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Block 16

Writing Study Proposal

for Medical Students

Tirta wardana

Faculty of Medicine
Universitas Muhammadiyah
(1) Introduction,
(2) Literature Review,
(3) Methods
(4) References
Seorang ilmuwan, tenaga peneliti harus
mempunyai sifat antara lain:
Selalu ingin tahu, Suka penemuan,
imaginasinya tinggi, Bekerja dengan hati-
hati, Dapat menerima kekecewaan dan Mau
menerima masukan
Untuk mengembangkan seseorang menjadi
tenaga peneliti, agar dibiasakan antara lain:

Mengadakan pengamatan dengan teliti

Mempelajari semua bentuk kenyataan/bukti

sebelum mengambil kesimpulan
Definisi : usulan ide yang dituliskan dan disajikan
baik berupa hard copy maupun soft copy yang ditulis
detail dan lengkap dengan cara terstruktur

Proposal penelitian:
Proses awal penelitian, literatur review.
Tulisan yang lengkap mengenai rencana penelitian
(introduction, methods, and RAB).
Memberi arah jalannya sebuah penelitian
Mencerminkan kepakaran pengusul/peneliti dalam
berpikir kritis, analitis, objektif, logis, dan sistematis
Mencerminkan kemampuan pengusul/peneliti dalam
menguasai pendekatan logika-hipotetika-verifikatif
Bobot dan Orisinalitas
Dapat didekati dengan melihat kemanfaatan,
apakah dengan terjawabnya permasalahan akan
Kegunaan teoritik yaitu mempunyai arti bagi
perkembangan ilmu
Kegunaan metodologik yaitu mempunyai arti
bagi perkembangan metodologi
Nilai aplikatif yaitu mempunyai kegunaan
praktis dalam praktek dalam sehari-hari

Permasalahan yang diajukan belum terjawab
oleh teori maupun penelitian yang pernah
Rumusan makalah sebaiknya dalam bentuk

Perlu diperhatikan kelayakan penelitian
maksudnya apakah permasalahan dapat
terjawab dengan penelitian yang akan dilakukan
Jadi jawaban tersebut menyangkut beberapa
Bekal pengetahuan dasar peneliti
Pertimbangan metodologik, yaitu perlu
pemahaman teori dan praktis
Pertimbangan tersedianya fasilitas (biaya, alat,
SDM dan waktu)
Chapter I Introduction
(a) title
(c)Study Background,
(d) Problem Formulation,
(e) Study Originality ,
(f) Study Benefit, and
(g) Objectives

Bagian pertama yang akan dibaca riviewer

Judul sebaiknya:
Ditetapkan setelah tahu permasalahan dengan
tuntas dan sesudah mengadakan orientasi
Harus sesuai dengan keseluruhan isi
Jelas, singkat, informatif dan hindarkan kata-
kata yang kabur (mis. beberapa, studi
Bukan kalimat tetapi label
Terdiri atas tidak lebih dari 15 kata
JUDUL (lanjt.)
Contoh judul yang salah:
Mutasi Gen yang Menyebabkan Penyakit
kanker nasofaring yang Terdapat pada
Keluarga Indonesia

Contoh judul yang benar:

Mutasi Gen Penyebab kanker nasofaring
pada Keluarga Indonesia

Mutasi Gen Penyebab kanker nasofaring,

pembengkakan pada daerah faring pada
Keluarga Indonesia
Hal pertama yang biasanya dibaca oleh reviewer
setelah judul.
Abstrak berisi:
Latar belakang penelitian/dasar penelitian dilakukan
Keluaran yang diharapkan
Ruang lingkup/cakupan penelitian
Cara kerja dan analisis data

Yang tidak boleh ada dalam abstrak

Tinjauan pustaka


Biasanya tidak lebih dari 250 kata dan harus

merefleksikan keseluruhan isi proposal
Kata kunci harus dicantumkan yang biasanya terdiri
atas 45 kata
Brieftly and compact
Flow in systematic structure,
logic and attractive
Indicate the burden of the
existing problem
Indicate the strong reason Problem
why the study is needed to
be done.
Early paragraph main
existing problem and
indicate it is important to be
Background cont...

