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General Uses:
 Identification of all types of organic and many types of
inorganic compounds
 Determination of functional groups in organic materials
 Determination of the molecular composition of surfaces
 Identification of chromatographic effluents
 Quantitative determination of compounds in mixtures
 Determination of molecular conformation (structural
isomers) and stereochemistry (geometrical isomers)
 Determination of molecular orientation (polymers and
Common Applications:
 Identification of compounds by matching spectrum of unknown
compound with reference spectrum (fingerprinting)
 Identification of functional groups in unknown substances
 Identification of reaction components and kinetic studies of
 Identification of molecular orientation in polymer films
 Detection of molecular impurities or additives present in
amounts of 1% and in some cases as low as 0.01%
 Identification of polymers, plastics, and resins
 Analysis of formulations such as insecticides and copolymers
Single Beam FTIR Spectrometer
Double Beam FTIR Spectrometer
Po P
Sumber Sinar Cuplikan Monokromator



“Pada umumnya berupa zat padat inert yang dipanaskan

mencapai suhu 1500 – 2000 K”

1. Nernst Glower: silender dengan diameter 1-2 mm, panjang 20

mm, terbuat dari campuran oksida dari beberapa unsur
2. Globar: Batang terbuat dari silikon karbida (SiC)
3. Kawat yang dipijarkan: Kawat nikhrom dililitkan spiral dan
dialiri listrik
Interferometer: Infrared Fourier Transform spectrometer
Biasanya terdiri dari: sistem celah masuk dan celah keluar, alat
pendispersi (kisi difraksi dan prisma) dan beberapa cermin untuk
memfokuskan berkas sinar

Prinsip Dasar: Efek panas yang ditimbulkan oleh sinar infra merah
1. Termokopel (thermocouple): bekerja berdasarkan efek Paltier,
yaitu selisih tegangan akan timbul antara dua tempat
sambungan logam-logam yang berbeda jenis jika kedua
sambungan mempunyai suhu yang berbeda.
2. Bolometer: logam atau semi logam tipis yang merupakan
tahanan dalam jembatan Wheatstone; jika sinar inframerah
jatuh pada bolometer, maka suhu akan naik, dengan
berubahnya suhu tahanan listrik bolometer akan naik.
3. Golay: berupa termometer gas; gas dalam detektor akan
menjadi lebih panas jika disinari dengan sinar inframerah,
kenaikan suhu akan menaikkan tekanan gas yang kemudian
diubah menjadi isyarat listrik
Prinsip Termokopel


“Infrared spectroscopy deals with the interaction of

infrared light with matter”

Each atom has three degrees of freedom, corresponding to

motions along any of the three Cartesian coordinate axes
(x, y, z).
 Rotasi
 Translasi
 Vibrasi

“Infrared radiation is absorbed by organic molecules and

converted into energy of molecular vibration”
There are two types of molecular vibrations: stretching and

Stretching and bending vibrational modes for H2O

 Not all possible vibrations within a molecule will result in

an absorption band in the infrared region.
 To be infrared active the vibration must result in a change
of dipole moment during thevibration.
Stretching and bending vibrational modes for a CH2 group
Interpretation of Spectra
3700 – 2500 cm-1 Single bonds to hydrogen
2300 – 2000 cm-1 Triple bonds
1900 - 1500 cm-1 Double bonds
1400 - 650 cm-1 Single bonds (other than hydrogen)
The Fingerprint Region

 The fact that there are many different vibrations even within relatively
simple molecules means that the infrared spectrum of a compound
usually contains a large number or peaks.

 many of which will be impossible to confidently assign to vibration of a

particular group.

 Particularly notable is the complex pattern of peaks below 1500 cm-1

which are very difficult to assign.

 However, this complexity has an important advantage in that it can

serve as a fingerprint for a given compound.

 Consequently, by referring to known spectra, the region can be used to

identify a compound.

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