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Natrium hipoklorit (NaOCl) dihasilkan melalui reaksi antara caustic soda (NaOH) dan gas klorin (Cl 2).

ASC mengirimkan natrium hipoklorit kepada para pelanggan dalam bentuk larutan 10%. Natrium hipoklorit digunakan secara luas dalam proses bleaching, misalnya di industri kertas, dalam proses oksidasi, misalnya untuk mengoksidasi polutan dalam proses pengolahan air serta sebagai disinfektan, misalnya dalam perawatan kolam renang. Natrium hipoklorit juga digunakan dalam pengkondisian air pendingin di berbagai industri guna mencegah tumbuhnya lumut, misalnya di dalam pipa-pipa, unit penukar panas (heat exchanger) maupun menara pendingin (cooling tower).

Air minum dan air proses di industri-industri didapat dari air tanah yang masih mengandung banyak mikroorganisme. Air tersebut harus di-disinfeksi guna mencegah penyebaran kuman penyakit maupun untuk mencegah tumbuhnya lumut. Di banyak negara maju, natrium hipoklorit digunakan untuk membunuh kuman dalam proses pengolahan air minum. Natrium hipoklorit juga digunakan secara luas dalam proses pengolahan air limbah. Setelah semua kontaminan dalam air limbah sudah dihilangkan menggunakan berbagai cara seperti biofiltrasi, sebelum air limbah tersebut dilepas kembali ke lingkungan terlebih dahulu di-disinfeksi menggunakan natrium hipoklorit. Prosedur disinfeksi menggunakan natrium hipoklorit juga merupakan praktek yang umum berlaku di industri makanan, minuman dan industri pengolahan susu dan produk turunannya. Natrium hipoklorit digunakan dalam berbagai produk pembersih dan disinfektan rumah tangga. Penggunaannya yang lain diantaranya adalah pembersih industri (dalam industri makanan dan minuman, restoran dan industri catering) dan laundry (pencucian pakaian yang digunakan di rumah sakit dan pabrik-pabrik). Di industri pulp dan kertas serta tekstil, natrium hipoklorit seringkali digunakan sebagai zat pemutih dalam proses bleaching.

Oksidasi starch menggunakan natrium hipoklorit merupakan proses yang digunakan utnuk menghasilkan produk modified-starch, yang merupakan salah satu bahan baku industri tekstil. Oksidasi starch memungkinkan bertambahnya jumlah gugus karbonil dan karboksil dalam molekul starch, yang menyebabkan perubahan sifat kimiawi maupun sifat fisiknya.

Cooling Tower Water Treatment Chemicals

Tandex is focused on maintaining its reputation as a quality water treatment chemical manufacturer. Thats why Tandex products are subjected to a strict process of quality checks and inspections to ensure best results are achieved for our customers, without sacrificing valuable plant equipment.

Efficient Cooling Tower maintenance requires a complete water treatment chemical program to prevent scale, corrosion and biological fouling which can all have costly and possibly dangerous consequences if not adequately controlled. Cost savings As well as providing water treatment programs for the prevention of scale, corrosion, algae and bacteria, Tandex aims to help its customers achieve significant long-term cost savings in their cooling tower performance through: Improved chiller efficiency

Reduced water consumption Reduced chemical consumption Improved Legionella control Reduced cooling tower maintenance costs Improved corrosion protection

Cooling Tower Chemical range includes: Scale Inhibitors Corrosion Inhibitors Biocides Bio-Dispersants Acid Descalers Alkaline Descalers Sanitisers Pre-commissioning & Cleaning chemicals Antifoam & Neutralising chemicals Food Grade & Organic chemicals

Scale Inhibitors for Cooling Water Systems

Cooling water systems are subject to a variety of contaminants that can interfere with heat transfer, increase corrosion rates, restrict water flow, and cause loss of process efficiency and production. Customized scale inhibitor programs are necessary for the prevention of: Mineral Scales: Calcium carbonate , Calcium sulfate, Calcium phosphate, Magnesium Silicate, Silica compounds, Mixtures of these Sludge and Organics: Silt and windblown debris , Biological deposits, Metallic oxides, Corrosion products, and Oil, organics, process and contaminants

Mineral scales form when dissolved solids and minerals are introduced to your cooling water system through your raw water source or as a result of airborne contamination. These dissolved solids precipitate when the solubility levels are exceeded due to increased concentrations, elevated water temperature, and high pH. Sludge and organics form when suspended material (by-products of corrosion, dust, sand, microbial growth, minerals) are introduced through influent water or airborne impurities.

