saat 8. must be dug up
menyiapkan kebun truffle, dibutuhkan waktu hingga 6
tahun sebelum Anda memanen truffle - bisnis yang
bukan untuk orang yang lemah hati. Harga truffle
segar bergantung(9) pada penawaran dan permintaan
pada saat tertentu, spesies truffle, dan kualitas produk, 9. depends
Truffle putih yang ditanam di Italia utara adalah yang 10. their
paling mahal dari semuanya dan aromanya (10) adalah fragrance
lebih dalam.


adalah museum yang paling banyak dikunjungi di 1. historic

dunia, dan bangunan bersejarah(1) di Paris, Prancis. landmark
Ini adalah rumah dari beberapa karya seni paling
terkenal, termasuk Mona Lisa dan Venus de Milo. 2. Right Bank
Bangunan pusat kota ini terletak di Tepi Kanan(2) 3.arrondissement
Sungai Seine di arondisemen (distrik atau (district or ward)
lingkungan) ke-1 kota(3). Museum dibuka pada 10 4. exhibition
Agustus 1793 dengan pameran(4) dari 537 lukisan, 5. confiscated
sebagian besar karya kerajaan dan menyita(5)
properti gereja. Karena masalah struktur bangunan,
museum ditutup dari
tahun 1796 hingga 1801.

1. endemic
Panda raksasa yang dikenal sebagai beruang Panda to China
adalah spesies beruang endemik China(1). Panda 2. mainly
raksasa hidup di beberapa pegunungan di Tiongkok
tengah, terutama(2) di Sichuan, tetapi juga di negara
tetangga Shaanxi dan Gansu. Hal ini ditandai dengan
mantel hitam-putihnya yang tebal dan tubuh yang
3. rotund body
gemuk (3). Nama "panda raksasa" terkadang

digunakan untuk membedakannya dari panda merah,

musteloid tetangga. Meskipun termasuk dalam ordo
Carnivora, panda raksasa adalah folivora (hewan 4. folivore
yang khusus memakan daun-daunan) (4), dengan 5. occasionally
rebung dan daun membentuk lebih dari 99% 6. rodents
makanannya. 7. carrion
Panda raksasa di alam liar terkadang(5) memakan 8. captivity
rerumputan lain, umbi-umbian liar, atau bahkan 9. yams
daging dalam bentuk burung, hewan pengerat(6), atau 10. shrub leaves
bangkai(7). Di penangkaran(8), mereka mungkin
menerima madu, telur, ikan, ubi(9), daun semak(10),
jeruk, atau pisang bersama dengan makanan yang
disiapkan secara khusus.
84. KOREA SELATAN 1. informally Korea
Korea Selatan, informalnya Korea(1), secara
resmi Republik Korea (ROK), adalah sebuah
negara di Asia Timur, yang terletak di bagian 2. is formed
selatan Semenanjung Korea dan berbagi
perbatasan darat dengan KoreaUtara.Perbatasan
baratnya dibentuk(2) oleh Laut
Kuning,sementara perbatasan timurnya 3. is defined
ditentukan (3) oleh Laut Jepang. Sekitar 25 juta
orang, sekitar setengah dari 51 juta penduduk
negara itu, tinggal di Area Ibukota Seoul. Korea 4. big role
Selatan memiliki peran yang besar(4) dalam
bidang musik dan drama yang saat ini banyak di
sukai oleh berbagai kalangan terutama bagi para
remaja yang menyukai drama korea dan band
korea, tidak hanya itu namun sekarang makanan
korea juga menjadi terkenal seperti Toppoki,
Rabboki, aneka perkedel ikan dan aneka mie


1.ancient times
Santorini, yang dikenal sejak zaman kuno (1)
sebagai Thira, adalah salah satu pulau paling
terkenal di dunia. Fakta bahwa Anda dapat
duduk di depan kaldera, menikmati hidangan
lokal, minuman, atau kopi sambil menatap (2) 2.while gazing
keindahan luar biasa(3) dari gunung berapi aktif 3.remarkable
adalah hal yang tak ternilai harganya(4) . beauty
Gunung berapi Santorini adalah salah satu dari
sedikit gunung berapi aktif di tanah Yunani (5) 5. Greek
dan Eropa. Pulau-pulau yang membentuk 6.Santorini came
Santorini muncul (6) sebagai akibat dari aktivitas into existence
vulkanik yang intensif; dua belas (7) letusan 7.huge
besar terjadi, kira-kira satu setiap 20.000 tahun,
dan setiap letusan dahsyat menyebabkan 8. the collapse
keruntuhan(8) bagian tengah gunung berapi
menciptakan kawah besar (kaldera). Gunung
berapi, bagaimanapun, berhasil membuat ulang
dirinya sendiri berulang kali.

86.KAPADOKIA 1. most popular

Cappadocia terkenal sebagai tujuan wisata 2. tourist icon

balon udara paling populer(1) di dunia. Kota ini
seolah menjadi ikon wisata(2) di Tü rkiye, 3. The main activity
karena keindahan dan keunikannya. Kegiatan
(3) utama yang harus dilakukan di Cappadocia
tentu saja menaiki balon udara sambil 4. comes from
menikmati pemandangan alamnya yang 5. which means
menakjubkan. Nama Cappadocia berasal dari
(4) kata Persia 'Katpatuka,' yang berarti (5) 6. local residents
tanah kuda yang indah. Karena banyak 7. was formed
penduduk setempat (6) yang masih 8. The thick
menunggang kuda. Bentang alam Cappadocia ash solidified
terbentuk(7) karena erosi vulkanik. Abu tebal
memadat(8) menjadi batuan lunak dan
menciptakan pegunungan batu-batu besar yang
1. consisting of
Sushi adalah makanan Jepang yang terdiri dari
(1) nasi yang dibentuk dengan lauk berupa 2. raw or cooked
makanan laut, daging, mentah atau dimasak (2) 3. mild sour taste
sayuran. Nasi sushi memiliki rasa asam yang 4. The origin of
ringan(3) karena dibumbui dengan the word
campuran cuka beras, garam dan gula. 5. several types
6. namely
Asal kata (4)sushi (susyi) adalah kata sifat among others
untuk rasa asam. Ada beberapa jenis (5) Sushi,
yaitu antara lain (6), Nigirizushi adalah
makanan laut mentah atau matang segar yang 7.formed
diletakkan di atas nasi yang dibentuk dengan by
cara dikepalkan (7). Nori sering digunakan clenching
untuk mengikat (8) lauk agar tidak terpisah (9) 8.often used to tied
dari nasinya, Makizushi adalah nasi gulung they don't get
yang diisi dengan timun, tamagoyaki dan ikan separated
lainnya yang dibungkus dengan lembaran nori. 10. rolled
Nasi digulung (10) dengan bantuan sudare
(bambu berbentuk segi empat). Last but not
least adalah Kaburazushi adalah jenis sushi
yang tidak dibuat dengan nasi. Sushi dibuat

dengan mengapit (11) irisan ikan mentah di

antara dua irisan lobak wortel. Setelah itu, sushi 11. sandwiching
disusun dalam tong kayu berisi campuran nasi
yang dicampur dengan ragi. Waktu fermentasi 12.Fermentation
(12) selama beberapa hari.
HOME Spider-Man: No Way Home adalah film 1. Based on
pahlawan super Amerika berdasarkan (1) 2. produced by
karakter Komik Marvel Spider-Man, diproduksi
bersama oleh (2) Columbia Pictures dan Marvel 3. distributed
Studios, dan didistribusikan (3) oleh Sony 4. Against
Pictures. Spider-Man: No Way Home melanjutkan
kisah Spider-Man: Far From Home melawan(4) 5. Present
seorang penjahat bernama Mysterio. film Spider- 6. several enemies
Man: No Way Home menghadirkan (5)beberapa 7.On the first day of
musuh (6)dari film- film lawas seperti Doctor broadcast
Octopus, Green Goblin, Sandman, Lizard, dan 8. received
Electro. Pada hari pertama siaran (7), Spider- 9. critics
Man: No Way Home menerima (8) rating 100%
dari 46 kritikus (9) di Rotten Tomatoes. Dalam 10. gets a new
Spider-Man: No Way Home, Tom Holland
mendapatkan (10) kostum hitam dan emas baru.
Sehingga membuat penampilannya tampak