Include known, unknown and the question

The nature and scope of the problem
The gap or general problem
Previous findings, pertinent literature
General method statement (ex. animal study)
The hypothesis/research question-signal
What is the cancer?
Burden of nasopharyngeal carcinoma worldwide
Burden of nasopharyngeal carcinoma national
Factors are contibuted for effectiveness of treatment
Technology to suppress poliferation cancer cells
Study showed inconsistently on effect of acetylator status on
succesfull of treatment
Problem Formulation

An explanation of the reasons why the

issues raised in the proposed study are
considered interesting, important and need
to be investigated.
Describe the position of the study problem
in a wider range of problems.
Permasalahan penelitian tidak akan datang dengan
sendirinya, kecuali penelitian pesanan
Perlu sikap mandiri
Pengembangan sikap mandiri hal yang vital
Kemandirian dapat dicapai apabila peneliti bersifat aktif
dalam mencari dan menemukan masalah

Beberapa hal yang membantu sikap mandiri

Kepekaan menangkap fenomena
Kesiapan peneliti tentang pengetahuan teori dan informasi
penelitian terdahulu
Ketekunan mengikuti perkembangan mutakhir di bidang ilmu
yang ditekuni

Sumber permasalahan:
Forum pertemuan ilmiah
Observasi atau pengalaman langsung dalam praktek

Isi bagian ini:

Alasan pentingnya penelitian diutarakan
dengan jelas
Hasil penelitian terdahulu yang ada
hubungannya dengan permasalahan
Permasalahan yang akan dipecahkan
Tujuan dan manfaat penelitian
Keluaran yang diharapkan
Ruang lingkup
Rumusan masalah harus jelas dan tajam
Masalah membimbing peneliti untuk
Kerangka teori untuk perumusan hipotesis
Identifikasi variabel
Pilihan rancangan penelitian

Perumusan masalah sebaiknya dalam

kalimat tanya meskipun bukan suatu
Dengan kalimat tanya lebih mudah
diperoleh sifat tajam dan spesifikasi inti
yang diteliti
MASALAH (lanjt.)
Signifikasi masalah:
Merupakan penunjuk kerangka teori yang
dikembangkan untuk penyusunan hipotesis
Memberi petunjuk rancangan penelitian yang
Memberi gambaran kendala yang akan dihadapi
Untuk konfirmasi apakah judul dan tujuan
penelitian sesuai (terutama untuk proposal)
Dengan rumusan masalah dapat diketahui bobot
dan orisinalitasnya

Rumusan masalah menyangkut 3 aspek:

Aspek substansi
Aspek formulasi
Aspek teknis
Pengaruh Ekstrak Jahe (Zingiber sp) terhadap
Struktur & Fungsi Ginjal Mencit (Mus musculus L.)

Bagaimana jahe Mempengaruhi Struktur dan Fungsi
Ginjal sehingga Dapat Mengatur dan Memperbaiki
Berbagai Sistem Tubuh?

Melihat Pengaruh jahe terhadap Struktur dan Fingsi
Ginjal Mencit
Study Originality/authenticity
The authenticity of the research presented
to show that the problems encountered
have never been solved by previous
Study Benefits
Explains the benefits can be expected from
the results of research to the development
of science and for healthy of patients,
population and for policy making
Study Benefits
The result is expected to provide scientific information on
the effect of acetylator status on levels of serum INH and
its influence on the success of TB treatment.