The function of a dispersant, or antifoulant, is to prevent the agglomeration of solids and their accumulation on critical surfaces. Materials that handle these potential deposits have been referred to in the industry as dispersants, polymers, penetrating agents, deposit control materials, polyectrolytes, crystal modifiers, antifoulants, sequestrants, mineral stabilizers, antiscalants, surfactants, thershold treatments, mud removers, and emulsifiers. ChemTreat has a full product line to control deposition and fouling including polyphosphates, organic phosphates, organic polymers, and polyelectrolytes. These chemistries constitute two classes of dispersants: Polymers. Generally interfere with crystal lattice growth in mineral scale formations and prevent (or reverse) the growth of dense, adherent mineral deposits. Polymers are generally of low molecular weight to prevent bridging of suspended solids, but of sufficient structure to adhere to developed scale formations. ChemTreats Quadrasperse product is a quadpolymer technology that is effective in even the most severe temperature and presssure conditions. Surfactants or surface-active agents. Affect surface tension and basically render particles less adherent and more easily dispersed. Surfactants also affect the oil/water interface where organic contamination is present.

Cleaning & Passivation

ChemTreats approach in recommending a cooling water system cleaning program is to first perform a full system audit to understand the operational history and problem areas. Included would be drawings, water and deposit analysis, metallographic and microbial analyses and corrosion and deposit monitoring. If a full system cleaning is required, proven products such as our neutral pH cleaners may be selected, for example, for removal of iron oxide deposits without having to use acids. Other products may be used for removal of organics and biofouling. With chemical and/or mechanical cleaning, once efficiency has been restored, our ChemTreat Solutions monitoring and control equipment will subsequently monitor all critical areas to ensure that your system never experiences problems with fouling, corrosion, or microbiological activity again.

Microbial Control in Cooling Water Towers

Cooling water towers can become ideal breeding grounds for microbiological growth, including algae, bacteria, sulfate-reducing bacteria, protozoa, and fungi. If not properly controlled, these microorganisms will form a layer of bio-slime that acts as a natural adhesion surface for scale formation. These scales result in increased corrosion rates, restricted water flow, and reduced system efficiency. ChemTreat engineers begin their microbio treatment program with a thorough system survey of the cooling water towers to determine the exact type of biological growth that needs to be controlled. This information allows the engineer to select a customized treatment program to produce the best kill rate for that specific organism. Other considerations include:

The volume of the water being treated as measured through a molybdate-tracer program or by measuring the piping in the system The pH of the recirculating water to ensure that the water is compatible with the selected biocide

Once the treatment program is initiated, our engineers continually monitor the microbio activity as biocides may need to be alternated to provide the best treatment. In most instances weekly or biweekly altneration provide good results. ChemTreat has a complete porfolio of biocides including: Oxidizing biocides Nonoxidizing biocides Oxidizing and Nonoxidizing biocides Cell Wall biocides Enzyme poisons

Corrosion Inhibitors for Cooling Water

Corrosion inhibitors are designed to prevent metal loss that would otherwise lead to critical system failures in heat exchangers, recirculating water piping, and process cooling equipment. Furthermore, corrosion results in a loss of efficiency as corrosion products precipitate on critical heat transfer devices and insulate the metals. Corrosion is caused by metals attempting to return to their natural state. Corrosion can be present in many forms including uniform metal loss, localized or pitting, bi metallic, galvanic, under deposit, and microbiological induced corrosion (MIC). The process starts when surface irregularities, stresses, or compositional differences result in the formation of a corrosion cell (anode and cathode). Once started, corrosion at the anode causes metal to be released into the system or re-deposited locally. Pitting is particularly problematical because the local loss of metal can result in thru-wall perforation of piping and tubing. ChemTreat has a comprehensive portfolio of organic, inorganic, and non-phosphate corrosion inhibitors. These products are engineered to passivate metals by reducing the corrosion potential associated with the anode and cathode of the corrosion cell. Chemicals that form protective films at the anode include chromate, orthophosphate, nitrite, silicate, and molybdate. Chemicals that form films on the cathode include calcium carbonate, polyphosphate, zinc, phosphonate, and the azoles. We also have a selection of organics that are both anodic and cathodic inhibitors. ChemTreats corrosion inhibitor treatments include: HEDP/Zinc Stabilized Inorganic Phosphates: ortho and polyphosphate blends with dispersants All-Organic Corrosion Inhibitors: traditional polymers and dispersants and ChemTreats Quadrasperse technology

Once-Through Cooling Systems

Once-through cooling systems are often used to remove heat from surface condensers or to service the power and paper industries. Cooling water is only used once and is then discharged, resulting in a highly water intensive operation. However, the same issues of corrosion, deposition, and microbial growth have to be controlled to maintain efficiency and reliability. ChemTreats products include polyphosphates, silicates, and molybdates to c ontrol corrosion, phosphates and polymers to prevent scale and fouling, and polymers to prevent fouling, and chlorine, bromine, and chlorine dioxide products to control microbiological activity. These chemical treatments have to be applied relative to the quality of the raw water supply. Problems often arise with variable raw water quality because the treatment program has to change in real-time. The best solution is to install a ChemTreat Solutions system that will monitor the relevant water quality parameters and adjust your chemical feed rates to maintain an optimal treatment program at all times. Learn about our treatment options including: Corrosion Inhibitors Microbial Control Scale Inhibitors

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