1. consisting of
Republik Maladewa adalah negara kepulauan
yang terdiri (1) dari sekelompok atol (pulau
karang yang mengelilingi laguna) di Samudera 2. south-southwest
Hindia. Maladewa terletak di selatan-barat
daya(2) India, sekitar 700 km barat daya Sri
Lanka. Negara ini memiliki 26 atol yang terbagi 3. smallest
menjadi 20 atol administratif dan 1 kota. population
Maladewa adalah negara dengan populasi
terkecil(3) dan wilayah di Asia dan 100 persen 4. Average
penduduk Muslim. Rata-rata (4) permukaan
5. lowest
tanah di Maladewa adalah 1,5 meter di atas
6. The highest
permukaan laut, menjadikannya negara dengan
7. economic
permukaan laut terendah(5) di dunia. Puncak
tertinggi (6) Maladewa hanya 2,3 meter di atas
8.Depend on
permukaan laut, sehingga dikenal juga sebagai
two main
negara yang memiliki puncak tertinggi
terendah di dunia. Keadaan ekonomi(7)
9. tourism
Maladewabergantung pada dua sektor
and fisheries
utama(8), yaitu pariwisata dan perikanan(9).
Negara ini sangat terkenal(10) karena memiliki
10. Well known
banyak pantai yang indah dan pemandangan
bawah laut yang menarik
90. DORAEMON 1. Auctioned

Doraemon adalah robot kucing biru yang 2. Debt ridden

dilelang(1) kepada keluarga miskin yang 3. Descendant
terlilit hutang (2), tidak lain adalah keluarga 4. Tough time
keturunan Nobita Nobi(3). Doraemon pernah
mengalami masa sulit(4) seperti menjadi 5. his ears
penjaga bayi setelah gagal lulus ujian di were crushed
akademi robot, telinganya remuk(5) setelah 6. after being bitten
digigit(6) robot tikus, catnya memudar dari
telinganya ulahnya sendiri, dan masih banyak
kisah sedih yang ia lewati di tahun pertama
sejak kelahirannya. Hingga suatu hari, keluarga 7. ancestral
tersebut mengirimnya kembali ke masa lalu, 8. Nobita's
sekitar 250 tahun lalu saat Nobita, leluhur(7) great- grandson
keluarga ini, masih tinggal di Tokyo. Doraemon
dikirim kembali ke masa hidup Nobita oleh cicit

Nobita (8), Sewashi. Dia dikirim untuk 9.Improve

meningkatkan (9) kehidupan Nobita agar
keturunannya bisa memiliki kehidupan yang
lebih baik.


Bintang laut adalah hewan yang indah dan

tersedia dalam berbagai jenis(1) warna, 1. in a wide variety
ukuran, dan bentuk (hampir semuanya terlihat
seperti bintang). Mereka memiliki tubuh yang 2. smooth body
mulus(2) dengan duri(3) di permukaan 3. with spines
tubuhnya yang lunak. Di bagian bawah(4) 4. At the bottom
tubuhnya, mereka memiliki kaki tabung(5) 5. have tubefeet
yang akan bergerak saat kita membalikkan
tubuhnya. Meski hidup di air, mereka bukan 6. have no gills
ikan. Bintang laut tidak memiliki insang(6), 7. scales or fins
sisik atau sirip(7). Starfish juga bergerak
dengan cara yang sangat berbeda dari ikan.
Ikan bergerak dengan mendorong(8) tubuhnya 8. propelling
dengan ekornya, sedangkan bintang laut 9.Tiny
bergerak dengan kaki tabungnya yang
mungil(9). Meskipun merupakan jenis bintang
laut berlengan lima yang paling banyak kita
ketahui, nyatanya tidak semuanya berlengan
10. Has up to
lima. Beberapa spesies memiliki lebih dari lima
lengan, misalnya bintang matahari memiliki
hingga (10) 40 lengan.


Ramen identik dengan Jepang(1), ternyata ramen 1. is synonymous

sebenarnya berasal dari China. Fakta tentang
ramen ini terungkap(2) saat ditelusuri(3) dari 3.Traced
sejarahnya, ramen adalah sup khas China yang 4. Arrived 5.
tiba(4) di Jepang bersama para pedagang China(5) Chinese traders
pada abad ke-19. Pada tahun 1955 di Sapporo, 6. was developed
Jepang, Ramen Miso dikembangkan(6) dengan 7. miso seasoning
menggunakan bumbu khas Jepang bernama Miso.
Setelah kemunculannya, miso ramen menjadi
9. obtained
produk populer di Jepang. Selain dicampur dengan 10.regulates
bumbu miso(7), miso ramen ini juga ditambah 11. dough
dengan kecap asin dan garam agar rasanya semakin
nikmat. Dalam membuat ramen tidak menggunakan
telur sama sekali. Ada 4 bahan(8) untuk membuat
mie ramen tradisional yaitu tepung terigu, garam,
air dan kansui. Warna kuning mie ramen
diperoleh(9) dari Kansui. Kansui adalah larutan
basa yang mengatur(10) tingkat keasaman dalam

93.MEGALODON 1. extinct species

2. the largest
Megalodon (Otodus megalodon), yang berarti 3. glance
"gigi besar", adalah spesies hiu yang telah
punah(1). Hiu ini diperkirakan hidup sekitar 23
hingga 2,6 juta tahun yang lalu. Ini adalah salah 4. weighed
satu predator terbesar (2) dan paling kuat yang 5. length
pernah hidup di lautan. Sekilas(3), bentuk "gigi 6. In rare
besar" ini mirip dengan hiu modern,
megalodon tipikal memiliki berat (4) sekitar 12 7. powerful jaws
hingga 60 ton, dengan panjang(5) sekitar 11
hingga 13 meter. Dalam kasus langka (6),
megalodon bisa mencapai berat hingga 70 ton
dan mencapai panjang hingga 20 meter.
Mengingat rahangnya yang kuat(7) yang bisa
mencapai ukuran 3,4 meter, kekuatan gigitan 8. whale fossils
megalodon bisa mencapai 180.000 Newton.
Tak heran jika bekas gigitannya sering 9. the unique
ditemukan pada fosil ikan paus(8). Megalodon shape of its
tidak hanya besar, tetapi juga sangat cepat. spine
Karena bentuk tulang punggungnya yang
10. lock onto
unik(9), megalodon mampu mengunci
its prey
mangsanya(10) dengan rahangnya yang kuat,
lalu menariknya hingga dagingnya tercabik-
11. capable
cabik. Selain itu, mereka juga mampu
(11) mencapai kecepatan hingga 22 kilometer
per jam.