Results of this study will provide important scientific

information that can support the success of the
government's TB eradication program and STOP TB
programs that have been implemented
Study Objectives

Specify the purpose or goal to be

Goals can be general purpose consisting
of some special purpose.
Hipotesis merupakan jawaban sementara terhadap
Ada dua macam hipotesis:
Hipotesis satu ekor
Hubungan sudah jelas arahnya. Contoh: Jumlah uban
orang kota lebih banyak daripada jumlah uban orang
Hipotesis dua ekor
Jumlah uban orang kota berbeda dengan jumlah uban
orang Desa

Unsur yang mendasari hipotesis:

Teori yang telah mapan, yang berkaitan dengan
permasalahan, penelitian yang dihadapi
Fakta empirik atau informasi yang diketahui dari
penelitian yang terdahulu
Konsep atau teori imajinatif peneliti sendiri (asumsi)
yang dimunculkan dalam rangka melengkapi teori
dan fakta empirik tersebut agar dapat menjawab
HIPOTESIS (lanjt.)
Hipotesis yang baik adalah:
Harus sesuai dengan permasalahan
Harus berhubungan dengan ilmu pengetahuan
(berdasarkan landasan teori)
Harus dapat diuji
Harus sederhana

Fungsi hipotesis:
Memberikan batasan jangkauan penelitian
Memfokuskan fakta
Sebagai panduan dalam pengujian
Chapter II Literature Review
(a) Literature review,
(b) Basic Theoretical,
(c) Conceptual Framework
Literature Review
A systematic description of the results of studies that
have been conducted by previous researchers, and
nothing to do with the research that will be done.
It should be pointed out that the problems studied
unanswered or unresolved satisfactorily.
The facts are presented taken from the original source.
All sources used must be specified by stating the
author's name and year of publication (in the name of
the system), as listed in the bibliography.
Basic Theory

Described the theoretical basis of a

literature review and compiled as a guide
to solve the problem and to formulate
research hypotheses.
Can form the theoretical basis of
qualitative description, mathematical
models, or equations are directly related
to the fields of science under study.
Conceptual Framework
Describes the research flow chart of the
process of research to be conducted in
accordance with the formulation of the problem
and the objectives to be achieved.
A brief statement concluded from a literature or
theoretical basis and is a temporary answer to
the problem, and still have to be verified.
The hypothesis does not necessarily have to
exist in the proposed research
Chapter III Study Methodology
(a) Type and Study Design,
(b) Time and Study Settings,
(c) Study subjects,
(d) Sample size,
(e)Study Material and Tools,
(f)The course of study,
(g) Study Variables,
(h) Operational Definitions of variables
(i) Analysis of the results (statistics methods)
(j) Ethical Consideration
(k) Study schedule and costs
Type and Design Research
The type and design of the study
are used in the study (the study
design will be described in detail
Example: The study is an observational
study design cross sectional method, to
assess the status of INH acetylator and
measured levels in serum and sputum
conversion in patients with smear-
positive pulmonary TB.
Time and study settings
Mention when the study will be done, and where
the study will be conducted.

Example: The study will be conducted over 6 months period

between march-august 2016. The study will be conducted in the city
of Semarang at the 4 primary health centers. Measurement of
serum levels of INH and determination of acetylator status will be
performed in the Laboratory of Biology molecular faculty of
Medicine, Muhammadiyah University of Semarang
Study subjects
Who are the study subjects? What are elligibility
criteria? (Inclution and eclsution criteria of the
subjects who will be included in the study)

Example: Subjects are adult pulmonary TB patients in the city of

Yogyakarta obtained from 4 Primary health centers, and taken in
sequence until sufficient number of samples. Subjects are included
if....., subjects are excluded from study if .......
Sample size
Number of subjects will be needed
to approve the hypothesis.
Formula is used to calculate
sample size
Error type I and error type II are
used to calculate sample size and
assumptions for the study results
Sample size calculation will be
described in detail elsewhere
Study materials and tools
Materials specifications to be
Tools used to conduct the
research must be clearly
defined and, if necessary,
accompanied with pictures
and descriptions.
Course (procedure) of study
Clearly and detail describe how the
each step of the study will be

