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Kesehatan adalah anugerah yang diberikan sang pencipta kepada hamba-Nya. Maka hendaklah
sebagai hamba-Nya kita berusaha menjaga dan memelihara kesehatan kita. Karena kesehatan
tidak ternilai harganya. Terkadang pada saat kita sehat, kita lupa akan nikmat tersebut dan ketika
sakit kita baru sadar dan merasakan betapa kesehatan sungguh sangat berharga. Tubuh yang
sehat bisa didapatkan dari berolahraga secara teratur, menkomsumsi makananan bergizi, dan
lingkungan yang sehat dan bersih.
Banyak orang yang mengatakan sehat itu mahal, padahal justru sehat itu murah, sakitnya yang
mahal. Oleh karenanya, sangat penting bagi kita untuk melakukan tindakan pencegahan sebelum
sakit. Banyak penyakit bersumber dari gaya hidup yang buruk dari diri sendiri. Pola hidup
semacam ini terbentuk dari aktivitas sehari-hari yang berulang sehingga menjadi sebuah
kebiasaan. Bila kebiasaan buruk tersebut kamu lakukan terus menerus, maka penyakit berbahaya
seperti kanker, diabetes, dan bahkan serangan jantung akan sangat mudah sekali menyerangmu.
Seperti yang dijelaskan dari beberapa artikel diatas yang menyinggung tentang kesehatan. Dari
pentingnya makan makanan yang sehat, pola tidur yang baik, sampai kebersihan udara.
Di lihat dari artikel pertama yang membahas tentang pola tidur yang baik

A healthy body can be obtained from exercising regularly, consuming a nutritious diet, and a
healthy and clean environment. Many people who say health is expensive, but it's actually
healthy, pain is expensive. Therefore, it is important for us to take preventive action before the
illness. Many diseases will come because bad life style. The pattern of this kind of life is made
up of daily activities are repeated so that it becomes a habit. When those bad habits you do
continuously, the dangerous diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and even heart attack will be very
easy to attack.
As described above of several articles pertaining to health. Of the importance of eating a healthy
diet, good sleep patterns, to the cleanliness of the air.

In view of the very first article discusses a good sleep pattern presented in the opinion written by
Nehemiah, entitled "Are You Getting Enough Sleep?" Related to health. Sleep is a natural break
condition experienced by humans is very important for health. According to Guyton (1981),
sleep is a state of unconsciousness someone, but can be awakened to re-use or sensory stimuli
are sufficient. Based on what was explained that sleep is a very important part of the daily
routine. Because sleep is a basic requirement of every living creature. But on the other side of the
bed is an indication of our weakness, because humans still need rest to continue its activities in
the next time. With adequate sleep then we will be in good shape when I wake up and ready to
perform a variety of activities throughout the day from morning to night. Normally humans sleep
at night until morning. According to the Japan Research Association Epidemiology, people who
sleep for 6.5 to 7.5 hours in a day will have a longer life than the sleep only takes less than 6.5
hours or more than 8 hours per day. Sleep is as important as eating nutritious foods and
exercising. Because sleep is one of the parts of a healthy lifestyle. By doing enough sleep our
health will be maintained, making the body feel fresh and excited to run the next activity. There
are several benefits of sleeping with enough time, among other things, increase the memory
capacity, with enough sleep our brains would be more effective to remember what we have
learned, so that the brain memory will be good; reduce stress, to sleep we will rest all the organs
of our body so it will be fresh again, pressure and will disappear by itself; extend our life in the
world, with enough sleep our organs work smoothly without interference so it will be protected
from the disease.
The second, based on an article written by Anonymous, titled "The Importance Of
Healthy Eating" the authors agree that eating healthy food is very important for every human
being, especially for teenagers.Because as a teenager to be concerned with your diet by eating a
healthy diet that is ideal for growing bodies.Healthy food can also increase your energy for daily
activity in the yourlife. Because, ifyou energy shortages when the move will inevitably arise
fatigue and dizziness.Not only are many healthy foods as well, but you have to balance it with
regular exercise.Overall, you need to pay attention to what you eat.You need balance to ensure
you have enough vitamins and minerals.It can also improve your mood, help you handle stress,
give you more energy, prevent and control health problems your body.As prevent health
problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity.