94. SUNGAI NIL 1. northeastern

Sungai Nil adalah sungai besar yang mengalir ke 2. considered
utara di timur laut Afrika (1). Sungai ini mengalir 3. The northern
ke Laut Mediterania. Sungai Nil adalah sungai
terpanjang di Afrika, dan pernah dianggap(2)
sungai terpanjang di dunia. Bagian utara(3) 4. entirely
sungai Nil yang mengalir ke utara hampir crosses
seluruhnya melintasi(4) gurun Sudan hingga
mencapai Mesir. Kairo terletak di salah satu delta 5. Egyptian
besar yang kemudian mengalir ke Laut civilization
Mediterania di Alexandria. Peradaban Mesir(5) 6. annual floods
dan kerajaan Sudan bergantung pada Sungai Nil 7. The animals
dan banjir tahunannya(6) sejak zaman kuno. that inhabit
Hewan yang menghuni(7) Sungai Nil termasuk
babon, buaya, dan kuda nil. Babon adalah hewan 8. every year it
yang cerdas dan orang Mesir Kuno menghormati overflows
mereka. Ciri unik dari sungai besar ini adalah 9. banks
setiap tahun meluap (8) dan menyebabkan
banjir di sepanjang tepiannya (9) yang dipenuhi
oleh desa-desa pertanian. Luapan ini terjadi
hujan musiman yang deras

95. DISNEYLAND 1. amusement

Disneyland pertama adalah taman hiburan (1) park
yang terletak di Anaheim, California (28 mil dari
Los Angeles), Amerika Serikat. Taman ini adalah
taman hiburan Disney pertama yang 2. established
didirikan(2), dibuka secara resmi(3) pada 17 Juli 3. officially
1955. Disneyland adalah salah satu tempat yang opened
paling banyak dikunjungi(4) di dunia. Ide awal 4. most visited
Walt Disney adalah membangun tempat di dekat places
studionya di mana wisatawan yang berkunjung 5. statues
dapat berfoto dengan patung(5) karakter Disney
favorit mereka,

kemudian ide tersebut berkembang menjadi 6. pond

taman bermain kecil dengan kolam(6) dan
perahu yang dapat dinaiki. Taman itu sendiri 7. grew
akan diberi nama Taman Mickey Mouse,
kemudian idenya tumbuh (7) semakin besar
hingga sekarang dikenal sebagai Disneyland.

96. FLAMINGGO 1. bright

pink feathers
Flamingo terkenal dengan bulu merah muda 2. stilt-like legs
cerahnya(1), kaki seperti jangkungan(2), dan
leher berbentuk S. Saat flamingo menemukan
makanan favorit makan malam potensial 3. plunges
termasuk udang, siput, dan organisme air mirip
tanaman yang disebut alga, ia 4. upper beak
menenggelamkan(3) kepalanya ke dalam air,
memutarnya terbalik, dan menyendok ikan 5. upper beak
menggunakan paruh atasnya(4) seperti sekop( 5). 6. webbed feet
Mereka mampu "berlari" di atas air, berkat kaki
berselaput(6), untuk menambah kecepatan 7. lifting up
sebelum terangkat(7) ke langit. Flamingo muda 8. straight bill
terlahir putih, dengan bulu lembut berbulu halus
dan paruh lurus(8). Paruhnya secara bertahap
melengkung ke bawah saat flamingo matang.
Kedua orang tua merawat flamingo yang baru
lahir(9), memberinya makan cairan yang 9. newborn
diproduksi di sistem pencernaan mereka(10). flamingo
10. digestive

97.MATCHA 1. powdered
green tea
Matcha adalah teh hijau bubuk(1) yang dibuat 2. grinding
dengan menggiling teh hijau(2) menjadi bubuk 3. tea
halus. Selain diminum pada upacara minum teh(3), ceremonies
matcha digunakan sebagai penyedap dan pewarna 4. (thick tea)
berbagai jenis makanan, seperti mochi, soba, es 5. thin tea
krim, es serut, coklat, dan berbagai jenis kue.

Upacara minum teh mengenal dua jenis minuman 6. level of

teh dari matcha, koicha (teh kental)(4) dan viscosity
usucha (o-usu atau teh encer)(5). Keduanya 7. served
berbeda tingkat kekentalannya (6), dan cara
Jenis teh Koicha dan usucha disajikan (7) dalam
upacara minum teh yang sangat formal. Matcha
kualitas terbaik memiliki rasa yang lebih manis
dan tidak terlalu pahit. Aroma matcha juga lebih 8. nutritional
kuat dibandingkan dengan teh hijau. Bahkan, content
kandungan gizi (8) juga disebutkan lebih banyak 9. mentioned
dibandingkan (9) jenis teh lainnya. more than

98.DIMSUM 1. familiar
Dimsum merupakan makanan tradisional
Tionghoa yang sudah tidak asing lagi (1) di telinga
kita. Ternyata makanan ini sudah ada sejak Dinasti
Han (206 SM – 220), yang artinya sekarang sudah 2. Sum is a term
berumur ribuan tahun. Dim Sum adalah istilah (2) 3. accordance
dari bahasa Kanton yang berarti 'makanan kecil', 4. bamboo
sedangkan dalam bahasa Mandarin disebut steamer
dianxin yang secara harfiah berarti 'sedikit dari container
hati' atau 'menyentuh hatimu'. Sesuai(3) dengan 5. delicacy
porsi kecil per porsi dan jumlahnya memang tidak originates
banyak, hanya sekitar tiga sampai empat potong 6. Silk Road
dalam satu piring atau wadah pengukus bambu(4). 7. entral Asia
Kelezatan ini berasal (5) dari Jalur Sutra(6),
terutama di beberapa bagian Asia Tengah(7), di 8. travel route
mana selama Dinasti Han jalur ini sering dilalui for
para pedagang, buruh dan petani(8). Orang yang traderslaborers
lewat membutuhkan tempat untuk beristirahat and farmers
dan kemudian mampir ke sebuah warung (9)
untuk minum teh dan makanan ringan. Jajanan 9. Tavern
inilah yang kita kenal sekarang sebagai dimsum
dan kemudian muncul istilah yumcha yang artinya
minum teh bersama sambil makan dimsum.

99. KYLIAN MBAPPE 1. professional

Kylian Mbappé Lottin (lahir 20 Desember 2. captains the
1998) adalah pemain sepak bola profesional France national
Prancis(1) yang bermain sebagai penyerang team
untuk klub Ligue 1 Paris Saint-Germain dan 3. best players
menjadi kapten tim nasional Prancis(2). in the world
Dianggap sebagai salah satu pemain terbaik di 4. he is noted
dunia(3), dia dianggap (4) sebagai pemain 5. dribbling ability,
terkenal karena kemampuannya menggiring incredible speed
bola, kecepatan luar biasa, dan finishing(5). and finishing
Lahir di Paris dan dibesarkan di dekat Bondy, 6. senior
Mbappé memulai karir klub seniornya(6) pada club career
tahun 2015 bermain untuk Monaco, di mana dia 7. he won
memenangkan(7) gelar Ligue 1 . Pada 2017, 8. permanent
saat berusia 18 tahun, Mbappé menandatangani transfer
kontrak dengan Paris Saint-Germain dengan worth
transfer permanen senilai(8) €180 juta,
menjadikannya pemain termahal kedua dan 9. the most
pemain muda termahal(9) sepanjang masa. expensive
Saat berusia 20 tahun, Mbappe sudah youth player
mengikuti 10. succeeded
turnamen piala dunia dan berhasil (10)
memimpin Prancis menjadi juara dunia saat

100. BARACK OBAMA 1. American

Barack Hussein Obama lahir 4 Agustus 1961 politician
adalah seorang politikus Amerika (1) yang 2. served as the
menjabat sebagai (2) Presiden Amerika Serikat 3. first African
ke-44. Dia adalah orang Afrika-Amerika pertama American to
yang menduduki (3) posisi tersebut. Lahir di occupy
Honolulu, Hawaii, Obama lulus(4) dari Columbia 4. graduated
University dan Harvard Law School(sekolah 5. Law school
hukum) (5), di mana dia menjadi presiden 6. community
Harvard Law Review. Dia adalah seorang organizer
pengatur komunitas (6) di Chicago sebelum 7. constitutional
mendapatkan gelar sarjana hukumnya. Dia law
bekerja sebagai pengacara hak sipil di Chicago 8. but did
dan mengajar hukum konstitusional(7) di not qualify
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Chicago dari tahun 9. presidential
1992 hingga 2004. Dia mewakili Distrik ke-13 campaign

