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Hafizah, S.Ked
NIM. I1A009007

dr. Serina Citra Iswari, Sp. Pd

Bagian / SMF Ilmu Penyakit Dalam

RSUD ULIN/Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
Oktober, 2013

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Hafizah, S.Ked

Dr. Serina Citra Iswari, Sp. PD

Banjarmasin, Oktober 2013

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Dr. Serina Citra Iswari, Sp. PD

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Dr. Serina Citra Iswari, Sp. PD


Halaman Judul............................................................................................................ i
Daftar Isi..................................................................................................................... ii
BAB I. PENDAHULUAN ......................................................................................... 1
2.1. Cairan dalam tubuh ............................................................................................. 3
2.1.1 Penilaian volume cairan intravasular .................................................... 3
2.1.2. Pemeriksaan fisik ............................................................................... 4
2.1.3. Evaluasi laboratorium ......................................................................... 6
2.1.4. Pengukuran hemodinamik................................................................... 6
2.2. Dehidrasi ............................................................................................................ 9
2.2.1. Definisi ................................................................................................ 9
2.2.2. Epidemiologi ....................................................................................... 13
2.2.3. Dehidrasi dan delirium ........................................................................ 15
2.2.4. Identifikasi dehidrasi ........................................................................... 16
2.3. Terapi cairan....................................................................................................... 18
2.3.1. Cairan intravena .................................................................................. 18
2.3.2. Kebutuhan pemeliharaan normal ........................................................ 28
2.3.3. Komplikasi pemberian cairan ............................................................. 29
2.3.4. Penggantian Kehilangan darah ............................................................ 31
2.3.5. Menggantikan hilangnya cairan redistribusi dan evaporasi ................ 33
BAB III. PENUTUP ................................................................................................. 35


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