Proof (proof of argument, quoted from another article, base on analysis)

In addition to articles The Importance Of Healthy Eating written by Anonymous, the
author also get articles that agree with the article.This article was posted byDodyPurwanto,who
stated that the fulfillment of the healthy foods we eat, then our bodies will provide maximum
benefits to human health and to support the growth and development of the organs of the human
body so that it can function properly.
The fact (the fact that already real)
Based on the article, the author can give facts about the importance of healthy
food.Healthy food can increase your energy level.You can increase your daily energy levels by
consuming quality foods on a regular basis.Consuming nutritious foods will help a lot in
reducing the risk of disease.It helps you stay physically fit on a regular basis.When you eat right,
you can be free from all kinds of diseases such as diabetes, stroke, cancer, and so on.You will
also be free of kidney infections, lung diseases and other diseases.Balanced diet helps a lot in
controlling weight.You can easily maintain your weight by eating a nutritious diet every day.If
you are obese, you can easily slim down by eating lots of fruits and vegetables.If you are very
thin, you can add weight simply by eating starchy foods.You will always keep your weight.
Third opinion written by Roni Caryn Rabin that the fit on October 7th, with the title "Why Fish
Is Good for You? Because It Replaces Meat? "Related about the nutrients contained in the fish.
In the article there are opinions saying that, Fish is very low in saturated fat and low in
In accordance of what we know, healthy foods are foods that have a nutritionally balanced,
contain fiber and substances that the body needs for growth and development. A healthy food or
menu should be like to be an element of nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, minerals,
vitamins, and less fat, or rather abbreviated menu name 4 healthy 5 perfect.
According in the opinion written by Roni Caryn Rabin, that the fish have benefits that are good
for health and can replace meat. This can be proved by counting the calories contained in the
article itself, namely:

A cooked four-ounce portion of cod, for example, contains 26 grams of protein but only one
gram of fat and 120 calories, Compared with a grilled four-ounce portion of lean T-bone steak,
the which has 28 grams of protein, 18 grams of fat and 278 calories.
It can be seen that the same quantity of meat with fish, fish have their own advantages in
comparison with meat. The fish only have less fat and calories than meat. According to what we
know that saturated fat and cholesterol that is too high can be harmful to health, especially heart
health. Therefore replacing meat with fish is good for health, is evidenced by the research of
Harvard in 2006 that people who eat fish on a regular basis are less Likely to die of a heart attack
than Reviews those who do not eat it or eat it less than once a month, and eating one to two
servings of fish rich in omega-3s every week cut the risk of dying of a heart attack by one-third.
Fourth, According to Em Zul Fajri dan Ratu Aprilia Senja (2008) as the fourth article, the
cigarette is a roll of tobacco is burned and the smoke inhaled. Many of the dangers of smoking
on health, the first quoted opinion that "tobacco smoke contains five times more carbon
monoxide, three times more tar and nicotine, and up to 46 times more ammonia than the smoke
inhaled? That means the chances of getting cancer is five times higher for passive smokers
compared with current smokers ". Thats meaning smoke not only negatively affect the active
smokers (those who directly smoke cigarettes) but also gives more negative impact on the
passive smokers (people who inhale the cigarette smoke from people smoking cigarettes), this
opinion is corroborated by dr.Widyastuti Soerojo opinion from public health experts from the
bonds of Indonesia (IAKMI) who said that as many as 25% of harmful substances contained in
cigarette smoke enter the body, whereas 75% of the air circulated in free at risk into the body of
people around him.
The second "Children who live under one roof with parents who smoke are more
susceptible to coughs, phlegm, and difficulty breathing compared with non-smoking parents".
This opinion states that cigarette smoke is more harmful to children than parents, then amplified
by the Global Youth Survey Data years 1999-2006 as many as 81% of children aged 13-15 years
in Indonesia exposed to smoke in public places or become passive smokers. Then it should be
active smokers are aware of the dangers of smoking because it can cause health hazards, not only
for himself but for the people around him, his family, even the danger would be fatal to a child.

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