Senat Illinois tiga kali dari tahun 1997 hingga 10. won
2004, tetapi tidak memenuhi syarat (8 ) untuk a
DPR Amerika Serikat pada tahun 2000. Ia majority
memulai kampanye kepresidenannya(9) pada
tahun 2007, dan pada tahun 2008, setelah 11. of the
kampanye utamanya melawan Hillary Rodham delegates
Clinton, Obama memenangkan mayoritas(10) 12. Democratic
delegasi(11) di Demokrat utama (12) untuk primary
menjadi calon presiden. Dia kemudian 13. defeated
mengalahkan (13) kandidat Republik (14) John 14. Republican
McCain dalam pemilihan presiden 2008, dan candidate
dilantik (15) sebagai presiden pada 20 Januari 15. sworn

Senat Illinois tiga kali dari tahun 1997 hingga 16. won
2004, tetapi tidak memenuhi syarat (8 ) untuk a
DPR Amerika Serikat pada tahun 2000. Ia majority
memulai kampanye kepresidenannya(9) pada
tahun 2007, dan pada tahun 2008, setelah 17. of the
kampanye utamanya melawan Hillary Rodham delegates
Clinton, Obama memenangkan mayoritas(10) 18. Democratic
delegasi(11) di Demokrat utama (12) untuk primary
menjadi calon presiden. Dia kemudian 19. defeated
mengalahkan (13) kandidat Republik (14) John 20. Republican
McCain dalam pemilihan presiden 2008, dan candidate
dilantik (15) sebagai presiden pada 20 Januari 21. sworn

show the universal concept of freedom(10) which is the main

meaning of the statue.

Jack Ma or whose real name is Ma Yun is a man born in China,
Hangzhou, China, September 10, 1964, whose life story has
inspired(1)many people. Before becoming an English teacher he
struggled to apply(2) for 30 companies (3)but as a result, all
rejected(4) him, and when KFC first came to China he and 23 of his
friends applied to work as KFC employees (5)but 23 of his friends
were accepted and only he was rejected.

He started learning English at a young age by talking to English

speakers at the Hangzhou International Hotel. For nine years, Ma
cycled(6) 27 km (17 miles) to give tourists tours of the area to
practice his English. He became pen pals with one of the
foreigners, who nicknamed(7)him "Jack" because he had trouble
pronouncing his Chinese name.

Later in his youth, Ma struggled to go to college. Ma failed the

Hangzhou Teachers' University entrance exam twice because his
weak(8) point was mathematics. The Chinese entrance exam,
which is held annually(9), took Ma three years to pass. Ma
attended the Hangzhou Institute of Teachers (currently known as
Hangzhou Normal University) and graduated(10) in 1988 with a
Bachelor of Arts in English.


Known as Cristiano Ronaldo, is a Portuguese footballer (1)and
plays as a striker for the Spanish club Real Madrid. His mother,
Maria Dolores Dos Santos was a cook, while his father, Jose Dinis
Aveiro at that time was a gardener(2).The not-so-good economy
had made the mother almost think about killing Ronaldo, who
was still in the womb(3). At that time, Ronaldo's mother, who
found out that she was pregnant, tried to abort her future child by
going to a doctor.

But the doctor refused to perform the abortion process.Not giving

up, Ronaldo's mother tried to kill the baby-to-be by drinking warm
beer and doing strenuous (4)exercise.The mother's attempts to
abort Ronaldo failed, and the baby was born on February 5, 1985,

in Santo Antonio.

Get to know football through extreme games. Successfully(5) born

into the world, Ronaldo knows football in quite an extreme
way.Little Ronaldo is known to play soccer on the streets used by
vehicles(6) passing by.The boy even had to stop if a vehicle passed
by. Luckily, not long after, Ronaldo joined the youth team of
Andorinha CF, where his father worked as a team equipment

After going through various twists and turns(8) in the youth

world, Ronaldo's career(9) began to see a bright spot(10).With
Real Madrid, Ronaldo became an important figure(11) at the heart
of the game. joined Real Madrid for a fee (12)of £79.9 million
(13)in 2009.

Indomie is a brand of instant noodles(1) produced (2)by Indofood
CBP, a subsidiary(3) of Indofood Indonesia. Indofood itself(4) is
the largest instant noodle producer in the world, with 16 factories,
15 billion(5)Indomie packages are produced every year. Indomie
is also exported (6)to more than 60 countries in the world.
Outside of its main factory in Indonesia, Indomie has been
produced in Nigeria since 1995 where the product is a popular
Indofood has the largest instant noodle manufacturing plant (7)in

There are various kinds of Indomie variants such as Indomie

Goreng, Indomie Kuah, and archipelago flavors(8) such as Indomie
Soto Padang, Indomie Seblak, Indomie Soto Lamongan, Indomie
Sambal Mata, and so on. Indonesian people also process Indomie
into various kinds (9)such as Indomie Donuts, Pizza made from
Indomie, Indomie Burger, and combining(10) Indomie with
Sambal terasi.
Ferrari is an Italian luxury (1)sports car(2) manufacturer based
in Maranello, Italy. Founded by Enzo Ferrari in 1939. The company
built its first car in 1940 and produced its first Ferrari-badged(3)
car in 1947. Ferrari road cars are generally seen as a symbol

of speed(4), luxury(5), and wealth(6).


Not only about the car but Ferrari has an internally managed
merchandising line that licenses(7) many products bearing(8)the
Ferrari brand, including eyewear(9), pens, pencils, electronic
goods, perfume, cologne, clothing, high-tech bicycles, watches, cell
phones, and laptop computers.Ferrari also runs (10)a museum,
the Museo Ferrari in Maranello, which displays road and race cars
and other items from the company's history.


Polar bears are animals that are found around the northernmost
continent of the earth, namely the Arctic continent, and
include(1)the most carnivorous(2)bears among other bear
families. Polar bears are also sometimes classified as marine
Male(4) polar bears weigh between 400 - 600 kilograms and can
sometimes reach more than 800 kg with a height of more than 2.5
meters. While the female polar bear is only half the weight of the
male bear weighing between 200-300 kg and a height of about 2
meters. Polar bears have a very keen (5)sense of smell(6). They
can smell a dead whale or seal from 20 miles away. Polar bears are
excellent swimmers(7) because they can swim up to 60 miles
without stopping. The oil glands(8) on the skin can oil the fur
(9)well so it is waterproof(10) and keeps the body dry during


The film, produced by Pixar and released(1) by Walt Disney, is
about an overprotective(2) clownfish(3) named Marlin, along with
a majestic(4) blue fish named Dory, in search of his missing(5)
son, Nemo. Along the way, Marlin learns to take risks(6)and comes
to terms with Nemo taking care of himself. The film received
several awards (7)such as the Academy Award for Best Animated
Feature, the first Pixar film to do so. The film was also nominated
in three more categories, including Best Original Screenplay. In
addition, it was the highest-grossing(8) animated film at the time
of its release and was the second highest-grossing film of 2003.


Rafflesia Arnoldii is the biggest flower in the world. It grows in

vines(1)(liana) Tetrastigma and does not have leaves so it is

unable to photosynthesize(2). The flower is a parasite with no
roots(3), no leaves(4), and no stems(5). The diameter of the
flower when it is in bloom(6) can reach 1 meter and weighs about
11 kilograms. The naming of this giant flower is inseparable(7)
from the history of its discovery(8) for the first time in 1818 in the
tropical forest of Bengkulu (Sumatra) somewhere near the Manna
River, Lubuk Tapi, South Bengkulu Regency, so that Bengkulu is
known as the Earth of Rafflesia. Kerinci Seblat National Park is the
main conservation(9) area for this species. This species, together
with other members of the genus (10)Rafflesia, is threatened(11)
with status due to severe deforestation(12).