Example: how the acetylator status will be

determined?; how the serum level of
isoniazid will be measured?; how the sputum
conversion will be determined?
Research variables
Mention research variables that will be
studied as
independent variables,
dependent variables,
confounding variables,
and others.
Schedule of Research and costs
In a study schedule is shown the stages of
research, details of activities at each stage,
the time required to carry out each stage.
Schedule research can be presented in
matrix form or description. Schedule research
can be presented in tabular form or
In the proposed thesis research students are
asked to plan the costs for thesis research.
Ethical Consideration
Informed consent or compliance with animal welfare
Approval for Ethical Committee

the protocol will be approved by the institutional

review board, and all patients will give informed
Methods cont...
(a) References
(b) Appendix
Reference harvard style
Article from Scientific Journal
You, C.H., Lee, K.Y., Chey, R.Y., Menguy, R., 1980.
Electrogastro-graphic study of patients with unexplained nausea,
bloating and vomiting. Gastroenterology 79(2):311-4.
Goate, A.M., Haynes, A.R., Owen, M.J., Farral, M., James, L.A.,
Lai, L.Y., et al., 1989. Predisposing locus for Alzheimer's
disease on chromosome 21. Lancet 1:352-5.
The Royal Marsden Hospital Bone-marrow Transplantation
Team, 1977. Failure of syngeneic bone-marrow graft without
preconditioning in post-hepatitis marrow aplasia. Lancet 2:742-4.
Reference harvard style
Article from scientific journal with volume from supplements
Magni, F., Rossoni, G., Berti, F., 1988. BN-52021 protects guinea-pig
from heart anaphylaxis. Pharmacol. Res. Commun. 20 Suppl 5:75-8.
Gardos, G., Cole, J.O., Haskell, D., Marby, D., Paine, S.S., Moore, P.,
1988. The natural history of tardive dyskinesia. J. Clin.
Psychopharmacol. 8(4 Suppl):31S-37S.
Article from scientific journal without volume
Baumeister, A.A., 1978. Origins and control of stereotyped move--ments.
Monogr. Am. Assoc. Ment. Defic. (3):353-84.
Article from scientific journal with comments
Piccoli, A., Bossatti, A., 1989. Early steroid therapy in IgA neuro-pathy: still open
question [comment]. Nephron 51:289-91.
Reference harvard style
Author is single author
Colson, J.H., 1986. Sports Injuries And Their Treatment. 2nd rev. ed. S. Paul,
author is an editor
Diener, H.C., Wilkinson, M. (Eds.), 1988. Drug-Induced Headache. Springer-
Verlag, New York.
Author is an organization
Virginia Law Foundation, 1987. The Medical And Legal Implications Of AIDS. The
Foundation, Charlottesville.
Article from books chapter
Winstein, L., Swartz, M.N., 1974. Pathologic properties of invading
microorganisms. In: W.A., Sodeman Jr, W.A. Sodeman (Ed.): Pathologic
Physiology, Mechanisms of Disease, pp: 457-72. Saunders, Philadelphia.
Reference harvard style
Proceedings from conference/seminar
Vivian, V.L. (Ed.), 1985. Child abuse and neglect: a medical community response.
Proceedings of the First AMA National Conference or Child Abuse and Neglect;
1984 Ma 30-31; Chicago: American Medical Association, Chicago.
Manuscript from scientific meeting
Harley, N.H., 1985. Comparing radon daughter dosimetric and risk models.
In:Gammage RB, Kaye SV, editors. Indoor air and human health. Proceedings of
the Seventh Life Sciences Symposium; 1984 Oct 29-31; Knoxville (TN), pp:69-
78. Lewis, Chelsea (MI).
Technical or scientific report
Akutsu, T., 1974. Total heart replacement device. National Institutes of Health,
Bethesda (MD). National Heart and Lung Institute; Report No.:NIH-NIHI-69-

Reference harvard style

Youssef, N.M., 1988. School adjustment of children with congenital heart disease
[dissertation]. Univ. of Pittsburg, Pittsburg (PA).
Electronic manuscript
Morse, S.S., 1995. Factors in the emergence of infectious diseases. Emerg Infect
Dis [serial online] [cited 1996 Jun 5];1(1):[24 screens]. Available from: URL:
Monograph in electronic format
CDI, clinical dermatology illustrated [monograph on CD-ROM]. Reeves JRT,
Maibach H. CMEA Multimedia Group, producers. 2nd ed. Version 2.0 San Diego:
CMEA; 1995.

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