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All content is copyright by original owners ‘On any reprints piease ineiude references 2¢ shown on the last paze of the guide CALGARY - CAMBRIDGE GUIDE TO THE MEDICAL INTERVIEW — COMMUNICATION PROCESS INITIATING THE SESSION Establishing initial rs Greets patient an port 2 Introdces sof roe and aasreofinterview; obtains conten i necessary 4. Demonstrates repect aad inert sttend to patent's physical comfort Identifying the or the consultation 44 Mentities the pacts problems swith pp Sie hospital?” or "What would you like to discuss raiay?” ce "What questions dx you hope to get answered today") 5, Listens momivly 1 te paten's opening statamens, washout imterapting or directing patent's response 6, Confirms lst and sereens for further problems (ee. “so that’s headaches ant thoes anythin 7. Negotates agenda ting ith ratien's and physician's needs inte accnmt ATHERING INFO! ems he tory af he prolems) from when fet strtt 1 the present in own Words [erin feason for presenting BO) 9. Uses open and closed questioning technique spprepritely moving fem opsn 10. Listens ctenvely, allowing patient 10 complete satenents without interapion and leaving space for patiet to think before answering or g0 00 af ere 11, Baedinates ptic's responses verblly and nen-vebally eg, use of ercourapement silence, repetition parapinssine inerpeation rd rete] cows (iniy gigs. speech Fil nd acknowledges as approprcie 12, Pike up x expression, fect}; checks out 13.Clarifes patient's statements that are unclear or need amplification (ea "Could you explain what you meas by 7 14 Perlodeally summarises 1 verity owm understanding of what he patent has said; invites ptient to correct interpretation or provide further information. 15, Uses concise, easily understood questions and comments, evils oF daquately explains argo 1 stables dates and sequence of events she patient ‘patient's concerns (ic. woris) regarding each problem + patients expectations (ie, goals, what help the patient had + exfoc how each problem affets the paten's 18. Encourages patient to expres feelings PROVIDING STRUCTURE Making orzanisation overt 192 Summaries atthe cod ofa specific line of mney 19 confirm underwaning ie aerate 20, Progrescs fiom one secon to anthr using stzapestine, transitional Statements: includes etonae fr next ston BUILDING RELATIONSHIP vst 7 c = Demonstrates appropriate non-verbal behavior = execunlat Gia expresion posture, position & movement * Socal cues erate, volume one 24, 1 reals, wots notes oF uses compute, does im 2 manner that Joes not terfere with dialogue or rapport 25 Demonstrates appropriate confidence ‘Bevsiopins pipport * 6, Acces isacy of pet's views ad 27. Uses empathy to communicate understanding and appreciation ofthe patient's ‘ects o predicament; overly acknowledges patent's Views snd feclings & Proektee appar expreseeccmnecrn, wnerinding ta ho acknowledges coping forts and appropriate self care; offers partnership 29, Deals seostivety with embarassing and dicsrhing tae and physical pan, Snvolving the patient 30, Shares thinklng with pation encourage paticats involvement (ce “What Emu thinking now is") 31, Explains rationale for questions or pars of physical cxaination that could 32, During physial examination, explains process, asks permission EXPLANATION AND PLANNING Providing the correct smesat and ype of information 33. Chemis and checks: piv sormasice 9 managrable chunks, checks for ndersanding, uese paton's rapome ae 2 guide to bow to proceed 4 Assesses pace’ starting poise: as fr paia's prior huowodge eat oo ‘whe giving information, discovers exit of patient's wish fox information 55. Asks patients wit other information Wwoaid be Beipful ey uaiviony, 36 Temslaice presently jes explanation at appropriate times: wis giving ave, ifocmation or Aiding secrate recall and understanding 24, the elt eran lepeting (62 “Th te ino 39. Uses repetition and summarising io reinforce information 13 tase concice,enitywndercnad Fange sonido exeing 41, Uses visual methods of conveying Information: diagrams, models, writea Information and inseuctons 42. Checks patient's understanding of information sivca for plans mags}: oz by ‘sting patent restate in own words; clarifies as pecesary to previously eh cht 44, Provides opportunities and encourages patient to contebute: 10 ask ‘questions, scck clatication or express doubts: respons appropritcly 45. Picks up verbal and nonverbal cues

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