Tempe is a typical Indonesian food made from fermented(1)
soybean seeds(2) or several other ingredients(3) using several
types of Rhizopus molds, such as Rhizopus oligosporus, Rh.
oryzae, Rh. stolonifera, or Rh. arrhizus. This fermented
preparation is commonly known as "tempe yeast"(4). The
price(5) of Tempe in some developed countries is very
expensive(6), such as in America and England, the price of Tempe
reaches 15 US dollars or around (7)255 thousand rupiah. Tempe
can now be healthy modern preparations(8) such as Tempe Steak,
Burger, Tempe Sate, Sounds very suitable(9) for vegetarians and of
course very healthy
Harvard University is a private Ivy League research university in
Cambridge, Massachusetts. Founded in 1636 and named after its
first benefactor(1), pastor(2) John Harvard, Harvard is the oldest
institution of higher education(3) in the United States and among
the most prestigious(4) in the world. The Harvard Library is the
world's largest academic library system, comprising (5) 79
individual libraries holding about 20.4 million items. Being able to
study at Harvard University is a dream(6) and a source of pride
(7)for everyone because Harvard is a place for great people and a
university that has high quality.


This eel(1) has 200 different species, such as the freshwater moray
eel, the smallest (2) being the Snyder's moray eel with a maximum
length of 11.5 cm and the largest reaching a size of 3 meters and
weighing 36 kg. Moray eels hunt(3) for mollusks (4)such as
octopuses, squid, cuttlefish(5), crustaceans(6), and the carcasses
(7)of marine animals. It is also the dominant predator (8)in its
environment but moray eels are hunted by several predators
namely large grouper(9), shark, barracuda, and sea snake.

Sate is an Indonesian food that uses ingredients(1)from chicken,
beef(2), goat, or shellfish(3) which are pierced (4)with a stick and
then burned(5). There are several kinds of satay in Indonesia such
as Madura satay which is seasoned(6) with peanuts(7) and sweet
soy sauce(8), Padang satay with peanut sauce which is savory
(9)and slightly spicy, then there is Taichan satay which is made
from white chicken meat and only seasoned with chili sauce and a
little lime juice. Then there is also scallop satay, usually, the
clams(10) are cooked first with a slightly spicy seasoning. In
Indonesia, it is very easy to find satay sellers with a cart(11)

Gucci is an Italian fashion label founded (1) in 1921 by Guccio
Gucci, making it one of the oldest (2) Italian fashion brands in
operation today. Like many historic fashion houses, the brand
started as a luggage manufacturer, producing luxury travel goods.
Gucci has developed over the years as a symbol of abundance
representing not only the luxury fashion house (3) but also as a
form of slang. Its most common vernacular usage is to describe
something that is “doing well”, and it can be seen in tracks.
Currently, Gucci is owned (4) by the French luxury group Kering.
In addition to Gucci, Kering and its proprietor (5) Francois Pinault
also own Yves Saint Laurent, Balenciaga, and Alexander McQueen.
The mandarin duck is a medium-sized duck that is related (1) to
the North American Wood Duck. This duck has a length of 41-49
cm and a wingspan of 65-75 cm.
The male has a red first beak (2) and a white moon pattern
above the eye. The chest is purple with two white stripes.
Females have

similar characteristics (3) to the female Wood duck with white


The mandarin duck in Chinese Yuan-yang , is often mentioned in
various Oriental arts and is a symbol of fidelity (4) in marital


Stephen William Hawking was an English (1) theoretical physicist,
cosmologist, and author who was director of research at the
Center for Theoretical Cosmology at Cambridge University at the
time of his death. He was the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics
at the University of Cambridge between 1979 and 2009.
In 1963, Hawking was diagnosed (2) with a slow onset of
symptoms. A progressive form of motor neuron disease that
gradually immobilizes it over decades. Having lost his speech, he
communicated via sound-producing devices initially through the
use of a hand-held switch, and finally by using one cheek muscle.
Hawking achieved commercial success with several popular
science works in which he discussed his theory and cosmology in
general. His book A Brief History of Time appeared on the Sunday
Times bestseller list for a record-breaking(3) 237 weeks. Hawking
is a Member of the Royal Society and recipient of the Presidential
Medal of Freedom, thehighest civilian (4) award in the United
States. In 2002, Hawking was ranked number 25 in a BBC poll of
the 100 Greatest Britons. He died on March 14, 2018, at the age of
76, after living with motor neuron disease (5) for more than 50
The Eiffel Tower is an iron tower (1) built on the Champ de Mars
on the banks of the River Seine, Paris. The tower has become a
global icon of France (2) and is one of the most famous structures
in the world.(3)
Named after its designer, Gustave Eiffel, the Eiffel towersare the
tallest building in Paris and one of the most famous structures in
the world. More than 200,000,000 people have visited the tower
since its construction in 1889, making it the most-visited paid
monument in the world. Including a 24 m (79 ft) high antenna, the
structure has been 325 m (1,063 ft) tall since 2000, which is the
same as a conventional (4) 81-story building.
When the tower was completed in 1889, it was the tallest
structure in the world (5)—a title it retained until 1930 when the

Chrysler Building in New York City (319 m — 1,047 ft) was

completed. The tower is now the fifth-tallest in France (6) and the
tallest in Paris, with the Tour Montparnasse's second-tallest
structure (210 m — 689 ft), although it will be surpassed by Tour
AXA (225.11 m — 738.36 ft).
The Great Wall of China or Great Wall of China . Long Wall is the
longest building (1) ever created by a man located in China.
The Great Wall of China is considered one of the Seven Wonders of
the World (2). In 1987, the building was included in the UNESCO
list of World Heritage Sites (3).
The Great Wall of China is not a continuous length but is a
collection of short walls that follow the shape of the mountains (4)
of northern China. On April 18, 2009, after an accurate
investigation by the government of the People's Republic of China,
it was announced that the giant wall constructed during the Ming
Dynasty period is 8,851 km long.
According to historical records, after the long wall was built by the
Ming, then the term "changing" (长城, "great wall" or "longwall")
became known. Previously the term was not found. The term (5)
the Great Wall of China in Mandarin is "Wanlichang cheng",
meaning (6) "a wall that is 10 thousand li long". At present, the
term is officially used
Japan is an archipelagic country (1) located on the East Asian
continent (East Asia). As an archipelagic country, Japan has about
6,852 large and small islands. The main islands of Japan include
Hokkaido Island, Honshu Island, Shikoku Island, and Kyushu
Island. Japan is also one of the countries that have the longest
coastline (2) in the world which is around 29,751 km2. Honshu
Island is the largest (3) island in Japan. The (4) capital city of
Japan, namely Tokyo, is located on the island of Honshu.
Japan, which is dubbed as the country of the Rising Sun (5),
adheres to a parliamentary constitutional monarchy system of
government, which is a system of government in which the head of
state is an emperor while the head of government is a prime
minister who is usually the leader of the largest political party or
coalition in parliament. Japan is a country that ranks third as the
country with the largest economy (6) after the United States and
China (China).


