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Dasar–Dasar Jurnalistik

Fikry Zahria Emeraldien

Nama Pengajar
Fikry Zahria Emeraldien, S.I.Kom., M.A.
Heidy Arviani, S.Sos., M.A.
Kontrak Perkuliahan
Presensi: minimal 90% kehadiran
Tugas (termasuk keaktifan dan kehadiran): 60%
UTS: 40%
Santai tapi serius
Jaga kebersihan dan keamanan

Menurut Permendiknas (No. 17/2010):
“Plagiat adalah perbuatan secara sengaja
atau tidak sengaja dalam memperoleh
atau mencoba memperoleh kredit atau
nilai untuk suatu karya ilmiah, dengan
mengutip sebagian atau seluruh karya
dan/atau karya ilmiah pihak lain yang
diakui sebagai karya ilmiahnya, tanpa
menyatakan sumber secara tepat dan
Konsekuensi Apabila Ketahuan Plagiat

Mendapat nilai minimal atau 0

Silabus Sebelum UTS
Peran jurnalis, profesionalisme jurnalis, ranjau-ranjau
Persiapan penulisan berita, unsur berita, nilai berita, jenis
Sumber-sumber berita (e-learning)
Bahasa jurnalistik (sifat, pedoman pokok, ekonomi kata)
Feature, opini, foto jurnalistik
Jurnalisme warga, tantangan, dan permasalahan media
massa saat ini
Praktik membuat berita
NILAI 100*


Kaidah dan Istilah

 journalistic --- jour·nal·is·tic [jùrnə lístik] -- adj – kata sifat

“of or like journalism: relating to journalism or similar in style to journalism”

 jour·nal·ism [júrnəlizəm] -- n – kata benda

1. reporting news for the media: the profession of gathering, editing, and
publishing news reports and related articles for newspapers, magazines,
television, or radio
2. news gathering and reporting as a genre: writing or reporting for the media
as a literary genre or style.
Tujuan utama
Pasal 33 UU No. 40
tahun 1999 tentang
pers, fungsi pers yaitu
menyediakan sebagai media
informasi informasi,
yang dibutuhkan pendidikan, hiburan,
warga. serta kontrol sosial
The Role Of The Journalist
 To inform the public debate so that the audience
can make educated choices

Image courtesy of makelessnoise released under Creative Commons

The Role Of The Journalist
 To deliver facts ...
 Verified
 Attributed
 Sourced
 Tested
 That’s all....

Image generated by Images Graphics

The Role Of The Journalist

To find stories that...

 Had it not been for you, the

world would never have

Image by Media Helping Media

released under Creative Commons
Why be a journalist?
The desire to write
You are not there to impress your audience but to serve
their needs

Image courtesy of courosa released under Creative Commons

Why be a journalist?
The desire to influence for good
Some journalists want to be servants of the people and
information channels
Some want to be public interpreters of events

Image courtesy of betsyweber released under Creative Commons

Why be a journalist?
The desire for knowledge
Curiosity is a vital ingredient
for any journalist
Most journalists tend to
know a little bit about a lot of
things, rather than a lot
about one subject.

Image courtesy of Valerie Everett

released under Creative Commons
What does it take?
Why be a journalist?
An interest in life
You must be interested in the
world around you
You must want to find things
out and share your
discoveries with your readers
or listeners
You should have a broad
range of interests
Image courtesy of JanneM
released under Creative Commons
Why be a journalist?
Love of language
You cannot be a great
journalist without having a
love of language
You must understand the
meaning and flow of words
and enjoy using them

Image courtesy of zandwacht

released under Creative Commons
The mind of a journalist
Why be a journalist?
 Alert and ordered
 People trust journalists with
 You must not be careless
with them.
 All journalists must aim for
 Without it you will lose trust,
readers and ultimately your Image courtesy of ekurvine
released under Creative Commons
Why be a journalist?
Suspicious mind
You will be given
information for many reasons
You must develop the ability
to recognise when you are
being given false information

Image courtesy of Ross Hong Kong

released under Creative Commons
Why be a journalist?
You often have to ask hard
questions and risk upsetting
You need to be able to get on
well with all sorts of people.
You cannot pick and choose
Image courtesy of timsnell
who to interview in the way released under Creative Commons

you choose friends.

Why be a journalist?
Be there when you say you
Only report what you know
to be true
Never lie to the public

Image courtesy of kobiz7

released under Creative Commons
Pilih Ketua Kelas!
Buat BERITA tentang “person besides me”  hanya tema.
Judulnya bikin sendiri dong.

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Subjek: Dasjur A 2020 Challenge 1

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