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Esherichia coli

E. coli + Viruelnce Factors = DISEASE !

Virulence factors include the following
Mucosal interaction:
• Mucosal adherence with pili
(colonization factor)
• Ability to invade the intestinal ep cell.
Exotoxoin production:
• Heat-labile and stable toxin (LT and ST)
• Shiga-like toxin
Iron binding siderphore: obtains iron frm human transferrin or
• Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC)
Release exotoxin (heat Lablie toxin), this toxin inhibit the reabs of Na+
and Cl- and stimulate the secretion of Cl- and HCO3- into intestineal
lumen. Hence, water follow the osmtic pull of these ions, resulting
water and electrolyte loss
20 L / days
The stool looks like rice water just like cholera
Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC)
Mirip kaya sebelumnya, tapi Shiga-like toxin (verotoxin). Those inhibit
protein synt by inhibiting the 60s ribosome, which cause intestinal cell
The diarrhea is bloody (hemorrhagic), accompanied by sever
abdominal cramps, and is called hemorrhagic colitis
Enteroinvasive Escherichia coli (EIEC)
Tplasmid gives the bacteria the abilityto actually invade the epithelial
cells. EIEC also produces small amounts of Shiga-like toxin. The host
tries to get rid of the invading bacteria, and this results in an immune-
mediated infl reaction with fever. WBC invade the intestinal wall, and
the diarrhea with white blood cells
• Shigella adalah binatang tidak bergerak, gram negatif, bersifat
fakultatif anaerobik yang dengan beberapa kekecualian tidak
meragikan laktosa tetapi meragikan karbohidrat yang lainnya,
menghasilkan asam tetapi tidak menghasilkan gas. Habitat alamiah
Shigella terbatas pada saluran pncernaan manusia dan primata
lainnya dimana sejumlah spesies menimbulkan disentri basiler.
Kingdom : Bacteria
Phylum : Proteobacteria
Class : Gamma Proteobacteria
Order : Enterobacteriales
Family : Enterobacteriaceae
Genus : Shigella
Species : Shigella dysentriae

• Batang ramping, tidak berkapsul, tidak bergerak, tidak membentuk spora,

gram negatif. Bentuk cocobasil dapat terjadi pada biakan muda.
• Shigella adalah fakultatif anaerob tetapi paling baik tumbuh secara aerobic.
Koloninya konveks, bulat, transparan dengan pinggir-pinggir utuh mencapai
diameter kira-kira 2mm dalam 24 jam. Kuman ini sering ditemukan pada
perbenihan diferensial karena ketidakmampuannya meragikan laktosa.
• Shigella mempunyai susunan antigen yang kompleks. Terdapat banyak
tumpang tindih dalam sifat serologic berbagai spesies dan sebagian besar
kuman ini mempunyai antigen O yang juga dimiliki oleh kuman enteric
lainnya. Antigen somatic O dari Shigella adalah lipopolisakarida.
Kekhususan serologiknya tergantung pada polisakarida. Terdapat lebih dari
40 serotipe. Klasifikasi Shigella didasarkan pada sifat-sifat biokimia dan
Normal Flora of the Gastrointestinal Tract (GIT)

• In humans, the GIT flora

are influenced by:
1. Age
2. Diet
3. Cultural conditions
4. The use of antibiotics
Normal Flora of the Gastrointestinal Tract (GIT)

• At birth
• The entire intestinal
tract is sterile, but
bacteria enter with
the first feed. The
initial colonizing
bacteria vary with
the food source of
the infant.
Normal Flora of the Gastrointestinal Tract (GIT)

• In breast-fed
1.Bifidobacteria account for more
than 90% of the total intestinal
2. Enterobacteriaceae
3. Enterococci
4. Bacteroides
5. Staphylococci
6. Lactobacilli
7. Clostridia
Normal Flora of the Gastrointestinal Tract (GIT)

• In bottle-fed infants
• Bifidobacteria are not predominant.
When breast-fed infants are switched
to a diet of cow's milk or solid food,
bifidobacteria are progressively joined
1. Enterics
Normal Flora of the Gastrointestinal Tract (GIT)

In the upper GIT of adult humans

• mainly acid-tolerant lactobacilli
e.g. Helicobacter pylori
Normal Flora of the Gastrointestinal Tract (GIT)

• The proximal small intestine

1. Lactobacilli
2. Enterococcus faecalis
3. Coliforms
4. Bacteroides
The flora of the large intestine (colon)

1. Enterococci
5.Bifidobacterium (Bifidobacterium
6.Escherichia coli
7.Methanogenic bacteria
8. Viridans streptococci
9. Staphylococcus sp.
10. Proteus sp.
11. Candida albicans (Yeast)
12. Mycoplama sp.

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