Prof. DR(HC). Ing. Dr. Sc. multi. Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie or
known as BJ Habibie is a Pare-Pare (South Sulawesi) man born
June 25, 1936. Habibie became the 3rd President of Indonesia and
had previously been the 7th Vice President of the Republic of
He has intelligence (1) and high enthusiasm for science and
technology (2) especially Physics. He studied Mechanical
Engineering at the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) and
continued (3) to Rhenisch Wesfalische Tehnische Hochschule-
Germany in 1955. He spent 10 years completing his undergraduate
to postgraduate studies in Aachen-Germany.
Until, he continued his doctoral program (4) after marrying his
high school friend, Mrs. Hasri Ainun Besari in 1962. Together with
his wife living in Germany, Habibie had to work to pay for college
fees as well as household expenses (5). Habibie studied the field of
Aircraft Design and Construction. In 1965, Habibie completed his
doctoral studies and received the title (6) Doctor Ingenieur
(Doctorate in Engineering).
Singapore is a developed country (1) located in Southeast Asia.
This island nation which only has an area of 697 km² plays an
important role in international trade and finance.(2)
Singapore is one of the richest countries in the World (3). And the
backbone (4) of Singapore's economy is the processing of
imported and exported goods, especially in manufacturing
industries such as electronics, petroleum processing, chemicals,
shipping, rubber processing, and food processing. In foreign
relations, Singapore was one of the five founding countries (5) of
ASEAN in 1967. The five founding countries of ASEAN are
Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Singapore.
Singapore is also a member of APEC and the United Nations and
other institutions under the United Nations.
Merry Riana was born in Jakarta on May 29, 1980. After
graduating from high school, Merry intends to continue her studies
at Trisakti University. However, his dream to study at the
Electrical Engineering Department at Trisakti University was
shattered due to the great riot (1) in 1998.
Due to unsafe conditions, especially for people of Chinese descent,
Merry then went (2) to Singapore to avoid unwanted things. And

Singapore at that time was the most reasonable choice because of

its relatively close distance (3), safe environment, and good
education system. (4)
Merry finally studied Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE)
at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in 1998. Merry
admitted(5) that this major was the right course because he
aspired to be an engineer.
When he realized that his life had not changed even though he had
entered his second year of college, Merry began to think of other
ways. Because she has no educational background (6) and
business experience (7), Merry collects information by attending
various seminars and involving herself in student organizations
related to the business world.
Merry then started his own business after being appointed (7) as
a manager by renting an office and having his employees then he
founded the Merry Riana Organization (MRO) a financial services
company (8). In addition, he also founded (9) MRO Consultancy
which is engaged in training, motivation, and book printing based
in Singapore and has programs to empower women and young
people (10). In 2005, Merry received the Top Agency of the Year
award and the Top Rookie Agency award.
To date, Merry has motivated and trained thousands of
professionals and executives in the areas of sales, motivation, and
marketing (11). In his company, Merry overseas (12) 40 financial
advisors, who uniquely have a young age (between 21-30 years).

Penguins are flightless birds but they can reach up to 15 miles per
hour underwater (1). Penguins have flippers(2) as well as
wings(3) and are great divers.
Penguins have 26 species that exist throughout the world, There
are warm regions (4) and cold regions (5). But the majority of
penguins live in snowy places such as Antarctica. Their diet varies
from fish, krill (a type of shrimp), and squid. There are also
penguin species whose main diet (6) is sardines, cuttlefish to
octopus. Penguins eat up to six kilograms per day
Penguins can swim for a long time because of the chest muscles
that can strengthen penguins to swim, their feathers(7) are
equipped with a special layer of fat that keeps them from getting
cold when in the water.

Tomatoes are native to (1) Central and South America, from
Mexico to Peru. This plant has green, yellow, and red fruits which
are commonly used as vegetables in cooking or eaten directly
without being processed.
Tomatoes contain (2) antioxidants in the form of lycopene which
can help combat the effects of (3) cancer-causing free radicals.
Tomatoes also contain antioxidants. In addition, it turns out
that tomatoes are low in calories and fat, but rich in sugar,
vitamin A, vitamin C, folate, and potassium
People know fruit tomatoes, vegetable tomatoes, and fresh
tomatoes. With the development of knowledge (4), now tomatoes
are not only a compliment (5) for food but also widely known for
beauty (6). Benefits (7) of tomatoes for beauty include shrinking
pores and brightening the skin because tomatoes are rich in
vitamin C.
Coffee is one (1) of the most popular drinks for many people. Out
of every(2) three people in the world, one of them is a coffee
drinker. Coffee is delicious (3) if drunk either in the morning or at
night when work piles up (4). The coffee(5) business has also
become tens of billion-dollar business, which only the petroleum
business(6) can compete with.
A variety of distinctive coffee flavors make a pleasant sensation
in the mouth. For example, iced coffee or sweet iced coffee is
usually refreshing. Coffee is also one of the basic ingredients(7) of
several types of coffee-flavored cakes.
But scientists are also investigating(8) other benefits of coffee. The
remaining ground coffee is useful as a good fertilizer. In addition
(9), some disinfectant and insulation products for walls, floors and
roofs can also be made from coffee. Coffee oil (10) is also
commonly used as an ingredient in paints, soaps, and other
products. Coffee beans can be used for a variety of products and
76. BEE

Bees are a large group of (1) honey-producing insects. Like an

insect, it has two pairs of legs(2) and two pairs of wings(3). Bees
make their nests (4) on hills (5), in wooden trees, and on roofs of
houses. Bees feed on flower nectar and pollen(6). Their way of life
is largely determined by the behavior of the female bee(7).

The bees are divided into three groups (8) or colonies, namely:
queen bees (9), (which is the mother of all bees in one colony);
female bees, or worker bees whose numbers can reach tens of
thousands, 30,000 bees and the superior seeds can reach up to
60,000 bees; male bees (10), there are only hundreds of bees.
Bees undergo complete metamorphosis,
The types of bees that are usually cultivated by beekeepers are
tame(11) or aggressive bees. The honey harvest period lasts a
minimum of 12 days and a maximum of 15 days. If the dry season
(12) is short enough in one year, harvesting can be done 6-7 times.
Meanwhile, if the dry season is long enough, harvesting is only
done 4-5 times.
Lemon comes from Asia, the fruit is yellow and thick (1), round
(2), and oval (3) with a diameter of 5-7 cm, seedless if there is
usually one or two, sour taste (4), sepet, slightly sweet (5).
As for how to consume lemons, it can be done by making drinks
such as infusion of water in the form of hot (6), cold, lemon juice,
and a mixture of (7) cosmetic ingredients.
Lemon has many benefits such as being anti-bacterial (8) and as an
antioxidant, containing vitamin C, Streamlining digestion (9), very
good at cleansing the liver, Caring for oral health, Can detox the
body from toxins that have been left in the body is fresh. Seedling
(10) lemons can be done in two ways, namely: generatively,
namely propagation by seeds, and vegetatively, namely
propagation by grafting and grafting. Harvesting is done when the
fruit reaches optimal maturity about 8 months from the start of
Pasta is known as a food that originated in Italy. Types of (1) pasta
that is popular in Indonesia are spaghetti, lasagna, macaroni,
penne, and others.
Pasta is defined as food made from a mixture of semolina or
durum wheat, water, and eggs
Currently, pasta is a global food (2) and can be created (3) with
various spices (4) and food ingredients.
Outside of their country of origin (5) in Italy, pasta is usually sold
packaged in dry form (6). Dry pasta (7) is manufactured at the
factory using an extrusion machine that pushes the pasta dough
out through the sieve holes. Other forms of pasta are obtained by
rolling pasta dough into sheets which are then cut into pieces or

Pasta comes in various shapes (8) and sizes. In Italy, there are
more than 650 types of pasta and almost every year a new form is
created. Pasta that is shaped like long noodles like noodles is
called spaghetti, the thinner variety (9) is called vermicelli, the
long variation (10) and flat (11) like kwetiau is called linguine,
while the thicker version (12) is called fettucine.
The name of the type of pasta is usually taken from the names of
the pasta forms in Italian. The short, pen-shaped pasta is called
penne, while the butterfly-shaped pasta is called farfalle.
The olive, botanical name Olea europaea, meaning 'European Oliver found
traditionally in the Mediterranean Basin. The species is cultivated (1)in all the
countries of the Mediterranean, as well as in Australia, New Zealand, North
and South America, and South Africa.[2][3] Olea europaea is the type species
for the genus Olea.
The olive fruit, also called an "olive", is of major agricultural importance in the
Mediterranean region(2) as the source (3)of olive oil; it is one of the core(4)
ingredients in Mediterranean cuisine. The tree and its fruit give their name to the
plant family, which also includes species such
as lilac, jasmine, forsythia, and the true ash tree.
Hundreds of cultivars of the olive tree are known. Olive cultivars may be used
primarily for oil, eating, or both. Olives cultivated for consumption are generally
referred to as(5) "table olives".[4] About 90% of all harvested olives are turned
into oil, while about 10% are used as table olives


