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Dwi Aprilina Andriani, S.Kep., Ns.,
• Nutrition is the sum of all the interactions
between an organism and the food it consumes.
Nutrition is what a person eats and how the
body uses it.
• Nutrients are organic and inorganic substances
found in foods that are required for body
functioning (water, carbohydrates, proteins,fats,
vitamins, and minerals)
1. Macronutrients : Carbohydrates, fats,
protein, minerals, vitamins, and water
• to provide energy (e.g. Hundreds of grams
2. Micronutrients : vitamins and minerals
• to metabolize the energy-providing
nutrients. (e.g., milligrams or micrograms)
Tahap Pemberian Nutrisi
1. 0-1 tahun
• The neonate’s fluid and nutritional needs are met by
breast milk or formula.
• Fluid needs of infants are proportionately greater
than those of adults because of a higher metabolic
rate, immature kidneys, and greater water losses
through the skin and the lung
• The total daily nutritional requirement of the
newborn is about 80 to 100 mL of breast milk or
formula per kilogram of body weight.
• The newborn infant’s stomach capacity is about 90
mL, and feedings are required every 2 1/2 to 4 hours
Tahap Pemberian Nutrisi
2. Toddler (1-3 tahun)
• Because of a maturing GI tract, toddlers can eat most
foods and adjust to three meals each day.
• Developing independence may be exhibited through the
toddler’s refusal of certain foods. Meals should be short
because of the toddler’s brief attention span and
environmental distractions.
• Often toddlers display their liking of rituals by eating
foods in a certain order, cutting foods a specific way, or
accompanying certain foods with a particular drink.
• A healthy toddler weighing 15 kg (33 lb) needs, about
1,250 mL of fluid per 24 hours.
• During the toddler stage, the caloric requirement is
1,000 to 1,400 Kcal/day.
Tahap Pemberian Nutrisi
2. Toddler (1-3 tahun)
• Because of a maturing GI tract, toddlers can eat most
foods and adjust to three meals each day.
• Developing independence may be exhibited through the
toddler’s refusal of certain foods. Meals should be short
because of the toddler’s brief attention span and
environmental distractions.
• Often toddlers display their liking of rituals by eating
foods in a certain order, cutting foods a specific way, or
accompanying certain foods with a particular drink.
• A healthy toddler weighing 15 kg (33 lb) needs, about
1,250 mL of fluid per 24 hours.
• During the toddler stage, the caloric requirement is
1,000 to 1,400 Kcal/day.
6 – 9 bulan 9-12 bulan 12-24 bulan

• Mulai diperkenalkan • Pada umur 10 bulan • Pemberian ASI

dengan MP-ASI bayi mulai diteruskan
lumat 2 kali sehari diperkenalkan • Pemberian MP-ASI
• Untuk mempertinggi dengan makanan atau makanan
nilai gizi makanan, keluarga secara keluarga sekurang-
nasi tim bayi bertahap. kurangnya 3 kali
ditambah sedikit demi • Bentuk dan sehari dengan porsi
sedikit dengan kepadatan nasi tim separuh makanan
sumber lemak, yaitu bayi harus diatur orang dewasa setiap
santan atau minyak secara berangsur, kali makan.
kelapa/margarin mendekati makanan • Makanan selingan
keluarga diberikan 2 kali
• Berikan makanan sehari
selingan 1 kali sehari.
• Bayi perlu
dengan beraneka
ragam bahan
Tahap Pemberian Nutrisi
3. School Age
• Eat three meals a day and one or two nutritious
snacks. Children need a protein-rich food at
breakfast to sustain the prolonged physical and
mental effort required at school
• Require a balanced diet including approximately
1,600 to 2,200 Kcal/day
• Many dietary problems stem from this
independence in food choices.
Tahap Pemberian Nutrisi
3. Adolescent
• The need for protein, calcium, vitamin D, iron,
and B vitamins increases during adolescence.
• The teenager’s food choices relate to physical,
social, and emotional factors
Penentuan Jumlah Nutrisi
Angka Kecukupan Energi, Protein, Lemak, Karbohidrat, Serat dan
Air yang dianjurkan untuk orang Indonesia (perorang perhari)
Penentuan Jumlah Nutrisi
Angka Kecukupan Vitamin yang dianjurkan untuk orang
Indonesia (perorang perhari)
Penentuan Jumlah Nutrisi
Angka Kecukupan Mineral yang dianjurkan untuk orang
Indonesia (perorang perhari)
1. Perkiraan BB dalam Kg menurut Behrman :
Lahir : 3,25 kg
3-12 bulan : umur (bulan) + 9
1-6 tahun : umur (tahun) x 2 + 8
6-12 tahun : umur (tahun) x 7 – 5
2. Perkiraan TB dalam Cm menurut Behrman :
- Lahir : 50 cm
- Umur 1 tahun : 1,5 x TB lahir
- 2-12 tahun : umur (tahun) x 6 + 77

Cari perhitungan BB berdasarkan panjang badan!

Masalah yang Berkaitan dengan
Pemberian Nutrisi
Overweight : weight 10% to 20% above
obesity : weight 20% above average.

weight at least 10% to 15% below average.
Masalah yang Berkaitan dengan
Pemberian Nutrisi
• Obesitas
Suatu kondisi yang ditandai dengan adanya
jaringan tubuh yang berlebihan yang diukur
dengan BMI > 95 persentil untuk umur.
• Perilaku Diet
Suatu perilaku mulai dari diet yang sehat
hingga diet yang tidak sehat, misalnya
membuat dirinya kelaparan.
Masalah yang Berkaitan dengan
Pemberian Nutrisi
• Anoreksia Nervousa
Suatu kondisi yang ditandai dengan membuat
dirinya sangat kelaparan, berat badan kurus,
sangat cemas terhadap kenaikan berat badannya,
distorsi yang berat terhadap “Body Image-nya”.

• Bulimia Nervousa
Suatu kondisi yang ditandai dengan “Binge
Eating” (makan yang banyak), namun kemudian
dikeluarkan melalui misalnya muntah, puasa,
olahraga berlebihan dan menggunakan laksatif.
Preventing Eating Disorders
• Encourage healthy dietary habits and adequate
• Emphasize a healthy lifestyle over physical
appearance and weight loss.
• Encourage increased self-esteem and stress a
positive self-worth.
• Avoid pressuring children to achieve perfection or to
perform beyond their abilities.
• Recognize signs and symptoms of eating
disorders, and seek professional help when

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