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Regents Biology

3. Anatomical record
Animals with different
structures on the surface
But when you look under
the skin…
It tells an evolutionary story
of common ancestors

Regents Biology
 Evolusi adalah proses penurunan dengan modifikasi
karekteristik yang ada pada organisme nenek
moyang berubah (melalui seleksi alam) pada
keturunan seiring waktu ketika organisme
berhadapan dengan kondisi lingkungan yang
 Spesies yang berkerabat bisa memiliki karakteristik
dengan kesamaan yang mendasar walaupun
memiliki fungsi yang berbeda. Kesamaan yang
berasal dari nenek moyang bersama dikenal sebagai

Regents Biology
Compare the bones
 The same bones under the skin
 limbs that perform different functions
are built from the same bones

Regents Biology
 Tungkai depan semua mamalia,
termasuk manusia kucing, paus, dan
kelelawar, menunjukkan susunan
tulang yang sama dari bahu sampai
ujung jari, walaupun tungkai-tungkai
tersebut memiliki fungsi yang berbeda:
mengangkat, berjalan, berenang, dan

Regents Biology
 Kerangka yang mendasari lengan, kaki
depan, sirip, dan sayap mamalia yang
berbeda merupakan struktur homolog.

Regents Biology
Homologous structures
 Structures that come from the same origin
 homo- = same
 -logous = information
 Forelimbs of human, cats, whales, & bats
 same structure
 on the inside
 same development in embryo
 different functions

 on the outside
 evidence of common ancestor
Regents Biology
But don’t be fooled by these…
 Analogous structures
 look similar
 on the outside
 same function
 different structure & development

How is a bird
 on the inside
like a bug?
 different origin
 no evolutionary relationship

Solving a similar problem with a similar solution

Regents Biology
Analogous structures
 Dolphins: aquatic mammal
 Fish: aquatic vertebrate
 both adapted to
life in the sea
 not closely related

Watch the tail!

Regents Biology
Flight evolved 3
Convergent evolution separate times —
evolving similar
 3 groups with wings solutions to similar
 Does this mean they have a “problems”
recent common ancestor?

They just
came up
with the
same answer!

Regents Biology
Convergent evolution led to mimicry
 Why do these pairs look so similar?

Monarch male Viceroy male

poisonous edible
Which is the moth vs. the bee?
fly vs. the bee?

Regents Biology
fly bee moth bee
Vestigial organs
 Hind leg bones on whale fossils

Why would whales

have pelvis & leg
bones if they were
always sea creatures?

Because they
used to
walk on land!

Regents Biology
Comparative embryology
 Development of embryo tells an
evolutionary story
 similar structures during development

all vertebrate embryos have a “gill

pouch” at one stage of development

Regents Biology

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