Poland,officially the Republic of Poland,is a country located(1) in
Central(2) Europe. It is divided into 16 administrative provinces
called voivodeshipsand has a largely temperate seasonal
(3)climate.Poland has a population of over 38 million people and
is the fifth-most populous member state of the European Union.
(A)The Tatra Mountains and National Park form a natural
border(4) between Slovakia and Poland, though most of the
mountain range(5) falls into Slovakia. Because there are no
borders between EU countries anymore, it's now possible to hike
(6)between countries easily. (B)The Bialowieza Forest Reserve has
earned its designation as a UNESCO World Heritage Site(7). The
forest sits on the border between Poland and Belarus — a border
crossing for hikers is located within the forest itself — and

an area of over 1,400 square kilometers.(C) The tiny village of


Ojcow, just 16 kilometers outside Krakow, is the gateway(8) to

Ojcow National Park. Poland's smallest national park at just 21.46
square kilometers, Ojcow is heavily forested and home to
towering limestone cliffs, over 400 caves, and two river valleys(9).
More than 500 species of butterflies inhabit the park — in spring
summer, they take over the trails and the flowering valleys and are
a sight to behold.
The reason(1) behind such high costs(2) is the scarcity(3) of the
produce, truffles are seasonal, extremely difficult (4)to grow, and
take many years to cultivate(5). They also have a short shelf
Truffles require a very specific climate to grow and require lots of
oak trees, that’s why they’re often found in woodland. Hunting(7)
them can be labor-intensive as each truffle must be dug up(8) by
hand. When setting up a truffle orchard, it could take up to 6 years
before you get a truffle harvest - a business not for the faint-
hearted.The price of fresh truffles depends(9) on the supply and
demand at any given moment, the species of truffle, and the quality
of the product, White truffles grown in northern Italy are the most
expensive of all and their fragrance (10)is deeper.

is the world's most-visited museum, and a historic landmark in
Paris, France. It is the home of some of the best-known works of
art, including the Mona Lisa and the Venus de Milo. A central
landmark of the city, it is located on the Right Bank of the Seine in
the city's 1st arrondissement (district or ward). The museum
opened on 10 August 1793 with an exhibition of 537 paintings, the
majority of the works being royal and confiscated church
property. Because of structural problems with the building, the
museum was closed from 1796 until 1801.

The giant panda knownas the Panda bearis a bear species
endemic to China.The giant panda lives in a few mountain ranges
in central China, mainly in Sichuan, but also in neighboring
Shaanxi and Gansu.It is characterized by its bold black-and-white
coat and rotund body. The name "giant panda" is sometimes used
to distinguish it from the red panda, a neighboring musteloid.

Though it belongs to the order Carnivora, the giant panda is a

folivore, with bamboo shoots and leaves making up more than
99% of its diet. Giant pandas in the wild will occasionally eat other
grasses, wild tubers, or even meat in the form of birds, rodents, or
carrion. In captivity, they may receive honey, eggs, fish, yams,
shrub leaves, oranges, or bananas along with specially prepared


South Korea, informally Korea, officially the Republic of Korea

(ROK), is a country in East Asia, constituting the southern part of
the Korean Peninsula and sharing a land border with North Korea.
Its western border is formed by the Yellow Sea, while its eastern
border is defined by the Sea of Japan. About 25 million people,
around half of the country's population of 51 million, live in the
Seoul Capital Area.
South Korea has a big role in the field of music and drama, which is
now widely liked by various groups, especially for teenagers who
like Korean dramas and Korean bands, not only that but now
Korean food has also become famous such as Toppoki, Rabboki,
various kindsfishcake and various other kinds of noodles.

Santorini, known since ancient times as Thira, is one of the most
famous islands in the world. The fact that you can sit in front of the
caldera, enjoy local dishes, a drink, or a coffee while gazing at the
remarkable beauty of an active volcano is priceless. Santorini’s
volcano is one of the few active volcanoes on Greek and European
land The islands that form Santorini came into existence as a result
of intensive volcanic activity; twelve huge eruptions occurred, one
every 20,000 years approximately, and each violent eruption
caused the collapse of the volcano’s central part creating a large
crater (caldera). The volcano, however, managed to recreate itself
over and over again.


Cappadocia is famous as the most popular(1) hot air balloon tourist

destination in the world. The city seems to be a tourist icon(2) in
Tü rkiye, because of its beauty and uniqueness. The main activity(3)
that must be done in Cappadocia is, of course, riding a hot air balloon
while enjoying its stunning landscapes.The name Cappadocia comes
from (4) the Persian word 'Katpatuka,' which means(5) land of
beautiful horses. Because many local residents (6)still ride horses.
Cappadocia's landscape was formed(7) due to volcanic erosion. The
thick ash solidified(8) into soft rock and created mountains of
beautiful boulders


Sushi is a Japanese food consisting of (1) rice formed with side

dishes in the form of seafood, meat, raw or cooked (2)vegetables.
Sushi rice has a mild sour taste(3) because it is seasoned with a
mixture of rice vinegar, salt and sugar.

The origin of the word (4)sushi (susyi) is an adjective for sour taste.
There are several types (5) of Sushi, namely among others(6),
Nigirizushi is Fresh raw or cooked seafood is placed on top of rice
which is formed by clenching(7). Nori is often used to bind (8)side
dishes so they don't get separated (9) from the rice , Makizushiare
rice rolls filled with cucumber, tamagoyaki and other fish wrapped
in nori sheets. Rice rolled(10) with the help of sudare (bamboo
rectangular shape). Last but not least is Kaburazushi is a type of
sushi that is not made with rice. Sushi is made by sandwiching (11)
slices of raw fish between two slices of carrot radish. After that, the
sushi is arranged in a wooden barrel containing a mixture of
cooked rice mixed with yeast. Fermentation time (12) for several


Spider-Man: No Way Home is an American superhero film based on

(1) the Marvel Comics character Spider-Man, co-produced by (2)
Columbia Pictures and Marvel Studios, and distributed(3) by Sony
Pictures. Spider-Man: No Way Home continues the story of Spider-
Man: Far From Home against(4) a villain named Mysterio. the film
Spider-Man: No Way Home presents (5)several enemies (6)from old
films such as Doctor Octopus, Green Goblin, Sandman, Lizard, and
Electro. On the first day of broadcast(7), Spider-Man: No Way Home
received (8) a 100% rating from 46 critics (9)on Rotten
Tomatoes.In Spider-Man: No Way Home, Tom Holland gets a new
(10)black and gold costume. thus making his appearance seem


The Republic of Maldives is an island nation consisting of(1) a group

of atolls (a coral island surrounding a lagoon) in the Indian Ocean.
Maldives is located in the south-southwest(2) of India, about 700 km
southwest of Sri Lanka. The country has 26 atolls divided into 20
administrative atolls and 1 city. Maldives is a country with the
smallest population(3) and area in Asia and a 100 percent Muslim
population. The average (4)ground level in the Maldives is 1.5
meters above sea level, making it the country with the lowest(5) sea
level in the world. The highest(6) peak of the Maldives is only 2.3
meters above sea level, so it is also known as the country that has
the lowest highest peak in the world. Maldives economic
situation(7)Depend on two main sectors(8), namely tourism and
fisheries(9).This country is very well known(10) for having many
beautiful beaches and interesting underwater scenery


Doraemon is a robotic blue cat who is auctioned(1) off to a poor,

debt-ridden family (2), none other than Nobita Nobi's family of
descendants(3). Doraemon had been in a tough time(4) like being
a baby guard after failing to pass a test at a robot academy, his ears
were crushed(5) after being bitten(6) by a rat robot, the paint was
faded from his own act, and there were still many sad stories he'd

passed in the first year since his birth. Until one day, the family sent
it back to the past, about 250 years ago when Nobita, the
ancestral(7) of this family, still lived in Tokyo.Doraemon is sent
back to Nobita's lifetime by Nobita's great-grandson(8), Sewashi. He
was sent to improve(9) Nobita's life so that his descendants could
have a better life.


