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Hukum Romawi

Hukum Romawi telah mempengaruhi

perkembangan hukum dalam peradaban

Hukum romawi menjadi dasar peraturan
perundang-undangan di negara-negara eropa

Kerajaan Roma: VIII-VII (753-509) SM/BC/BCE
Republik Roma: (509-27) SM/BC/BCE
Kekaisaran Roma: (27-476 M/AD/CE)

Kerajaan Roma (753-509)



Numa Pompilius
Tullus Hostilius
Ancus Marcius
L. Tarquinius Priscus
Servius Tullius
L. Tarquinius Superbus

Raja diusulkan senat, dinobatkan setelah

disetujui oleh kekuatan keagamaan, politik

dan kerakyatan.
Raja merangkap sebagai kepala alim ulama
(pontitex maximus)
Belum ada undang-undang, hukum
berdasarkan kebiasaan
Sekitar 575 SM kaum Etruskia menduduki
lebih dari satu abad. Sejak saat itu Raja
Romawi berasal dari keturunan Etruskia.

Republik Roma 509-27 SM

Albania,Algeria, Andorra,Austria, Belgium,

Bosnia an Herzegovina,
Bulgaria,Croatia,Cyprus, France, Greece,
Italy Jordan, Lebanon, Liechtenstein, Libya,
Luxembourg,Macedonia, Malta
Portugal,Palestine, Israel, San Marino, Saudi
Syria,Tunisia,Turkey,Vatican City.

Dominasi dan kekuatan raja melemah.

Runtuhnya Monarkhi diperkirakan 470 SM

SPQR (Senatus Populusque Romanus)/The
Senat and People of Rome.
Undang Undang (lex) mulai dikenal.
Undang-Undang yang terkenal adalah UU
duabelas prasasti/lex XII tabularum/Law of the
twelve tables

The Law of Twelve Tables (451-450

Dipercaya sebagai legislasi tertulis pertama di yang

mendasari Roman Law.

Dirumuskan oleh 10 commissioners (decemvirs) atas
desakan kelompok plebeian yang sering mendapatkan
perlakuan sewenang-wenang Patrician.
Dibuat dari perunggu, diletakan di ruang terbuka
390 SM musnah saat Roma dijarah bangsa Gallia.
Usaha penyusunan kembali dimungkinkan berkat
adanya kutipan-kutipan yang dibuat Cicero yang
diambil dari Digesten (Salah satu jilid kodifikasi

Israel Drapkin has noted that the Twelve

Tables (449 BCE) marked a transition from

private retribution to state adjudication.
Though during this period, there was still no
clear boundary between public and private
law, criminal matters were regulated in
accordance with the eighth and ninth tables,
which Drapkin, suggests was the embryonic
form of the public law/criminal law divide.
(Israel Drapkin M D, Crime and Punishment in the Ancient World
(Lexington Books 1989) 232).

Twelve Tables
Table I. Proceedings Preliminary to Trial
1. If the plaintiff summons the defendant to court the

defendant shall go. If the defendant does not go the plaintiff

shall call a witness thereto. Only then the plaintiff shall
seize the defendant.
6. When the parties agree on the matter the magistrate shall
announce it.
8. If one of the parties does not appear the magistrate shall
adjudge the case, after noon, in favor of the one present.
.9. If both parties are present sunset shall be the time limit of
the proceedings.

Table II. Trial

5. If anyone commits a theft during the day, and
is caught in the act, he shall be scourged, and
given up as a slave to the person against whom
the theft was committed. If he who perpetrated
the theft is a slave, he shall be beaten with rods
and hurled from the Tarpeian Rock.[1]If he is
under the age of puberty, the Prtor shall
decide whether he shall be scourged, and
surrendered by way of reparation for the injury.

8. When anyone accuses and convicts another

of theft which is not manifest, and no stolen
property is found, judgment shall be rendered
to compel the thief to pay double the value of
what was stolen.
9.Where anyone secretly cuts down trees
belonging to another, he shall pay twentyfiveassesfor each tree cut down

Table III. Execution of Judgment

Table IV. Paternal Power

1. A father shall have the right of life and death

over his son born in lawful marriage, and shall
also have the power to render him independent,
after he has been sold three times
2. If a father sells his son three times, the latter
shall be free from paternal authority.

Table V. Inheritance and Guardianship

2. Where a father dies intestate, without leaving any

proper heir, his nearest agnate, or, if there is none,
the next of kin among his family, shall be his heir.
4. When a creditor or a debtor dies, his heirs can only
sue, or be sued, in proportion to their shares in the
estate; and any claims, or remaining property, shall
be divided among them in the same proportion.

Table VI. Ownership and Possession

2.Where a slave is ordered to be free by a will, upon

his compliance with a certain condition, and he
complies with the condition; or if, after having
paid his price to the purchaser, he claims his
liberty, he shall be free.
10. If a husband desires to divorce his wife, and
dissolve his marriage, he must give a reason for
doing so.

Table VII. Real Property

Table VIII. Torts or Delicts

2. If anyone has broken another's limb there shall be

retaliation in kind unless he compounds for
compensation with him.
5. ... One has broken ... One shall make amends.
12. If a thief commits a theft by night, if the owner kills
the thief, the thief shall be killed lawfully.

Table IX. Public Law

6. For anyone whomsoever to be put to death without

a trial and unconvicted ... is forbidden.
Table X. Sacred Law
I. An oath shall have the greatest force and effect, for
the purpose of compelling good faith.
3. A dead person shall not be buried or burned in the

Table XI. Supplementary Laws

1. ... There shall not be intermarriage between

plebeians and patricians
Table XII. Supplementary Laws

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