Starfish are beautiful animals and come in a wide variety(1)of colors,

sizes, and shapes (almost all of which look like stars). They have a
smooth body(2) with spines(3) on the soft surface of the body. At
the bottom(4) of the body, they have tubefeet (5) that will move
when we turn their bodies. Even though they live in water, they are
not fish. Sea stars have no gills(6), scales or fins(7). Starfish also
move in a quite different way than fish. Fish move by propelling(8)
their bodies with their tails, while starfish move with their tiny(9)
tube feet. Although it is the type of starfish with five arms that we
know the most about, in fact not all of them have five arms. Some
species have more than five arms, for example the sun star has up
to(10) 40 arms.


Ramen is synonymous with Japan(1), it turns out that ramen

actually comes from China. The fact of this ramen is revealed(2)
when traced(3) from its history, ramen is a typical Chinese soup that
arrived(4) in Japan with Chinese traders(5) in the 19th century. In
1955 in Sapporo, Japan, Miso Ramen was developed(6) using a
Japanese spice called Miso. After its appearance, miso ramen became
a popular product in Japan. Apart from being mixed with miso
seasoning(7), this miso ramen is also added with soy sauce and salt
to make it taste more delicious. In making ramen do not use eggs at
all. There are 4 ingredients(8) to make traditional ramen noodles,
namely flour, salt, water and kansui. The yellow color of the ramen
noodles is obtained(9) from Kansui. Kansui is an alkaline solution
that regulates(10) the level of acidity in the dough(11).


Megalodon (Otodus megalodon), which means "big tooth", is an

extinct species (1)of shark. This shark is thought to have lived
around 23 to 2.6 million years ago. It is one of the largest (2)and
most powerful predators that ever lived in the oceans. At first
glance(3), the shape of the "big tooth" is similar to modern sharks, a
typical megalodon weighed (4) about 12 to 60 tons, with a length(5)
of about 11 to 13 meters. In rare (6) cases, a megalodon could
weigh up to 70 tonnes and reach up to 20 meters in length. Given its
powerful jaws(7) that could reach a size of 3.4 meters, the
megalodon's bite force could reach 180,000 Newtons. It is not
surprising that their bite marks are often found in whale fossils(8).
Megalodon was not only big, it was also very fast. Due to the unique
shape of its spine(9), the megalodon was able to lock onto its
prey(10) with its powerful jaws, then pull until they tore their flesh
apart. In addition, they are also capable (11) of reaching speeds of up
to 22 kilometers per hour.


The Nile is a large river that flows north in northeastern Africa(1).

This river flows into the Mediterranean Sea. The Nile is the longest
river in Africa, and was once considered(2) the longest river in the
world. The northern(3) part of the Nile river which flows north
almost entirely crosses(4) the Sudanese desert until it reaches
Egypt. Cairo is located in one of the great deltas which then flows
into the Mediterranean Sea at Alexandria. Egyptian civilization(5)
and the kingdom of Sudan have depended on the Nile and its
annual floods(6) since ancient times. The animals that inhabit (7)
the Nile include baboons, crocodiles and hippos. Baboons are
intelligent animals and the Ancient Egyptians respected them. The
unique characteristic of this large river is that every year it
overflows (8)and causes flooding along its banks(9) which are
filled with farming villages. This overflow occurs due to heavy


The first Disneyland was an amusement park (1) located in

Anaheim, California (28 miles from Los Angeles), United States. This
park is the first Disney theme park to be established(2), officially
opened(3) on July 17, 1955. Disneyland is one of the most visited
places(4) in the world. Walt Disney's initial idea was to build a place
near his studio where visiting tourists could take photos with
statues(5) of their favorite Disney characters, then the idea
developed into a small playground with a pond(6) and boats that
could be ridden. The park itself was to be named Mickey Mouse
Park, then the idea grew(7) bigger and bigger until now it is known


Flamingos are famous for their bright pink feathers(1), stilt-like

legs(2), and S-shaped neck. When a flamingo spots potential
dinnerfavorite foods include shrimp, snails, and plantlike water
organisms called algaeit plunges(3) its head into the water, twists it
upside down, and scoops the fish using its upper beak(4) upper beak
(5). They are able to "run" on water, thanks to their webbed feet(6),
to gain speed before lifting up(7) into the sky. Flamingo young are
born white, with soft, downy feathers and a straight bill(8). The bill
gradually curves downward as the flamingo matures. Both parents
take care of the newborn flamingo(9), feeding it a fluid produced in
their digestive systems(10).

Matcha is a powdered green tea(1) made by grinding green tea(2)
into a fine powder. Apart from being drunk at tea ceremonies(3),
matcha is used as a flavoring and coloring agent for various types of
food, such as mochi, soba, ice cream, shaved ice, chocolate, and
various types of cakes.
The tea ceremony recognizes two types of tea drinks from matcha,
koicha (thick tea)(4) and usucha (o-usu or thin tea)(5). Both differ in
the level of viscosity (6), and how to drink. Koicha and usucha types
of tea are both served (7) in very formal tea ceremonies. The best
quality matcha has a sweeter taste and is less bitter. The aroma of
matcha is also stronger than that of green tea. In fact, the nutritional
content (8) is also mentioned more than(9) other types of tea.


Dimsum is a traditional Chinese food that is familiar (1)to our ears. It

turns out that this food has been around since the Han Dynasty (206
BC – 220), which means that it is now thousands of years old. Dim
Sum is a term (2) from Cantonese which means 'small food', while in
Mandarin it is called dianxin which literally means 'a little bit from
the heart' or 'touch your heart'. In accordance(3) with the small
portion per serving and the amount is indeed not much, only about
three to four pieces in one plate or bamboo steamer container(4).
This delicacy originates (5)from the Silk Road(6), especially in
parts of Central Asia(7), where during the Han Dynasty it was a
frequent travel route for traderslaborers and farmers(8),. Passers-
by needed a place to rest and then stop by a tavern(9) for a bit of
tea and snacks. These snacks are what we know today as dimsum
and then the term yumcha appears which means drinking tea
together while eating dimsum.


Kylian Mbappé Lottin (born 20 December 1998) is a French

professional footballer(1) who plays as a forward for Ligue 1 club
Paris Saint-Germain and captains the France national team(2).
Considered one of the best players in the world(3), he is noted
(4)for his dribbling ability, incredible speed and finishing(5). Born
in Paris and raised near Bondy, Mbappé began his senior club
career(6) in 2015 playing for Monaco, where he won(7) the Ligue 1
title. In 2017, aged 18, Mbappé signed for Paris Saint-Germain in a
permanent transfer worth(8) € 180 million, making him the second
most expensive player and the most expensive youth player(9) of all
time. When he was 20 years old, Mbappe had participated in the
world cup tournament and succeeded (10)in leading France to
become world champion at that time.


Barack Hussein Obama born August 4, 1961 is an American

politician (1)who served as the(2) 44th President of the United
States. He is the first African American to occupy(3) the position.
Born in Honolulu, Hawaii, Obama graduated(4) from Columbia
University and Harvard Law School(5), where he was president of
the Harvard Law Review. He was a community organizer (6) in
Chicago before earning his law degree. He worked as a civil rights
attorney in Chicago and taught constitutional law(7) at the
University of Chicago Law School from 1992 to 2004. He
represented the 13th District of the Illinois Senate three times from
1997 to 2004, but did not qualify (8)for the House of
Representatives United States in 2000. He began his presidential
campaign(9) in 2007, and in 2008, after his primary campaign
against Hillary Rodham Clinton, Obama won a majority(10) of the
delegates(11) in the Democratic primary (12)to become the
presidential candidate. He later defeated (13) Republican candidate
(14) John McCain in the 2008 presidential election, and was sworn
(15) in as president on January 20, 2009.

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